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De thi HSG ANH 7 Thi Xa

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IV/ Viết lại các câu sau đây sao cho nhgiã không thay đổi (10đ).Mỗi câu 2 điểm.. 1/ My sister prefers badminton to soccer.[r]




A Trắc nghiệm (20đ)

I/ Hãy chọn từ mà phần in nghiêng có cách phát âm khác với từ cịn lại

1.a probably b woman c aquarium d finally 2.a, wrong b stomach c cough d online 3.a result b undersea c scuba d adult 4.a series b detective c equipment d vessel

II/ Tìm từ khơng nhóm với từ cịn lại

5/ a good b well c slow d quick 6/ a swimming pool b lifeguard c swimmer d cyclist 7/ a chopsticks b plate c bowl d sugar

8/ a cough b runny nose c fever d stomachache

III Hãy chọn câu trả lời nhất

9/ They are waiting in………of the theater a before b front c behind

10/ My mother is trying to learn………to use a computer a what b how c when

11/ It’s very kind of you to help me Thanks a lot……… a It’s all right b You’re welcome c Ok

12/ People are living……… so there are more elderly people a longest b long c longer

13/ Ba’s………is playing the guitar

a hobby b like c wish 14/ Lan………this cap two days ago

a bought b buys c buyed

15/ Eating too much fat food is not good for your……… a healthy b healthful c health

16/ Nam……… his homework at the moment a doesn’t b isn’t doing c didn’t 17/ He speaks English………

a fluent b fluently c fluency

18/ TV viewers can ………… in and answer questions through telephone a take b part c join

19/ There were a few……… in the country thirty years ago a radio b TV c TV sets

20/ I like swimming

a So I b So I c I am, too

B Tự luận

I/ Chia động từ ngoặc (10đ)

1 Let’s (meet) at the school gate


3 It’s 7.00 now I (study) English in the classroom I (be) very happy on my last vacation

5 I hope you (visit) Hanoi after the harvest How (you / feel) now? I feel Ok

7 When (you / buy) this hat? A week ago You must (do) your homework before watching TV Listen! The birds (sing) in the garden

10 You may (be) interested in the traditions of different cultures

II/ Cho dạng thích hợp từ ngoặc để hồnthành câu (12đ)

1 Hoi an is for its ancient houses (fame) Water has no color It is a liquid (color) Mozart was one of the great (music) Life today is from life 50 year ago (differ) 5.Michael Faraday is one of the British (science) This is my stamp (collect)

III/ Sắp xếp từ sau thành câu có nghĩa (8đ)

1 can / swim / no one / quickly / more / him / than →

2 people / the / night / were / party / many / there / last / at ? →

3 bought / my / family / in 1990 / house / this →

4 did / to / year / how / you / last / stadium / often / the / go? →

IV/ Viết lại câu sau cho nhgiã không thay đổi (10đ) 1/ My sister likes badminton more than soccer

→My sister prefers 2/ Let’s go shopping

→What about 3/ Children should go to bed early

→Children ought 4/ My children like comics very much

→My children are interested 5/ My friend is a good singer

→My friend

V/ Hoàn thành hội thoại sau (8đ)

Ha : (1) doing at school? Thu: I’m doing well

Ha: (2) ?


Ha: (4) eat lunch? Thu: I eat lunch at 11:30

VI/ Chọn đáp án thích hợp điền vào trống (16đ)

Lan doesn’t (1) very well so she isn’t going to school today She (2) an earache Her (3) ear hurts The earache started on Saturday afternoon (4) she (5) to watch a football match , and her ear (6) after that It was very cold and it was freezing on Saturday and she (7) a hat Her doctor said: “Well (8) a hat so your head doesn’t get cold.”

1/a fell b feel c fells d feels 2/ a have b had c has d having 3/ a false b true c wrong d right 4/ a when b where c what d which 5/ a went b go c goes d going 6/ a hurted b hurt c hurts d hurting 7/ a not have b no have c didn’t have d no had 8/ a wear b wore c wearing d wears

VII/ Đọc kĩ đoạn văn trả lời câu hỏi sau: (16đ)

I had a very bad headache when I was young I had a headache when I wenr to bed and it was still there when I got up in the morning I took medicine from many doctors but it just made me more tired so I became very worried

Then I read a book about Yoga for medical problems , and it changed my life I tried lots of methods in the book and I learned a lot of about the power of mind After five months , my headache disappeared and I stopped taking the medicine

1/ What was the matter with the writer? 2/ When did he have a headache?

3/ Did he take any medicine?

4/ How did he become after taking the medicine?

5/ What kind of book did he read? 6/ Did it change his life?

7/ What did he learn about?

8/ What happened after five months?



A Trắc nghiệm (20đ) Mỗi câu điểm

1c 2b 3c 4d 5b 6d 7d 8d 9b 10b 11b 12c 13a 14a 15c 16b 17b 18c 19c 20a B Tự luận

I/ Chia động từ ngoặc (10đ) Mỗi câu điểm

1/ meet 2/ will go 3/ am studying 4/ was

5/ will visit 6/ do/ feel 7/ did / buy 8/

9/ are singing 10/ be

II/ Cho dạng thích hợp từ ngoặc để hồnthành câu (12đ) Mỗi câu điểm

1/ famous 2/ colorless 3/ musicians 4/ different 5/ scientist 6/ collection

III/ Sắp xếp từ sau thành câu có nghĩa (8đ).Mỗi câu điểm

1/ No one can swim more quickly than him 2/ Were there many people at the party last night? 3/ My family bought this house in 1990

4/ How often did you go to the stadium last year?

IV/ Viết lại câu sau cho nhgiã không thay đổi (10đ).Mỗi câu điểm

1/ My sister prefers badminton to soccer 2/ What about going shopping?

3/ Children ought to go to bed early

4/ My children are interested in comics very much 5/ My friend sings beautifully

V/ Hoàn thành hội thoại sau (8đ).Mỗi câu điểm


4/ What time you

VI/ Chọn đáp án thích hợp điền vào trống (16đ).Mỗi câu điểm

1b 2c 3d 4a 5a 6b 7c 8a

VII/ Đọc kĩ đoạn văn trả lời câu hỏi sau: (16đ)Mỗi câu điểm

1/ He had a very bad headache 2/ When he was young

3/ Yes, `he took medicine from many doctors

4/ He became very worried after taking the medicine 5/ He read a book about Yoga for medical problems 6/ Yes, it changed his life

7/ He learned a lot of about the power of mind

8/ His headache disppeared and he stopped taking the medicine

Ngày đăng: 05/03/2021, 13:35

