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Unit 11. Our greener world. Lesson 4. Communication

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Ss: Work in pairs to compare their answers T: Plays the recording the second time for pairs to check their answers.. T: Asks for Ss’ answers and write them on the board next to their [r]


Period: 88


I Objectives

1 Knowledge, Skills, Attitude:

a Knowledge: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to: + Communicate with others on 3R topic, therefore discover how “green” they are and get to know more ways to practise 3R

- Vocabulary: the lexical items related to the topic “Our greener world”. - Grammar: Conditional sentences – type 1

b Skills: listening, speaking, reading and writing.

c Attitude: - Educate Ss to have their responsibilities for protecting the environment. 2 Capacity is formed and developed for students

- Self – learning capability - Communicative competence II Preparation

1 Teacher: text book, extra board, cassette tape and real objects. 2 Students: textbook, notebook, workbook.

III Students’ activities Warm up (5’)

Sts’ and T’s activities Contents

T: Reviews conditional type -1 and questions to asks about frequency ( How often…?)

Revision T- whole class 2 Knowledge formation activities (36’)

Sts’ and T’s activities Contents

T: Goes through the extra vocabulary with Ss If Ss not know any word in the box, quickly teach it - Asks Ss to underline the extra vocabulary words as they read in the text

- Checks vocabulary by “Matching’

Extra vocabulary

- a survey: làm khảo sát - recycling bin (n): thùng đựng rác - wrap (v): gói

- be in need: cần, có nhu cầu - breeze (v): thổi nhẹ

(n): gió nhẹ T: Has Ss read the questions quickly and makes

sure that they know what to

Ss: Answer the questions individually, then turn to page 53 to check their answers and count the points

T: Asks some Ss to speak out the points they received


1: The three Rs Club in your school is doing a survey on how to “green” the students are Help them answer the following questions.

Compare your answers with those on page 57 and count the points

T: Has Ss work in pairs One student is the interviewer, and other is the interviewee Asks Ss to the interview and to note down their friends’ answers The interviewers then share their answers with their friends and find out how many different answers they have

Ss: Work in pairs

- Calls on some Ss to report the results of their interview to the class

Ss: Give their answers T: Gives feedback

2: Interview a classmate Compare his/ her answers with yours How many different answers have you got?

T: Asks Ss to work in groups Gives each group a large piece of paper Ss have to write two more questions on this paper When the time is up, asks the groups to stick their questions on the board or

3: Work in groups Think of two more questions to add to the survey.


on the wall Read the questions out loud Asks Ss for comments on the questions Gives feedback on the questions Finally, the class votes for the best questions

3 Consolidation 4’

T: Summarizes the main contents of the lesson

+ Communicate with others on 3R topic, therefore discover how “green” they are and get to know more ways to practise 3R

4 Using knowledge (option) 5 Further practice (option) IV Experience:

……… ……… ………

Period: 89


I Objectives

1 Knowledge, Skills, Attitude:

a Knowledge: By the end of this lesson, students can read for specific information about tips on how to be ‘green’

- Vocabulary: the lexical items related to the topic “Our greener world”. - Grammar: Conditional sentences – type 1

b Skills: listening, speaking, reading and writing.

c Attitude: - Educate Ss to have their responsibilities for protecting the environment. 2 Capacity is formed and developed for students

- Self – learning capability - Communicative competence II Preparation

1 Teacher: text book, extra board, cassette tape and real objects. 2 Students: textbook, notebook, workbook.

III Students’ activities Warm up (5’)

Sts’ and T’s activities Contents

T: “We have talked a lot about how to become a green one However, sometimes, I am afraid that some of us here haven’t been green yet So can you tell me which bad habit you still have in not being a green person? In this lesson, today we are going to read some tips that can help you to become “green” and also we are going to speak about ways to “go green”

Small interview

2 Knowledge formation activities (36’)

Sts’ and T’s activities Contents

T: Asks Ss to read the tips quickly and locate the words/ phrases in the text


Read the 3Rs poster about tips to become “green” Ss: Do this exercise individually and then compare

their answers with a classmate

T: Asks for Ss’ answers Confirms the correct answers

1 Find the words or phrases in the text and underline them.


- Guides Ss to read exactly the words Notice Ss’ pronunciation

- Asks Ss to give some examples with words/ phrases

recycling bin swap

reusable T: Asks Ss to this task in groups of table

Ss: work in groups of table T: Asks ss to exchange the keys Ss: Exchange the keys to correct T: Checks the keys and remarks

2 Match the words with their meanings

creative give something to a person and receive something from him/her charity can be used again

swap containers for things that can be recycle

reusable giving things to people in need

recycling bin unique and interesting Ss: Read the tips again to answer the questions

They can underline parts of the text that helped them with the answers

T: Sets a strict time limit to ensure Ss read quickly for information

Ss: Compare their answers before giving the answers to T

T: Calls on some Ss to answer the questions Asks Ss to give evidence when giving the answers

3 Answer the questions. *Key:

1 Recycling bin

2 Give them to charity or swap them with your friends or cousins

3 Refillable ones

4 Turn the tap off when brushing your teeth or washing the dishes

5 Reusable water bottles T: Asks Ss work in groups to discuss if they can

follow the tips in the reading part and give out the reasons for their answers

Ss: Discuss and put the tips in order to the most difficult They also think of ways to explain the reasons for their order

T: Asks a member from several of the groups to write their groups list on the board

Ss: Give comments on the tips


4 Work in group

Do you think you can follow the tips for “going green”?

Discuss with your group and put the tips in order from the easiest to most difficult

Ss: Work in groups and find creative ways to reuse the items indicated in the book This activity can be organized as a competitive game

T: Gives the groups minutes to list out the way to reuse the items creatively When the time is up, each group will present their answers The group having most creative ways wins

5 Think of any creative ways to reuse items before throwing them away Can you think of any creative ways to reuse.

a old envelopes? b used water bottles? c used textbooks? 3 Consolidation 4’

T: Summarizes the main contents of the lesson

+ The lexical items related to the topic “our green world” + Information tips to become a green person

+ Talk about how to become “greener” 4 Using knowledge (option)

5 Further practice (option) IV Experience:

……… ……… ………

Period: 90


I Objectives

1 Knowledge, Skills, Attitude:

a Knowledge: By the end of this lesson, students can listen to get specific information about ways to make the school a “green’ place

- Vocabulary: the lexical items related to the topic “Our greener world”. - Grammar: Conditional sentences – type 1

b Skills: listening, speaking, reading and writing.

c Attitude: - Educate Ss to have their responsibilities for protecting the environment. 2 Capacity is formed and developed for students

- Self – learning capability - Communicative competence II Preparation

1 Teacher: text book, extra board, cassette tape and real objects. 2 Students: textbook, notebook, workbook.

III Students’ activities Warm up (5’)

Sts’ and T’s activities Contents

T: Introduces “The 3Rs Club is looking for a new president Look at the advertisement and elicit the necessary qualities of the club president.”

T: Has Ss read the advertisement and answer the question: “What will you if you become the club president?”



2 Knowledge formation activities (36’)

Sts’ and T’s activities Contents

Ss: Read the rubric of the first activity

Ss: Guess the word/ number to fill in each blank and write their guesses on the board

T: Plays the recording and asks Ss to listen to check their guesses

Ss: Work in pairs to compare their answers T: Plays the recording the second time for pairs to check their answers

T: Asks for Ss’ answers and write them on the board next to their guesses


1 The 3Rs Club is looking for a new president Listen to two students talking about what they will do if they become the president of the club Put the words or a number in each blank to complete the table.


1 6A recycling saving lights book 6E bus gardening uniform T: Lets Ss read the statements in exercise and

write T/F at the end of each statement without listening to the recording If they have any difficulty doing this, plays the recording again - Has students compare their answers in pairs before giving T the answers Write Ss’ answers on the board

- Plays the recording one last time to confirm the answers for both ex1,2

2 Write T( True) or (False).



T: Introduces: “In this part, you have to write a paragraph about a classmate’s ideas if he/ she becomes the president of the club”

- Asks Ss to read the Study Skills box Explains the use of connector to show sequence by referring to the listening


* Study Skill- Writing

Connectors are phrases or words used to link one idea to another There are many kinds of

connectors Firstly, secondly, next, then, finally, etc… are used to show a sequence.

Ss: Work in pairs and interview each other to find out the three things they will if they become the club president


T: Asks Ss to take notes about each other’s ideas by explaining the idea or giving examples

T: Has Ss present their friend’s ideas or write the ideas on the board

Name: Idea 1: Idea 2: Idea 3: Ss: Write their paragraph individually based on the

suggestions on the book

T: Asks one student to write the paragraph on the board Other Ss and T comment on the paragraph on the board Then collects some writings to correct at home

T: Alternatively, asks Ss to work in groups and choose the three best ideas to write about Gives each group a large piece of paper to write their paragraph

- Asks one or two groups to stick their product on the board Other Ss and T gives comments

Ss: Copy their group’s paragraph into their notebooks and revise as homework

4 Write about your classmate’s ideas in

3 Do you think your classmate will be a good club president.

1 His / her name and class Idea 1+ explaination/ examples Idea 2+ explaination/ examples Idea 3+ explaination/ examples Will he/ she be a good club president?

3 Consolidation 4’

T: Summarizes the main contents of the lesson

+ Some information to make the school a “green” place

+ How to write a paragraph about ways to make the school a “green” place 4 Using knowledge (option)

5 Further practice (option) IV Experience:

……… ……… ………


Ngày đăng: 08/03/2021, 13:45

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