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Words easily confused (miscellaneous) Inflections of nouns, adjectives, adverbs and verbs... 94 Collocations with follow, have, take, give,.[r]












English for all exams


Use of English B2 for all exams E M outsou

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Use of English B2 for the FCE Examination and other exams is intended fo r B2 level students It system atically eaches gram m ar and vocabulary and prepares students th o ro u g h ly fo r all exams

" i e FCE Use of English Paper contains fo u r parts and lasts 45 m inutes The task types and the num ber of questions in each part are presented in the fo llo w in g table


1 Multiple-choice cloze 12 (one mark per question)

2 Open cloze 12 (one mark per question)

3 Word formation 10 (one mark per question)

4 Key word transformation 8 (two marks per question)

This b o o k is d iv id e d in to 15 u nits, fo llo w e d by a Final FCE Test and a Final ECCE Test

~ne v o c a b u la ry and g m m a r ta u g h t has been d is trib u te d in 12 u n its (U n its 1-4, 6-9 and 11-14), each o f w h ich

is d iv id e d in to tw o sections In th e firs t se ctio n , in u n its 1,3, 6, 8,11,13 th e re is a se le c tio n o f c o llo c a tio n s and expressions, w h ile in u n its ,4 , 7,9,12,1 th e re is a se le c tio n o f p re p o s itio n a l phrases Phrasal verbs, w o rd s

ith p re p o sitio n s, g m m a tic a l s tru c tu re s and key w o rd tra n s fo rm a tio n s are p re se n te d and p ctise d in all 12

- n its This se ctio n ends w ith tw o exercises w h ic h are s im ila r in fo rm a t to tasks in th e FCE Use o f English paper

and ECCE G ram m ar and V o c a b u la ry sections, b u t w h ic h te s t o n ly th e ite m s ta u g h t in th e c o rre s p o n d in g un it

In th e second se ctio n , a n u m b e r o f g ro u p s o f ea sily co n fu se d w o rd s and d e riv a tiv e s are p re se n te d and practised, fo llo w e d by tw o exercises w h ic h te s t o n ly th e item s ta u g h t in th e c o rre s p o n d in g u n it

U nits 5,10 and 15 are c o n s o lid a tio n u n its w h ic h revise th e m a te ria l p re v io u s ly ta u g h t Each o f th e m is a c tu a lly

a co m p le te Use o f English P ractice Test fo llo w in g th e e xa ct fo rm a t o f th e FCE/ECCE e xa m in a tio n s, b u t te s tin g

o n ly th e ite m s ta u g h t in th e fo u r u n its p re ce d in g it

The Final FCE Test and Final ECCE Test are m o d e lle d on th e C a m b rid g e Use o f English Paper and on th e G ram m ar and V o c a b u la ry se ctio n s o f th e U n iv e rs ity o f M ich ig a n E xa m in a tio n fo r th e ECCE

The re fe re n ce se ctio n at th e end o f th e b o o k in clu d e s an o v e rv ie w o f English G ram m ar, v o c a b u la ry notes w ith d e fin itio n s o f e asily co n fu se d w ords, exam tip s and th re e a ppen dices These a p p e n d ice s a lp h a b e tic a lly present p re p o s itio n a l phrases, w o rd s w ith p re p o s itio n s and d e riva tive s


Section 1 Section 2

U N I T p 6 Collocations of the type noun+of+noun Collocations w ith go, come, reach, get Phrasal verbs with come, goand be

Words with prepositions (miscellaneous) Grammar Review: Tenses

Words easily confused (mainly related to the topics of w ork and employment)

Introduction to Derivatives

UNIT p 16 Prepositional phrases of tim e and place Phrasal verbs w ith get, p u lland throw

Words with prepositions (miscellaneous) Grammar Review: Relative Clauses-Clauses of Time

Words easily confused (mainly related to the topics of time and viewing)

Adjectives in -ful, -less and nouns in -ship deriving from noun roots

UNIT p 26 Expressions w ith day, year and time Collocations w ith hold, run, catchand keep

Phrasal verbs w ith look, check, watchand


Words w ith prepositions (miscellaneous) Grammar Review: Adverbs-Comparisons- Articles-Uncountables

Words easily confused (mainly related to the topics of people and education)

Adjectives in -al, -y, -ous, -ly (+adverbs) and nouns in -hood deriving from noun roots

UNIT p 36 Prepositional phrases (miscellaneous) Phrasal verbs w ith keep, hold, catch, carry, wear, workand move

Words with prepositions (miscellaneous) Grammar Review: Determiners-Pronouns

Words easily confused (mainly related to the topics of travel and tourism)

Adjectives in -ic, -ical, verbs in -ise and nouns in -ist, -ian, -dom deriving from noun roots

UNIT p , Consolidation I (Units 1-4)

UNIT P so Collocations with Collocations with dobreak, change, cut, turnand make

and draw

Adverbial expressions

Phrasal verbs w ith make, do, grow, pass, fill

and leave

Words with prepositions (miscellaneous) Grammar Review: Infinitive /-ing form

UNIT p 60 Prepositional phrases (miscellaneous), linking phrases

Phrasal verbs with break, burn, cutand turn

Words w ith prepositions (miscellaneous) Grammar Review: Modal Verbs

UNIT p 70 Collocations with and lose leave, put, set, shake, miss

Collocations/Expressions w ith way

Sentence linkers

Phrasal verbs w ith put, lay, set, settle

Words w ith prepositions (miscellaneous) Grammar Review: Passive Voice

UNIT P so Prepositional phrases (miscellaneous) Phrasal verbs with mix, run, hang, fall, hurry

and try

Words with prepositions (miscellaneous) Grammar Review: Pronouns-Causative Form

Words easily confused (mainly related to the topic of money)

Common negative prefixes

Words easily confused (mainly related to the topic of thinking)

Verbs in -en and nouns in -ness, -nee, -ncy, -cy deriving from adjective roots

Words easily confused (mainly related to the topic of communication)

Verbs in -ise and nouns in -ity, -hood deriving from adjective roots


Section 1 Section 2

UNIT 10 p 90 Consolidation II (Units 6-9)

UNIT 11 p 94 Collocations with follow, have, take, give,

pay, b ringand mind

Phrasal verbs with take, close, knock, clean, clearand drop

Words with prepositions (miscellaneous) Grammar Review: Clauses of concession, reason, purpose and result

Words easily confused (mainly related to the topics of crime and punishment)

Adjectives in -able, -ible, -ent, -ant and nouns in -ery, -ence, -ance, -ant deriving from verb roots

UNIT 12 p 104 Prepositional phrases (miscellaneous)

Phrasal verbs with bring, give, hand, burst

and blow

Words w ith prepositions (miscellaneous) Grammar Review: Conditionals

Words easily confused (mainly related to the topics of health and illness)

Nouns in -ion, -ation, adjectives in -ive, -ative and nouns in -al deriving from verb roots

UNIT 13 p 114 Adjective + Noun Collocations

Collocations with sayand tell

Idiomatic expressions with all

Phrasal verbs with lie, stand, sit, save, dress, pay, end, point, lockand let

Words with prepositions (miscellaneous) Grammar Review: Unreal Past

Words easily confused (miscellaneous) Nouns in -ment, -ure, -er, or and -ee deriving from verb roots

UNIT 14 p 124 Prepositional phrases (miscellaneous)

Phrasal verbs with call, speak, telland count

Words w ith prepositions (miscellaneous) Grammar Review: Reported Speech

Words easily confused (miscellaneous) Irregular Derivatives

Adjectives and nouns deriving from the name of a country or continent

Adverbs and pronouns ending in -body, -one, -thing,

-where, -how, -ever and -self

UNIT 15 p 134 Consolidation III (Units 11-14)

Final FCE Test 138

Final ECCE Test 142

Grammar R e v i e w 147

Vocabulary N o t e s 165

Exam T i p s 171

Appendix I: Prepositional P h s e s 173

Appendix II: Words with Prepositions 174

Appendix III: Derivatives 176

Teacher’s Notes 185

Revision Test 1 186

Revision Test I I 190

Revision Test III 194



A Complete the blanks with the verbs go, come, reach or get. get reach come get get better a decision to terms with into trouble dark go/get get get get come to sleep rid of ready the sack in handy get go reach get get revenge red an agreement lost the job get get get go get

on sb’s nerves off sb’s back down to business over the top even with

B Complete the sentences with the collocations / expressions in the box below Use each one only once.

in somebody’s shoes on top of in search of on the safe side in charge of in trouble with

1 Mr Johnson is in charge of the company’s marketing department

2 People who system atically cheat the tax system will one day b e in trouble with the Tax Department on the safe side

3 The doctor insisted that I should be given a thorough check-up just to be

4 The children wandered around the neighbourhood in search of

5 Nobody would want to b e in his shoes _ _ pot with all those debts he has to pay off their lost dog

6 After weeks of hard work, Kevin was confident he was finally on top of the situation.

C Complete the collocations b e lo w with the w ords in the box You may use some of the w ords more than once In some cases m ore than one w ord may be correct.

bar bunch can clap flash flock pair pint set sheet swarm tube pair


of pyjamas of lightning a pint/can of beer a set of traffic lights a bunch of flowers

sheet bar

of paper o f soap pair of sunglasses flock of birds

tube of toothpaste

pair flock

of scissors of sheep set of rules claP of thunder swarm of bees

Read the sentences on the left and match the phrasal verbs with their definitions on the right b y writing the correct num ber in the box next to each definition.


1 While cleaning the basement, I came across something I thought I had lost years ago

2 Joe cam e into a lot of money, which changed his life completely

3 Why doesn’t Julie come round to our place anymore?

4 The scientists took months to come up with a solution to their problem

5 Richard came down with a bad cold the day before his exams

6 It took the woman a few minutes tocom e round/to after she had fainted


unit 0 1

move / travel around, visit match

explode start sth continue doing

turn sour, start to decay examine / discuss in detail suffer


Words with Prepositions B GO

1 They decided to go ahead w ith th e ir trip despite the bad w eather conditions Once you have finished cleaning, you can g o o n w ith yo ur job

3 The d o cto r w anted to go over the test results w ith his patient That tie goeswith yo ur suit nicely

5 Luckily no one was injured w hen the bom b went off.

6 W hile visiting Rome, we went round all the m ajor archaeological sites The child went through a lo t before recovering com pletely

8 The m ilk went off a fte r o nly an hour in the scorching heat W hat’s going on in there? Open the door!


1 What's on this weekend at the theatre?

2 We were prom ised th a t the hard tim es w ould be over soon 3 I was about to leave home w hen some unexpected visitors arrived 4 I'm for the m ayor's plan to relocate the tow n hall

5 W hat are the boys up to? Don’t te ll me th e y ’re ruinin g the garden again! I m ust be off now My parents are expecting me fo r dinner

A Complete the blanks with prepositions.

Adjectives Nouns Verbs

excellent at an answer associate w i t h praise sb f o r sth

experienced in an exDert o n / i n / a t concentrate o n sth provide sb w i t h sth

happv for sb (take)D ride in conaratulate sb o n sth provide sth f o r sb h a o D V w i t h / a b o u t s t h a reDlv t0 cooperate w ith sb succeed in

D r o u d ° f a reDort on deal w i t h supply sb w i t h sth

respected for an o p p o rtu n ity include 'n supply sth t o sb

responsible f o r

G Read the following sentences and complete them with prepositions.

1 C ongratulations Rodney! I'm so happy for you and yo ur wife

2 I w ould be m ore than happy to provide you with o ur com pany's catalogue 3 We supply all m ajor com panies with our products

4 She takes great pride in her w ork That's w hy she's the best in her field 5 The gove rn m e nt w ill provide housing for the homeless

6 You shouldn't be proud of yourself W hat you did was w rong!


unit 1

Grammar Revision (Tenses)

See Grammar Review page 147 ^

Read the text below and complete each blank with one word All missing words are auxiliary verbs (is, was, have, has, had, do, does, did etc.).

My life (1 ) has im proved a lo t since last year You see, before th a t I ( ) _ been w orking in the same jo b fo r five years and I ( ) was beginning to feel rather bored I ( ) was

g e ttin g ready to apply fo r another jo b w hen one day my boss called me into her office "Our com pany ( ) _ planning to expand overseas," she said "We ( ) _^ w ith Spain, th erefore we w ill ( ) _be

branch there ( ) ^

th in k in g of starting needing some of o ur best em ployees to su p p o rt o ur new

the tim e I (9) did

you th in k you w ould be interested in a transfer?" N aturally I accepted, a lthough at _ not know th at th ey ( ) _ also going to prom ote me to assistant manager

By the end of this m onth, I w ill have (11)

exciting m y life (1 ) has

been living in M adrid fo r a year You can't im agine how become

B Put the verbs in brackets into the Past Simple, Past Progressive, Present Perfect Simple or Present Perfect

Progressive and complete the boxes with the time words below Use each time word only once.

fo r w hile yet still w hen ago already since

While was cooking

Mary was having


_ (have) a bath yesterday evening, I was in the kitchen (cook) her fa vo u rite dish because I wanted (want) to surprise her

s h e came (com e) into the kitchen, she co u ld n 't believe her eyes!

2 Jim: Mum I ° iafen lo o kin g (look) for m y black belt

I stj|| haven’t found



(not fin d) i t Have

the past hou r and you

Mother: No, but I th in k you

(see) it anywhere?

Ie ri (lend) it to your b ro the r about a week ago

Jim: Oh, yo u ’re rig h t He hasn't ciyen/didrrc give (n o t g (ve) jt back to me I bet he nas been wearing (wear) it all week Where is he now, Mum?

Mother: I'm afraid M a rk _ H e 90t

has already left .(leave).

.(g e t) up about an hour before you did (do)

3 | have been w orking (w ork) on this p ro je ct haven’t finished

I (no t finish) it yet


& M y sister loves cats /

She loves cats /

M y s is t e r s h e lo v e s c a t s

(Only one subject in each sentence.)

$> There is a b o o k o n the table. It is Susan’s.

(Use there when m entioning sth fo r the firs t time. Use it fo r sth already mentioned.)

€> T h ey don't have a car / (have = own)

T h ey haven't got a car / (have got = own)

They haven't a car.

® H e has a bath e v e ry morning / (have = take)

H e doesn’t have a bath e v e ry m orning J H e has- got a bath e v e ry moTning

® Jam es didn't use to sm oke so m uch / Jam es didn't used to s m o k e s o m u e h

(did/didn’t + bare infinitive)

& I speak French / (emphasis)

H e does eat snails / T h e y did bu y a house / W e did saw the thief.

(do/does/did + bare infinitive)

She has gone to Italy (She is s till there.)

She has been to Italy (She has returned.)

I bought this bik e tw o y ea rs ago /

(Past Simple + ago)

I- h a v e & o u g h tth is bik e -two y e a rs ago. I b o u g h tth is b tk e t w o y e a r s b e fo r e I have had this bik e for tw o years /

(Present P erfect+fo r)

Ib a v e th i-sb ik e -lo rtw o y e a r-s.— - I have had this bik e since 1998 /

(Present Perfect + since + time)

I have had this bik e since I w as sixteen /

(Present Perfect + since + Past Simple)

I have-had this-bike since two years ago »

(Only one tim e word in each sentence.)

I haven't studied for a w eek , (refers to the past: The last time I studiedw as a week ago.)

I have to study for a w eek, (refers to the future: I must study fo week before I sth else.)

I haven't eaten spaghetti for six months / Ih avetoeatspagh ettiforsixm on th s-.

Key Transformations

I h a v e n e v e r b e e n to M alta before.

It is the first tim e I h a v e ev e r b e e n to Malta.

I h a d n e v e r b e e n to M alta before.

It w a s the first tim e I h a d e v e r b e e n to Malta.

W h e n d id h e start working? H o w long h as h e b e e n working?

H o w long is it since h e started working?

& T h e last tim e I s a w h er w a s a y e a r ago. I last sa w h er a y e a r ago.

I h a v e n ’t seen h e r for a year.


unit 1

Examination Practice

A Read the text b e lo w and think of the w ord which best fits each space Use only one w ord in each space.


There is no d o u b t th a t money, in the fo rm th a t we know it today, (1) w hat keeps m odern econom ic life fu n ctio n in g Yet, th ro u g h o u t history, money, in w hatever form , has provided people (2 ) _ with the a b ility to buy (3 ) _ and/or _sell goods

Thousands o f years ( ) ago , civilisations ( ) used _ to rely on the barter system as a way of exchanging goods W ithin this system a person had to exchange one thing fo r another This m eant th a t the tw o parties involved had to ( ) make/reach _ an agreem ent as to w hat th e y th o u g h t th e ir products were w orth Items such (7 ) as _wheat, tobacco and livestock have all been used as m oney at one tim e or another It was not u ntil much later th a t hum ans came up ( ) _ with the idea o f m oney in the fo rm of m etal coins So w hy ( ) did _the barter system com e to an end? The answer is simple Coins were m uch easier to handle and ca rry around Since then, the use of coins has become widespread It has made com m erce sim pler and has given countries an o p p o rtu n ity (1 ) _developm ent by doing business w ith o the r countries fu rth e r afield, w hich they (11) h^d never done business w ith before

In recent years, paper m oney has become m ore com m on all over the w orld, as it is easier to use It (12) ^ not be long, however, before plastic cards take over com pletely, replacing coins and paper money

6 Complete the second sentence so that it has a sim ilar m eaning to the first sentence, using the w ord given unchanged You must use betw een two and five words, including the w ord given.

1 We last w ent abroad a long tim e ago

n o t yye have not been abroad for a long tim e.

When did th ey s ta rt living in the suburbs?

have How long have they been living in the suburbs? It's the firs t tim e she has ever had problem s w ith the authorities

trouble She has never had trouble

4 When Carl was young, he w en t to a holiday cam p e very summer,

used When Carl was young, h e used to go to

w ith the a uth orities before

a holiday camp every summer A fter the earthquake, the gove rn m e nt supplied food and m edicine to the homeless,

provided A fter the earthquake, the g o v e rn m e n t _provided the homeless with _ Lucy hasn't visited me since February

was The la s t _ tim e Lucy visited me was in February

.fo o d and m edicine

How long has he had this car?

bought How lo n g _ is it since he bought this car? I haven't caught a cold fo r ages,


unit 0 1

Words easily confused

Use the correct form of the words in the boxes to complete the sentences in each group A-H below You may use some of the words more than once In some cases, more than one word may be correct.

jo b occupation w ork e m p lo ym en t profession

1 People in the m e d ic a l profession In o rder to get a ( n ) _ 12^

w ork long hours

w ork

as a co m p ute r analyst, you need a degree in c o m p ute r science since January

3 Betty has been o u t o f

- Employment agencies help people fin d w o rk in th e ir field

5 I was asked to w rite m y present occupation on the a p p lica tion form

B task course d u ty

1 They were set the It is a n u rs e 's _

task o f cleaning the room afte r the m eeting. duty to make the patients feel com fortable

3 Her marks are quite high, so she can choose between a m edical o r a la w course at university

em p lo ye r em ployee colleague assistant clerk o ffic e r a tte nd an t

1 The shop assistant The car park

3 All

_ helped me choose a ju m p e r th a t suited me attendant _ js responsible fo r parking cu stom ers’ cars employees _ are expected to be at w o rk by 8.30 O u r em ployer Jill w orked as a ( n ) _clerk _

5 All m y colleagues _ at the office are friendly

fo r a law firm before entering politics

6 Bob is a senior officer in the arm ed forces

insists on it

D p a rty crew sta ff

1 A m em ber o f a p o litic a l

2 The teaching

3 The search _

4 The s h ip 's

staff party crew

party gave a speech in the tow n centre last night. at our school have form ed a basketball team

_ had no luck in fin d in g the m issing child, served drinks as the ship set sail

aim goal intention challenge success a m b itio n

challenge and to o k me over an hour to solve.

1 The Maths problem was a ( n ) _


unit 1

3 People w ith am bition Their firs t album was a great I have no intention

w ill always try to achieve th eir goals

success and sold tw o m illion copies w orldw ide of changing my plans fo r to n ig h t

achieve fu lfil cope

1 J o h n _ succeeded jn co nvincin g his boss to give him the day off He doesn’t deal/cope w ith crisis situations ve ry well

3 Despite his health problem s, J o e fulfilled _his am b itio n to play in the local fo otba ll team deal face succeed

4 The Johnstons are facing financial d iffic u ltie s a fte r Mrs Johnston lost her job Kim put a lo t of w o rk into her p ro je ct and

6 During his career as a teacher, he h a s _

achieved excellent results.

dealt w ith students from d iffe re n t backgrounds.

m anage run operate undertake

1 You have to read the instru ction s ca re fully before y o u operate Brett co uldn 't fin d experienced staff so h e _ Kate was supposed t o _undertake _ tra in in g of the new staff

4 The com pany is managed/run _ by tw o people w ho share the responsibilities

the toco p yin g machine his business on his own fo r a few months

H skills q ualities q ua lifica tio n s experience

1 To get the jo b you m ust have three years’ experience in te leco m m un icatio ns and the necessary qualifications ., one o f w hich is a u n ive rsity degree.

2 Leadership qualities are required by a Prime Minister, as w ell as c o m m u n ic a tio n Learning to w in d s u rf was a fa n ta s tic experience _ |



unit 1

Each part of speech has a d iffe re n t fu n c tio n in the sentence

n u m describe actions, events, feelings o r situations (e.g The tw o patterns differ from each other.)

refer to people, animals, things, actions, situations or ideas (e.g There is a difference between the tw o patterns.) describe the qualities o f nouns

(e.g This pattern is different from th a t one.)

describe verbs, adjectives, o ther adverbs, phrases or w hole sentences, (e.g The tw o patterns have been differently designed.)



A lot of English w ords can be used as roots fo r the fo rm a tio n of o ther words, w hich are called derivatives. Most adverbs, fo r instance, are form ed by adding the ending -ly to the root adjective.

careful c a re fu lly te rrib le te rrib ly d iffe re n t d iffe re n tly

B Choose the correct word A, B or C to complete the following sentences.

• The zoo's main _ attraction are the pandas A a ttra c tiv e ly B a ttractive ( c )a ttra c tio n

2 The teacher w a s _angry w ith the stu de nt because he d id n ’t his hom ew ork

A anger (B Jangry C a ng rily

3 Before I set o ff on my journey, my fa th e r to ld me to d r iv e _safely

A safe B safety (c )s a fe ly

4 What's t h e _difference between increaseand decrease?

A difference B d iffe re n tly C d iffe re n t

5 I hired a _ photographer to take pictures at my wedding A) p ho tographer B p h o tog rap hy C p hotographic Despite his age, he leads an active life

A a c tiv ity B acting ( ^ a c t iv e

7 She com pleted the p r o je c t successfully _ and was prom oted A success (B )su cce ssfu lly C successful

C Read the sentences below and decide what part of speech is missing Then, complete the sentences with the correct form of the words in capitals.

1 I love sittin g on my new sofa It’s so (Part of speech: adjective _ ) _ com fortable COMFORT She chose light-coloured fu rn itu re to (Part o f speech: ve|-b ) _brighten _ _ BRIGHT

up her dull flat

3 It’s ce rta inly (Part of speech: adjective ) dangerous tQ drjve gt hjgh speed DANGER August is a (Part of speech: adjective ) peaceful m onth in o ur city, as PEACE


noun robber

unit O f

5 The (Part o f speech: _ stole £ 0 0

6 N obody could fin d the (Part o f speech: d iffic u lt Maths problem

7 Even th ou gh th ey had financial d ifficulties, th ey were (Part o f speech: happily

held up the bank and


_ m arried

8 I feel ve ry (Part o f speech: _adjective ) sleepy some coffee

Examination Practice


to the


today I th in k I’ll have





A Read the text below and decide which answer A , B, C or D best fits each space.


My firs t (1)^ job was as a sales (2)_ assistant I w anted to w ork part-tim e, because I was s till studying (3)

( ) _ able to w ork a few nights a week


I came (5) across the advertisem ent in the local newspaper I rem em ber the in te rvie w as though

(6 ) I! _ were yesterday The personnel m anager sat behind a large desk He asked me various questions w hich surprised me because all I w anted was to w ork in sales An hour later, I was to ld th a t I had g o t the jo b and was given a co n tra ct to go (7 ) over _ I was to be trained fo r ten days before i to o k m y post Also, as a m em ber of (8 ) s ta ff

I was e ntitle d to some benefits, including discounts

When I eventually started, I was responsible (9)_ for

at a large d e p artm en t store _u n ive rsity and I was only

the to y section I really enjoyed it there and I loved dem on stratin g the d iffe re n t toys I was surprised at how frie n d ly m y (10) _

were, too They made w orking there fun even when we had to (11) deal with

colleagues custom ers who


1 A occupation B job C w ork D em ploym ent

2 A em ployee B atte nd an t C o ffic e r (d) assistant

3 A in B on ( » a t D fo r

4 A excellent B able C proud D experienced

5 A across B into C on D round

6 ( A ) it B C th a t D there

7 A on B over C ahead D w ith

8 (f i) sta ff B crew C team D party

9 A of B at C w ith D fo r

10 A assistants B staff ( C) colleagues D em ployees

11 A control (JB) deal w ith C manage D cooperate

12 A came B w ent © g o t D were

Complete the text below with the correct form of the words in capitals. AN UNUSUAL OUTING


APOLOGY ANGER DECIDE Last week I made a (1) _ suggestion tQ m y C0USjn A |ex 0f f e rjng to


Prepositional Phrases

A Com plete the blanks with the prepositions in, on or at.

on a farm on the right/left in prison in a queue

at work in the North at/°n the back of at school

in town at 17 W alkley Road at the door in the suburbs

at university on the outskirts in the m ountains in rows/a row in the country on an island at the crossroads in/on Park Avenue

B Read the sentences and com plete them with the prepositions in, on or at.

1 My brother is working part-time at the hospital.

2 There is a TV set in the corner of the room. 3 Jam es sits at the front of the class.

4 They went on a boat ride on the river.

5 Hom eless people sleep in/ ° n the streets of most m ajor cities. 6 He had to stay in hospital for a w eek after his operation. 7 My girlfriend is waiting for me at/on the corner.

8 The robbers parked their car in front of the bank.

C Read the sentences and com plete them with the prepositions in, on, at, by, for, from or out.

1 You can hand in your assignm ents on Tuesday at the very latest.

2 A tattoo is for life So, think carefully before deciding on having one done. 3 Kick-off is in twenty m inutes, so in the meantime, your warm-up exercises.

4 ln the beginning, I didn’t want to have a party on/for my birthday, but now I’ve changed my mind. 5 Typewriters are already out of date.

6 You should read the introduction at the beginning of the book.

7 From now on, no one is allowed to enter the school building during the lunch break. 8 I haven’t seen Michael for aaes so I’m going to visit him at the weekend. 9 It’s a pity I have to remain indoors on such a nice day.

10 I can ’t talk to you at the moment Ring me back in a while.

11 It’s difficult to see the moon in the sky by day.

12 I’m really worried about Sam He should have been here by now.


unit 2

2 escape 5 overcome 4 manage to live

1 have a good relationship 3 avoid being punished

3 get rid of sth unwanted 1 demolish

2 move closer to the side of the road and stop (for vehicles)

Words with Prepositions

Read the sentences on the left and match the phrasal verbs with their

correct number in the box next to each definition


1 Joe was a fussy person and difficult to get on / along with.

2 The police surrounded the building, making it difficult for the criminals to get away.

3 He always gets away with his bad behaviour.

4 A large percentage of the population get by on very little money.

5 It took Betty months to get over her father’s death. B PULL, THROW

1 The authorities declared the building unsafe and had it pulled down


2 A strange rattling noise forced the driver to pull over onto the hard


3 It was time I threw out / away my old trainers They were torn.


A Complete the blanks with prepositions.

on the right b y w riting the


a m a z e d at/by ca re fu l with/of/about cro w d e d with

fed up with rea d y for sa tisfie d with

Nouns Verbs

a d e sc rip tio n of d is tin a u is h betw een rem in d sb of/about sth a fa ilu re in e x p e rim e n t with s th (=tell sb again to sth)

rem in d sb of sb /sth a s e a r c h for q la n c e at

a so lu tio n to h e a r about/of sb /sth (= se e m sim ilar to sb/sth)

smile at/t0

SD e cia lise in (=have inform ation about)

h e a r from sb (=have n ew s from ) ioin in

sta re at v o te for/against

reaard sb/sth as

B Read the follo w in g sentences and com plete them w ith prepositions 1 Must I always remind you a b o u t/o f n e e c j t0 follow the proper procedure? 2 I haven’t heard from Lisa for over two weeks now.

3 The police released a description of the wanted man.

4 The park was crowded w ith enthusiastic teenagers celebrating the end of the school year.

5 There must be a solution _ t0 your problem.


unit 2

8 Have you heard about the latest m edical discovery?

9 A final search for evidence at the scene of the crim e proved fruitless 10 You remind me of m yself w hen I was yo ur age

Grammar Revision (Relative Clauses - Clauses of Time)

S ee G r a m m a r R e v ie w p a g e 148

A R e a d th e t e x t b e lo w a n d c o m p le te e a c h b la n k w i t h o n e w o r d A l l th e m is s in g w o r d s a re r e la t iv e p r o n o u n : o r a d v e rb s

M arilyn M onroe, (1) _who _ was one of the w o rld ’s m ost fam ous film stars, was born in 1926 M arilyn, ( ) whose real name was Norma Jean Baker, had a m iserable childhood She grew up in Los Angeles, ( ) where she spent m ost of her early years in foster homes T hat’s

( ) why she still fe lt lonely even w hen she became famous She w orked as a m odel and also played m inor roles in various film s before m aking "N iagara”, the film ( ) w hich/that made her very popular In 1954 she m arried Joe di Maggio, w ith (6) whom She e ntertained Am erican troops fig h tin g in Korea She w ent on to make m any film s, some o f ( ) which were ve ry successful sue as “Some Like it H ot”, “Gentlemen Prefer Blondes” and “ Bus Stop” Her film career ended tra g ic a lly in 1962,

( ) when she died at the age of th irty six

B C h o o s e A, B, C o r D to c o m p le te th e f o llo w in g s e n te n c e s

1 As Celia was d riving to the a irp o rt, she realised th a t she had le ft her passport at home

A As soon as C§)As C D uring D Until

2 I w ill have finished s tu d y in g by the tim e the film starts A u ntil B w hile © b y the tim e D once

3 The audience started c la p p in g _ the m om ent the singer came on stage A by the tim e (JB)the m om en t C w hile D ju st

4 Peter w on ’t le a v e until _ he has finished all his work

(^A) until B by C ju s t as D when

5 I haven’t heard fro m h im since we finished school A before B as soon as C afte r © s i n c e

6 Jane was w o rkin g as a jo u rn a lis t while _she was w ritin g her firs t book A durin g © w h i l e C ju s t as D once

7 My m oth er used to c r y whenever she heard this song A by the tim e B the m om en t th a t © w h e n e v e r D until

8 The police o ffic e r returned my d riv in g lic e n c e _ after he had checked it

A ju s t as B until C w hile (D )a fte r


& My brother, who j^fis a chemical engineer, works for a multinational company, (sub je ct: who)

Jennifer’s brother, who you met at her party last week, is an engineer, (o b je ct: w ho)

(Have o n ly one w ord f o r the su bject o r the o bject o f the relative clause.)

€> Ann’s father, who/whom we met last week, is ill / Ann-’s father, that w e -meHastweekris-rtl- -

(That is n o t used in n o n -d e fin in g relative clauses.)

& The man with whom she is talking is her husband /

(preposition + w h o m /w h ic h )

Theraan w ith who/tha»-3hetstaftcingTSiter-^

husbandr-The man (who(m)/that) she is talking with is her husband /

(w h o /w h o m /w h ic h /th a t + p re p o sitio n s)

& The room where he works is small / The room in which he works is small /

The room (which/that) he works in is small./ The-foem-in w here he-works is-smaB. T-he-foem where he-works-in is-smalt - Tke-i ©©in-in-that- fre-works-fe small.— »

P I have 3,000 stamps, some of which are valuable /


(expressions o f q u a n tity+ w h o m /w h ich /w h o se )

> When I grow up, I want to become a dentist / Wherrf-will grow -u-pi-f-warrt-iaberomeadenttst:^ He said he would call as soon as he returned / Iie-said-ii*.would^ail»aS'-se©H-a-ske-wouklretuFH, (Never use will a n d would a fte r tim e words)

> I visited two museums while I was on holiday / I visited two museums during my holiday / Ivisite^frwe-m-Hsettms-dwingl-wasonh-olid-ay:- — (du rin g + n ou n)

Key Transformations

& Students who wish to go on the day-trip should write their names on this list.

Students wishing to go on the day-trip should write their names on this list.

@ She always did her homework first and then she watched TV.

She never watched TV until she did / had done her homework.

She never watched TV before doing / having done her homework.

She would never watch TV before she did / had done her homework.

She always watched TV after doing / having done her homework.

She always watched TV after she did / had done her homework.

& I will sign the document when I read / have read it. I will sign the document after I read / have read it. I won’t sign the document before I read / have read it.

I won’t sign the document until I read / have read it.

<q Andrew left after/before breakfast.


unit 2

Examination Practice

A Choose the correct answer.

1 The Smiths b u ilt a huge house o f the town

a in

c at

2 Once th e y come

a came ( c jc o m e

on the o utskirts

Vb; on

d to

w e’ll ta lk to them about it

b w ill come

d are com ing

3 The man who is sitting jn the fro n t row is Mrs Davidson's nephew

(a.) w ho is sittin g b w here is sittin g

c w ho sittin g d th a t sittin g

4 ■■ From now n, y OU w on 't be allowed to use yo ur m obile phones at school!" the headm aster w arned the students

a By b For

c At ( d From

the sleeves My g nd m o th er kn itted me a jum pe r of which

are to o long,

a w hich the sleeves

c the sleeves of th a t

b th a t the sleeves d )th e sleeves o f which

6 The e le c tric ity w ill be reconnected when you pay the bill

a w hen you w ill pay b when you pay

c when you are paying d durin g you pay There are people w ho m anage to get by

on ve ry little money

a w ith b over

c round (d ) b y

8 The hotel in which we stayed was perfect,

a in w here ( b ) in w hich

c w hich d th at

9 The students left as soon as th ey finished the test,

(a ) as soon as b as

c w hile d u ntil

10 "What did you on Saturday?"

"We visited the tow n where o ur g randfather grew up

a w hich b th at

( c ) w here d when

B Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence, using the word given unchanged You must use between two and five words, including the word given.

1 Here’s the house w here I lived as a child

in Here’s the h o u s e _ in which I lived _ as a child I don ’t know w t made her q u it her job

reason I d on ’t know the reason why she q u it her job

3 Passengers w ishing to get up can so a fte r the seat belt lig h t has gone off

who Passengers _who wish to get up can so after the seat belt light has gone i He d id n ’t study enough fo r his exams, so he failed tw o of them

caused He did n ’t study enough fo r his exam s which caused him to fail _ t wo o f them He always checked his car tyres before setting o ff on a journey

until He never set o ff on a jo u rn e y until he (had) checked _ his car tyres I’ve read all o f Jane Austen’s novels and there were o nly a couple th a t I d id n ’t enjoy

most I’ve read all of Jane A usten’s n o ve ls, most of which _I enjoyed 7 Dr W illiam s is a ca rd io lo g ist and has his surgery on the second floor

whose Dr W illiam s, whose surgery is on t he second floor, is a ca rdiologist Last week Phil to o k p art in a spelling c o m p e titio n and won firs t prize,


Ngày đăng: 09/03/2021, 06:02



