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Vulnerability to saline intrusion and adaptation options for rice and fish farming households in the mekong delta of vietnam

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VULNERABILITY TO SALINE INTRUSION AND ADAPTATION OPTIONS FOR RICE AND FISH FARMING HOUSEHOLDS IN THE MEKONG DELTA OF VIETNAM NGUYEN HUU TRI A THESIS SUBMITTED IN PARTIAL FULFILLMENT OF THE REQUIREMENTS FOR THE DEGREE OF DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY (ENVIRONMENT AND RESOURCE STUDIES) FACULTY OF GRADUATE STUDIES MAHIDOL UNIVERSITY 2016 COPYRIGHT OF MAHIDOL UNIVERSITY Thesis entitled VULNERABILITY TO SALINE INTRUSION AND ADAPTATION OPTIONS FOR RICE AND FISH FARMING HOUSEHOLDS IN THE MEKONG DELTA OF VIETNAM ………………………………… Mr Nguyen Huu Tri Candidate ………………………………… Assoc Prof Sansanee Choowaew, Ph.D (Environmental Planning) Major advisor ………………………………… Lect Duong Van Ni, Ph.D (Wetland Ecology) Co-advisor ………………………………… Lect Kulvadee Kansuntisukmongkol, Ph.D (Ecology) Co-advisor …………………………………… Prof Patcharee Lertrit, M.D., Ph.D (Biochemistry) Dean Faculty of Graduate Studies Mahidol University ………………………………… Assoc Prof Nathsuda Pumijumnong, Ph.D (Natural Science) Program Director Doctor of Philosophy Program in Environment and Resource Studies Faculty of Environment and Resource Studies Mahidol University Thesis entitled VULNERABILITY TO SALINE INTRUSION AND ADAPTATION OPTIONS FOR RICE AND FISH FARMING HOUSEHOLDS IN THE MEKONG DELTA OF VIETNAM was submitted to the Faculty of Graduate Studies, Mahidol University for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy (Environment and Resource Studies) on July 28, 2016 ………………………………………… Mr Nguyen Huu Tri Candidate ………………………………………… Assoc Prof Le Anh Tuan, Ph.D Applied Biological Sciences and Engineering Chair ………………………………………… Assoc Prof Sansanee Choowaew, Ph.D (Environmental Planning) Member …………………………………… Lect Duong Van Ni, Ph.D (Wetland Ecology) Member ………………………………………… Lect Kulvadee Kansuntisukmongkol, Ph.D (Ecology) Member …………………………………… Prof Patcharee Lertrit, M.D., Ph.D (Biochemistry) Dean Faculty of Graduate Studies Mahidol University ………………………………………… Assoc Prof Kampanad Bhaktikul, Ph.D (Civil and Environmental Engineering) Dean Faculty of Environment and Resource Studies Mahidol University iii ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS I, myself, wish to express sincere appreciation to my major advisor, Assoc Prof Dr Sansanee Choowaew, who has taken care of me from the beginning to the end of my study program Without her help, the degree program and the dissertation could not have been completed I would like to thank my co-advisors, Dr Duong Van Ni and Dr Kulvadee Kansuntisukmongkol, and external chairman, Assoc Prof Dr Le Anh Tuan, who also gave much valuable advice and assistance toward the completion of my work Thanks to the 60th Year Supreme Reign of His Majesty King Bhumibol Adulyadej scholarship of Mahidol University, the Faculty of Graduate Studies of Mahidol University for Research Assistantship, and the PhD International Programme of the Faculty of Environment and Resource Studies of Mahidol University, for financial support during my Ph.D program Also thanks to the staff members of An Giang University for their help during the fieldwork Additional gratitude and sincere appreciation must go to the authorities of the provinces, districts, and villages in the Mekong Delta of Vietnam, whom I contacted for my data collection I particularly appreciate the households of the six study villages, who shared their time in supplying very useful information for the research Without their support, I could not have completed my study I am grateful to my family members for their support and encouragement throughout my study I specially thank my wife, Van Anh, my son, Minh Huy, and my daughter, Minh Khanh, for their love and encouragement of my efforts throughout the program and the preparation of this dissertation Finally, I expresses my appreciation to all of professors of the Ph.D Program in Environment and Resource Studies of Mahidol University, who shared much of their experience with me in both formal and informal ways Nguyen Huu Tri Fac of Grad Studies Mahidol Univ Thesis / iv VULNERABILITY TO SALINE INTRUSION AND ADAPTATION OPTIONS FOR RICE AND FISH FARMING HOUSEHOLDS IN THE MEKONG DELTA OF VIETNAM NGUYEN HUU TRI 5637242 ENER/D Ph.D (ENVIRONMENT AND RESOURCE STUDIES) THESIS ADVISOR COMMITTEE: SANSANEE CHOOWAEW, Ph.D (ENVIRONMENTAL PLANNING), DUONG VAN NI, Ph.D (WETLAND ECOLOGY), KULVADEE KANSUNTISUKMONGKOL, Ph.D (ECOLOGY) ABSTRACT This thesis aimed at the insight of the vulnerability to saline intrusion and the adaptation options for rice and fish farming households in different ecological zones of the Mekong Delta of Vietnam The specific objectives were to analyze the impact, adaptation and vulnerability to saline intrusion and evaluate adaptation options for rice and fish farming households Based on the interviews with 390 rice and fish farming households, in An Giang, Can Tho, and Soc Trang–upstream, midstream, and downstream provinces of the Mekong Delta, the study results revealed that the saltwater intensively intruded inland during the dry season and seriously affected rice and fish farming It is not only rice and fish productivity that was affected, but household income, the quality of natural resources and the environment as well Fish farming was faced with the most serious effects, the most vulnerable, and had the least adaptation options compared to rice and integrated rice and fish farming Households in all groups developed adaptation options following the increasing degree of salinity, including (1) changing the seasonal calendar, (2) using tolerant rice varieties and fish species, (3) changing cropping patterns and farming practices, (4) applying integrated production model, and (5) diversifying non-farm activities The research recommended that regional links and transfer of adaptation experience between downstream, midstream and upstream provinces should be put in place for better preparedness, prevention and mitigation in the context of future saline intrusion KEYWORDS: SALINE INTRUSION/ ADAPTATION OPTIONS/ IMPACTS/ RICE AND VULNERABILITY/ FISH FARMING HOUSEHOLDS/ MEKONG DELTA/ VIETNAM 186 pages v CONTENTS Page ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS iii ABSTRACT (ENGLISH) iv LIST OF TABLES viii LIST OF FIGURES xii LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS xiv CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION 1.1 Background and Justification 1.2 Conceptual Research Framework 1.3 Research Objectives 1.4 Key Research Questions 1.5 Scope of Research 1.6 Research Originally and Expected Results CHAPTER II LITERATURE REVIEWS 10 2.1 Theories and Concepts 10 2.2 Climate Change in the World Context and Vietnam 18 2.3 Climate Change Impacts and Adaptations 20 2.4 Vulnerability Assessment in the Mekong Delta of Vietnam 29 RESEARCH METHODOLOGY 36 3.1 Research Process and Steps 36 3.2 Scoping Problems 37 3.3 Analysis of Occurrence and Degree of Saline Intrusion 38 3.4 Identifying Research Sites 39 3.5 Identifying Target Population 41 3.6 Data Collection 43 3.7 Data Analysis 46 3.8 Developing and Evaluating Household Adaption Options 48 CHAPTER III vi CONTENTS (cont.) 3.9 Analytical Process CHAPTER IV SALINE INTRUSION INTO THE MEKONG DELTA 49 51 OF VIETNAM: PAST, PRESENT AND FUTURE 4.1 Introduction 51 4.2 Situation of Saline Intrusion in the Mekong Delta of Vietnam 52 and at Research Sites in the Past 4.3 Situation of Saline Intrusion in the Mekong Delta of Vietnam 53 and at Research Sites in the Present 4.4 Factors Enhancing Saline Intrusion 56 4.5 Saline Intrusion in the Mekong Delta of Vietnam in the Future 62 4.6 Conclusion and Recommendation 66 IMPACT OF SALINE INTRUSION ON RICE AND FISH 67 CHAPTER V FARMING HOUSEHOLDS IN THE MEKONG DELTA OF VIETNAM 5.1 Introduction 67 5.2 Household Characteristics 68 5.3 Household Farming Activities and Economy 72 5.4 Impacts of Saline Intrusion on Rice and Fish Farming 77 Households 5.5 Determined Present and Future Impact Levels of 89 Saline Intrusion on Rice and Fish Farming Households 5.6 CHAPTER VI Conclusion and Recommendation 96 ADAPTATION OF RICE AND FISH FARMING 98 HOUSEHOLDS TO SALINE INTRUSION IN THE MEKONG DELTA OF VIETNAM 6.1 Introduction 98 6.2 Coping Capacity of Rice and Fish Farming Households 98 vii CONTENTS (cont.) 6.3 Present Adaptive Capacity of Rice and Fish Farming 100 Households 6.4 Future Adaptive Capacity of Rice and Fish Farming 103 Households 6.5 Adaptation Methods of Rice and Fish Farming Households 105 to Present Saline Intrusion 6.6 Adaptation Methods of Rice and Fish Farming Households 114 to Future Saline Intrusion 6.7 Conclusion and Recommendation CHAPTER VII VULNERABILITY TO SALINE INTRUSION AND 115 117 ADAPTATION OPTIONS FOR RICE AND FISH FARMING HOUSEHOLDS 7.1 Introduction 117 7.2 Vulnerability of Rice and Fish Farming Households to 118 Present Saline Intrusion 7.3 Vulnerability of Rice and Fish Farming Households to 119 Future Saline Intrusion 7.4 Adaptation Options for Rice and Fish Farming Households to 120 Present and Future Saline Intrusion 7.5 Conclusion and Recommendation CHAPTER VIII CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATIONS 132 133 8.1 Conclusion 133 8.2 Recommendations 134 REFERENCES 136 APPENDICES 149 BIOGRAPHY 186 viii LIST OF TABLES Table Page 1.1 Vulnerability to climate change of difference regions of Vietnam 1.2 Estimation of sectorial annual investment and financial flow needed by 2030 to cover costs of adaptation to climate change (billion USD/year at present value of 2007) 2.1 Household and individual autonomous adaptation measures related 25 to climate stresses in Southeast Asia 2.2 Objectives and some selected targets of the Vietnam National Target 27 Program to respond to Climate Change between 2010 and 2015 2.3 Determining impact (Exposure x Sensitivity) 34 2.4 Determining vulnerability (Impact/Adaptive capacity) 35 3.1 Total number of households and sample size 43 4.1 The relationship between salinity and water level during dry season 52 in the Mekong Delta (1980-2013) 4.2 Tested 390 samples of soil and water salinity in research sites (2014) 55 4.3 Future projected climatic factors under different scenarios of climate 63 change for the Mekong Delta of Vietnam 4.4 Views of experts on factors enhancing saline intrusion in the 65 Mekong Delta of Vietnam 67 5.1 Age of household heads in three research sites 69 5.2 Education of household heads in three research sites 70 5.3 Key livelihood activities in three districts of An Giang, Can Tho, 72 and Soc Trang 72 5.4 Area and productivity of rice and fish farming in three research sites 74 5.5 Average household income from rice and fish farming in three 76 research sites in 2014 ix LIST OF TABLES (cont.) Table 5.6 Page Areas of rice and fish farming affected by saline intrusion in dry 79 season 2014 5.7 Percentage of households facing with saline intrusion impact 79 5.8 The correlation between the degree of saline intrusion and the yield 81 of rice and fish in Soc Trang 5.9 The correlation between the degree of saline intrusion and the yield 81 of rice and fish in Can Tho 5.10 Comparison of rice and fish yield changed in between 2008 and 82 2014 5.11 The correlation between rice or fish yield and salinity level 83 5.12 Comparison of household’s income in 2008 and 2014 and the 84 percentages of household income loss 5.13 Comparison of land area for rice and fish farming in 2008 and 2014 86 5.14 Percentage of households received saline intrusion information 87 5.15 Sources of saline intrusion information received by surveyed 87 households 5.16 Household perception on the degree of saline intrusion impacts 88 5.17 Levels of indicators of exposure to saline intrusion 89 5.18 Cronbach’s coefficient alpha of exposure indicators 90 5.19 Mean score of exposure indicators to saline intrusion in all three 90 research sites 5.20 Exposure level of rice and fish farming households to saline 91 intrusion 5.21 Levels of indicators of sensitivity to saline intrusion 92 5.22 Cronbach’s coefficient alpha of sensitivity indicators 92 5.23 Mean score of sensitivity indicators to saline intrusion in all three 93 research sites Nguyen Huu Tri App endix / 172 16 Threats: SI Questions Score Definition 16.1 Is saline intrusion an issue? 0: not an issue 16.2 Saline intrusion is problem in the 1: very low past? Since …… Reasons/Description 2: low 16.3 Saline intrusion is problem now? 3: moderate 16.4 Saline intrusion is likely to be 4: high 5: very high problem in the future? 17 Exposure: SI Questions 17.1 Does household have enough available land area to reduce exposure to saline intrusion? 17.2 Distance of household farming areas from saline intrusion channels? 17.3 How many % of household rice fields have saline intrusion problem? 17.4 How many % of household fish ponds have saline intrusion problem? 17.5 Number of months/year: …………… - Household rice areas has saline intrusion problems ………… - Household fish ponds has saline intrusion problems …… 17.6 Saline intrusion occurs in household rice areas  Every year  Frequency: ……………… Saline intrusion occurs in household fish ponds  Every year  Frequency: ……………… 17.7 …………………………… Score Definition 0: not an issue 1: very low 2: low 3: moderate 4: high 5: very high Reasons/Description Fac of Grad Studies Mahidol Univ Ph.D (Envi & Resource Studies) / 173 18 Sensitivity: SI Questions Score Definition 18.1 Rice varieties used are salt tolerant? 0: not an issue 18.2 Fish species used are salt tolerant? 1: very low 18.3 Rice productivity lost/changed 2: low 18.4 Fish productivity lost/changed 3: moderate Reasons/Description 4: high 5: very high 19 Adaptive capacity: SI Questions Score 19.1 Is there enough time for household to develop adaptation options? Definition 0: not an issue 1: very low 19.2 Accessibility to financial support 2: low 19.3 Experience from adaptation training 3: moderate 19.4 Availability of insurance for crop 4: high damage/loss due to saline intrusion 19.5 Knowledge/ability to change farming process/pattern/practice 19.6 Policies support at all levels - Household?  Yes  No - Commune?  Yes  No - Province?  Yes  No  Yes  No - Region? 19.7 Rice farming practice? 19.8 Fish farming practice? 19.9 Knowledge transfer downstream household from  Yes  No If yes, - What kind of knowledge would they like to transfer? - Is it applicable? If no, why not? 5: very high Reasons/Description Nguyen Huu Tri App endix / 174 20 Productivity and income from rice and fish farming? Before saline intrusion effects Farming activity Land areas (ha) Total input cost (VND) Rice Fish Note: (1) Level of impact: 0: none Productivity (ton/ha) 1: very low Selling price (VND/kg) 2: low Total income (VND/ha) 3: moderate Profit (VND/ha) 4: high Level of impact 5: very high After saline intrusion effects? Farming activity Land areas (ha) Total input cost (VND) Rice Fish Note: (1) Level of impact: 0: none Productivity (ton/ha) 1: very low Selling price (VND/kg) 2: low Total income (VND/ha) 3: moderate Profit (VND/ha) 4: high Level of impact 5: very high 21 Degree of saline intrusion effect on household livelihood? No Indicators Losses of properties Increased expense for health care Increased expense for freshwater Losses of household food supply Damage on fish productivity Damage on rice productivity Increased water salinity Increased soil salinity Increased household debt 10 Change in land use 11 Others (specific) ………………………………… ………………………………… Degree of impacts Damage cost 0: none 1: very low (VND/year) 2: low 3: moderate (if can be estimated) 4: high 5: very high Fac of Grad Studies Mahidol Univ Ph.D (Envi & Resource Studies) / 175 III.2 Ability of household to change or adapt to saline intrusion 22 As the saline intrusion is occurring, you wish to look for other employment opportunities apart from your rice and/or fish farming?  Yes  No If yes, please describe those extra employments: If no, explain why and if not, how will you cope with saline intrusion: IV Coping behavior, past and present adaptation measures 23 What was your household response to saline intrusion in the past and present? Response Score Definition 23.1 Change in rice varieties 0: not an issue 23.2 Change in fish species 1: very low 23.3 Shifting rice farming time/calendar 2: low 23.4 Reduce number of rice crop/year 3: moderate 23.5 Reduce 4: high number of fish Reasons 5: very high cultivation/year 23.6 23.7 23.8 23.9 23.10 24 Do you think your rice fields should be changed in accordance to saline intrusion?  Yes  No If yes, how you change it? Why you choose that way of change? 25 Do you think your fish ponds should be changed in accordance to saline intrusion?  Yes  No If yes, how you change it? Why did you choose that way of change? Nguyen Huu Tri App endix / 176 26 How you know the information of the saline intrusion? No Information sources Related information Frequency (time/month) Television/radio Internet Newspaper Local government staff Academics/university Farmer association Others (please specify) ……………………………………… 27 When obtaining the information of the degree of saline intrusion, what does your family decide to do? No Salinity Action Reasons … ppt to … ppt Do nothing … ppt to … ppt Prepare for an agenda for doing something … ppt to … ppt Change part of farming practices/patterns … ppt to … ppt Change all farming practices/patterns … ppt to … ppt Migration/Seek for new job … ppt to … ppt Uncultivated 28 What your family plan to in the future if saline intrusion increase? No Plan Maintaining the production activities as usual Change rice farming practices/patterns Change fish farming practices/patterns Finding more non-agricultural employments Finding more seasonal agricultural employments More investment in trading services Migration to other district/province Change land use Find new land somewhere else 10 Hired land in other district/province 11 Build dikes/dig canals to washout salt 12 Other (Please specify) …………………………………………………… Yes No Reasons Fac of Grad Studies Mahidol Univ Ph.D (Envi & Resource Studies) / 177 29 What you think of the ways of responding and adapting to saline intrusion at all levels (household/community/province/region)? No Categories Response (short-term) Water for Rice Fish Water for household farming farming household use Household Community Province Region Adaptation (long-term) Rice Fish farming farming use 30 Limitations and constraints for adaptation of the household facing with saline intrusion? 31 What will be household adaptation measures/options for dealing with the future increasing saline intrusion?       V Recommendations and Suggestions 32 How should household be supported from local government and province in time of saline intrusion? Nguyen Huu Tri App endix / 178 33 So far, what kinds of intervention from local government, province and central government you think are suitable or unsuitable for rice and fish production? Please specify reasons respectively Ways of intervention Suitable Unsuitable Required/Needed Irrigation systems Embankment systems Rural transportation systems Canal systems Agriculture/Aquaculture production plan Dikes and water sluice gates Insurance Compensation Subsidies Financial support Early warning system Others: …………………………………… …………………………………………… 34 In your opinion, what kind of programs and levels should be supported for adaptation? Kind of program Level household commune province region Training ………………… ………………… ………………… ………………… ………………… ………………… Reasons Fac of Grad Studies Mahidol Univ Ph.D (Envi & Resource Studies) / 179 35 Household opinion about adaptation measures of downstream households Questions Score 35.1 Would those be applicable for the Reasons 0: not an issue household? 1: very low 2: low 35.2 Should knowledge be transferred to 3: moderate adapt? 35.3 How Definition the knowledge should 4: high be 5: very high transferred? 35.4 Linkage region to adapt? 36 Any adaptation measures/options household think to suitable for the future scenarios of saline intrusion in whole Mekong region? Level of adaptation Measures/options Self-adaptation at household level - Group-adaptation at professional level - Communal adaptation commune level at district/ - Adaptation strategies at provincial level Thank you very much! Nguyen Huu Tri App endix / 180 F-2 PARTICIPATORY RURAL APPRAISAL GUIDELINES (To be used for focus group discussion and sustainable livelihood framework) Serial No: ……… Date: …/…/2014 Commune: …………………., District: ……………… , Province: …………………… Group: …………………………………………………………………… Introduction on research objectives and methodology Historical profile of the farming activities of the participating group such as cropping calendar, cropping pattern, rice varieties, fish species used in each crop, productivity and income per unit area, per crop and per year; timeline of extreme events (failure crop, flood, drought, disease, storm, increase crop, change varieties) which relate to participating group in the community How to solve problems when facing those events Basic information on socioeconomic, environment and agriculture production, especially rice and fish farming Group or cooperatives formation, number of membership, roles and actions of group leaders Any role/action related to saline intrusion Part of focus group discussion: Information on situation of saline intrusion in the past, present and future Levels of saline intrusion problems, levels of impacts on the group; levels of concerns of the group Impacts, levels of impacts, levels of exposure and sensitivity, adaptation and vulnerability of household livelihood and rice and fish production to the past, present and future saline intrusion How the groups solve saline intrusion problems in the past, present and future? What are the measures? Levels of adaptive capacity of the group to identify past-present adaptation strategies of household to deal with saline intrusion? Advantages and disadvantages? Limitations and constraints? How to increase adaptive capacity? Intervention or support from local government and the province which the group expects for livelihood and production due to saline intrusion? Fac of Grad Studies Mahidol Univ Ph.D (Envi & Resource Studies) / 181 Possible adaptation options for the future scenarios of saline intrusion? Possible adaptation measures of the group; ranking of possibility following levels (very high, high, moderate, low, very low and none) Part of sustainable livelihood framework: Five capitals of rice, fish and rice and fish households Scoring of each capital and indicators of each capital from to 10 following the levels of importance a Human capital: average of household labor, education, experience, health b Financial capital: saving money, debt, income, credit, vehicle, financial supports c Natural capital: land area owned, water for irrigate, biological resource d Social capital: associations, institutions, social network, cooperatives e Physical capital: infrastructure, canals, dikes, tools, machines, physical properties 10 How households in the group adapt to saline intrusion? What is the level of adaptive capacity of the group? 11 Kinds of intervention and strategy the group used to adapt to saline intrusion? a Based on group capacity b Based on household capacity 12 Possible future adaptation options of groups? Possible adaptation strategies of group to prepare, prevent, mitigate and adapt to saline intrusion? Ranking of possibility following levels (very high, high, moderate, low, very low and none) 13 Possibility for knowledge transfer and early warning Opinions on adaptation measures of the downstream groups? Applicability of the measures to your group Ideas of other new or/and different options for the group Any suggestion for livelihood strategies of group? _ Thank you very much! Nguyen Huu Tri App endix / 182 F-3 KEY QUESTIONS FOR KEY INFORMANT INTERVIEW (To be used for key persons in districts, communes, extension offices and sub-departments) Serial No: ……… Code:…… Date: …/…/2014 Commune: …………………., District: ……………… , Province: …………………… Basic information on socioeconomics, environment and agriculture production especially rice and fish farming (depending on staff responsibility) including cropping patterns, seasonal calendar, rice varieties, fish species, production inputs used, productivity, product price income per unit area and per weight, limitations and constraints Information on situation of saline intrusion in the past, present and future at districts/communes Levels of saline intrusion problems at districts/commune? Level of concern about saline intrusion Vulnerability of rice and fish farming households to past, present and future saline intrusion? Impacts on productivity, income; levels of impacts (damage) on rice and fish; exposure and sensitivity of rice and fish farming households? How people cope with and adapt to saline intrusion? What is the levels of coping and adaptive capacity in the past and present? Adaptation strategies of household livelihood to deal with saline intrusion? What are adaptation measures? Advantages and disadvantages? Limitation and constraints? Kinds of interventions the local government/districts/communes can or should to support household livelihood and production of rice and fish How should districts/communes be supported by the provincial government to adapt and what is the level of adaptive capacity of district/commune to saline intrusion impacts? How can district/commune increase the adaptive capacity in the future? What would be possible adaptation options of district/commune? Any plan of the local government/district/commune to support household adaptation? (To prepare, prevent, protect, mitigate, adapt) Ranking of possibility following levels as very high, high, moderate, low, very low and none) Fac of Grad Studies Mahidol Univ Ph.D (Envi & Resource Studies) / 183 Level of impacts of the future scenarios of saline intrusion? Levels of adaptation at the household and commune level 10 Communication between district/commune level and provincial level Communication between different communes in different parts of the Mekong Delta? 11 Possibility for knowledge transfers and how to make it happen 12 Opinion on adaptation measures of downstream communes and applicability for mid and upstream Ideas of other new or/and different options for the district/commune and province? _ Interviewer profile: ……/……/2014 - Interview date: - Full name: …………………………………………… Thank you very much! Nguyen Huu Tri App endix / 184 F-4 KEY QUESTIONS FOR IN-DEPTH INTERVIEW (To be used for interview provincial level) Serial No: ……… Code:… Date: …/…/2014 Province: …………………… Present policies and plans for socioeconomic development, environment management, agricultural and fishery production of the province The content of policies and plans related to saline intrusion Situation of saline intrusion in the past, present and future (Vietnam climate change scenario) at the provincial level, including levels of saline intrusion problems in the province and levels of concern about saline intrusion Vulnerability of rice and fish farming households to past, present and future saline intrusion Impacts, level of impacts, level of exposure and sensitivity to saline intrusion Levels of coping capacity and adaptive capacity of people to deal with saline intrusion? What are rice and fish household adaptive measures? Advantages and disadvantages? Limitations and constraints? Kinds of intervention the province can or should support household livelihood and rice and fish production in case of saline intrusion impacts? Level of adaptive capacity the province can adapt to saline intrusion in the past, present and future? How to increase the adaptive capacity in the future? Comments, suggestions on policies and plans of the province for adaptation to the future scenarios of saline intrusion? Possible future adaptation options of households? Possible adaptation strategies of the province to prepare, prevent, mitigate and adapt to saline intrusion? Ranking of possibility following levels (very high, high, moderate, low, very low and none) Possibility for knowledge transfer and early warning Level of communication between provinces in the Mekong Delta 10 Opinions on adaptation strategies of downstream provinces and applicability for mid and upstream (to be used for Can Tho and An Giang) Ideas of other new or/and Fac of Grad Studies Mahidol Univ Ph.D (Envi & Resource Studies) / 185 different adaptation options for your province What would be appropriate adaptation options for your province? _ Interviewer profile: ……/……/2014 - Interview date: - Full name: …………………………………………… Thank you very much! Nguyen Huu Tri Biography / 186 BIOGRAPHY NAME Mr Nguyen Huu Tri DATE OF BIRTH January 1979 PLACE OF BIRTH An Giang, Vietnam INSTITUTIONS ATTENDED Agriculture and Forestry University, HCMC 1997-2012 Bachelor of Agriculture and Forestry Economic Agriculture and Forestry University, HCMC 2004-2007 Master of Economics RESEARCH GRANT The 60th Year Supreme Reign of His Majesty King Bhumibol Adulyadej, Mahidol University Research Assistantship, Mahidol University HOME ADDRESS My Quy Hamlet, My Luong Ward, Cho Moi District, An Giang Province, Vietnam Tel: +84 763 625239 EMPLOYMENT ADDRESS An Giang University, Vietnam Building B, Faculty of Economics and Business Administration, An Giang Unversity, Vietnam 18 Ung Van Khiem Street, Long Xuyen City An Giang Province, Vietnam PUBLISHCATION/ Saline Intrusion in the Past, Present and Future PRESENTATION in the Mekong Delta of Vietnam Proceeding in Wetlands Alliance International Conference 2016 on Wetlands Management: Science, Practice and Sustainable Development–Pathway Sustainable Wetlands Management for ... to saline intrusion of rice and fish farming households in the Mekong Delta of Vietnam Analyse and determine adaptation options for rice and fish farming households in the Mekong Delta of Vietnam. .. methods to saline intrusion of rice farming households 106 6.9 Adaptation methods to saline intrusion of fish farming households 109 6.10 Adaptation methods to saline intrusion of integrated rice and. .. and fish 112 farming households 7.1 Vulnerability of rice and fish farming households to present saline 118 intrusion 7.2 Vulnerability of rice and fish farming households to future saline 119 intrusion

Ngày đăng: 08/03/2021, 16:33