A comparative study of the systems of review of administrative action by courts and tribunals in australia and viet nam what vietnam can learn from australian experience
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A COMPARATÍVÊ STUDY OP THE SYSTS ,-'S OF REVIÊVV OF ACMINISTRATIVe ACTlOfỉ ŨY COURTS AND TRBUNALS IN AUSTRAUA AND vlETNAM WHAT VIETNAM CAN m m m * h AUSĨRALIAN EXPÉRIENCE NGUYEN VAN QUANG ■tị"'- -•ỉâĩẫịsSểi: A C 0M 1A R A T IV E ST U D Y O F T H E S Y S T E M S O F R E V IE V V Ơ A D M IN IST R A T IV E A C T IO N BY C O U R T S A N D T R B U N A L S IN A U S T R A L I A A N D V I E T N A M WHAT VIE NAM CAN LEARN FROM AU STR ALIAN EXPERIENCE Submitted by Nguven Van Quang LL.B, LL.M (Hanoi Law University) A thesis submitted in total íulíìlm ent o f the requirements for the degree o f Doctor o f Philosophy School ot’ Law Faculty o f Law and M anagem ent La Trobe University Bnndoora, Victoria 3086 Australia April 2007 TABLE O F CO N TEN TS A ckn ow ledgem en ts ix A b s tra c t X Table o f A bbreviations xi Statement o f A uthorship .xiii Introduction I Introducing Adm inistrative Law Jurisdiction to V ietnam ’s People’s Courts: Issues and Problem s II R eform ing the Current System o f Review o f Adm inistrative Actions in Vietnam: ‘Com parative Law ’ as a Tool o f Legal R eform III Why the Australian M odel? IV Thesis Structure Chapter O n e: M ethodological Issues: C om parative Law and Legal Transplantation Introduction I Com parative Law: a M ethod for the Study o f L aw 10 II How To Com pare Law: a ‘Law in C ontext A pproach’ 13 III Com parative Law and Legal Reform : Legal T ransplantation 17 A Legal Transplantation: Possible or Im possible? 17 B Legal Transplantation: How to Successfully Transplant Law ? .21 C onclusion 28 Chapter T w o: A dm inistrative Review System s o f A ustralia and Vietnam: Historical and C onstitutional B ackground 30 Introduction 30 I A ustralian A dm inistrative Revievv S ystem 31 A Historical Development o f the A ustralian LegalSystem: British Colonial Experience and C om m on Law T rad itio n 31 B C onstitutional Principles U nderpinning the Australian Administrative Revievv S y s te m 35 Responsible G overnm ent 36 38 Rule of Law The Separation o f Pow ers 40 c Development o f the Australian Adm inistrative Review System: a Historical Perspective 43 Australian Administrative Review System bịre the 1970s: the N eed for Reform 43 ‘New Administrative Law’ and the Australian Administrative Revievv System 47 II Vietnamese Adm inistrative Review System 51 A Historical Background o f the Vietnamese Legal System: the History o f Foreign Influences 51 B Core Constitutional Principles Underpinning the Vietnamese Adm inistrative Revievv System: Iníìuences o f the Socialist Political and Legal Ideology 58 Leadership o f the Comm unist Party o f V ietnam 60 Socialist Legality and a Socialist Law-Based State 62 Concentration o f State Pow ers 66 c System for Revievv o f Administrative Action in V ietnam .70 Supervision o f the National Assem bly and the Local people’s C ouncils 70 Inspection by the State Inspectorate Bodies System 72 Resoiving Complaints and Denunciations: Intemal Revievv of Adm inistrative A ction 73 Administrative Adjudication o f Courts: Judicial Review o f Adm inistrative A ction 74 C onclusion 79 Chatter T h ree: M odels of Adm inistrative Adjudicative Bodies in Australia and V ietia m 80 lntroduction 80 I Australian Adm inistrative Adjudicative B o d ie s 81 A Australian Courts o f Law 81 Australian Courts o f Law and Adm inistrative Law Jurisdiction 82 Composition o f Australian Courts Hearing Administrative Law C ases 91 B Australian M erits Administrative Tribunals 94 Conception o f Australian M erits Revievv T ribunals 94 Structure o fth e Australian Adm inistrative Tribunal S ystem 99 III V ietnam ese Adm inistrative Adjudicative B odies 105 A Searching a Relevant Model o f Adjudicative Bodies Exercising Adm inistrative Law Jurisdiction: Debates on M odels o f Administrative Courts in V ietnam 107 An Independent Adm inistrative Court System 108 Administrative Courts under the G overnm ent 109 A Sem i-Independent Adm inistrative Court System 110 Model o f Administrative Divisions o f the People’s Court System 111 B Vietnam ese People’s Courts and Adm inistrative Law Jurisdiction l 13 Supreme People’s Court: the Removal o f Original Jurisdiction 113 Provincial People’s Courts: Adm inistrative Divisions with Original and Appeals Jurisdiction 115 District People’s Courts: No Adm inistrative D ivisions 115 c Com position o f Vietnamese People’s Courts Hearing Administrative C ases 117 Participation o f People’s A ssessors 117 Vietnam ese Judges 119 II Som e Com parative Rem arks on the Two System 122 A The Two Court Structures Compared: Several Distinctive Features 122 B The Existence o f Australian Adm inistrative Tribunals: Unravelling the C auses 124 C onclusion 126 Q npter F our: Judicially Reviewable Adm inistrative Action under the Laws of Aiítralia and V ietnam 130 Introduction 130 I Judicially Revievvable Administrative Action under the Law o f A ustralia 131 A Broad Scope o f Judicially Reviewable Adm inistrative A ctions 131 B W ays to Limit the Scope o f Judicial Review o f Administrative Actions 135 Legislative Limits: Restricted Coverage o f the ADJR Act and Privative Clauses 137 Judicial Limits: the Doctrine o f Justiciability 139 c C om m ents 141 II Judicially Revievvable Administrative Action under the Law of V ietnam 142 A Adoption o f an Enumerative C lause 142 B The Object o f Judicial Review o f Adm inistrative A c tio n .148 ‘Administrative Decisions’ and ‘Adm inistrative A cts’ as the Objects o f Judicial Review o f Adm inistrative Actions o f Vietnamese C ourts 149 Judicial Review o f Adm inistrative Decisions o f a Legislative Character: the Vietnamese C ontext 151 III Broadening the Scope o f Judicial Review o f Adm inistrative Actions under the Law o f V ietnam 157 C onclusion .160 Ciapter F ỉve: G rounds for Judicial Review o f Adm inistrative Action under the Law oR u stralia and V ietn am 161 Introduction 161 I An Overvievv o f Grounds for Review under the Laws o f Australia and V ietnam .163 A Com m only Accepted Principles in the Two Jurisdictions 163 B No Clear-Cut Determination o f Detailed Grounds for Review under the Laws o f V ietnam 164 Lack o f Legal Provisions Listing Detailed Grounds for Review 165 Lack o f Related Judicial Interpretations 167 Lack o f Scholarly Interest 169 II A Close Analysis o f Grounds for Judicial Review o f Administrative Actions m ie r the Laws o f Australia and V ietnam 170 A Australian Law and Grounds for Judicial Review o f Administrative A ction 170 Common Law, Judicial Review Acts and Grounds for Revievv 170 ‘Substantive Requirem ents’ Grounds for R eview 174 ‘Procedural Requirem ents’ Grounds for Revievv 182 ‘Catch-AlP Grounds for R eview 185 B G rounds for Judicial Revievv o f Adm inistrative Action in the V ietnam ese Legal C ontext 186 ‘Substantive Requirem ents’ Grounds for Revievv 187 ‘Procedural Requirem ents’ Grounds for R e v ie w 198 II Im proving Vietnam ese Law In Relation to Grounds for Judicial Review o f Aỉm inistrative A ction 203 A Fram ew ork Legal Provisions for G rounds for R eview 203 General O bservation 203 What Grounds for Review Vietnam Should Not Adopt: the Case o f ‘ Unreasonableness’ .204 B Enhancing the Role o f the People’s Supreme Court in Making Judicial Interpretations 206 c Call for the Adoption o f a Doctrine o f P recedent 207 C onclusion 212 Chapter S ix: Powers o f Australian and V ietnam ese C ourts in Judicial Review of Adm inistrative A ction 214 Introduction .214 I Povvers o f Australian and Vietnam ese Courts to Issue Final O rder o f R eview 215 A Com m on Principle U nderpinning Powers o f C ourts in Judicial Review o f Adm inistrative A ction 215 B Povvers o f Australian Courts to Issue Final O rders o f Review: O verlapping Classes o f R em edies 217 Orders Quashing or Setting aside D ecisions (C ertiorari) 221 Orders Restraining A dm inistrators (Prohibition and Injunction) 224 Orders Requiring A dm inistrators to Perform D uties (M andam us and lts E quivalents) 225 Declaratory O rders 228 D am ages .229 c Povvers o f Vietnam ese C ourts to Issue Final O rders o f R eview 230 Some Historical Background to the Process o f D raữing the O rdinance for Procedures R esolving A dm inistrative C ases 231 Judicial Interpretations o f the Suprem e People’s Court o f V ietnam 233 Final Orders o f Review M ade by V ietnam ese C ourts 235 II Interim O rders o f Review under the Laws o f A ustralia and Vietnam: Sim ilarities betvveen the Tw o S ystem s 239 III Exercise o f Jưdicial Discretion to G rant O rders o f R ev iew 243 A Discretion o f Australian C ourts to G rant O rders o f R eview 243 B Vietnamese Courts and Discretionary Povvers to Issue Orders of Review: Should Vietnamese Courts Be Vested with the Discretion to Grant Final Orders o f Review? 247 C onclusion 252 ChiPter Seven: Towards a W ell-Functioning Adm inistrative Review System in Vienam : Proposed R eíorm 253 Introduction 253 I Current Channels o f Resolutions for Adm inistrative Disputes in Vietnam: Revealing the Shortcom ings 256 A Resolving Complaints and Denunciations: the Question o f Reliability 256 B Judicial Revievv o f Administrative Action in Vietnam: Continuing Lim itations 261 Public Avvareness o f Judicial Review o f Administrative Action 262 Legal C onstraints 265 Eníbrcement o f Administrative Judgm ents 271 Dependence o f Local Courts on Local Govemments: the Question o f Judicial Indcpcndence 274 Administrative Judges: the Question o f Expertise 277 II Enhancing the Effectiveness o f Adm inistrative Adjudication o f Vietnamese Courts: Several Proposals 280 A Restructuring V ietnam ’s Court System: the M odel o f Regional Courts 280 Initial Ideas o f the M odel .280 Dilem m a 282 B Expanding the Scope o f Judicially Reviewable Administrative Decisions: Choosing an Appropriate Way for the Current Vietnamese C ontext 285 c Am endment o f Some Procedural Legal Provisions: a Careful C onsideration 289 III A Model o f Administrative Tribunals in Vietnam: Some Australian Ideas 291 A Vietnam ese Administrative Tribunals: Some Initial Ideas 292 B Vietnam ese Administrative Tribunals: a Justification for the Proposal 294 c Specialist Administrative Tribunals in Vietnam: the Case o f a Proposed Model o f Land Tribunals (co quan tai phan ve dat d ai) 298 A Promising Proposal 298 Potential Challenges 302 C onclusion 305 Gentral C on clusion 307 I U nderstanding the Context: Rịrming the Vietnamese Administrative Revievv System in the Vietnam ese C onditions .307 II Proposed Rịrm s o f the Vietnamese Adm inistrative Revievv System: A dopting Australian Ideas Given the Vietnamese C onditions 309 M odel o f Vietnamese Administrative Adjudicative Bodies: Courts and M erits Review Tribunals 310 G radually Extending the Scope o f Judicially Reviewable Adm inistrative Action: an Appropriate Solution for V ietnam 310 A dopting Detailed Rules Relating to the Judicial Review o f A dm inistrative Action: What Could Australian Experience Suggest to V ietnam ese Law -M akers? 311 III C onstructing a W ell-Functioning Adm inistrative Review System in Vietnam: Challenges and Prospects 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System) No 01/BC-VP (28 January 2002), Hanoi Toa an nhan dan toi cao (the Supreme People’s Court), Bao cao tong ket cong tac nam 2002 va phuong huong nhiem vu cong tac nam 2003 cua nganh Toa an nhan dan (Report on the 2002 Summation o f Activities and the 2003 O rientation o f the Court System) No 04/BC (08 January 2003), Hanoi Toa an nhan dan toi cao (the Supreme People’s Court), B ao cao tong ket cong tac nam 2003 va phuong huong nhìem vu cong tac nam 2004 cua nganh Toa an nhan dan (Report on the 2003 Summation o f Activities and the 2004 O rientation o f the Court System ) No 28/BC-TA (25 December 2003), Hanoi 347 Toa an nhan dan toi cao (the Supreme People’s Court), Bao cao tong keí cong tac nam 2004 va phuo n g huong nhiem vu cong tac nam 2005 cua nganh Toa an nhan dan (Report on the 2004 Summation o f Activities and the 2005 Orientation o f the Court System )(2005), Hanoi Toa an nhan dan toi cao (Supreme People’s Court), Nhung giai phap nang cao hieu qua cong tac g ia i quyet cac vu an hanh chinh tai Toa an nhan dan theo tinh than cai cach tu p h a p (Solutions for Promoting the Effectiveness o f Resolving Administrative Cases at Court in Accordance with Judicia! Rịrm ), De tai khoa hoc cap Bo (the Ministerial Level Project) (2006), Hanoi VI Personal Com m unication In the course o f conducting this research, I had several personal Com m unications with a num ber o f legal experts o f the Institute for Judicial Science o f the Supreme People’s Court and the Governm ent Inspectorate who openly shared their viewpoints and iníịrmation in relation to the court system in Vietnam 348 ... f Austra? ?a and Vietnam with regard to review o f adm inistrative action by courts and tribunalsand exam ining the possibility to apply the Australian legal experiences in the contexicT Vietnam. .. exam ines the review o f administrative action by courts and tribunals in Auđnlia and Vietnam for the purposes o f determining the feasibility and desirability o f appyng the Australian legal experience. .. geieral, and that o f the Australian administrative revievv system in particular The rebrm s o f the 1970s have made Australian administrative law distinct from the a? ?ninistrative law o f other