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English 6- Test 2 (2017-2018) - Website Trường THCS Phan Bội Châu - Đại Lộc - Quảng Nam

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Nội dung

The capital is Canberra, but the city with the biggest population is Sydney, which has nearly four million1. English is the first language of most people, but there are also immigrants w[r]




Level Recognize Understand

U s e Total Topic Low High


I Phonetic C1-4 Sentence: Mark: Percent: 1.0 10% 1.0 10% II Language focus

C1-4 C5-8 C9-12

Sentence: Mark: Percent: 1.0 10% 1.0 10% 4 1.0 10% 12 3.0 30%

III Reading 1-5 C6-9

Sentence: Mark: Percent: 1,0 10% 1,0 10% 2.0 20%

IV Writing C5-8 C1-4

Sentence: Mark: Percent: 1.0 10% 1.0 10% 2.0 20% V Listening C1-4 C5-8

Sentence: Mark: Percent: 1.0 10% 1.0 10% 2.0 20% Sentence: Mark: Percent:

12 3.0 2.0 30% 20%

4 1.0 2.0 10% 20%

1.0 1.0 10% 10%


Name :……… ONE PERIOD TEST (2) Class 6/…… Number :……… ENGLISH 6


I Choose the word with a different way of pronunciation in the underlined part. Circle A, B C or D (1.0pt )

1 A treat A express A advice A city

B clean B exciting B price B cathedral

C great C expensive C nice C central

D beach D excellent D police D cinema B.LEXICO-GRAMMAR: (3.0 pts)

I Choose the best answer. (2,0 pts)

1 There is a hotel in front the park

A of B on C to D at

2 Cua Lo is a beach

A boring B historic C fantastic D modern

3 I love it here Everything I want is only five minutes away It’s so A convenient B narrow C exciting D noisy

4 there a theatre in your neighborhood?

A Are B Is C Do D Does

5 My head hurts I need to take some

A backpacks B compasses C painkillers D plasters Ha Long Bay is in

A Viet Nam B Australia C Brazil D Great Britain Life in the countryside is There aren’t many things to there

A exciting B boring C happy D noisy

8 The air in the area is with smoke from factories

A polluted B fresh C noisy D boring

II Give the correct form of the following adjectives: (1.0pt)

1.Oranges are (cheap) than apples.

2.Living in a city is ( interestng) than living in the countryside. 3.The Sahara is the ( hot) in the world.

4The Amazon is the (wide) river in the world.

C.READING(2.0 pts)

I Read, then complete the passage Use the words provided (1.0pt) watch, biggest, islands, natural, better, and


join exciting activities Ha Long Bay is Viet Nam’s most beautiful (5) _ wonder

II Read the following passage and answer the questions: ( 1.0 pts)

Australia is a island continent in the South Pacific The capital is Canberra, but the city with the biggest population is Sydney, which has nearly four million English is the first language of most people, but there are also immigrants who speak other languages

1 Where is Australia?

-> ……… Is Canberra the capital of Australia?

-> ……… What is the population of Sydney?

-> ……… Do Australian people only speak English?

-> ……… D.WRITING: (2.0 pts)

I Rewrite the following sentences :( 1.0 pt)

1 The Red river is shorter than the Mekong river

-> The Me Kong river ……… ………… It’s wrong of us to throw rubbish

-> We mustn’t……… Ha Noi is large, Bangkok is larger and Tokyo is the largest

-> Tokyo is……… the three city

4.Please tell me something about your neighborhood

-> Can you……… II Rearrange these sentences (1.0pt)

London / exciting / is / than / more / Ha noi

-> ……… is / tallest / Hoa / in / the / class / her

-> ……… on / Take / turning / the / right / the / first

-> ……… / at / must / You/ homework / home / your

-> ……… E.LISTENING: ( 2.0 pts)

I Listen to the sentences and circle the words you hear: (1.0 pt) Tommy is (living/ leaving ) there

2 Shall we ( hit / heat ) the oil first This airplane (sits/ seats ) 100 people There’s a ( ship / sheep ) over there


A: Excuse me Where is the supermarket?

B: Go to the(1) of the street It’s on your(2) A: And where is the(3) Secondary School ?

B It’s in Le Duan street .(4) the second right , and it’s on your left

- The


Subject : English 6

School Year : 2017 - 2018

A (1.0điểm): Mỗi câu 0.25đ

C great D excellent D police B cathedral B (3.0 điểm):

I.(2.0 điểm): Mỗi câu 0,25đ

A of C fantastic 3.A convenient B Is

C painkillers A Viet Nam B boring A Polluted II (1.0 điểm): Mỗi câu 0,25đ


more interesting hottest

widest C (2.0điểm):

I (1.0 điểm) M ỗi câu 0.2đ 1.islands

2.and 3.biggest watch natural

II (1,0 điểm) Trả lời câu 0.25đ It’s in the South Pacific

Yes,it is

3.The population of Sydney is nearly four million 4.No , they don’t

D (2,0 điểm):

I.(1.0 điểm). Mỗi câu 0,25đ/câu


We mustn’t throw rubbish

Tokyo is the largest of the three city

4.Can you tell me something about your neighborhood? II (1,0 điểm) Mỗi câu 0,25đ/câu

London is more exciting than Ha noi 2.Hoa is the tallest in her class

3.Take the first turning on the right You must your homework at home E (2.0 điểm )

I.(1.0điểm) M ỗi câu 0,25đ/câu living

heat 3.seats 4.sheep

II (1,0 điểm) Mỗi câu 0,25đ/câu end

2 right Lower Take

Ngày đăng: 18/02/2021, 14:54


