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Nội dung

INGUINAL CANAL HERNIAS HISTORIC FIRSTS Vesalius (Flemish)Fallopius (Italy) Poupart (France) Described the inguinal ligament Heister First to describe direct hernias (1724) Pott (England) Anatomy of congenital hernias; methods of incarceration Camper (Holland) Described the superficial subcutaneous fascia Scarpa (Italy) Described deep subcutaneous fascia; anatomic and surgical importance of sliding hernias (en glissade) (1814) Sir Ashley Cooper (England) Described anatomy and surgical treatment of crural and umbilical hernias; anatomy of the groin including the superior pubic (Cooper) ligament; cremasteric fascia and the transversalis fascia Hunter Emphasized the role of the processus vaginalis Morton Described the conjoined tendon Cloquet Noted postnatal closure of the processus vaginalis; made observations of the iliopubic tract Hesselbach (Germany) Defined iliopubic tract; described importance of the medial triangle of the groin (included the femoral canal).[1]; described the "corona mortis" (arterial circle formed by the deep epigastric and obturator arteries) (See original drawing and current interpretation) De Gimbernat Described medial ligament of the femoral canal (lacunars ligament), and division of that ligament in the treatment of strangulated femoral hernias Richter (Germany) Described partial obstruction and incarceration of a wall of the bowel in a hernia defect.[2,3] INGUINAL CANAL INGUINAL CANAL INGUINAL CANAL INGUINAL CANAL HESSELBACH’S TRIANGULAR 3-DIMENSIONAL SPACE INGUINAL CANAL INGUINAL CANAL Original Bassini operation Mc Vay operation Shouldice operation INGUINAL CANAL INGUINAL CANAL INGUINAL CANAL REFERENCES 1 TEXTBOOKS TEXTBOOKS th ed ed Fitzgerald Fitzgerald M.J.T., M.J.T., Jean Jean Folan-Curran Folan-Curran Clinical Clinical Neuroanatomy Neuroanatomy and and related related neuroscience, neuroscience, 4th London : W.B Saunders, 2002 London : W.B Saunders, 2002 th ed ed NewYork Williams Williams PL, PL, Warwick Warwick R R et et al al Gray’s Gray’s Anatomy, Anatomy, 37 37th NewYork :: Churchill Churchill Livingstone, Livingstone, 1989, 1989, pp pp 401-22, 401-22, 499-16 499-16 ed NewYork Pick Pick TP TP & & Howden Howden R R Gray’s Gray’s Anatomy, Anatomy, The The Classic Classic Collector’s Collector’s ed NewYork :: Gramercy, Gramercy, 1977 1977 th ed ed Philadelphia Sabiston Sabiston Textbook Textbook of of Surgery, Surgery, 15 15th Philadelphia :: W.B W.B Saunder Saunder Company, Company, 1997 1997 1.0 Oxford Oxford Oxford Textbook Textbook of of Surgery Surgery on on CD-ROM, CD-ROM, ver ver 1.0 Oxford University University Press, Press, 1995 1995 2 WEBSITES WEBSITES 1 http://www.mednote.co.kr/ANATOMYHNADOUThtm.htm http://www.mednote.co.kr/ANATOMYHNADOUThtm.htm 2 http://www.fleshandbones.com/anatomy/fitzgerald http://www.fleshandbones.com/anatomy/fitzgerald 3 http://www.anatomy.tv http://www.anatomy.tv 4 Anatomy Anatomy of of the the Human Human Body Body Henry Henry Gray Gray http://www.bartleby.com/107/ http://www.bartleby.com/107/ THANK YOU VERY MUCH FOR YOUR ATTENTION !!! All details, please contact me as : Tout deùtails, contactez-moi, SVP : Email : khoatrandr@yahoo.com

Ngày đăng: 05/03/2021, 19:50



