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Bức tranh khắc họa chủ nghĩa đa văn hóa và xã hộI đa văn hóa qua câu chuyện về loàI vật Bức tranh khắc họa chủ nghĩa đa văn hóa và xã hộI đa văn hóa qua câu chuyện về loàI vật Bức tranh khắc họa chủ nghĩa đa văn hóa và xã hộI đa văn hóa qua câu chuyện về loàI vật luận văn tốt nghiệp,luận văn thạc sĩ, luận văn cao học, luận văn đại học, luận án tiến sĩ, đồ án tốt nghiệp luận văn tốt nghiệp,luận văn thạc sĩ, luận văn cao học, luận văn đại học, luận án tiến sĩ, đồ án tốt nghiệp

VIETNAM NATIONAL UNIVERSITY, HANOI UNIVERSITY OF LANGUAGES AND INTERNATIONAL STUDIES FACULTY OF ENGLISH LANGUAGE TEACHER EDUCATION/ FACULTY OF LINGUISTICS & CULTURES OF ENGLISH SPEAKING COUNTRIES (PHAM MINH DUC) GRADUATION PAPER ZOOTOPIA: THE DEPICTION OF MULTICULTURALISM AND MULTICULTURAL SOCIETY THROUGH A TALE OF ANIMALS SUBMITTED IN PARTIAL FULFILLMENT OF THE REQUIREMENT FOR THE DEGREE OF BACHELOR OF ARTS Supervisor: Dr ĐẶNG NGỌC SINH Ha Noi, 05 / 2019 TRƯỜNG ĐẠI HỌC NGOẠI NGỮ, ĐẠI HỌC QUỐC GIA HÀ NỘI KHOA SƯ PHẠM TIẾNG ANH / KHOA NGÔN NGỮ VÀ VĂN HÓA CÁC NƯỚC NÓI TIẾNG ANH (PHẠM MINH ĐỨC) LUẬN VĂN TỐT NGHIỆP ZOOTOPIA: BỨC TRANH KHẮC HỌA CHỦ NGHĨA ĐA VĂN HÓA VÀ XÃ HỘI ĐA VĂN HÓA QUA CÂU CHUYỆN VỀ LOÀI VẬT NỘP THEO TIÊU CHUẨN BẰNG CỬ NHÂN KHOA HỌC XÃ HỘI Giáo viên hướng dẫn: Dr ĐẶNG NGỌC SINH Hà Nội, 05 / 2019 ACCEPTANCE PAGE I hereby state that I, Pham Minh Duc, QH2015.F1.E2, being a candidate for the degree of Bachelor of Arts, accept the requirements of the College relating to the retention and use of Bachelor‘s Graduation Paper deposited in the library In terms of these conditions, I agree that the origin of my paper deposited in the library should be accessible for the purpose of study and research, in accordance with the normal conditions established by the librarian for the care, loan or reproduction of the paper Supervisor‘s signature Signature ABSTRACT This paper is an analysis of multiculturalism as depicted in Disney animated movies and examine one of the studio‘s recent box office success Zootopia as a model of how far Disney has gone to bring its audience‘s attention to the cultural diversity and multiculturalism phenomena The research will begin with establish a foundation on the definition of ‗cultural diversity‘ and ‗multiculturalism‘, as well as the depiction of said concept on the big screen by examining previous works of both American movie industry in brief and Disney animation throughout the years Then, Zootopia will be examined as a case study to identify the new aspects of multiculturalism that have been integrated into the movie by comparing and contrasting its characters, settings and semiotic features both with previous Disney‘s movie of the same theme and with real-life historical and contemporary accounts and researchs on multicultural societies Key terms: multiculturalism; cultural diversity; Zootopia Table of content Chapter 1: Introduction 1.1 Background of the study 1.2 Research problems 1.3 Methodology 1.4 Significance 1.5 Chapter overview 10 Chapter 2: Multiculturalism throughout American history 11 2.1 Cultural diversity – the acknowledgement of differences 11 2.2 Multiculturalism 13 Chapter 3: Multiculturalism in Disney movies 16 3.1 Multiculturalism in American movies 16 3.2 Multiculturalism as a theme in Disney movies 18 Chapter 4: Zootopia as a stand-in for modern multicultural society 23 4.1 Zootopia and its improvement on Disney‘s traditional concepts : animal anthropomorphism as a mean to express cultural diversity 23 4.2 The formation of a multicultural society 4.3 The sociological issues of multiculturalism 4.2.1 Racism 26 26 4.2.2 Equal opportunity with a twist: tokenism for minor ethnic groups37 4.3 The solutions: inclusiveness through infrastructure 38 Chapter 5: Conclusion 42 Reference 44 Chapter 1: Introduction Background of the study Multiculturalism has always been very rare, not to mention a very hit-ormiss theme in the American movie industry Not many big theatrical releases that feature a diverse cast has done so with a clear and serious intention to address the concept, and those that does not receive due recognition and quickly fade into obscurity for all but the avid moviegoers Whether because ‗multiculturalism‘ itself is uninspiring for the studio giants, the execution leads to grim, heavy and in-your-face narration that puts off casual audience, the scripts coincidentally land in the hand of incompetent director and screenwriters, or some other factors, a comprehensive answer to the lack of exposure to the topic is unknown, and multiculturalism remains a rather untravelled road for movies and animations Then came along Zootopia, a breath of fresh air into the old yet new territory with its unique presentation of a culturally diverse metropolis with animals of different races not just coexisting but living in harmony The movie Zootopia (known as Zootropolis in some regions) is a 2016 animated movie produced by Walt Disney Animation Studios and released by Walt Disney Pictures As the 55th Disney animated feature film, Zootopia inherits a lot of Disney‘s familiar theme and character designs from its predecessors during the execution yet still remain in many ways a unique and unprecedented movie for the studio The movie does not directly follow the recently surfaced trend in Disney movie of embracing different real-life culture that started with Mulan in 1998 in an attempt to satisfy their globally expanding audience with box office successes such as Big Hero (2014) which is based on the Marvel comic from the 90s with the same name that tried to ride on the Japanese anime culture that was taking up America‘s entertainment industry by storms, or Moana (2016) which explore the Polynesian culture with both casting and homage to a lot of aspects from Polynesian mythologies and legends Zootopia features a cast of all talking mammals with no apparent acknowledgment or reference to any real-life non-conventional American culture However the characters and plots of Zootopia operates on the acknowledgment that a society can be made up of individuals of different origins, cultures and physical characteristics and rather than making it a static setting, it turns the idea of cultural pluralism into the main source of conflict in to movie, bringing it to the forefront for screen without imposing cold hard philosophies onto the audience On the real-life side of the matter, Zootopia is also released in the same year as the US‘s 2016 presidential campaign, in which debates on immigrant and refugee policies are one of the central themes President Donald Trump had at the time as a nominee promised the American citizen policies, which was enacted the following year following his presidency, to ensure national safety by banning entry from Muslim immigrants and refugees, which is largely rooted in the current public fear of Muslim terrorism While it cannot be stated with absolute certainty that the director of the movie inject their personal opinion on the matter or attempt to impose it on the audience, the movie‘s concept of prey majoritypredator minority and the subsequent conflict between species of the two category does hold a lot of similarity to the contemporary real-life issues of public fear and hatred Research problems and questions While the movie is definitely popular, Zootopia is not exceptional in its box office and accolades Zootopia was chosen by the American Film Institute as one of the top ten films of 2016 and won the Academy Award and Golden Globe, two of the most prestigious film awards beside BAFTA awards and SAG awards, for ‗Best Animated Feature Film‘ in 2017 According to Box Office Mojo, the most reliable and comprehensive box office database, Zootopia totals out to 341 million dollars, which ranks only 6th among Disney‘s animated releases However, the movie is still extremely well praised for its originality and message on social media and online critic database such as Rotten Tomatoes: The brilliantly well-rounded Zootopia offers a thoughtful, inclusive message that's as rich and timely as its sumptuously state-of-the-art animation all while remaining fast and funny enough to keep younger viewers entertained While the movie can be interpreted to breach several sensitive and heavy topics along its narrations, the fact that it utilise a cast of characters comprising of only talking animals and does not go out of its way to reference any real-life events or people outside of the typical brand of Disney humor ensures that the movie does not end up being too heavy or complicated and the younger audience can absorb its message in general and abstract way, while the more mature audience can appreciate its more subtle depictions and messages While the movie does make use of references to real life, it goes the extra mile to soften the impact under the visage of witty animal jokes to not be offensive or sensitive to any group of people As a whole, Zootopia is an excellent execution of taking a serious and complicated concept of cultural plurism and apply it in a visually pleasing, easy to understand and accessible to all the audience This level of intricacy and subtlety in a movie for children compels me to explore the concept of multiculturalism with its associated issues and solutions and evaluate how far Zootopia as a movie, especially as a Disney movie, has gone to integrate it into the story As such, this research will first aim to present the definitions of cultural diversity and multiculturalism as well as previous studies and opinions on multiculturalism using America as the case study Following that, I will investigate the depiction of multicultural societies in American media and especially in Disney‘s animated feature films I will examine some of Disney‘s previous movies that touch on multiculturalism and what is already depicted regarding social issues and their solutions, as well as taking note of any shortcomings due to the restrictions of being a family-friendly animated movie Then, I will examine Zootopia on what the movie has improved on or contributed to the depiction of a multicultural society in Disney animated movies In short, this research aims to answer two primary questions: which sociological issues of multiculturalism and their solutions have been presented through Disney animated movie, and how Zootopia has contributed to bringing the problems and solutions in a multicultural society to the audience of Disney Methodology To achieve the goals of the research, I intend to answer my research questions using the textual analysis and contextual analysis method Textual analysis is the method communication researchers use to describe and interpret the characteristics of a recorded or visual It includes the study of content, structure, and functions of the messages contained in texts As the name suggests, this method is traditionally used for analyzing text-based subjects literature (short story, novels and so on) - but is also suitable for film studies since both have plots, characters, dialogue, settings, symbolism, and, just as the elements of literature can be analyzed for their intent and effect, these elements can be analyzed the same way in film This method plays an important part in the research since multiculturalism is already a familiar if the underrepresented theme in movies The research is based on the theoretical basis of definitions and opinions on multiculturalism throughout history along with its commonly associated ideas, issues and solutions and assumes that Zootopia faithfully translates these concepts into animation format while applying its own creative license to make the movie more appealing and easier to understand to its audience This method will help me analyze the scenes, lines, characters, and dialogs to then compare it with the real-life context that the movies take place or are created in, the culture, time, and place of creation in relation with the film‘s predecessors of the same theme Significance of the study While Zootopia is one of the more successful movies of Disney, it unfortunately runs into the problem of being a straight detective-comedy film unlike Disney‘s recent popular releases such as Frozen or Moana which are all musicals with very memorable standout songs and as such has little place in the research priority now that its period of popularity has passed outside of existing articles which are not as in-depth in their appreciation of the movie‘s value as they could be I choose Zootopia as the case study of this research both because it put the messages of multiculturalism in an aesthetically pleasing and easy to absorb format, and because the movie, much like its predecessors, is a gem in Disney‘s progressive and open-minded approach to animation that has been underappreciated It is my hope for this research to bring out the true values of Zootopia as a new breakthrough in the depiction of multiculturalism in Disney movies Overview of chapters In chapter 2, I will briefly analyze the concept of cultural diversity and multiculturalism throughout the course history, especially in America In chapter 3, I will give an overview of multiculturalism as a theme in American media and analyze its execution in previous Disney‘s movies both as a setting and as the central theme This chapter will serve as a checklist for Disney‘s past achievement in faithfully or optimistically portraying a true multicultural society with its inherent issues and the solutions that have been implemented In chapter 4, I will present the contribution of Zootopia to further refining that portrayal, which failings it has improved upon and which elements it has brought about to make its standing in the line-up In chapter 5, after discussing the sociological issues and rectifying policies in the movie, I will draw a conclusion on the achievements and drawbacks of the movie and which aspects of the topic it has left open for the future films to explore 10 had prepared for her beforehand that contain ‗fox deterrent‘, ‗fox repellent‘ and ‗fox tazer‘, all with a prominently displayed brand name ‗Fox Away‘ Fox repellent, fox deterrent and fox tazer The fact that there is a legally established manufacturer of self-defense tool specifically advertised to work against a group of individual that should not be legally recognized as dangerous does not present the world in Zootopia as a Utopia for every animal in any way According to Clayton E Cramer (1993) throughout much of American history, gun control was openly stated as a method for keeping blacks and Hispanics "in their place," and to quiet the racial fears of whites ―Racist arms laws predate the establishment of the United States Starting in 1751, the French Black Code required Louisiana colonists to stop any blacks, and if necessary, beat "any black carrying any potential weapon, such as a cane." If a black refused to stop on demand, and was on horseback, the colonist was authorized to "shoot to kill.[…] In Maryland, these prohibitions went so far as to prohibit free blacks from owning dogs without a license, and authorizing any white to kill an unlicensed dog owned by a free black, for fear that blacks would use dogs as weapons Mississippi went further, and prohibited any ownership of a dog by a black person.‖ And in Zootopia, we see products that may be designed solely for the purpose of keeping a specific group of people ‗in check‘ sold to the public because that group are in possession of potentially dangerous ‗weapon‘ (teeth 32 and claws) of their own and may spontaneously decide to use them to ―maim, and maul‖, and kill others Seeing as the movie are depicting individuals in a civilized society that has displayed no such violent tendency beyond in what amount to ancient history (or ‗Stone Age‘, as Chief Bogo described in the movie) in textbooks, this specific scene should be the first warning for anyone to used this movie as reference for the topic of ‗racism‘ And the situation does not stop in the rural and supposedly less progressive area While the city of Zootopia is a fantastic depiction of the cultural, technological and economic marvel of diverse modern life, the different species seem to coexist peacefully for the most part, it is not exactly a stellar example of racial equality Even disregarding the rural area where the main character Judy Hopps originated from, we could clearly see that the social tension and discrimination in public accommodations and service are blatant, rampant, almost seems to be socially acceptable and apparently legal enough to be done in front of a law enforcer In one scene in the movie, we see that one of the staff member of the ‗Jumbeaux‘s Café‘ openly refuse to serve a customer because of apparent disdain for foxes, citing that ―we reserve the right to refuse service to anyone‖ While shop and business establishment have the right to refuse service to some category of customer, they are not legally allowed to so to customers under protected classes according to Title III of the Civil Rights Act of 1964: Desegregation of Public Facilities, which implies that shop and business establishments are at risk of liability for punitive damages should they deny service to customer based on citizenship status, national origin, region, race or color, one of which ‗foxes‘ should fall under in Zootopian laws Instead, Judy Hopps had to make a workaround by citing the café‘s violation of health code to essentially blackmailing the staff into giving service While American has laws and policies to prohibit refusal of service based on race and culture, consumer racial profiling still exist Most commonly, "shopping while black" involves a black person being followed around or closely monitored by a clerk or guard who suspects he or she may steal, but it can also involve being denied store access, being refused service, use of ethnic slurs, being searched, being asked for 33 extra forms of identification, having purchases limited, being required to have a higher credit limit than other customers, being charged a higher price, or being asked more rigorous questions on applications (Williams, Henderson & Harris, 2001) Coming to the second point, from certain perspectives, the portrayal of the world in Zootopia cannot be reversely employed as an allegory for real-life racism The very first scene of the movie confirms that the animals in Zootopia are very much aware of the fact that they did not use to live so harmoniously in the past Animals of the ‗predator‘ are biologically engineered and psychologically inclined to hunt, kill and eat ‗prey‘ animals ―Fear, treachery, bloodlust Thousands of years ago, these are the forces that ruled our world A world where preys are scared of predators, and predators have no control of their wild biological urge to main, and maul, and [kill] Back then, the world was divided in two: vicious predators and meek preys.‖ It is believed and scientifically justified that predators have natural advantages over prey in a physical struggle with their teeth, claws, hunter instincts and other such components that are engraved in their DNA Predators are always armed and are naturally evolved to kill other animals is not just a fluke of ideology but a truth grounded in reality The concept is further driven in the movie where multiple scenes have shown that the equivalent of ‗disarm and arrest‘ against a predator is ‗muzzling‘ them – depriving them of one of their natural weapons Racial prejudice in Zootopia comes from real biological differences and history and is actually an act of reasonable self-preservation, especially when it is announced by a representative of the police department that predators are indeed reverting to their savage way It is not morally right, but neither is it an act of unnecessary cruelty When the duality of the prey-predator in the movie is applied to the real world with different races, real-world racism seems a lot more reasonable than it really is, and the allegory begins to crack Real-world racism does not operate on the same principle and justifications of animals The prejudice depicted in Zootopia is actually a lot 34 more similar to the oldest form of racial discrimination in human history The racial classification used today were first invented in 1684 when the French physician Francois Bernier published his treatise ‗A New Division of the Earth‘, which classifies humans into four biological categories: Europeans, Africans, Lapps, and Asians Over the next several centuries Europeans thinkers expanded on this classification to justify invasions, land appropriation, slavery, and other monstrous acts According to Gananath Obeyesekere (2005), white American explorers, beginning with the famous Christopher Columbus used to accuse every new ethnic group they encounter of cannibalism based on very little or no evidence When Columbus traveled into the New World of the Carribean, he reported, ―I have found no human monstrosities, as many expected.‖ Yet he went on to note exceptions: man eaters and men whole tails we already have noticed; Amazonian women, and the hairless The Spaniards in 1560 saw giant men in Patagonia, the land of the patagones or ―big feet,‖ another recurrent fantasy By branding these communities as savage, explorers were then able to justify white imperial conquest to ‗put an end to the cannibalism‘ by ‗civilizing them These claims could not be further from the truth While the geological and cultural differences may contribute to the different physical structure in human bodies, such as people from Africa have black skin and people from Asia are short, generally, people are not genetically evolved with physical characteristics and psychological tendencies to kill and eat another human While specific animal species are geared toward the traditional Darwin‘s Natural Selection Theory and compete with each other to maintain their genetic continuation and domination, the truth is that human and many other animals are predisposed to working together in groups and using altruism to promote the survival of the species as a whole according to Group Survival Theory and Multi-Selection Theory, and as such human are actually genetically programmed to not kill other humans regardless of skin color and races, regardless of any biological conspiracy on the Internet these days 35 4.2.2 Equal opportunity with a twist: tokenism for minor ethnic groups While the government body of Zootopia seems to make a conscious effort to allow different species of animals to flourish while mixing into society, there are still many social and workplace borders that elicit contempt between species The ‗Mammal Inclusion Initiative‘ is an affirmative action program advocated by Major Leodore Lion sought to minimize the effect of discrimination in employment, specifically recruiting animals for professions that are not traditionally associated with them, such as recruiting a bunny for the Zootopia Police Department that is full of burly and physically superior animals This draws a direct parallel to the multicultural approach in the workplace described by Flannery G Stevens (2008): ―The multicultural approach to diversity emphasizes the benefits of a diverse workforce and explicitly recognizes employee differences as a source of strength (Cox, 1991) Organizations promoting initiatives premised on a multicultural ideology are particularly attractive to minorities because diverse backgrounds are recognized as being different, and group identities, such as race, ethnicity, and religious affiliation, are retained and acknowledged (e.g., Plaut & Markus, 2007; Purdie-Vaughns et al., 2006; Verkuyten, 2005) Organizations employ a variety of strategies to emphasize diversity.‖ However, the same paper also cited: ―Whereas multiculturalism should ideally foster a lasting organizational climate of inclusion and acceptance, multicultural diversity initiatives often fade, fall short of their goals, or fail completely […] despite their overt attempt to foster inclusion in the workplace, multicultural initiatives can produce skepticism and resentment on the part of some groups—in particular nonminorities—who represent overlooked, yet critical, stakeholders in diversity issues (cf James, Brief, Dietz, & Cohen, 2001).‖ The failing depicted in the movie Zootopia can be summed up in the term ‗tokenism‘ Tokenism as described by Graham M Vaughan and Michael A Hogg in the book Social Psychology (2014) as ―a relatively small or trivial 36 positive act, a token, towards members of a minority group The action is then invoked to deflect accusations of prejudice and as a justification for declining to engage in larger and more meaningful positive acts or for subsequently engaging in discrimination.[…] In the United State, there has been a criticism of the token employment of minorities (e.g African Americans, Latinos) by organizations that then fail to take more fundamental and important steps towards equal opportunities.‖ The character Judy Hopps is admitted to the Zootopia Poice Department as a properly seated officer with official recognition by the city major, yet is treated as a ―token bunny‖ and unceremoniously relegated to parking duty, which was understood by the other police officers as not ‗a real cop‘ It should also be noted that Judy graduated from the training program with the top score on both theory and physical tests as demonstrated in the montage, yet she is assigned a job that completely undermines her ability, achievement, and passion for the profession, with apparently little to no prospect of promotion The idealistic image of equal opportunity is shattered upon the first contact with reality, as Judy realized that passion, talents and hard-working can only go sofa in a workplace hierarchy that predetermined her place before she even stepped foot in, and the dream of making a difference she has worked her whole life for does not matter in the slightest There is also a clear disproportion in power distribution in the central government body in Zootopia The disproportion in power is prominently showed through the narration of assistant major Bellweather: ―I never get to something so important […] I‘m more of a glorified secretary I think Major Lionard just wants a sheep vote.‖ The character, despite her important position, is assigned to an office that looks more like a storage or boiler room for storing cleaning equipment and is hardly appreciated by her superior 37 An office befitting the position of assistant major 4.3 The solutions: inclusiveness through infrastructure One of the most outstanding features of the movie is the extremely detailed rendering of the metropolitan Zotopia with extremely focus on details that support a society with all species of animal living, studying and working together It is a perfect realization of how a society can evolve to both accommodate and celebrate cultural diversity On the note of accomodating multiculturalism, according to producer Clark Spencer in the interview with journalist Jeff Mitchell, this is a conscious choice of the directors rather than the developing team bouncing ideas off each other for filler‘s sake: It is interesting because we studied a lot of cities We actually went to New York City and (worked) with a historian (We wondered when immigrants) started to land on the island of Manhattan, and different ethnicities – Irish, Chinese, Italian, (etc.) – all came in, how did (their communities begin) to grow? How Chinatown and Little Italy sit next to each other? How the (communities) coexist? The city of Zootopia is designed with ―twelve unique ecosystems within the city limits: Tundra Town, Sahar Square, Rain Forest District, to name a few.‖ 38 These districts are not just an arbitral separation of territory for animals but are specifically structured to sustain the natural habitat of various animals that inhabit the cities It should be noted that the existence of these ecological districts is not for the purpose of separation and isolation Spatial segregation ―is a serious policy issue because of the complex interactions between land and housing markets on the one hand, and their connection to local revenues and the distribution and quality of local services on the other hand […] The combination of residential segregation by class and by racial or ethnic groups and the systematically uneven spatial distribution of quality schools results in poor innercity enclaves‖ (Greestein, Sabatini & Smolka, 2000) On the contrary, one of the main districts that occupy a large part of the movie‘s length is Tundratown As per description of Jessica Julius in the book The art of Zootopia (2016), Tundratown is the icy Easternmost district of Zootopia, characterized by snow, ice and a large number of Arctic mammals living there, such as polar bears and arctic shrews, of which we see the mafiaesque family run by Mr.Big and their company of polar bears with distinct Russian accents Tundratown is notable for its arctic climate, as well as the onion-domed buildings which make up its architecture The temperature of the district is maintained constantly by a series of high-performance air conditioner that line up its border, which also act as countermeasure to make up the difference in weather between it and the adjacent Rainforest District, since there would be constant thunderstorm along the border otherwise according to Environment Look Supervisor Lance Summers (Celestino, 2016) We met with a really important expert who talked about air-conditioning units, and there is a huge wall that divides Tundra Town, the cold area from Sahara Square You see the wall in the film, and the train goes through it It is an air-conditioning unit The expert said that if you have enough money and could build a big air-conditioning unit, that all units the same thing: blow out hot air on the outside and blow out cold air on the inside The cold air creates Tundra Town Hot air creates Sahara 39 Square, and then the melt off from Tundra Town creates the Rain Forest District Zootopia, specifically Tundratown is also an excellent example of the city infrastructure helping to celerate a culture in a multicultural society Another notable feature of the district is the fact that Tundratown is also especially prominent in its advertisement for tourism The interactive website visitzootopia.com provides a variety of information regarding the beautiful scenery of ice caps glaciers and frozen lakes and a wide selection of transportation catering to both native mammals and those from other district going on vacation "Flow Ped" is one such special means of transport for mammals via floating ice caps Other public vehicles in this district are "skidoos" In the configuration of passenger cars, vans, and trucks, skidoos are essentially snowmobile conversions of conventional automobiles, the latter of which are unsuitable for use on the icy, low traction roads, which coincidentally shares the name with a prominent snowmobile brand in the United State The district seems to also take pride on its menu of delicacy from each restaurant and diners, with tuna tartar from Clark Halibuts, borscht from Koslov‘s Palace Such an invested focus on tourism in Tundratown bears striking resemblance to the real-life Chinatown in San Francisco As quoted by Jan Rath in the book Tourism, Ethnic Diversity and the City (2012): To non-Chinese people in the early twentieth century, Chinatown was a quaint, mysterious part of town, a ‗foreign colony‘ in their midst Advertisements promised that white tourists visiting the district would experience the ‗sounds, the sights, and the smells of Canton‘ They could imagine themselves in ‗some hoary Mongolian city in the distant land of Cathay‘, and could ‗wander in the midst of the Orient‘ without leaving America, seeing throngs of people with ‗strange faces‘ in the streets eating ‗chop suey‘ Over time, the San Francisco city authorities began to commodify Chinese ethnicity and promote Chinatown as an exotic Chinese colony; its back alleyways were presented as picturesque little lanes for the purposes of visitor consumption Tours began running which 40 took visitors through the crooked, narrow streets of Chinatown past souvenir shops, stores, and restaurants The scene of Judy Hopps leaving the central station included animals that supposedly belongs to different districts commuting to District – City Centre, with unique transportation catering to animals that does not or can not use conventional means We could see a waterway for hippopotamuses and maybe other amphibious, semiaquatic animals to travel through, with automatic dryers that help to dry off the water from their clothes after the trip There is also a tunnel system for a company of lemmings to travel safely from Little Rodentia to the station This is a practice that is very much grounded in reality in accordance with the ‗Inclusion through access to public places‘ as officialized by UNESCO: Through spatial integration measures, the social inclusion of migrants in urban settings can be improved Public spaces can play a key role in improving migrants' inclusion by acting as places for intercultural dialogue and exchange Segregated areas can be opened up thanks to careful physical planning interventions Generally speaking, adequate housing, well-connected public transport and accessible public buildings for cultural and religious practices need to be integrated into inclusive urban planning Municipal decision-makers need to look carefully at the informal economy in public entrepreneurship 41 places and provide space for Chapter 5: Conclusion As a whole, Zootopia is an unprecedented success at presenting a picture of real-life multiculturalism in Disney animation It manages to take its own spin on very simple and familiar aspects of the studio‘s previous works, from walking, talking animals to a full society of them completed with hierarchy, economy, politics and more, something that has never been seen The city of Zootopia is a Disney-fied version of the American society from its birth to present as an organic construct that heavily reference its counterpart while still keeping an upbeat and hopeful tone through the lens of cute and witty animal characters We get to examine the formation of a multicultural society, along with its social issues: the interfacial tension, racism and discrimination and the harsh reality of ‗equal opportunity‘ in America‘s traditional values However, the movie also perfectly describes the progress society has made, the policies that have been approved to support multiculturalism, to preserve and celebrate the uniqueness of each culture However, there are still some points that Zootopia could have done better and it falls to Disney‘s movies in the future to improve upon The use of animal character, while aesthetically pleasing for a children movie format, also means that it is hard to deliver the message on multiculturalism in a substantial way seeing as the diversity of the animal kingdom is fundamentally different from the diversity of human cultures and races On the other hand, there exist certain restrictions that this paper has yet been able to overcome First of all, the research only studies the depiction of multiculturalism in Disney‘s animated movies which, while being the studio most iconic format, does not cover the non-animated movie format of Disney which has produced many classics about multiculturalism in American society such as Song of the South (1946) or The Adventures of Huck Finn (1993) Moreover, the research has not analyzed the more controversial speculations of Zootopia that has been discussed by critics and journalists such as the parallel between ‗night howler‘ plant and serum in the film with illiegal hallucinogens in real life or the social stigma of black gangs and crack cocaine during the 80s-90s 42 crack epidemic in America due to the lack of solid evidence and confirmation from the film developers Considering the shortcomings of the research, there may be some promising research approaches that can be conducted to overcome such weakness One suggestion I would give for following studies of the same topic is that researchers can investigate expand the scope of the research to encompass all of Disney‘s movies, including live action and liveaction/animation hybrid movies so as to construct a more in-depth analysis on how multiculturalism has been depicted by Disney through the ages 43 REFERENCES Zootopia (2016) (n.d.) 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KHOA NGÔN NGỮ VÀ VĂN HÓA CÁC NƯỚC NÓI TIẾNG ANH (PHẠM MINH ĐỨC) LUẬN VĂN TỐT NGHIỆP ZOOTOPIA: BỨC TRANH KHẮC HỌA CHỦ NGHĨA ĐA VĂN HÓA VÀ XÃ HỘI ĐA VĂN HĨA QUA CÂU CHUYỆN VỀ LỒI VẬT NỘP THEO TIÊU... VĂN HÓA VÀ XÃ HỘI ĐA VĂN HĨA QUA CÂU CHUYỆN VỀ LỒI VẬT NỘP THEO TIÊU CHUẨN BẰNG CỬ NHÂN KHOA HỌC XÃ HỘI Giáo viên hướng dẫn: Dr ĐẶNG NGỌC SINH Hà Nội, 05 / 2019 ACCEPTANCE PAGE I hereby state that... religious groups in England, particularly Penn's own religion, the Quakers In addition to a large number of Welsh and English Quakers, Penn did a lot of recruitment for his colony in continental

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