GANGS AND ORGANIZED CRIME In Gangs and Organized Crime, George W Knox, Gregg W Etter, and Carter F Smith offer an informed and carefully investigated examination of gangs and organized crime groups, covering street gangs, prison gangs, outlaw motorcycle gangs, and organized crime groups from every continent The authors have spent decades investigating gangs as well as researching their history and activities, and this dual professional-academic perspective informs their analysis of gangs and crime groups They take a multidisciplinary approach that combines criminal justice, public policy and administration, law, organizational behavior, sociology, psychology, and urban planning perspectives to provide insight into the actions and interactions of a variety of groups and their members This textbook is ideal for criminal justice and sociology courses on gangs as well as related course topics like gang behavior, gang crime and the inner city, organized crime families, and transnational criminal groups Gangs and Organized Crime is also an excellent addition to the professional’s reference library or primer for the general reader More information is available at the supporting website – George W Knox authored the first full textbook on gangs in 1991 (An Introduction to Gangs) and the book National Gang Resource Handbook (1995) He has co-authored several other gang books: Hate Crime and Extremist Gangs (with Gregg Etter, 2008); Gang Profiles: An Anthology (with Curtis Robinson, 2004); The Vice Lords: A Gang Profile Analysis (with Andrew V Papachristos, 2002); and Schools Under Siege (1992) He has contributed about 10 book chapters and has over 50 journal publications, mostly on gang issues He is the founder and executive director of the National Gang Crime Research Center and editor-in-chief of the Journal of Gang Research He has done gang research for over 30 years, and has taught gang courses for 22 years Gregg W Etter, Sr Ed.D., is a Professor of Criminal Justice at the University of Central Missouri Prior to academic life, he had law enforcement experience with the Sedgwick County Sheriff’s Office He has written extensively and presented classes on gangs, white supremacist groups and police management topics in the United States and Canada He is a member of the American Society of Criminology, the Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences, and the National Sheriff’s Association He is a multiple recipient of the Frederic Milton Thrasher Award and is an editor of the Journal of Gang Research He is the co-author of Hate Crime and Extremist Gangs (Knox and Etter, 2008) He has about 20 journal publications Carter F Smith, J.D., Ph.D., is a retired U.S Army CID Special Agent and has been with the Department of Criminal Justice Administration at Middle Tennessee State University, Murfreesboro, since 2006 He is the author of Gangs and the Military: Gangsters, Bikers, and Terrorists with Military Training (2017), a multiple recipient of the Frederic Milton Thrasher Award and an editor of the Journal of Gang Research He received a law degree from Southern Illinois University–Carbondale and a Doctorate of Philosophy from Northcentral University in Prescott Valley, Arizona GANGS AND ORGANIZED CRIME GEORGE W KNOX, GREGG W ETTER, AND CARTER F SMITH First published 2019 by Routledge 711 Third Avenue, New York, NY 10017 and by Routledge Park Square, Milton Park, Abingdon, Oxon, OX14 4RN Routledge is an imprint of the Taylor & Francis Group, an informa business © 2019 Taylor & Francis The right of George W Knox, Gregg W Etter, and Carter F Smith to be identified as authors of this work has been asserted by them in accordance with sections 77 and 78 of the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988 All rights reserved No part of this book may be reprinted or reproduced or utilised in any form or by any electronic, mechanical, or other means, now known or hereafter invented, including photocopying and recording, or in any information storage or retrieval system, without permission in writing from the publishers Trademark notice: Product or corporate names may be trademarks or registered trademarks, and are used only for identification and explanation without intent to infringe Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data Names: Knox, George W., 1950– author | Etter, Gregg W., author | Smith, Carter F., author Title: Gangs and organized crime / George W Knox, Gregg W Etter, and Carter F Smith Description: New York, NY : Routledge, 2018 | Includes bibliographical references and index Identifiers: LCCN 2018011010 (print) | LCCN 2018012714 (ebook) | ISBN 9781315118604 (master) | ISBN 9781482244236 (hardback) | ISBN 9781138614772 (pbk.) Subjects: LCSH: Gangs | Organized crime Classification: LCC HV6437 (ebook) | LCC HV6437 K66 2018 (print) | DDC 364.106—dc23 LC record available at ISBN: 978-1-4822-4423-6 (hbk) ISBN: 978-1-138-61477-2 (pbk) ISBN: 978-1-315-11860-4 (ebk) Typeset in Adobe Garamond Pro by Apex CoVantage, LLC Visit the eResources: This book is dedicated to the professionals who strive to protect our communities from the gangs and organized crime groups in the book, the scholars who study them, and the students who hope to be like either CONTENTS Acknowledgmentsviii CHAPTER 1—Gang and Organized Crime History and Foundations1 CHAPTER 2—Los Angeles Area Street Gangs35 CHAPTER 3—Chicago Area Street Gangs71 CHAPTER 4—Outlaw Motorcycle Gangs (OMGs)117 CHAPTER 5—Prison Gangs139 CHAPTER 6—Females in the Gang World189 CHAPTER 7—Gangs and Violence214 CHAPTER 8—Gangs and the Military235 CHAPTER 9—Asian, East Asian, and African Organized Crime259 CHAPTER 10—Italian Organized Crime301 CHAPTER 11—Russian and Other European Organized Crime348 CHAPTER 12—Drug and Other Trafficking Organizations in the Americas375 CHAPTER 13—Investigation and Prosecution of Gangs and Organized Crime Groups407 Appendix A Sample Direct Examination for Gang Expert 441 Appendix B Proposed State Policy: Gangs and Security Threat Groups 444 Appendix C Gang Member Renunciation Form452 Appendix D Gang Laws in the United States457 References460 Index493 ACKNOWLEDGMENTS This book would not have been possible without the contributions of countless scholars, researchers, and investigators, past and present The many contributors to the Journal of Gang Research and the attendees at the annual conference hosted in Chicago, Illinois, by the National Gang Crime Research Center ensures our information and interests are relevant, current, and accurate For all serving in police, courts, corrections, and elsewhere in both the public and private sectors, we hope this endeavor provides you with a compilation of excellent insight to the challenge we face with gangs and organized crime in our communities CHAPTER 1 Gang and Organized Crime History and Foundations CHAPTER OBJECTIVES After reading this chapter students should be able to the following: • • • • • • • Explore the first indicators of gangs in America Identify key historical developments in the evolution of gangs Consider some of the community issues present when gangs are involved Discuss definitions of gangs and organized crime Identify activities that are considered gang related Examine group-focused theoretical approaches to the study of gangs Understand ways that gangs serve as an alternative means of economic success Introduction Gangs have been part of the American experience since the founding of this nation They have been called street gangs, street corner gangs, inner-city gangs, urban gangs, suburban gangs, rural gangs, male gangs, female gangs, juvenile gangs, youth gangs, delinquent gangs, criminal gangs, outlaw gangs, biker gangs, drug gangs, and prison gangs In a 1927 study, gang researcher Frederic M Thrasher (2000) reported that gangs found among Chicago’s neighborhoods primarily comprised the following immigrant populations: Bohemians, Croatians, Germans, Greeks, Gypsies, Italians, Irish, Jews, Lithuanians, Mexicans, Poles, and Russians In the decades since Thrasher’s study, we have discovered gangs in all 50 states, in many other countries, and on most continents, with only Antarctica as the exception Gangs tend to appear in response to a social need 498 Index Eastman, E “Monk” 236, 237 Eastmans Eastside Crips 44 educated gang members 438 – 439 Ehrenfeld, R 311 18th Street Gang (aka La-18, Mara-18, M-18) 64 – 66; jail/prison 65 – 66; locations 66; markings 65 – 66; military 254; organizational structure 65 El Cortez 332 El Grupo 25 de Enero del 1981 186 Ellis Island 316 El Rukn and the Islamic Faction of BPSN 16, 99, 101 – 103; factions 102; locations 103; markings 102; reformation 102 EME see Mexican Mafia equal rights 198 – 200 Esbensen, F 218 Escobar, P 302, 389 – 391, 390, 392, 393, 394, 395, 396; escapes prison and is hunted down 1992 – 1993 390 – 391; folk hero 391 ethnicity 11, 61, 70, 159, 169, 170, 226, 260, 299, 300, 350 Etter, G W., Sr 123, 227 Eve, R A 227 expert testimony 437 – 438 Facebook 43, 82, 158, 221 Falcone, G 311 – 312, 336 FALN see Fuerzas Armadas de Liberación Nacional Familia Stones (aka La Familia Stones, Puerto Rican Stones) 102, 103 Family Life Profile 197 FARC see Fuerzas Armadas Revolucionarias de Colombia FBI see U.S Federal Bureau of Investigation Federal Rules of Evidence 438 Federal Witness Security Program (WITSEC) 436 – 437 Felkenes, G 190, 200 females in the gang world 189 – 213; all-female 200 – 202; blind-torture-kill case 206; case #1: white female member of white gang 204; case #2: African American female member of Gangster Disciples 204; case #3: white female member of white racist extremist gang 204 – 205; case #4: female associate of Latin gang 205; chivalry versus convergence hypotheses 194 – 195; comparing folks and neutrons 196 – 198; correctional environment 202 – 203; dating a Sureño, but drinking with a Latin King 207 – 208; disengaging from gang life 203 – 205; equal rights 198 – 200; findings 195 – 196; gang rape tied to gang recruitment 209 – 212 (see also gang rape tied to gang recruitment; images 190 – 194; membership 200; sexed into the MS-13 208; sexual violence and exploitation as a function of gang organization 206 – 207; study of confined juvenile gang girls by Rosenbaum 203; see also GP gang; Queens of Armed Robbery; Tabula Rasa Treatment Program Filippone, R 387, 388, 389, 391 Fillipuzzi, N 174 Finckenauer, J 350, 357, 359–360, 362, 363 First Amendment of U.S Constitution 101, 249, 413 First Guangzhou Uprising 262 First Mafia War 310 First Opium War 261 First Sino-Japanese War 262 Fischer, S 332 Fishman, L 190 Five Pointers 8, 188, 319, 328 Flamingo Club 332, 333 flash gangs 221 – 222 Fleisher, M S 163, 193 Flores, L 147 Florida Department of Law Enforcement 13 Fly Boys Flying Dragons 281, 292, 293 Folk Nation 47, 73 – 116;see also Ambrose; Ashland Vikings; Black Disciples; Black Gangster Disciples; Black Gangster Disciples Nation; Black Souls; C-Notes; Cullerton Deuces; Gangster Disciples; Harrison Gents; Imperial Gangsters; Insane Deuces; Insane Dragons; Insane Popes (Southside); Krazy GetDown Boys; La Raza; Latin Dragons; Latin Jivers; Latin Lovers; Latin Souls; Latin Stylers; Maniac Latin Disciples; Milwaukee Kings; Morgan Boys; New Breeds; Orchestra Albany; Party People; Satan Disciples; Simon City Royals; Sin City Boys; Spanish Cobras; 2 – 2 Boys; 2 – 6 Index Fong, R S 188 forced prostitution 211 – 212 Fort, Jeff 98 – 99, 101 – 102, 103, 112, 162 Forty Thieves 5, 369 Four Corner Hustlers (aka 4CH) 103 – 105; locations 104 – 105; markings 104 Four Horsemen, Tangos, and Tango Blast 179, 183 Four Seas Gang 270, 292 Fourteenth Amendment 249, 250 Fourth Generation Messiahs (aka 4GM, Almighty Fourth Generation Messiahs) 105 Fox, K A 225 Fox, V 379, 380 Franchi, L 305 Franco, C 64 – 65, 230 Freeland, T “Grub” 136 Freeman, J “Shorty”/”King Shorty” 74, 77, 81 Freidman, R 351, 365 Freng, A 218 Fry, J 101 Fuerzas Armadas de Liberación Nacional (FALN) 109 Fuerzas Armadas Revolucionarias de Colombia (FARC) 390, 399 – 400, 400 Fuk Ching 260, 280, 293 – 294 Fukien American Association 277, 280 – 281, 293 Fusion 157 fusion centers 416 – 418 Gage, F., Jr “Freddy Malik” “Al-Malik Hodari” 103 Gaglino, T 327 Galluccio, F 319 gang and organized crime history and foundations 1 – 34; adult members 11 – 14; defining gangs and organized crime 17 – 21; early gangs 3 – 7, 5, 10; early juvenile gangs 7 – 8; gang as a group or a tribe 22, 23 – 28 (see also Block, H.; Cohen, A K.; Klein, M W.; Knox, G W.; Miller, W B.; Niederhoffer, A.; Sanders, W B.; Short, J F., Jr.; Spergel, I.; Strodtbeck F L.; Sutherland, E 24; Thrasher, F M.; Vigil, J D.; Whyte, W F.; Yablonsky, L.); gang-related crime 21 – 22; gangs as an alternate economic means of success 28 – 33 (see also Bourgois, P Cloward, R A.; Hagedorn, J.; Harding, S.; Keiser, R L.; Levitt, S D.; Macon, P.; Merton, R K.; Moore, J W.; Ohlin, L E.; Padilla, F M.; Poston, R W.; 499 Sanchez-Jankowski, M.; Venkatesh, S A.); gangs in the community 14 – 17; number of gangs and gang members 11; twentieth-century gangs and organized crime groups 8 – 11; summary of findings by age 13; why gangs exist and organized crime groups exist 22 gang as a group or a tribe 22, 23 – 28 (see also Block, H.; Cohen, A K.; Klein, M W.; Knox, G W.; Miller, W B.; Niederhoffer, A.; Sanders, W B.; Short, J F., Jr.; Spergel, I.; Strodtbeck F L.; Sutherland, E 24; Thrasher, F M.; Vigil, J D.; Whyte, W F.; Yablonsky, L.) gangs as an alternate economic means of success 28 – 33 (see also Bourgois, P Cloward, R A.; Hagedorn, J.; Harding, S.; Keiser, R L.; Levitt, S D.; Macon, P.; Merton, R K.; Moore, J W.; Ohlin, L E.; Padilla, F M.; Poston, R W.; Sanchez-Jankowski, M.; Venkatesh, S A.) gang definition 20 – 21 gang density rates 151, 152, 152, 192 gangs in the community 14 – 17 gang investigation and prosecution see investigation and prosecution of gangs and organized crime groups gang magnitude indicators 11 gang presence per capita per state 164 gang prevention 425, 427 gang rape tied to gang recruitment 209 – 212; Doris McLeod 1974 – 1991: Milwaukee BTK gang offender case 209 – 210; forced prostitution to pay off drug debts to the gang 211 – 212; hypermasculinity function: The Mongolian Boys Society 210; kidnapping, slavery, and forced prostitution as a gang enterprise 212; Wolf Pack gang 210 – 211 gang-related crime 14, 16, 21 – 22, 33, 216, 239, 249, 258, 412, 427, 435, 439; definition 18 Gang Renouncement and Disassociation Process 174; see also renouncing the gang Gang Resistance Educational Assistance and Training 425 Gangster Disciples (GD) (aka 7 – 4, BOS, Brothers of the Struggle, Gangsters; BGN, BGDN, GDN) 20, 47, 75, 80 – 82, 144, 184, 196, 208, 209, 210, 241, 329; African American female member 204; Brothers of the Struggle 81, 196; firearms 238; graffiti 80; “Growth 500 Index and Development” 16; locations 82; Los Zetas Cartel alliance 385; markings 81; military 254, 254; Native 66; 7 – 4 81; Simon City Royals ally 95; 21st Century Voices of Total Empowerment 16; see also Beat Down Girls; Black Gangster Disciples; Black Gangster Disciples Nation Gangster Disciples Nation (GDN) 91 gang violence 214 – 234; Caribbean 231 – 232; drive-by shootings 46, 214, 221, 238; El Salvador and Central America 229 – 231; factors influencing 218 – 220, 219; flash gangs 221 – 222; gang indoctrination 220; homicides 11, 11, 14, 17, 27, 168, 187, 212, 222, 222 – 224, 223, 230, 231, 231, 233, 234, 238, 239, 240, 399; Honduras and Jamaica 231; imported 226 – 234; Kurdistan 233 – 234; member discipline 220 – 221; Mexico 226 – 229, 228; neighborhoods in fear 224 – 225; number of gang members in 1996 – 2012 215; Safe Street Task force accomplishments 217; Somalia 232, 232 – 233; types of activity 220 – 221 gang websites 42 – 43 Garcia, V 209 Garcia Abrego, J 379 Garibaldi 305, 314 Gaviria, P E E 302, 389 – 391, 390, 392, 393, 394, 395, 396; escapes prison and is hunted down 1992 – 1993 390 – 391; folk hero 391 Gaylords (aka GL, Almighty Gaylord Nation) 84, 105 – 106 Genovese, V 325, 328, 336 Genovese family 135, 331, 332, 339, 361 Genty, N 194 Get Money Click Crips 254 Ghosh, P 372 Ghost Shadows 260, 283, 292, 293 – 294 Gilcher, D 205 Giustra, J “Silk Stockings” 325 Gladden, 259 Golden Venture 293 Gomez-Bustamante, L H 398 Gonzalez, J 131 Gonzalez-Galeana, J D 242 Gopher Gang 369 Gore, F “Bobby” 115 Gorn, E 17 Gotti, J J., Jr (aka “Teflon Don,” “Dapper Don”) 313, 337 – 338, 338 Gottschall, S 153 GP Gang 200 – 201 Grant, C 66, 67, 68 Grape Street Crips 47, 49 Gravano, S “Sammy the Bull” 336, 337, 338 Grayeff, Y 368 Great Depression 36, 322 Great Migration Great Mob War of 1992 – 1994 353 – 356, 364 Guadalajara Cartel 378 Guerra Cárdenas, J N 379 Gulf Cartel 52, 55, 185, 227, 228, 229, 378, 379 Guzmán Loera, J A “El Chapo” 302 Gypsy Jokers 127, 143, 144, 145, 145, 146 Hagedorn, J 73; People and Folks 31 Hairston, E “Bull” 98 – 99, 101, 102, 112, 162 Hanes, W T 261 Hankins, W 146 – 147 Hansen, A 439 Hansen, J 200 hard-boiled Crawford 10 Harding, S 33 Harlem Crips 68 Harrah’s Casino 126 Harrison Gents (aka Almighty Harrison Gents, HG, HGN) 82 Harshaw, P 157 – 158 Haskins, J 3, Heffner, T A 241 Hells Angels Motorcycle Club (MC) 20, 118, 122, 123, 126, 127 – 128, 145; allies with Iron Horseman 130; allies with Warlocks 137; allies with Wheels of Soul 137; crimes 126 – 127; enemies with Mongols 132, 132; enemies with Outlaws 134; enemies with Pagans 135; enemies with Sons of Silence 135; Enemies with Vagos 136; funerals 125; headquarters 128; locations 127; military 243, 254, 255; Mongols war 132, 132; most famous 128 – 129 (see also Barger, Sonny); Outlaws competition 134 Hencks, C 174 Hennessey, D 315, 315, 316 Hennigan, 426 Heno-Montoya, A de Jesus 398 Index Hercules-Pineda, J 208 Hermanos de Pistoleros Latinos 183 – 184 Hernandez, A “Hitler” 89 – 90 Hernandez, C 147 Herrera Builtrago, F H 397 high-intensity cognitive-behavioral (HICB) 256 – 257 Hill, H 336 Hip Sing Association 277, 281 Hip Sing Tong 275, 276, 281, 293, 295 Hispanic gangs 54, 55, 57, 147, 169; Chicago 212; females 193; graffiti 414; opposed by Insane Popes 64; opposed by Simon City Royals 65; Texas 183; see also Ambrose; 18th Street Gangs; Latin Souls; Mexican Mafia; MS-13; Nuestra Familia; Sureños Hitler, Adolf 307 Hitler, Albert 89 – 90 Hollister Incident 118 – 119, 119 Holmes, H “Moose” 112 Holmes, R 122 homicides 11, 11, 14, 17, 27, 168, 187, 212, 222, 222 – 224, 223, 230, 231, 231, 233, 234, 238, 239, 240, 399 Hoover, H 322 Hoover, L “King Larry” (aka “King of Kings”) 74 – 75, 77, 80, 81, 92, 204 Hoover Crips 41 Hoover Dam 331 Hopper, C 192 Hop Sing Tong 274, 278, 281, 294, 295 Hop Wo Company 277 Hortis, c A 324, 326 House of the Golden Dragon 169 Huang, H 260 human trafficking 65, 227, 260, 267, 300; Albanian organized crime 372; American Mafia 339; Camorra 342; Chinese immigrants 272 – 273; drug trafficking organizations 375, 403, 405; Four Seas Gang 292; Fuk Ching 293; Golden Venture 293; investigation and prosecution 415; Nigerian organized crime 298; Russian Mafia 357, 363, 368, 369; sex 9, 224, 401 – 404; Solntsevskaya Bratva 356; Sun Yee On 268; yakuza 290 Hung Fat Shan Chung Lee Tong 269 Hung Pho 271 501 Hung Wu 261 Hurley, E 17 Huston, P 260, 267, 271, 272 – 273, 275, 277, 278, 279 Ibrahim, M S 162 Ice-T 17, 41 illicit means theory 25, 31 Illinois Criminal Justice Information Authority 15 Illinois National Guard 238 Illuminated Lantern 261 Imperial Gangsters (aka Almighty Imperial Gangsters, AIG) 82 – 83; locations 83; markings 83 improvised explosive device 242, 242 Inagawa Kai 287, 289 Incense Master 264, 265, 267 Independent Cartel of Acapulco 227 Industrial Revolution Inkombank 358 inmate code 142, 143, 148 Insane Deuces (aka I2D, 2’s IDN, I2DN, ID) 83 Insane Dragons (aka IDRS) 83 – 84 Insane Popes (aka IP, IPN, Royal Popes) 84 – 85; locations 85; markings 84 – 85 Insane Popes (Southside) (aka Almighty Royal Insane Popes, IPN, IIPN, Ips) 106 – 107 Insane Unknowns (aka IUKN, UNKNS) 96, 107 Institutional Revolutionary Party 376, 379 Intellectual Sisters 196 Intellectual Sisters of the Struggle (I.S.O.S.) 196 intelligence files 413 – 414, 414 intensive supervision units (ISU) 176 – 178 Internal Revenue Service 296, 333 International Outlaw Motorcycle Gang Investigators Association 248, 411 internet 42, 122 – 123, 154, 157 – 159, 181, 226, 298; prostitution 404 investigation and prosecution of gangs and organized crime groups 2, 225, 407 – 439; advanced gangs 418 – 423, 438; characteristics of street gang generations 421; confidential informants 408, 424 – 425, 439; Continuing Criminal Enterprise 428 – 429; criminal gang involvement 419; fusion centers 416 – 418; gang financing methods 422 – 423; gang injunctions 426 – 427; gang investigation associations 502 Index 411 – 412; gang member identification 423 – 424; gang prevention 425, 427; gang research centers 412 – 413; gang suppression 426; gang treatment 426; intelligence files 413 – 414, 414; investigating basics 409 – 411; investigating gangs 408 – 411; methods used to restrict non-criminal gang activity 425 – 427; penalty enhancements 430 – 433; prosecution strategies 420; prosecutor’s comprehensive gang response model 428; Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations (RICO) Act 18 – 19, 75, 78, 81, 131, 134 – 135, 256, 270, 316, 324, 338, 365, 407, 408, 429 – 430; Regional Information Sharing Systems (RISS) 414 – 415; scales of Lady Justice 410; types of gang crime 418; witness problems in gang cases 433 – 437 Inzerillo, S 310, 311 Irish Mob 361, 369 – 370, 373 Iron Horsemen MC 122, 127, 129 – 130; enemies with Outlaws 134 Italian organized crime 301 – 347; initiation and omerta 314; rats, snitches, and end of omerta 335 – 336; see also American Mafia (La Cosa Nostra); Batista, F.; Black Hand (La Mano Nera); Camorra (Neapolitan Mafia); Capone, A G “Al”; Castellammarese War; Chicago Outfit; Gotti, J J., Jr.; Luciano, C “Lucky”; Mustache Petes; ’Ndrangheta (aka Calabrian Mafia); Pizza Connection; Sacra Corona Unita (aka United Sacred Crown); Sicilian Mafia Ivankov, V K “Yaponchick” 354, 363 – 365 Jackson, G L “The Dragon” 148, 183 Jackson, M 194 Jackson, R 274 Jacobs, J B 149, 150, 167, 169 Jalisco New Generation Cartel 227 James, F 7, 236 James, J 7, 236 James, K L 162 James, M 165 Jamieson, A 311 Jennings, D 333 Jeong, S 227 Johnson, C 15 Johnson, J 241 Johnson, K 63 Johnson, L B 129 Johnson, W A 259 Johnson Act of 1921 359 John the Baptist Jones, C R 166 Jones, M 194 Jones, T 289 Juarez Cartel 110, 228, 229, 242, 378 – 379 Jung, G 392 juvenile gangs, early 7 – 8 Kakar, S 194 Kaplan, D 262, 284 Katz, C M 12, 14 Keene, L 276, 286, 290, 291 Kefauver, E 335 Keiser, R L.: The Vice Lords 30 Kennedy, John F 316 Kennedy, Joseph 361 Kennedy, R 316 Kenwoods 10 KGB see Krazy GetDown Boys Kidd, D 241 Kinfolk MC 130 – 131 King, M L., Jr 115 “King Wee” 78 Klebnikov, P 353, 354 Klein, M W 26 – 27, 191 Knight, Suge 17 Knights Templar 228, 229 Knox, G W 18, 28, 46, 141, 152, 191, 204, 209, 210, 211, 212, 238 Kolb, A 193 Kong Chow Company 277 Kozhevnikov, I N 363 Krazy GetDown Boys (aka KGB) 85, 356, 364 Krienert, J 193 Ku Klux Klan 37, 169 Kuomintang 263, 270, 281 Ku-wan, Y 262 Kvantrishvili, O “Otarik” 354 Labrousse, A 313 Lacey, R 334 La Familia Michoacan 48, 110, 228 landline (prison) phones 155 Index Lane, J 225 Langsam, A 192 Lansky, M 316, 326, 327, 328, 331, 332, 333, 334, 335, 361 La Raza (aka LRZ) 85 – 86 Laskey, J 72 – 73 Las Vegas and mob 331 – 334 Latin Angels (aka Almighty Latin Angels, LA) 107 – 108 Latin Brothers (aka LBO’s, Insane Latin Brothers) 108, 109 Latin Counts (aka Almighty Latin Counts, ALCN, Cz, LCz, Almighty Insane Latin Counts) 86, 99, 100, 108 – 109 Latin Dragons 86 – 87 Latin Eagles 87 Latin Jivers 87 – 88 Latin Kings (aka Almighty Latin King and Queen Nation, ALKQN, LK, ALKN) 20, 77, 83, 86, 88, 90, 92, 93, 99, 107, 109 – 111, 110, 113, 114, 150, 163, 208; army 254; firearms 238; locations 111; markings 111 Latin Lovers 88 Latino Prison Gangs: Gang Identification Task Force 55, 59 Latin Saints (aka Saints, Almighty Saints, Almighty Renegade Saints, STN, ASTN) 111 Latin Souls 88 – 89, 212 Latin Stylers 89 Lauderback, D 190; “Sisters Are Doin’ It for Themselves” 200 LaValley, J 336 Lavorgna, A 304, 324 Lee, R 275, 279 Leggio, L 310 Lehmuth, E 227, 376 Lehrer, E 159 Lemas, W 76 Lerner, G (aka Zvi Ben-Ari) 367 – 368 Levitt, L 294 Levitt, S D Economic Analysis of a Drug-Selling Gang’s Finances 32 – 33 Limerick House Lindberg, K 259, 268, 269, 270, 357 Lindberg, R 71, 335 Little Dead Rabbits 8, 12 Little Plug Uglies 8, 12 503 Loaiza-Ceballos, H “El Alacran” (The Scorpion) 397 Lombardo, R 304 London Gold 269, 272 Long Bridge Boys Los Angeles Area Street Gangs 33 – 70; alliances 68 – 69; communication 40 – 41; crack cocaine 38; Bloods 50 – 54 (see also Bloods); Crips 44 – 50 (see also Crips); 18th Street Gang (aka La-18, Mara-18, M-18) 64 – 66 (see also 18th Street Gang); Mara Salvatrucha (MS-13) 60 – 64 (see also Mara Salvatrucha (MS-13); pre-gang history 36 – 38; gang graffiti 40; Los Angeles based street gangs 38 – 40; Native American 66 – 68 (see also Native American gangs); Norteños (Norte 14) 57 – 59 (see also Norteños); Sureños 54 – 57 (see also Sureños); technology 41 – 43 Los Caballeros Templarios 48, 110, 228 Los Pepes 382, 396 Los Zeta 48, 52, 86, 110, 185, 188, 228, 229, 382; alliances 385, 385 – 387 Lucchese family 333, 336, 339 Luciano, C “Lucky” (aka Salvadore Luciana) 308, 309, 319, 324, 325, 326, 327, 328 – 330, 329, 331, 332, 333, 335 Luen Triad 269 – 270 Lunde, P 287, 290, 305, 307, 308, 309, 310, 314, 323, 340, 343, 370 Lupo, S 305, 314 Lurigio, A 191 Ly-ee-moon 261 Lyman, M D 141, 143 Macheca, J P 315, 316 Mackintosh, E Macon, P.: People and Folks 31 Magaddino, S 327 Magaddino family 339 Malik, I 101 Mangano, V 327 Maniac Latin Disciples (aka MLD, MLDN, FMLDN) 87, 89 – 90, 97 Mao Tse-tung 263 Maranzano, S 324, 325, 326 – 327, 328, 331 Mara Salvatrucha (MS-13) 60, 60 – 64; criminal activities 62 – 63; jail/prison 63 – 64; locations 504 Index 64; markings 64; military 254; organizational structure 61 – 62; sexed into 208; transnational force 230 Marcello, C 316, 339 Martin, B 261 Martinez, J 130, 131, 391 Maruko, E 285 Masseria, J “The Boss” 319, 321, 324, 325, 325, 326, 328, 331 Matranga, C “Charles” 315, 316 Matranga family 315, 316, 330 Matthews, C 340, 344, 356, 357, 383 Maxi Trial 303, 311 Maxson, C 235 – 236, 426 McBride, W 274 McCorkle, R C 207 McIllwain, J 275, 282 McLeod, Doris: Milwaukee BTK gang offender case 209 – 210 Means, V “Jason” 244 Medellin Cartel 38, 378, 388 – 394, 395, 396, 397, 399, 400; body count 393 – 394; see also Escobar, P.; Gaviria, P E E.; Jung, G.; Rivas, C L.; Rodriguez-Gach, J.; Vasquez, F O.; Vasquez, J O Medina, R “King Cobra” 96 Medina, W 96 – 97 Melanics 184 Melde, C 224 Meltzer, G R 255 – 256, 425 Merton, R K 28, 30, 33; illicit means theory 25; Social Structure and Anomie 29 Mescrier, J 174 Mexican-American War 36, 236 Mexican drug cartels 48, 86, 227, 229, 302, 344, 376, 381, 397; narco-wars 381 – 387; see also Arellano-Felix Cartel; Guadalajara Cartel; Gulf Cartel; Juarez Cartel; La Familia Michoacan; Los Caballeros Templarios; Los Zetas; Sinaloa Cartel Mexican Mafia (EME, La Eme) 49, 57, 139, 140, 144, 182, 184, 187, 352; Aryan Brotherhood all 55; characteristics 188; 18th Street ally 65; History 146 – 147; Mara Salvatrucha ally 63; Nuestra Familia conflict 54 – 55, 186; Sureños pay street tax 55; Mongols war 132; tattoo 185 Mexico: election of 2000 and end of era 379 – 380; narco-wars 2000–present 381 – 387; political corruption prior to 2000 376 – 378; post-2000, the cartels adapt and expand 380 – 381; see also Mexican drug cartels Mexikanemi 184 – 185 Mickey Cobras (aka Cobra Stones, Mickey Stones, Rock Boys) 112 Miethe, T D 207 military and gangs 235 – 258; constitutional issues 249 – 250; current status 254 – 255; firearms recovered by gang 238; improvised explosive device 242, 242; innovative responses 256 – 257; members 247; members in history 235 – 237; military-trained street gang members and community 240 – 243; non-criminal solutions 255 – 256; number in civilian community 247 – 249; outlaw motorcycle gang 243 – 244; prohibiting military street gangs and outlaw motorcycle gangs 244 – 245; research on military service and crime commission 250 – 251; responses to primary questions 253; street gangs and OMGs identified by army CID in FY16 254 – 255; survey and methodology 251 – 252; survey results 252 – 253; Uniform Code of Military Justice 245 – 247 Miller, J 207, 220 Miller, W B 10; Subculture Theory 25 Milwaukee Kings (aka 13–11, MKN, Mkz) 90 – 91 Minnesota Violent Crime Coordinating Council 423 Miranda, E “Smokey” 60 Modified Military Gang Perception Questionnaire 251 Molasses Gang Movilevich, S 365 Mongolian Boys Society, The 210 Mongols MC 118, 122,125, 126, 131 – 132, 132; enemies with Hells Angels 127; enemies with Vagos 136; membership 124; military 243, 255 Monsalve, J A 399 Montoya-Sanchez, D L 398 Moore, J 190, 192, 212 Moore, J P 15 Moore, J W 10; Homeboys 30 Morales, G C 163, 174 – 175 Morales, G R 146, 146 Index Morales, R S 166 Moran, G “Bugs” 321 Morgan Boys 91 Mori, C 306 – 307 Morris, D “Jiwe”: War of the Bloods in My Veins 52 Morris, L “Larkin” 84, 106 Moy, W M 282 Mozova, K 165 MS-13 (Mara Salvatrucha) 60, 60 – 64; criminal activities 62 – 63; jail/prison 63 – 64; locations 64; markings 64; military 254; organizational structure 61 – 62; sexed into 208; transnational force 230 Muns Mussolini, B 306 – 307, 307 Mustache Petes 318 – 319 Myspace 43 Naim, M 301, 401, 402, 404 Narag, R E 166 National Action Party 379 National Alliance of Gang Investigator Associations 21, 412 National Gang Intelligence Center (NGIC) 11, 13, 14, 15, 48, 52, 60, 82, 86, 103, 110, 117, 118, 122, 137, 141, 143, 150, 165, 216, 247, 412 – 413, 418, 420; National Gang Threat Assessment 49, 54, 111, 116 National Institute of Justice 15; Management Strategies for Combatting Prison Gang Violence 144 – 145 National Longitudinal Survey of Youth 13, 193 National Youth Gang Center 12 National Youth Gang Survey 10, 215 Native American gangs 66 – 68, 70; criminal activities 67; jail/prison 68; locations 68; markings 67; organizational structure 67 Native Gangster Bloods 66 Native Gangster Crips 66 Nayfeld, B 362 Nazi Low Riders 132, 185 – 186 ’Ndrangheta (aka Calabrian Mafia) 303, 304, 313, 342 – 344, 364, 373; operations 344 Neely, D E 15 Neighborhood Crips 49, 50 neighborhoods in fear of gang violence 224 – 225 Ñeta 186 505 neutrons 167; comparing folks and neutrons 196 – 198 Nevada State Legislature 430 Newark, T 324, 328 Newbold, G 192, 193 New Jersey State Police 14, 247 – 248; Street Gang Bureau 13 New York State Organized Crime Task Force 362 Nicholas I 349 Nickers Niederhoffer, A 25 Ning Yung Company 277 Noble Knights 98 Norte del Valle Cartel 397 – 398; see also CanoCorrea, J.; Gomez-Bustamante, L H.; Heno-Montoya, A de Jesus; Monsalve, J A.; Montoya-Sanchez, D L.; Rendon-Ramirez, J A Norteños (Norte 14) 57 – 59; criminal activities 57; drug trade 183; firearms 238; hat 58; jail/prison 57 – 58, 187; locations 59; markings 59; military 254; organizational structure 57 New Breeds (aka 2–7, Black Gangsters, Breed, New Breed Disciples, Trey-L’s) 91 – 92 New Jersey State Police 13, 14, 44, 247 Nuestra Familia 167, 186 – 187; Black Guerrilla Family 183; history 147; Mongols 132; Norteños 57 – 58; Sureños 54 Nuestra Raza 58 number of gangs and gang members 11, 13, 15, 164, 165, 208, 215, 216, 217, 223, 223, 234, 248, 255, 420, 422, 422; military 247 N.W.A 41 O’Connor, M 282 Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention (OJJDP) 11, 15 Ohlin, L E 190; differential opportunity theory 29 – 30 OJJDP see Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention Omerta 306, 314, 335, 371 OMGs see outlaw motorcycle gangs 186.22 PC Street Terrorism Gang Act 59 Onions 10 On Leong Merchant’s Association 277, 282 – 283 On Leon Tong 275, 276, 282, 294 506 Index Operation black Eagle 372 Operation Black Rain 131 Operation Ceasefire 257 Operation Hardcore 437 Operation Highbind 281 Operation Self-Renewal 292 Operation Shadowbox 296 Orchestra Albany (aka OA, IAO, Oan, Insane Orchestra Albany Nation) 92 – 93 Orekhovskaya 354 organized crime, Asian, East Asian, and African see Asian, East Asian, and African organized crime organized crime and gang history and foundations 1 – 34; adult members 11 – 14; defining gangs and organized crime 17 – 21; early gangs 3 – 7, 5, 10; early juvenile gangs 7 – 8; gang as a group or a tribe 22, 23 – 28 (see also Block, H.; Cohen, A K.; Klein, M W.; Knox, G W.; Miller, W B.; Niederhoffer, A.; Sanders, W B.; Short, J F., Jr.; Spergel, I.; Strodtbeck F L.; Sutherland, E 24; Thrasher, F M.; Vigil, J D.; Whyte, W F.; Yablonsky, L.); gang-related crime 21 – 22; gangs as an alternate economic means of success 28 – 33 (see also Bourgois, P Cloward, R A.; Hagedorn, J.; Harding, S.; Keiser, R L.; Levitt, S D.; Macon, P.; Merton, R K.; Moore, J W.; Ohlin, L E.; Padilla, F M.; Poston, R W.; Sanchez-Jankowski, M.; Venkatesh, S A.); gangs in the community 14 – 17; number of gangs and gang members 11; twentieth-century gangs and organized crime groups 8 – 11; summary of findings by age 13; why gangs exist and organized crime groups exist 22 Organized Crime Control Act of 1970 429 organized crime investigation and prosecution see investigation and prosecution of gangs and organized crime groups Ortega, C “Pieface” 147 Osiel Cárdenas-Guillén 185, 188 outlaw motorcycle gangs (OMGs) 16, 34, 42, 43, 67, 117 – 138, 145, 148, 237, 239; army 254 – 255; crimes 125 – 127; culture 123 – 125; funerals 125; Hollister Incident 118 – 119, 119; membership 124 – 125; military 240, 243 – 244, 248, 249, 253 – 254; most dangerous 121 – 122; organizational structure 122 – 123; patch 121; see also Devils Diciples; Hells Angels Motorcycle Club; International Outlaw Motorcycle Gang Investigators Association; Iron Horsemen MC; Kinfolk MC; Mongols MC; Outlaws MC; Pagans MC; Sons of Silence MC; Vagos MC; Warlocks MC; Wheels of Soul MC Outlaws MC 20, 118, 122, 127, 133 – 134, 138; allies with Mongols 132; enemies with Hells Angels 132; enemies with Iron Horsemen 130; military 254, 255; patch 133; Somali 232 Owens, S 50 Pachucos (aka Latin Pachucos, Almighty Latin Pachucos, LPz) 113 Pacino A 17 Padilla, F M 32 Padilla, H “Mad Dog” 147 Padilla, J 162 Pagans MC 20, 118, 122, 124, 127, 134 – 135, 137, 254 Palys, T 193 Parks, K 115 Party People (aka PP, PPN, Gangster Party People, GPPN) 86, 91, 93 Party Players (aka Players, APPN, PP) 113 Patino-Fomeque, V 397 Pelican Bay State Prison 139, 156 Pelton, T 206 penalty enhancements 430 – 433 Pendergast, T J 330 – 331 Pendergast Machine 330 – 331 People Nation 98 – 116; founding 98 – 99; see also Belizean Bloods; Black P Stone Nation; El Rukn and the Islamic Faction of BPSN; Familia Stones; Fort, Jeff; Four Corner Hustlers; Fourth Generation Messiahs; Gaylords; Insane Popes; Insane Unknowns; Latin Angels; Latin Brothers; Latin Counts; Latin Kings; Latin Saints; Mickey Cobras; Pachucos; Party Players; Spanish Lords; 12th Street Players; Vice Lords Perkins, U.E 6, 9, 37, 71 Perry, E “Pepalo” or Pep 115 Peterson, D 218 Petrenko, J 259 Petrosino, J 317 – 318 Pettigrew, J “Jethro” 125 Phillips, B 420 Pissed Off Bastards of Bloomington 118, 127 Index Pizza Connection 336 – 337 PlayStation 43 Plug Uglies Plutser-Sarno, A 348 political corruption in Mexico prior to 2000 376 – 378; see also Mexican drug cartels Ponquinette, K 206 Poppa, T 377 Portrero Hill Posse (PHP) 190, 200 Poston, R W.: The Gang and the Establishment 30 Pranger, B 123 Prislam 162 prison gang communication 154 – 159; cell phones 154 – 155; internet 157 – 159; landline (prison) phones 155; prison mail 155 – 157 prison gangs 11, 49, 139 – 188, 218; alternative solutions 178 – 179; before 142 – 143; connecting prison gang membership to street gang membership 167 – 168; contemporary 148; control of marketplace 159 – 161; control of prison 165 – 166; currently 179 – 181; definitions 141 – 142; development 148 – 150; evolution 179; gangs in corrections 140; history 143 – 146; intensive supervision units (ISU) 176 – 178; management strategies 172 – 178; membership and propensity to recidivate 168 – 169; number of gang members 150 – 153, 152; racial issues 169 – 172; religious services 161 – 162; renouncing gang 173 – 175, 174; segregation and classification of Security Threat Groups 175 – 176; street gangs 163 – 165; violence 153 – 154; when and where they began in United States 144; see also Aryan Brotherhood; Bario Azteca; Black Guerrilla Family; Bloods: Rikers Island; Camorra; Crips; 18th Street: jail/prison; Four Horsemen, Tangos, and Tango Blast; Gaylord: jails and prisons; Gypsy Jokers; Hermanos de Pistoleros Latinos; Latino Prison Gang: Gang Identification Task Force; Maniac Latin Disciples; Mara Salvatrucha: jail/ prison; Melanics; Mexican Mafia: History; Mexikanemi; Native American gangs: jail/ prison; Nazi Low Riders; Đeta; Nortos; Nuestra Familia; Public Enemy Number One; Russian Mafia; Simon City Royals; Spanish Cobras; Sureños; Texas Syndicate; Trinitarios prison guard lookout tower 158 507 prison mail 154, 155 – 157 prison management strategies 172 – 178 49, 57 – 58 Profaci, J 327 Prohibition 9, 302, 319, 321, 323, 324, 361, 369, 376, 379 Project T.O.U.G.H 427 prosecution of gangs 408, 427 – 428; Prosecutor’s Comprehensive Gang Response Model 428 Provenzano, G 315 Provenzano, J 315 Provenzano, P 315 Provenzano family 312, 315 P-Stone Rangers 16; see also Black P Stone Nation Public Enemy Number One 187 Pyrooz, D C 13, 14, 154, 172, 219, 224, 247 Queen, W 124, 131 Queen Lefty 93 Queens of Armed Robbery 203 Quicker, J 39 Quintanilla, J 240 – 241 Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations (RICO) Act 18 – 19, 75, 78, 81, 131, 134 – 135, 256, 270, 316, 324, 338, 365, 407, 408, 429 – 430 Radanko, L 361, 365 rape, gang see gang rape tied to gang recruitment Raya, A 241 Recktenwald, W 14 – 15 Red Poles 267 Reed-Johnson Act of 1924 359 Regional Information Sharing Systems (RISS) 414 – 415 Reid, R 162 religion 19, 70, 101, 194, 249, 260, 261, 295, 299, 300; Islam 99, 101, 112, 162, 199, 243 (see also El Rukn; Prislam); oppression 359; persecution 361, 362; Prislam 162; religious services 161 – 162 Rendon-Ramirez, J A 398 Rennison, C M 224 renouncing the gang 173 – 175, 174; Gang Renouncement and Disassociation Process 174 Reports of Investigation/Law Enforcement Reports 240 508 Index Revolutionary War Ricca, P “The Waiter” 327 Richardson, A 134 – 135 RICO Act see Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations (RICO) Act Riina, S “the Beast” 310, 311, 312 Rikers Island Correctional facility 52, 53, 54, 163 Riley, W 146 Rivas, C L 391 – 392 Roach Guards 5, 369 Robinson, L 394 Rodriguez, E “Tiger” 109 Rodriguez, J J 227 Rodriguez brothers 397 Rodriguez-Gacha, J “The Mexican” 392, 393 Rodriguez-Orejuela, G “The Chess Player” 396 Rodriguez-Orejuela, M 396 Rogoli, G 345 Rojek, J 439 Roose, K 157 – 158 Rosales, A O 208 Rosen, M 332 Rosenbaum, J 190 – 191, 203 Rossi, A 250 Rossi, R 44, 50 Roth, M G 150 Rothstein, A 328 Rowe, G 136 Ruddell, R 151, 152, 153, 173 Ruiz, R “Richie” 147 Ruiz, S 125 Russian and other European organized crime 348 – 373; Great Mob War of 1992 – 1994 353 – 356, 364; Russian immigrations 359 – 360; Russian organized crime as prison gang 369; Russian organized crime in Belgium 366; Russian organized crime in Colombia 366 – 367; Russian organized crime in Cyprus 367; Russian organized crime in Eastern Europe, the Balkans, and Italy 368; Russian organized crime in Germany 368; Russian organized crime in Israel 367 – 368; Russian organized crime in the Netherlands 368 – 369; Russian organized crime in United States 360 – 363; Russian police 349; see also Albanian organized crime; Irish Mob; Ivankov, V K.; Movilevich, S.; Russian Mafia; Solntsevskaya Bratva Russian Mafia 302, 347, 350, 352, 353, 354, 356, 357 – 359, 362, 363, 364, 365, 366, 367; allies 373; Germany 368 – 369; krysha 359; prison gang 369, 373 Sacra Corona Unita (aka United Sacred Crown) 303, 304, 313, 345 – 347, 373; operations 347; organization 346 Safe Street Task force accomplishments 217 Sahara Hotel 333 Salinas, C 378 Sam Yup Company 277 Sanchez, H 88 Sanchez-Jankowski, M.: Islands in the Street 31 – 32 Sanders, W B 28 Sanello, F 261 San Francisco Society of Regulators 236 San Quentin State Prison 50, 146, 181, 183 Santacruz-Londono, J “Chepe” 396 – 397 Sante, L Satan Disciples (aka Insane Gangster Satan Disciples, SD’s, SDN, IGSD’s, IGSDN) 94 – 95 Schild, D “Chopper Dan” 130 Schmidt, L 205 School Discipline Profile 197 Schröder, G 380 Schwarz, J 191 Scott, D W 153 Scott, V “Pudding” 50, 51 Scott Act 273 Seals, A 168 Second Mafia War 310 Second Opium War 261 Security Threat Groups (STGs) 141, 152, 153, 161, 167, 175 – 176, 177 Sedway, M 333 segregation and classification of Security Threat Groups 175 – 176 Seigel, B 325 Sergi, A 304 Serio, J 352 – 353 sex and human trafficking 401 – 404 sexual exploitation 123, 206 – 207, 212, 340, 401 – 402, 403 sexual violence 206 – 207, 208, 210, 212, 224 Shannon, R L 439 Shelden, R G 168, 172 Index Shelley, L 355, 358 Shirt Tails Short, J F., Jr.: Group Process and Gang Delinquency 26 Short, M 330, 333, 334, 336 Sicilian Mafia 398, 302, 303, 304 – 314, 319, 326, 336, 340, 344, 347, 373; operation location 313 – 314; organizational structure 313; sketch of 1901 maxi trial 303 Sicilian Vespers Rebellion 304 Sieff, M 299, 388 Siegel, B “Bugsy” 325, 326, 328, 331 – 333 Siegel, D 360, 362, 366, 367, 368, 369, 403 Silver Gang Simon City Royals 95 – 96, 204 Simpson, C 68 Sinaloa Cartel 228, 229, 296, 298, 381, 385; alliances 52, 382, 383, 383 – 384, 386; Fuerzas Armadas Revolucionarias de Colombia 399; Norteños alliance 57 Sin City Boys (aka SCB, SCBN, Spanish Gangster SCB) 96 Sin City Deciples 244, 255 Sing Suey Tong 274 Siniawer, E 284, 285, 286 Sirpal, S K 15 Sisters of the Struggle (S.O.S.) 196, 199 Siu-Wong, K 269 Skarbek, D 143, 148, 150, 159, 168, 178 Slaughter Housers Slauson Renegades 44 Sloane, D 426 Smith, C F 239, 439 Smith, L 334 Smith’s Vly gang Snoop Dogg 17 Social Athletic Clubs 18 Soledad State Prison 186 Solntsevskaya Bratva (aka Solntsevo Brigade) 354, 356, 356 – 357, 364 Solomon, C “King” 361 Sonnino, S 305 Sons of Silence MC 118, 122, 127, 130, 135, 138 S.O.S see Sisters of the Struggle South Enders South Side Locos 63 509 Spanish Cobras (aka Insane Spanish Cobras, S/C, ISCN) 96 – 97 Spanish Gangster Disciples (SGD) 97 – 98 Spanish Lords (aka AL, SLN, ASL, ASLN) 88, 114 – 115 Spergel, I A 27 Spohn, C 219 Spooktown Crips 49 Stable Gang Stallworth, R 41 Stardust Hotel 333 Stateville Correctional Center 75, 109, 150, 163, 167, 169 Sterling, C 305, 306, 308, 310, 342 Straw Sandal 267 Strodtbeck, F L.: Group Process and Gang Delinquency 26 St Valentine’s Day Massacre 321 Subculture Theory 25 Substance Abuse Profile 197 Sugar Bear 92 – 93 Sule, D 193 summary of findings by age 13 Sumiyoshi Rengo Kai 287, 289 Sun Yee On Triad (aka Yee On Commercial and Industrial Guild) 268, 271, 284, 295 Sureños 54 – 57, 207 – 208; criminal activities 55; dating a Sureño, but drinking with a Latin King 207 – 20; 818th Street allies 65; firearms 238; jail/prison 55, 63, 187; locations 57; markings 55; military 240, 254; organizational structure 55; street tax to Mexican Mafia 55; tattoo 56 Sutherland, E 24, 29; Differential Association Theory 24 Sweeten, G 13, 14, 247 Tabula Rasa Treatment Program 205 – 206 Tales of the Crypt 44 Tammany Hall 282, 330 Tangos see Four Horsemen, Tangos, and Tango Blast Tauxan, S (aka “Mr 187”) 125 Taylor, T 218 Taylor Street Jousters 98 technology 41 – 43, 395, 439 Tennessee Corrections Institute 251 Texas Syndicate 146, 183, 188 510 Index Thieves Code 142, 350 – 351 third generation gangs 421, 422 Title IX 429 Thompson, H S 129 Thompson, W H 330 Thrasher, F M 1, 6, 10, 12, 18, 24, 33, 72, 195; The Gang 23 Thunderbird 333 Timofeyev, S “Sylvester” 354 Todd, E 129 – 130 Tom Lee 276, 282 tongs 8, 259, 263, 268, 273–, 276, 299; see also Bing Kong Tong; Chee Kung Tong; Fukien American Association; Hip Sing Association; Hip Sing Tong Torrio, G “Johnny” 9, 320 – 321, 323 Tranquilandia Lab Raid 1984 393 transnational gangs 42, 230, 401 triads 260 – 266; oaths taken during initiation 265 – 266; organizational structure 266 – 272; triads 260 – 266; see also 14 K Triad; Sun Yee On Triad (aka Yee On Commercial and Industrial Guild); Luen Triad Trinitarios 188 Tung On Association 283 – 284 Turley, A 192 Twenty Second Street Boys 75; see also 2 – 2 Boys Twitter 157, 214, 221 UBN see United Blood Nation Uniform Code of Military Justice 245 – 247; Article 83, Fraudulent Enlistment, Appointment, or Separation 245; Article 92, Violation or Failure to Obey Lawful General Order or Regulation 246; Article 116, Riot or Breach of Peace 246; Article 117, Provoking Speeches or Gestures 246; Article 134, General Article, specifically, Conduct Which Is Prejudicial to Good Order and Discipline 246 – 247 United Bamboo Gang 260, 270 – 271, 292 United Blood Nation (UBN) 52, 53, 54, 163 United Nations: Children’s Fund 402; Office on Drugs and Crime 21; Uniform Guidelines for Investigations 410 United States v Sullivan 322 U.S Armed Forces 251, 258 U.S Army Gang Activity Threat Assessment 239 U.S Army Gang and Domestic Extremist Activity Threat Assessment (GDEATA) 254 U.S Census Bureau 13, 15 U.S Civil War 236; Chicago 71; Confederacy 7, 236; New York 6; post– 6, 7, 71, 72; Union 7, 236 U.S customs 336, 395 U.S Department of Defense 239, 240, 243, 244, 248 U.S Department of Justice 120, 127, 132, 133, 135, 136, 266, 324, 365, 412, 414 – 415, 436 U.S Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA) 228, 377; Cali Cartel 395; chief 392; information technology 395; “Kingpin Strategy” 388; Operation Bolivar 389; Operation Shadowbox 296; Pizza Connection 336; Russia Mafia and Colombia cartel 367; Tranquilandia 393; Tung On 284 U.S Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI); Camorra 342; Capone 321, 322 – 323; Chaldean Mafia 296; Chicago Outfit 324; Colombian cartels and ROC 367; counterintelligence program (COINTELPRO) 38; criminal enterprise definition 428; Crips 48; D’Arco 336; Devils Diciples 407; Family Secrets trial 324; Fuk Ching 293; gang membership 216; gang violence 217; Ghost Shadows 294; Gotti 338; Hip Sing Tong 281; Italian organized crime 302 – 303, 304; Ivankov 364; LaValley 336; Mogilevich 365; MS-13 62, 63; National Gang Intelligence Center (NGIC) 11, 13, 14, 15, 48, 52, 60, 82, 86, 103, 110, 117, 118, 122, 137, 141, 143, 150, 165, 216, 247, 412 – 413, 418, 420; National Gang Intelligence Center: National Gang Threat Assessment 49, 54, 111, 116; ’Ndrangheta 342, 343; Nigerian organized crime 298, 299; On Leong Tong 282; Operation Black Eagle 372; “Operation Shadowbox” 296; Pizza Connection 336; prison gang definition 141; Sacra Corona Unita 347; significant racketeering activities definition 429; Somali gangs 232; tongs 276; Uniform Crime Reports 221; United Bamboo 270; Villarreal 379; Wo Hop To 271 U.S Federal Bureau of Narcotics 335 U.S Immigration and Customs Enforcement Agency 372 Index U.S Senate 271, 363 chong; Special Committee to Investigate Crime in Interstate Commerce 335 U.S Supreme Court 169, 322 Vagos MC (aka the Green Nation) 122, 125, 132, 136 Valachi, J 314, 326, 336 Valdez, A 44, 51, 65 – 66, 163, 291 – 292, 402 – 403 Van De Kamp, J 44, 50 Varese, F 326, 342, 343, 353, 357, 365 Varriale, J 193 Vasiliev, S 338 Vasquez, F O 393 Vasquez, J O “El Gordo” 392 – 393 Vega-Rivera, J M 130 Velencia, D “Gizmo” 94 Venkatesh, S A.: Economic Analysis of a DrugSelling Gang’s Finances 32 – 33 Vice Lords (aka Conservative Vice Lords, CVL, ACVL) 20, 30, 104, 112, 114, 115 – 116, 144, 150, 163, 199, 202; firearms 238; military 254, 254; prison gangs 144 Vice Queens 190 Vigil, J D 27 Villalobos, A “King Aggie” 94 Villalobos, D 130 Villarreal, P A “El Zorro de Ojinaga” 378 – 379 Vine 157 Vinnitskiy, M F (aka Mishka Yaponchik) 363 violence and gangs 214 – 234; Caribbean 231 – 232; drive-by shootings 46, 214, 221, 238; El Salvador and Central America 229 – 231; factors influencing 218 – 220, 219; flash gangs 221 – 222; gang indoctrination 220; homicides 11, 11, 14, 17, 27, 168, 187, 212, 222, 222 – 224, 223, 230, 231, 231, 233, 234, 238, 239, 240, 399; Honduras and Jamaica 231; imported 226 – 234; Kurdistan 233 – 234; member discipline 220 – 221; Mexico 226 – 229, 228; neighborhoods in fear 224 – 225; number of gang members in 1996 – 2012 215; Safe Street Task force accomplishments 217; Somalia 232, 232 – 233; types of activity 220 – 221 Violence Socialization Profile 197 Vly gang 511 Vogel, R E 148 Voronin, Y 350 Wah Ching 281, 294 – 295 Wahlberg, M 17 Waldorf, D 47, 190, 200 Walker, R 44 – 45, 46 Walker, S 242 Wang, J 260 Waring, E 350, 357, 359 Warlocks MC 122, 135, 136 – 137, 243 Washington, R 44, 46 Washington Penitentiary at Walla Walla 144, 145 Washington State Penitentiary 145 – 146, 146 Washington State Penitentiary Motorcycle Association (WSPMA) 145 – 146 Watts Baby Loc/Grape Street Crips 47 Webb, V J 12, 248 websites, gang 42 – 43 Webster, B 15 Webster, W 367 Weiss, E “Hymie” 321 Westside Crips 44 Wheels of Soul MC 122, 124, 137, 244 White, J 209 – 210 White Hand Gang 319, 389 Whyos 6, 9, 369 Whyte, W F.: Street Corner Society 24 Williams, P 377 Williams, R 241 Williams, S “Tookie”: Blue Rage, Black Redemption 44 Winterdyk, J 152, 174 Winter Hill Gang 369 witness problems in gang cases 433 – 437; educated gang members 438 – 439; expert testimony 437 – 438; protecting witnesses 436 – 437; witness intimidation and the anti-switching culture 434 – 436; witness protection 436, 436 – 437 WITSEC see Federal Witness Security Program Wo Hop To 271 – 272, 283, 295 Wojciechowski, H E J see Weiss, E Wolf, S 61, 62 Wolfe, S E 219 Wolf Pack Gang 210 – 211 Wood, J L 165 512 Index Woodiwiss, M 322 World War I 233, 236, 285, 317, 319, 382 World War II 123, 138, 263, 272, 279, 286, 307, 308, 329, 351 Wo Shing Wo 272 Xbox 43 Yablonsky, L 16, 25 – 26; The Violent Gang 25 Yale, F 319 – 320, 321 Yan Wo Company 277 Yat-sen, S 262 – 263, 279 yakuza 70, 271, 284 – 288, 288, 292, 339, 347, 350, 364, 365; crime 290 – 291; organizational structure 287; police 290 – 291; Robin Hood organization 289 – 290; rules and discipline 287 – 288; tattoos 300; wider Japanese community 288 – 289 Yeong Wo Company 277 Yeltsin, B 355 YouTube 43, 157, 221, 279 Yung Cheng 261 Zaldívar, F B 334 Zeltser, E E 358 Zhang, S 264 Zielinski, M W 208 Zion, S 337 .. .GANGS AND ORGANIZED CRIME In Gangs and Organized Crime, George W Knox, Gregg W Etter, and Carter F Smith offer an informed and carefully investigated examination of gangs and organized crime. .. suburban gangs, rural gangs, male gangs, female gangs, juvenile gangs, youth gangs, delinquent gangs, criminal gangs, outlaw gangs, biker gangs, drug gangs, and prison gangs In a 1927 study,... CHAPTER 7? ?Gangs and Violence214 CHAPTER 8? ?Gangs and the Military235 CHAPTER 9—Asian, East Asian, and African Organized Crime 259 CHAPTER 10—Italian Organized Crime 301 CHAPTER 11—Russian and Other