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In all my Beginning books, my objective is to minimize what, in my judgment, are the three main hurdles the aspiring programmer must face: getting to grips with the jargon that pervades [r]


Beginning Java 2, SDK 1.4 Edition

by Ivor Horton ISBN:0764543652

Wrox Press • • 0 (1156 pages)

This book outlines everything the beginning programmer needs to know to program with the Java programming language and the 1.4 Java Developer Kit With the release of JDK 1.4, programmers can look forward to achieving better performance than ever

Table of Contents

Beginning Java 2, SDK 1.4 Edition Ch

apt er

- Introducing Java

Ch apt er

- Programs, Data, Variables, and Calculation

Ch apt er

- Loops and Logic

Ch apt er

- Arrays and Strings

Ch apt er

- Defining Classes

Ch apt er

- Extending Classes and Inheritance

Ch apt er - Exceptions Ch apt er

- Understanding Streams

Ch apt er

- Accessing Files and Directories

Ch apt er 10

- Writing Files

Ch apt er 11

- Reading Files

Ch apt er 12

- Serializing Objects

Ch apt er 13

- Collection Classes

Ch apt er 14

- A Collection of Useful Classes

Ch apt er 15 - Threads Ch apt er 16

- Creating Windows

Ch apt er 17

- Handling Events

Ch apt er 18

- Drawing in a Window

Ch apt er 19

- Extending the GUI

Ch apt er 20

- Filing and Printing Documents

Ch apt er 21

- Java and XML

Ch apt er 22

- Creating and Modifying XML Documents

Ap pe ndi x A - Keywords Ap pe ndi x B

- Computer Arithmetic

Ind ex of

- Data types, Keywords and Operators

Ind ex of


Beginning Java 2, SDK 1.4 Edition

Ivor Horton Wrox Press Ltd đ

â 2002 Wrox Press

All rights reserved No part of this book may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means, without the prior written permission of the publisher, except in the case of brief quotations

embodied in critical articles or reviews

The author and publisher have made every effort in the preparation of this book to ensure the accuracy of the information However, the information contained in this book is sold without warranty, either express or implied Neither the authors, Wrox Press, nor its dealers or distributors will be held liable for any damages caused or alleged to be caused either directly or indirectly by this book

Published by Wrox Press Ltd,

Arden House, 1102 Warwick Road, Acocks Green, Birmingham, B27 6BH, UK

Printed in the United States

ISBN 1-861005-69-5

Trademark Acknowledgements

Wrox has endeavored to provide trademark information about all the companies and products mentioned in this book by the appropriate use of capitals However, Wrox cannot guarantee the accuracy of this information



Ivor Horton Steve Baker

Robert Chang

Technical Editors Phil Powers De George

Mankee Cheng Justin Foley

Shivanand Nadkarni David Hudson

Girish Sharangpani Jim MacIntosh

Roberts Shaw Craig McQueen

Andrew Tracey Karen Ritchie

Gavin Smyth

Commissioning Editors John Timney

Louay Fatoohi David Whitney

Chanoch Wiggers

Index Production Coordinator

John Collins Natalie O'Donnell

Andrew Criddle


Project Manager Pippa Wonson

Emma Batch Rachel Taylor

Proof Readers Cover Design

Lisa Stephenson Chris Morris

Fiona Berryman

Agnes Wiggers

Keith Westmooreland

Cover photograph by John Wright Photography, Warwick

A Note from the Author

In all my Beginning books, my objective is to minimize what, in my judgment, are the three main hurdles the aspiring programmer must face: getting to grips with the jargon that pervades every programming language and environment, understanding the use of the language elements (as opposed to what they are), and appreciating how the language is applied in a practical context

Jargon is an invaluable and virtually indispensable means of communication for the competent amateur as well as the expert professional, so it can't be avoided My approach is to ensure that the beginner understands what the jargon means and gets comfortable with using it in context In that way, they can use the documentation that comes along with most programming products more effectively, and can also feel competent to read and learn from the literature that surrounds most programming languages

Comprehending the syntax and effects of the language elements are obviously essential to learning a language, but I believe illustrating how the language features work and how they are used are equally important Rather than just use code fragments, I always try to provide the reader with practical working examples that show the relationship of each language feature to specific problems These can then be a basis for experimentation, to see at first hand the effects of changing the code in various ways

The practical context needs to go beyond the mechanics of applying individual language elements To help the

beginner gain the competence and confidence to develop their own applications, I aim to provide them with an insight into how things work in combination and on a larger scale than a simple example with a few lines of code That's why I like to have at least one working example that builds over several chapters In that way it's possible to show


StartDocument(), 1033

StartElement(), 1033

StartPrefixMapping(), 1034, 1041

startsWith(), 147, 153, 368

stateChanged(), 883

stop(), 602, 721

stringWidth(), 670

subList(), 514

substring(), 155, 157

sum(), 705

synchronizedList(), 638, 640

tan(), 59

Thread(), 604

toArray(), 515

toCharArray(), 159

toDegrees(), 60

toLowerCase(), 150

toRadians(), 60

toString(), 141, 167, 212, 244, 253, 254, 256, 267, 276, 346, 361, 367, 437, 518, 527, 529, 530, 1057, 1061,

1063, 1081

toUpperCase(), 151

transferFrom(), 450, 451, 455

transferTo(), 450, 451, 455

translate(), 658, 659, 904, 961, 965

trim(), 159

trimToSize(), 511

tryLock(), 466, 467, 469

union(), 660

update(), 557, 560, 836, 899

validatePage(), 977

valueChanged(), 879, 880

valueOf(), 141, 299, 348

values(), 537, 538

wait(), 253, 632, 633, 636

warning(), 1042, 1056

whitespaceChars(), 341

windowActivated(), 738, 951

windowClosed(), 738, 951

windowClosing(), 738, 742, 951

windowDeactivated(), 738, 951

windowDeiconified(), 738, 951

windowGainedFocus(), 738

windowIconified(), 738, 951

windowLostFocus(), 738

windowOpened(), 738, 951

windowStateChanged(), 738

wordChars(), 341

wrap(), 428, 1082

write(), 385, 403 5, 424, 456, 1082

writeByte(), 476

writeBytes(), 477

writeChar(), 476

writeChars(), 477

writeDouble(), 476, 932


writeInt(), 476

writeLong(), 476

writeObject(), 47577, 480, 481, 488, 489, 932

writeShort(), 476

Ngày đăng: 09/03/2021, 04:51