Created January 2004 LogoUsageGuidelines I WatchGuard ® Firebox ® X LogoGuidelines WatchGuard ® Firebox ® X Logo may be used only: In connection with the Firebox X appliance only, a WatchGuard licensed product. It should not be applied to other WatchGuard Products, or used in lieu of the WatchGuard logo, on WatchGuard Corporate pieces. By WatchGuard channel partners/alliance partners for the sole purpose of identifying themselves as members of WatchGuard’s channel/alliance organizations. WatchGuard’s channel/alliance organizations may use the WatchGuard product and partner/alliance logos for their advertising and promotional materials while a member in good standing, subject to the terms and conditions of the applicable program or contractual agreement. Using the WatchGuard ® Firebox ® X Logo on Marketing Materials Product Information Sheets and Brochures The Firebox X logo must appear in product brochures and product datasheets that pertain directly to the Firebox X appliance, a WatchGuard licensed product. Product Advertising The Firebox X logo must appear in product advertising that pertain directly to the Firebox X appliance, a WatchGuard licensed product. Point-of-Purchase Displays and Tradeshow Signage The Firebox X logo must appear in signage and POP that pertain directly to the Firebox X appliance, a WatchGuard licensed product. Using the WatchGuard ® Firebox ® X Logo on the Internet Online Product pages or e-commerce sites If you are a WatchGuard channel partner/alliance partner, the Firebox X logo must appear on any of the pages describing the Firebox X product line, in the title only. 4 Color process Element Color 50% black 100% black 100m/100y > 50m/100y gradient 100m/100y 100m/100y > 50m/100y gradient 2 Color spot Element Color 50% black 100% black 100% pms 485 20% black reverse to white 100% pms 485 Black & White Element Color 50% black 100% black 50% black 20% black reverse to white 20% black 20% black reverse to white 100m/100y > 50m/100y gradient I I WatchGuard ® Firebox ® X LogoGuidelines Color Usage Clear Space A minimum amount of clear space of at least 1/8 the width of the entire logo must be maintained between the logo and other elements in order to preserve the integrity. I I I WatchGuard ® Firebox ® X LogoGuidelines = 1/8 of the full logo size Minimum Logo Size The Firebox X logo must be sized so it is readable in its entirety. The minimum allowable size for the logo is outlined below. The Firebox X logo should be used only on Firebox X subject matter, and it must have dominance over the corporate WatchGuard logo. If the subject matter is the WatchGuard Corporation, then the WG logo should be utilized, sans the Firebox X logo. Once the above has been established, the logo should only be used in Title area’s, not in Subheads or bodycopy. IV WatchGuard ® Firebox ® X LogoGuidelines For Print: Minimum height size = .50 inches | 36 points | 1.27 centimeters .50 inches aligned with bottom of stylized "X" aligned with top of "W" For Web: Minimum height size = 40 pixels | .556 inches | 40 points | 1.41 centimeters 40 pixels aligned with top of "W" aligned with bottom of stylized "X" Logo Elements Retain the relationship of the logo to the logotype. Do not rearrange or change the size of either element in anyway unless it is stated in this document. Do not create a shape around the logo that might be construed as part of the logo. Orientation The logo should never be displayed in an orientation that differs from what is provided by WatchGuard. Lockup The elements of the logo should never be taken apart and recombined to create new artwork. See the next page for exceptions to this rule. The ® is imbedded in the logo graphic and may not be removed. DO DON’T DO DON’T DON’T DO DON’T DON’T DON’T DON’T DON’T V WatchGuard ® Firebox ® X LogoGuidelines Watermarking The elements of the logo should never be taken apart and recombined to create new artwork. The only exception to this is utilizing the stylized “X” as a watermark in a background in combination of the Firebox X logo. In this case, these two elements must always appear at the same time, in close proximity to eachother. DO DON’T V I WatchGuard ® Firebox ® X LogoGuidelines The WatchGuard ® Logo and the Firebox ® X logo The Firebox X logo should only be used for product specific pieces. When it is used in conjunction with the corporate WatchGuard logo, it should always appear larger than the WatchGuard logo by 200% in size, with a minimum of one full Firebox logo’s length away from each other at all times. DO DON’T DON’T V I I WatchGuard ® Firebox ® X LogoGuidelines a minimum distance of one Firebox X logo away from each other Firebox X logo is 200% larger than the WatchGuard Corporate logo The Firebox ® X Name in Text Firebox® X must follow a strict convention in text formatting. Please review the subjects below to insure you are utilyzing the name correctly in text. VIII WatchGuard ® Firebox ® X LogoGuidelines Titles The Firebox® X Logo should always be used in titles of a document, if possible. If the logo cannot be accommodated, then use the following conventions below. Naming Taxonomy Firebox® X#### (where #### is the model number of the product) and is always in initial upper/lowercase, there should be no space between the X and the model number. Generic Product Line Naming Convention Naming when referring to the group of products, without listing individual model numbers, should be: Trademark Always trademark the name Firebox in the title, subhead and the first instance in bodytext. In addition, the following statement with the appropriate information used where “[ ]” are indicated should appear on any product information sheets, brochures, partner affiliated sell sheets or other advertising: [List of WatchGuard trademarks used [is] [are] either [a] registered trademark[s] or trademark[s] of WatchGuard Technologies, Inc. and/or its subsidiaries in the United States and/or other countries.] This statement should be no less conspicuous then any similiar statement relating to the users trademarks. DO DON’T Firebox® X500 FIREBOX® X 500 DON’T FBX500 DON’T FB500 “the Firebox® X product line” DO DON’T “the Firebox® XClass” DON’T “FIREBOX® X PRODUCT LINE” Firebox ® X with Model Numbers Firebox® X500 Firebox® X700 Firebox® X1000 Firebox® X2500 Firebox X ® Model Number The appliance number should never be locked with the Firebox X logo in any way. If writing out the model number under the Firebox X logo as part of a title graphic is needed use the following suggested style: ITC Franklin Gothic Demi, model name listed underneath logo, 40% black, smaller then the size of the Firebox X logo, the same distance constrants apply as page III. IX WatchGuard ® Firebox ® X LogoGuidelines 500 X500 DO DON’T DON’T Firebox ® X500 / U.S. SALES: 1.800.734.9905 INTERNATIONAL SALES: +1.206.521.8340 FAX: +1.206.521.8342 ADDRESS: 505 Fifth Avenue South, Suite 500 Seattle, WA 98104-3892 E-MAIL: WEB: . Created January 2004 Logo Usage Guidelines I WatchGuard ® Firebox ® X Logo Guidelines WatchGuard ® Firebox ® X Logo may be used only: In connection. X Logo Guidelines Color Usage Clear Space A minimum amount of clear space of at least 1/8 the width of the entire logo must be maintained between the logo