• Identifying the (best linear) relationship between two time series.. • Forecasting one time series from the other...[r]
(1)Final Exam • Open-book
• Covers all of the course
(2)Introduction to Time Series Analysis: Review
1 Time series modelling Time domain
(a) Concepts of stationarity, ACF
(b) Linear processes, causality, invertibility (c) ARMA models, forecasting, estimation (d) ARIMA, seasonal ARIMA models
3 Frequency domain (a) Spectral density
(b) Linear filters, frequency response
(3)Objectives of Time Series Analysis
1 Compact description of data Example:
Xt = Tt + St + f(Yt) + Wt
(4)Time Series Modelling
1 Plot the time series
Look for trends, seasonal components, step changes, outliers 2 Transform data so that residuals are stationary.
(a) Estimate and subtract Tt, St
(b) Differencing
(5)1 Time series modelling 2 Time domain.
(a) Concepts of stationarity, ACF
(b) Linear processes, causality, invertibility (c) ARMA models, forecasting, estimation (d) ARIMA, seasonal ARIMA models
3 Frequency domain (a) Spectral density
(b) Linear filters, frequency response
{Xt} is strictly stationary if, for all k, t1, , tk, x1, , xk, and h,
P(Xt1 ≤ x1, , Xtk ≤ xk) = P(xt1+h ≤ x1, , Xtk+h ≤ xk)
i.e., shifting the time axis does not affect the distribution We consider second-order properties only:
{Xt} is stationary if its mean function and autocovariance function satisfy
µx(t) = E[Xt] = µ,
γx(s, t) = Cov(Xs, Xt) = γx(s − t)
(7)ACF and Sample ACF
The autocorrelation function (ACF) is
ρX(h) = γX(h) γX(0)
= Corr(Xt+h, Xt)
For observations x1, , xn of a time series, the sample mean is x¯ =
n X
t=1 xt
The sample autocovariance function is
γ(h) = n
X t=1
(8)Linear Processes
An important class of stationary time series:
Xt = µ +
X j=−∞
where {Wt} ∼ W N(0, σw2 )
and µ, ψj are parameters satisfying
X j=−∞
|ψj| < ∞
A linear process {Xt} is causal (strictly, a causal function
of {Wt}) if there is a
ψ(B) = ψ0 + ψ1B + ψ2B2 + · · ·
X j=0
|ψj| < ∞
A linear process {Xt} is invertible (strictly, an invertible
function of {Wt}) if there is a
π(B) = π0 + π1B + π2B2 + · · ·
X j=0
|πj| < ∞
(11)Polynomials of a complex variable
Every degree p polynomial a(z) can be factorized as
a(z) = a0 + a1z + · · · + apzp = ap(z − z1)(z − z2)· · ·(z − zp),
where z1, , zp ∈ C are called the roots of a(z) If the coefficients
(12)Autoregressive moving average models
An ARMA(p,q) process {Xt} is a stationary process that satisfies
Xt−φ1Xt−1−· · ·−φpXt−p = Wt+θ1Wt−1+· · ·+θqWt−q,
where {Wt} ∼ W N(0, σ2)
(13)Properties of ARMA(p,q) models
Theorem: If φ and θ have no common factors, a (unique)
sta-tionary solution to φ(B)Xt = θ(B)Wt exists iff
φ(z) = − φ1z − · · · − φpzp = ⇒ |z| 6=
This ARMA(p,q) process is causal iff
φ(z) = − φ1z − · · · − φpzp = ⇒ |z| >
It is invertible iff
(14)Properties of ARMA(p,q) models
φ(B)Xt = θ(B)Wt, ⇔ Xt = ψ(B)Wt
so θ(B) = ψ(B)φ(B)
⇔ + θ1B + · · · + θqBq = (ψ0 + ψ1B + · · · )(1 − φ1B − · · · − φpBp)
⇔ = ψ0,
θ1 = ψ1 − φ1ψ0,
θ2 = ψ2 − φ1ψ1 − · · · − φ2ψ0,
Linear prediction
Given X1, X2, , Xn, the best linear predictor
Xnn+m = α0 +
n X
of Xn+m satisfies the prediction equations E Xn+m − Xnn+m
E Xn+m − Xnn+mXi = for i = 1, , n
(16)Projection Theorem
If H is a Hilbert space,
M is a closed linear subspace of H, and y ∈ H,
then there is a point P y ∈ M
(the projection of y on M) satisfying
1 kP y − yk ≤ kw − yk for w ∈ M,
2 kP y −yk < kw−yk for w ∈ M, w 6= y hy − P y, wi = for w ∈ M
(17)One-step-ahead linear prediction
Xnn+1 = φn1Xn + φn2Xn−1 + · · · + φnnX1 Γnφn = γn,
Pnn+1 = E Xn+1 − Xnn+12 = γ(0) − γn′ Γ−1n γn,
with Γn =
γ(0) γ(1) · · · γ(n − 1)
γ(1) γ(0) γ(n − 2)
γ(n − 1) γ(n − 2) · · · γ(0)
(18)The innovations representation
Write the best linear predictor as
Xnn+1 = θn1 Xn − Xnn−1
| {z }
+θn2 Xn−1 − Xnn−1−2
+· · ·+θnn X1 − X10
The innovations are uncorrelated:
(19)Yule-Walker estimation
Method of moments: We choose parameters for which the moments are
equal to the empirical moments
In this case, we choose φ so that γ = ˆγ
Yule-Walker equations for φˆ:
Γpφˆ = ˆγp, ˆ
σ2 = ˆγ(0) − φˆ′γˆp
These are the forecasting equations
(20)Maximum likelihood estimation
Suppose that X1, X2, , Xn is drawn from a zero mean Gaussian ARMA(p,q) process The likelihood of parameters φ ∈ Rp, θ ∈ Rq,
σw2 ∈ R+ is defined as the density of X = (X1, X2, , Xn)′ under the
Gaussian model with those parameters:
L(φ, θ, σw2 ) = (2π)n/2 |Γ
−12X′Γ−1n X
where |A| denotes the determinant of a matrix A, and Γn is the
variance/covariance matrix of X with the given parameter values
(21)Maximum likelihood estimation
The MLE ( ˆφ,θ,ˆ σˆw2 ) satisfies
σw2 = S( ˆφ, θ)ˆ
n ,
and φ,ˆ θˆminimize log S( ˆφ,θ)ˆ n ! + n n X i=1
where rii−1 = Pii−1/σw2 and
S(φ, θ) =
n X
(22)Integrated ARMA Models: ARIMA(p,d,q)
For p, d, q ≥ 0, we say that a time series {Xt} is an
ARIMA (p,d,q) process if Yt = ∇dXt = (1 − B)dXt is ARMA(p,q) We can write
(23)Multiplicative seasonal ARMA Models
For p, q, P, Q ≥ 0, s > 0, d, D > 0, we say that a time series {Xt} is a multiplicative seasonal ARIMA model (ARIMA(p,d,q)×(P,D,Q)s)
Φ(Bs)φ(B)∇Ds ∇dXt = Θ(Bs)θ(B)Wt,
where the seasonal difference operator of order D is defined by
(24)1 Time series modelling Time domain
(a) Concepts of stationarity, ACF
(b) Linear processes, causality, invertibility (c) ARMA models, forecasting, estimation (d) ARIMA, seasonal ARIMA models
3 Frequency domain. (a) Spectral density
(b) Linear filters, frequency response
(25)Spectral density and spectral distribution function
If {Xt} has P∞h=−∞ |γx(h)| < ∞, then we define its
spectral density as
f(ν) =
X h=−∞
for −∞ < ν < ∞ We have
γ(h) =
Z 1/2 −1/2
e2πiνhf(ν)dν =
Z 1/2 −1/2
e2πiνh dF(ν),
(26)Frequency response of a linear filter
If {Xt} has spectral density fx(ν) and the coefficients of the
time-invariant linear filter ψ are absolutely summable, then
Yt = ψ(B)Xt has spectral density
fy(ν) = ψ e2πiν2 fx(ν)
(27)Sample autocovariance
The sample autocovariance γˆ(·) can be used to give an estimate of the spectral density,
f(ν) =
X h=−n+1
for −1/2 ≤ ν ≤ 1/2
The periodogram is defined as
I(ν) = |X(ν)|2 = n n X t=1
= Xc2(ν) + Xs2(ν)
Xc(ν) = √1 n
n X
Xs(ν) = √1 n
n X
(29)Asymptotic properties of the periodogram
Under general conditions (e.g., gaussian, or linear process with rapidly
decaying ACF), the Xc(νj), Xs(νj) are all asymptotically independent and
N(0, f(νj)/2), and f(ˆν(n)) → f(ν), where νˆ(n) is the closest Fourier frequency (k/n) to the frequency ν
In that case, we have
(n)) = f(ν)
Xc2(ˆν(n)) + Xs2(ˆν(n)) →d χ22
(30)Smoothed periodogram
If f(ν) is approximately constant in the band [νk − L/(2n), νk + L/(2n)],
the average of the periodogram over the band will be unbiased
f(νk) =
1 L
X l=−(L−1)/2
I(νk − l/n)
= L
X l=−(L−1)/2
Xc2(νk − l/n) + Xs2(νk − l/n)
Smoothed spectral estimators
f(ν) = X |j|≤Ln
Wn(j)I(ˆν(n) − j/n),
where the spectral window function satisfies Ln → ∞, Ln/n → 0,
Wn(j) ≥ 0, Wn(j) = Wn(−j), PWn(j) = 1, and PWn2(j) →
Then fˆ(ν) → f(ν) (in the mean square sense), and asymptotically
f(νk) ∼ f(νk)χ
d ,
(32)Parametric spectral density estimation
Given data x1, x2, , xn,
1 Estimate the AR parameters φ1, , φp, σw2
2 Use the estimates φˆ1, ,φˆp,σˆw2 to compute the estimated spectral density:
fy(ν) =
ˆ σw2
(33)Parametric spectral density estimation
For large n,
Var( ˆf(ν)) ≈ 2p n f
Notice the bias-variance trade off.
Advantage over nonparametric: better frequency resolution of a small
number of peaks This is especially important if there is more than one peak at nearby frequencies
(34)Lagged regression models
Consider a lagged regression model of the form
Yt =
X h=−∞
βhXt−h + Vt,
where Xt is an observed input time series, Yt is the observed output time
series, and Vt is a stationary noise process This is useful for
• Identifying the (best linear) relationship between two time series
(35)Lagged regression in the time domain
Yt = α(B)Xt + ηt =
X j=0
αjXt−j + ηt,
1 Fit an ARMA model (with θx(B), φx(B)) to the input series {Xt} 2 Prewhiten the input series by applying the inverse operator
3 Calculate the cross-correlation of Y˜t with Wt, γy,w˜ (h), to give an indication of the behavior of α(B) (for instance, the delay)
Define the cross-spectrum and the squared coherence function:
fxy(ν) =
X h=−∞
γxy(h) =
Z 1/2 −1/2
fxy(ν)e2πiνhdν, ρ2y,x(ν) = |fyx(ν)|
2 fx(ν)fy(ν)
(37)Lagged regression models in the frequency domain
Yt =
X j=−∞
βjXt−j + Vt,
We compute the Fourier transform of the series {βj} in terms of the cross-spectral density and the spectral density:
B(ν)fx(ν) = fyx(ν) M SE =
Z 1/2 −1/2
fy(ν) − ρ2yx(ν) dν
(38)Introduction to Time Series Analysis: Review
1 Time series modelling Time domain
(a) Concepts of stationarity, ACF
(b) Linear processes, causality, invertibility (c) ARMA models, forecasting, estimation (d) ARIMA, seasonal ARIMA models
3 Frequency domain (a) Spectral density
(b) Linear filters, frequency response