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Unit 16: The weather and seasons

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Get Ss to look at the picture and tell them the purpose of listening : You are going to listen and complete the correct words in each place.. Ask Ss to look at the pictures and guess [r]


I.OBJECTIVES : By the end of the lesson:

Pupils will be able to ask and answer questions about the weather II LANGUAGE FOCUS

* Sentence patterns:

A: What will the weather be like tomorrow? B: It’ll be + adj(weather).

*Vocabulary: focast, foggy, cool, snowy, stormy, humid III Teaching aids:

1.Teacher: fresh cards, CD player,… 2.Pupils: Mini-boards, Student’s book,… IV Procedures :

T’s activities P’s activities

*Warm up: Chatting

- talk about your dream house

- review some words about the seasons *New lesson:

* New words: (write on the boards and give the meaning of new words).

+ focast: dự báo + foggy: sương mù + cool: mát mẻ + snowy: có tuyết + stormy: có bão + humid: ẩm, ẩm ướt

- gets Ps to repeat in chorus, individually 1 Look, listen and repeat

- Have Sts to look at the picture on page 47 in part 1, observe the pictures, read the title and the texts Elicit their answers to identify the character and get their comments on the picture Read each line in the pictures, stopping at times to check Ps’ comprehensionusing English or Vietnamese

- Tell Ps that they are going to listen and repeat (Two times)

- Ask pls to work in groups to take turns to say the lines from the dialogue

- Ask pls to give the model sentences:

1, A: What will the weather be like tomorrow?

B: It’ll be cold and stormy

2, A: What will the weather be like tomorrow?

B: It’ll be cloudy and windy =>form:

T- A good P/ some pairs

Whole class Copy

Do in chorus, Group work, indvidually

Whole class

Whole class Groups work

Whole class/ T- w.c Pair work


A: What will the weather be like tomorrow? B: It’ll be + adj(weather).

- Ask pls to give other examples to get the form, meaning, intonation,…

2 Point, ask and answer.

- Ask pls to look at the pictures a, b, c and d on page47 and identify the house in the pictures

- Ask pls to practise in chorus - Tell pls to practise in pairs

- Call some pairs to demonstrate the task in front of the class

- Check Ps pronunciation and offer them when necessary

* Homelink: Do Ex in the wb in a part of unit 16

Do in chorus Pairs work Listen and Whole class

Whole class/ T- w.c Pair work

Pair work


I.OBJECTIVES : By the end of the lesson:

Pupils will be able to ask and answer questions about a dream house II LANGUAGE FOCUS

* Sentence patterns: Review

A: What will the weather be like tomorrow? B: It’ll be + adj(weather).

*Vocabulary: Review: nice view, modern facilities, comfortable, cottage, countryside, dream

III Teaching aids:

1.Teacher: fresh cards, CD player,… 2.Pupils: Mini-boards, Student’s book,… IV Procedures :

T’s activities P’s activities

*Warm up: Chatting

A: What will the weather be like tomorrow? B: It’ll be + adj(weather).

*New lesson:

3 Listen and complete.

Get Ss to look at the picture and tell them the purpose of listening : You are going to listen and complete the correct words in each place.

Ask Ss to look at the pictures and guess what they corect

Run through all the pictures and talk about each picture Do the first example with Ss

Play the recording 1st time for Ss to listen all the way


Play the recording 2nd time, pause after each part for Ss

to have sufficient time to select and tick the picture Play it again for Ss to check their answer

Ss trade their answers within pairs or groups for correction

Ask Ss to report the answers aloud to the class The others listen and give comments

Give feedback:

Today Tomorrow

The north: windy Cold

Central: cool Foggy

The south: rainy cool

T- A good P/ some pairs

Whole class/T – a Pupil Whole class


Make some questions to check Ss’ comprehension 4 Talk

- Get Ps to obsever the pictures of the weather in this sectiion and get their comments Tell the that they are going to ask and answer questions about the weather in each place, using the guiding questions

(?) 1, A: What’s the weather like in ……? B: t’s + adj(thời tiết).

2,A: What will the weather be like tomorrow? B: It’ll be + adj(weather).

- Do model with a good P - Ask pls to work in pairs

- Select some pairs to role play in front of the class Praise the pair If Ps well

* Homelink: Do Ex in the wb in a part of unit 16

Whole class Whole class

T- a good P Pairs work


I OBJECTIVES: By the end of the lesson, pls will be able to:

- Pronouce correctly the sounds of the letters or as in stormy and those of the letters ol as in cold.

- listen and number the picture II LANGUAGE FOCUS

* Sentence patterns:

* Vocabulary: storm: bão Phonics: or, ol

III Teaching aids:

1.Teacher: fresh cards, CD player,… 2.Pupils: Mini-boards, Student’s book,… IVProcedures :

T's activities P's activities

* Warm up:

A: What will the weather be like tomorrow? B: It’ll be + adj(weather).

- T give the situations * New lesson:

Listen and repeat

Ask pls to open their books on page 49 and get pls to repeat the words a few times

- Help pls practising the phonics 2.

Listen and read together

- Have Sts to look at the picture on page 49 in part and ask them some questions to identify the characters in the picture:

What are they talking?

- Ask pls to listen and repeat each line in the dialogue - Call some pairs to roleplay the dialogue and call the words which have or and ol pronounces

- Ask pls to change the pairs 3 Group and say it aloud.

- Ask Ss to look at the chart and the word box

- Check if they understand the activity and the meaning of the focused words

- Say each word and get Ss to repeat a few times - Set the time and let Ss the task

- Ss check their answer in pairs

- Call some Ss to report their answers to the class

Whole class Ps talk Whole class/ Individually

Whole class

Whole class


- Have the whole class read in chorus all the words in each column

storrmy: popcorn, storm, worn, story cold: old, sold, told, fold.


I OBJECTIVES: By the end of the lesson, pls will be able to: - listen and number the picture

- play a game


* Sentence patterns: A: What will your dream house be like? B: It’ll be………It’s got ………

* Vocabulary: Phonics: ge, ble III Teaching aids:

1.Teacher: fresh cards, CD player, pictures cards include: a house near the seaside; a house in the mountain; a house in the countryside; a house in the city

2.Pupils: Mini-boards, Student’s book,… IVProcedures :

T's activities P's activities

* Warm up:

A: What will your dream house be like? B: It’ll be………It’s got ……… - T give the situations

* New lesson:

4.Listen and number.

- Ask pls to look at the pictures a, b, c, d on page 37 and get them to obsever the pictures

- Ask Ps to guess the orders of the pictures - Let Ps share their predictions

- Ask pls to listen to the tape and check their predictions(2 times)

- Get feedback

- Ask pls to listen and repeat all the sentences in the tape - Check pls’ pronunciation and offer them when necessary * Answer key : 1- d; 2- a; 3- e; 4- b; 5- c

Fun time: Find someone Who has … How to play game:

- Ps play game in groups of eight Each group is then divided into two groups of for Each P in the sub-groups has either a picture card or a word card

- Ps move to ask and answer questions to match the word cards with the picture cards

*Eg: What will your dream house be like? Where will it be?

Whole class Ps talk

Whole class Individually Pair work Whole class T- Ps

w class


- The first group that has all their word cards and picture cards matched is the winner The class says:

“ Congratulations!” to the group


I.OBJECTIVES: By the end of the lesson, pls will be able to: - ask and answer questions about the seasons

- read an informative text on the weather and seasons in different parts of Viet Nam - write about the weather and the seasons in their localities


* Sentence patterns: A: What’s + N(mùa) + like in your country? B: It’s often + adj(thời tiết) There is/ are …… * Vocabulary: Review the words in lesson 1+

III Teaching aids:

1.Teacher: poster, flashcards

2.Pupils: Mini-boards, Student’s book,… IV Procedures:

T's activities P's activities

* Warm up:

- Ps display their words cards and use these cards to play a game of matching

*New lesson::

1 Look, listen and repeat:

- Have Sts to look at the picture on page 51 in part and observe the pictures and set the context

- Tell Ps that they are going to listen and repeat (Two times) - Ask pls to work in groups to take turns to say the lines from the dialogue

- Ask Ps to give the model sentences:

- Ask Ps to give other examples to get the form, meaning, intonation,…

1, A: What’s summer like in your country, Akio? B: It’s often cool There are a lot of flowers 2, A: What’s winter like in your country?

B: It’s often cold There is much wind and cloud

=> form: A: What’s + N(mùa) + like in your country? B: It’s often + adj(thời tiết) There is/ are …… 2 point, ask and answer.

- Ask pls to look at the pictures a, b, c and d on page 51 and identify the activities in the pictures

- Do model with a good student - Tell pls to practise in pairs

- Call some pairs to demonstrate the task in front of the class - Check pls’ pronunciation and offer them when necessary 3 Read the passage and the task.

- Ask Ss to look at the picture on P52

- Set the context: you’re going to a passage and the task that

Whole class

Whole class Group work Whole class



- Read the passage, check Ss’ comprehension

- Tell them that they should scan the information in the passage to the task

- Check if Ss understand the task Do the first for example - Give Ss sufficient time to the task and move around to

monitor the activity

- Have Ss to check their answers in pairs before call some Ss to report the answer to the class

* Key:

a, Complete the table:

City Seasons Weather Month

Ha noi, Hai Phong, Quang Ninh

Four Cool, dry November to Apirl

Da Nang, Hue Two Hot, cooler,


November to Apirl, May to November Ho Chi Minh city Two Hot, dry,


November to Apirl, May to November b, Answer the questions:

1 They are spring, summer, autumn and winter They are the dry season and the rainy season c Tell your partner what you think

I live in the North of Viet Nam There are four seasons in my country They are spring, summer, autumn and winter It’s hot in the summer In the Autumn, it’s warm……


In this lesson, Ps have learnt to ask and answer questions about the season, using

A: What’s + N(mùa) + like in your country? B: It’s often + adj(thời tiết) There is/ are …… *Homelink.

- Do Ex in their notebook

Pairs work

Whole class



I.OBJECTIVES: By the end of the lesson, pls will be able to: - write about the weather and seasons in their localities

- learn to sing a song II LANGUAGE FOCUS: * Sentence patterns: Review * Vocabulary: Review

III Teaching aids:

1.Teacher: poster, flashcards

2.Pupils: Mini-boards, Student’s book,… IV Procedures:

T's activities P's activities

* Warm up:

- Ps display their words cards and use these cards to play a game of matching

*New lesson: 4 Write:

- Ask Sts to open the book on page 53 and read the guiding questions Say the writing purpose: you are going to write about the weather and seasons in your locality You should read the guide and complete the information which is not correct

- Set time for Sts to work independently Remind them to write a draft before copying onto a clean sheet of paper for the class display later

- Mornitor the activity and offer help when necessary - Call on Sts to read their work to the class

- the rest of the Ps listen and give their comments * Key:

My name is Huong I live in the North of Viet Nam There are four seasons in my country It is often hot in summer and It’s cold in winter I like summer I often go swimming

5 Fun time

The Weather Song

- Ask Ps to look at the page 40 Stick the large- size sheet of paper with the song on the board Tell Ps to obsever the picture and read the song lyrics Ask them to guess what the song is about Then say: You are going to sing a song about to drive a car

- Read each line of lyrics and check Ps’ comprehension Teach the question With what shall I drive it?

Whole class

Whole class/ T-w.c


W class


- Play the recorrding twice for Ps to listen all the way through - Play the recording again for w.class to sing along

- Divide the class into groups Each group sings a line without music

- Call a group to sing the song in front of the class The class claps to the beat


- Do Exercises in their workbook

T – whole class Group work

Ngày đăng: 08/03/2021, 13:23

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