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Chuyên đề ngữ pháp + Bài tập Tiếng anh THCS + THPT

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Nội dung

THAT thæåìng âæåüc duìng sau danh tæì coï tênh tæì so saïnh nháút (the best, the most,..) vaì caïc âaûi tæì khäng xaïc âënh ( everybody, everyone, everything, somebody, someone, someth[r]



( Các tiếng Anh)


Tenses Form Trạng từ

thường gặp

Cach dng & vê dủ

1.The S present (Thì Hiện tại đơn)

S + bare-V/V-s/V-es S+do/does+ NOT+ bare-V

Do/Does+ S+ bare-V ?

- always, ofen, usually,freque ntyly

sometimes=o ccasionally, rarely=seldom , once or tiwce a week, never

*1 thói quen

- ex: He usually (go) goes t o school in the morning

* thật hiển nhiên hay chân lý- - ex: The sun (rise) rises in the East

2 The Present Continuous (Thì HT tiếp diễn)

S+ am/is/ are+ V-ing S + am/is/are+ NOT+ V-ing

Am/is/are+ S+ V-ing?

at the

moment, at the time,Verb! (look!, listen!, be quiet)

at present = now

* việc tiếp diễn - It (rain) is raining now

- Lan (eat) is eating at preent - Listen! She (sing) is singing

3 The Present Perfect (Thỗ HT hoaỡn thaỡnh)

S + have/has + V3/Ved

S + have/has +NOT+ V3/V-ed

Have/Has + S + V3/V-ed?

for + khoaíng tgian

since + điểm tgian

never, ever, just = recently = lately, so far = up to now = up to the

present= until now,already,

* việc xảy QK khơng có thời gian xác định rõ

ex: She (vêsit) has visited Ha Long Bay several times

* việc xảy QK tiếp diễn tại, dùng “for” “since”

- We (learn) have learnt English for years - My mother (be) has been sick sinse yesterday


yet,this is the first time , several times

- Lan (just buy) has just bought a new shirt 4 The

Present perfect continuous (Thì tại hồn thành tiếp diễn)

S + have/has + been + V-ing

S+have/has+NOT+be en+V-ing

Have/Has + S + been + V-ing?

for + khoaíng tgian

since + điểm tgian

so far = up to now = up to the present= until now

* Giống hồn thành nhấn mạnh việc bắt đầu QK kéo dài đến tiếp tục tương lai - She (wait) has been waiting to see you since o’ clock

- He (work) has been working in this factory for years

5 The

Simple Past (Thì Quá Khứ đơn)

S + V2/V-ed

S + did + NOT + bare-V

Did +S + bare- V?

- Yessterday, last (last week /month/

year ), ago, in + year(in 2000 )

* việc xảy chấm dứt QK có thời gian xác định rõ

- She (meet) met him yesterday.

- Mr Pike (stay) stayed here last night

* thói quen QK chấm dứt (= used to + bare -V)

ex: He (go) went/ used to go fishing with his father when he a children

6 The Past Continuous (Thì Quá Khứ Tiếp Diễn)

S + was/ were + V-ing S + was/ were + NOT + V-ing

Was/ were + S + V-ing?

At the time, at the moment, at present, at P.m/ at o’clock + Thời gian Quá Khứ

* việc xảy thời điểm cụ thể với thời gian xác định rõ QK

- At this time last night, she (study) was studying lessons at home.

* việc xảy lúc kéo dài thời điểm QKhứ

- My mother (cook) was cooking while my father (watch) was watching TV.

* việc xảy teong QK, SV dang tiếp diễn (dùng QK tiếp diễn) Sv khác đột ngột xảy (QK đơn)


7 The Past Perfect : (Thỗ QKHoaỡn Thaỡnh)

S + had + V3/ V-ed S + had + NOT + V3/ V-ed

Had + S + V3/ V-ed?

Các từ

thỉång dng: before, after, by,

*Diễn tả hành động hoàn tất trước tgzin hành đọng khác QK

- Before 1975, he (work) had worked in that factory

- When I (come) come, he (leave) had left - After he (graduate) had graduated, he (go) went abroad.

8 The Past Perfect : (Thì QKHồn Thành tiếp diễn)

S + had + been + V-ing

S + had + NOT + been + V-ing

Had + S + been + V-ing?

Các từ

thæång duìng: before, after, by,

* Diễn tả hành đọng xảy kéo dài khứ cho đén có hành độnh khứ thứ khác xảy ( hành động

dùng khứ đơn) thời gian kéo dài thường nêu rõ câu

- They (play) had been playing card for hours before I came

9 The Simple future (Thỗ Tổồng Lai õồn)

S + will/ shall + bare-V S + will/shall + NOT + bare-V

Will/Shall + S + bare-V?

Tomorrow, next (next week/ month/ year ),


*diễn tả hành động xảy tương lai

- Tomorrow he (visit ) will viisit me - She (stay) will stay at next Monday *** Một số trường hợp lưu ý:

1 Một số động từ khơng dựoc dùng tiếp diễn như: be, see, hear, feel, taste, know, understand, like, hate, want, need, love, prefer, remember, forget, realize, believe, seem,




Choose a, b, c or d that best completes each sentence: I will see him when he here tomorrow

a comes b will come c has come d had come The boys broke a window when they football

a played b were playing c haf played d are playing What to you yesterday?

a happened b did happen c had happen d was happening

It was the most exciting film I

a never saw b ever saw c had ever seen d have ever seen

He said that he his work since o’clock

a Did b has done c had done d would

I about him when suddenly he came in

a. talk b talked c am talking d was talking Please don’t touch anything before

a the police will come b the police comes

c the police come d the police would come “When ?” - In 1928

a. penicillin was discovered b was penicillin discovered b. did penicillin discovered d did penicillin discover

They have been in love with each other they were young

a. while b until c for d since

Do you know what there yesterday? a she is doing b was doing c did she d she did At present, that author a historical novel

a is writing b was writing c has written d had written By next month, I my first novel

a will finish b am going to finish b finish d will have finished I the money from him yet

a haven’t received b don’t receive c will receive d am receiving Don’t make noise My mother with her friend

a is talking b was talking c talks d talked the teacher gave me a passing grade

a After taking the test b After I take the test

b After I took the test d After I had taken the test No sooner the office than the phone rang

a was he leaving b he was leaving c he had left d had he left

17 How many times there so far? A few times

a have you been b would you be c were you d

had you been

18 It’s at least a month since Tom


19 Up to then, I such a big fire

a have never seen b had never seen c never seen d never see

20 I her since I a student

a know/ am b knew/ was c have known/ am d have known/ was

21 They for hours when the storm suddenly broke

a had been running b have been running c are running d will be running

22 I assumed you paying for the repairs until the end of last year a have been b was been c are being d had been 23 .get tired of answering the same questions every day?

a Have you ever b Had you ever c Do you ever d Are you ever

24 She working on that manuscript for year now a will be b has been c had been d.is 25 I there once a long time ago and back since

a went/have not been b go/am not c have gone/was d was going/had not been

26 She trying to pass her driving test but fails every time a kept b is keeping c.did want d keeps 27 I complete silence now while I try this experiment

a am wanting b want c had wanted d have wanted

28.The students by Mrs.Monty However, this week they by Mr.Tanzer

a are usually taught/are being taught b usually teach/are teaching

c have usually been taught/have been teaching d were usually teaching /are teaching

29 No matter what happens next I help you

a am b have c will d.would 30 In the last hundred years, traveling much easier and more comfortable

a becomes b has become c became d will become

31 In the 19th century, it two or three months to cross North America by covered wagon

a took b had taken c had taken d.was taking

32 In the past the trip very rough and often dangeruos, but things a great deal in the last hundred and fifty years

a was/have changed b is/change c had been/will change d.hasbeen/changed


a was calling/watched b called/have watched c called/was watching d had called/watched 35.By this time next summer, you your studies

a.completes b.will complete c.are completing d will have completed

36 Right now, Jim the newspaper and kathy dinner a reads/has cooked b is reading/is cooking

c.has read/was cooking d read/will be cooking

37 Last night at this time, they the same thing She and he the newspaper

a are doing/is cooking/is reading b were doing/was cooking/was reading

c was doing/has cooked/is reading d had done/was cooking/read 38 When I home last night, I that Jane a beautiful candle light dinner

a had arrived/discovered/preparing

b was arriving/has discovered/was preparing c have arrived/was discovering/had prepared d arrived/discovered/was preparing

39.The sun late in winter

a is rising always b rises always c is always rising d always rises

40 While I Tv last night, a mouse ran across the floor

a watch b watched c was watching d am watching

41.This is the most intersting novel

a I’ve read b I had read c I’ve never read d I’ve ever read

42 When it began to rain, they in the yard

a played b had played c.were playing d have played

43.I haven’t seen you

a since a long time b for ages c ages d for long existence 44 It every day so far this week

a rained b has rained c rains d is raining 45 I any letter from him yet

a haven’t received b will receive c don’t receive d didn’t receive

46 We to Dalat several times It’s a foggy city

a were b have been c were being d had been 47 Be careful! The bus near

a will come b will be coming c is coming d has come

48.I haven’t met him since he school


a has worked b have worked c worked d was working

50 It me 15 minutes to go to school every morning

a takes b has taken c is takening d took

51 When I woke up this morning, it

a rained b was raining c has rained d is raining

52 He London years ago and I him since then a left/ hadn’t seen b left/ haven’t seen

c was living/ haven’t seen d left/ didn’t seen 53 By the time Tom got back,Peter

a have gone b went c will go d had gone



I Công thức chung : BE + PAST PARTICIPLE II Công thức thì:


1 The simple

present S + bare - V/ V-s/es S + am/is /are + PP The pre

Continuous S + am/ is/ are + v-ing S+ am/is / are/ + being + PP The present

perfect S + have/ has + PP S + have/ has + been + PP The simple past S + V2/ V-ed S + was/ were + PP The past

continuous S + was/ were + V- ing S + was/ were + be+ V -ing The past perfect S + have/ has + PP S + have/has + been +



8 The near future S+ am/ is/ are going to+

bareV S+am/is/are going to+be+PP The Modal verbs S + can/could/may +

bare-V S + can/could/may + be + PP III Quy tắc đổi từ câu chủ động sang câu bị động:

1 Xạc âënh S, V, O ca cáu ch âäüng

2 Hốn đổi SvàO(S chủ động làm O bị đông, O chủ động làm S bị động)

3 Chuyển V từ dạng chủ động sang dạng bị động Thêm giới từ “by” trước O câu bị động

IV Cấu trúc : Chủ động : S V O Bị động : S V ( BY + O) ( BE + PP)

V Examples:

1 My mother has made that cake S V O

That cake has been made by my mother Nam is asking me a lot of questions S V O

I am being asked a lot of questions by Nam VI Các trường hợp cần lưu ý:

1 S câu chủ động đại từ nhân xưng( he, she, you, they, we ) và cá từ như: someone, somebody, anyone, anybody, everyone,

everybody, lược bỏ O câu bị động. Ex: Someone has sent me the flowers

I have been sent the flowers

She must all homework before going to bed All homework must be done before going to bed

2 Trạng ngữ nơi chốn đặt trước “by + O bị động”. Ex: The police found him in the foresst

He was found in the forest by the police

3 Trạng ngữ thời gian đặt sau “by + O bị động”. Ex: Mr Brown bought the house last week

The house was bought by Mr Brown last week 4 Trạng ngữ thể cách đứng “BE + PP”. Ex: The boss has treated them badly

They have been badly treated by the boss

5 Đối với số động từ có tân ngữ tân ngữ có thể dùng làm chủ ngữ câu bị động; nhiên tân ngữ người thường sử dụng nhiều hơn.

Ex: He sent me a postcard I was sent a postcard

A postcard was sent to me

V Một số dạng câu biû động đặc biệt:


* chuí âäüng : S + have + O.1(person) + bare -V + O.2 ( thing) * bë âäüng : S + have + O.2 (thing) + past participle

Ex: I had him repair the roof yesterday I had the roof repaired yesterday b Get

* chuí âäüng : S + get + O.1(person) + to- inf + O.2 ( thing) * bë âäüng : S + get + O.2 (thing) + past participle

Ex: I will get her to cut my hair I will get my hair cut

2 Verbs of Opinion: Say, think, believe, know, report, declare Cọ dảng bë âäüng:

* chủ động: S1 + V of pinion + (that) + clause (S2+V + O) * bị động : It + be + V of opinion ( PP) + (that) + clause Hoặc: S2 + be + V of opinion (PP) + to-inf

Ex: - They said that John is the brightest student in class It is said that John is the brightest student in class - John is said to be the brightest student in class - They knew that Mary won the competition

It was known that Mary had won the competition Mary was known to have won the competition

3 Verbs of perception ( Động từ giác quan): see, watch, hear,

* chuí âäüng : S + V + O + bare - inf / V-ing * bë âäüng : S + Be + V (PP) + to-inf/ V-ing Ex: - People saw him steal your car

He was seen to steal your car - The teacher is watching them work

They are being watched working by the teacher PHẦN B: BAÌI TẬP

I Choose the best answer:

1.“ Those eggs of different colors are very artistic.” “Yes, they in Russia”

a.were painted b were paint c were painting d painted “David is in prison for smoking drugs” “He that it was against the law.”

is telling b was told c told d tells

3 “The maintenance people didn’t remove the chairs from ballroom” “ Don’t the worry They them before the dance begins”

a will have been moved b will have moved

c were moved d moved

4 Gold in California in the 19th century.

a was discovered b has been discovered c was discover d they discovered

5 that military spending is extremely high

a.We are felt b It feels c It is felt d We feel that it is They time and money doing such a thing


c were advising not to waste d were advising not to be wasted These students so much that they feel very tired and bored a.are made to study b are made study

c.are making to study d are made to be studied I in the lounge for ten minutes

a.was told waiting b was told to wait

c.was telling to be waited d was told to be waited The students to be at school at am

a tell b told c have told d were told 10 Our children to school by bus every morning

a.take b are taken c have taken d are taking 11 Bicycles in the driveway

a must not leave b must not be leaving c must not be left d must not have left

12 Beethoven’s Fifth Symphony next weekend

a is going to be performed b has been performed c.will be performing d will have performed 13Reagan an actor years ago

a is said to be b was said being c was said have been d is said to have been

14 I hate personal questions by nearly acquainted friends

a to be asking b to be asked c being asking d of asking

15 It that learning a foreign language a lot of time

a says/ is take b is saying / has been taken c is said/ takes d was said/ was taken

16.All bottles before transportation

a frozen b were froze c were frozen d are froze 17 yet?

a Have the letters been typed b Have been the letters typed

c Have the letters typed d Had the letters typed 18 English has become a second language in countries like India, Nigeria or Singapore where for administration, broadcasting and education

a is used b it is used c used d being used 19 The telephone by Alexander Graham Bell

a is invented b is inventing c invented d was invented

20 Lots of houses by the earthquake

a are destroying b destroyed c were destroyed d were destroying

21 In the Us the first stage of compulsory education as elementary education


a.often be considered b can be often considered c can often considered d can often be considered 23 The preparations by the time the guests

a.had been finished / arrived b have finished

c had finished / were arriving d had been finished / were arrived

24 students required to wear uniforms at all times?

a Are b Do c Did d Will 25 to you yet?

a.Are the book been giving back b Was the book been given back

c Has been the book given back d Has the book been given back

26 What he has done to me

a.cannot forgive b cannot be forgive c cannot forgive d cannot be forgiving

27 The keys somewhere

a.must have been leaving b must have left c.must be leaving d must have been left 28 Japanese at the meeting

a.will speak b will spoken c will be spoken d will be speaking

29 Although he tried his best, he could not make his voice a hear b to hear c hearing d heard 30 .in that company?

Do shoes make b Are shoes be made c Shoes are made d Are shoes made

31 Portuguese as an official language in this city for age a.has been spoken b has been spoken

c.has spoken d had spoken

32 More than ten victims missing in the storm last week a.are reported to be b are reported to have been c.are reporting to have been d are reporting to be

33 by your father?

a.Did that book write b Did that book written

c.Was that book written d Was that book be writing

34 Something immediately to prevent teenagers from in factories and mines

a.should be done/ being exploited b we should do/ exploiting c should / be exploited d should have done / exploited 35 This car


a.don’t the exercises finish b weren’t the exercises be finished

c aren’t the exercises being finished d aren’t the exercises be finished

37 No longer in our office since it a.have typewriters been used / computerized b.typewriters have been used / was computerized c.have typewriters been used / was computerized d.typewriters have been used / computerized 38 When ?

a.were computers used first b were computers first used c.did computers first use d are computers first using 39 That machine is useless It not been used for a long time

a.is b was c did d has 40 Everything that remained a secret

a.overheard b had been overheard c.had overheard d was overhearing 41 The refreshments by Karen

a.are going to be prepared b are going to prepare c are preparing d are to prepare

42 .by the police

a.The stealing car has just been found b The stolen car has just been found

b.The stealing car has just found d The stolen car has just found

43 It it is parents responsibility to take good care of their children a commonly says that b commonly to be said that

c is commonly said that d is commonly saying 44 John a respectful and obedient student

a said to be b is said c is said being d is said to be

II Choose the best answer:

45 People have discovered a new source of energy A new source of energy has discovered

A new source of energy was discovered

A new source of energy have been discovered A new source of energy has been discovered 46 People say that he was born in London

That is said he was born in London It was said that he was born in London He was said to be born in London

He is said to have been born in London

47 We have no seats left for the concert next Sunday

All the seats for the concert next Sunday have been booked All the seats were sold for the concert next Sunday


No seats left for us for the concert next Sunday 48.People say Chinese food is the best in the world

Chinese food is said to be the best in the world I agree that Chinese food is the best in the world Chinese food is eaten all over the world

No food in the world is eaten as much as Chinese food 49 The storm blew a lot of trees down last night

A lot of trees were blown down last night by the storm A lot of trees were cut down last night

The storm could have blown a lot of trees down

The storm was strong enough to blow down old trees



I Câu điều kiện loại : Diễn tả giả thiết xảy hiện tương lai

1 Form:

TYPE If clause Main clause Examples

1 Simple

present (bare -V/ Vs-es)

Simple future

( will/ shall/ can/ may + bare -V)

If you study hard, you will pass the exam.

2 Læu yï:

a Mệnh đề sử dụng động từ dạng mệnh lệnh Ex: If you see toom, give him this book, please

b Mệnh đề Hiện đơn câu điều kiện diễn tả chân lý, việc có thật


If you are right, I am wrong

II Câu điều kiện loại 2: Diễn tả giả thiết trái với thực tế tại.

TYPE If clause Main clause Examples

2 Past

subjunctive (V2 / V-ed) be were

Present conditional ( would/ shouldl/could/ might + bare -V)

If I had a lot money, I would travel around the world

III Câu điều kiện loại 3: Diễn tả giả thiết trái với thực tế khứ.

TYPE If clause Main clause Examples

3 Past perfect (had + past participle)

Perfect conditional ( would/ shouldl/could/ might + have + past participle)

If the weather had been nice yesterday, I would have gone the beach

IV Các trường hợp cần lưu ý:

1.Có thể lược bỏ IF để trợ động từ trước chủ ngữ Ex: If I were rich = Were I rich

If I had known = Had I known 2 Unless = If not

Ex: These plants will die unless you water them regularly = These plants will be die if you don’t water them regularly

3 Ngoài IF, câu điều kiện bắt đầu từ nối khác như:

- Provided (that); On condition (that); As long as; So long as ( miễn là, với điều kiện là, )

- Suppose, supposing (giả sử)

- In case ( trường hợp, phòng khi, nhỡ mà, ) - Even if ( dù là, cho )

Ex: I’ll accept the job provided the salary is satisfactory In case I forget, please remind me of my promise

Supposing you won a lot of money, what would you do?

Even if we had been invited, we could not have come because we were very busy


I.Find one choice that best completes the sentences:

1 I am flying to the States tonight.I you a ring if I can find a phone

a will give b would give c could give d have given

2 We’ll need more staff we start the new project

a unless b whether c in case d or If I 10 years younger, I the job

a am/ will take b was/ have taken c had been / will have taken d were / would take I had learnt English when I was at high school

a Unless b Even if c If d If only


a unless b if c provided d supposed If she the train last night , she here now

a took / were b were taking / is c had taken / would have been d had taken / would be if a war happened?

a What you would b What would you c What will you d What you will I would send her a fax if I her namber

a know b knew c had known d could know it were well paid , I would accept this proposal

a Providing b Unless c But for d If only

10 more carefully , he would not have had the accident yesterday a If Peter driven b If had Peter driven

c Had Peter driven d Unless Peter had driven 11 If you to my advice , you in trouble now

a listened / were not b listen / are not c had listened / would not have been d had listened / would not be

12 If you take the a.m flight to New York, you change planes a could not have to b will not have to

c had not had to d would not to have to

13 If it warm yesterday , we would have gone to the beach a was b were c had been d could be 14 If it an hour ago , the streets wet now

a were raining / will be b had rained / would be

c rained / would be d had rained / would have be 15 here , he would helped us with there troubles

a Were Peter b If were Peter c Unless were Peter d Unless Peter were

16 that problem with the car , we wouldn’t have missed the speech a If we had had b If had we had

c Unless we had had d Provided that we had had

17 If I were a little taller , I be able to water tha plant on the top shelf

a did b would c had d would have 18 If you hear from Susan today , her to ring me

a tell b to tell c telling d will tell 19 She had to have the operation

a unless she would dies b if she would die c otherwise she will die d or she would die 20 If the traffic bad , I may get home late

a is b were c was d had been 21 If it last night , it so hot today


a had not got b did not get c will not have got d would not have got

23 he gets here soon , we will have to start the meeting without him

a Suppose b Provided c Unless d If 24 as much money as Bill Gates of Microsoft , I would retire

a Did I have b If did I have c Unless I had d If I had had

25 If I it was a formal party, I wouldn’t have gone wearing jeans and a jumper

a knew b had known c had been knowing d could know

26 Tom’s company will almost certainly lire him he improves his attitude

a unless b or c otherwise d if

27 If my client me her fax number , I to post a letter to her

a gave / will not have b will give / not have

c had given / wouldn’t have had d had given / will not have had

28 I had brought my laptop to the meeting yesterday

a If b If only c Even if d As if 29 If I the lottery last week , I rich now

a had won / would be b had won / would have been c won / would be d won / would have been

30 Carrie said she will join the company if the starting salary her expectations

a meets b met c has met d had met

31 If I was you, I that

a would apply for b will ask for c will have change d can take

32 If I a wish, I’d wish for happiness for my family

a have b been having c had d was having 33 If we had had time, we to the party

a can go b will go c would have gone d will have gone

34 We couldn’t understand the teacher if he too fast

a spoke b has spoken c doesn’t speak d didn’t speak 35 If everything is all right, we our work on time

a complete b are completing c have completed d will complete

36 What if the eart suddenly stopped going around the sun a happens b will happen c would happen d happened


a don’t keep b keep c didn’t keep d kept 38 You’ll be able to speak English well if you hard

a study b studied c would study d had studied 39 If I you, I invitation

a am/ will refuse b was/ would refuse c were/ would refuse d had been/ will refuse

40 ., I’d have told you the answer

a If you asked me b Had youy asked me c You had asked me d Unless you asked me

II Choose the correct sentence among A, B, C or D which has the same meaning as the given one.

41 If we had lost the map, we would never have found our way a We will have found our way unless we lost the map b We found our way because we didn’t lose the map c We would have lost our way if we had lost the map d If we lost the map, we didn’t find our way

42 He didn’t hurry so he missed the plane a If he hurried, he wouldn’t miss the train b If he had hurried, he might catch the plane

c If he had hurried, he could have caught the plane d He didn’t miss the plane because he hurried 43 If I were taller, I could reach the shelf

a I am not tall enough to reach the top shelf b I am too tall to reach the top shelf

c I cannot reach the top shelf beacause I am very tall d In spite of being tall, I cannot reach the top shelf

44 I will agree to these conditions provided that they increase my salary a They did not increase my salary so I quit the job

b I will only agree these conditions if they give me more money c They give me more money or I will only agree these conditions d Unless they give me more money, I will only agree these conditions 45 If only I had studied hard enough to pass the final exam

a I regret not studying hard enough to pass the exam b I had studied hard enough and I passed the fi9anl exam c I studied too hard to pass the fianla exam

d I studied hard otherwise I would fail the fianal exam

46 John speaks Chinese fluently because he used to live in China for ten years

a Suppose John has lived in China for ten years , he can speak Chinese fluently

b Provided that John lived in China for ten years , he could speak Chinese fluently

c Unless John had lived in China for ten years , he could not have spoken Chinese fluently


III.Choose the underlined part among A, B, C or D that needs correcting:

48 If had known she was ill, I would go to visit her A B C D

49 I can’t go with you unless I will get my work finished A B C D

50 If she had eaten fewer sweets, she would lose weight A B C D

51 You would have met Mary if you came here yesterday evening A B C D

52 If they want to increase output, they had to modenize the factory A B C D


Có loại câu ao ước

I Ao ước tại: S + WISH + CLAUSE ( s + v2/ v-ed)

II Ao ước tương lai: S + WISH + CLAUSE ( s + would + bare - V) III Ao ước khứ: S + WISH + CLAUSE ( s + had + past



1.We wish we a large house but we can’t afford it now a have b had c can have d will have My friend won’t lend me his car I wish

a he lent me his car b he didn’t lend me his car c he would lend me his car d he will lend me his car 3.My mother is not free today I wish

a my mother is free today b my mother won’t be busy today c my mother would be free today d my mother were free today I’m sorry I haven’t got any money on me I wish

a I have got no money on me b I have some money on me c I had some money on me d I had got no money on me

5 I’m fraid our team will lose the game today I wish

a Our team won the game today b our team would win the game today

c our team didn’t lose the game today d our team had won the game today

6 My friends didn’t take part in the game I wish

a my friends took part in the game b my friends had taken part in the game

c my friends would take part in the game d my friends did take part in the game

7 It wasn’t fine yesterday I wish


a have b had would have c had d had had I wish I psychology when I was a college student

a had studied b would study c studied d studied 10 I wish someone to help me with that work tomorrow

a offer b offered c would offer d had offered 11 If only I play the guitar as well as you!

a would b should c could d might

12 When I saw Tom, he looked he had been ill

a so b such as c the same d as if

13 I wish I my letter of application earlier

a wrote b had written c could write d should write 14 If only he me a chance , I could have told him the truth

a gave b has given c could give d had given

15 I wish you so much noise I’m trying to work

a shouldn’t b couldn’t c needn’t d


16 If only he us the true in the first place, things wouldn’t have gone so wrong

a had told b has told c would have told d should have told

17 Mrs White always talks to her baby as though he an adult

A is b were c had been d will be

18 When he came out of the room, he looked he had seen a ghost

a as b as though c when d if



- Khi chuyển câu trực tiếp sang câu gián tiếp, ta phải thay đỏi thì, đại từ nhân xưng, tính từ sở hữu, trạng từ nơi chốn, thời gian, tính từ định.



- Simple present - Present

Continuous - Present perfect - Simple past - Past continuous - Past perfect * will

* can * must

- Simple past - Past Continuous - Past perfect - Simple past/ past perfect

- Past perfect continuous - Past perfect

* would * could * had to

Adverbs of time - yesterday

- last week - now - today - tomorrow - next week

- the day before / the previous day

- the week before / the previous week - then

- that day

- the day after / the following day

- the week after / the following week 3 Adverbs of


- here - there

4 demonstrative words

- this

- these - that- those

I Câu mệnh lệnh gián tiếp: ( Indirect command) Thường mở đầu động từ như: tell, ask, request, order, command thể Imparative đổi thành To - infinitive

Form: S + V (told, asked, ) + O + TO - INFINITIVE Ex: 1.He said to us, “ Do your homework carefully”.

- He told us to our homework carefully

She said to me “ Please help me with this work” - She told me to help her with that work

He said, “ Don’t leave the room”

- He ordered them not to leave the room

II Câu phát biểu gián tiếp: ( Indirect statement): thường mở đầu động từ : SAY, TELL

Form: S + SAID + (THAT) + S + V (Luỡi thỗ) TOLD + O

Ex: She said, “ I am a student” - she said that she was a student

Nam said to her mother, “ I met my old friends on the way to school this morning”

- Nam told his mother that he had met his old friends on the way to school that morning

* Chú ý : Khi đổi từ câu trực tiếp sang câu gián tiếp ta khơng đổi mệnh đề ngun văn trường hợp sau dù mệnh đề khứ

1.Động từ mệnh đề nguyên văn có thời gian xác định rõ năm

Ex: She said “ I was born in 1980”


3 Cáu nguyãn vàn coï Could, would, should, might, used to, ought to, æould rather, had better,

Ex: Tom said to me : “ You had better go to the dentist” Tom told me that I had better go to the dentist Câu điều kiện loại 2, loại

Ex: He said: If I were you, I wouldn’t that

He said that if he were me, he wouldn’t that Câu ao ước trái với thực tế

Ex: She said : “I wish I were a movie star

She said that she wished she were a movie star III Câu hỏi gián tiếp: ( Indirect questions)

1 Yes - No question: ( câu hỏi trả lời “yes/ no”) Thương mở đầu động từ : ask, inquire, wonder, wanted to know, theo sau động từ “if whether”

Form: S + asked + (O) + IF/ WHETHER + S + V( lùi thì, đảo ngữ)

wanted to know

wondered Ex: - “ Have you read this novel?

He asked me if I had read that novel

- “ Did you watch the film on TV last night, Tom?”

He asked if Tom had watched the film on TV the night before. 2 WH - questions: ( câu hỏi hỏi “WH-)

Thường đựoc mở đầu động từ : ask, inquire, wonder, wanted to know, theo sau động từ từ hỏi như: when, where, where, how,

Form: S + asked + (O) + What/ when/ why , + S + V( lùi thì, đảo ngữ)

wanted to know wondered

Ex: - He said to me “ Who did you go to the cinema with?” He asked me who I had gone to the cinema with - “ what time does the film begin?”

He wanted to know What time the film began

* Chú ý :Trường hợp câu nguyên văn có câu phat biểu câu hỏi đổi sang câu gián tiếp loại câu đổi theo loại câu

Ex: “I have left my watch at home Can you tell me the time?”

- He said that he had left his watch at home and asked me if I could tell him the time

IV Câu cảm thán gián tiếp ( Indirect exclaminations) :Thường đựoc mở đầu động từ Exclaim

Ex: - “ What a beautiful girl she is!”

He exclaimed what a beautiful she was


1.John asked me in English

a what does this word mean b what that word means c what did this word mean d what that word meant The mother told her son impolitely

a not behave b not to behave c not behaving d did not behave

3 She said she collect it for me after work

a would b did c must d had I have ever told you he unreliable

a is b were c.had been d would be Laura said she had worked on the assignment since

a yesterday b two days ago c the day before d the next day John asked me interested in any kind of sports

a if I were b if were I c if was I d if I was John asked me that film the night before

a that I saw b had I seen c if I had seen d if had I seen Peter said that he had lived in London years

a ago b before c later d then The guest told the host that

a I must go now b he must go now c he had to go now d he had to go then 10 The teacher told Joe

a to stop talking b stop talking c stops talking d stopped talking 11 She said she

a was very tired last night b was very tired the night before c had been very tired last night d had been tired the night before

12 Emily said that her teacher to London a will go/ tomorrow b went/ tomorrow

c would go/ the next day d had gone/ the next day 13 She told the boys on the grass

a not play b did not play c not playing d not to play

14 She asked

a where was her umbrella b where her umbrella was c where were her umbrella d where her umbrella were 14 Jason asked me me the book the day before

a if who gave b if who has given c who had given d that who had given

15 Robert said that his father to Dallas the year before

a.goes b went c has gone d had gone 16.He wanted to know shopping the previous morning

a if we had been going b that if we had been going c we were going d that we were going

13 He asked me Robert and I said I did not know


c if I knew/who Robert was d whether I knew/who was Robert

14 The mother asked her son

a where he has been b.where he had been c where has he been d where had he been 15 Martin asked me

a how is my father b how my father is c how was my father

16 The host asked Peter tea or coffee d how my father was a whether he preferred b that he preferred

c did he prefer d if he prefers 17.She asked me my holidays

a.where I spent/the previous year b where I had spent/the previous year

c where I spent/last year d where did I spend/last year 18 He advised too far

a.her did not go b her not go c her not to go d she did not go

19 John often says he boxing because it a cruel sport a does not like/is b did not like/were c not liked/had been d.had not liked/was

20 Nancy asked me why I had not gone to New York the summer a.before b ago c.last d previous

21 He asked him some money

a her to lend b she to lend c she has lent d.she lends

22 Andrew told me that they fish two days

a have not eaten/ago b had not eaten/previous c did not eat/before d.would not eat/last

23 Jason told me that he his best in the exam the day a had done/fllowing b will do/previous

c would do/following d was going/previous 24 She told him

a patient b to be patient c was patient d that being patient

25 Daniel asked me if I thought

a it will rain today b it will rain that day c it would rain today d it would rain that day 26 Barbra asked me the homework that week

a that she must b if she has to c if she had to d if did she have to 27 Robert wanted to know if I was leaving the Friday

a following b ago c previous d before 28 Jennifer asked me the week before


II Choose the correct sentence among A, B, C or D which has the same meaning as the given one.

29 “ You have not done your work well,” said the teacher to me a The teacher told me I hadn’t done my work well

b The teacher told me I haven’t done work well c The teacher told me I hadn’t done your work well d The teacher told me I hadn’t done his work well 30 “This man spoke to me on the road,” said the woman

a The woman said that man had spoken to me on the road b The woman said that man has spoken to her on the road c The woman said that man spoke to her on the road

d The woman said that man had spoken to her on the road 31 “I can’t explain this rule to you,” said my classmate to me a My classmate told me he/she can’t explain that rule to me b My classmate told me he/she couldn’t explain that rule to me c My classmate told me he/she couldn’t explain that rule to you d My classmate said me he/she couldn’t explain that rule to me 32 The teacher said to class,”We shall discuss this subject tomorrow.” a The teacher told the class they would discuss that subject the next day

b The teacher told the class they will discuss that subject the next day c The teacher said the class they would discuss that subject the next day

d The teacher told the class they discuss that subject the next day 33 The woman said to her son,”I am glad I am here.”

a The woman told her son I was glad I was there b The woman told her son she was glad I was there c The woman told her son she was glad she was there d The woman told to her son she was glad she was there 34 Mike said,”We have bought these books today.”

a Mike said they bought those books that day b Mike said they had bought those books that day c Mike said they have bought those books that day d Mike said they had bought those books that day 35 Sarah said,”I read Jane Eyre last year.”

a Sarah said she had read Jane Eyre the previous year b Sareh said she read Jane Eyre the previous year c Sareh said she has read Jane Eyre the previous year d Sareh said she would read Jane Eyre the previous year 36 She said that she participating in that event a would be interesting in b would be interested in c was going to d would be going to 37 “You damaged my bicycle, Tom!” said John

a John accused to Tom for damaging his bicycle

b John accused with Tom to have damaged his bicycle c John accused Tom of damaging his bicycle


38 “Never borrow money from friends,”my father said

a My father said to me never borrow money from friends b My father told me never to borrow money from friends c My father advised me not borrow money from friends

d My father suggested me never borrowing money from friends 39 They asked Tom to repeat what he had said

a “Please repeat what you said,Tom “ they said b “Tom, repeat what have you said,”they said c “To repeat what you have said,”they said

d “What you said, you should repeat,” they asked Tom

40 “Why don’t you complain to the company, John?” said Peter a Peter asked John why he doesn’t complain to the company b Peter advised John complaining to the company

c Peter suggested John to complain to the company

d Peter suggested that John should complain to the company 41 “Don’t walk on the grass,” the gardener said to us

a The gardener said to us don’t walk on the grass b The gardener told us not to walk on the grass

c The gardener suggested us not to walk on the grass d The gardener advised us not walking on the grass

42 “How beautiful is the dress you have just bought!” Peter said to Mary a Peter promised said thanks to Mary for her beautiful dress

b Peter said thanks to Mary for her beautiful dress c Peter complimented Mary on her beautiful dress

d Peter asked Mary how she had just bought her beautiful dress 43 “Hello, Mary!” Peter said

a Peter said hello Mary b Peter said Mary hello c Peter told Mary hello d Peter greeted Mary 44 “Why don’t you ask the teacher for help?” Peter asked me a Peter advised me to ask the teacher for help

b Peter recommended me not to ask the teacher for help

c Peter told me the reason why I did not ask the teacher for help d Peter suggested that he should ask the teacher for help

45.The teacher advised us

a to be careful when doing these exercises b.Be careful when doing these exercises c.Careful when doing these exercises d Are careful when doing these exercises 46.She told me

a.shut the door but don’t lock it b.shut the door but not lock it c.to shut the door but not lock it d.to shut the door but not to lock it 47 He told me


d to think well before I will answer

48 “Don’t play video games all the time !” , he said

a He told the boy not to play video games all the time b He said to the boy not play video games all the time c He told to the boy not to play video games all the time d He said the boy not play video games all the time 49 ”He said “I bought these books last week”

a He said he bought these books last week b He said he had bought these books last week

c He said he had bought those books the week before d He said he bought those books the week before 50 “Did they tell you when they left” she said to me

a She asked me if they told me when they left b She asked me if they told me when they had left c She asked me if they had told me when they left d She asked me if they had told me when they had left 51 “Be careful ! The water is hot” she shouted

a She said to be careful because the water is hot

b She asked me to be careful because the water was hot c She told me to be careful because the water is hot d She should be careful because the water was hot 52 The teacher ordered not to make so much noise

a The teacher said us “ Not make so much noise” b The teacher told us “ Didn’t make so much noise” c The teacher ordered us “Not to make so much noise” d The teacher said to us “ Don’t make so much noise” 53 She asked me if it would rain that night

a She asked “ would it rain that night.” b She said “ It would rain that night” c She asked “ Will it rain tonight.” d She said to me “ It will rain night.”

54 He asked me where I was going on my vacation that year

a He asked me “Where I was going on my vacation that year?” b He asked me “Where was I going on my vacation that year?” c He asked me “Where you are going on your vacation that year?” d He saked me “Where are you going on your vacation this year?” 55 Peter said if he were me he would stop smoking

a I wanted Peter to stop smoking and he promised to b Peter provided to stop smoking

c Peter said he would stop smoking as I wanted him to d Peter advided me to stop smoking




đứng liền trước Mệnh đề thương bắt đầu đại từ quan hệ ( Relative pronoun) như: who, whom, which, that, whose phó từ quan hệ (Adverb pronoun) như: when, where, why

II Cách dung đại từ phó từ quan hệ: Đại từ & Phó

từ QH thay cho Chức năng Vị trí

1 WHO danh từ người Chủ ngữ sau dtừ thay


2 WHOM danh từ người Tân ngữ sau dtừ thay


3 WHICH danh từ vật Chủ ngữ/ Tân

ngữ sau dtừ thay

4 THAT dtừ người /

vật Chủ ngữ/ Tân ngữ sau dtừ thay

5 WHOSE tính từ sở hữu

trước dtừ Bổ nghĩa cho dtừ sau dtừ thay

6 WHERE từ nơi chốn

(at/in/on + which ;there)

Trạng ngữ

chỉ nơi chố sau từ nơi chốn

7 WHEN từ thời gian

(at/in/on + which ;then)

Trạng ngữ

chỉ thời gian sau từ thời gian

8 WHY từ nguyên nhân

(the reason) Trạng ngữ nguyên nhân

sau từ nguyên nhân * Examples:

1 The woaman who lives next door is very friendly The man whom you saw yesterday is my uncle

3 The book which has some wonderful pictures is about the wifelife The dress which you gave me on my birthday is beautiful

4 The book that you lent me is interesting This is the man that I have met before This is the woman whose son is a doctor They found a cat whose leg was broken

6 I’ll never forget the day when ( on which) I met him

That was the time when ( at which) he managed the company I went to the office where ( in which) my father works

Dalat is the place where ( to which) I like to come I don’t know the reason why he left school

III Phân loại: Có loại mệnh đề quan hệ

1 Mênh đề hạn định ( Restrictive clause): mệnh đề bbổ nghĩa cho danh từ chưa xác định, khơng có mệnh đề câu khơng đủ nghĩa

Ex: I don’t know the man who is talking to Mary The picture which Tom is looking at is beatiful


hữu, từ định, , khơng có mệnh đề câu đủ nghĩa Mệnh đề ngăn cách với mệnh đề dấu phẩy

Ex: - His father, who is working in this factory, will retire next year - I had a personal talk with Jane, who wanted to take that job IV Mệnh đề quan hệ rút gọn: ( Reduced form of relative clause)

Rút gọn bằng:

1 Hiện phân từ ( Present participle): V - ING động từ mệnh đề quan hệ thể chủ động

Ex: Do you know the boy who broke the window yesterday? Do you know the boy breaking the window yesterday?

2 Qúa khứ phân từ ( Past participle): V3/ V- ED động từ mệnh đề quan hệ thể bịí động

Ex: The students who were punished by the teacher are lazy The students punished by the teacher are lazy

3 To - infinitive

Ex: English is an important lanuage which we have to master English is an important lanuage to master

V Các trường hợp cần lưu ý:

1 Khi WHOM , WHO, WHICH, THATlàm tân ngữ ta lược bỏ mệnh đề quan hệ

Ex: She’s the person who(m) I met on the bus She’s the person I met on the bus

2 THAT không dùng mệnh đề không hạn định, mệnh đề quan hệ rút gọn không đứng sau giới từ

3 THAT thường dùng sau danh từ có tính từ so sánh (the best, the most, ) đại từ không xác định ( everybody, everyone, everything, somebody, someone, something, nobody, noone, nothing, ) Ex: This is the most interesting film that I have ever seen


1 Choose the best answer to complete each of the following sentences.

1 Mr Pike is uor boss ,has just come back from Paris A who B whom C which D that

2 The botanists are examining the plants were brought from Africa

A who B whom C which D that Do you know the hotel ?

A at which she is staying B where she is staying C she is staying at D all are correct

4 That is the new teacher about the student are talking A that B who C whose D whom

5 This subject going to discuss , is very important A which we are B which are we

B that we are D a and c are correct


A who B whose C which D that I knew some people

A who could help you B whom could help you C whose help could you D could help you

8 That is the dress

A which made by Mary B which making by Mary C was made by Mary D made by Mary

9 The bicycle is very moderm

A I told you about which B which about I told you C about I told you which D about which I told you 10 Many diseases are no longer dangerous today

A why people died of year ago B which people died years ago C of that people died years ago D that people died of years ago 11 Have you made a decision on the day ?

A which you will set off B when you will set off B at which you will set off D where you will set off 12 The road is shaded with trees

A on which we go to school every day B at which we go to school every day C from which we go to school every day D where we go to school every day 13 I’m standing at the window

A in which I can see the lake B where I can see the lake

C at which I can see the lake D from which I can see the lake 14 I’ll show you the second hand bookshop

A when you can find valuable old books B why you can find valuable old books C where you can find valuable old books D which you can find valuable old books

15 Lan’s marriage has been arranged by her family She is marrying a man

A that she hardly knows him B whom she hardly knows him C she hardly knows D she hardly knows him

16 I come from the Seattle area, many successful companies such as Microsoft and Boeing are located

a which b that c where d whom 17 They have just visited the town location was little known a where b whose c which d that

18 one of the most creative artists in rock ‘n roll, came from California

a Frank Zappa, who was b Frank Zappa was

c Frank Zappa, that was d Frank Zappa whom was

19 He came to the party wearing only a pair of shorts and a T-shirt, was a stupid thing to

a who b whom c which d that 20 He lives in a small town


c is called Taunton d that called Taunton 21 The house is more than 100 years old

a where I live b in where I live c in that I live d where I live in 22 want to get a god job have to have certain qualifications and experience

a Who b Those which c Those who d Those whom 23 Wild fires are common is the forest areas of Australia, of the US and Canada , the climate is moist

a in where b in that c where d which 24 King Henry , was Elizabeth I, led England into the Age of Empire

a daughter b whom daughter c which daughter d whose daughter 25 Frank invited Janet, , to the party

a met in Japan b meeting in Japan

c whom he had met in Japan d that he had met in Japan 26 The singer, Most recent recording has had much success, is signing autographs

a whose b that c who d whom

27 He likes shopping between 1.00 and 3.00 pm, most people are at home

a when b where c in which d at that

28 He took me to an expensive restaurant where we enjoyed a good meal a enjoyed a good meal b to enjoy a good meal

c and enjoying a good meal d we enjoyed a good meal in which 29 The fishermen and their boats were off the coast three days ago have just been reported to be missing

a which b that c who d whom 30 The banker to I gave my check was quite friendly

a who b that c whom d which 31 Birds make nests in trees they can hide their young in the leaves and branches

a which b where c that d in that 32 He lent me yesterday

a the book I need b the book when I need c which book I need d the book whose I need 33 cheat on the exam have to leave the room

a Those b Who c Those whom d Those who 34 really a fish, has no brain, no bones, and no face

a A jelly fish is not b A jelly fish, it is not c A jelly fish, which is not d A jelly fish, that is not 35 We have a lot of things that we have to today

a doing b to c done d

36 The young man who lives next door is very kind to my family a to live next door b he lives next door

c living next door d lived next door


b Winchester that is a city in the U.K c Winchester is a city in the U.K

d Winchester where is a city in the U.K

38 Ms Young, to many of her student are writing, is living happily and peacefully in Canada

a who b whom c that d whose 39 I saw a lot of new people at the party, seemed familiar a some of whom b some of who c whom d some of that 40 My friend eventually decided to quit her job, upset me a lot a that b when c which d who

41 He is the man car was stolen last week

a whom b that c which d whose 42 They have just found the couple and their car were swept away during the heavy storm last week

a that b which c whose d when 43 It was the worst winter anyone could remember a when b which c where d why 44 I would like to know the reason he decided to quit the job a why b which c that d when 45 instructed me how to make a good preparation for a job interview

a John Robbins to that I spoke by telephone, b John Robbins, that I spoke to by telephone, c John Robbins I spoke to by telephone,

d John Robbins, whom I spoke to by telephone,

46 He was always coming up with new ideas , were absolutely impracticable

a most of whom b that c most of which most of that 47 She always had wanted to go to places she could speak her native tongue

a that b in that c which d where 48 February is the month many of my colleagues take skiing holidays

a when b that c in that d which 49 There was no one

a I could ask for help b when I could ask for help c I could ask whom for help d for that I could ask for help

50 The children were quite attracted by the tamer and his animals were performing on the stage

a that b which c whom d who 51 Is there anything else you want to ask?

a what b where c whom d that




I So sánh ( Equal comparison) Khẳng định: AS + ADJECTIVE + AS

2 Phuí âënh : NOT SO / AS + ADJ/ ADV + AS Ex: This exercise is as difficult as that one

She cooks as well as her mother does He isn’t so/ as intelligent as his brother John doesn’t work so/ as hard as Mary II So saïnh hån ( Comparative)

1 Với tính từ trạng từ ngắn (có âm tiết) SHORT ADJ/ ADV + ER + THAN Ex: Nam is taller than his sister

He works harder than his friend

* Chú ý: + Khi tinh từ có âm tiết tận phụ âm, có nguyên âm trước ta phải gấp đôi phụ âm thêm “ER” Ex: hot hotter; big bigger ; thin thinner ; fat fatter

+ Khi tính từ có âm tiết tận “y” có phụ âm trước đổi “y” thành “i” thêm “ER”, tận “e” thêm “R” vào sau từ

Ex: dry drier ; large larger ; wide wider

+ Khi tinhs từ có âm tiết tận “y”, “le”, “ow”, “er” xem tính từ ngắn

Ex: happy happier ; gentle gentler ; narrow narrower ; clever cleverer

III So sánh ( supperlative) Với tính từ/ trạng từ ngắn:

THE + SHORT ADJ/ ADV + EST Ex: The Nile is the longest river in the world

She ran fastet in this competition Với tính từ trạng từ dài:

THE MOST + LONG ADJ/ ADV Ex: This is the most interesting

He speaks French the most fluently

*Chú ý: Có trường hợp giống dạng so sánh Ex: hot the hottest ; large the largest ; happy the happiest


Trạng từ So sánh So sánh Good/ Well

Bad/ Badly Many/ Much Little


better worse more less

farther/ further

the best the worst the most the least

the farthest/ the furthest



Ex: The weather is hotter and hotter Mr Brown drives faster and faster

Mrs White becomes more and more beautiful He speaks more and more quickly

2 So sánh lũy tiến: ( Càng )

THE + COMPARATIVE + S + V, THE + COMPARATIVE + S + V Ex: The fatter they get, the more tired they feel

The more difficult the lesson is, the harder we try The larger the house is, the more expensive it is

The harder we study, the more easily we pass the exam PHẦN B: BAÌI TẬP

I Choose the best answer to complete each of the following sentences.

1 He studies his two brothers

a much better than b more better than c more good than d very better than

2 The worker was his boss expected, so he was offered a raise a more hard-working b as hard-working than c more hard - working than d more hard - working as you study for the exams, you will it

a The harder/ the better b The more/ the much

c The harded/ the much d The mor hard/ the more good My neighbor is driving me mad! It seems that it is at

night he plays his music!

a the less/ the more loud b the less/ less

c the more/ the more loudlier d the later/ the louder Thanks to the progress of science and technology, our lives have become

a more and more good b better and better

c the more and more good d the more hard/ the more good The Sea Towrer is building in Chicago

a taller b the more tall c the tallest d taller and taller Petrol is it used to

a twice as expensive as b tiwce expensive more than c tiwce more than expensive d more expensive than tiwce

8 Peter is John

a younger and more intelligent than b more young and intelligent than

c more intelligent and younger than d the more intelligent and younger than

9 San Diago is town in Southern in California a more nice and nice b the nicer

c the nicest d nicer and nicer

10 It gets when the winter is coming


c colder and colder d more and more cold 11 Robert does not have Peter does

a money more than b as many money as

c more money as d as much money as

12 The Mekong Delta is deltas in Vietnam

a the largest of the two b the more larger of the two c one of the largest d one of the larger 13 As she did so, her parents becamr

a the angeriest b the most angry c the more angry d angrier and angrier

14 People should eat and to reduce the risk of heart disease

a less fat/ more exercise b less and less fat/ the more exercise

c the less fat/ the more exercise d fatter/ more exercise 15 He spent a year in India and loves spicy food the food is, he likes it

a The hotter/ the more and more b The hotter/ the more c The more and more hot/ the more d The hottest/ the most 16 Of course you can come to the party,

a the more and merrier b the more and the merrier c the more and merrier d the more and more merrier 17 I feel I did yesterday

a much more tired than b many more tired tyhan c as many tired as d as more tired as

18 She is a spectator

a more an ethlete than b more of an athlete than c an athlete more than d an athlete of more than 19 His house is mine

a tiwce as big as b as tiwce big as

c as two times big as d as big as twice

20 It gets to understand what professor has explained

a the more difficult b more difficult than c difficult more and more d more and more difficult

21 You must drive slower in built up areas you drive in the city, it is that you will have an accident

a The faster and faster/ the more b The faster/ the more probable

c The more and mor fast/ the more and more probable d The more fastly/ the probable

22 The party was I had expected

a more a hundred times fun than b a hundred times fun more than

c a hundred times more fun than d more fun thann a hundred times

23 He finds phisics other science subjects


c too much more difficult than d more much difficult than 24 he drank, he became

a More/ more violent b The most / the most violent c The more/ the more violent d The less / less violent

25 Mary was of the two sisters

a the clever b as cdlever as c trhe cleverer d the cleverest 26 French is a language to learn than English is

a difficult b more difficult c most difficult d more and more difficult

27 The cuisine of France is

a more famous than that of England b famous than the cuisine of England

c more famous than which of England d as famous than that of England

28 Earning has always been the thing that pleases him most he becomrs, he is

a The more rich/ the more happy b The richest / the happiest c The richer/ the happier d Richer and richer / happier and happier

29 The fast we finish,

a the sooner we can leave b we can leave sooner and sooner

c the sooner can we leave d we can leave the sooner 30 Of all athletes, Alex is

a the less qualified b the less and less qualified c the more and more qualified d the least quilified

31 The climber was seventy miles in the wrong direction and got

a more panicked b the more panicked

c more than panicked d more and more panicked 32 The more you pull on it, it gets

a the tightest b the tighter

c the more tightest d the most tightest

33 Flower oils are of the ingredients used in making perfume

a among expensive b being most expensive c among the most expensive d expensive

34 John doesn’t work his brother

a as hard as b as hardly as c more hardly than d hardlier than 35 live in Ho Chi Minh city than in the whole of the rest of the country

a As much as people b More people

c As many as people d People more

II Choose the correct sentence among A, B, C or D which has the same meaning as the given one.


a.Peter spends more money than his wife b.Peter and his wife both make money c.Peter spends the money his wife makes d.Peter’s wife keeps spending their money

37.The exam was much easier than he had expected a.The exam was much easier that he finished it all

b He did not find the exam as difficult as he had thought c It’s possible for him to perform well on the exam

d He had expected that the exam was easy 38.Peter drives more carefully trhan Tom

a.Peter is a more careless driver than Tom b.Tom doesn’t drive as carefully as Peter c.Peter isn’t a more careful driver than Tom d.Tom driver less careful than Peter

39.The book interested me more than the film

a I thought the book was more interesting than the film b In my opinion the film was not as interesred as the book c I thought the book didn’t interest me as the film

d In my opinion the film bored me than the book 40 The South of England is drier tha the north

a There is not as much rain in the south of England as in the north b There is not as dry in the north of England as in the south

c There is not so dry in the south of England as in the north d There are more than in the north of England as in the south



Có loại mạo từ: Mạo từ khơng xác định Mạo từ xác định I Mạo từ không xác định ( Indefinite articles) A/ AN

II Mạo từ xác định ( Definite article) THE PHÂN B: BAÌI TẬP

1 It is generally believed that “Men make house anh women make home”

a Ø/ Ø b a/an c the/the d an/the John is only child in his parents love him a lot

a a b an c the d no article

3 Billy has been seriously ill, and he was taken to hospital yesterday

a a b an c the d no article My father phoned me to say that he would come home late a a b an c the d no article At last they divorced after ten years of marriage a a b an c the d no article

6 large number India men agreed that it was unwise to confide in their wives


7 Not all men are concerned with phisical attractiveness of their girl-friends and wives

a a b an c the d no article

8 love is very strong feeling of affection towards someone who you are romantically are sexually attracted to

a The/ the b the/ Ø c A/ the d Ø / a

9 I fell in love with him because of his kind nature

a a b an c the d no article 10 .non - verbal language is important aspect international communication

a The/ Ø Ø b A/the c The/ a d Ø Ø/ an

11 Balzer, linguistic researcher, reported that approximately 75% of classroom management behavior was nonverbal

a a b an c the d Ø Ø 12 In general, the meaning of touching depends of the situation, culture, sex and age

a a b an c the d Ø Ø

13 same words or phrases can have many different meanings, depend on how they are said

a Ø Ø/ Ø Ø b A/the c Ø Ø/ the d The/ a 14 most countries, it is compulsory for children to receive promary education

a a b an c the d Ø Ø 15 In most developped countries, up to 50% of population enter higher education at some time in their lives

a Ø Ø/ the b the/ a c Ø Ø/ Ø Ød The/ Ø Ø 16 colleges and universities are the main

institutions that provide tertiary education

a the/ Ø Ø b Ø Ø /the c the/ the d Ø Ø/ Ø Ø 17 His dream of becoming doctor become true after seven years of learning hard

a a b an c the d Ø Ø 18 information you need is in this book Read it carefully a A b An c The d Ø Ø 19 Show your interviewer your sense of responsibility for work

a a b an c the d Ø Ø 20 Where is Peter? - He is at school

a a b an c the d Ø Ø 21 We are late because we got stuck in traffic jam

a an b the c a d.

22 If you open the door, air will circulate better

a.an b a c few d 

23 What are your plans for Future?

a a b an c the d 


a the / the b a / the c a / d  / a

25 Within few years, private space travel has gone from concept to reality

/ an b the / the c the / a d a /

26.With its long days, lack of atmosphere, and wide- open spaces, …….moon would also make an ideal place to put massive solar power plants

 / a b an /the c the /a d an / 

27 Technology is already present in the form of computers,

printers, scanners, handheld devices, wireless technologies, and Internet connections

a A b An c The d 

28 if you have ever watched television, you have seen plenty drug ads

a A b An c The d 

29.By 2015, it will be widely accepted that schools and pre-schools

have extremely important role to play in future of our world a.an /a b an /the c the /the d /

30.On Internet and with cable television we can select information from wide variety of sources

a.the /a b an /the c the / d / the

31.There is one thing we can be sure: energy will be more challenging and more important in the future

a.the / b the /an c a /the d / 

32 Europe and Asia are coming to rely more and more on nuclear generation

a.An/ a b / c the /the d the /a

33 He usually travels to Philadelphia by train

a./ b the /a c the /the d / a

34 You frequently see this kind of violence on television

a a b an c the d 

35 It is predicted that computing technology will increase in value at Samr time it will decrease in cost

a./ the b a/ the c the/ a d

a/ 

36 computers will continue to get smaller, faster and more affordable a.a b an c the d 

37 aspirin is recommened to many people as good pain killer a.An/ the b the /  c / a d A/ the

38 Many people believe that human beings will never used up all natural resourses on earth

a / the b the/ a c the /  d a /the

39 like other forms of energy, natural gas may be used to heat homes, cook food, and even run Automobiles

a./ the b an /the c the/ an d / 


a the/  b a/ the c / an d

the /a


I Prepositions of time: (Trạng từ thời gian) 1 At + : at 5’ oclock, p.m

+ Chú ý : số cụm từ cố định như:

- at noon ( vào buổi trưa); at midnight ( vào đêm); at night; at

sunrise/ dawn ( vaìo luùc bỗnh minh); at sunset/ dusk ( vaỡo luùc hoaỡng hän); at Christmas; at once; at laït; at the moment; at weekend; at present 2 In + Nàm : in 2000, in 2006,

In + thaïng : in June , in May,

In + muìa : in spring/ summer/ autumn/ winter

In + buổi tronh ngày: in the morning/ afternoon/ evening Note: In time : kịp

3 On + thứ tuần : on Monday/ Saturday, On + ngày tháng : on June 10 th/ on May 5th

Note: on time (đúng giờ); on Chrítmas Day; on Tet holiday,

4 Ngồi cịn số giới từ khác như: for, since, from to; betưên and ; until; till; after; before;

II Prepositions of places: (trạng tư nơi chốn)

1 AT : at home; at the theatre; at the seaside ; at the grocer’s/ dentist’s, ; at the corner of the street; at the top; at the bottom at the foot of the page; at the beginning ; at the end ( of the lesson; at the shop; ( To arrive ) ayt the airport/ railway station,

2 IN: dung trước tên thành phố, đát nước, miền, phương hướng,

Ex: in London/ in Paris/ in Hanoi,

In Vietnam/ in French/ In England, In the east; in the north,

Note: In the street ( đường); in my opinion (theo ý tôi); in good

weather ( thời tiết tốt); in (the) newspaper ( báo); in English/ German( tiếng Anh/ Đức),

3 ON : : on the table; on the floor; on the wall;

Note: on horseback ( trãn læng ngæûa); on foot ( âi bäü); on TV; on radio; on the beach

III Giới từ sau tính tư: 1 OF:

Afraid of : e ngại/ ashame of : xấu hổ về/ aware of : nhận thức/

capable of : có khả về/ proud of : tự hào về/ full of : đầy/ ahead of : trước,


Accustomed to : quen với/ delighted to sb : thú vị ai/ familiar to sb : quen thuộc đói với ai/ responsible to : có trach nhiệm / available to sb : sẵn cho ai/ similar to ( giống, tương tự)/ equal to : , tương đương/ harmful to sb : có hại cho


Available for sth : có sẵn gì/ late for : trễ/ dangerous for : nguy hiểm/ suitable for : thích hợp / sorry for: xin lỗi/ helpful (useful) for: có lợi, có ích/ good for: tốt cho/ grateful for: biết ơn việc gì;

convenient for: thuận lợi cho/ ready for sth : sẵn sàng cho viêvj gì/ responsible for : chịu trách nhiệm việc

4 AT

Good at ( giỏi về) / bad at (dở về) / clever at ( khéo léo) / skillful at ( có kĩ về)/ amazed at = surprised at( ngạc nhiên ) / excellent at ( xuất sắc về) / present at ( diện) / ảngy at sth ( giận điều gì)


Delighted with ( vui mừng với); acquainted with ( làm quen với ai) ; crowded ưith ( đông đúc) ; ảngy with ( giận với) ; friendly with ( thân mâth) ; bored ưith ( thân mật) ; busy with ( bận) ; familiar wth : quen thuộc; pleased with ( hài lòng) ;


Excited about ( hào hứng) ; happy about ( hạnh phúc, vui); sad about (buồn); serious about ( nghiêm túc); upset about ( thất vọng) ; worried about = anxxious about ( lo lắng)

7 IN

Interested in ( thích , quan tâm về) ; rich in ( giàu về); successful in ( thành ccông về) ; confident in sb ( tin cậy vào ai)


Isolated from ( bị cô lập); absent from ( vắng mặt ); different from ( khác) ; far from ( xa) ; safe from ( an toàn) ; divorced from ( li dị, làm xa rời)

9 On

Keen on : hàng haïi

IV Giới từ sau động từ:

Apologized sb for sth : xin lỗi việc Admire sb of sth : khâm phục việc Belong to sb : thuộc

Accuse sb of sth : đỗ lỗi cho việc Congratulate sb on sth : chúc mừng việc Differ from : khác với

Introduce to sb : giớ thiệu Give up : từ bỏ

Look at ( nhìn vào); look after ( chăm sóc , trơng nom) ; look for ( tìm kiếm) ; look up (tra tự điển) ; look forward to ( mong đợi )

Put on ( mang vào, mặc vào) ; put off ( hoãn lại) Stand for : tượng trưng


Agree with : đồng ý với Provide ưith : cung cấp Prevent sb from : ngăn Succeed in : thành ccông

Depend on / rely on : dựa và/ phụ thuộc vào Die of : chết

Escape from :

Borrow sth from sb : mượn PHẦN B : BAÌI TẬP

Sometimes Mr.Pike has to work verry late night to some impor-tant experiments

a in b at c for d on Peter was a hurry to go so he did not stop to greet me

a in b on c.with d over Where is Jimmy? - He is work.He is busy his monthly report

a on/for b in/about c to/through d.at/with With greatly increased workloads, everyone is pressure now

a under b above c upon d out of Mary doesn’t mind living her own

a with b b c on d at While studying he was financially dependent his parents

a.to b of c on d from Please don’t enter knocking

a.except for b While c with d without A nuclear station may take risk going off due to unexpected incidents a demolishing b exploding c developing d running she is looking a new place to live because she does not want to depend her parents anymore

a for/ on b after / with c up / forward d at / into 10 I was brought In the countryside by my aunt after my parents had pass

a on / over b for / on c on / off d up / away 11 Due to industrialization, we have to cope The fact that many species are……… danger extinction

a over / at / for b at / upon / over c for / on /with d with / in /of

12 Boys! Put your toys it is time to go to bed Don’t stay late a.off / on b away / up c down / off d

around / for

13 she intended to quit her job to stay home and look her sick mother

a.in /at b at / after c for / over d up /on 14 He is very worried his new job because he is not quite

prepared working


a.of /on b for / by c in / over d from /upon 16 She has a promissing future ahead her

a for b from c on d of 17.the space shuttle crashed and went In flames

a.of b for c over d off 18.Elevators in tall building make the top floors accessible everybody

a.to b with c about d at 19.While I am waiting my bus, I often listen music a.on / at b for / to c toward / about d upon /in

20.Those spacecrafts are used taking photographs space a.about /through b for /in c of /at d in/ off 21.Will you take care My little dog when I am business? a.through/ away b about /at c for /over d of /on 22.According Bill, there’ s something wrong my


a.after /for b on/ about c to /with d upon /at

23.he depends his sister assistance

a.to /from b from /in c on /for d at/ with

24 They arrived that train station late because their taxi had broken

a.at /down b for /off c on/ over d on /up

25 Those workers are in difficulty because wage increases cannot keep up .inflation

a.with b for c over d on 26 They argued us the problem last night, but we could not find the solution

a.with /about / out b on / for / off c upon /with /in to /on /up 27 Williams is working an export company He intends to

apply Another job because he is not satisfied the salary

a.in/on /at b for/ for/ with c at/ out/ into d from/ on /for 28 Is Miss Wilson very fond French food?- No, she is not used

having French food

a.over / with b of/ to c off/ for d in/ about 29 Look ! The tree is going to fall/

a.over b off c in d out 30 I think we maybe run natural resourses someday

a.in to b up to c out of d away from 31 Whom these english books belong?

a.From b To c For d With

32 Thanks the inventions labor saving devices, women have more free time to take part social work


c.forward/ for/ from d to/ of/ in 33 Mary always takes get care her children

a for b of c to d with LESSON 10: VERB FORM

Choose the best answer to complete each of the follwing sentences

1 The boss asked all his workers on time

A come B came C coming D to come Let your name in the sheet of paper

A to be written B be written C write D being written My father had a worker a fence round our garden

A make B making C to make D made

I think she is accustomet to English at a private school A taught B teach C teaching D be taught I’d like to stay at home instead of to the cinema A go B going C went D to go

I would rather unemployed than in that factory A to be/ to work B be /work

C being / work D being / working My shoes need

A to mend B to be mended C mending D both b and c

My father’s advice made me teaching as my career A to choose B choosing C choose D chosen I can’t bear such tight shoes

A wear B wearing C to wear D worn 10 It was difficult a date which was convenient for everyone A making B to make C make D made

11 This book was written by a well-known writer It is worth A read B to read C reading D have read

12 Will you stop while I’m talking ?

A sing B singing C to sing D are singing 13 My teachers always expected me well in exams A B doing C does D to 14 We can prevent flood by forests

A preserve B preserved C preservation D preserving

15 I hope you don’t mind me so late at night

A to telephone B telephone C telephoning D telephoned

16 We haven’t got anything you

A tell B to tell C telling D told


18 Tom admitted the rock through the window

A throw B throwing C being throw D to be throw

19 He’s always try me

A to avoid to meet B avoiding meeting C to avoid meeting D avoiding to meet

20 The driver stopped a coffee because he felt sleepy A have B had C to have D having

21 Most children enjoy with their parents and siblings a play b to play c playing d played

22 .the eldest child, he works hard to help his parents support the family

a.be b Is c to be d being 23 I love films but I seldom find time to go the cinema

a see b saw c seen d seeing

24 We are not allowed jeans at school

a wear b to wear c wearing d.worn 25 Sometimes I not feel like to my sibling about my troubles a talk b to talk c talking d talked LESSON 11: WORD FORM


I NOUN: (danh từ) thương vị tri sau: Làm chủ ngữ, đứng trước động từ Ex: Math is the subject I like best

2.Đứng sau tính từ, tính từ sở hữu Ex: She is a good teacher

My pen is blue 3.Đứng sau “enough”

Ex: We didn’t have enough time to the test

4 Đứng sau mạo từ “a/ an/ the” , từ định “this, that, these, those”, “ each, every, both, no ”, tư số lượng “ many , a lot of, some, a feư, a little, any,

Ex: The scientists have become important people in our society Some difficult problems have been solved by this man Many boys like playing football

5 Đứng sau giới từ : in, on, of, with, Ex: The robbery is under investigation He has a good knowledge of science

II ADJECTIVES ( Tính từ) Thường vị trí sau: đứng trước danh từ ( Adj + Noun)

Ex: Modern society needs engineer

2 đứng sau cá động từ : be, seem, become, keep, look, taste, feel,appear, get,

Ex: She is beautiful


3 Trong số cấu trúc sau:

a S + make/ keep + Adj : làm cho trở nên b S + be + adj + enough + To - inf : đủ để

c S + be + too + adj + to -inf : Quá d S + be + so + adj + that clause : dến nỗi e How + adj + S + V ! ( loại câu cảm thán )

III ADVERBS ( Phó từ) Thường đứng sau động từ thường IV VERBS ( động từ) thường đưngsau chủ ngữ

1.He has been very interested in doing research on since he was at high school

a biology b.biological c biologist d biologically Are you sure that boys are more than girls?

a act b active c action d activity You are old enough to take for what you have done

a responsible b.responsibility c.responsibly d.irresponsible These quick and easy can be effective in the short term, but they have a cost

a solve b solvable c solutions d solvability He was looking at his parents , waiting for recommendations

a obey b obedient c obediently d obeyed

6 The interviews with parents showed that the vast majority were of teacher

a support b supportive c supporter d supporting London is home to people many cultures

a diverse b diversity c diversify d diversification John cannot make a to get married to Mary or stay single until he can affort a house and a car

a decide b decision c decisive d decisively My mother used to be a woman of great , but now she get old and looks pale

a beauty b beautiful c.beautifully d beautify 10 Although they are twins, they have almost the same appearance but they are seldom in

a agree b agreeable c agreement d.agreeably 11 The more and positive you look, the better you will feel

a confide b confident c confidently d confidence 12 My parents will have celebrated 30 years of by next week

a marry b married c marriable d marriage 13 Many Vietnamese people their life for the revolutionary cause of the nation

a sacrifice b sacrified c sacrificial d sacrificially 14 Most of us would maintain that physical does not play a major part in how we react to the people we meet

a attract b attrctive c attractiveness d attractively 15 They had a candlet dinner last night and she accepted his proposal of marriage


16.They started as gathering but they have become increasingly formalized in the last few years

a informal b informally c informalize d informality 17 Children who are isolated and lonely seem to have poor language and

a communicate b communication c communicative d communicator

18 The lecturer explained the problem very clearly and is always in response to questions

a attention b attentive c attentively d attentiveness

19 If a boss wants to have a well-qualified staff, he should have to pay his employees

a appropriate b appropriately c appropriation d appropriating

20 Mrs Pike was so angry that she made a gesture at the driver a rude b rudeness c rudely d rudest 21 He is not really friendly and make no attempt to be

a society b social c socialize d sociable 22 She sent me a a letter thanking me for my invitation

a polite b politeness c politely d impoliteness 23.Mr Tim ‘s behavior and comments on occasions were inappropriate and fell below the standards

a accept b acceptable c acceptance d accepting 24 It is af a great to show your interest and politeness when you are having a job interview

a important b importantly c importance d unimportant 25 Facial show one’s feelings when he is communicating

A expressions b expressive c expresses d expressively 26 He was so that he could not even say a word

a nerve b nerves c nervous d


27 I am really in the way he talks, but the way he behaves

a interest b interested c interesting d interestingly 28 As an , Mr Pike is very worried about increasing of juvenile


a educate b education c educator d


29 In England, primary education is provided by state schools run by the government nad by fee-paying schools

a independent b independently c independed d independence

30 The United Nations Secreatary General has often spoken of the need for individual and human rights in his speeches

a free b freedom c freely d freeing


a achieve b achiever c achievement d achievable 32 To Vietnamese students, the examination to university is very difficult

A require b, requirement c requiring d required 33 Desoite many recent advances, there are parts where schools are not equipped with computers

a technology b technological c technologically d technologist

34 There is a wide range of in the education system in the USA

a select b selective c selected d


35 He graduated with doctorates of and surgery from Florence, gaining the highest honors that year

a medicine b medical c medicate d medication 36 The making of good habits a determination to keep on training your child

a require b requires c requirement d required 37 He was the only that was offered the job

a apply b application c applicant d applying

38 Parents can express a for the school their child attends a prefer b preference C preferential d preferable

39 Many people have objected to the use animals in experiments

a science b scientist c scientific d


40 I would like to invite you to participate in the ceremony

a graduate b graduated c graduation d graduating 41 speaking, I not really like my present job

a Honest b Honesty c Honestly d


42 A letter of is sometimes really necessary for you in a job interview

a recommend b recommended c recommender d recommendation

43 Doctors have to assume for human life

a responsible b responsibility c responsibly d responsibles 44 is increasing, which result from economic crsis

a Employment b Unemployment c Employ d Unemployed

45 He was offered the job thanks to his performnace during his job interview

a impress b impression c impressive d impressively 46.The interview gave his consent to John’s for work and promised to give him a job

a keen b keenly c keeness d keener


a Congratulate b Congratulating C Congratulation d Congratulations

48 It is to fail a job interview, but try again

a disappoint b disappoiting c disappointedly d disappointment

49 The new policies include cutting subsides and trade barriers a argriculture b argricultural c agriculturalist d argriculturally

50 The control of has been carried out through measure rooted in monetarism

a inflate b inflationist c inflation d inflator 51 It is often a good idea to start with small, easily goals

a achieve b achievement c achievable d achiever 52 For more than ten years, we have the significant in the ceremony of our country

a develop b developments c developers d developed

53 Henry was a studious student He needed no to work hard a encourage b encouraging c encouragement d encouraged

54 During the time of econonic reforms, the economy has grown with only a few major setbacks

a constant b constantly c constant d constancy

55 The challenge of economic reform was to solve thje problems of motivating workers and farmers to produce a larger surplus

a initial b initiate c initiative d initiation

56 Since 1990, India has had high growth rates, and has emerged as one of the wealthiest in the developing world

a economics b economies c economists d economically

57 Those specialists are trying to find ways of making more use agricultural land

a produce b production c productive d productivity 58 Many teenagers show signs of anxiety and when being asked about their future

a depress b depression c depressing d depressed 59 No one can predict the future exactly Things may happen a expected b unexpected c unexpectedly d expectedly 60 In the future, the number of tiny but computers you encounter every day will number in the thousands, perhaps million

a power b powerful c powerfully d powered


62 Thjere are several places where residents face the threat of every day

a terrorist b terrorism c terrorize d terror 63 Many people think that in some more years we will see the

complete of newspapers and magazines due to the Internet a disappear b disappearance c appear d appearing

64 I sometimes read fictions in my spare time

a science b scientific c scientist d scientifically 65 Those books are necessary for your thesis They are really a inform b information c informer d informative 66 After a nature disaster, there is always an need for food and water a urgent b urge c urgently d urgency 67 is the process by which a piece of land become dry, empty, and unsuitable for growing trees or crops in

a desert b deserted c desertify d desertification

68 Several advanced countries have had plans to make desert more hospitable

a science b scientific c scientifically d scientist 68 is a branch of Natural Science, and is the study of living

organisms and how they interact with their environment

a Biology b Biological c Biologist d Biologically

69 A/An species is a population of an organism which is at risk of becoming extinct

a dangerous b endanger c endangered d endangerment

70 Only a few of the many species at risk of extinction actually make it to the lists and obtain legal

a protect b protection c protective d protector 71 Almost half of turtles and tottoises are known to be threatened with

a extinct b extinction c extinctive d extinctly 72 Current extinction rates are at least 100 to 1,000 times higher

than rates found in the fossil record

a nature b natural c naturally d naturalness

73 It is reported that human are the main reason for most species’ declines and habitat and degradation are the leading threats

a destroy b destruction c destructive d destructor 74 Chemical wastes from factories are that cause serious damage to species habitats

a pollutes b pollutants c pollutions d polluters 75 This book is noy really It is a waste of money buying it


a difficult b difficulty c difficultly d difficulties

77 They are going to the pool to 1.8 meter

A deep b depth c deepen d deeply 78 The referee had no hesistation in awarding the visiting team a

a penalty b penalize c penal d penalization 79 The final was 3-0

a score b scoring c scorer d scores

80 The referee’ s is the most important in any sport competition a decide b decisive c decision d decider 81 players are not allowed to interfere with thopponent’s

movements unless the player is holding the ball

a Defense b Defensive c Defender d Defensively 82 A child receive his early from their parents

a eduacate b education c educator d educative

83 Birth control method have women from endless cycle of child - bearing and rearing

a free b freely c freedom d freed 84 Thanks to women’s liberation women can take part in activities

a society b social c socially d socialize

85 To preserve that , it was necessary to preserve people that had created it

a civil b civilize c civility d civilization

86 The Prime Minister is to consider to changes to sexually laws to enforce equal opportunities

a discriminate b discrimination c discriminatory d discriminated

87 In former days, women were considered not to be suitable for becoming a

a politics b political c politically d politician 88 Western women are more than Asean women

a depent b dependent c independent d independently 89 In some communities a husband’s over his wife is absolute a power b powerful c powerfully d powered

90 I think that up to now there has been a real between men and women

a equal b equally c equality d equalize 91 ASEAN also works for the of peace and stability in the region a promote b promotion c promotional d promoter 92 The Association of Southeast Asian Nation, commonly referred to as ASEAN, is a geo - political nad organization

a economy b economic c economics d economical


a stable b stability c stably d stabilize

94 The International Committee of the Red Cross is a private institution founded in 1863 in Geneva, Switzerland

a human b humanity c.humanization d humanitarian 95.In former day, after the battles soldiers on both sides died or were left wounded on the field without any attendance and basic care a medicine b medical c medication d medically 96 The International Red Cross helps people ion need without any

discrimination based on , race, religion, class and political opinions

a native b national c.nationally d nationality 97 Johnny used to be one of the most athletes in my country a succeed b success b successful d successfully 98 The 22nd SEA Games consisted of athletes from eleven countries

a particiapant b participate c perticipation d participating 99 ., the athletes broke the world’s record with two attempts a Surprise b Surprised c Surprising d


100 The second part of the program in the 22nd SEA Games opening ceremony was named “ for Peace”

a Cooperate b Cooperation c Cooperative d Cooperatively


Một số cụm động từ cần nhớ: fill in : điền vào

ex: You must fill in this form look up : tra tự điển

look after : chăm sóc look for: tìm kiếm look at: nhìn, xem

3 turn on ≠ turn off: mở ≠ tắt (TV, radio, ) throw away : vứt

5 take off : cất cánh, cởi ra/ bỏ put on : mặc vào

7 turn up: xuất hiện, đến take after : giống

9 get over : phục hồi

10 go off : nổ (bom đạn) 11 lie down : nằm xuống 12 fall off : té, ngã, rơi khỏi

13 stand up ≠sit down: đứng lên, ngồi xuống 14 hold up = delay : trì hỗn


18 wash up:rửa dọn

19 pick something/ someone up : cầm lên/ đón pick up : theo kịp

20 bring up : mang lên / nuôi nấng

20 The cyclone has many thousands of deaths resulted in b led to c caused d all are correct

21 Let’s check our hotel room before we pay for it a out b away c up d off

22 He lost the tennis match, so we will try cheer him a off b.away c on d up

4 Clean all the countertops before you leave the kitchen a out b away c off d about

5 If you stay at the hotel, you will be able to a variety of sporting activities

a take part in b take away c take off d take place CONJUNCTIONS

Choose the best answer among a, b, c and d

1 We set off early we wouldn’t get stuck in the traffic A although B so that C because D in case Mary put on her scarf she get cold

A in order that / will not B so as to / would not C so that / would not D to / will not

3 The school boys are in a hurry they will not be late for school A so as to B to C in order that D for

4 He lighted the candle I might read the note

A as long as B because C and D so that He had to explain the lesson very clearly

A in order that his students to understand it B so that his student could understand it C so as his student to understand it D so that his student to understand it

6 We have to start early we won’t be late

A so that B so as to C because D although

7 They went to the seaside ,they wouldn’t be disturbed by the noise of the city

A in order that B so that C so as to D a and b are correct

8 We stopped at a square have a rest

A so as B in order that C in order to D in order My parents got up very early morning pack the car for our journey

Ngày đăng: 06/03/2021, 07:17



