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The Imperial Academy, the first university in Viet Nam, was used to _ young men for nation.. 141[r]


UNIT 1: MYHOBBIES I.Find the wordwhich has a different soundin the part underlined

1 A better B prefer C teacher D worker

2 A near B hear C dear D bear

3 A concert B concern C collect D combine

4 A picture B culture C neighbour D tourist

5 A.dependent B enjoy C absent D government

5 A future B return C picture D culture

6 A first B girl C bird D sister

7 A burn B sun C hurt D turn

8 A nurse B surf C picture D return

10 A hot B hour C hotel D hobby

II.Match the nouns from the box with the correct verb

athletics basketball cycling football

karate skating swimming tennis

computergames photos TV table tennis

judo coins bottles aerobics

stamps gardening camping films

1 go: do: collect: play: watch: take:

III.Choose the words/phrases in the box that match the pictures below Write them in the spaces

cycling Cooking Gardening Playingtheguitar


www.minh-Skating Camping Collectingstamps Watching TV



9 10 11 12

IV.Find which word does not belong to each group

1 A common B favourite C unusual D popular

2 A like B love C enjoy D hate

3 A album B stamps C mountain D collector



VI. Put the words into TWO groups(/ /and / :/)

neighbour third bird word learn

yesterday girl assistant world culture

camera signal heard turn final

natural birthday sir again first

/ / / : /

VII. Choose the best answer (A, B, C or D)

1 Youneedtobe tofolloweggshellcarvingbecauseitmaytake two weeks to complete one shell

A fit B patient C careful D interested

2 My sister is very keen on swimming, and she goes swimming three a week

A time B a time C times D timings

3 Ifyouchoosesewingasyourhobby,youwill youownclothes

A make B get C D take

4 Weoftenreadtheinstructionscarefullyinordertomake of the things we like best

A models B copies C uses D meanings

5 Whatdoesyourfatherdo his freetime?

A in B at C while D on

6 Mybrotherdoesn’tlikeice-skatingbecausehethinksitis

A dangerous B danger C in danger D endangered

7 Ithinkahobbywillalwaysgiveyou andhelpyou


www.minh-8 Mysister’shobbyissewing,andshecangetthesewingpatternsfromthe magazines

A fashion B sports C science D cooking

9 Youcanshareyour stamps othercollectors a

stamp club


10 Ifyourhobbyisgreetingcardmaking,youcangiveyour to your friends aspresents

A money B hobby C products D greetings

11 Ithinkthishobbydoesn’tcostyoumuch,and you needistime

A all B some C all of D most

12 Myfamilyenjoys becausewecansellvegetablesandflowers money

A garden – to C garden –of

B gardening – for D gardening – with

13 Nowadayspeople hours sitting in front of the computers

A set B spend C take D last

14 Ithinkyoushouldtakeupswimming it is suitable for your health condition

A because B but C although D so

15 Therearemany why it is important to have a hobby

A facts B details C reasons D answers

16 Ijoinaphotographyclubandallthememberslovereasonsalotofbeautiful photos

A make B take C making D taking

17 Will you making models in the future

A find B take up C look for D pick up

18 Ahobbyhelpyouconnectwith people

A the other B another C other D others

19 Ilove my sister’spaintings because she isvery inusingcolours

A care B careless C creative D imagine

20 Doyouthinkthathobbyis and boring?

A danger B easy C interesting D difficult

VIII. FillineachblankwithONEsuitableword

1. We playing table-tennis very interesting because we can meet and make friends with interesting people

2. My brotherand I the samehobby

3. I love vegetables

outdoors in my garden to plant flowers and 4. Myfatherlikes his bike in the park at the weekend


www.minh-6. Myhobbyiscollecting becauseIlovereadingwheneverIhave time 7. Whydon’tyou jogging because it can help you keepfit?

8. I really enjoy going round the shops in my town to for rareand old teacups

9. Myparentshavejustboughtanew of rollerskates

10. It is very to collect motorcycles because it costs you a lot of money to buy them and get them repaired

IX. Putone of theverbs fromthebox in eachblankwiththecorrectform

listen read play collect go

1. I’venever _ skiing

2. Hespentapleasantafternoon the book

3. Whendidyoustart antique glass?

4. Whatkindofmusicdoyou to?

5. Irenewon’tbeable in the match on Saturday

6. Thechildrenare a play at the end of term

X. Completethetextwiththeverbsintheboxinthecorrectform.Maybesomeverbs can be used more than once

go listen play watch

Rickhasalotofhobbies.He(1) chess atschool and he also

(2) skating.Afterdinner,he(3) forawalkandhe

(4) tomusiceveryeveninginhisroom Ricklovessports.He(5)

_ athletics at school, and he (6) football after school On Saturdays, Rick and his friends(7) swimming On Sundays, they (8) basketball in the park On Sunday evenings, they sometimes

(9) a film

XI. Put the verbs in brackets in the correct verb form

1. _ (you/ be) free next Sunday?


3. Nam’sfriendsoften(give) _ himstamps fromother countries 4. Mybrotherhates(do) the same things day after day 5. Myparentslike(live) inthecountryside.Ithinkthey

(move) to our hometown next year

6. Mysister(practice) the guitar twice a week

7. Don’tworry I(go) fishing with you next Saturday morning,

8. They(give) a party nextweek

9. Themembersofthestampcollectors’club(meet) atthe

library nextFriday

10. We(live) nearNam’shouse,butwe(notsee) him

very often

11. I(see) afilmthisSundayevening (you/

go) withme?

12. Ienjoy(fish) becauseit(be) relaxing

13. Ienjoy(collect) dolls and it becomes my pleasure

14. Welove(watch) new films, and we (go)

_ to watch a new Hollywood film next weekend

15.Ouruncle(play) badminton once a week

XII. Make questions

1.A:Where onholiday?

B: I like going to the mountains on holiday

2.A:Who atschool?

B: I like sitting next to my friend Jack at school

3.A:Whatkind to?

B: My friends like listening to rap music

4.A:What on Sundayevenings? B: I


www.minh-UNIT 2:HEALTH I.Find the wordwhich has a different soundin the part underlined

1 A knife B of C leaf D life

2 A although B enough C paragraph D cough

3 A junk B sun C put D adult

4 A headache B architect C chemical D children

5 A aerobics B calories C cycling D doctor

II.Put the words into TWO groups(/ f / and / v /)

knife knives of cough level

leaf leave vast fast fat

rough live life tough very

safe move save laugh enough

/ f / /v /

III.Find which word does not belong to each group

1 A sick B tired C sore D fit

2 A orange juice B fresh milk C water D soft drinks

3 A cough B flu C sunshine D sunburn

4 A jogging B cycling C swimming D reading

5 A sleep B rest C relax D work



7 A and B but C so D although

8 A junk food B fruits C fish D vegetable

9 A healthy B fit C well D sick

10 A soccer B badminton C beef D basketball

IV.Write the problem below the picture of each patient


V.Choose the best answer (A, B, C or D)

1 Doyoubelievethateating carrots helps you see atnight

A most B less C the most D much more

2 Don’teatthattypeoffish,youmayhavea/an

A energy B sick C sore D allergy

3 Theseafoodiatethismorningmakesmefeel all over

A well B weak C itchy D running

4 Weshouldtrytokeepeverythingarounduscleanandthenfluwithfindit to spread

A difficult B difficulty C difficulties D like Thehealth fromthat diet expert is that die expert is that you


A advices B ideas C tip D tips

6 Becarefulwith you eat and drink

A who B what C that D this

7 Haveahealth and you can enjoy your life

A lives B lifestyle C lifeline D lively

8 Eatingalotofjunkfoodmayleadtoyour

A fitness B obesity C pain D stomachache

9 Weshouldfollowtheactivitiesfromdoctorsandhealth in order to keep fit


www.minh-A taking B keeping C bringing D looking

11 Weshouldplaysportsordoexerciseinordertostayin

A look B health C fit D shape

12 TheJapaneseeatalotoffishinsteadofmeat they staymore healthy

A because B so C although D but

13 Iforgottowearasunhattodayandigota

A earache B backache C headache D stomachache

14 Weneedtospendlesstime computergames

A play B to play C playing D to playing

15 When you have a temperature, you should drink more water and rest

A more B most C less D all

16 Robeatsalotoffastfoodandhe on a lot of weight

A takes B spends C puts D bring

17 Whenyouhaveflu,youmayhaveacoughanda nose

A running B runny C noisy D flowing

18 Domore exercises eat more fruits and vegetables

A and B or C but D so

19 Watchingtoomuchtvisnotgood you or your eyes

A at B for C with D to

20 Afterworkingonacomputersforlonghours,youshould your eyes and relax

A wake B rest C sleep D sleep in

VI.Complete the sentences with the correct preposition

flu toothache backache earache

sore throat cough stomachache headache

1. : a pain in your stomach

2. : a pain caused by something being wrong with one of your teeth

3. : a very severe pain that you feel in your head

4. : a pain in your back


www.minh-6. : a pain in your throat

7. :aproblemwhichislikeaverybadcold,butwhich causes


8. : a pain in the inside part of your ear VII.Completetheadvicefora healthylifestyle, usingmoreorless.

1.Eat sweet food

2.Smoke and give itup

3.Drink coffee

4.Eat fast food

5.Spend time on computergames

6.Drink water

7.Worry about things


9.Get exercise

10. Eat fruit andvegetables


1. Watch less television you can protect your eyes 2. Hehastoothache he still eats a lot of sweets and cakes 3. Theweatherisverycoldtoday I should put on a coat

4. Getupearly moreexercise

5. Takeupanewhobby you’ll have some new friends

6. Ihavealotofhomeworktodothisevening Idon’thavetimeto

watch the footballmatch

7. If you spend less time on computer games programmes,you will have more time for outdoor activities

8. Eatlessjunkfood eat more fruit and vegetables IX.Completethesentenceswiththe words/phrasesin thebox


stomachache toothache sick hurts pain

well cough temperature headache burn

1. Ihavea in my back I’m going to lie down


www.minh-3. “Oh!Becarefulwiththatcoffee.”–“Look,nowIhavea on

my arm.”

4. “Ihave a ”–“That’sbecauseyouwatchtoo

much TV.”

5. Don’teatsoquickly.You’llgeta

6. That’sabad Whydon’tyouhaveaglassof


7. “I have _.”–“Whydon’tyoutelephonethe


8. I feel Quick, I must get to the bathroom!

9. Robhasa of 39oC.

10. My arm after that game of volleyball

X.Make sentences from the words/ phrasesgiven 1.We/ keep/ our bodies/ warm/ avoid/ flu/ a cold

2.You/ not/ play/ more/ computer games/ free time

3.Vitamins/ play/ important/ role/ our diet

4.Getting/ enough/ rest/ help/ you/ concentrate/ school

5.Doctor/ asking/ Huy/ questions/ about/ health problems


www.minh-UNIT 3: COMMwww.minh-UNITY SERVICE I.Find the word which has a differentsoundin the part underlined

1 A volunteer B engineer C committee D clear A population B volunteer C offer D provide

3 A tutor B volunteer C computer D community

4 A certain B compare C encourage D community

5 A charity B chemistry C chemical D mechanic

6 A architect B church C children D armchair

7 A general B garden C go D get

8 A cancel B ceiling C calling D cupboard

9 A calorie B carve C collage D centre

10 A unique B mosquito C mosque D question

II.Put the words into TWO groups(/ g / and / k /)

clothes culture group cute garden

school gold cold game classroom

chemical sick colour call community

kitchen get cancel coal traffic

/ / /k /


www.minh-2 Volunteers cando general suchasclean-upprojectsorhome repair

A things B labour C jobs D activities

3 Wecametotheremotevillageand meals forhomeless children

A cook B offered C D made

4 He lectures to foreign tourists about traditional food and games recently

A gives B gave C have given D has given

5 Youshouldthinkof thevolunteeractivitiesinyourcommunity A taking in B making C participating D taking part in

6 Haveyouever to Sapa?

A seen B been C visited D gone

7 Traditional volunteeractivities include money for people in need, cooking and giving food

A getting B rising C raising D taking

8 They have decided to clean up the neighbourhood it is fullof rubbish

A so B but C because D although

9 Howmanynovels CharlesDickens ?

A does –write B did – write C did written D have – written 10 Youcanhelpyoungchildrenby them to homework before

or after school

A teaching B doing C helping D offering

11 Volunteering isspecial me because i can help others

A to B with C for D at

12 Let’scollectand warmclothestohomelesschildreninourcity A give away B give back C take off D put on 13 We to Ha Noi several times, but last summer we

there by train

A flew – went C hasflown–went

B have flown – have gone D have flown –went

14 I bloodtwice,and presentstosickchildreninthe

hospital recently

A donate – give C have donated – have given

B donated–gave D have donated – gave


www.minh-A give B bring C provide D donate

16 Let’s help the street children because they have bad

A live B ways oflife C earnings D living conditions 17 My brotherand i awhitetigeralready

A see B to have C have seen D has seen

18 Theyhavedecidedtoridetowork it is good for their health and the environment

A but B because C so D although

19 Americans the tradition of volunteering and helping one another since the early days of the country

A had B to have C has had D have had

20 Ourschoolhasaprogrammeto childrenfrompoorfamilies in ho chi minh city

A tutor B offer C ask D volunteer

IV.Find which word does not belong to each group

1 A donate B rubbish C blood D money

2 A green B trees C collect D plant

3 A bank B environment C community D neighbourhood

4 A blood B homework C students D tutors

5 A elderly B grandparents C nursinghome D orphan V.Puttheverbsinbracketsinthecorrectverbtense:ThePresentPerfectorPast Simple.

1. I(visit) our form teacher in the hospital already

2. John(read) the letter from Mary already

3. We(notbegin) to learn for the test yet

4. I(meet) Robert at thesupermarket this morning

5. Nancy(be) to Vietnam several times

6. They(notstart) the projectyet

7. When(yourfather/giveup) smoking?

8. The motorbike looks clean (you/ wash) it?

9. Tom(call) his bossyesterday

10. Myuncle(move) to Da Lat in 2005


www.minh-12. We(go) tothatvillagetodovolunteerwork

several times

13. We(spend) oursummervacationinHaLongBay last


14. Ourteacher(explain) toushowtousetheprinter


15. Mypenisn’thereanymore.Someone(take) it


16. The postman (deliver) the letter half an hour ago

17. Mai(notfinish) her homeworkyet

18. They(notsee) the film Titanicyet

19. I(hear) thegoodnewsfromMaryafewminutes ago

20. I(notsee) your brotheryet

VI.Matchthe verbs in column A with the words/ phrases in B


1. Visit 2. Help 3. Clean up 4. Plant 5. Recycle 6. Paint 7. Donate 8. Direct a. Blood b. Rubbish c. The traffic d. Trees

e. Children dohomework

f. Elder people in nursing homes g. Dirty street

h. A mural overgraffiti

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

VII.Matchoneverbsin A withwords/phrasesin B Writetheanswersin Answer Column

A B Answers


www.minh-6. raise 7. tidy 8. plant

f. in aform g. meals

h. for oldpeople


VIII.Completethe sentenceswiththeverbsin theboxin thecorrectform

spend lose start win

send buy pass finish

1. Myuncle a new job It’s hard work but he likes it

2. He his homework and he can relax now

3. He his mobile phone and he doesn’t know where it is 4. She a lot of money and is going to spend it on a holiday 5. They a lot of clothes and don’t have any money left 6. They all their money on computer games

7. She ane-mailtoherfriendandiswaitingforherfriendto write back

8. He allhisexams and his parents are very pleased with him IX.Fill in each blank withjust,alreadyoryet.

1. Have you played your new computer game ?

2. I’ve had my examresults

3. Myfatherhas returned from his trip to Australia

4. Ihaven’thadlunch

5. Ihave had three tests this week

X.Reorder the words to make sentences

1. Ha Noi/ homeless/ give/ in/ clothes/ away/ they/ warm/ to/ people 2. vacation/ since/ we/ haven’t/ last/ had/ a/ year

3. printer/ under/ this/ guarantee/ is

4. our/a/in/makes/volunteering/difference/community


www.minh-UNIT 4: MUSIC AND ARTS I.Find the word which has a differentsoundin the part underlined

1 A collection B tradition C exhibition D question

2 A usually B leisure C version D composer

3 A closure B leisure C pleasure D sure

4 A essential B traditional C picture D audition A discussion B vision C treasure D decision

6 A painter B prefer C concert D perform

7 A music B so C saxophone D expensive

8 A actor B guitarist C attract D gallery

9 A hard B talent C happy D Similarity

10 A musical B delicious C special D physician II.Put the words into two groups(/ / and / /)

discussion vision leisure musician special

fiction sunshine conclusion social anxious

machine usually sure delicious treasure

television decision measure occasion pleasure

/ / / /

III.Find which word does not belong to each group


2 A camera B opera C portrait D photograph

3 A rock B pop C ballet D rap

4 A actor B singer C film director D film producer

5 A pencil B water puppet C canvas D crayon

IV.Choose the best answer (A, B, C or D)

1 Today,subjectslikemusicandartsareputintotheschool in Viet Nam

A so B too C either D however

2 Mycousin–Hoa,isthesameage me

A as B of C to D like

3 For many people, a good knowledge of music and arts is regarded as a for everystudent

A need B needs C necessity D necessary

4 This year’s musical festival is not it was lastyear

A worse B as good as C as wellas D different from Since the 1970s, the festival inGlastonbury has taken almost

every year and has grown in size

A time B place C note D notice

6 The puppetshows present themesofVietnamesevillages

A city B country C rural D urban

7 Thebritschoolisthemostfamous arts school in Britain A perform B performed C performing D performance Thevillagersare theywereyearsago.Thereisnochangeatall

A asfriendlyas C different from

B as friend as D notasfriendlyas

9 Donghopaintingsaremadeon paper withbeautiful colours

A tradition – nature C traditional – nature B tradition–natural D traditional – natural 10 Myvillageisnot it was ten years ago

A same as B the same C the same as D the samelike 11 TeenagersinVietNamlikek-pop,andtheylikeKoreanfilms

A so B too C either D however

12 Waterpuppetry in the11thcentury in the villages of redriver delta of north Viet Nam


www.minh-13 Mybrother’staste inartis quitedifferent mine

A to B as C from D then

14 Thegroupis for their albums and tours around the world

A well-prepared C well-know

B well-known D know-how

15 Thefilmisnot long as the film I watched last week

A but B as C to D from

16 Youcan seemany interesting in that artgallery

A paper B portraits C colours D paints

17 Ineverwatchballet,andmysisterdoesn’t

A so B too C either D like that

18 Classicalmusicisnot as popmusic

A exciting B as exciting C as excited D more excited 19 Artsareofgreat ineducation,especiallyforyoungchildren

A important B importance C unimportant D unimportance 20 The performances of puppetry show inthecountrysideand

A everyday life – folk tales C everyday life – folk stories B everyday life – folk rock D everyday lives – folk people V.Write the type of musical instrumentsunder each picture


VI.Complete the followingtext, using the words in the box

saxophone art band concert

pop star singing painting subject


andhecanplaytheguitar Hewantstolearnthe(2) when he is a bit older He is already ina


(4) next term He is also interested in (5) so his

favourite (6) at schoolis (7) But to be honest, he


VII.Completethe following text,using the words in the box

drums rap India hands weddings trousers

Bhangraisfrom(1) and Pakistan People traditionally played the music atharvest time and alsoto celebrate New Year and (2) The

most traditional instrument is a typeof (3) Many modern

pop artist mix Bhangra with hip hop and (4) The dancers in Ayesha’sclass learn the dance steps and how tomove their (5) Women wear colorful clothes including a shirt, (6) and a kind of scarf

VIII.Numberthe sentencesof theconversationin the correctorder MrDavies: Here you are

MrDavies: How much isthat? MrDavies: The six o’clockfilm

MrDavies: Two adults and two children, please MrDavies: Two tickets forThe Walter Horse, please Woman: Adult or child?

Woman: Thank you Enjoy the film

Woman: OK, and which performance you want to see? Woman: That’s $18 altogether

Woman: Twoadultsandtwochildrenatsixo’clock.That’sfine

IX.Completethesentencesusingthecomparative,superlativeformor“as…as”ofthe adjectives given

1. Maiis(good) singer in our class

2. Guitars aren’t (expensive) instruments

many other

3. It’s(easy) toplayaninstrumentafteryou’ve


www.minh-5. Saxophones are (heavy) instruments

than a lot of 6. Traditional pianos are (suitable)

keyboards forbeginners


7. Theguitarisoneofthe(popular) instruments

among youngpeople

X.Rewritethe sentences using“not as … as”.

1. The hotel in New York was better than the hotel in California

2. French is easier than German

3. Rick is friendlier than Glenn

4. Indonesia is hotter than Viet Nam

5. Football is more exciting than volleyball


www.minh-UNIT5:VIETNAMESEFOODANDDRINK I.Find the wordwhich has a different soundin the part underlined

1 A coffee B pot C bottle D one

2 A hat B map C what D cap

3 A what B yogurt C problem D morning

4 A was B wall C walk D water

5 A talk B salt C sausage D cause

6 A flower B flour C cow D pork

7 A soon B food C noodle D cook

8 A wash B warm C wall D walk

9 A morning B forty C forget D pork

10 A wash B bag C pan D add

11 A aunt B sauce C caught D daughter

12 A daughter B sauce C laundry D aunt

13 A wash B draw C on D off

14 A bottle B roll C soft D coffee

15 A document B naughty C water D audience

II.Put the words into two groups(/ :/ and / /)

laundry bottle morning fork sauce

pot short salt talk what

caught daughter audience soft chocolate

water shopping lot got not


III.Find which word does not belong to each group

1 A grape B banana C egg D apple

2 A carrot B onion C potato D orange

3 A beef B pork C bean D chicken

4 A pear B melon C peach D salad

5 A tea B yoghurt C butter D Cheese

6 A apple B banana C lemon D pork

7 A beans B eggs C salad D mushrooms

8 A carrot B lamb C beef D pork

9 A fruit juice B coffee C tea D tomato

10 A chocolate B nuts C fish D cakes

IV.Give the names of the food in the pictures



V.Choose the best answer (A, B, C or D)

1 Theeelsoupthatyourfatherhasjustcookedtastesvery

A delicious B best C well D healthy

2 Thereis tofu, butthere aren’t sandwiches


www.minh-3 Thereisn’t for dinner, so i have to go to the market

A any left B some left C any leaning D some leaving

4 Howmany youneed?

A yogurt C packet of yogurt

B carton ofyogurt D cartonsofyogurt

5 What i need to cook an omelette?

A menu B food C material D ingredients

6 A is a small meal that you eat when you are in hurry

A lunch B snack C breakfast D fast food

7 Isthereanybutter in therefrigerator?

A left B leave C to leave D leaving

8 InVietnam,springrollsareserved at family gathering or anniversary dinner

A most B most of C almost D mostly

9 bottles of milk does your family need for a week?

A How B How much C How many D How often

10 Whatisyour dish for breakfast?–it’s beef noodle soup

A best B liking C most D favourite

11 tomatoesdoyouneedtomakethesauce?

A How B How many C How much D How often

12 Canyoutellme the dish?

A to cook B how tocook C cooking D how to cooking 13 water should i put into the glass?

A How B What C How many D How much

14 Howmany you eat every day?

A milk B orange C apple D apples

15 isthehotfoodthatisquicktocook,andisservedveryquickly in a restaurant

A Fast food B Hot food C Sandwiches D Hamburgers 16 Lan’sbrotherisa , working at the metropolitan restaurant

A cooker B cooking C chief D chef

17 Do youwant to thisnewdishofnoodleihavejustcooked?

A try B like C make D drink

18 CakesinVietNamaremade butter, eggs and flour

A in B from C by D of


www.minh-A orange juice C jar of orange juice

B bottle of orange juice D cartonsoforangejuice VI.Match the two parts of the sentences


1. There aren’tmany 2. How much

3. There’s alot 4. How many 5. Are theremany 6. We don’t have much 7. Was theremuch 8. There are a lot

a. strawberries in the garden? b. food at theparty?

c. orange juice

d. of tomatoes in this salad e. milk wehave?

f. potatoes youwant? g. onions

h. of ham on this pizza

1. 2. 3. 4.

5. 6. 7. 8.

VII.Complete the questions with“Howmuch”or“How many”

1. text messages you send a day?

2. money have you got in your pocket?

3. sleep you get a night?

4. time is there to the end of the lesson?

5. cousins have yougot?

6. packets of biscuits you eat a week? 7. people are there in this classroom?

8. homework you a day?

VIII.Completethe followingsentenceswithONEsuitable word 1. Thereisn’t yogurt in thecarton

2. VietNamhasmany ofsweetsoup,cakesandnoodles

3. Thismorning,Ididn’thave cupofcoffeeasusual

4. Fastfoodisnotgood your health

5. How cooking oil you need to fry the fish?

6. Isthatall,madam?Wouldyouliketobuyanything ?


www.minh-8. Peopleinourhometownoftenhaverice alotoffresh

vegetables, seafood and various kind of meat

9. Wehaven’tgotanyfood for dinner Let’s eat out 10.Having a bowl of beef noodle soup for breakfast is very tasty and

IX.Makethequestionswith“Howmuch”or“Howmany”andthecues given 1. subjects/ you/ study/ at school?

2. hours/ you/ sleep/ every night?

3. money/ you/ have/ in your bag or pocket?

4. water/ you/ drink/ every day?

5. students/ in yourclass?

X.Makequestionswith“Howmany/much”fortheunderlinedpartinthefollowing sentences 1. I usually drink two litres of water every day

2. My father often reads two papers a day

3. I need some bread to make sandwiches

4. I need some paper to write on

5. I have only a little language


UNIT6:THEFIRSTUNIVERSITYINVIET NAM I.Find the wordwhich has a different soundin the part underlined

1 A children B chicken C sandwich D chilli

2 A culture B chapter C feature D literature

3 A chair B architect C cheese D child

4 A advance B imperial C academy D around

5 A emperor B recognition C tablet D temple

II.Putthewordsintotwogroups(/ /and/ /)

passenger beach stranger Japan question

coach lecture literature January journey

feature juice arrange culture choose

heritage junk sandwich sausage statue

/ / / /

III.Find whichworddoesnotbelongtoeachgroup

1 A pagoda tutor B temple C pavilion D pagoda

2 A in B behind C between D for

3 A lecturer B teacher C professor D locate


5 A teach B locate C learn D study A centre B cultural C architectural D historical

7 A form B establish C found D find

8 A juice B cheap C chop D jam

9 A college B village C university D high school

10 A culture B pagoda C tomb D temple

IV.Choose the best answer (A, B, C or D)

1 Many beautiful Cham Towers in Ninh Thuan Province and now many domestic and foreign tourists

A restored – were attracted C was restored – attracted B were restored – attract D restored – attracted

2 MinhMangTomb constructionin1841,and three

years later

A started – completed C was started – was completed B started – was completed D was started – completed A lotof flowers inDaLatthroughouttheyear

A grow B grew C growing D Are grown

4 PapersattheRoyalexaminationsinthepastwere bytheKing

A passed B correct C check D graded

5 TheTempleofLiterature _byoldtreesand many

interesting things

A is surrounded – contains C is surrounded - is contained B surrounds – is contained D surrounds – contains

6 In2003,four ofEmperorLyThanhTong,EmperorLyNhan Tong, Emperor LeThanh Tong and ChuVan Anwere built inthe Temple of


A forms B statues C photos D stone tablets

7 ThefirstDoctors’stonetablets in 1484

A are erected B erected C was erected D were erected In2010,the82Doctors’stonetablets as a Memory of the


A wererecognised C recognising

B areregconised C recognised

9 Manypreciousrelics in the Temple of Literature

A are kept B is kept C kept D keep


A find B found C was found D was founded 11 Manykindsoffruitsandvegetables at the floating market in

Can Tho

A sell B will sell C are sold D are selling 12 OxfordUniversity theoldestuniversityintheEnglishspeaking


A is regarded C consideredtobe

B isregardedas D is considered being

13 TanKyHouseinHoiAn over two hundred years ago

A build B is built C is to built D was built 14 Bach MaiNational Park closetothesea

A locates B located C is located D is being located 15 StudentatOxfordUniversity byfamouslecturersandtutorsin

many departments

A teach andsupport C are taught tosupport B taught and supported D are taught and supported 16 TheImperial Academywas young men for the country

A used toeducating C used to educate

B use toeducate D usedofeducating

17 The students at the Imperial Academy were carefully for the National examinations first, then the Royal examinations

A taken B learned C prepared D studied

18 The Imperial Academy was in 1076underEmperorLyNhan Tong

A construct B constructed C build D constructing 19 The students of the Imperial Academy fromlocalexaminations

all over thecountry

A selected B selecting C was selected D were selected 20 TheImperialAcademywasregarded the first university in Viet


A to B as C for D of

V.Completethe followingsentenceswith ONEsuitable word

1. HaLongBayis as a spectacular natural wonder

2. Ticketsaresoldatthegateofthetourist


www.minh-4. One stone tablet was erected on the of the tortoise after each Royalexamination

5. Tourist canseemany beautiful Cham inNinhThuan


6. The why we visit the Imperial Academy is that is the first university in Viet Nam

7. KhleangPagodainSocTrangwasmade wood in1533

8. The student of the Imperial Academy were

9. Whenyou cometoHaNoi,don’tforgettobuy in local


10. ThefirstDoctors’stonetabletswere in 1484

11. Ha Noi’s Old which has 36 old streets is a tourist attraction

12. The of Minh Mang Tomb was completed in 1843

13. The Imperial Academy, the first university in Viet Nam, was used to _ young men for nation

14. Manyfamousschoolsare afterChuVanAn–oneofthe

most famous teachers at the Imperial Academy

15. TheDaiLaCitadelwas ThangLong(andnowHaNoi)by

Emperor Ly ThaiTo

VI.Put the verbs in brackets in the correct verb forms

1. Anewhighschool(build) in our town next year

2. Ticketsforthefootballmatch(sell) at the ticketbooth 3. Harvard(consider) the oldest university in the USA

4. MySonSanctuary(locate) inDuyXuyenDistrict,QuangNam Province

5. Some flowers (buy) yesterday

for his mother on her birthday 6. Thestudentsinthatuniversity(teach) by famous professors

and lecturers

7. The first Doctors’ stonetablets (erect) by King Le Thanh Tong

8. ThestudentsoftheImperialAcademy(select) carefully from local examinations all over the country


www.minh-10.Ourschool afteragreatscholarofourcountry–LeQuy Don (name)

VII.Supplythe correctpassive formof the verbs in brackets

1. SydneyOperaHouseinAustralia(finish) in 1973

2. One-PillarPagodainHaNoi(complete) in 1049

3. The ImperialAcademy (consider) the first universityin Viet Nam

4. TheGreatWallinChina(build) many centuriesago

5. The Golden Gate Bridge in San Francisco (complete) in 1937

6. Burj Khalifa in Dubai, the highest building in the world,

(open in 2010

7. ApaintingbyPicasso(sell) for million dollars last year

8. America(discover) by ChristopherColumbus

9. TheJapaneseCoveredBridgeinHoiAn(build) in the

16th century

10.The site for Huong Pagoda (discover) about 2000years ago

VIII.Rewritethe sentences in thepassive voice 1. Ms Linh teaches our English lessons

Our English lessons 2. People make many famous films in Hollywood

Many famous films 3. I all my homework on my computer

All my homework 4. They keep many ancient things in museums

Many ancientthings 5. People use computers all over the world

Computers 6. My father drives all of us to school every day

All of us 7. King Ly Nhan Tong built the Imperial Academy as the first university in Viet Nam in


The Imperial Academy 8. Hundreds of tourist visit my town every year


www.minh-Khue Van Pavilion symbol 10.A lot of people use cell phones

Cell phones IX.Rewritethe sentences in thepassive voice

1. We usually lock the safe carefully

The safe 2. We keep the safe in the bedroom on the second floor

The safe 3. Yesterday the thieves stole everything in it

Yesterday everything in it 4. We told the police about it

The police 5. The police checked everything in the house

Everything in the house 6. The police questioned everybody in the house

Everybody in the house 7. The police surrounded the house

The house 8. The police did not think that they caught the thieves

The police did not think that the thieves X.Rewritethe sentencesso that their meaning stay the same

1. People choose Khue Van Pavilion as the symbol of Ha Noi

Khue Van Pavilion 2. People have restored many old houses in Hoi An

Manyoldhouses 3. TheyhavesoldouttheticketsforthefootballmatchbetweenVietNamand Thailand

The tickets 4. King LeThanh Tong ordered to erect the firstDoctors’stone tablets

The erection of 5. People will plant more trees and plants in the park


UNIT 7:TRAFFIC I.Find the word which has a differentsoundin the prt underlined

1 A car B date C lazy D hate

2 A train B wait C said D paid

3 A sailing B railway C brainstorm D captain

4 A safety B chat C taste D waste

5 A centre B let C belt D security

6 A safety B traffic C station D plane

7 A seat B head C heavy D weather

8 A head B break C bread D heavy

9 A maid B wait C said D sail

10 A hey B grey C honey D obey

11 A lake B came C station D start

12 A seatbelt B bread C ahead D healthy

13 A nature B ancient C radio D village

14 A enter B mention C vehicle D helicopter

15 A take B mistake C indicate D says

16 A traffic B pavement C plane D station

17 A recycle B vehicle C helicopter D reverse

18 A sign B mistake C triangle D drive

19 A nearest B head C bread D health

20 A railway B mail C sail D captain

II.Matchtheroadsignswiththeirmeanings,andthenwritethecorrectanswerinthe blanks



www.minh-J K L M

1 No U-turns Go leftonly Go rightonly No Parking Cars prohibited Stop

7 Go aheadonly

8 Overtaking prohibited Truck prohibited

10 All motor vehiclesprohibited 11 Overtakingprohibitedfortrucks 12 No stopping & No Parking III.Put the wordsinto two groups(/e / and / ei /)

safety way internet red ahead

melody wait break lane bed


IV.Choose the best answer (A, B, C or D)

1 Cyclistandmotoristhavetoweara when they ride a motorbike

A cap B mask C helmet D hard that

2 Heforgottogivea before he turned left and got a ticket

A hand B signal C sign D light

3 Allofushavetoobey strictly

A traffic B traffic rules C traffic jam D regular Weshouldwaitforthetrafficlights beforewe crossthe


A turn yellow C turn green

B to turn yellow D toturngreen

5 Drivershaveto your seatbelt whenever they drive

A tie B fasten C put on D put

6 Weshould thestreetatthezebracrossing

A walk B walk through C walk on D walk across isitfromyourhousetothenearestbusstop?”–“about50


A How much B How long C How far D How often Linhusedto jigsawpuzzlesinhissparetime

A B does C doing D did

9 Public in this city is quite good, and it’s not expensive

A vehicle B travel C transport D journey

10 I marbles when i was young, but now i didn’t

A play C used to play

B have played D didn’tusetoplay

11 There abusstationinthecitycentre,butithasbeenmoved to the suburbs

A were B used to have C use to have D used to be 12 does it take togo fromha noi toho chi minh city byplane

A How much B How many C How long D How far 13 Minhused to his homework late in the evening

A B does C doing D did

14 Ifpeople the rules, there are no more accidents

A follow B take careof C obey D remember

15 Youshould right and leftwhen you go across the road


www.minh-16 Hurryuporwecan’t the last bus home

A keep B follow C go D catch

17 Lanusedtogotoschool

A with bike B by foot C in car D by bus

18 Public inmytownisgoodandcheap

A travel B journey C tour D transport

19 Whenthereisa trafficjam, it meaverylongtimetogohome

A takes B costs C spends D lasts

20 Yesterday rickand peter round west lake It took them an hour

A cycle B cycles C cycling D cycled

V.Fill each blank with a word from the box

accidents break vehicle across did

rules it feels after ride

1. What you lastSunday?

2. Istayedathomeandlooked my younger brother


3. He lives in a small village in the mountains so he never worried about trafficjams

4. Youshouldremembertowalk thestreetsatthezebra


5. Doesyourbikeever down on the way to school?

6. Wemustalwaysobeytraffic for oursafety

7. How faris

8. Theredidnotusetobemany hometown

from your house to the bus stop?

on the roads in my 9. Heusedto a tricycle when he was three years old

10.Nowtherearemoretraffic thanthereusedtobeinthis city VI.Putthe words/ phrases from the box ineach space to complete the following sentences


road user means of transport driving license safety helmet road safety train tickets

1. The government has introduced a new campaigninan

attempt to reduce the number of road accidents

2. A isahardhatwhichcoversandprotectsthewhole head, worn especially by motorcyclist

3. Welookedonourmaptofindthe way tothe

4. Roadworkshavecaused throughout the city centre

5. A isaplaceonaroadatwhichvehiclesmuststopto allow people to walk across the road

6. Youshouldknowtheregulationsinordertobecomeagood

7. A isanofficialdocumentthatshowsyouareabletodrive

8. Slow down because you’re breaking the

9. WeneededtogettoHaNoi,butwehadno

10.I have two availabletogotoLaoCai.Wouldyouliketo go with me to Sa Pa?

VII.Completethe sentences with“used to”or“didn’t use to”.

1. I like sports, but now I a lot of different sports 2. I beafraidofheights, but then Istartedclimbing hills 3. I likeputtingmyheadinthewaterbecauseIcouldn’t swim 4. I goskatinguntilImetAnnainSwitzerland,andthen we have

practised a lot so far

5. I gotoschoolonfoot,butnowIrideabicycleto school

VIII.Makesentencesusing the wordsand phrasesgiven

1. Another problem/ the increase/ the number/ cars/ the road

2. There/transportrules/but/manypeople/notseen/reallyinterested/follow/ them


www.minh-3. Thetraffic/worst/ rushhours/ when/everyone/ try/ get towork/ gethome quickly

4. Somepeople/ride/motorbikes/thepavements/ratherthan/waiting/a traffic jam 5. The traffic/ a nightmare/ visitors/ Viet Nam/ the first time

6. More people/ own/ private cars/ it/ make/ the problem/ the trafficjams/ worse

7. Pedestrians/getinjured/hiteasily/when/they/walk/thepavements/cross the roads/ suchtimes

8. Road users/ very impatient/ quite aggressive/ constantly using their horns/ even


9. Threeorfourpeople/onemotorbike/acommonsight/particularly/young people

10.Somepeople/install/airhorn/theirmotorbikes/this/reallyannoying/other people/ sometimes/ it cause/ accidents

IX.Completethesecondsentenceso thatithas a similarmeaningto thefirst

1. Did you often go to the beach when you lived in Nha Trang?

Did you use ? 2. Linda doesn’t live with her parents any more

Linda used 3. I don’t have time to collect stamps as when I was in primary school

I used 4. He isnot a poor man anymore, but hebecomes arichbusinessman

He used 5. They didn’t often go to the cinema every Sunday last year

They didn’t use 6. My hair now is much longer than that in the past

Inthepastmyhairused 7. Iusuallystayeduplatetowatchfootballmatcheslast year, butnowIdon’t


www.minh-8. There were some trees in the field, but now there aren’t any

There used


www.minh-UNIT 8:FILMS I.Find the wordwhich has a different soundin the part underlined

1 A animation B female C pavement D safety

2 A sign B critic C illegal D direct

3 A filled B wanted C played D opened

4 A recommend B seatbelt C vehicle D investigate

5 A cooked B talked C booked D naked

6 A delivered B clicked C promised D picked

7 A needed B developed C wanted D included

8 A liked B washed C loved D jumped

9 A acting B actor C address D action

10 A comedy B boring C shocked D long

II.Put the words into three groups(/ d /, / id /and / t /)

shocked looked moved needed laughed decided

raised played watched volunteered appeared wanted

fascinated stopped starred convinced interested washed

/ d / / id / / t/

III.Find which word does not belong to each group


www.minh-3 A entertaining B terrifying C frightening D exciting

4 A enjoy B like C felling D annoy

5 A animation B romantic C sciencefiction D documentary A interesting B exhausting C tired D exciting

7 A actor B comedy C director D editor

8 A entertaining B exciting C shocking D acting A despite B in spite of C because of D although

10 A plot B documentary C horror D thriller

IV.Choose the best answer (A, B, C or D)

1 Iwas to learn that the director of that gripping film has won the first prize

A interest B interests C interested D interesting Thefilmwasso However myfathersaw itfrombeginningto


A interesting B exciting C boring D fascinating Wewere with the latest film of that director

A satisfied B satisfactory C satisfying D satisfy Welikethefilmverymuch.The areunforgettable andthe plot


A character B acting C style D action

5 Ihaveneverfeltas as I did when I watched that horror film A terrify B terrified C terrifying D terrible

6 Notmanypeoplewenttoseethefilm; itreceivedgoodreviews from critics

A although B but C despite D however

7 Let’sgototheVictorCinema.I’msureyou’llfindthefilm

A excites B excite C excited D exciting

8 Lastnight,Ididn’tgotobedearly being verytired

A because of B although C despite of D in spite of theyspentalotofmoneyonthefilm,itwasn’tabigsuccess

A Nevertheless B However C When D Although

10 Mr.Bean’sHolidayisa film–Iwaslaughingfrombeginning to the end

A moving B scary C violent D hilarious


www.minh-A Such B However C Despite D With

12 A is a film that shows real life events or stories

A documentary B thriller C comedy D action

13 Iwenttothecinemawithmyfriendsyesterday feeling very tired

A although B So C In spite of D but

14 Theendofthefilmwasso that many people cried

A boring B shocking C exciting D moving

15 We didn’t find it funny itwasacomedy

A but B although C despite D in spite of

16 A isafilmthattriestomakeaudienceslaugh

A sci-fi B documentary C comedy D horror

17 IenjoythefilmonTVyesterdayevening nobody inmyfamily liked it

A so B yet C although D in spite of

18 Ifoundthebookso that I couldn’t put it down

A gripping B shocking C tiring D boring

19 hespenttoomuchmoneyonthefilm,itwasn’tabigsuccess

A But B Even C Despite D although

20 We found the plot of the film

A bored B boring C interested D acting

V.Complete the conversation with the words in the box

lovely called comedy tickets problems

kind look after much animated cartoon

Sam: What(1) of filmisShawnoftheDead?

Woman: It’sa(2) It’s very funny, but it’s also a

horror film and it’s very frightening sometimes

Sam: Oh, I don’t mind films that are scary What other films are on? Woman: There’s“ThePrincessandthefrog.It’san(3)


www.minh-Woman: There’s an American film which is very good It’s (5)

_ThePursuitofHappiness.Aman goestoNew York, wherehe hasto(6) hissonandgotowork.Hehas lots of (7)

, but it’s a (8) film

Will Smithis in it

Sam: OK.Two(9) ,please.How(10) is


Woman: That’s $20

VI. Complete the sentences, usingalthough, despite, in spite of, however, or nevertheless. Sometimes,two answersare possible

1. IthinkIdidOKinmyspeechlastnight I’dhadalmostno

sleep for 24hours

2. _ I heard the telephone ring, I didn’t answer it

3. Weenjoyedourholiday the rain

4. hegottopmarksathighschool,heneverwentto


5. _therewasnoelectricity,IwasabletoreadbecauseIhada candle

6. Shefailedthetest she studiedhard

7. difficulties, the firemen managed to save many people who were caught in the fire

8. Everyonethoughtshewouldaccepttheoffer ,she

turned itdown

9. Carolarrivedatthemeeting I asked her not to be there 10. Itlookslikethey’regoingtosucceed their present


11. _ it was raining heavily, he went out without a raincoat

12. Myfatherisverybusy ,heisalwayswillingtogiveahand with thehousework

13. The sky was grey andcloudy , we went to the beach

14. SomeEnglishwordshavethesame pronunciation they are spell differently, for example, dear and deer

15. Iwascoldandwet Bobputonhisswimmingsuitandwent to the beach

VII.Complete the text with the words given in the box


www.minh-favourite role scene extras

My (1) film this year was Zero Game, the latest (2)

_ by (3) Xi Dong It has several well-known

Chinese (4) and onereal (5) , Li Mu Bai, who

plays the (6) of the policeman who has to catch a thief, Jun Fat Li MuBaiisbrilliant.Inthebest(7) , he chases Jun Fat across the city on a motorbike,


VIII.Complete the conversation with the words in the box

interested cinema films fantastic relaxed

amazing successful section boring awards

1. Iamvery in watching TV late on Saturday evenings

2. Hisfilmhaswonalotof

3. Allthecriticssaidthefilmwasreally Nevertheless,Iwasso interested that I saw it from beginning to end

4. Avatarisabighit–thespecialeffectsare

5. Ifyouwanttoknowwhichfilmsareonthecinemas,youshouldlookatthefilm of this magazine

6. Ifeelvery when I see romantic comedy

7. Spiderman2hasalotof action scenes

8. Haveyoueverbeentothe lately?

9. What type of you like,Nick?

10.Kristen Dunst’s most films are theSpidermanfilms IX.Complete the conversation with the words in the box

film drama comedy musical romance

horror western action science-fiction animated

1. I love films They’re veryexciting


www.minh-4. A is a play in a theatre or on television or radio, or plays and actinggenerally

5. Draculaisthebest film I’veever seen

6. Wearegoingtothecinematoseea

7. My favourite films have beings from Mars

8. Iwatchedthis lastweek.Thesinginganddancingare great

9. The LionKing isanexcellent film I love cartoons X.Completetheconversationwiththecorrectformoftheadjectivesinbrackets

1 A: Was it a good film?

B: No,itwasn’tvery(interest) Infact,it was very(bore)

2 A: I’malwaysvery(tire) afteraday atwork Ican’tdo anything in theevening

B: Why don’t you watch a film?

A: Ialways fall asleep Sometimes, I put on the most (excite) film that I really want to see but I always fall asleep

3 A: I’manactor.Actingisavery(tire) job Itisn’t

(relax) atall.Areyou(relax) ?

B: No way I’m a worker

XI.Completethesentenceswiththecorrectformoftheadjectivesinbrackets 1. Iwasvery in the lesson because our teacher is very

in history (interest)

2. Myfriendisavery sort of person but he hates doing activities (relax)

3. Studyingforexamsisvery I get whenI

open my school books (tire)

4. Wewereallvery about the school trip but it wasn’t an trip at all.(excite)

5. It’s a bookandI’m everytimeIstart

reading it(bore)

XII.Rewritethesentences,usingthewordsinthebrackets.Changeotherwordsinthe sentence if necessary


www.minh- ?

2. WeplannedtovisitPetronasintheafternoon.Wecouldnotaffordthefee (however)

3. Mary was sick She didn’t leave the meeting until it ended (despite)

4. Weliveinthesamestreet.Werarelyseeeachother.(inspiteof)

5. I couldn’t sleep I was tired (in spite of)

6. They have little money They are happy (despite)

7. My foot was hurt I managed to walk to the nearest village (although)

8. I’ve been too busy to answer by email I’ll it soon (nevertheless)

9. Wehadplannedtowalkrightroundthelake.Theheavyrainmadethis impossible


10.I got very wet in the rain I had an umbrella (although)


www.minh-UNIT9:FESTIVALSAROUNDTHEWORLD I.Find the wordwhich has a different soundin the part underlined

1 A perform B end C festival D elephant

2 A cake B celebrate C racing D candle

3 A desert B held C prefer D celebrate

4 A those B they C than D Thanksgiving

5 A cranberry B lantern C gather D apricot

II.Find which wordwhichhas a differentstresspatternfromtheothers

1 A costume B canoe C highlight D season

2 A violet B serious C seasonal D hilarious

3 A festival B disaster C pavement D station

4 A serious B diverse C special D local

5 A direct B affect C open D renew

6 A succeed B happen C replace D attend

7 A reward B country C samba D music

8 A helicopter B entertainment C superstitious D documentary

9 A perform B order C receive D rehearse

10 A invite B discuss C circle D combine

11 A pavement B review C concert D samba

12 A famous B asleep C pretty D careful

13 A highlight B project C horror D perform

14 A manner B tourist C machine D action

15 A chaos B circle C direct D cannon

III.Put the words into two groups

album complete harvest annual perform cancel

review rainy handsome parade reply afraid

dislike prefer remote culture happy listen


www.minh-IV.Find which word does not belong to each group

1 A joyful B funny C prefer D happy

2 A party B elephant C camp D desert

3 A festival B local C traditional D cultural

4 A harvest B rice god C feast D dancing

5 A artist B dancer C celebration D performer

6 A ham B flowers C tomatoes D Spain

7 A shopping B exciting C fascinating D amazing

8 A costumes B pumpkin C Halloween D turkey

9 A celebrate B attend C held D organize

10 A tradition B celebration C festival D dishes V.Circle A, B, C or D for each picture


A. Festival B. Parade C. Performance


A. Attending Hoi Mua Festival in Phu yen



A. Tet

B. Christmas C. Easter D. Halloween


A. Thanksgivingin US B. CannesFilmFestival C. Rio Carnival

D. FlowersFestival inDaLat VI.Choose the best answer (A, B, C or D)

1 InLaTomatina,peoplegettothrowtomatoesat

A together B once C themselves D each other

2 Whichdoyouthinkare _ festivals?

A music B harvester C artistic D season

3 AlotofdancersgotoRiodeJaneiroto the RioCarnival

A follow B take C attend D play

4 Villagersvoluntarilycontributemoneyandotherthingsto the festival

A remember B celebrate C set D open

5 LaTomatina onthelastWednesdayofAugusteveryyear

A hold B held C is held D be held

6 Thefestival every year at the end of August

A occur B takes place C takes D held

7 ThebiggestprizeoftheCannesFilmFestivalisthePalmed’Or,whichis

given the bestfilm

A with B to C of D for

8 PeopleinCannestaketheCannesFilmFestival a very

serious way

A at B in C on D with

9 The Samba Parade in Rio Carnival has thousands of samba from various sambaschools


www.minh-10 TheElephantRaceFestivalinDakLakisaracebetweenelephantsthatare

ridden bytheir

A own B owners C owner D owning

11 The oftheRioCarnivalistheSambaParade

A best B highlight C importance D performance 12 Everybodyhasgonetothe festival

A music B musical C musician D musicians

13 TheAcademyAwards,commonly astheOscars,arethemost famous film awards in the world

A know B knew C known D be known

14 LaTomatinaisa festivaltocelebratethe tomato harvest

A year B seasonal C season D annually

15 Peopleputpumpkin outsidethehomesduringHalloween A lights B lanterns C neon signs D bulbs 16 It is toseeelephantsracingintheElephantRaceFestivalin

Dak Lak

A amaze B amazing C amazed D amazement

17 Alot of cultural and activities areheld as part of theFlower Festival in DaLat

A art B artist C artistic D arts

18 The atmosphere is felt around all the villages

A tradition B festival C festive D air

19 Peopleof minoritiesinPhuYencelebrateHoiMuaFestival every March

A ethnic B local C native D village

20 Diwali,theHinduFestivalofLight,isthe holiday of the year in India

A more important C most important

B importance D most importance

VII.Fill each blank inthe followingsentenceswith a wordfromthe box

colorful considered traditionally lantern superstition

decorating society canals attractions holiday


www.minh-4. Thenumberof in Da Lat is increasing

5. _ , the festival also marked the end of harvest, and parents who had been hard at work in the fields enjoyed spending extra time with their children

6. The Carnival in Rio de Janeiro is a world famous festival and


7. Chinese New Year endswitha festival

8. Thechildrenwear masksanddanceinthestreetswithstar lanterns that are illuminated by candles

9. Halloween has always been a holiday filled with mystery, magic and _

10.Every year, in Harbin Ice and Snow Festival people build incredible things out oficeand

snow, them with lights and lasers


1. Streetaredecoratedwith lightsandredbanners (colour) 2. There are many

communities (culture)

differences between the two

3. Shegaveawonderful astheIronLady–theformerBritish

Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher (perform)

4. TherewerelivelyNewYear all over the town (celebrate) 5. When we heard she’d got the job, we all went off for a

drink (celebrate)

6. It is in America to eat turkey on Thanksgiving Day (tradition) 7. What forms of you participate in during the festival?


8. Thehalllookedvery with its Christmas tree (festival)

9. Hereyeswerewidewith whensheheardthenews.(excite)

10.TheChineseNewYearmarksthe ofspringandthestartof the

Lunar New Year (begin)


according are numbers as


www.minh-Amongthefestivalscelebrated(1) some of Asian people is the Moon Cake Festival, also known (2) the Mid-August Festival Large(3) of small round

mooncakes(4) eaten onthis day,andchildren(5) carrying

colourful paper lanternscome inallshapes; the morepopular (6) are shaped like fish,rabbits,andbutterflies

(7) tothemthemoonshinesbrightestonthenightoftheMoonCake Festivals Asthemoon(8) ,tableareplacedoutside thehouseand women make offerings of fruit and moon cakes to the Moon Goddess

X.Makequestionsfortheunderlinedparts,usingthequestionwordsinbrackets 1. In 201, 51,515 people attended Burning Man (How many)

2. Someyoungstersaccidentallyknockedoveroneofthegiants.(What)

3. The highlight of the festival is the tomato fight (What)

4. La Tomatina dates back to1945 whenan annual parade ofenormous figures withbigheads waspassingthroughthestreetsofBunyol.(When)

5. LaTomatinainBunol nearValencia happens everyyear.(How often)

6. La Tomatina takes placeon the last Wednesday inAugust (When)

7. ThefestivalbeganinSanFrancisco’sBakerBeachin1986.(When;Where)

8. Ittakesitsnamefromtheritualburningofalargewoodenmodelofahated person


9. Burning Man lasts one week (How long)

10.TheeventbeginsonthelastMondayinAugust,andendsonthefirstMonday in September (When)

XI.Makeup sentencesusing the wordsand phrasesgiven


www.minh- 3. Festivals/create/opportunity/for/the/people/take/part/festival/ activities

4. Festivals / help / people / cooperate / with / one / another

5. People/can/understand/more/about/andappreciate/their/cultural/ values


www.minh-UNIT 10: SOURCES OF ENERGY I.Find the wordwhich has a different soundin the part underlined

1 A new B sew C few D knew

2 A large B hard C carbon D marry

3 A tool B blood C spoon D noon

4 A report B transport C short D power

5 A plays B wants C looks D helps

6 A truck B abundant C nuclear D dump

7 A decided B played C listened D enjoyed

8 A biogas B solar C hydroelectric D environment

9 A pleasure B meat C heat D feed

10 A energy B electric C plentiful D renewable

II.Choosethewordwhichhas a differentstresspatternfromtheothers

1 A another B plentiful C dangerous D limited A population B education C development D satisfaction A countryside B natural C changeable D dioxide A renewable B artificial C unfortunate D continuous

5 A easily B energy C negative D consumption

6 A musician B scientist C energy D biogas

7 A advantage B atmosphere C motorbike D generate A effective B regular C different D serious A convenient B abundant C expensive D different 10 A excellent B dangerous C plentiful D polluting 11 A exercise B calendar C travelling D convenience 12 A advantage B enormous C petroleum D tendency 13 A excellent B marvelous C familiar D similar 14 A abundant B wonderful C convenient D important 15 A holiday B effective C pollution D attention III.Put the words into two groups


www.minh-improvement relative fortune exhausted comfortable

Stresson1stsyllable Stress on 2ndsyllable

IV.Find which word does not belong to each group

1 A plentiful B unlimited C limited D abundant

2 A cells B panels C solar D hydropower

3 A unreasonable B costly C expensive D overpriced

4 A gas B coal C water D oil

5 A coal B sun C wave D wind

V.Choose the best answer (A, B, C or D)

1 By the middle of the 21stcentury, people in developing countries more renewableenergy

A uses B will be using C used D have used

2 Thewind,thesun,andthewavearesometypesof sources

of energy

A changeable B alternative C cheap D costly Alternative sourcesof energy developedinthenearfuture

A is B was C has been D will be

4 Fossilfuelsareverycommoninoursocietybutthey the


A renew B provide C waste D pollute

5 “Whyis itcalleda source?”–“Becauseitcanbereplaced easily and quickly.”


www.minh-6 Hydropoweris becausedamscannotbebuiltincertain areas

A limited B unlimited C abundant D enough Atthistimenextweek,we a windturbine in our garden

A install B installed C will installed D will beinstalled Biogasis and cheap for cooking and heating

A plenty B abundant C serious D expensive

9 Ahydropowerstation in the North of the country next year

A was built B were built C will be built D has beenbuilt 10 Weshouldput on our roof for the heating and hot water

A solar energy B equipment C cracks D solar panels 11 Rememberto the lights before going to bed

A turn B turn off C turn on D stop

12 Itisagoodideatouse whentravelling long distances

A cars B taxis C private cars D public transport

13 Whatshouldwedoto electricity?

A cut B take C save D waste

14 Weshoutuse lightbulbsinourhomes

A low energy B little energy C a bitenergy D efficient

15 Inmyopinion,nuclearpowerisnotonlyexpensivebutalso to our environment

A danger B dangerous C risk D disaster

16 Someone’scarbon isameasurementoftheamountofcarbon dioxide that their activities produce

A effect B amount C footprint D energy

17 Severalgovernmentstryto the use of fossil fuels

A reduce B increase C waste D save

18 Wearelookingforcheap,cleanand sources ofenergy A effective B efficient C serious D dangerous 19 sourceofenergyisthesourcethatcan’tbereplacedafteruse

A Renewable B Natural C Effective D Non-renewable

20 Waveenergyisasourceof energy


www.minh-VI.Matchthe suitablewords or phrasesin the box with pictures

Coal Wind energy Fossil fuel oil

Solar energy Natural gas Geothermal energy

Hydropower energy Nuclear





VII.Completethe sentenceswith the suitableword fromthe box

play arrive speak wear work



4. Whatclothesdoyouthinkshe when shearrives?

5. You Frenchin Quebec because local people it,too Completethe sentenceswith the suitable word fromthe box

generate invested avoid converted reduce

6. Use electricity economically so that we can ourelectricity bills

7. Solarpowercanbe into electricity

8. Businesseshave more money in renewable energy in recent years 9. Fossilfuelscanbeusedto electricityordrivebigmachinery 10.Weshould using cars or motorbikes for short trips

VIII. Puttheverbsinbracketsinthecorrecttenseformstocompletethesentences 1. You(wait) for her when her plan arrives tonight?

2. Don’tphonemebetween7and8.We(have) dinner then

3. I(send) in my applicationtomorrow

4. Nextweekatthistime,you(lie) on thebeach

5. You(meet) yourformerteachersat9amtomorrowmorning, won’t you?

IX. FillineachblankinthefollowingpassagewithONEsuitablewordfromthebox

wastes rural students bulbs electricity

save off coal natural energy

With the development of science and technology, more and more (1)

isusedeveryday.Nowadays,many(2) areasinVietnam

have been electrified, and more (3) is needed If everyone

(4) energy,itwillquicklyrunout.(5) atschoolshould

learn how to (6) energy, for example, they should turn

(7) the electric lights when they leave their classrooms

Moreover, we may waste electricity at home if we use a lot of light (8) By not wasting energy, we will save a lot of (9)


X. Changethefollowingsentencesin to thePassiveVoice

1. Scientists will find solutions to reduce pollution in our city


2. Governments will make moreregulations toreduce industrial pollution

More regulations

3. Peoplewillconstructmorewindturbines inthatareato produce electricity


4. With that device people will change the wave energy into electricity


5. People will develop alternative sources of energy


XI. Use the cues given to write correct sentences

1. For a long time/ people/ use water/ power machines

2. Solar panels/ place/theroof/ahouse/ and/sun’senergy/ use/ heatwater

3. We/ use energy/ the sun, the wind, and the water

4. Many countries/ already using/ solar energy

5. The earth’s fossil fuels/ running out

6. We/ looking/ cheap, clean, effective source/ energy/ not cause pollution or waste


7. Recently/ wind/ use/ generate electricity

8. Thesun/supply/allenergy/used/growplants/evaporatewater/rain/and/ maintain/ temperature/planet

9. At present/ most/our electricity/ come/ use/ coal, gas,oil ornuclear power

10.Today/ water power/ mostly/ use/ generate electricity

11.This power/ could/ provide/ sun

12.If we/ able/ collect solar energy/ we/ be sure/ have enough power


13.Scientists/ try/ find/ other alternative sources/ energy

14.Onepercent/solarenergy/reach/earth/enough/providepower/thetotal population

15.Viet Nam/ an advanced technology/ solar energy

16.The energy/ store/ a number of days

17.Car/ use solar energy/ gas/ by the year 2030

18.Energy/wind/use/centuries/moveships,grindgrain,pumpwater/and/do other forms/ work

19.On/ cloudy/ you/ use/ solar energy/ too

20.Almost all our energy/ come/ oil/ gas/ natural gas We/ them/ fossil fuels


www.minh-UNIT 11: TRAVELLING IN THE FUTURE I.Find the wordwhich has a different soundin the part underlined

1 A fear B hear C heart D dear

2 A stupid B student C studio D study

3 A sky B fly C by D hymn

4 A vehicle B rehearse C helicopter D perhaps

5 A brother B thick C that D they

6 A cheer B champagne C parachute D machine

7 A traffic B same C crash D jam

8 A let B jet C vehicle D success

9 A hospital B doctor C pollution D tomorrow

10 A foot B scooter C shoot D food

II.Put the words into two groups 1. What’s thetime?

2. Will pollution be much worse? 3. Is this the blue one?

4. Have you ever heard of bullet trains? 5. Have you got a pen?

6. What means of transport you think will be used in the future? 7. Where youlive?

8. What problems you think future transport will have? 9. What’s yourname?

10. Does a jet pack take a lot of space? 11. Is Jenny withyou?

12. Do you think we will use driverless cars in the near future? 13. How fast can it travel?

14. Why don’t many people use the personal hover scooter?


www.minh-III.Find which word does not belong to each group

1 A automatic B driverless C pilotless D man

2 A sailor B boat C ship D train

3 A pedal B drive C ride D sail

4 A flying B plane C helicopter D cars

5 A underwater B submarine C taxi D ocean

IV.Givethenamesofthefollowing,thenreadthewordsaloud(thefirstletterofeach word isgiven)

drive ride fly sail pedal




V.Choose the best answer (A, B, C or D)

1 ThisisLinda’shat,andthoseshoes are

A our B hers C her D their

2 It will be to rideajetpack inbadweather becauseit doesn’t have aroof

A comfortable B pleasant C unpleasant D enjoyable

3 Askysafetysystemcanhelpcarsto traffic jamsand


A use B have C prevent D take

4 ThewhitecatisHelen’s,andtheblackcatis

A I B my C mine D of mine

5 Wetrytomakethefuturegreenbyusingvehiclesorkindsofenergythat


A environmentally friendly C environment friendly B environmentally friendship D environmental friendly

6 Skycyclingtubeswillbeeasy

A ride B to drive C drive D to ride

7 I think we haveelectrictaxisverysoon

A may B might C will D would

8 Withteleportation,youdisappearataplace,andthen in another place secondslater

A reappear B reappears C appears D appeared Everydayover1,000newcarsaddtothecityandthecityofover20million


A difficult B famous C expensive D gridlocked

10 MybrotherandIoftencometoschool foot

A at B in C by D on

11 WiththeSegway,thedriverpullsthehandletogobackorpushedittogo

A fly B forward C round D backward

12 TheSegway,whichisa vehicle, will be a success

A two-wheels B two wheels C two wheel D two-wheeled 13 Do youthinkthe price will increase next month?

A gases B fossil fuel C fuel D natural gases

14 Peoplewon’tuseflyingcars theyear2050



15 Which of transport you think will be used in the future?

A mean B means C meanings D meaning

16 .Ajetpackdoesn’t a lot of space

A occur B bring C take D have

17 Thecityisfacingserious problems

A pollution B polluted C pollute D pollutant 18 Wewillusemore energy in the future

A sun B sunny C solar D sunlight

19 Wearelookingfortypesofvehiclesthathelpustoavoid A walking B traffic jams C rush hours D traffic

20 Webelievethaturbantransportpodscantravel around30kph

A in B at C with D on

VI.Complete the sentences withwillorwill not (won’t)

1. Inafewyearseveryone know how to use the Internet

2. Chinese becomethegloballanguageinthenearfuture;itis English as far as I know

3. Some teachersare worried thatcomputers take theirjobs one day

4. Inafewyears,everyone speak English

5. In the future people go to school or university They _ study at home using their computer

VII.Completethesentenceswithwillorwillnot(won’t)andasuitableverbtomake them true in your opinion

1. Onedaypeople on holiday on the moon

2. Flying cars that can change into helicopters arunwaytotake off

3. Peopleinthefuture in cities under the sea

4. There morewarsinthefuture,andwewillliveinapeaceful world 5. Futureplanes faster than the speed of sound

6. Intwentyyears’time,there more traffic thannow

7. Flying cheaper in thefuture



9. Driverlesscars cheap so that many people can afford them 10.In

tenyearspeople on otherplanets

VIII.Completethe sentenceswiththe wordsor phrasesin thebox

a traffic jam exercise got on seat belt

ride parked train cycle

driving fly sail got off

1. Aredtruckwas in front of the house

2. Wouldn’titbequicker togoby ?

3. Ilearned to a bike when I was six

4. “Areyougoingbytrain?”“No,I’m ”

5. Iusually home through thepark

6. Shehasto thousands of miles every year for her job

7. Cyclingismyfavouriteformof

8. Doyouknowhowtofastenyour ?

9. Tom thebusatthewrongbusstop,sohewalkedfromthere to school 10. David thetaxi andgavethe drivertheaddress ofhishotel

11. Hemanagedto the boat between the rocks

12. Iwasstuckin for an houryesterday

IX.Choose the correct completion in the brackets

1. Isthis(your/yours) pen?

2. PleasegivethisdictionarytoMary.It’s(her/hers)

3. A:Don’tforget(your/yours) hat Here

B: No, that’s not (my/ mine)

_ isgreen hat (My/ Mine)

4. A: Please take this wood carving asa present from me Here you are It’s (your/ yours) B: Thank you

5. A: Isn’t that the Smith’s car? That one over there The blue one

B: No, that’s not (their/ theirs) (Their/ theirs)


www.minh-X.Completetheconversationwiththecorrectformof theverbinbrackets Linda: Do you want to go on holiday to Viet Nam with me?

Susan: I don’t know

Linda: Come on We (have) a great time We (eat)

good food.We (meet) a lot

ofnicepeople.YourVietnamese(get) betterand we(notspend) a lot of money

Susan: Well…

Linda: It(notrain) andwe(go) toHa

Noiandwe(buy) some coolclothes

Susan: I think we (enjoy) beautiful landscapes in Viet Nam

Linda: Andwe(try) phoandothertraditionalVietnamese


XI.Rewritethesentencessothatithassimilarmeaningasthesentencesprinted before,using possessive pronoun.

Example:It’s my hat. It’s mine.

1. They’re myglasses 2. Here’re hisshoes 3. It’s hercup

4. They’re ourpencils 5. It’s theirpicture

XII.Rearrangethewords given to makemeaningfulsentences


www.minh-4. The / pulls /handle / to / drive / to / go /forward / back / or / pushes / the / it / go


UNIT12:ANOVERCROWDEDWORLD I.Find the wordwhich has a different soundin the part underlined

1 A sugar B cutting C slum D luck

2 A decision B social C spacious D delicious

3 A density B list C reason D countryside

4 A disease B healthcare C decrease D sea

5 A place B traffic C fact D malnutrition

6 A meat B heat C health D seat

7 A transport B travel C imagine D pavement

8 A shoot B footprint C smooth D toothache

9 A wood B book C flood D cook

10 A country B house C overcrowded D town

II.Choosethewordwhichhas a differentstresspatternfromtheothers

1 A renewable B environment C eco-friendly D abundantly A malnutrition B supersonic C underwater D intelligent

3 A comfort B spacious C traffic D resource

4 A industry B density C consider D million

5 A homeless B describe C skyscraper D violence

6 A hotel B chimney C future D petrol

7 A population B uncomfortable C overcrowded D celebration

8 A peaceful B wealthy C diverse D labour

9 A overcrowded B malnutrition C megacity D education 10 A agriculture B behavior C industrial D economy III.Put the words into two groups

disaster Easter perform festival pollution

enjoy enormous energy water natural


IV.Find which word does not belong to each group

1 A enjoyable B comfortable C convenient D difficult

2 A waste B recycle C conserve D save

3 A affect B replace C effect D fly

4 A density B overcrowded C crime D megacity

5 A drive B cycle C ride D fly

6 A wind B gasoline C coal D natural gas

7 A float B slum C hunger D explosion

8 A safely B poverty C slumdog D space

9 A abundant B short C plentiful D unlimited

10 A driver B doctor C criminal D student

V.Match the two parts of the sentences


1. overcrowded 2. spacious 3. slum 4. poverty 5. megacity 6. malnutrition 7. density

8. population explosion 9. overpopulation 10. flea market

a. the state of having very little money b. a market usually held outdoors

c. a very large city, typically one with a population of over 10 million an area of a city where living conditions are extremely bad

d. bad health that is the result of not having enough food e. thenumberofpeopleinaplaceinrelationtoitsarea f. with too manypeople

g. large insize

h. asituationinwhichtoomanypeopleliveinacertain area i. the sudden increase in the number of people in a country


www.minh-VI.Choose the best answer (A, B, C or D)

1 Alternative sources of energy are andsafe

A enough B not enough C short D abundant

2 Nuclearenergycanprovideenoughelectricityfortheworld’sneeds,butit


A risk B risky C endanger D endangered

3 Weshouldtrytoreduceenergy as much as possible A production B producers C consumption D consumers Wearelookingforcheap,clean, sources ofenergy

A polluting B harmful C expensive D effective Solarenergyis anditcanbereplacedeasily

A new B renew C renewable D non-renewable

6 Formanypeoplelivinginruralareas,biogasisacheapenergy available

A method B production C supply D consumption

7 People living in the slums never get good healthcare, ? A they B don’t they C are they D aren’t they

8 Everyoneisreadyforthegame, ?

A is it B isn’t he? C aren’t they D is there

9 Peoplemovetobigcitiesforabetter

A standardofliving C standard life

B standardliving D life ofstandard

10 Slidewalksare to moving walkways in airport

A familiar B similar C different D same 11 RiodeJaneiroisverycultural city

A diverse B diversity C different D same 12 Whichisthebest oftransportforthefuture?

A mean B means C traffic D ways

13 Overcrowded places have a lot of problems, ?

A don’t they B does it C doesn’t it D have they 14 The schoolyard is very small, so there isn’tenough forstudents

to play in

A rooms B land C space D ground


www.minh-A good B well C worse D worst

16 When peopleliveinasmallplace,lifecanbeverydifficult

A a few B few C too much D too many

17 Do you think itwill bea (n) , green way to travel?

A convenient B polluted C polluting D inconvenience 18 Children inthe slums have more diseases than inwealthyareas

A them B that C those D ø

19 Diseases more quickly in overcrowded areas

A move B travel C spread D come

20 InManila,over30%ofthepopulationlivesin

A crops B poverty C shortage D schooling

VII.Complete the sentences with the words in the box

healthcare growth shortages earnings disease

drought megacity accommodation peaceful crime

1. Londonisa

2. Thelonghotsummerhasledtoseriouswater

3. To have hundreds of homeless people sleeping in the streets of a rich city like Thefirst

symptomofthe is a very high temperature

4. A is a very large city with big population 5. Average for skilled workers are rising

6. hasaffectedmanycountriesinAfricaafteralongperiodofdry weather 7. Nuclearpowercanbeusedfor or militarypurposes

8. Thegovernmentistryingtolimitpopulation

9. workers who offer medical care to others are some of the lowest paid people in the country

10. Welivedinrented before buying this house VIII.Complete the sentences with the words in the box


www.minh-1. The government has had to take measures to stop the population

2. Therehasbeenashortageoffoodforalongtimebecauseoffailureofcrops and people are suffering from

3. is one of the country’s most pressing social problems 4. There are millions of people in that African country who are living in

because they have no jobs

5. Shewasbroughtupinthe of Dharavi

6. Thehotelroomsare and comfortable

7. InAfricamanypeopledieof each year

8. Hong Kong has a high population over six thousands/ km2. 9. The in many developing countries is low

10. A isanoutdoormarketthatsellssecond-handgoodsatlow prices IX.Fill in each blank with the correct word:more,fewerorless.

1. Susanhas homeworkthanMary,soMaryhastoworkharder than Susan

2. Thenewlawlimitssmokinginpublic.Thereare placeswhere people cansmoke

3. Thisfactoryhas workers than that one, so it needs more 4. Thereare carsinthestreetatthistime.Thetrafficissoheavy 5. Class 7A has 40 students, and Class 7C has only 36 students Class 7A has

students than Class7B

6. fruitsarenowinseasoninthesouth.Thereareplentyoffruits now 7. Farmershave time off than workers Farmers work harder than


8. The weather in winter is worse than that in summer People get colds in summer than in winter

9. Ithinkwedon’thavemanypublicholidays.Weoughttohave

10. Wearelucky.Wework hours than any workers X.Put atag questionat the end of the sentences


www.minh-3. Youhaven’tgonetoRiodeJaneiro, ?

4. Theydidn’tlikethefilm, ?

5. JejuIslandlooksverypeaceful, ?

6. Wedon’thavetogoyet, ?

7. Youdon’tlikepollution, ?

8. Ithinkamegacityisaverylargecitywithbigpopulation, ?

9. Youwon’ttellanyone, ?

10. ThenumberofEnglishspeakersisincreasingveryquickly, ?

11. YouneedanEnglish–Vietnamesedictionary, ?

12. You have never watched any films made in Bollywood, ?

13. You’rewaitingforyourletter, ?

14. Wehadagoodtime, ?

15. Some people commit crime when they have no money and no food, ?

16. You enjoy living in a peaceful neighbourhood, ?

17. It’s hot today, ?

18. Thefactorywillbringmorejobstolocalpeople, ?

19. Youforgottobringyourtextbooksthismorning, ?

20. The idea can change the solution, ?

XI.Rewritethesentences,beginningasshown,sothatthemeaningstaysthesame 1. You forgot to turn off the TV last night, didn’t you?

You didn’tremember

2. I think you should go to work by bike

Why don’t

3. Mr Long lived in the countryside when he was a child


4. We will plant more trees along this street


5. Is pollution the most serious problem?



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