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Mệnh đề điều kiện là loại mệnh đề được sử dụng rất phổ biến trong tiếng anh nói và viết.Một câu điều kiện bao giờ cũng bao gồm 2 mệnh đề: mệnh đề điều kiện(If clause) và mệnh đề chính(m[r]


PART I : WORD-FORM Choose the correct word :

1 You must always tell the -

a true b truly c truth d truthfully

2 It is often useful to make a - between two things

a compare b comparison c comparative d compares

3 All my efforts ended in -

a fail b failure c fails d failed

4 He lost the game because of his -

a careful b careless c carelessness d carefulness

5 Books help people get more -

a know b knowledgeable c knowledge d knowing

6 No one can measure the - of this river

a deep b deeply c deepen d depth

7 Treating diseases by the laser is really a -

a miracles b miraculous c miraculously d miracle

8 There is - to believe that he is not prepared for his future work

a reasonable b reasonably c reason d unreasonable

9 He is a young man with great -

a expect b expectation c expecting d expected

10 He has suffered many - in his new job

a disappoint b disappointments c disappointed d disappointing 11 We should have religious -

a tolerate b tolerance c tolerably d tolerable

12 The - of the moon for the earth causes the tides

a attract b attractive c attraction d attractively

13 Some large cities have had measures to minimize air -

a pollute b pollution c polluted d polluting

14 You can get - treatment in this hospital

a occupation b occupy c occupational d occupied

15 She is - in her book

a absorb b absorption c absorbed d absorbent

16 This woman is as - as a post

a deafen b deafly c deaf d deafness

17 American women are used to being -

a depend b independence c independent d dependence

18 I always feel - when talking to him

a comfort b uncomfortably c comfortable d comfortably

19 A few diseases are still - in the world

a untreatable b treatment c treat d treatable

20 He has stood for two hours outside of the - room

a surgery b surgical c surgeon d surgically

21 Fortunately, the plane landed - after the violent storm

a safe b safely c unsafe d safety


A Choose a word with the underlined part whose pronunciation is different from that of the others

1 a threw b grew c knew d blew

2 a shut b cut c but d put

3 a sugar b singer c sun d sum

4 a wear b clear c near d ear

5 a southern b both c without d with

6 a played b opened c answered d talked

7 a busy b tidy c fry d thirty

8 a food b cool c pool d wool

9 a host b post c most d cost

10 a children b wildlife c child d mild

11 a watches b washes c misses d goes


13 a event b eleventh c seventh d even

14 a drought b bought c thought d fought

15 a question b nation c evolution d repetition

16 a choose b chat c chemistry d cheap

17 a stayed b stopped c walked d laughed

18 a hooks b books c boots d rooms

19 a lenient b senior c vehicle d lemon

20 a tour b flour c hour d sour

21 a cow b brow c now d row

22 a have b hate c behave d save

23 a suggestion b digestion c creation d question B Choose a word that has a different stress pattern :

24 a enjoy b occur c answer d become

25 a although b because c unless d after

26 a hospital b cinema c factory d pagoda

27 a intelligent b interesting c necessary d comfortable 28 a newspaper b understand c industry d grandfather

29 a borrow b arrive c marry d visit

30 a unsuccessful b international c individual d irrational

31 a Germany b Korea c Portugal d Italy

32 a computer b telephone c calculator d television 33 a aeroplane b skyscraper c parachute d umbrella

34 a gravity b theory c energy d uneasy

35 a somebody b already c sometimes d usually 36 a Portuguese b Vietnamese c Chinese d Japanese

37 a belong b invent c happen d prefer

38 a balcony b unhappy c everyone d nobody


Choose the best answer:

1 I usually - up at six o’clock

a is getting b get c gets d will get

2 My mother sometimes - vegetables at this market

a buy b buys c has bought d will buy

3 The earth - the sun once every 365 days

a circle b have circled c circles d is circling

4 Look! The boy -

a is crying b cry c have cried d crying

5 I -that film several times because I like it

a see b saw c have seen d sees

6 We - them last year

a visited b visit c are visiting d have visited

7 He - this book two years ago

a writes b wrote c is writing d has written

8 The bell rang while Tom - a bath

a is taking b takes c has taken d was taking

9 The light - out while we - dinner

a went/had b went/were having c went/having d go/are having

10 When we came, he - TV

a was watching b watches c is watching d will watch

11 They - to see us next week

a came b have come c coming d will come

12 Up to now, teacher - our class five tests

a gives b will give c gave d has given

13 He - English before he came to England


14 After he - his homework, he watched TV

a had done b does c has done d is doing

15 The children - football when their mother came back home

a play b are playing c were playing d have played

16 They told me that they - her before

a have never seen b had never seen c will never see d never see 17 He knew that I - the following week

a will come b come c would come d had come

18 When I - Mr Pike tomorrow, I - him of that

a see/will remind b will see/will remind c will see/remind d see/would remind 19 He says that he - for a job next week

a looks b will look c would look d looked

20 Her grandfather - ill for a long time before he died

a were b is c had been d has been

21 He - in this factory in 1990

a works b has worked c is working d worked


Choose the best one

1 I remember - this book twice

a read b reading c to read d to being read

2 You don’t need - his permission every time you want - the room

a to ask/to leave b ask/leave

c to ask/leaving d asking/to leave

3 He made me - it again

a b to c doing d done

4 They decided - to Hanoi

a go b going c gone d to go

5 They don’t allow me - here

a walk b walking c to walk d walked

6 Please let me - your decision as soon as possible

a knowing b to know c known d know

7 He refused - for this shirt

a pay b paying c to pay d paid

8 I advise you - before - the job

a wait/accept b to wait/to accept c to wait/accepting d wait/acceptin I prefer - to -

a driving/riding b drive/ride c to drive/to ride d to drive/ride 10 Lan enjoys - American books

a read b to read c reading d to reading

11 Nothing will make me - my mind

a change b to change c changing d changed

12 I regret - her yesterday

a not to help b not helping c not help d not to helping

13 We are used to - to school

a walk b to walk c walked d walking

14 We suggested - together to visit the museum

a going b to go c go d gone

15 Your windows need -

a clean b cleaning c to clean d cleaned

16 His father doesn’t approve of his - to Europe

a go b to go c gone d going

17 Richard is expecting us - to class tomorrow

a go b to go c going d gone

18 They asked me - him last night

a calling b call c called d to call

19 Peter had no intention of - the city now

a leave b to leave c leaving d left


a buy b to buy c buying d bought 21 He was made - a paper admitting his guilt

a sign b to sign c signed d signing


(Mệnh đề điều kiện)

Mệnh đề điều kiện loại mệnh đề sử dụng phổ biến tiếng anh nói viết.Một câu điều kiện bao gồm mệnh đề: mệnh đề điều kiện(If clause) mệnh đề chính(main clause).Thơng thường có loaị câu điều kiện:


Conditional clause Main clause

First conditional: If + Simple Present , Simple future/Simple Present (câu điều kiện loại 1)

Second conditional: If + Past Tense , would + V( infinitive) (câu điều kiện loại 2)

Third conditional: If + Past Perfect Tense , would have + V(past participle) (câu điều kiện loại 3)

ngoại còn: câu ĐK hỗn hợp câu ĐK loại va loaị 3: Ex: If I had taken his advice, I would be rich now If I had eaten dinner, I wouldn’t be hungry now

Example: (hãy xem ví dụ minh hoa sau so sánh khác loại câu điều kiện) ĐK loại 1: If I have enough money, I will go to Japan

ĐK loại 2: If I had enough money, I would go to Japan

ĐK loại 3: If I had had enough money, I would have gone to Japan USE OF CONDITIONAL:

1.First conditional(loại 1) : dùng để việc có thật xảy ra,có thể thực tại hay tương lai:

Ex: If he is late, we will have to go without him If you study hard,you will pass the exam

second conditional(loai 2): dung để việc thực tương lai,hoặc trái với thực tế:


If I were you, I would love her

Third conditional(loai 3): dung để việc không xảy trái với thực tế quá khứ(tức việc làm,xảy rồi,khơng thể thay đổi được)

Ex: If you had warned me, I would not have told your father about that party (nếu bạn cảnh báo trước với tơi tơi khơng nói với bố bạn bữa tiệc đó) If the weather had been nice yesterday,I would have gone to the beach Remember !

*Hai mệnh đề câu đk đổi chỗ cho nhau.

1,Phần lớn “If clause” không dùng WILL hay WOULD ,chỉ dung “main clause”. 2,Trong câu đk loại WERE đươc dung cho truơng hợp trang trọng WAS(less formal): If I were……If he were….,If she were… ,If you were……

3,Sau IF dùng Some(some one, some where…) hay Any (any one, any where ): If I have some spare time next weekend

or : If I have any spare time……

4,Thay dùng ” If not” dùng UNLESS:

Ex: I'll be back tomorrow unless there is a plane strike He'll accept the job unless the salary is too low EXERCISE

I Chia động từ cho phù hợp với loại câu đk đây: 1,If he( try )much more, he (improve) his English

2, If the doctor (have) morning office hours, he (visit) every patient in the afternoon 3, If I (be) rich, I ( travel) around the world

4, If I (be) in a hurry, I (have) the terrible accident years ago

5, If he (speak) so quickly, you (understand) him.( in fact, he speaks so quickly) 6, We were losers If we (lose) our way, we (arrive) sooner

7, If she (catch) the train, she (be) here by now

8, If they ( obey) traffic regulations, this accident (happen) yesterday 9,If you (have) longer legs, you (able) to run faster

II.Viết lại câu dạng câu điều kiện:



2, There are so many bugs in the room because there isn’t a screen on the window If………

3, He is busy right now So, he can’t help them

If ……… 4, I can’t make all of my own meals because I am not good at cooking If……… 5, I’m not you, so I can’t tell him the truth

If I……… 6,She came, so he wasn’t disappointed

If……… 7, He is not a good student He didn’t study for the test yesterday If……… 8, I didn’t eat breakfast several hours ago, so I am hungry now If……… 9, Mai is sick because she didn’t follow the doctor’s orders If………

Ngày đăng: 08/03/2021, 17:03

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