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PHOTOCOPIABLE © www.english-test.net Test 284 TOEIC Vocabulary / Word by Meaning / Test # 284 Q1 n. time free from work other demands and duties; free time; rest; recreation (a) recipient (b) leisure (c) accomplishment (d) imaging Q2 n. chance; probability of advancement or success; hope; promise (a) career (b) motivation (c) gauge (d) prospect Q3 n. banknote; invoice; proposed law (a) bill (b) plain (c) adjustable rate (d) present Q4 n. opening; record; information or item in a book, dictionary, catalog, list, directory, etc. (a) entry (b) scope (c) abuse (d) saw Q5 n. person who ask questions (i.e. reporter or employer) (a) shipyard (b) empathy (c) interviewer (d) passage Q6 v. to interest; to amuse; to host (a) augment (b) direct (c) entertain (d) inhabit Q7 v. to express a preconceived opinion; to express one's biases (a) acquaint (b) discuss (c) testify (d) prejudice Q8 n. therapy; care; relation; attitude; behavior (a) procurement (b) helicopter (c) pair (d) treatment Q9 n. baby; very young child; toddler; tot; minor (a) impact (b) infant (c) head (d) equal Q10 n. trees that have been sawed into rough planks; useless items that been put in storage (a) extent (b) lumber (c) few (d) ambition 302 Answers Index PHOTOCOPIABLE © www.english-test.net Test 285 TOEIC Vocabulary / Word by Meaning / Test # 285 Q1 n. punishment; fine; punishment in the form of a financial payment (a) manufacture (b) penalty (c) signification (d) fulfillment Q2 n. adaption; settlement of an insurance claim (a) error (b) drill (c) compensation (d) adjustment Q3 n. obligation; promise (a) lasting (b) hesitation (c) commitment (d) courier Q4 n. place used by planes for takeoff and landing (a) inventory (b) event (c) airport (d) cost Q5 n. production; creating; group of people born around the same time (a) journey (b) quiet (c) market (d) generation Q6 n. spatial dimension; measurement; extent; degree (a) size (b) veracity (c) ignorance (d) gathering Q7 n. help; assistance; accessory (a) skill (b) thought (c) aid (d) rear Q8 n. region; domain; field; category (a) bottom (b) slash (c) score (d) area Q9 n. stupid person substance unmixed with other substances; commoner (a) simple (b) consultant (c) initiative (d) negotiator Q10 n. notice; warning; caveat; carefulness; premonition (a) central (b) present (c) passport (d) caution 303 Answers Index PHOTOCOPIABLE © www.english-test.net Test 286 TOEIC Vocabulary / Word by Meaning / Test # 286 Q1 n. boundary; edge; limit (a) border (b) possibility (c) driver (d) gift Q2 v. to respect deeply; to honor greatly (a) revere (b) haze (c) weigh (d) admonish Q3 n. mutual connection (between two or more things); similarity; parallel (a) correlation (b) duplicate (c) amortization (d) framework Q4 v. to come to an end; to finish; to terminate (a) reprove (b) expire (c) collaborate (d) address Q5 v. to explain; to clarify; to elucidate; to understand or explain in a particular way (a) sway (b) believe (c) regard (d) interpret Q6 v. to illustrate; to explain; to characterize; to elucidate (a) format (b) describe (c) party (d) chop Q7 n. license to market a company's goods or services; business which has been granted a license (a) vending machine (b) savvy (c) imagining (d) franchise Q8 adj. typical; distinctive (a) characteristic (b) candid (c) responsible (d) back Q9 n. shop; place where merchandise is sold; supply of goods or materials set aside for future use (a) offender (b) store (c) cause (d) viewpoint Q10 adv. annually (a) yearly (b) previously (c) ultimately (d) minutely 304 Answers Index PHOTOCOPIABLE © www.english-test.net Test 287 TOEIC Vocabulary / Word by Meaning / Test # 287 Q1 n. proficiency; skill; specialist knowledge and information (a) productivity (b) draw (c) deal (d) expertise Q2 n. innovation; something new; discovery (a) guarantee (b) ignorance (c) business (d) novelty Q3 n. passage; walkway (between rows of seats or shelves) (a) establishment (b) table (c) triangle (d) aisle Q4 n. act of giving in to desire; something which gratifies; luxury; leniency (a) broadcast (b) charge (c) intelligence (d) indulgence Q5 n. exterior or upper boundary of a thing; external part or layer; outward appearance (a) request (b) surface (c) calculator (d) dress code Q6 n. a list of accounts receivable (a) aging schedule (b) load (c) briefing (d) cycle Q7 n. long thin mark; row; border; domain; tactic (a) alliance (b) subscription (c) line (d) operator Q8 n. obligation; need; requirement (a) kit (b) necessity (c) receptionist (d) potency Q9 n. consequence; outcome; result; indirect suggestion; connotation; hint (a) craft (b) synthesis (c) implication (d) insert Q10 n. amount collected at one time; income; proceeds; profits (Informal) (a) part (b) proposal (c) product (d) take 305 Answers Index PHOTOCOPIABLE © www.english-test.net Test 288 TOEIC Vocabulary / Word by Meaning / Test # 288 Q1 adj. external; of the outdoors; from the outdoors; maximal (a) quarterly (b) outside (c) original (d) few Q2 n. affinity; compassion; pity; concern; empathy (a) scale (b) sympathy (c) gather (d) quotation Q3 v. to create a formal agreement; to bind legally; to obtain (a) wrong (b) contract (c) founder (d) exert Q4 n. height of something; altitude above sea or ground level; raising; lifting up; grandeur (a) stable (b) attitude (c) elevation (d) advantage Q5 n. tool; gadget; device; apparatus (a) science (b) appliance (c) plaid (d) must Q6 v. to happen upon; to find by chance; to discover; to see (a) come across (b) labor (c) afford (d) define Q7 n. midpoint; middle; equally far from two extremes; average (a) belief (b) requirement (c) mean (d) editor Q8 n. hoe; tool used to spread soil; choice; selection (a) top (b) pick up (c) dealer (d) mayor Q9 v. to make resistant; to make impervious; to edit (a) dissipate (b) proof (c) approve (d) grain Q10 n. insurance; shelter; casing; front; lid (a) move (b) cover (c) profusion (d) topic 306 Answers Index PHOTOCOPIABLE © www.english-test.net Test 289 TOEIC Vocabulary / Word by Meaning / Test # 289 Q1 n. person whose job it is to supervise and examine; police officer ranking below a superintendent (a) upholstery (b) inspector (c) paragraph (d) counter Q2 n. act of pretending; counterfeit; imitation of the operation or features of one system using an other system (a) executive (b) simulation (c) combination (d) clipping Q3 n. distribution; liberation; transference (a) bound (b) delivery (c) regard (d) bullion Q4 n. end; deduction; cognition; final decision (a) readership (b) conclusion (c) colleague (d) vacation Q5 n. chase; quest; search; occupation; pastime (a) pursuit (b) supplier (c) mortgage (d) enough Q6 n. preparedness; willingness; promptness; quickness (a) coordinate (b) move (c) audit (d) readiness Q7 n. concept; thought; opinion; intention; plan (a) facilitator (b) idea (c) plaid (d) puzzle Q8 n. automobile; elevator; vehicle; ride (a) car (b) expenditure (c) back (d) pipe Q9 n. software program; written request; formal letter; implementation (a) account (b) hit (c) cuisine (d) application Q10 n. cost; price; payment (a) expense (b) compliment (c) pioneer (d) issue 307 Answers Index PHOTOCOPIABLE © www.english-test.net Test 290 TOEIC Vocabulary / Word by Meaning / Test # 290 Q1 n. partner; fellow worker; co-worker; friend (a) barrier (b) bother (c) associate (d) cushion Q2 adj. correct; suitable; just; complete (a) square (b) proper (c) hazardous (d) hidden Q3 n. task; duty; responsibility; role; obligation (a) assignment (b) affiliate (c) cheque (d) conveyance Q4 v. to increase; to strengthen; to heighten (a) intensify (b) get on with (c) button (d) bother Q5 v. to anticipate gladly (a) look forward to (b) exhibit (c) reference (d) adorn Q6 n. place where one can borrow books (a) display (b) library (c) education (d) plug Q7 adj. well-known; excellent; wonderful (a) collateral (b) famous (c) inbound (d) return Q8 v. to jump; to leap (a) operate (b) dismiss (c) bound (d) lumber Q9 v. to establish; to found; to set up; to place on (a) base (b) veil (c) clerk (d) prejudice Q10 n. something that continues for many years (a) inconvenience (b) region (c) perennial (d) foundation 308 Answers Index

Ngày đăng: 07/11/2013, 09:20