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Choose the word that has the underlined part pronounced differently from that of the rest.. conference Choose the word which is stressed differently from the rest1[r]



Choose the word that has the underlined part pronounced differently from that of the rest. 1. a vulnerable b struggle c volunteer d suffering

2. a founded b counted c mounted d wounded

3 a conferences b societies c programmes d emergencies

4 a soldier b despite c disaster d devote

5. a convention b catastrophe c accident d conference Choose the word which is stressed differently from the rest.

1. a civilian b official c temporary d tsunami 2. a colleague b appall c devote d victim 3 a initiate b medical c rapidly d possible 4 a volunteer b wherever c example d disaster 5. a injured b famine c earthquake d result

Choose a, b, c, or d that best completes each unfinished sentence, substitutes the underlined part, or has a close meaning to the original one.

6. They are appealing _ local business for sponsorship money a in b at c on d to 7. Her life was devoted _ the relief of suffering a to b for c on d in

8. According to the Red Cross 1998 had been _ worst year for natural disasters in modern times

a a b an c the d Ø

9. During the flood, Army helicopters came and tried to evacuate _ injured

a a b an c the d Ø

10.Africa has always had a large migratory population because of war and _ famine

a a b an c the d Ø

11.The burning of fossil fuels _ the emission of toxic gases into the atmosphere a result in b result from c results from d results in

12.The International Red Cross helps people in need without any discrimination based on _, race, religion, class or political opinions

a national b nationally c nationality d native

13.The International Committee of the Red Cross is a private _ institution founded in 1863 in Geneva, Switzerland

a human b humanity c humanization d humanitarian

14.In former days, after the battles soldiers on both sides died or were left wounded on the field without any _ attendance and basic care

a medicine b medical c medication d medically

15.The International Red Cross has about 97 million volunteers whose main _ is to protect human life and health

a mission b experience c organization d rule

16.The International Red Cross helps to ensure respect for the human being, and to prevent and relieve human _

a protection b enjoyment c wealthy d sufferings

17.The International Committee Red Cross has about 12,000 staff members worldwide, about 800 of them working in its Geneva _

a factories b companies c headquarters d buildings

18.The Red Cross on white background was the original protection declared at the 1864 Geneva Convention

a poster b billboard c symbol d signal

19.The Red Cross is an international organization that helps people who are suffering from the results of war, diseases or _

a victims b disasters c opportunities d conditions

20.An international medical conference initiated by Davison resulted in the birth of the League of Red Cross Societies in 1991

a started b helped c treated d dedicated

21.In times of war, the Red Cross is dedicated to reducing the sufferings of wounded soldiers, civilians, and prisoners of war


22. _ is a situation in which large numbers of people have little or no food, and many of them die

a Disaster b Famine c Poverty d Flood

23.Let’s wait here for her; I’m sure she’ll _

a turn down b turn off c turn over d turn up

24.UNESCO _ United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization a stands for b brings about c takes after d gets across

25.I was by the traffic this morning As a result, I was ten minutes late for the press conference a turned down b held up c kept pace with d caught up with

26.Helen has gone out and she will not be _ till midnight

a off b along c back d away

27.The passengers had to wait because the plane off one hour late

a took b turned c cut d made

28.Be careful ! The tree is going to fall

a Look out b Look up c Look on d Look after

29.The bomb exploded in the garage; fortunately no one hurt

a put on b went off c got out d kept up

30.These shoes felt too tight, so I took _ and tried a larger size

a away them b off them c them away d them off

31.My father still hasn’t really recovered from the death of my mother

a went over b got over c took over d looked over 32.I can’t _ walking Can we stop and have a short rest?

a go on b get on c go up d get up

Error Identification

33.UNICEF uses the term 'child protection' to refer for preventing and A B C (to)

responding to violence, exploitation and abuse against children and teenagers D

34.UNICEF's child protection programs also aim at those children who are A B C

uniquely vulnerable to the abuses, so as when living without parental

D (such as) care, in remote areas, or in very poor family

35.Violations of the child's right to protection take place in every country A B C

and be massive D (are)

36.Children subjected to violence, exploitation, abuse and neglect are in A B (at) C

risk of death, poor physical and mental health, HIV/AIDS infection, and educational problems D

37.Among many other program, UNICEF also supports the international A B C D

Child Rights Information Network (programs)

Rewrite the following sentences, using the word(s) given.

38.The boy resembles his father both in appearance and in behaviour (takes)

The boy ……… 39.The trouble with Frank is that he never arrives in time for a meeting (turns)

The trouble ……… 40.She has to take care of her mother, so she is often late for school (look)

She ……… 41.The bomb exploded with a loud bang which could be heard all over the town (went)

The bomb ……… 42.Paul is excited at the thought of seeing her parents again (looking)

Ngày đăng: 19/02/2021, 21:04

