People can now have things like refrigerators and TV, and medicial facilities are more accesssible... Lucky Lucky Number Number Lucky Lucky Number Number.[r]
tall buildings
beautiful views
fresh air
kinds of goods entertainments
(3)A medical facility : phương tiện y tế
accessible (adj) :có thể tiếp cận Permanently (adv): vĩnh viễn
(4)(5)a.Where has Na been?
b How long was she there? c What is her opinion of the countryside?
d Na says, “there is nothing to do?” What does she mean by this?
(6)(7)1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 10 20 30 40 50
(8)(9)a Where has Na been?
Na has been to the
(10)b.How long was she there?
She was there for the
(11)c.What is her opinion
of the countryside?
The countryside is
(12)d Na says, “ there is nothing to do” what
does she mean by this?
There are no libraries, no
(13)e What are some of the
changes that Hoa mentions?
Many remote areas are getting
(14)(15)(16)Do you prefer the city or the countryside ?
(17)-Learnt by heart the form
-Write about a paragraph tell you prefer the city or the