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QUESTIONS 51 — 55: Read the following passage carefully and complete the sentences that follow by circling letter A , B, C or D as the corr[r]





NO 1

NĂM HỌC 2011 – 2012 MÔN ANH VĂN

Thời gian làm bài: 90 phút

Mã đề thi 132

Họ, tên thí sinh: Số báo danh:

I Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word which is stressed differently from that of the rest in each of the following questions.

Câu 1: A innovate B interfere C sacrifice D penalize Câu 2: A preferential B communicate C eliminate D accompany Câu 3: A community B businessman C development D environment

Câu 4: A achieve B improve C enter D contain

Câu 5: A ability B variety C temperature D original

II Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the following questions.

Câu 6: I wish Tom worked as hard as Mary

A will B can C did D does

Câu 7: _ you’ve asked me why I went there, I’ll tell you.

A Since B Although C What D That

Câu 8: over the exam results ,she rushed home to tell her family the good news

A Excited B Excitement C To excite D Exciting

Câu 9: Did she get the better of you in the argument ?

A try to beat B gain a disadvantage over

C gain an advantage over D try to be better than

Câu 10: “ Well it was nice talking to you, but I have to dash.” - “ ”

A That’s nice B Well, another time.

C Ok, see you. D Yes , I enjoyed talking to you,too. Câu 11: What if I you that there’s a good chance I can get tickets for the concert ?

A were telling B were to tell C have told D would to tell Câu 12: Why don’t you _ a go ? It’s not difficult !

A do B have C set D make

Câu 13: The book would have been perfect the ending.

A it had not been for B had it not been for C hadn’t it been for D it hadn’t been for Câu 14: Jack chess before so I showed him what to do.

A wasn’t playing B hadn’tbeenplaying C didn’t play D hadn’tplayed Câu 15: Part of New York City is situated on _ LongIsland

A the/a B the/0 C the/the D 0/0

Câu 16: As you’ve arrived late, you’ll have to _ the time you’ve lost A up for B make up to C make up for D up to Câu 17: Are there any household chores for men are better _ than women ?

A that/suit B whose/suited C which/suited D which/suit Câu 18: We bought some _

A old lovely German glasses B lovely old German glasses C German old lovely glasses D German lovely old glasses Câu 19: Tom “ I’m sorry I won’t be able to come” - Mary “ ”

A Oh, that’s annoying B Sounds like fun


Câu 20: He says he will pay ; I don’t think he will, _

A even though B but C in case D though

Câu 21: That was a bit of a for the books : I never expected him to show up A turn – out B turn - away C turn – in D turn – up Câu 22: Can you please tell me some information _ to the job ?

A relating B that relate C that are relating D that indicates Câu 23: I “ Chicken Soup for the Soul” but I haven’t finished it yet.

A am reading B was reading C have been reading D read Câu 24: Our firm a lot of business with overseas custumers

A does B takes C deals D makes

Câu 25: She tried to set _ a few minutes each day for her exercises

A down B in C aside D about

Câu 26: The _ at the football macth cheered the team on

A audience B onlookers C congregation D spectators Câu 27: You shouldn’t live your means

A into B without C beyond D on

Câu 28: What if our habitat

A destroying B was destroyed C were destroyed D to be destroyed

Câu 29: There’re several means of mass communication The newspaper is one, the television is .

A the other B the another C other D another

Câu 30: Between you and me, so don’t tell anyone , I’m sure he’ll lose the election.

A In conclusion B In fact C In truth D In confidence

III Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to show the underlined part that needs correction in each of the following questions.

Câu 31: There is a rumor that the army is about taking power though this has been denied by the government sources

A though B There C taking D has been

Câu 32: After writing it , the essay must be duplicated by the student himself and handed into the department secretary before the end of the month

A the end of B the C after writing it D handed Câu 33: It was obvious that he was thorough interested in the subject

A thorough B interested in C that D obvious

Câu 34: None two butterflier have exactly the same design on their wings

A None B the same C on D wings

Câu 35: The purpose of traveller’s checks is to protect travellers from theft and accidential lost of money

A of B lost C theft D is

IV Choose the best phrases or clauses A ,B ,C,or D to complete each of the sentences below

Câu 36: _ did Jane accept the job

A Only because it was interesting work B The work was interesting C Only because it was interested work D Because it was interesting work Câu 37: The truck _ crashed into the back of a bus scattering glass everywhere

A it was loading with empty bottles B loaded with empty bottles C which loading with empty bottles D loading with empty bottles Câu 38: Harry would certainly have attended the proceedings _

A if he didn’t get a flat tyre B had he not had a flat tyre C had the tyre not flattened itself D if the flat tyre didn’t happen Câu 39: _ of tissues is known as histology

A That is scientific studying B Studying scientific C The scientific study D To study scientifically


C which are densely covered with glossy leaves and bear small fragrant flowers D when are densely covered with glossy leaves and bear small fragrant flowers

V Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the sentence that is closest in meaning to each of the following questions.

Câu 41: “ I am in a bit of hurry , but I’ll ring you tomorrow” he said

A He said that he was very hurried , but that he would ring me the next day B He said he was a bit pressed for time , but that he would ring me the next day. C He said that he was in a bit of hurry and rang me the following day.

D He said that he would ring me the next day as then he could Câu 42: It is open to question as to whether Jane will get the job

A Jane is being interviewed for the job B It is not certain that Jane will get the job

C The question is whether Jane will get the job or not D If Jane could answer the question , she would get the job Câu 43: The older he grew, the more forgetful he became.

A He grew older and more and more forgetful B He became moe forgetful and older.

C He grew older when he became more forgetful.

D As he grew older, he became more and more forgetful Câu 44: Julie and Anne had not met each other before he party.

A The party was the place where Julie and Anne could not meet each other. B The party prevented Julie and Anne from meeting each other.

C Julie and Anne got acquainted when they were at the party. D Julie and Anne used to meet each other for the party.

Câu 45: It was your assistance that enabled us to get achievement A If you assisted us, we could not get achievement.

B But for you assistance, we could not have, got achievement. C Your assistance discouraged us from get achievement. D Without your assistance, we could get achievement

VI. Read the following passage, and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions from 46 to 56

A rather surprising geographical feature of Antarctica is that a huge freshwater lake ,one of the world’s largest and deepest , lies hidden there under four kilometers of ice Now known as Lake Vostok, this huge body of water is located under the ice block that comprises Antarctica The lake is able to exist in its unfrozen state beneath this blockof ice because its waters are warmed by geothermal heat from the earth’s core The thick glacier above Lake Vostok actually insulates it from the frigid temperatures on the surface

The lake was first discovered in the 1970s while a research teamwas conducting an aerial survey of the area Radio waves from the survey equipment penetrated the ice and revealed a body of water of indeterminate size.It was not until much more recently that data collected by satellite made scientists aware of the tremendous size of the lake ; the satellite –borne radar detected an extremely flat region where the ice remains level because it is floating on the water of the lake

The discovery of such a huge freshwater lake trapped under Antarctica is of interest to the scientific community because of the potential that the lake contains ancient microbes that have survived for thousands upon thousands of years, unaffected by factors such as nuclear fallout and elevated ultraviolet light that have affected organism in more exposed areas The downside of the discovery,however, lies in the difficulty of conducting research on the lake in such a harsh climate and in the problems associated with obtaining uncontaminated samples from the lake without actually exposing the lake to contamination Scientists are looking for possible way to accomplish this

Câu 46: The word “hidden” in paragraph is closest in meaning to

A unexploitable B untouched C undicovered D undrinkable Câu 47: What is true of Lake Vostok ?


A easily broken B quite harsh C lukewarm D extremely cold Câu 49: All of the following are true about the 1970 survey of Antarctica EXCEPT that it

A could not determine the lake’s exact size B made use of radio waves C was conducted by air D was controlled by a satellite Câu 50: It can be inffered from the passage that the ice would not be flat if

A there were no lake underneath B Antarctica were not so cold C radio waves were not used D the lake were not so big

Câu 51: The word “microbes” in paragrahp could be best replaced by which of the following ? A Rays of light B Pieces of dust C Tiny bubbles D Tiny organisms Câu 52: Lake Vostok is potentially important to scientists because it

A may have elevated levels of ultraviolet light B has already been contaminated

C can be studied using radio waves D may contain uncontaminated microbes Câu 53: The word “ downside” in paragrahp is closest in meaning to _

A buried section B bottom level C underside D negative aspect Câu 54: The last paragraph suggests that scientists should be aware of _

A further discoveries on the surface of Antarctica B problems with satellite – borne radar equipment C the harsh climate of Antarctica

D ways to study Lake Vostok without contaminating it Câu 55: The purpose of the passage is to _

A present an unexpected aspect of Antarctica’s geography B provided satellite data concerning Antarctica

C explain how Lake Vostok was discovered D discuss future plans for Lake Vostok

VII Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct word for each of the blanks from 56 to 65.

About 50 or so kinds modern plastic are made from oil,gas,or coal-non-renewable natural resources We (56) well over three million tones of the stuff in Japan each year and,sooner or later, most of it is thrown away A high (57)) of our animal consumption is in the (58) of packaging and this (59) about seven percent by weight,of our domestic(60) Almost all of it can be recycled , but very little of it is ,though the plastic recycling (61) is growing fast

The plastics themselves are extremely energy - rich – they have a higher calorific(62) than coal and one (63) of “recovery” strongly(64) by plastic manufactures is the (65) of wast plastic into a fuel

Câu 56: A consign B import C remove D consume

Câu 57: A proportion B portion C amount D rate

Câu 58: A kind B type C form D way

Câu 59: A constitutes B carries C takes D makes Câu 60: A refuse B goods C requirements D rubble Câu 61: A plant B industry C factory D manufacture

Câu 62: A value B degree C effect D demand

Câu 63: A measure B mechanism C method D medium Câu 64: A desired B favoured C argued D presented Câu 65: A melting B change C conversion D replacement

VIII Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word or phrase that is closest in meaning to the underlined part in each of the following questions.

Câu 66: You ought to send two hours as a minimum in the fresh air every day

A at most B at all C at least D at ease

Câu 67: He seems to make the same mistake over and over again

A for good B in vain C by the way D repeatedly


A concentrate on only one purpose/aim … B are selfish

C are cruel D attack suddenly

Câu 69: Our junior employees are being groomed for more senior roles.

A inferior B younger C minor D superior

Câu 70: There’s a shuttle bus to the nearby airport hotel

A bus that travels overnight B bus with air – conditioners

C bus which looks like a shuttle D bus travels regularly between two places

IX. Read the following passage, and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions from 71 to 80

In order to learn to be one’s true self, it is necessary to obtain a wide and extensive knowledge of what has been said and done in the world : critically to inquire into it,nearly to sift it, and earnestly to carry it out It matters not what you learn ,but when you once learn a thing , you must never give it up until you have mastered it.It matters not what you inquire into, but when you inquire into a thing, you must never give it up until you have completely understood it It matters not what you try to think out, but when you once try to think out a thing , you must never give it up until you have got what you want It matters not what you try to sift out ,but you once try to sift out a thing, you must never give it up until you have sifted it out clearly and distinctly It matters not what you try to carry out , but when you once try to carry out a thing , you must never give it up till you have done it completely and well If another man succeeds by one effort, you will use a hundred efforts.If another man succeeds by ten efforts, you will use a thousand efforts

Câu 71: According to the author the ultimate purpose of study is to learn to A be one’s true self B be a specialist

C succeed in a profession D become weathy Câu 72: First of all, one must

A inquire B analyse C act D obtain knowlegde

Câu 73: A consequence of man’s study should be _

A prayer B action C fame D inaction

Câu 74: According to the author, _

A it doesn’t matter what we learn B knowledge is unnecessary

C learning is unimportant D thinking is one of the least importance Câu 75: The end of learning should be _

A inquiry B mastery C thought D analysis

Câu 76: The end of inquiry should be

A understanding B action C analysis D thought

Câu 77: A word that means almost the same as “ sift out” is _

A inquire B carry out C ponder D analyse

Câu 78: To successfully carry out the author’s program a person would have to be , most of all, _ .

A extremely intelligent B very weathy

C very persistent D Aand B

Câu 79: According to the article, another man’s success should A spur us on to greater efforts B make us envious

C not be taken into consideration D cause one to stop trying Câu 80: Implied but not stated

A Success in one’s profession is least important in one’s life

B Success depends not so much on natural ability as it does on effort C The way to knowledge is through specialization

D It is necessary to obtain a wide knowledge of what has been said and done in the world - HẾT


68 B 69 A 70 D 71 A 72 D 73 B 74 A 75 B 76 A 77 D 78 C 79 A 80 B


NO 2

Đề 10

I Choose the best answer to complete the sentence.

1 Despite playing under strength, the village team _ beat the rivals

a could b were able to c couldn’t d weren’t able to I suggest Andrea in touch with the organizers

a should get b to get c getting d gets

3 The traffic lights _ green and I pulled away

a became b turned c got d went

4 during the storm

a They were collapsed b The fence was collapsed c They collapsed the fence d The fence collapsed The suspect confessed _

a his crime b the police his crime c his crime to the police d his crime the police thinks that Judith should be given the job

a Neither of us b The majority of my colleagues

c Practically everyone d A number of people We had holiday in Spain

a a two week’s b two weeks c two-week d a two-week The company owns _ in the city centre

a a cars park b several car parks c a car park d several cars parks The government has introduced _

a a children’s clothes tax b a tax on children clothes c a children clothes tax d a tax on children’s clothes 10 I’ll be with you in _

a one quarter of an hour b a quarter of an hour c a quarter of one hour d a quarter of hour 11 _ my friends knew I was getting married

a Not much of b not many of c Not much d Not many

12 the children _ awake

a None of…was b Not any of…were c No … was d None of…were 13 The party was excellent, and I’d like to thank all the

a concerned people b responsible people c people that concerned d people concerned 14 I asked Francis to clean the car, and he did

a a well job b the job good c a good job d a job well 15 , they slept soundly

a Hot though was the night air b Hot though the night air was c Hot the night air as was d Hot although the night air was 16 John was the first person I saw _ hospital

a by leaving b on leaving c in leaving d on to leave


a across…through b over…through c across…across d over…along 18 She tried to _

a talk me the plan out of b talk out of me the plan c talk me out of the plan d talk out me of the plan 19 _ that Marie was able to retire at the age of 50

a So successful her business was, b So successful was her business, c Her business was successful d So was her successful business, 20 I’m _ a complete loss to understand why you reacted so violently

a at b in c on d by

21 From an early age, Wolfgang had a(n) for music

a interest b passion c involvement d tendency

22 Financial help from his parents James to complete his studies

a granted b provided c eased d enabled

23 I don’t take to being disobeyed That’s a warning!

a well b kindly c gently d nicely

24 I like that photo very much Could you make an _ for me?

a increase b enlargement c extension d expansion

25 I’m becoming increasingly _ Last week, I locked myself out of the house twice

a oblivious b mindless c absent d forgetful

II Pick out the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from that of the others.

26 a south b southern c scout d drought

27 a dome b comb c home d tomb

III Pick out the word whose stressed syllable is different from that of the others.

28 a literature b preventive c measurement d temperature 29 a example b continue c sensible d contestant 30 a constant b magnetic c sensitive d atmosphere

IV Choose the best answer

31 Would you like some more tea? - _

a No, thank b Yes , thanks c Yes, please d No, please 32.Will it rain on the day of our departure? - _

a I hope not b I don’t hope so c I hope not so d I hope it wouldn’t 33 -Remember to return the newspaper to my father - _

a I will b Why not c I won’t d Of course 34.Will you have time to help us? - I’m very busy at the moment a I’m afraid not b I think so c I don’t expect so d I hope not 35 “I’d like the blue jacket, pleases! Can I try it on?” – Yes, _ “

a you would b you must c certainly d you

V Read the passage and the questions or unfinished sentences, then choose the best answer for each.

A solar eclipse occurs when the Moon moves in front of the Sun and hides at least some part of the Sun from the earth In a partial eclipse, the Moon covers part of the Sun; in an annual eclipse, the Moon covers the center of the Sun, leaving a bright ring of light around the Moon; in a total eclipse, the Sun is

completely covered by the Moon

It seems rather improbable that a celestial body size of the Moon could completely block out the tremendously immense Sun, as happens during a total eclipse, but this is exactly what happens Although the Moon is considerably smaller in size than the Sun, the Moon is able to cover the Sun because of their

relative distances from Earth A total eclipse can last up to minutes, during which time the Moon’s shadow moves across Earth at a rate of about kilometers per second

36 This passage mainly _.

a describes how long an eclipse will last B gives facts about the Moon

c explains how the Sun is able to obscure the Moon D informs the reader about solar eclipses 37 In which type of eclipse is the Sun obscured in its entirety?

a A partial eclipse b An annual eclipse c A total eclipse d A celestial eclipse 38 The word ring in line could be best replaced by .


39 A celestial body in line is most probably one that is found .

a somewhere in the sky b within the Moon’s shadow c on the surface of the Sun d inside Earth’s atmosphere 40 What is the meaning of block out in line 5?

a Square b Cover c Evaporate d Shrink

41 According to the passage, how can the Moon hide the Sun during a total eclipse?

a The fact that the Moon is closer to Earth than the Sun makes up for the Moon’s smaller size b The Moon can only obscure the Sun because of the Moon’s great distance from the Earth c Because the Sun is relatively close to Earth, the Sun can be eclipsed by the Moon

d The moon hides the Sun because of the Moon’s considerable size 42 The word relative in line could best be replaced by .

a familial b infinite c comparative d paternal

43 The passage states that which of the following happens during an eclipse?

a The Moon hides from the Sun b The Moon is obscured by the Sun

c The Moon begins moving at a speed of kilometers per second d.The Moon’s shadow crosses Earth 44 The word rate in line is closest in meaning to .

a form b speed c distance d rotation

45 Where is the passage does the author mention the rate of a total eclipse?

a Lines 1- b Lines 2- c Lines 5-6 d Lines 8-9

VI Read the text below and choose the word that best fits the space.


In Part Three of the Speaking Section you work with a partner You have to a (46) task which usually ( 47) _ about minutes One possible task is “ problem (48) ”, which means you have to look at some (49) information and then (50) the problem with your partner You maybe show photos, drawings, diagrams, maps, plans, advertisements or computer graphics and it is (51) _ that you study them carefully If necessary, check you know exactly what to by (52) _ asking the examiner to (53) the instructions or make them clearer

While you are doing the task, the examiner will probably say very (54) _ and you should ask your partner questions and make (55) _ if he or she is not saying much If either of you have any real difficulties the examiner may decide to step in and ( 56) _ Normally, however, you will find plenty to say, which helps the (57) _ to give you a fair mark This mark depends on your success in doing the task by (58) _ with your partner, which includes taking (59) _ in giving opinions and replying appropriately, although in the end it may be possible to “ agree to (60) _”

46 a single b lonely c unique d once

47 a exists b lasts c stays d maintains

48 a solving b working c making d finding

49 a optical b obvious c noticeable d visual

50 a argue b discuss c talk d have

51 a essential b needed c helpful d successful

52 a formally b officially c politely d sincerely

53 a insist b copy c tell d repeat

54 a little b much c few d many

55 a ideas b statements c speeches d suggestions

56 a complain b help c suggest d fail

57 a judge b referee c assessor d observer

58 a competing b struggling c opposing d co-operating

59 a changes b sides c turns d sentences

60 a contrast b disagree c argue d object

VII Find the underlined part that needs correcting.

61 The first (A) national park in world (B), Yellowstone National Park, was (C)established in (D)1872

62 Animation is a technique (A) for creativity (B) the illusion of life(C) in inanimate things.(D) 63 Scientists at universities (A) are often more involved (B) in theoretical research than(C) in practically(D) research


65 The surface of the(A) tongue covered(B) with tiny(C) taste buds(D)

VIII Read the following passage then choose the best answer to the questions below.

Most people think of deserts as dry, flat areas with little vegetation and little or no rainfall, but this is hardly true Many deserts have varied geographical formations ranging from soft, rolling hills to stark, jagged cliffs, and most deserts have a permanent source of water Although deserts not receive a high amount of rainfall – to be classified as a desert, an area must get less than twenty-five centimeters of rainfall per year – there are many plants that thrive on only small amounts of water, and deserts are often full of such plant life

Desert plants have a variety of mechanisms for obtaining the water needed for survival Some plants, such as cactus, are able to store large amounts of water to last until the next rainfall Other plants, such as the mesquite, have extraordinarily deep root systems that allow them to obtain water from far below the desert’s arid surface

66 What is the main topic of the passage?

a Deserts are dry, flat areas with few plants b There is little rainfall in the desert

c Many kinds of vegetation can survive with little water d Deserts are not really flat areas with little plant life 67 The passage implies that .

a the typical conception of a desert is incorrect b all deserts are dry, flat areas

c most people are well informed about deserts

d the lack of rainfall in deserts causes the lack of vegetation 68 The passage describes the geography of deserts as .

a flat b sandy c varied d void of vegetation

69 The word source in line means .

a supply b storage space c need d lack

70 According to the passage, what causes an area to be classified as a desert?

a The type of plants b The geographical formations c The amount of precipitation d The source of water

XI Choose the sentence which is closest in meaning to the one in italics

71 You’re not to blame for what happened.

a You’re not accused of what happened b What happened is not your fault c You’re responsible for what happened d We blame you for what happened 72 He can hardly see at all without glasses.

a He can see without glasses b He can see even if he doesn’t wear glasses c He can’t see everything without glasses d He is practically blind without glasses 73 The concert wasn’t as good as we had expected.

a The concert wasn’t so good as we had seen B We expected the concert to be worse c We thought the concert would be much better D The concert was thought to be as good 74 Please don’t ask her to the party.

a I’d rather you didn’t invite her to the party B I’d rather not ask her to the party c Please don’t ask her about the party D You ask her to the party, don’t you? 75 She broke down the moment she heard the news.

a She was broken for a moment when she heard the news B She broke her leg when hearing the news c On hearing the news, she broke down D When she heard the news, she was sick

76 Strong as he is, he still can’t lift that box.

a The box was too heavy for him to lift

b He’s very strong, but he still can’t lift that box c He still can’t lift that box because he’s not as strong d However he is strong, he still can’t lift that box 77 I wish we had gone somewhere else for the holiday.

a If only we went somewhere else for the holiday b It’s a pity we didn’t go there for the holiday

c If we had gone for the holiday, I would have gone somewhere else d I regret not having gone somewhere else for the holiday


a You haven’t had your eyes tested though it’s necessary b Your eyes should be tested a long time ago

c You had your eyes tested a long time ago

d It’s a long time ago since you had your eyes tested

79 A child is influenced as much by his schooling as by his parents.

a Schooling doesn’t influence a child as much as his parents b A child’s parents have greater influence on him than his schooling c A child can influence his parents as much as his schooling

d A child’s schooling influences him as much as his parents 80 Rarely has a 15-year-old earned so much money.

a 15-year-old rarely earns money

b A 15-year-old rarely earns lots of money

c A 15-year-old has seldom earned that much money d A 15-year-old has never earned that much money


1B 2A 3B(D

) 4B 5A(C) 6A(C) 7D 8B(C) D 10B 11B 12A(D) 13D 14C 15B 16B

17 A

18C 19B 20


21B 22D 23B 24B 25


26B 27C 28B 29C 30B 31C 32

A 33 D 34 A 35C 36 D

37C 38B 39


40B 41


42C 43 D

44B 45D 46


47B 48 A 49


50B 51A 52C 53D 54A 55


56B 57C 58


59C 60B 61B 62B 63



65B 66


67A 68C 69A 70


71B 72


73C 74 A

75B 76B 77D 78


79D 80C


NO 3

90 minutes (80 questions) Code 068 Multiple choice

1 It is important that every student ………… attentive in class

A is B was C be D were

2 …………the time being, I think you’d better not say anything to him

A For B At C On D In

3 Beauty is only skin………

A deepness B depth C deeply D deep

4 You’ve got to be ………….certain before you decide

A deadly B death C dead D deathly

5 ……… of half- starving wolves were roaming the snow- covered countryside

A Flocks B Packs C Swarms D Herds

6 None of the people ………… to the party can come

A invite B invited C inviting D to invite

7 ……….drivers endanger their lives and those of other road users

A Drunkard B Drunken C Drinking D Drunk

8 Julia prefers to be her own boss and ……… her own business

A run B charge C form D make

9 Skiing is a ………sport

A seasoning B seasonable C seasoned D seasonal

10 This ticket ………….one person to the museum

A admits B permits C enters D allows

11 Each of us must take ……… for our own actions

A probability B responsibility C possibility D ability 12 - In my opinion, action films are exciting


A You shouldn’t have said that B What an opinion!


13 Two thieves ……….at a bus stop were arrested yesterday

A wait B waiting C having waited D were waiting

14 He is very ………… because he is concerned only with his own interests and feelings

A grateful B selfish C confident D helpful

15 - “I’ve got to go , Sarah So long.” - “So long, Jack And .”

A don’t take it seriously B be careful

C don’t hurry D take care

16 Not much happened yet, ……….…?

A didn’t it B did it C did they D didn’t they

17 Many people in remote areas are not clear about the use of the Internet ………, they are isolated

A Therefore B However C For example D Namely

18 With his excellent qualifications and a good command of English, James is ……… …… above the other applicants

A head and hands B head and ears C head and hair D head and shoulders 19 After so many years , it is great to see him ………his ambitions

A realize B get C possess D deserve

20 A: “ How much sugar you want in your coffee?” B: “ _”

A Too much B So much C Not much D Little bit

21 ……… your help, I wouldn’t have got the scholarship

A But for B Unless I had C Had not it been for D If I had had 22 She has just bought ………

A an old interesting painting French B a French interesting old painting C a French old interesting painting D an interesting old French painting 23 We have to start early ………we’ll be late for school

A or else B so that C consequently D although

24 Sam confessed ……… all the cookies

A eating B to eating C eat D to eat

25 - “ How long is the seminar?”

- “……….knowledge, it takes about three hours.”

A To my best B To the best of my C In my best of D In my best 26 He was ……… boy!

A how good a B so good a C so a good D what a good

27 We thought we might have trouble finding your house but it was ……., thanks to your directions

A a piece of bread B a cake C a piece of chalk D a piece of cake 28 Jack found it hard to ……….the loss of his little dog

A turn over B get over C put off D get along

29 Isn’t there anyone ……….of using this digital camera?

A skilled B possible C capable D affordable

30 Amie was so………in her work that she didn’t notice when I came in

A wrapped up B busy C absent - minded D concentrating

Sentence transformation

31 I am fed up with his behavior

A I have enough of his behavior C I’ve had enough for his behavior B I’ve had enough of his behavior D I’ve had his behavior enough 32 We missed the bus because we overslept

A We missed the bus as a consequence of oversleeping B If we didn’t oversleep, we wouldn’t miss the bus C We overslept and as result we missed the bus D The reason of missing the bus is we overslept 33 Waiting for buses irritates me

A I have nerves waiting for buses C Waiting for buses gets into my nerves B Waiting for buses nerves me D Waiting for buses gets on my nerves 34 I don’t think he’s likely to phone me tonight

A No doubt he will phone me tonight C I doubt if he will phone me tonight B It will be unlikely that he phones me tonight D He isn’t thought to phone me tonight 35 He was unsuccessful in reaching his goal

A He tried in vain to reach his goal

B However he did his best to reach his goal, he was unsuccessful C He tried best in reaching his goal but in vain

D He was impossible to reach his goal Mistake identification:

36 When babies are around fifteen months old, they can pick up objects and put themselves


into small containers


38 How the earth is in the shadow of the moon, we see an eclipse of the sun


39 If motorists not observe the traffic regulations, they will be stopped, ticketed and A B C

have to pay a fine D

40 Long before boats became important in recreation, they were valuable to people for


many essential tasks , included transportation and fishing C D

Stress pattern:

41 A mechanize B criteria C irony D enterprise

42 A climax B gazelle C capture D poacher

43 A combat B equal C modern D between

44 A procedure B recommend C financial D enormous

45 A popular B paralyzed C disabled D confident

Reading passage:

As heart disease continues to be the number-one killer in the United States, researchers have become increasingly interested in identifying the potential risk factors that trigger heart attacks High-fat diets and "life in the fast lane" have long been known to contribute to the high incidence of heart failure But according to new studies, the list of risk factors may be significantly longer and quite surprising

Heart failure, for example, appears to have seasonal and temporal patterns A higher percentage of heart attacks occur in cold weather, and more people experience heart failure on Monday than on any other day of the week In addition, people are more susceptible to heart attacks in the first few hours after waking Cardiologists first observed this morning phenomenon in the mid-1980, and have since discovered a number of possible causes An early-morning rise in blood pressure, heart rate, and concentration of heart stimulating hormones, plus a reduction of blood flow to the heart, may all contribute to the higher incidence of heart attacks between the hours of 8:00 A.M and 10:00 A.M

In other studies, both birthdays and bachelorhood have been implicated as risk factors Statistics reveal that heart attack rates increase significantly for both females and males in the few days immediately preceding and following their birthdays And unmarried men are more at risk for heart attacks than their married counterparts Though stress is thought to be linked in some way to all of the aforementioned risk factors, intense research continues in the hope of further comprehending why and how heart failure is triggered

46 What does the passage mainly discuss? (A) cardiology in the 1980s

(B) seasonal and temporal patterns of heart attacks (C) risk factors in heart attacks

(D) diet and stress as factors in heart attacks

47 In line 2, the word "potential" could best be re-placed by which of the following? (A) harmful (B) possible (C) unknown (D) primary

48 The word "trigger" as used in line is closest in meaning to which of the following? (A) involve (B) affect (C) cause (D) encounter

49 Which of the following could best replace the word "incidence" as used in line 3? (A) increase (B) rate (C) factor (D) chance

50 The author uses the word "temporal" in line to mean

(A) affected by (B) of a certain date (C) regularly (D) expected 51 The phrase "susceptible to" in line could best be replaced by

(A) aware of (B) prone to (C) accustomed (D) affected by

52 According to the passage, which of the following is NOT a possible cause of many heart attacks? (A) decreased blood flow to the heart (B) increase in hormones

(C) lower heart rate (D) increased blood pressure 53 The word "phenomenon" in line refers to which of the following?

(A) habit (B) activity (C) occurrence (D) illness 54 Which of the following is NOT cited as a possible risk factor?


(A) We now fully understand how risk factors trigger heart attacks (B) We not fully understand how risk factors trigger heart attacks (C) We have not identified many risk factors associated with heart attacks (D) We recently began to study how risk factors trigger heart attacks

Sentence completion

56 In the 1950s, many people believed that the more they produced and consumed,

A were they affluent C they were affluent

B the more affluent they were D they were the more affluent

57 Desserts are arid land areas where _ through evaporation than is gained through precipitation

A loses more water C is more water lost B the loss of more water D more water is lost

58 When wood, natural gas, oil , or any other fuel burns , with oxygen in the air to produce heat

A combining substances in the fuel C a combination of substances in the fuel B substances in the fuel that combine D substances in the fuel combine

59 _we went swimming

A So hot was the day C Being a hot day

B It was a hot day D Due to a hot day

60 Any critic, teacher, librarian, or poet who hopes to broaden poetry’s audience faces the difficult challenge of persuading skeptical readers _ A to be important poetry today C poetry that is important today

B that poetry is important today D for poetry to be important today Gap fills

Why did you decide to read this, and will you keep reading to the end? Do you expect to understand every single part of it and will you remember anything about it in a fortnight’s (61) _? Common sense (62) _ that the answers to these questions depend on “readability”- whether the (63) matter is interesting, the argument clear and the (64) _ attractive But psychologists are trying to (65) why people read - and often don’t read certain things, for example technical information They also have examined so much the writing as the readers

Even the most technically confident people often (66) instructions for video or home computer in favor of hands - on experience And people frequently take little notice of consumer information, whether on nutritional labels or in the small print of contracts Psychologists researching reading (67) to assume that both beginners and competent readers read everything put in front of them from start to finish There are (68) among them about the roles of eyes, memory and brain during the process Some people believe that fluent readers take in very letter or word they see; others (69) _ that readers rely on memory or context to carry them from one phrase to another But they have always assumed that the reading process is the same: reading starts, comprehension(70) , then reading stops

61 A period B term C gap D time

62 A transmits B suggests C informs D advises

63 A subject B topic C content D text

64 A pattern B layout C formation D assembly

65 A ensure B value C determine D rate

66 A miss B ignore C pass D omit

67 A undertake B tend C lead D consent

68 A arguments B objections C separations D contests

69 A urge B direct C insist D press

70 A establishes B issues C occurs D sets

Reading passage:




You can usually tell when your friends are happy or angry by the looks on their faces or by their actions This is useful because reading their emotional expressions helps you to know how to respond to them Emotions have evolved to help us respond to important situations and to convey our intentions to others But does raising the eyebrows and rounding the mouth say the same thing in Minneapolis as it does in Madagascar? Much research on emotional expressions has centered on such questions




both the context and intensity of emotional displays – the so called display rules In many Asian cultures, for example, children are taught to control emotional responses – especially negative ones- while many American children are encouraged to express their feelings more openly Regardless of culture, however, emotions usually show themselves, to some degree , in people’s behavior From their first days of life, babies produce facial expressions that communicate their feelings

The ability to read facial expressions develops early, too Very young children pay close attention to facial expressions, and by age five, they nearly equal adults in their skill at reading emotions on people’s faces This evidence all points to a biological underpinning for our abilities to express and interpret a basic set of human emotions Moreover, as Charles Darwin pointed out over a century ago, some emotional expressions seem to appear across species boundaries Cross - cultural psychologists tell us that certain emotional responses carry different meanings in different cultures For example, what emotion you suppose might be conveyed by sticking out your tongue? For Americans, this might indicate disgust, while in China it can signify surprise Likewise, a grin on an American face may indicate joy, while on a Japanese face it may just as easily mean embarrassment Clearly, culture influences emotional expressions

71: According to the passage, we respond to others by

A observing their looks C watching their actions

B observing their emotional expressions D looking at their faces

72: Many studies on emotional expressions try to answer the question whether _

A different cultures have similar emotional expressions

B eyebrow raising means the same in Minneapolis and Madagascar C raising the eyebrows has similar meaning to rounding the mouth

D rounding the mouth has the same meaning in Minneapolis and Madagascar 73: The word “ evolved” in line is closest in meaning to

A reduced B increased C simplified D developed

74: Paul Ekman is mentioned in the passage as an example of A lacked many main ingredients

B researchers on universal language

C researchers who can speak and understand many languages D investigators on universal emotional expressions

75: Smiles and frowns

A are universal expressions across cultures

B not convey the same emotions in various cultures C are not popular everywhere

D have different meanings in different cultures 76: The biggest difference lies in

A how long negative emotions are displayed B how intensive emotions are expressed C how emotional responses are controlled D how often positive emotions are shown

77: Unlike American children, Asian children are encouraged to A control their emotions C display their emotions openly

B conceal their positive emotions D change their behaviour

78: Young children

A spend a long time learning to read others’ emotions B are sensitive towards others’ emotions

C make amazing progress in controlling their emotions D take time to control their facial expressions

79: The phrase “ this evidence” in line 24 refers to A the fact that children are good at recognizing others’ emotions B human facial expressions

C a biological underpinning for humans to express emotions D the fact that children can control their feelings

80: The best title for the passage is A Cultural universals in emotional expressions B Ways to control emotional expressions

C A review of research on emotional expressions D Human habit of displaying emotions

*****Good luck *****


(0,125x 80=10P)

1.C 41 B

2.A 42 B


4 C 44 B

5.B 45 C

6.B 46 C

7.B 47 B

8.A 48 C

9.D 49.B

10 A 50.A

11 B 51.B

12.D 52.C

13.B 53.C

14 B 54.A

15 D 55.B

16 B 56.B

17 A 57.D

18 D 58.D

19 A 59.A

20 C 60.B

21 A 61.D

22 D 62.B

23 A 63.A

24 B 64.B

25 B 65.C

26 B 66.B

27 D 67.B

28 B 68.A

29 C 69.C

30 A 70.C

31.B 71.B

32.A 72.A

33.D 73.D

34.C 74.D

35.A 75.A

36.D them 76.B

37.Ais raised 77.A

38.A When 78.B

39.D fined 79.A

40.C including 80.A




NO 4

QUESTIONS -5: Choose one option A, B, or D corresponding to the whose main stress is on the syllable

in the position which is different Iron that of the others Identify your choice by circling letter A, B, C or D on the answer sheet.

1 A Canadian B vegetarian C pedestrian D incredible A edible B classify C terrify D solidify A associate B operate C integrate D recognize A ambitious B dangerous C mysterious D expensive A secretary B necessary C classify D vocabulary


each sentence and then identify your answer by circling letter A, B, C or D on the answer sheet. 6.The lower _ is in a room, the more slowly our eyes focus

A the level of lighting B light level C leveling of light D lighting is level 7.The wind-rippled sand at California's Kelso Dunes resembles _

A to be an ocean floor B as an ocean floor C an ocean floor D being anocean floor 8.Living organisms contain more water _ substance

A than any other B does than any other C other than they any D than any other 9.Columbia University's School of Public Health is _ a handful of schools of public health in the United States A one that B the one C one of D one

10 More than anything, what saved Jamestown was the highly successful cultivation of tobacco, Indian assistance with farming undoubtedly played a major part as well

A although B in spite of C nor D neither 11 According to legend, coffee beans _in the town of Kaffa

A first discovered B were first discovered C discovered first D have first discovered

12.Martin Luther King Jr, after his father's assassination, the mission of his father to fight for the rights of blacks in America and achieved some notable success in the 1970s

A continued B continuing C and continues D is continuing 13 In the symphony orchestra, bass drums are not _ kettle drums

A as prevalent B that prevalent C so prevalent as D prevalent than

14 Narcissus bulbs _ at least three inches apart and covered with about four inches of well drained soil A should be planted B to plant C must planting D should plant

15 Total color blindness, ,is the result of a defect in the retina

A a rare condition that B a rare condition C that a rare condition D is a rare condition

16 In the fourteenth century, that glass coated with silver nitrate would turn yellow when fired in an oven A the discovery B it was discovered C with the discovery D if it was discovered

17 electric eels send a series of blips of electricity into the water around them and they can detect the pattern of electricity of the water changes

A All of B Every C All D Of each

18 an ownership of nearly 60 to 62 per cent of corporate equities, this mean 1-2 per cent of American society possesses about 43 p e r ce n t o f t h e t o t a l we a lt h t h e n a t i o n.

A The range of B Ranging C Ranging from D The range

19 Earthquakes can damage a tree _ violently, and it can take several years for the tree to heal A to cause shaking B when shaking it causes C by causing it to shake D to cause to shake it 20 _ classified as a carnivore, the North American Grizzly bear eats berries and even grass A Just as B Because of C Although D Either 21.The sea horse uses _ to cling to the seaweed and other plants

A it has a tail B a tail with which it C its tail D as its tail

22.The human skin forms _ against the action of physical, chemical, and bacterial agents on the deeper tissues

A protective a barrier is B a protective barrier C a barrier protect D a barrier protects 23.The swallows of Capistrano are famous _ to the same nests in California each spring A to return B who returned C they returned D for returning

24.The invention in the 1920s of the Corning ribbon important, because from that time on the price of a light bulb plunged

A machine was B while a machine was C had a machine D for the machine 25 In 1950, aspirin earned a place in the Guinness Book of World Records _

A in the world’s best selling painkiller B in the world as a best selling painkiller C as the world’s best selling painkiller D of the world's best-selling painkiller

26.Perhaps we should think in terms of raising interest rates them, in consideration of the new reports about inflation reported last June

A then reducing B and reduce C although reduce D rather than reducing 27. bacteria in foods are killed, as they are during baking or stewing, decay is slowed down

A What B The C If D So 28.The Pulitzer Prize has been _ in American literature for more than seventy years A the award most prestigious that B the most prestigious award C a prestigious award that most D most prestigious award

29 Spain and Portugal's competition for economic domination in the Americas after Columbus' return to Europe, when they both realized that the Newland could increase their gold reserves


30 The lenses in an optical microscope bend the light passing through aspecimen to form an image of that specimen that is much larger actually viewed

A than it B than the one C one than D than one which

31 In this pure state antimony has no important uses , but with other substances, it is an extremely useful metal

A when combined physically or chemically B combined when physically or chemically C the physical and chemical combination D it is combined physically and chemically 32 In hot, dry regions, the Sun's heat causes the outer layer of rocks _ a process called exfoliation A are expanded and peeled away B to expand and peel away

C expands and peels away D they expand and peel away

33 Industrialization has been responsible for _ most radical of the environmental changes caused by humans

A a B the C some of which D which are the

34 For the first time in 70 years, _ aspirin's potential beyond reducing pain, fever and inflammation A researchers began to understand B researchers begin understanding

C researcher's understanding of D researchers began their understanding 35 The hourglass, an instrument used _, usually consists of two bulbs united by a narrow neck A measures time B time is measured C for measuring time D the time for measuring

QUESTIONS 36 – 45: Read the following passage carefully and then choose the best option to fit each space Identify your choice by circling letter A, B, C or D on the answer sheet.

The 181h-century battlefield was, compared with that of the 20`h-century, an intimate theatre, especially intimate in

the (36) _ of the Revolution, which was usually small even by the standards of the day Soldiers had to come to close quarters to kill; this fact reduced the mystery of the battle, though perhaps not its terrors But at least the battle field lost some of its impersonality In fact, in (37) _ to (with) the 201h-century combat, in which the

enemy usually remains unseen and the source of incoming fire unknown, in the 181h-century battles the enemy

could be seen and sometimes even (38) _ (39) one's enemy may have arose a singular (40) _of feeling uncommon in modern battles Before the (41) _ occurred tension and anxiety (42) _ up as the troops marched from their column into a line of attack The ( 43) _ of their movements was well understood by themselves and their enemies, who mest have watched with feeling of dread and fascination When the order came sending them (44) ,rages, even madness replaced the attacker's (45) _, while terror and desperation filled those who received the charge

36 A success B engagement C attachment D independence 37 A connection B contrast C contract D link

38 A stroked B touched C seen D confronted 39 A Seeing B Dealing C Fighting D Killing 40 A despair B sadness C intensity D stress 41 A assault B confrontation C obedience D order 42 A stored B kept C set D built 43 A notion B purpose C reason D trace 44 A upward B outward C forward D downward 45 A anxiety B sympathy C passions D nerves

QUESTIONS 46 — 50: Read the following passage carefully and complete the sen tences that follow by circling letter A,B, C or D as the correct answers I then mark your choice on the answer sheet.

Most fairy tales in the world begin with "Once upon a time" and end with "They lived happily ever after," so we will begin in the same way

Once upon a time, there was a girl called Cinderella who did all the work in the kitchen while her lazy sister did nothing

One night, her sister went to a ball at the palace Cinderella was left home, very sad After a time, her fairy godmother appeared and told Cinderella that she could go to the ball — but to return home by midnight

So she went to the ball in a beautiful dress in a wonderful coach She danced with the prince but at midnight she ran back home, leaving one of her shoes on her dancing floor The prince wanted to see her again and went to every h o u se i n t h e ca p it a l u n t i l h e f o u n d t h a t t h e sh o e wa s t h e r ig h t s iz e f o r Cinderella She and the prince were married and lived happily ever after

46.Books with fairy tales are found in _

A our country only B few countries C all countries except ours D many countries 47 According to the passage, fairy tales in different languages usually begin and end _ A in the same way B in different ways C in many ways D in various ways 48 The word "ball" in the first sentence of paragraph means _

A a sport equipment B a dancing hall C a balloon D sphere 49 Cinderella was very sad because


B.she did all the work in the kitchen D her sister was invited to a ball 50 At the end of the story, _

A.Cinderella could go to the ball and its meaning is clear that she all(I the prince were married B.Cinderella's godmother came to comfort her

C.one of Cinderella's sisters was married to the prince D.the prince invited Cinderella to the ball

QUESTIONS 51 — 55: Read the following passage carefully and complete the sentences that follow by circling letter A, B, C or D as the correct answers and then mark your choice on the answer sheet.

In many modern countries, people think of a family as a mother, a father and their children But this is not the only kind of the family group In some parts of the world, a family group has many other members This kind of large family is called an "extended family" or a "joint family"

The joint family includes all living relatives on either the mother's or the father's side of the family It is made up of grandparents, parents, brothers, sisters, uncles, aunts and cousins They live together in a large house or in huts built close together

Early people probably live in joint families They had to be part of a large in order to survey The members of the group help each other hunt They work together to protect themselves from dangerous animals and other enemies

In China, people lived in joint families When a son married, he and his wife liv ed at his parents' home Unmarried daughters remained at home until they married Chinese children felt very loyal to their parents Younger members of the joint family always took care of the old ones

India and Africa, some people still live in joint families The members of a joint family share their earnings and property If one member of the group becomes ill or has bad luck, the others help the person As in the past, the members of the joint family offer each other help and protection

51 The word in paragraph that means "to be made up of” is _

A include B relatives C live D hut 52 Long time ago, members of joint families

A.did not live together B helped each other catch animals C.only played together D lived separately in order to survive 53 Chinese people felt loyal to their

A relatives B parents C cousins D younger members 54 In India and Africa, people in joint families help a person when

A he has good luck B he has bad luck

C he gets rid of illness D he shares them his earnings 55 On the whole, this story is about

A all types of family B families in China

C j o i n t f a m i l i e s D f a m i l i e s f o u n d i n I n d i a a n d A f r i c a

QUESTIONS 56 – 60: Each of the following sentences has four underlined words or phrases marked A, B, C, and D Choose the word or phrase which be changed in order for the sentence to be correct.

56.The oxygen in the air we breath has no taste, smell, or color

57.Because of the availability of trucks and easy access to modern highways, the locate of farms has become relatively unimportant with respect to their distance from markets

58.Long before his death, John Dewey see his philosophy had a profound influence on education and thought in the United States and elsewhere

59.Margaret Mead achieved world famous through her studies of child-rearing, personality and culture

60.The central purpose of management is for making every action or d e c i s i o n h e l p a c h i e v e a c a r e f u l l y c h o s e n g o a l

QUESTIONS 61 – 70: Choose one option A, B, C or D corresponding to the sentence which has the same meaning as the original one and mark your choice on the answer sheet.

61."You'd better not lend Mark any more money, Elizabeth", said John.

A Jo h n s t e ll s E l iz a b e t h t h a t sh e wo u ld b e t t e r n o t le n d M a r k a n y more money B.Johns advised Elizabeth not to lend Mark any more money

C Joh n s ad vised E lizab e th t t sh e h ad be t te r n ot len d Ma rk an y more money D.Johns said to Elizabeth that she would better lend Mark any money

62 Your car might break down on the rough mountain road, so take plenty of spare parts.

A Take plenty of spare parts so your car will not brake down in rough mountain road B In case your case break down in the rough mountain road, take much spare parts C In case your case break down in the rough mountain road, spare parts are plentiful D In case your car breaks down in the rough mountain road, take plenty of spare parts 63 "You stole my best cassette, Bob!" said Willy.

A Willy accused Bob for having stolen his best cassette


D.Willy accused Bob to have stolen his best cassette 64 "Why didn't I get a computer before?" thought Jane.

A Jane wondered why she hadn't got a computer in the previous time B Jane wondered why she haven't got a computer in the previous time C Jane wondered why she didn't get a computer in the previous time

D Jane wondered why not she got a computer in the previous time

65 It is more than one hundred years since the birth of Charles Dicken, the 'amous Novelist.

A It is more than one hundred years when Charles Dicken, the famous novelist, born B More than one hundred years ago, Charles Dicken, the famous born

C Since Charles Dicken is a famous novelist, he was born more than a hundred years ago D Charles Dicken, the famous novelist, was born more than one hundred years ago

66 Without this treatment, that patient would have died.

A If that patient didn't followed this treatment he would have died B If that patient hadn’t undergone this treatment he would have not died C If that patient had use this treatment he would have not died

D If that patient haven’t undergone this treatment he would have not died 67 Lan didn't apply for the job in the library and regets it now.

A.Lan wishes she had applied for the job in the library B Lan wishes she have applied for the job in the library C.Lan wishes she has applied for the job in the library D Lan wishes she applies for the job in the library 68 He failed to find the source of the Mississippi River.

A.He didn't succeed for finding the source of the Mississippi River B.He didn't succeed in finding the source of the Mississippi River C.He didn't succeed on finding the source of the Mississippi River D.He didn't succeed to find the source of the Mississippi River

69 Although she couldn't speak English, Ngo decided to settle in Manchester.

A.Despite of speaking no English, Ngo decided to settle in Manchester B.Although no speaking English, Ngo decided to settle in Manchester

C.In spite of her disability to speak English, Ngo decided to settle in Manchester D.Ngo decided to settle in Manchester even she did not speak English

70 The bread is so stale that we can't eat it.

A.The bread such stale that we can't eat it B We can't eat the bread because of its stale C.The bread isn't fresh enough to be eaten D The bread isn't enough fresh for us to eat

QUESTIONS 71 — 80: Choose one option A, B, C or D corresponding to the best sentence which is made up from the given cue words and then mark your choice on the answer sheet.

71 learn /difficult / English / not / structure / study I vocabulary I you everyday.

A.Learn English is not difficult if you study structure and vocabulary every day B.It is not difficult to learn English if you study structure and vocabulary every day C.Difficult English is not learn if you study structure and vocabulary every day D.You learn English is not difficult if study structure and vocabulary every day

72 I/ one / old friends / meet / I / shop / supermarket / two days ago

A I m e t o n e o f my o ld f r ie n d s wh i le I wa s d o in g sh o p p i n g in t h e supermarket two days ago B I met one of my old friends while I was shopping on the supermarket two days ago

C I m e t m y o n e o l d f r i e n d s w h i l e I w a s d o i n g s h o p p i n g i n t h e supermarket two days ago D I met one of my old friends while I was shopping to the supermarket two days ago

73 try / stop / smoke / he / he / never / success / many times

A He has tried to stop smoke many times but he never succeeded B He has tried stop smoking many times but he never succeeded C He has tried stop to smoke many times but he never succeeded

D He has tried to stop smoking many times but he has never succeeded 74 promise / he / me / send / arrive / post card / as soon as / Madrid A He promised send me a post card as soon as he arrived in Madrid B He promised to send me a post card as soon as he arrived at Madrid C He promised to send me a post card as soon as he arrived in Madrid

D He promised to sending me a post card as soon as he arrived in Madrid

75 need / developing countries / research / / agriculture / problems / so lutions I find.

A Developing countries need doing researches to find solutions to agriculture problems B D e v e l o p i n g c o u n t r i e s n e e d t o d o r e se a r c h t o f in d so l u t i o n s t o agricultural problems C Developing countries need to researching to find solutions to agriculture problems D Developing countries need to research to finding solutions to agiculture problems

76 practise / play I tennis / everyday / she I because / one day / want/ famous / she.


A Never stop trying until you get the right solution to the problem B Never stop trying until you get the right solution of the problem C Never stop trying until you get the right solution from the problem D Never stop trying until you get the right solution on the problem 78 exciting / New York / city / most / visit / ever / I.

A New York city is the most exciting I have ever visited B New York is the most exciting city I have ever visited C New York is the most exciting city I have ever visit D New York is most exciting city I have ever visited 79 drive / dangerous / city / rush hour.

A It is dangerous to drive fastly in the city in the rush hour B It is dangerous to drive fast in the city on the rush hour C It is dangerous for driving fast in the city in the rush hour D It is dangerous to drive fast in the city in the rush hour 80 he / come / if / station / earlier / train / he / miss

A If he had come to the station earlier he would not have missed the train B If he have come to the station earlier he would not have missed the train C If he had came to the station earlier he would not have missed the train D If' he hadcome to the station earlier he would have not missed the train

Ngày đăng: 19/02/2021, 21:02



