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Research on development of methods of graph theory and automat in steganography and searchable encryption

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MINISTRY OF EDUCATION AND TRAINING HANOI UNIVERSITY OF SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY —————————— Nguyen Huy Truong RESEARCH ON DEVELOPMENT OF METHODS OF GRAPH THEORY AND AUTOMATA IN STEGANOGRAPHY AND SEARCHABLE ENCRYPTION DOCTORAL DISSERTATION IN MATHEMATICS AND INFORMATICS Hanoi - 2020 MINISTRY OF EDUCATION AND TRAINING HANOI UNIVERSITY OF SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY —————————— Nguyen Huy Truong RESEARCH ON DEVELOPMENT OF METHODS OF GRAPH THEORY AND AUTOMATA IN STEGANOGRAPHY AND SEARCHABLE ENCRYPTION Major: Mathematics and Informatics Major code: 9460117 DOCTORAL DISSERTATION IN MATHEMATICS AND INFORMATICS SUPERVISORS: Assoc Prof Dr Sc Phan Thi Ha Duong Dr Vu Thanh Nam Hanoi - 2020 DECLARATION OF AUTHORSHIP I hereby certify that I am the author of this dissertation, and that I have completed it under the supervision of Assoc Prof Dr Sc Phan Thi Ha Duong and Dr Vu Thanh Nam I also certify that the dissertation’s results have not been published by other authors Hanoi, May 18, 2020 PhD Student Nguyen Huy Truong Supervisors Assoc Prof Dr Sc Phan Thi Ha Duong Dr Vu Thanh Nam ACKNOWLEDGMENTS I am extremely grateful to Assoc Prof Dr Sc Phan Thi Ha Duong I want to thank Dr Vu Thanh Nam I would also like to extend my deepest gratitude to Late Assoc Prof Dr Phan Trung Huy I would like to thank my co-workers from School of Applied Mathematics and Informatics, Hanoi University of Science and Technology for all their help I also wish to thank members of Seminar on Mathematical Foundations for Computer Science at Institute of Mathematics, Vietnam Academy of Science and Technology for their valuable comments and helpful advice I give thanks to PhD students of Late Assoc Prof Dr Phan Trung Huy for sharing and exchanging information in steganography and searchable encryption Finally, I must also thank my family for supporting all my work CONTENTS Page LIST OF SYMBOLS iii LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS iv LIST OF FIGURES v LIST OF TABLES vi INTRODUCTION CHAPTER PRELIMINARIES 1.1 Basic Structures 1.1.1 Strings 1.1.2 Graph 1.1.3 Deterministic Finite Automata m 1.1.4 The Galois Field GF (p ) 1.2 Digital Image Steganography 1.3 Exact Pattern Matching 11 1.4 Longest Common Subsequence 12 1.5 Searchable Encryption 15 CHAPTER DIGITAL IMAGE STEGANOGRAPHY BASED ON THE GALOIS FIELD USING GRAPH THEORY AND AUTOMATA 16 2.1 Introduction 16 2.2 The Digital Image Steganography Problem 18 2.3 A New Digital Image Steganography Approach 19 2.3.1 Mathematical Basis based on The Galois Field 19 2.3.2 Digital Image Steganography Based on The Galois Field GF (pm) Using Graph Theory and Automata 21 2.4 The Near Optimal and Optimal Data Hiding Schemes for Gray and Palette Images 29 2.5 Experimental Results 34 2.6 Conclusions 38 CHAPTER AN AUTOMATA APPROACH TO EXACT PATTERN MATCHING 40 3.1 Introduction 40 3.2 The New Algorithm - The MR c Algorithm 42 3.3 Analysis of The MR c Algorithm 48 3.4 Experimental Results 51 3.5 Conclusions 56 CHAPTER AUTOMATA TECHNIQUE FOR THE LONGEST COMMON SUBSEQUENCE PROBLEM 57 4.1 Introduction 57 i 82 BIBLIOGRAPHY [1] A V Aho, D S Hirschberg, J D Ullman (1976), “Bounds on The Complexity of The Longest Common Subsequence Problem”, Journal of the Association for Computing Machinery, 23(1), pp 1-12 [2] O I I Al-Farraji (2016), “Combination between Steganography and Cryptography in Information Hiding by Using Same Key”, International Journal of Engineering Research and General Science, 4(6), pp 201-208 [3] C Allauzen, M Crochemore, M Raffinot (1999), “Factor Oracle: A New Structure for Pattern Matching”, In: J Pavelka, G Tel, M Bartoˇsek (Eds.) 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Prof Phan Trung Huy in steganography and searchable encryption, and under the direction of supervisors, the dissertation title assigned is research on development of methods of graph theory and

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