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Tải Trắc nghiệm câu so sánh trong Tiếng Anh - Ôn tập Ngữ pháp Tiếng Anh cơ bản

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Mời bạn đoc tham khảo thêm nhiều tài liệu Tiếng Anh khác tại đây: Luyện 4 kỹ năng Tiếng Anh: https://vndoc.com/luyen-ky-nang Ngữ pháp Tiếng Anh cơ bản: https://vndoc.com/ngu-phap-tieng-[r]



Choose the best answer to fill in the gaps.

1 Today is a day The sun shines all the time

a windy b sunny c cloudy d rainy

2 Ba is a hard- working student and he works on all the subjects

a hard b slowly c carelessly d carefully

3 In the South of Viet Nam, there are only two a year

a times b days c seasons d periods

4 It is very because the wind blows quite hard

a sunny b rainy c snowy d windy

5 In class you must listen to the teacher

a hardly b boringly c carelessly d carefully

6 The children are playing They should be quite

a quietly b eagerly c happily d noisily

7 In the sunny season, the shine(s) almost all the days

a snow b clouds c floods d sun

8 The today is higher than yesterday It must be over 37 C

a degree b level c humidity d temperature

9 Viet Nam has a tropical

a climate b weather c temperature d season

10 My mother can dance very She is a professional dancer

a sweetly b softly c loudly d beautifully

11 In Viet Nam, it is normally in the South than in the North

a hot b hotter c hottest d hoter

12 The food is than the last time I ate it

a badder b bad c worse d worst

13 Ho Chi Minh city is than Hanoi


14 Children often learn very things around them

a quickly b quicker c quickest d quick

15 She can not sing but she can play the piano beautifully

a good b best c goodly d well

16 Helen always with John in every school dancing competition

a dances b dance c dancing d, danced

17 It dangerous to swim in deep rivers

a are b is c being d be

18 The boy at home yesterday evening

a stay b staying c stayed d stays

19 Last time, he very slowly

a driving b drove c driven d drived

20 I now speak English perfectly

a can b was c could d did

21 Jack is now than he used to be

a happy b happier c happiest d happyer

22 The tourist company was down the street than I had thought

a farther b far c farer d farest

23 There is nothing than going swimming in hot weather

a gooder b good c better d best

24 He tried very but still failled the exame

a hardly b hard c harder d hardest

25 She came to school and had to stand outside for 15 minutes

a late b lately c latest d latter

26 He was successful with the business

a complete b completion c completeness d completely

27 I everything will be all right soon

a hope b hopes c hoping d hoped

28 I often up early in the morning

a gets b getting c got d get


a phones b phoning c phoned d phone 30 Don’t the door open when you go out

a leave b leaves c leaving d left

31 David’s school is very bad this term

a report b period c day d semester

32 The this year are longer and more difficult than those last year

a schools b notebooks c time d lessons

33 Our friends are more than us

a difficult b intelligent c easy d tall

34 Lan, how are you doing this ?

a school b day c class d term

35 He can better than the in his group

a everyone b another c all d others

36 Tuan writes more with fewer mistakes than the previous term

a careless b careful c carefully d carelessly

37 My father is happy because I get results at school

a bad b good c intelligent d well

38 Peter does better at school because he works

a harder b more carelessly c more lazily d worse

39 He can sums more and read faster./

a badly b quickly c difficultly d fastly

40 I can dance more than my friends

a fluently b attentively c interestingly d gracefully

41 Mary is in in St Mary secondary school

a age b level c grade d, step

42 She is very pupil She spends most of her time studying

a hard- working b difficult c hard d easy

43 They always complete all their before going to bed

a things b homework c book d activities

44 He is very good at He can sums more quickly than the other pupils in his class


45 Mary rarely makes when she writes

a mistakes b fault c things d sums

46 I often go to the school to borrow books in my free time

a library b yard c room d class

47 He always helps his friends with exercises

a easy b bad c difficult d short

48 Her parents are because she often gets bad marks in the exams

a, happy b disapponinted c tired d boring

49 I am interested in natural science subjects like mathematics, physics and

a England b literature c chemistry d language

50 In her free time, Jane often plays the

a piano b football c game d basket ball

51 My English this term is than that of last year

a good b gooder c better d best

52 Her math result is than her English result

a bad b badly c worse d well

53 Detective books are than science fiction ones

a more interesting b interestingly c interstinger d interesting 54 Lan is than her sister

a lazy b lazily c lazier d lazilier

55 He feels than last year because his study results are

a happy/ good b happier/ gooder c more happy/more good d happier/better

56 He is at maths than at any other subjects

a better b more good c goodlier d gooder

57 Phuong can speak English than Minh

a more fluent b fluently c fluent d more fluently

58 Her voice is than her sister’s/

a beautiful b more beautiful c beautifully d more



a good b well c more well d better 60 Cinderrella danced than any other girls at the ball

a more graceful b gracefuler c gracefully d more gracefully 61 Chemistry is than physics

a easy b easily c easier d more easily

62 Rabbits run than tortoises

a fast b fastly c fastlier d faster

63 Nam is bad at art but Minh is even

a badder b bad c worse d worser

63 Lan is her sister

a old b elderly c elder d oldly

64 She can pronounce English words than she could last term

a correctlier b more correct c more correctly d correcter 65 The country is than the city

a quieter b more quiet c more quietly d quietlier

66 In this class , the students are talking than the teacher

a loudly b more loud c loudlier d louder

67 We shouldn’t be on any subjects

a lazy b lazier c lazily d lazilier

68 I can learn a subject if I like it and if I don’t like it

a good/ bad b better/ worse c better/ badlier d gooder/worse 69 I will take these shoes What’s the ?

a price b fare b cost d fee

70 My Dinh is the national of Viet Nam

a city b theatre c stadium d cinema

71 She is the most girl in our class

a intelligent b intelligentest c tall d tallest

72 That T-shirt is the we have in stock

a big b.bigger c small d smallest

73 I think Smatcafe is than other kinds of coffee


74 This hat is the of all

a expensivest b more expensive c cheapest d cheaper

75 Of all the stories I have, this is the most one

a better b best c.interesting d interestingest

76 That is the most bed in the shop

a wide b widest c comfortable d comfortables

77 Food becomes during the time of the flood

a more scarcer b most scarce c scarcest d scarce

78 Have you got any shirt?

a cheapest b cheaper c expensiver d expensivest

79 The shop faces its most time of the year when sales have fallen by half

a difficult b difficultest c easy d easiest

80 Lan is the most student in my class

a hard-work b hard-working c good d best

81 The blue shirt is as as the red one

a long b longer c more long d longest

82 Mai dances as as Lan

a gracefully b gracefuly c graceful d graceless

83 This book is the of all

a bored b.boring c more boring d most boring

84 Mary speaks English very

a fluent b fluently c more fluently d most fluently

85 Tom runs faster than John and David runs the in the group

a fast b most fast c fastest c most fastly

86 She has books than I

a least b fewer c more few d fewest

87 I work as as you

a hard b hardly c harder d more hard

88 She looks than me

a thinner b thin c thinnest d thinly


a rich b richer c richest d more rich 90 A train is not so as a bus

a quick b quicker c quickest d more quick

91.The economic conditions today are they were in the past

a much more good b much better than

c much better d the best than

92 Peter is the student in my class

a taller than b so tall as c the tallest d tallest

93 The deep oceans contain some of the of all living creatures

a strangest b strange c as strange as d stranger

94 Jane is not ……… her brother

a more intelligent as b intelligent as

c so intelligent as d so intelligent that

95 He drives as ………….his father does

a careful as b more carefully c the most careful d carefully as 96 What’s the ………….film you’ve ever seen?

a good b best c better d the best

97 Jane is ………age as Marry/

a as same b the most same c the same d more same

98 I’ll be there ………… I can

a sooner as b no sooner as c as soon as d soonest as

99 The shirt and that one………

a alike b are alike c as alike as d the same

100 I want to buy some shoes………….the ones you have on

a like b are like c are alike d likely

101 Mary and her mother not………

a alike b look like c look alike d.like

102 Sharon………….from other women I know

a different b as different c differs d more different

103 This one is prettier, but it costs………… as the other one


104 You can take………… books as you want

a as many b as much c so much d too many

105 Of the two sisters, Linda ………

a is beautiful b the most beautiful c is more beautiful d is so beautiful as

106 The ………… accident in the history of the city occurred last night on the Freeway

a badest b most bad c worse d worst

107 He finished the test ………… of all

a rapidly b the most rapidly c most rapidly d more rapidly

108 Many chemicals react ……… in acid solutions

a more quick b more quickly c quicklier d as quickly


109 The younger you are, ………it is to learn

a easier b you are easier c the easier d the easy

110 It’s becoming ……… to find a job

a more difficult and more b more and more difficult c most and more difficult d more difficult than 112 ………electricity you use, ………….your bill will be

a The more…… the higher b The most…… the higher

c The more……the high d More……… higher

113 The more I got to know Tom, ……….I liked him

a least b the less c the least d the fewer

114 The rooms in the front ……….noisier than those in the back

a are more b are little c are very d are much

115 ………… you are, …………you concentrate

a Tired… the least hard b The more tired…… the harder c The tireder……the harder d The tired…… the harder 116 Of all the candidates, Peter is probably…………

a the less qualified b the qualified less c the most little qualified d the least qualified


a those b than those c than that d than this upload.123doc.net These two girls ………… that I can’t tell them apart

a are so like b are so alike c are too alike d alike enough 119 I don’t think our daughter is ……….to understand this matter

a too young b is such young c not enough old d not age enough 120 Mrs Harrison is ………….he owns many palaces

a so a rich man that b such an rich man that

c such a rich man that d that os rich a man

121 The ceiling is ………

a too high for me to reach b too high for me to each it c so high for me reaching d enough high of me reaching 122 The woman was so beautiful………

a that I couldn’t help looking at b that I couldn’t help looking at her c for me looking at her d that for me to look at

123.It is …………that I would like to go to the beach

a such a nice weather b too nice weather

c such nice weather d such weather nice

124 These are ………….tht I can’t finish them

a a such long assignments b such long assignments c such a long assignments d too long assignments 125 It is ……….that I have read it twice

a such an interesting book b so interesting a book c too interesting a bookd A and B

126 She dances ……… everybody adores her a such beautifully that b so beautiful that

c so beautiful that d too beautifully that

127.It is ………to go swimming

a too cold b.so cold c such a cold d enough cold that 128 Jane is ……… to this exercise


129 I am ………a car

a not rich enough to buy b too rich enough to buy

c too poor to buy d a and c

130 It’s ………… home from here

a too far walking b too far for walking c far to walk too d too far to walk 131 The bed is not clean enough………

a to lie in it b to lie in c for lying in d in which to lie 132 The piano was too heavy ………

a for nobody to move b for nobody moving

c for anyone to move d for anyone to moving

133 ………to go to the cinema

a It was late so that b That it was late

c It was too late d such too late

134 We don’t ……….to go there now

a have time enough b enough time c have too time d have enough time

Mời bạn đoc tham khảo thêm nhiều tài liệu Tiếng Anh khác đây: Luyện kỹ Tiếng Anh: https://vndoc.com/luyen-ky-nang Ngữ pháp Tiếng Anh bản: https://vndoc.com/ngu-phap-tieng-anh

Anh: https://vndoc.com/luyen-ky-nang n: https://vndoc.com/test/kiem-tra-tieng-anh

Ngày đăng: 19/02/2021, 19:52

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