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© ОДО «Аверсэв» Скачано с сайта www.aversev.by УДК 811.111(075.3=161.3=161.1) ББК 81.2Англ-922 А64 А в т о р ы: Н В Юхнель, Е Г Наумова, А В Трясучёва, Н В Матюш, Т Е Лабода, А Л Гуськов, Э В Бушуева Р е ц е н з е н т ы: каф англ яз гуманитар специальностей фак междунар отношений Белорус гос ун-та (зав каф., канд филол наук, доц Т В Караичева); учитель англ яз высшей категории ГУО «Гимназия № 146 г Минска» А С Учаева К о н с у л ь т а н т ы: помощник декана фак междунар образования колледжа им Св Марка и Св Джона (Плимут, Великобритания) Род Болито; проректор по учеб работе МГЛУ, канд пед наук, проф П К Бабинская О р г а н и з а т о р п р о е к т а: директор Центра лингвист образования МГЛУ, канд пед наук, доц Н В Демченко Английский язык класс : учеб пособие для кл гимназий с белорус А64 и рус яз обучения / Н В Юхнель [и др.] — 2-е изд — Минск : Авер­сэв, 2011. — 254 с. : ил ISBN ­978-985-529-971-5 УДК  811.111(075.3=161.3=161.1) ББК  81.2-922 ISBN 978-985-529-971-5 â ôằ, 2009 â «Аверсэв» Скачано с сайта www.aversev.by CONTENTS UNIT Personality UNIT Problem Page .28 UNIT Music .52 UNIT Eating Out 73 UNIT Money Matters 92 UNIT American Patchwork 114 UNIT Citius, Altius, Fortius 140 UNIT Going Out 160 UNIT What? Where? When? 186 READING FOR PLEASURE 208 PROJECTS 237 GRAMMAR REFERENCE 240 VOCABULARY LIST 244 â ôằ www.aversev.by UNIT PERSONALITY Pessimist or Optimist? LESSON PRONUNCIATION a) Listen to the poem What kind of person is its author? b) Do you know all the words in the boxes? Check their meaning with your classmate, teacher or dictionary Match the words from the two boxes Example: to — work to to eat to wear to cut to breathe to have to comb to throw to live to sleep to cry to bury to sing to go to come food clothes air wood out work hair songs back in bed dead tears doubts here away c) Listen and check yourselves d) Take it in turns with your partner to match the phrases from ex 1a with ìnothing … butỵ or ìnowhere Ư butỵ Mind the pronunciation of ìnothingỵ and ìnowher Example: Nothing to but work e) Are you a pessimist or an optimist? Find out about your partner Report your findings to the group selfish — thinking only of themselves LISTENING a) Divide the adjectives in the box into positive and negative pleasant, competitive, naughty, ugly, cheerful, frank, terrible, calm, bossy, boring, selfish, hospitable, hard-working, noisy, proud, too talkative, friendly, helpful, lazy, quiet, impolite, impatient, unfriendly, faithful, dishonest, sociable, attractive, unpleasant, honest, confident, polite, changeable, patient, wonderful â ôằ www.aversev.by b) ìPessimisticỵ and ìoptimisticỵ make a pair of opposites Find as many pairs of opposites in the two groups as you can Example: attractive — ugly a) Listen to the story Choose the best moral for it Explain your choice § § § § § Ask no questions and you will be told no lies The things look the way we look at them Better to well than to say well Every family has a black sheep It takes all sorts to make the world Moral — the message of a story which you understand from it about how you should or should not behave b) Which is the right way to behave? Which of the two strangers would you like to have for a friend or a neighbour? c) Play the memory game: retell the story as a group Take it in turns to say one sentence each Use your notes for ex for help VOCABULARY im-, il-, un-, in-, ir- a) Find examples of adjectives in ex in which prefixes create a negative meaning Check with your partner b) Work in pairs Use the prefixes in the box to make the following adjectives negative Check with a dictionary c) Match the negative adjectives with the nouns below food friends explanation answer clothes story person business verbs situation husband SPEAKING a) ü ü ü ü ü Work with your partner Describe possible believable sociable formal separable legal correct regular healthy faithful logical the people of your town / city / village your family member your friend your neighbour yourself b) Compare with your classmateớs description selfish to behave â ôằ с сайта www.aversev.by What Do Your Stars Say? LESSON VOCABULARY a) DRAGON RABBIT TIGER OX RAT YEAR Read the description of people in Chinese Zodiac Fill in the missing letters Compare with your partner DESCRIPTION OF BEHAVIOUR GOOD / BAD QUALITY is ready to share money, help, kindness, more than is usual; is good at producing ideas or things that are unusual or clever genero_s ima_inative first does and then thinks; likes telling people what to h_t-headed bos_y is certain about what he / she does; is always ready to protect you from danger c_nfident prot_ctive gets unhappy and angry because someone has something he / she wants; gives too much attention to formal rules and small details jealo_s pedan_ic produces a lot of original and unusual ideas; understands what other people need, is helpful and kind to them creativ_ sensit_ve does what he / she wants and will not anything else; often has strong feelings and expresses them stubbor_ too em_tional is enjoyable, attractive and easy to like; is peaceful, quiet, not noisy ple_sant ca_m it’s difficult for him / her to make a choice; behaves like the weather in April, very often changes his / her opinion, etc i_decisive chang_able is full of energy; very active; shows no fear of dangerous or difficult things en_rgetic b_ave feels better and more important than other people; always tries to or be better than someone else, wants only to win pro_d comp_titive â ôằ Скачано с сайта www.aversev.by YEAR SNAKE HORSE SHEEP MONKEY ROOSTER DOG PIG DESCRIPTION OF BEHAVIOUR GOOD / BAD QUALITY is a quiet, deep thinker; does not laugh a lot; can understand something without thinking about it, only with the help of his / her intuition seri_us int_itive is not ready to share money, help, kindness; does not want to change the situation, lets other people be in control not very _enerous pas_ive does a lot of work; doesn’t like to be controlled by other people ha_d-wo_king i_dependent is egoistical, only thinks about himself / herself; is not very honest, can cheat on you s_lfish dis_onest is pleasant, well-liked by people; is able to wait and continue to something, even despite difficulties cha_ming patien_ is nervous and uncomfortable with other people; thinks bad things are more likely to happen sh_ pes_imistic can learn and understand things very quickly and easily; likes to spend time with other people cl_ver sociabl_ shows dislike, not friendly; always behaves badly, never does what he / she has been asked or ordered to unfr_ _ ndly naug_ty can decide quickly and positively, with a clear result; can understand and learn and make judgments or have opinions that are based on reason de_isive inte_ligent can’t wait at all; is unpleasantly loud, makes too much noise i_patient nois_ you can have confidence in him / her, depend on him / her; is unchangeable in his / her friendship depen_able faith_ul can’t stop being angry with you; is not polite; rude u_forgiving i_polite always tells the truth; is truthful, even when this might make other people uncomfortable _onest f_ank believes that things can be better; makes negative judgments about other people idealisti_ critica_ â ôằ Скачано с сайта www.aversev.by b) Listen, check and repeat the adjectives after the speaker Read the description of your year carefully Do you agree with it? Does your partner agree with his / her description? Are you very different from each other? In what way? a) Put the personality adjectives into three groups: familiar, unfamiliar and unfamiliar, but easy to understand dependable independent b) Put them into different groups according to their form c) Use the card the teacher has given you to interview your partner Report the results to the class a) Read the descriptions for the years of the Ox and Tiger made by professional astrologers Are the negative opinions expressed very categorically? What other words can help you to make your opinion less categorical? You are very confident, but you can be jealous at times sensitive, TIGER: You are creative and tional emo but you tend to be too OX: b) What words or phrases are used to soften the negative opinion? WRITING Work in pairs Write the descriptions for the other years Make the negative opinions less categorical Check with the class dependable generous stubborn sensitive (in)decisive intelligent jealous creative © ОДО «Аверсэв» Скачано с сайта www.aversev.by unforgiving to tend LESSON A Cool Breeze over the Mountains LISTENING Answer the questions • If a person was born in the year of the Dragon, what qualities should this person have? • Can you name the actor who starred in Matrix as Neo? What you know about him? Read the beginning and the ending of an interview with Keanu Reeves Are there any facts there that surprise you? Now we’re going to talk with an actor who decided not to accept a $12 million offer for Speed to Shakespeare in a small Canadian theatre He is famously generous with his money: he buys gifts for his movies’ backstage workers and donates money to charity A Buddhist and a pacifist, he’s against war on principle, and chose not to play in several films because the part seemed too violent He also gave back $38 million of his Matrix money to pay for some of the special effects That was Keanu Reeves, the man chosen as one of the 50 most beautiful people in the world by “People” magazine; the actor who starred in Matrix, a film that has become a cult classic The world is divided into two categories: those who enjoy his work and those who can’t stand him While it’s true that he hasn’t yet joined the same league as Al Pacino and Jack Nicholson, he is comfortable in both independent personal dramas and loud blockbusters He personifies a new action hero, and there’s no denying that Keanu Reeves will be remembered as one of the most popular movie stars ever a) Listen to the interview with Keanu Reeves Check if the horoscope is right â ôằ www.aversev.by b) Match the words with the definitions quality a) the physical or mental power or skill needed to something secretive b) intelligent, or able to think quickly or cleverly in difficult situations self-critical c) to interest or attract someone unemotional d) a characteristic of someone or something dumb e) ready to give negative judgments about themselves ability f) calm and controlled, not expressing strong feelings be unable g) foolish or unwise; making people angry, especially of repeated situations to appeal to someone h) not to have the physical or mental power, skill, time, money, etc needed smart i) hiding their feelings and thoughts from other people 10 silent type j) a type of person, usually a man, who says very little c) Listen to the interview again Answer the questions • Keanu Reeves is secretive, self-critical, unemotional, sensitive and generous What facts from the interview tell us about that? • What is Keanu Reeves unable to do? Is he smart? • What special ability does he have? • What quality of Keanu Reeves appeals both to women and men? Born September 2, 1964 • What other qualities does Keanu Reeves have? What about his film characters? What quality appeals to you most in Keanu Reeves? 10 â ôằ www.aversev.by Unit Reported speech (reporting verbs in the past) Changes in tenses direct speech Present Simple Present Continuous Past Simple Present Perfect Past Continuous will may must can pronouns time and place expressions direct speech reported speech direct speech I Past Simple Past Continuous we you me Past Perfect us Past Perfect you Past Perfect Continuous my would our your might mine had to/must ours could yours he/she they I her/him them me his/her their my his/her theirs mine today tonight now ago tomorrow reported speech reported speech that day that night then before the next/the following day yesterday the previous day/the day before last before here there this year that year these days those days Statements: She said, “I like this dress.” — She said (that) she liked that dress Questions: He asked, “Can you use a computer?” — He asked me if I could use a computer The teacher asked, “ Why haven’t you done your homework?” — The teacher asked me why I hadn’t done my homework Commands: He said, “Drink juice Don’t drink coffee.” — He said (told me) to drink juice and not to drink coffee Unit Conditionals if-clause real present/future Conditional Present main clause will + infinitive If she is late again, I will not let her in unreal present/future Conditional Past would + infinitive If I lived in Africa, I wouldn’t feel cold in winter unreal past Conditional Past Perfect would + perfect infinitive If Jane had phoned me, I wouldn’t have waited for two hours 241 © ОДО «Аверсэв» Скачано с сайта www.aversev.by Unit Agreement of Tenses NOW PRESENT SIMPLE PRESENT PERFECT will + One step back THEN PAST SIMPLE PAST PEREFCT would + Now I think that after he has played chess for so many years, he will well in life Eight years ago after he had got into trouble at school, I thought he would never be serious and responsible Unit Wishes — Regrets about the Past Advice Wishes — regrets about the past I WISH PAST PERFECT IF ONLY Advice IF I WERE YOU, I WOULD (I’D) DO SOMETHING YOU SHOULD / OUGHT TO 242 â ôằ с сайта www.aversev.by IRREGULAR VERBS VERB (VI) PAST TENSE (V2) PAST PARTICIPLE (V3) begin began begun blow break bring build buy catch choose come cut deal draw dream drink drive eat fall feed feel fight find fly forecast forget forgive get give go grow have hear keep blew broke brought built bought caught chose came cut did dealt drew dreamed, dreamt drank drove ate fell fed felt fought found flew forecast forgot forgave got gave went grew had heard kept blown broken brought built bought caught chosen come cut done dealt drawn dreamed, dreamt drunk driven eaten fallen fed felt fought found flown forecast forgotten forgiven got given gone grown had heard kept 243 â ôằ сайта www.aversev.by VERB (VI) PAST TENSE (V2) PAST PARTICIPLE (V3) knit knitted, knit knitted, knit know knew known lay laid laid learn learned, learnt learned, learnt leave left left let let let lie lay lain lose lost lost make made made pay paid paid put put put read read read ride rode ridden run ran run say said said see saw seen sell sold sold shake shook shaken sing sang sung sit sat sat sleep slept slept spend spent spent spread spread spread swim swam swum take took taken teach taught taught tell told told think thought thought throw threw thrown wear wore worn win won won write wrote written 244 â ôằ www.aversev.by VOCABULARY LIST adj (adjective) — прилагательное adv (adverb) — наречие n (noun) — существительное v (verb) — глагол UNIT аbility [«ÈbIlItI] n способность аdmire [«dÈmaI«] v восхищаться аppeal [«Èpiùl] v привлекать, притягивать; нравиться be аble [eIbl] to smth быть в состоянии, мочь сделать что либо behave [bIÈheIv] v вести себя big-headed [ÇbIgÈhedId] adj высокомерный, самодовольный butt [bÃt] (of someone’s jokes) n цель, предмет шуток careful [Èke«f(«)l] adj старательный, внимательный; осторожный, character [ẩkQrIktô] n , ; conscious [ẩkãnSôs] adj сознательный; ощущающий; скромный creative [krIÈeItIv] adj творческий dedicated [ÈdedIkeItId] adj преданный dependable [dIÈpend«bl] adj надёжный disciplined [ÈdIs«plInd] adj дисциплинированный dumb [dm] adj , ; , hot-headed [ầhôtẩhedId] adj , , generous [ẩdZenôrôs] adj indecisive [ầIndIẩsaIsIv] adj intelligent [InÈtelIdZ«nt] adj умный jealous [ÈdZel«s] adj завистливый; ревнивый knowledgeable [ẩnãlIdZôbl] adj lonely [ẩloUnlI] adj lovable [ẩlvôbl] adj милый, симпатичный, приятный necessary [Ènes«serI] adj необходимый need [niùd] v outgoing [ầaUtẩgôUIN] adj ,, , , personality [ầpẻựsôẩnQlôtI] n индивидуальность, личность quality [Èkw•lItI] n качество, черта характера require [rIẩkwaIô] v responsible [rIẩspãnsIbl] adj romantic [rôUẩmQntIk] adj secretive [ẩsiựkrôtIv] adj , self-critical [ầselfẩkrItIkôl] adj selfish [ÈselfIS] adj эгоистичный, себялюбивый sense of humour [Èhjúm«] чувство юмора sensitive [ÈsensItIv] adj чувствительный silent (type) [ÈsaIl«nt] adj молчаливый (о человеке) smart [smAùt] adj толковый, сообразительный 245 © ОДО «Аверсэв» Скачано с сайта www.aversev.by spoilt [sp•Ilt] adj испорченный, избалованный stubborn [ÈstÃb«n] adj упрямый tend [tend] v иметь тенденцию, склоняться trait [treIt] n , unemotional [ầnẩImôUS(ô)n(ô)l] adj , unforgiving [ầnfôẩgIvIN] adj , , weird [wIôd] adj странный, непонятный, причудливый UNIT advise [«dÈvaIz] v советовать beg [beg] v просить, умолять calm[kAùm] down v успокаивать(ся), смягчать(ся) deal [diùl] with v общаться, иметь дело с (кем л.) fair [feô] adj , fall [fãựl] for v удочку, поддаваться (чему л.); влюбляться forgive [f«ÈgIv] v прощать get even [get Èiùvn] with v сводить счёты, поквитаться с (кем л.) habit [ÈhQbIt] n привычка, обыкновение influence [ÈInflU«ns] (to have an influence on) v влиять, оказывать влияние на (кого-л., что-л.) irritate [ÈIrIteIt] v раздражать irritated [ÈIrIteItId] adj раздражённый irritating [ÈIrIteItIN] adj раздражающий lie [laI] v лгать look [lUk] up to v смотреть почтительно на (кого л.), считаться (с кем л.) lose cool [luùzÈkuùl] v терять самообладание, рассердиться make a decision [dIÈsIZ«n] v принять решение no big deal [diùl] неважно offer [ẩãfô] v order [ẩãựdô] v promise [ẩprãmIs] v put [pUt] up with v , quarrel [ẩkwãrôl] with smb v ссориться с кем либо refuse [rIÈfjuùz] v solution [sãẩluựSôn] n , () solve [sãlv] ( problem) v решать, разрешать (проблему) tell lies [laIz] v лгать trust [trÃst] v доверять, полагаться (на кого л.) upset [ÃpÈset] v расстраивать, огорчать warn [w•ùn] v предупреждать UNIT background [ÈbQkgraUnd] music n фоновая музыка band [bQnd] n группа bass guitar [ầbeIsgIẩtAự] n capture [ẩkQptSô] v , (the) charts [tSAùts] n хит-парад drums [drÃmz] n барабаны easy listening [ÇiùzIÈlIsnIN] n лёгкая для восприятия музыка electric guitar [IÇlektrIkgIÈtAù] n entertain [ầentôẩteIn] v entertainment [ầentôẩteInmônt] n keyboard [ẩkiựbãd] n 246 â ôằ www.aversev.by (to perform) live [laIv] adv perform [pôẩfãựm] v performance [pôẩfãựmôns] n rehearse [rIẩhẻựs] v release [rIÈliùs] v издавать, выпускать saxophone [ÈsQks«f«Un] n саксофон single [ÈsINgl] n сингл stage [steIdZ] n сцена trumpet [ÈtrÃmpIt] n труба UNIT accompany [«ÈkÃmp«nI] v сопровождать bill [bIl] n счёт contain [k«nÈteIn] v содержать delicious [dIÈlIS«s] adj вкусный dessert [dIÈzỴùt] n десерт dish [dIS] n блюдо eat out v питаться не дома empty [ÈemptI] adj пустой fast food [ÇfstÈfúd] n еда, которую можно перехватить на скорую руку fatty [ÈfQtI] adj жирный fizzy drink [ÈfIzIdrINk] газированный напиток flavour [ÈfleIv«] n вкус, аромат full [fUl] adj сытый go for smth выбирать home-baked [ẩhôUmầbeIkt] adj junk food [ẩdZNkfuựd] , , low-fat [ầlôUẩfQt] adj main course [ẩmeInầkãựs] meal [miùl] n приём пищи; еда menu [Èmenjuù] n меню on the house order [ẩãựdô] n ; v заказывать pasta [ÈpQst«] n макаронные изделия pasty [ÈpQstI] n portion [ẩpãựS(ô)n] n pub [pb] n паб review [rIÈvjú] n рецензия, критическая статья serving [ÈsỴùvIN] n порция sugar-free adj не содержащий сахара (продукт) takeaway [ÈteIk«weI] n магазин, в котором продаются готовые блюда; ресторан, отпускающий обеды на vegetarian [ầvedZôẩteôrIôn] adj ; n waitress/waiter [ẩweItrôs]/[ẩweItô] n официантка/официант UNIT amount [«ÈmaUnt] n сумма, количество banknote [ÈbQNkn«Ut] (a note) n банкнота be out of money без денег beggar [Èbeg«(r)] n попрошайка, нищий broke [br«Uk] adj безденежный, бедный, без гроша cash [kQS] n деньги, наличные деньги charity [ÈtSQr«tI] n благотворительность coin [k•In] n монета debt [det] n долг earn [Ỵùn] v зарабатывать, получать доход fine [faIn] n взыскание; штраф fiver [ÈfaIv«] n разг пятёрка (пять фунтов стерлингов или ) 247 â ôằ www.aversev.by fortune [Èf•ùtjún] n зд богатство, состояние give away v зд дарить, жертвовать на благотворительность give back v возвращать, отдавать give in v сдаваться give off v выделять, испускать give out v посылать (звук, свет) invest [InÈvest] v инвестировать, вкладывать деньги make ends meet сводить концы с концами mean [miùn] adj odd jobs [ầãdẩdZãbz] n () on the breadline [ÈbredlaIn] за чертой бедности pay back v отплатить, выплатить , pocket money [ẩpãkItầmnI] , мелкие расходы salary [ÈsQl«rI] n заработная плата save up for a rainy day откладывать на чёрный день trade [treId] n торговля; v торговать, обмениваться waste [weIst] v терять даром, тратить wealthy [ẩwelTI] adj , well-off [ầwelẩãf] adj , , UNIT agricultural [ầQgrIẩkltSôrôl]adj arrive [ôẩraIv] v прибывать, приезжать be on duty [ÈdjuùtI] быть на дежурстве; нести ; break away [ầbreIkôẩweI] v , deputy [ÈdepjUtI] n заместитель; депутат something halfway [ÈhAùfweI] делать energetic [ầenôẩdZetIk] adj equal [ẩiựkwôl] adj равный equipment [IkÈwIpm«nt] n оборудование, оснащение escape [IsÈkeIp] v избегать, избежать especially [IsÈpeS«lI] adv особенно experience [IksÈpI«rI«ns] n случай, событие, опыт greedy [ÈgriùdI] adj жадный have an effect [IÈfekt] on someone воздействовать на кого-либо hope [h«Up] n надежда identity [aIÈdentItI] n идентичность; личность, индивидуальность immigrant [ÈImIgr«nt] n иммигрант in honour [ẩãnô] ( .) industrial [InẩdstrIôl] adj , industrious [InÈdÃstrI«s] adj трудолюбивый inventive [InÈventIv] adj изобретательный make sure [SUô] memory [ẩmem(ô)rI] n minority [maIẩnãrItI] n misfortune [mIsẩfãựtSuựn] n , ; ; occupation [ầãkjUẩpeISn] n занятие, дело own [«Un] v владеть owner [È«Un«] n владелец power [ÈpaU«] n сила, мощь, власть powerful [ÈpaU«f(«)l] adj мощный, 248 â ôằ www.aversev.by property [ẩprãpôtI] n , , recall [rIẩkãựl] v , rude [rúd] adj грубый separate [Èsep«reIt] v разделять settler [Èsetl«] n поселенец slave [sleIv] n раб slavery [ÈsleIv(«)rI] n рабство stand out [ầstQndẩaUt] v , survive [sôẩvaIv] v , пережить take control [k«nÈtr«Ul] over smth установить контроль над чем thrill [TrIl] n , virtual [ẩvẻựtjUôl] adj ; vocation [vôUẩkeIS(ô)n] n , ; worth [wẻựT] adj стоящий UNIT achieve [«ÈtSiùv] v достигать achievement [«ÈtSiùvm«nt] n достижение athlete [ÈQTliùt] n атлет, спортсмен athletics [QTÈletIks] n атлетика cater [ÈkeIt«(r)] for v обслуживать challenging [ÈtSQlIndZIN] стимулирующий, требующий () coach [kôUtS] n court [kãựt] n cycling [ÈsaIklIN] n езда на велосипеде; велоспорт equipment [IÈkwIpm«nt] n оснащение, экипировка fan [fQn] n фанат, болельщик goal [g«Ul] n ворота; гол golf [g•lf] n гольф gym [dZIm] n гимнастический зал helmet [Èhelm«t] n шлем, каска kick [kIk] v ударять ногой, пинать; спорт бить по мячу lane [leIn] n спорт motor sport [ẩmôUtôspãựt] n parachuting [ẩpQrôSuựtIN] n прыжки с парашютом, парашютный спорт pitch [pItS] n спорт поле race [reIs] n состязание в беге или скорости, гонка racket [ÈrQkIt] n ракетка record [Èrek•ùd] n спорт рекорд, лучший результат referee [ầref(ô)ẩrI] n , regret [rIẩgret] v ring [rIN] n спорт (боксёрский) ринг rink [rINk] n каток score [sk•ù] v счёт очков (в игре) set [set] v soccer [ẩsãkô] n sports hall [ẩspãựtshãựl] n squash [skwãS] n support [sôẩpãựt] v supporter [sôẩpãựtô] n , surfing [ẩsẻựfIN] n track [trQk] n спорт лыжня; беговая дорожка weight-lifting [ÈweItÇlIftIN] n спорт work out [ầwẻựkẩaUt] v , yoga [ẩjôUgô] n 249 â ôằ www.aversev.by UNIT abroad [ôẩbrãựd] adv announce [ôẩnaUns] v объявлять, заявлять; извещать available [«ÈveIl«bl] adj доступный, находящийся в распоряжении be hard on someone быть несправедливо строгим к кому либо carry [ÈkQrI] on v продолжать cope [k«Vp] with v destination [ầdestIẩneIS(ô)n] n , eager [ẩiựgô] adj страстно желающий, жаждущий event [IÈvent] n событие exhibit [IgÈzIbIt] n excursion [IkẩskẻựS(ô)n] n face [feIs] v перед, столкнуться лицом к лицу faint-hearted [ÇfeIntÈhAùtId] adj слабонервный, трусливый guided tour [ầgaIdIdẩtUô] n (, , ) go for v выбирать go on v продолжаться, продолжать go out v выходить; бывать в обществе; регулярно встречаться с кем либо inhabit [InÈhQbIt] v населять inspire [InÈspaI«] v вдохновлять itinerary [aIÈtIn«r«rI] n план маршрута; путеводитель keep out of trouble [ÈtrÃbl] оставаться в стороне, не вмешиваться move [muùv] n движение, ход notice [ẩnôVtIs] v journey [ẩdZẻựnI] n , ( сухопутные) outing [ÈaVtIN] n загородная прогулка, пикник passion [ÈpQSn] n , provide [prôẩvaId] v research [rIẩsẻựtS] n исследование, изыскание, исследовательская работа rewarding [rIÈw•ùdIN] adj стоящий, полезный; приносящий ride [raId] n , rollercoaster [ầrôUlôẩkôUstô] n в виде тележки на колёсиках, движущейся по рельсам и выполняющей петли, отвесные падения и т п scenery [Èsiùn«rI] n вид, пейзаж, ландшафт schedule [ÈSedjuùl, Èskedjuùl] n график; план работы; программа, повестка дня seat [siùt] n сиденье, место; билет spree [spriù] n веселье, шалости staff [stAùf] n персонал stay in v оставаться дома, не выходить supplies [s«ÈplaIz] n запасы, ресурсы theme [Tiùm] park парк развлечений thrifty [ÈTrIftI] adj бережливый, расчётливый, экономный trip [trIp] n путешествие, поездка UNIT accept [«kÈsept] — to agree to v соглашаться accompany [«ÈkÃmp«nI]— to go with v anniversary [ầQnIẩvẻựs(ô)rI] n , 250 â «Аверсэв» Скачано с сайта www.aversev.by appreciate [«ÈpriùSIeIt] v высоко ценить base [beIs] v основывать battle [ÈbQtl] n битва, сражение collect [k«lekt] — to pick up v подбирать community [k«Èmjún«tI] n община; группа лиц, живущих в одном районе complete [k«mplIùt] — to fill in v заполнять construct [k«nÈstrÃkt] v строить, создавать, конструировать destroy [dIÈstr•I] v разрушать event [IÈvent] n событие experience [IkẩspIôrI(ô)ns] v highlight [ẩhaIlaIt] n honour [ẩãnô] v чтить inhabitant [InÈhQbIt(«)nt] n житель, обитатель knight [naIt] n рыцарь leave out v не включать; пропускать; исключать link [lINk] n march [mAựtS] n ; v medieval [ầmedIẩiựvôl] adj средневековый odd [•d] adj странный; случайный origin [È•rIdZIn] n происхождение out-of-date adj устаревший, старомодный respect [rIsÈpekt] n уважение; v уважать set a goal [g«Ul] ставить цель soldier [Ès«UldZ«] n straightforward [ầstreItẩfãựwôd] adj , structure [ẩstrktSô] n , структура suggest [s«ÈdZest] v предлагать, советовать, подсказывать survive [s«ÈvaIv] v выживать take care [ke«] — to look after v приглядывать, заботиться twinned [twInd] (towns) породнённые города update [ÇÃpÈdeIt] v обновлять, модернизировать vote [v«Ut] v голосовать walk in the footsteps [ÈfUtsteps] of пойти по следам war [w•ù] n война wise [waIz] adj wonder [ẩwndô] n 251 â ôằ Скачано с сайта www.aversev.by List of Proper Names UNIT Aeschylus [ÈiùskIl«s] Al Pacino [Ql p«ÈtSiùn«U] Buddhist [ÈbUdIst] Chef [Sef] Colorado [ầkãlôẩrAựdôU] Dale Lozier [deIl ẩlôUzjô] Keanu Reeves [keẩAựnU ẩriựvz] Laurie [ẩlãrI] Matrix [ẩmeItrIks] Neo [ẩniựôU] Red Hot Chili [ẩtSIlI] Peppers [ẩpepez] Shirley Jackson [ẩSẻựlI ẩdZQksôn] Zodiac [ẩzôUdIQk] UNIT Agness Parker [ÈQgnIs ÈpAùk«] Alison [ÈQlIsn] Ashley [ÈQSlI] Becky [ÈbekI] Benjamin [ÈbendZ«mIn] Brian [ÈbraI«n] Olansky Callie [ÈkQlI] Carl [kAùl] Carmella [ÈkAùm«l«] Clare [kle«r] Crystal [ÈkrIst«l] Dean [diùn] Diane [daIÈQn] Kathleen [ÈkQTliùn] Lee Ann Greenglass [liù ÈQn ÈgriùnglAùs] Lisa [Èliùz«] Lydia [ÈlIdI«] Marc [mAùk] Martin [ÈmAùtIn] Mary Ann [Ème«rIQn] Mrs Libonati [ầlIbôẩnQtI] Natalie [ẩnQtôlI] Neidermeyer [ầnaIdôẩmIô] John Frusciante [dZãn ầfrsẩtSAựntô] Pat Mary Hinkel [ÈpQtÈme«rI ÈhInkl] Patrick [ÈpQtrIk] Sarah [Èse«r«] Sheila [ÈSiùl«] Steven [ẩstiựvn] Tracy [ẩtreIsI] UNIT California [ầkQlôẩfãựnIô] Caroline Alice Roberts [ẩkQrôlaIn ẩQlIs ẩrãbôts] Chloe [ẩklôUI] Edward William Elgar [ẩedwôd ẩwIljôm ẩelgAựr] Europe [ẩjuựôrôp] Fergie [ẩfẻựgI] Hacienda Heights [ầhQsIẩendôẩhaIts] Hawaii [hôẩwaII] Honolulu [ầhãnôẩluựluự] Jack Smooth [smuựD] John Lennon [dZãn ẩlenôn] Lower Broadheath [ẩlôUô ẩbrãựdhiựT] Minneapolis [ầmInIẩQpôlIs] Nicole Scherzinger [nIẩkôUl ẩSẻựzIngô] Poseidon [pôẩsaIdn] Quentin Tarantino [ẩkwentôn ầtQrônẩtiựnôU] Rio [ẩriựôU] Robert Rodrigues [ẩrãbôt rãdẩrIgôs] Roger Crow [ẩrãdZô krôU] Stacy Ferguson [ẩsteIsI ẩfẻựgôsôn] the USA [juự es ẩeI] Will Iam [ầwIlôIẩQm] Worcester [ẩwUstô] Yoko Ono [ẩjôUkôU ẩôUnôU] Zoe [ẩzôUI] 252 â ôằ Скачано с сайта www.aversev.by UNIT Abraham Lincoln [ÈeIbr«hQm ÈlINk«n] Aesop [ẩiựsãp] Alaska [ôẩlQskô] Amerigo Vespucci [QmôẩrIgôU vesẩpuựtSI] Annie Moore [ẩQnI ẩmUô] Aon [eIẩãn] Centre Arabic [ẩQrôbIk] Arizona [ầQrIẩzôUnô] Atka [ẩQtkô] Benjamin Franklin [ẩbendZômIn ẩfrQNklIn] Boston [ẩbãstôn] Chicago [SIẩkAựgôU] Christopher Columbus [ÈkrIst«f« k«ÈlÃmb«s] Czech [tSek] Death Valley [deTÈvQlI] District of Columbia [k«ÈlÃmbI«] Dr Martin Luther [ÈlúT«r] King Jr [ÈdZúnI«] Empire [ÈempaI«(r)] State Building Grand Canyon [ÈgrQnd ÈkQnj«n] Gulliver [ÈgÃlIv«] Harriet Tubman [ÈhQrI«t ÈtÃbm«n] Hilo [ÈhaIl«U] Hindi [ÈhIndiù] Houston [Èhjúst«n] Idaho [ẩaIdôhôU] John Adams [dZãn ẩQdômz] Juan [hwAựn] Kenneth C Davis [ẩkenôT siự ẩdeIvIs] Lake Huron [ẩhjUôrôn] Lake Ontario [ãnẩteôrIôU] Leif Ericsson [liựf ẩerIksôn] Los Angeles [ầlãsẩQndZIliựz] Miami [maIẩQmI] Montana [mãnẩtQnô] Mount MacKinley [m«ÈkInlI] Mount Rainier [r«ÈnI«(r), ÈreInI«] Mt Whitney [ÈwItnI] Nevada [nôẩvAựdô] Plymouth [ẩplImôT] Portuguese [ầpãựtjUẩgiựz] Ray Bradbury [reI ẩbrQdbôrI] Rhode Island [rôUd ẩaIlônd] Robinson Crusoe [ẩrãbInsônẩkruựsôU] San Francisco [ầsQn frônẩsIskôU] Saudi Arabia [ầsaUdI ôẩreIbIô] Savannah [sôẩvQnô] Sears [ẩsIôz] Tower Seattle [sIẩQtl] Staten [ẩstQt(ô)n] Island Tagalog [tegôẩlãg] Taiwan [taIẩwQn] Texas [ẩteksôs] The Capitol [ẩkQpIt(ô)l] The Ku-Klux-Klan [ẩkjuựklksẩklQn] Thomas Jefferson [ẩtãmôs ÈdZefes(«)n] Utah [Èjút] Virginia [v«ÈdZInI«] Wrangell [ÈrQng(«)l] Yankee [ÈjQNkI] Yellowstone [Èjel«Ust«Un] Yosemite [j«UÈsemItI] UNIT Attila [ÈQtIl«] the Hun Bindi Irwin [ẩbIndI ẩẻựwIn] Cambridge [ẩkeImbrIdZ] Claudia [ẩklãựdIô] Delaney [dIẩleInI] Georgia [ẩdZãựdZô] Guardian [ẩgAựdIôn] Joshua [ẩdZãSUô] King Lear [lIô] Lafcadio Hearn [lôfẩkeIdIôU ẩhẻựn] Larry Daley [ẩlQrIẩdeIlI] Leonardo DiCaprio [lIaầnAựdôU dI ẩkAựprIôU] Mrs Basil E Frankweiler [ẩbQzôl iự ẩfrQNkwaIlô] 253 â «Аверсэв» Скачано с сайта www.aversev.by Ohio [«UÈhaIaU] Rickey Rozell [ÈrIkI ẩrôUzôl] Steve Irwin [ẩstiựv ẩẻựwIn] Teddy Roosewelt [ẩtedI ẩrôUzôvelt] UNIT Acropolis [ôẩkrãpôlIs] Alexandria [ầQlIgẩzAựndrIô], Egypt [ẩiựdZIpt] Angkor [ẩQNkãự(r)] in Cambodia [kQmẩbôUdIô] Arthur Conan Doyle [ẩAựTô ẩkôUnôn dãIl] Babylon [ẩbQbIlôn], now Iraq [IẩrAựk] Bangalore [ầbQngôẩlãự(r)] Battle of Somme [ầbQtl ãv ẩsãm] Bodrum [ẩbãdrôm], Turkey [ẩtẻựkI] Delhi [ẩdelI] Desire [dIẩzaIô] Eindhoven [ẩaIndẩhôUv(ô)n] Enrique Iglesias [ônẩrIkô IẩgleIzIQs] Ephesus [ẩefIsôs], Turkey [ẩtẻựkI] Fattahead [ẩfQtôhed] George [dZãựdZ] Lucas Giggleswick [ẩgIglzwIk] Giza, Egypt [ẩgiựzô,ẩiựdZIpt] Ian Fleming [ÈflemIN] John Fitzgerald [fItsÈdZer«ld] Kennedy Kylie Minogue [ÈkaIlI mIÈn«Ug] Lyon [ầliựẩãựN] Mexicos Chichen Itza [ẩmeksIkôUz tSIầtSôn ẩItsAự] Naomi Campbell [neIẩôUmI ẩkQmb(ô)l] Neil [niựl] Neuschwanstein [ẩnãISvônStaIn] Castle Nottingham [ẩnãtINôm] Perus Machu Picchu [ầmAựtSuự ẩpIựktSuự] Petra [ẩpetra] in Jordan [ẩdZãựdôn] Pope [p«Up] John Paul II Rhodes, Greece [r«Udz, griùs] Rio de Janeiro [ầrIôU de dZôẩnôIrôU] Salvador Dali [ẩsQlvôdãự(r) ẩdAựlI] Sendai, Japan [senẩdaI, dZôẩpQn] Sigmund Freud [ẩzIgmônd frãId] St Basils Cathedral [sônt ÇbQz(«)lz k«ÈTidr«l] Stevie Wonder [ÈstiùvI ÈwÃnd«] Taj Mahal [tAùdZ m«ÈhAùl] The Colosseum [ầkãlôẩsIôm] The Statue of Christ [kraIst], the Redeemer [rIẩdiựmô] Tony Blair [ẩtôUnI ẩbleô] Unamis [juựẩneImôs] Wormelow Tump [ẩwẻựmlôU ẩtmp] Yonder Bognie [ẩjãndô ẩbãgnI] 254 â ôằ с сайта www.aversev.by Учебное издание Юхнель Наталья Валентиновна Наумова Елена Георгиевна Трясучёва Анастасия Владимировна и др Английский язык класс Учебное пособие для класса гимназий с белорусским и русским языками обучения 2-е издание Редактор Л. Д. Касьянова Ответственный за выпуск Д. Л. Дембовский Подписано в печать 16.08.2011 Формат 70×100 1/16 Бу­ма­га офсет­ная Печать офсетная Усл. печ. л 20,64 Уч.-изд. л. 11,17 Тираж 4100 экз Заказ      Общество с дополнительной ответственностью «Аверсэв» ЛИ № 02330/0003944 от 03.02.2009 Контакт­ные телефоны (017) 268-09-79, 268-08-78 E-mail: info@aversev.by; www.aversev.by Ул Н. Олешева, 1, офис 309, 220090, Минск Для писем: а/я 3, 220090, Минск Республиканское унитарное предприятие «Издательство “Белорусский Дом печати”» ЛП № 02330/0494179 от 03.04.2009 , 79, 220013, â ôằ с сайта www.aversev.by ... and rs ste p-si spoilt insensitive ste ays alw ? ?s weird stepmother, though she the butt of their jokes ss, she Even when she becomes a prince t lose sn’ doe doesn’t get big-headed and her sense... teacher / student / parent / son or daughter / classmate / relative Make a list of qualities using as many adjectives as you can Use the phrases from the quotes in your discussion — That? ?s absolutely... Kyle (Broslofski) wears a green hat with earflaps He? ?s Stan? ?s best friend, he also has a pet elephant He? ?s smart: he? ?s the brains of the group Kyle is honest and kind, but sometimes he? ?s a terrible

Ngày đăng: 01/03/2021, 16:47

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