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Đề thi thử THPT Quốc gia năm 2019 môn Anh trường THPT chuyên Lê Quý Đôn, Quảng Trị lần 2 - Học Toàn Tập

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Work America and Work Canada are open to full time students and those who have postponed their entry and have a place at a university for the following year.. BLTNAC[r]





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R任五de thi

001 Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word that dffirs from the other three in the position of primary stress in each of thefollowing questions

Question 1:A achievement B survival C energy D extinction Question 2: A report B visit C award D delay

Mark the letter A, B, C or D on yoar answer sheet to indicate the word whose underlined part differs

.frgm the other three in pronunciation in each of thefollowing questions

Question 3: A mgst B hqpe C rgle D none

Question 4: A offered B acceptg! C threateng! D confused

Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicste the correct answer to each of the

following questions

Question 5: Do you think we will ever send a person to

Question 7: While I was practising the piano late last night, a neighbour to complain A comes B came C was coming D had come

Question 8: Ms Moore, the school counselor, has had years of experience dealing with student prohlems she is sometimes confronted by a problem that she cannot handle by herself

-A Therefore B Nevertheless

Question 9: These ancient woodlands are

"A in B under

A the

Question 6: If I

A do

B Informing

Question 12: The politician

A explained B avoided

Question 13: Women have a longer life

A unexpected B expect

Question 14: Many people believe the govemment should

A.providc         B.give

Qluestion 16:It is vcry llnpOrtant to eat a balanccd wholc grdns

A.diet      B.food

Question 17: The cars look alike, but their engines are

A roughly B.logically


B a C an D.0 (no article)

well in the exam, my parents will buy me an MP3 player

B did C will do D had done

C Otherwise D Moreover

threat from nerv road developments

C of D at

D Once have been informed to admit that he had done anything wrong

C refused D denied than men

Question 10 there was a letter waiting for him

A He returned B Having returned C Returning D On his return

Question 11:


about the bad effects of chemical fertilizers , the farmers started using

them sparingly on their farms

A Having informed C Having been informed

A recommend B reform c respond D reproduce

Question 15: An interactive whiteboard is very useful in the classroom because it can engage students

and _ them with interactive opportunities

Question 18: His question was so puzzhngthat I could not make any A interpretation B understanding

D expectantly the public school system


that contains fruits, vegetables, and



C formally D slightly

of it at a11

D meaning C expectancy

C bring

C meal

Thithi THPTQG lhn 2‑2019‑LQD

C sense


¬ Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicute the word(s) CLOSEST in meaning to

the underlined word(s ) in each of thefoilowing questions,

Question 19: The speaker's thought-provoking presentation led to an interesting debate on urbanization and sustainable development

A discussion B agreement c disapproval D campaign

Question 20: What the lecturer has been saying is not convincing because he doesn't Lack up his opinions with examples

A protect B support c replace D move back

Mark the letter A, B, C or D on yoar ilnswer sheet to indicate the word(s) OPPOSITE in meaning to

the underlined word(s) in each of the following questions

Question 2l: By the mid-1800s, people all over the world had accepted the tomato as a good food to


A agreed B rejected C claimed D used

Question 222 Ym in two minds about whether to go to the wedding or not

A clear B confused c embarrassed D worried

Matk the letter A, B, C, or D on your dnswer sheet to indicate the sentence that best completes each

of the following exchanges.

Question 23: Tom is asking Mrs Brown, his mother, to help him with his homework

Tom: "I can't this maths problem, Mum."

Mrs Brown: " ))

A I suppose so B Let me see C Certainly not

Question 242 Mr and Mrs Jackson are talking at the dinner table Mr Jackson: o'Who phoned me this aftemoon?"

Mrs Jackson: " )'

A It's Anne speaking B I don't know your name C John does D Sorry, I forgot to ask

Read the following pilssage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on yoar ansilter sheet to indicate the

correct word or phrase that bestJits each of the numbered blanksfrom 25 to 29 i' ; Emma Watson has donated flm to a new campaign aiming to help those affected by sexual harassment The donation from the Harry Potter star to the UK Justice and Equality Fund ib*e, u, nearly 200 female British and Irish stars signed an open letter calling for an end to sexual harassment in the workplace

Watsonisoneofthefirstdonorstothef,rnd,whichwassetupbythe190women(25)-signed the open letter, along with a group of 160 academics, activists and charity *orkor Errrrnu Thompson, Carey Mulligan, Saoirse Ronan, Gemma Chan, Keira Knightley and Watson are among the actors to sign the letter, which was publishedinThe Observer

The letter says Sunday's Bafta awards ceremony is a time to 'ocelebrate this tremendous moment of solidarity and (26)


across borders by coming together and making this movement Women attending the Bafta Awards in London last night have also said they will wear black on the red carpet, in a show of solidarity with the Hollywood-based Time's Up movement Many are set to attend the ceremony with activists and campaigners rather than their partners (27) , Gemma Arterton will be joined by former sewing machine operators Eileen Pullen and Gwen Davii, two of the

187 women who (28) _- a three-week walkout from Ford's Dagenham plant in June

1968 after leaming they were to be paid 15 per cent less than their male counterparts

The Baftas ceremony will be held at London's Royal Albert Hall and will air from pm today on BBCI It will also be live-streamed on Facebook for international (29) The firll ceremony will then be available on BBC iPlaver

(Adapted fr om http s : //www i nd ep e n d e nt c o uk)

D So can I

Question 25:A.whch

Ques● on 26:A.unity

Bo whcre B.united

C.who C.udte

Do whom



Question 27: A Hon'er.er Question 28: A performed Question 29: A viewers

B Furthermore B staged

B spectators

C Although

C demonstrated

C readers

D For instance

D struck D.listeners

Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the

correct answer to each of the questions from 30 to 34

The human body seems to have been designed for producing language The mouth is relatively small and can be opened and closed rapidly, and the flexible tongue can be used to shape a wide variety

of sounds The teeth are upright, not slanting outwards like those of apes, and they are roughly even in height Such characteristics are not needed for eating but are extremely helpful in pronouncing sounds such asl v and th The lips have much more intricate muscles than those of other primates, and their flexibility helps with sounds like p, b andw.

Many scholars have studied how the development of language is related to the evolutionary

development of the human species One evolutionary step may have resulted in the development of a

vocal tract capable of producing the wide variety of sounds utilized by human language The assumption of an upright posture moved the head forward and the larynx, or "voice box," lower This

created a longer cavity above the vocal cords, which acted as a resonator for any sounds produced by

the larynx

Another evolutionary step may have been development of a mechanism for perceiving and

distinguishing sounds However, the ability to hear speech sounds is not a necessary condition for the

acquisition and use of language Humans who are born deaf learn the sign languages that are used around them Still, all languages, including sign language, require the organizing and combining of sounds or signs in specific constructions

The human brain has specialized functions in each of its two hemispheres Those functions which are analyic, such as tool-using and language, are largely confi+ed to the left hemisphere of the

brain It may be that there is an evolutionary connection between the tool-using and language- using abirities of humans, and that o*n

",.,x:xT.t1";:Lff};wi:ti:?3'irr r,,,

Queslion 30: What is the passage mainly about?

A How the development of language is related to the evolutionary development of the human

- species

B Specified functions that the human brain has in its two hemispheres

' C How the human species has evolved over time

D Functions of the human body parts

Question 31: This passage supports all of the following statements ExcEpr

A humans are capable of producing a wide range of sounds

B the development of language is related to human physical development

C humans evolved much later than other primates did

D the human mouth is well-adapted for producing speech

Question 32:The wOrd̀their'in pttagraph l retrs to

A lips B other primates c characteristics D sounds

Question 33: According to the passage, what happened when humans assumed an upright posture?

A The larynx moved forward

B Humans developed a mechanism for distinguishing different sounds

C The human larynx became more similar to that of other apes

D The cavity above the vocal cords lengthened

Question 34: The word "confined,' in paragraph mostly means

A restricted B exposed D applied

Thi thft THPTQG Ihn 2-2019-LQD

C developed


Read the following passage and mark the lefrer A, B, C, or D on your answel sheet to indicate the correcl answer to each of the questionsfrom 35 to 42

Unfortunately, many students overlook the value of taking a yeff off from their studies Far from being a year wasted, a gap year between school and university could actually be of benefit to

your future, especially if you make the most of it by working and travelling abroad Not only are you likely to increase your self-confidence by living in another country, you'Il add valuable work experience to your CV - a bonus when it comes to job hunting after college

Planning to take 12 to 15 months off need not be difficult if you do vour homework Although travelling or working abroad for voluntary organizations may prove expensive if you lack sufficient funds, it is possible to combine your travels with paid work experience

Since 1962, BUNAC, a non-profit orgarization, has enabled thousands of full-time students to

work in America, Canada and Australia each year There is a wide range of programmes to choose from and they are designed to be self-financing, so you should be able to earn back your initial expenses

and have sufficient money to pay for your post-work travels

Work America and Work Canada are open to full time students and those who have postponed their entry and have a place at a university for the following year Those taking part in the

programme can take almost any job anywhere for the summer (up to 12 months in Canada) It is even possible to pack fish in Alaska, if that appeals! Most however, would tend to work in temporary

jobs within the tourism industry, mainly in restaurants and hotels

BUNACAMP Counsellors places both students and non-students at children's summer camps in the USA Those aged between 19 and 35, with relevant experience of working with groups of children, can spend up to eight weeks teaching sporting, arts and dramatic activities at camp and have time to travel around North America afterwards For those who would rather work behind the

scenes, the KAMP programme places students in kitchen and maintenance positions Both

programmes include return transatlantic flights, free board and lodging and pocket-money

Work Australia offers 18-25 year olds with more time to spare the opporfunity to work and travel

"down under" for up to i2 months There are several deparlures from London or Los Angeles throughout August, September and October so it's an ideal programme for gap-year students or those who have just graduated You can even link it to one of the North American programmes to get the most out of the


Kathryn Jackson spent a year travelling around Australia 'My most enjoyable job in Australia lvas as a

receptionist, cook and cleaner at "Backpack Australia", a crazy place in Adelaide,' said Kathryn 'I left there

with great memories and a bursting address book.'

Over the next month Kathryn travelled around in a station wagon with friends 'We went diving at the Great Barrier reef drove through sugarcane fields and tropical fruit plantations, watcheid the sufuet over Ayers Rock and lived on cheese and jam sandwiches It was incredible!' On the importance of her year ofl

Kathryn said, 'I feel my tip has taught me a lot- from the importance of tolerance and experiencing new

cultures to how to cook My self-confidence has improved amazingly.'

Taking a year off does require forward planning, so you'll need to apply this October for next year's sunmer programme BTINAC aranges visas, flights, airport greetings and back-up support for participants,

r,r4rich makes organizing your fip very easy All you have to is decide where you want to go!

(Adapted from First Certificate Gold Practice Exams) Question 35: Which of the following best serves as the title for the passage?

A "Take ayear offwithBLINAC" C."Agirl'sgap-yearexperiencesinAustalia"

B "Take a gap year in America and Canada ' D "How BUNAC was founded." Question 36: According to the text, taking time off between school and university is

A quite difficult to arrange

B impossible if you have no money

Question 37:The wordinlosl inpttagraph 4  Кtrs Ю

A the tourism industry

B those taking part in the programme

C an extremely uncommon thing D better if you go abroad C full-time students

D temporaryjobs Question 38: 'if you your homework' in paragraph mostly means

A if you manage to get good grades C if you make the right enquiries

B if you are a hard-working student D if you work well during your year out


Question 39: It can be inferred from u,hat Kathry,'n Jackson said about her year in Australia in paragraphs

and that

A It was a rewarding experience C The work was very easy

B She didn't like the food D She made one or two new friends Question 40:The word■nitia=in paragaph 3 is closcstin mcaning to

A.first B exta C huge D additional

Question 41: As mentioned in paragraph 1, the main advantage of a year out is that you can

A finance your studies C have a good time

B gain experience D relax before university

Question 42: Which of the following statements is TRLIE according to the passage?

A A lot of students see the benefits of a gap year

B You can hardly combine your travels with paid work experience

C Work Australia is perfect for gap-year students or those who have just graduated D To work with BUNACAMP Counsellors, you have to be willing to pay for your flight

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your finswer sheet to indicate the underlined part that needs

correction in each of thefollowing questions

Question 43: Her fifteen-year-old (A) daughter always is (B) at the sports (C) centre on Sunday (D)

Question aa: Qf (A) the six people injured (B) in the crash (C), only two were survived (D)

Question 45: If your CV looks cluttered and confusinq (A), the personal (B) manager is going to (C) think that you will be a cluttered and confused (D) employee

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your snswer sheet to indicste the sentence that is closest in meaning

to in each of thefollowing questions

Question 46: The houses here are uglier than those in my grandparents' village A The houses in my grandparents' village are not as beautiful as the houses here B The houses here are not as ugly as those in my grandparents' village

C The houses here are less ugly than those in my grandparents' village

- D The houses in my grandparents' village are more beautiful than the houses here

Qqestion 47: "What a sweet voice Taylor Swift has!" said Mary

, A Mary exclaimed that Taylor Swift's voice was so sweet B Mary asked how sweet Taylor Swift's voice was - C Mary asked if Taylor Swift had a sweet voice

D Mary liked Taylor Swift because she had a sweet voice Qrrestion 48: Perhaps Jane has paid a visit to Halong Bay

A Jane should have paid a visit to Ha Long Bay B Jane might have paid a visit to Ha Long Bay C Jane must have pud a visit to Ha Long Bay D Jane ought to have paid a visit to Ha Long Bay

Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the sentence that best combines each pair of sentences in thefollowing questions

Question 49: A lot of schoolgirls wear make-up They want to look more attractive

A A lot of schoolgirls wear make-up in order to look more attractive

B Though they look attractive, a lot of schoolgirls wear more make-up

C Not wearing make-up, many schoolgirls don't look attractive at all.

D, Because they look attractive, a lot of schoolgirls want to wear more make-up

Question 50: I was airsick I was reduced to going on a trip to that land by plane A Because I was airsick, I was forced into going on a trip to that land by plane B Despite my airsickness, I was reduced to going on a trip to that land by plane C Although I was forced into going on trip to that land by plane, I was airsick

D Because of my airsickness, I was reduced to going on a trip to that land by plane




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卜便五de thi


Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on yoar answer sheet to indicate the word(s) CLOSEST in meuning to

the underlined word(s ) in each of thefollowing questions

Question 1: The speaker's thought-provoking presentation led to an interesting debate on urbanization

and sustainable development

A discussion B agreement C disapproval D campaign

Question 2: What the lecturer has been saying is not convincing because he doesn't back up his

opinions with examples

A protect B support C replace D move back

Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word(s) OPPOSITE in meuning to

the underlined word(s) in each of thefollowing questions

Question 3: By the mid-1800s, people all over the world had accepted the tomato as a good food to


A agreed B rejected C claimed D used

Question 4: I'm in two minds about whether to go to the wedding or not

A clear B confused C embarrassed D worried


̀̀̀′′∠,3,C OrD O ノ

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Questlom 5:Tom is asking Mrs.Brown,his mOthcr,to help him with his homework Tom: I can't do this maths problem,Mum."

卜lFs.Brown:̀̀       ''

A I suppose so B Let me see C Certainly not

Question 6: Mr and Mrs Jackson are talking at the dinner table Mr Jackson: "'Who phoned me this afternoon?"

Mrs Jackson: " ))

A It's Anne speaking B I don't know your name" C John does D Sorry, I forgot to ask

Read the following pdssage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the

correct word or phrase that bestJits each of the numbered blanksfrom 7 to 11

Emma Watson has donated f,lm to a new campaign aiming to help those affected by sexual harassment The donation from the Harry Potter star to the UK Justice and Equality Fund comes as

nearly 200 female British and Irish stars signed an open letter calling for an end to sexual harassment in the workplace

Watson is one of the first donors to the fund, which was set up by the 190 women (7)

signed the open letter, along with a group of 160 academics, activists and charity workers Emma

Thompson, Carey Mulligan, Saoirse Ronan, Gemma Chan, Keira Knightley and Watson are among the actors to sign the letter, which was publishedinThe Observer

The letter says Sunday's Bafta awards ceremony is a time to "celebrate this tremendous moment of

solidarity and (8) international"

across borders by coming together and making this movement Women attending the Bafta Awards in London last night have also said they will wear black on the red carpet, in a show of solidarity with the Hollywood-based Time's Up movement Many are set to attend the ceremony with activists and campaigners rather than their partners (9) Gemma

Arterlon will be joined by former sewing machine operators Eileen Pullen and Gwen Davis, two of the

I).So cain I


187 w'omen who (10) a three-week walkout from Ford's Dagenham plant in June

1968 after learning they were to be paid 15 per cent less than their male counterparts

The Baftas ceremony will be held at London's Royal Albert Hall and will air from pm today on

BBC1 It will also be live-streamed on Facebook for international (1 1)

will then be available on BBC iPlayer

The full ceremony (Adapted fr om htt p s : / /www inde p e nde nt c o uk)

Question 7: A which Question 8: A unity

Question 9: A However Question 10: A performed Question 11:A viewers

B where B united B Furthermore B staged

B spectators

C who

C unite

C Although

C demonstrated

C readers

D whom D unitedly D For instance

D struck D.listeners Rια″ 滋 ιル πο″滋g′αSSαg′ α″′ ″ αFル 滋 ′J′″′′∠,3,C  οrD ο″ ノθ″Fα′S″′rS力′′


滋 ″J̀α″ 滋 ι




S″′′″ ′α ̀力

q/・滋′α″ω′JO Sルθ 12わ16

T'he hunlan body sccⅡ ls to have been designcd for producing languagc。 'I`he l■outh is relatively

sinall and call bc opencd and closed rapidly,and thc nexible tongue can bc used to shapc a、vide variety Of sounds.′「he tceth are upright,not slanting outwards like those of apcs,and they arc roughly even in height.Such charactcristics are not needed for eating but are extrenlely help食 1l in pronouncing sounds SuCh aS/ν  and″ The lipS hⅣe muCh mOre intriCate muSCleS than thOSe Of Other primatCS,狙 dl墜壼

iexibiliy helps、vith sounds likcf',b andl″

ヽ4any scholars havc stlldied llo、 v tlle developlllcnt of lallguage is rclatcd to the evolutionary

developinent of thc hunlan spccies.()ne evolutionary step lllay have resultcd in the developnlcnt of a vocal tract capable of producing the wide varicty of sounds utilized by hun■ an languagc. 「 he′ assumptiOn Of an upright postwe moved the headお:rward and the larynx,or voice box,"lowcr.This crcatcd a longer cavity above thc vocal cords,which actcd as a rcsonator for any sounds produced by

the larynx

A、nother cvolutionary stcp rnay have been dcvclopn■ ent of a incchanisnl for percciving and

distinguishing sOunds.HOwever,the ability tO hett speech sOmds is nOt a necessary condHonお r thc acquisition and use of languagc. I‐ Iunlans who are born dcaf lcarn the sign languages that、 are uscd around thenl. Still,all languagcs, including sign language,rcquire the organizing and conlbining of

sounds or signs in speciic constructions

The hun.an brain has specialized nlnctions in each of its t、 vo heinispheres. Those n.Inctions which are analytic,such as t。。1̲using and language,are largcly conined to the len hcinisphere of the brain.It inay bc that there is an evolutionary connection between the tool― using and language̲using

abilities ofhurnans,and that both are related to the developn■ ent ofthe brain

(Adapted iom Dθ′′αむKり わ′力θ30EFZ■sの

Question 12: What is the passage mainly about?

A How the development of language is related to the evolutionary development of the human


B Specified functions that the human brain has in its two hemispheres

C How the human species has evolved over time

D Functions of the human body parts

Question 13: This passage supports all of the following statements EXCEPT

A humans are capable of producing a wide range of sounds

B the development of language is related to human physical development C humans evolved much later than other primates did

D the human mouth is well-adapted for producing speech

Question 14:Thc word̀their'in pttagraph i rctrs to

A lips B other primates C characteristics D sounds

Question L5: According to the passage, what happened when humans assumed an upright posture?

A The larynx moved forward

B Humans developed a mechanism for distinguishing different sounds

Thi十hf7 THPT∩∩lhnフ̲,o19̲I∩n PЯ oo'/5̲ヽ■



C, The human larynx became more similar to that of other apes

D The cavity above the vocal cords lengthened

Question16:Theword @inparagraph4most1ymeanS

A restricted B exposed C developed D applied

Reud the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the

correct answer to each of the questions from 17 to 34

Unfortunately, many students overlook the value of taking a yeat off from their studies Far from being a year wasted, a gap year between school and university could actually be of benefit to your future, especially if you make the most of it by working and travelling abroad Not only are you likely to increase your self-confidence by living in another country, you'll add valuable work experience to your CV - a bonus when it comes to job hunting after college

Planning to take 12 to 15 months off need not be difficult if you do yqur homework Although travelling or working abroad for voluntary orgarizations may prove expensive if you lack sufficient funds, it is possible to combine your travels with paid work experience

Since 1962, BLINAC, a non-profit orgarizaton, has enabled thousands of full-time students to work in America, Canada and Australia each year There is a wide range of programmes to choose from and they are designed to be self-financing, so you should be able to earn back your initial expenses

and have sufficient money to pay for your post-work travels"

Work America and Work Canada are open to full time students and those who have postponed their entry and have a place at a university for the following year Those taking part in the programme can take almost any job anywhere for the surlmer (up to 12 months in Canada) It is even possible to pack fish in Alaska, if that appeals! Most however, would tend to work in temporary jobs within the tourism industry, mainly in restaurants and hotels

BUNACAMP Counsellors places both students and non-students at children's summer camps in the USA Those aged between 19 and 35, with relevant experience of working with groups of children, can spend up to eight weeks teaching sporting, arts and dramatic activities at camp and have time to travel around North America afterwards For those who would rather work behind the scenes" the KAMP programme places students in kitchen and maintenance positions Both programmes include return transatlantic flights, free board and lodging and pocket-money

Work Australia offers 18-25 year olds with more time to spare the opportunity to work and tavel

"down under" for up to 12 months There are several deparfures from London or Los Angeles throughout August, September and October so it's an ideal programme for gap-year students or those who have just graduated You can even link it to one of the North American prograrnmes to get the most out of the


Kathryn Jackson spent a year havelling around Australia, 'My most enjoyable job in Aushalia was as a

receptionist, cook and cleaner at "Backpack Australia", aqazy place in Adelaide,' said Kathrl,n 'I left there with great memories and a bursting address book.'

Over the next month Kathryn travelled around in a station wagon with friends oWe went diving at the Great Barier reef drove through sugarcane fields and tropical fruit plantations, watched the sunset over Ayers Rock and lived on cheese and jam sandwiches It was incredible!' On the importance of her year off,

Kathryn said, 'I feel my trip has taught me a lot- from the importance of tolerance and experiencing new

cultures to how to cook My self-confidence has improved amazingly.,

Taking a yeff off does require forward planning, so you'll need to apply this October for next year's sunmer programme BTINAC affanges visas, flights, airport greetings and back-up support for participants,

which makes organtzrngyour trip very easy All you have to is decide where you want to go! (Adapted from First Certificate Gold practice Exams) Question 17: which ofthe following best serves as the title for the passage?

A "Take a year offwith BLINAC" C "A girl's gap-year experiences in Aushalia"

B "Take a gap year in America and canada' D "How BLINAC was founded." Question 18: According to the text, taking time off between school and university is

A quite difficult to arrange

B impossible if you have no money

C an extremely uncommon thing D better if you go abroad


Ques● On 19:1lle word̀聖ostlinpttagaph 4 retrs to

A the tourism industry

B those taking part in the programme

C full-time students

D temporaryjobs Question 20: 'if you your homework' in paragraph mostly means

A if you manage to get good grades C if you make the right enquiries

B if you are a hard-working student D if you work well during your year out

Question 2l: lt can be inferred from what Kathqm Jackson said about her year in Austalia in paragraphs and that

A It was a rewarding experience C The work was very easy

B She didn't like the food D She made one or two new friends

Question 22zTheword'oinitial" in paragaph is closest in meaning to _

A first B extra C huge D additional

Question23:Asmentionedinparagraph1,themainadvantageofayearoutisthatyoucan-A finance your studies C have a good time

B gain experience D relax before university Question 24: Which of the following statements is TRUE according to the passage?

A A lot of students see the benefits of a gap year

B You can hardly combine your travels with paid work experience

C Work Australia is perfect for gap-year students or those who have just graduated D To work with BLTNACAMP Counsellors, you have to be willing to pay for your flight

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the underlined part that needs

correction in each of thefollowing qaestions

Question 25: Her fifteen-),ear-old (A) daughter alwa),s is (B) at the sports (C) centre on Sundav (D)

Question 26: Qf (A) the six people iqjured (B) in the crash (C), only two were survived (D)

Question 27:If your CV looks cluttered and confusing (A), the personal (B) manager is goineto (C)

think that you will be a cluttered and confused (D) employee

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on yoar ilnswer sheet to indicate the sentence that is closestin meaning to in each of thefollowing questions

Question 28: The houses here are uglier than those in my grandparents' village

A The houses in my grandparents' village are not as beautiful as the houses here

B The houses here are not as ugly as tho5e in my grandparents' village C The houses here are less ugly than those in my grandparents' village

D The houses in my grandparents' village are more beautiful than the houses here

Question 29: "What a sweet voice Taylor Swift has!" said Mary

A Mary exclaimed that Taylor Swift's voice was so sweet

B Mary asked how sweet Taylor Swift's voice was C Mary asked if Taylor Swift had a sweet voice

D Mary liked Taylor Swift because she had a sweet voice

Question 30: Perhaps Jane has paid a visit to Halong Bay

A Jane should have paid a visit to Ha Long Bay

B Jane might have paid a visit to Ha Long Bay C Jane must have paid a visit to Ha Long Bay D Jane ought to have paid a visit to Ha Long Bay

Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the sentence that best combines each pair of sentences in the following questions

Question 31: A lot of schoolgirls wear make-up They want to look more attractive

A A lot of schoolgirls wear make-up in order to look more attractive

B Though they look attractive, a lot of schoolgirls wear more make-up C Not wearing make-up, many schoolgirls don't look attractive at all.

D Because they look attractive, a lot of schoolgirls want to wear more make-up


Question 32: I was airsick I was reduced to going on a trip to that land by plane

A Because I was airsick, I was forced into going on a trip to that land by plane

B Despite my airsickness, I was reduced to going on a trip to that land by plane C Although I was forced into going on trip to that land by plane, I was airsick D Because of my airsickness, I was reduced to going on a trip to that land by plane

Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word that dffirs from the other three in the position of primary stress in each of the following questions

Question 33: A achievement B survival C energy D extinction

Question 34: A report B visit C award D delay

Mark the letter A, B, C or D on yoar answer sheet to indicate the word whose underlined part dtffers

from the other three in pronunciation in each of thefollowing questions,

Question 35: A mqst B hqpe C rgle D nqne

Question 36: A offerg[ B acceptg! C threateng[ D confusg!

Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the

following questions

Question 37: Do you think we will ever send a person to

A the B a D.0 (no article)

Question 38: If I well in the exam, my parents will buy me an MP3 player

A. do B.did c,wm d。 D had done

Question 39: While I was practising the piano late last night, a neighbour to complain

A comes B came C was comingD had come

Question 40: Ms Moore, the school counselor, has had years of experience dealing with student problems she is sometimes confronted by a problem that she cannot handle by herself

A Therefore B Nevertheless C Otherwise D Moreover Question41:Theseancientwood1andsare-threatfromnewroaddevelopments'

A in B under C of D at

Question 42 there was a letter waiting for him

A He returned B Having returned C Returning D.On his rctuin

Question 43: about the bad effects of chemical fertilizers , the farmers started using

theI1l sparingly on thcir fanns

A Having informed

'B Informing

Question 44 : The politician

A explained


Co an

C Having been informed D Once have been informed to admit that he had done anything wrong

C refused D denied B.avolded

Question 46zMany people believe the government should the public school system

A recommend B reform C respond D reproduce

Question 47: An interactive whiteboard is very useful in the classroom because it can engage students and them with interactive opportunities

Question 45: Women have a longer life

A unexpected B expect

A.providc         B.givc

Question 48:■ is vcry llnpo■ant to ett a bdanccd whole grdns

A.diet      B.food

than men

C expectancy D expectantly

C bring D offer

that contains fruits, vegetables, and

C meal I).dish


Do slightly ofit at dl


Question 49: The cars look alike, but their engines are

A roughly B logically C.おrindly

Question 50: His question was so ptnzlingthat I could not make any

A interpretation B understanding C sense


里 里 菫 菫 里 里 興 璽 璽 里 里 里 里 里 里 里 里 里 里 里 里 里 興 里 里 里 菫 里 里 里 ■ 里 里 口 里 里 里 璽 里 里 ■ 口 里 里 里 里 雲 里 里 里 里 璽 壼 里 璽 凛 雲 喜 里 里 里 雪 ■ ‐ 里=里壼 璽 目 目



so crAo DUC & DAo rAo TRUONG THPT CrruyT,N



r乃夕gノαη診 bai・ 6θp乃ジ′ρθσ´ν″jθ れg力′θ刑リ (Dethi gOm c6 05 trang)

卜便五de thi


Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your ansteer sheet to indicate the correct word or phrase that best Jits each of the numbered blanks from I to

Emma Watson has donated flm to a new campaign aiming to help those affected by sexual harassment The donation from the Harry Potter star to the UK Justice and Equality Fund comes as

nearly 200 female British and Irish stars signed an open letter calling for an end to sexual harassment in the workplace

Watson is one of the first donors to the fund, which was set up by the 190 women (1)

signed the open letter, along with a group of 160 academics, activists and charity workers Emma

Thompson, Carey Mulligan, Saoirse Ronan, Gemma Chan, Keira Knightley and Watson are among the actors to sign the letter, which was publishedin The Observer

The letter says Sunday's Bafta awards ceremony is a time to "celebrate this tremendous moment of

solidarity and (2) international"

across borders by coming together and making this movement Women attending the Bafta Awards in London last night have also said they will wear black on the red carpet, in a show of solidarity with the Hollywood-based Time's Up movement Many are set to attend thc ccrcmony with  κtivists and campaigncrs rathcr than thcir partners。 (3) Gemma

Arterton will be joined by former sewing machine operators Eileen Pullen and Gwen Davis, two of the

187 women who (4) a three-week walkout from Ford's Dagenham plant in June

1968 after learning they were to be paid 15 per cent less than their male counterparts

The Baftas ceremony will be held at London's Royal Albert Hall and will air from pm today on BBCl.It will also bc livc― streamed on Facebookおri■crnttional(5)

win then bc avanable on BBc iPlayer

(Adapted fr om ht s : //www i nd e p e nd e nt c o uk)

.Thc full ccrcn■ony

Question 1: A which Question 2: A unity

Question 3: A However Question 4: A performed Question 5: A" viewers

B where B united B Furthermore B staged

B spectators

C who

C unite

C Although

C, demonstrated

C readers

D whom

D unitedly D For instance

D struck D listeners

Read the following pflssage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on yoar answer sheet to indicate the

correct answer to each of the questions from 6 to 13,

Unfortunately, many students overlook the value of taking a yeat off from their studies Far from being a year wasted, a gap year between school and university could actually be of benefit to your future, especially if you make the most of it by working and travelling abroad Not only are you likely to increase your self-confidence by living in another country, you'll add valuable work experience to your cv - a bonus when it comes to job hunting after college

Planning to take 12 to 15 months off need not be difficult if vou do r homework Although travelling or working abroad for voluntary orgarizations may prove expensive if you lack sufficient frrnds, it is possible to combine your travels with paid work experience

Since 1962, BLINAC, a non-profit organization, has enabled thousands of full-time students to

work in America, Canada and Australia each year There is a wide range of programmes to choose from and they are designed to be self-financing, so you should be able to earn back your inifial expenses

and have sufficient money to pay for your post-work travels

Work America and Work Canada are open to full time students and those who have postponed their entry and have a place at a university for the following year Those taking part in the programme can take almost any job anywhere for the suflrmer (up to 12 months in Canada) It is even


possible to pack fish in Alaska, if that appealsl Most howevet, lvould tend to work in temporary

-jobs within the tourism industry, mainly in restaurants and hotels

BLINACAMP Counsellors places both students and non-students at children's summer camps in the USA Those aged between 19 and 35, with relevant experience of working with groups of children, can spend up to eight weeks teaching sporting, arts and dramatic activities at camp and have time to travel around North America afterwards For those who would rather work behind the

scenes, the KAMP programme places students in kitchen and maintenance positions Both

programmes include return transatlantic flights, free board and lodging and pocket-money

Work Australia offers 18-25 year olds with more time to spare the opportunity to work and tmvel

"down under" for up to 12 months There are several departures from London or Los Angeles thLroughout

August, September and October so it's an ideal programme for gap-year students or those who have just

graduated You can even link it to one of the North American prograrnmes to get the most out of the


Kathryn Jackson spent a year traveliing around Australia 'My most enjoyable job in Australia was as a

receptionist, cook and cleaner at "Backpack Australia" , a crazy place in Adelaide,' said Kathryn 'I left there

with great memories and a bursting address book.'

Over the next month Kathryn travelled around in a station wagon with friends 'We went diving at the Great Barrier reef, drove through sugarcane fields and tropical fruit plantations, watched the sunset over Ayers Rock and lived on cheese and jam sandwiches It was incredible!' On the importance of her year off

Kathrlm said, 'I feel my trip has taught me a lot- from the importance of tolerance and experiencing new

cultures to how to cook My self-confidence has improved arrrazingly.'

Taking a year off does require forward planning, so you'll need to apply this October for next year's

s11rnmff prograrnme BUNAC aranges visas, flights, aitport greetings and back-up support for participants, which makes organizing your trip very easy A11 you have to is decide w{rere you want to go!

(Adapted from First Certificate Gold Practice Exams) Question 6: Which of the following best serves as the title for the passage?

A "Take ayear offwith BLINAC" C "A girl's gap-year experiences in Australia''

B "Take a gap year in America and Canada" D "How BUNAC was founded." Question 7: According to the text, taking time offbetween school and university is

A quite difficult to arrange C an extemely uncommon thing -B impossible if you have no money D better if you go abroad

Question 8: The word omost' in paragraph refers to

-A the tourism industry C firll-time students

B those taking part in the programme D temporary jobs Question 9: oif you your homework' in paragraph mostly means

A if you manage to get good gades C if you make the right enquiries

B if you are a hard-working student D if you work well during your year out

Question L0: It can be inferred from what Kathryn Jackson said about her year in Australia in paragraphs

and that

A It was a rewarding experience C The work was very easy

B She didn't like the food D She made one or two neru friends

QuestiOn ll:Thc wOd linmal"in pttagaph 3 is closcstin meal■ ng to

A first B extra C huge D additional

Questionl.2:Asmentionedinparagraph1,themainadvantageofayearoutisthatyoucan-A finance your studies C have a good time

B gain experience D relax before university Question 13: Which of the following statements is TRUE according to the passage?

A A lot of students see the benefits of a gap year

B You can hardly combine your travels with paid work experience

C Work Australia is perfect for gap-year students or those who have just graduated D To work with BI-INACAMP Comsellors, you have to be willing to pay for your flight



Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicute the sentence that best completes each

of th e fo llowing exc h ang es,

Question 14: Tom is asking Mrs Brown, his mother, to help him with his homework Tom: "I can't this maths problem, Mum."

Mrs Brown: " ')

A I suppose so B Let me see C Certainly not

Question 15: Mr and Mrs Jackson are talking at the dinner table Mr Jackson: "Who phoned me this aftemoon?"

Mrs Jackson: " "

A It's Anne speaking B I don't know your name C John does D Sorry, I forgot to ask

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on yoar answer sheet to indicate the underlined part that needs

correction in each of thefollowing questions

Question 16: Her fifteen-year-old (A) daughter always is (B) at the sports (C) centre on Sunday (D)

Question 17: Qf (A) the six people injured (B) in the crash (C), only two were survived (D)

Question 18: If your CV looks cluttered and confusinq (A), the personal (B) manager is going to (C) think that you will be a cluttered and confused (D) employee

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the sentence that is closest in meaning to in each of thefollowing questions,

Question 19: The houses here are uglier than those in my grandparents' village

A The houses in my grandparents' village are not as beautiful as the houses here

B The houses here are not as ugly as those in my grandparents' village C The houses here are less ugly than those in my grandparents' village

D The houses in my grandparents' village are more beautiful than the houses here

Question 20: "What a sweet voice Taylor Swift has!" said Mary

A Mary exclaimed that Taylor Swift's voice was so sweet

B Uary asked how sweet Taylor Swift's voice was

-C -Mary

asked if Taylor Swift had asweet voice

D, Mary liked Taylor Swift because she had a sweet voice

Question 21: Perhaps Jane has paid a visit to Halong Bay "A Jane should have paid a visit to Ha Long Bay

B Jane might have paid a visit to Ha Long Bay

C Jane must have paid a visit to Ha Long Bay D Jane ought to have paid avisit to Ha Long Bay

Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the sentence that best combines each pair of sentences in the following questions

Question 22: A lot of schoolgirls wear make-up They want to look more attractive

A A lot of schoolgirls wear make-up in order to look more attractive

B Though they look attractive, a lot of schoolgirls wear more make-up C Not wearing make-up, many schoolgirls don't look attractive at all

D Because they look attractive, a lot of schoolgirls want to wear more make-up

Question 23: I was airsick I was reduced to going on a trip to that land by plane

A Because I was airsick, I was forced into going on a trip to that land by plane

B Despite my airsickness, I was reduced to going on a trip to that land by plane.

C Although I was forced into going on trip to that land by plane, I was airsick D Because of my airsickness, I was reduced to going on a trip to that land by plane

Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions from 24 to 28

The human body seems to have been designed for producing language The mouth is relatively

small and can be opened and closed rapidly, and the flexible tongue can be used to shape a wide variety

of sounds The teeth are upright, not slanting outwards like those of apes, and they are roughly even in

I).So can I


height Such characteristics are not needed for eating but are extremely helpful in pronouncing sounds, such asl v and th The lips have much more intricate muscles than those of other primates, and their flexibility helps with sounds like p, b andw.

Many scholars have studied how the development of language is related to the evolutionary development of the human species One evolutionary step may have resulted in the development of a

vocal tract capable of producing the wide variety of sounds utilized by human language The assumption of an upright posture moved the head forward and the larynx, or "voice box," lower This created a longer cavity above the vocal cords, which acted as a resonator for any sounds produced by

the larynx

Another evolutionary step may have been development of a mechanism for perceiving and

distinguishing sounds However, the ability to hear speech sounds is not a necessary condition for the

acquisition and use of language Humans who are born deaf leam the sign languages that are used around them Still, all languages, including sign language, require the organizing and combining of sounds or signs in specific constructions

The human brain has specialized functions in each of its two hemispheres Those functions which are analyic, such as tool-using and language, are largely conlined to the left hemisphere of the

brain It may be that there is an evolutionary connection between the tool-using and language- using

abilities of humans, and that both are related to the development of the brain

(Adapted from Delta's Key to the TOEFL Test)

Question 242 What is the passage mainly about?

A How the development of language is related to the evolutionary development of the human


B Specified functions that the human brain has in its two hemispheres

C How the human species has evolved over time

D Functions of the human body parts

Question 25: This passage supports all of the following statements EXCEPT

A humans are capable of producing a wide range of sounds

B the development of language is related to human physical development C humans evolved much later than other primates did

D the human mouth is well-adapted for producing speech

Question 26:Thc word■!Leir'in pTagraph l rctrs tO

A lips B other primates C characteristics D sounds

Question 27: According to the passage, what happened when humans assumed an upright posture?

A The larynx moved forward

B Humans developed a mechanism for distinguishing different sounds C The human larynx became more similar to that of other apes

D The cavity above the vocal cords lengthened

Question 28: The word "confined" in paragraph mostly means

A restricted B exposed C developed D applied

Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word that dffirs from the other

three in the position of primary stress in each of thefollowing qaestions,

Question 29: A achievement B survival C energy D extinction Question 30: A report B visit C award D delay

Mark the letter A, B, C or D on yoar answer sheet to indicate the word whose underlined part dffirs from the other three in pronunciation in each of thefollowing questions,

Question 31: A mgst B hEle C rsle D none

Question 32: A offered B acceptg! C threateng! D confused

Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the conect answer to each of the

following questions

Question 33: Do you think we will ever send a person to

A the B a D.0 (no article)


Thi thft THPTQG lhn 2-2019-LQD

C an




Question 34: If I well in the exam, my parents will buy me an MP3 player

A, do B.did C.will do D had done

Question 35: While I was practising the piano late last night, a neighbour to complain

A comes B came C was comingD had come

Question 36: Ms Moore, the school counselor, has had years of experience dealing with student problems she is sometimes confronted by a problem that she cannot handle by herself

A Therefore B Nevertheless

Question 37: These ancient woodlands are

A in B under

Question 38 there was a letter waiting for him

A He returned B Having returned C Returning D On his return


them sparingly on their farms

Question 41: Women have a longer life

A unexpected B expect

A provide B give

Question 442 lt is very important to eat a balanced whole grains

A diet B food

C Otherwise D Moreover

threat from new road developments

C of D at

C Having been informed D Once have been informed to admit that he had done anything wrong

C refused D denied than men

C expectancy D expectantly

C bring D offer

that contains fruits, vegetables, and

C meal D.dish


D slightly

of it at all D meaning

A Having informed

B Informing

Question 40: The politician

A explained B.avolded

Question 422 Many people believe the government should the public school system

A recommend B reform C respond D reproduce

Question 43: An interactive whiteboard is very useful in the classroom because it can engage students

and them with interactive opportunities

Question 45: The cars look alike, but their engines are

A roughly B logically C formally

Question 46: His question was so puzzlingthat I could not make any A interpretation B understanding C sense

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word(s) CLOSEST in meaning to

the underlined word(s ) in each of thefollowing questions

Question 47: The speaker's thought-provoking presentation led to an interesting debate on urbanization and sustainable development

A discussion B agreement C disapproval D campaign

Question 48: What the lecturer has been saying is not convincing because he doesn't back up his

opinions with examples

A protect B support C replace D move back

Mark the letter A, B, C or D on yoar answer sheet to indicate the word(s) OPPOSITE in meaning to the underlined word(s) in each of thefollowing questions

Question 49: By the mid-1800s, people all over the world had accepted the tomato as a good food to


A agreed B rejected C claimed D used

Question 50: I'm in two minds, about whether to go to the wedding or not

A clear B confused C embarrassed D worried

Thithft THPTQG lhn 2-2019-LQD



so ciAo DUC & DAo rAo TRUONG THPT cuuy0N



rz∂Jgノα″′ィ)″ ゎタノ「σθpヵジ′(/5θ ε′ν″グε″gttJθ ノ (De thi g6m c6 05 trang)

RIa de thi


Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the underlined part that needs

correction in each of the following questions

Question 1: Her fifteen-)rear-old (A) daughter always is (B) at the sports (C) centre on Sunday (D) Question 2:9t (A) the six people injured (B) in the crash (C), only two were survived (D)

Question 3: If your CV looks cluttered and confusing (A), the personal (B) manager is going to (C) think that you will be a cluttered and confused (D) employee

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on yoar answer sheet to indicate the sentence that is closest in meaning

to in each of thefollowing questions

Question 4: The houses here are uglier than those in my grandparents' village

A The houses in my grandparents' village are not as beautiful as the houses here

B The houses here are not as ugly as those in my grandparents' village C The houses here are less ugly than those in my grandparents' village

D The houses in my grandparents' village are more beautiful than the houses here

Question 5: 'oWhat a sweet voice Taylor Swift has!" said Mary

A Mary exclaimed that Taylor Swift's voice was so sweet

B Mary asked how sweet Taylor Swift's voice was C Mary asked if Taylor Swift had a sweet voice

D Mary liked Taylor Swift because she had a sweet voice

Question 6: Perhaps Jane has paid a visit to Halong Bay A Jane should have paid a visit to Ha Long Bay

B Jane might have paid a visit to Ha Long Bay C Jane must have paid a visit to Ha Long Bay

D Jane ought to have pud avisit to Ha Long Bay

Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the cotect answer to each of the

foltowing qaestions

Question 7: Do you think we will ever send a person to

A the

Question 8: If I

A do


B a C an D.0 (no article)

well in the exam, my parents will buy me an MP3 player

B did C will do D had done

to complain

C Otherwise D Moreover

threat from new road developments

C of D at

Do On his retunl

Question 9: While I was practising the piano late last night, a neighbour

A comes



A Therefore B Nevertheless

B came Co was conling:D.had colme

10: Ms Moore, the school counselor, has had years of experience dealing with student

she is sometimes confronted by a problem that she cannot handle by herself

Question 11: These ancient woodlands are

A in B under

Question 12: _, there was a letter waiting for him

A He returned B Having returned C Returning

Question 13:

them sparingly on their farms

A Having informed

B Informing

Question 14: The politician

A explained

about the bad effects of chemical fertilizers , the farmers started using C Having been informed

D Once have been informed to admit that he had done anything wrong

C refused D denied

Thithi THPTQGlhn 2‐ 2019‑LQD



Question l7z Aninteractive whiteboard is very useful in the classroom because it can engage students

and them with interactive opportunities

A recommend B reform

A.provide         B.give

Question 18:■ is very ilnpoiant to eat a bdanced wholc grdns

A.diet      B.food

Question 15: \\'omen har.e a longer lite than men

A unexpected B expect

Question 16: Many people believe the government should

C expectancy D exPectantlY

C respond

the public school system

D reproduce

C bring D offer

that contains fruits, vegetables, and

C.lned D.dish


Do slighly ofit tt all


E).So can I Question 19: The cars look alike, but their engines are

A roughly B logically C.forindly

Question 20: His question was so puzzhngthat I could not make any

C sense

A interpretation B understanding

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word(s) CLOSEST in meaning to

the underlined word(s ) in each of thefollowing questions

Question 21.: The speaker's thought-provoking presentation led to an interesting debate on urbanization and sustainable development

A discussion B agreement C disapproval D campaign

Question 222 What the lecturer has been saying is not convincing because he doesn't back up his opinions with examples

A protect B support C replace D move back

Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your ansh'er sheet to indicate the word(s) OPPOSITE in meaning to

the underlined word(s) in each of thefollowing questions,

Question 232 By the mid- 1800s, people all over the world had accepted the tomato as a good food to eat

A agreed B rejected C claimed D used

Question 242I'min two minds about whether to go to the wedding or not

A clear B confused c embarrassed D worried

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on yoar answer sheet to indicate the sentence that best compleles each

of th e followin g exc h ang es

Question 25: Tom is asking Mrs Brown, his mother, to help him with his homework Tom: "I can't this maths problem, Mum."

Mrs Brown: " "

A I suppose so B Let me see C Certainly not

Question 26: }y'rr and Mrs Jackson are talking at the dinner table Mr Jackson: "Who phoned me this afternoon?"

Mrs Jackson: " )'

A It's Anne speaking B I don't know your name C John does D Sorry, I forgot to ask

Read the following possage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on yoar answer sheet to indicate the correct word or phruse that bestJits each of the numbered blanks from 27 to 31

Emma Watson has donated flm to a new campaign aiming to help those affected by sexual harassment The donation from the Harry Potter star to the UK Justice and Equality Fund comes as

nearly 200 female British and Irish stars signed an open letter calling for an end to sexual harassment in the workplace

Watson is one of the first donors to the fund, which,was set up by the 190 women (27)

signed the open letter, along with a group of 160 academics, activists and charity workers Emma Thompson, Carey Mulligan, Saoirse Ronan, Gemma Chan, Keira Knightley and Watson are among the actors to sign the letter, which was publishedin The Observer



The letter says Sunday's Bafta awards ceremony is a time to "celebrate this tremendous moment of solidarity and (28)


across borders by coming together and making this movement Women attending the Bafta Awards in London last night have also said they will wear black on the red carpet, in a show of solidarity with the Hollywood-based Time's Up movement Many are set to attend the ceremony with activists and campaigners rather than their partners (29) Gemma

Arterton will be joined by former sewing machine operators Eileen Pullen and Gwen Davis, two of the

187 women who (30) a three-week walkout from Ford's Dagenham plant in June 1968 after learning they were to be paid 15 per cent less than their male counterparts

The Baftas ceremony will be held at London's Royal Albert Hall and will air from pm today on BBC1.Itwil1a1sobelive-streamedonFacebookforinternational(31)-.Thefullceremony

will then be available on BBC iPlayer

(Adapted fr om hnp s : //www i n d e p e nde nt c o uk)

Question 27: A which Question 28: A unity Question 29: A However Question 30: A performed Question 31: A viewers

B where B united B Furthermore B staged

B spectators

C who

C unite

C Although

C demonstrated

C readers

D whom

D unitedly D For instance

D struck D.listeners

Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct ansh,er to each of the questionsfrom 32 to 36

The human body seems to have been designed for producing language The mouth is relatively small and can be opened and closed rapidly, and the flexible tongue can be used to shape a wide variety

of sounds The teeth are upright, not slanting outwards like those of apes, and they are roughly even in

height Such characteristics are not needed for eating but are extremely helpful in pronouncing sounds such as/ v and th The lips have much more intricate muscles than those of other primates, and their flexibility helps with sounds like p, b artdw

'Many scholars have studied how the development of language is related to the evolutionary

development of the human species One evolutionary step may have resulted in the development of a

vo6al'tract capable of producing the wide variety of sounds utilized by human language The assumption of an upright posture moved the head forward and the larynx, or "voice box," lower This

created a longer cavity above the vocal cords, which acted as a resonator for any sounds produced by the'larynx

Another evolutionary step may have been development of a mechanism for perceiving and

distinguishing sounds However, the ability to hear speech sounds is not a necessary condition for the

acquisition and use of language Humans who are born deaf leam the sign languages that are used around them Still, all languages, including sign language, require the organizing and combining of sounds or signs in specific constructions

The human brain has specialized functions in each of its two hemispheres Those functions

which are analytic such as tool-using and language, are largely confined to the left hemisphere of the

brain It may be that there is an evolutionary connection between the tool-using and language- using abilities of humans, and that both are related to the development of the brain

(Adapted fuom Delta's Key to the TOEFL Test)

Question 32: What is the passage mainly about?

A How the development of language is related to the evolutionary development of the human


B Specified functions that the human brain has in its two hemispheres

C How the human species has evolved over time

D Functions of the human body parts

Question 33: This passage supports all of the following statements ExcEPT

A humans are capable of producing a wide range of sounds

B the development of language is related to human physical development


C humans er-oil.ed much later than other primates did D the human mouth is well-adapted for producing speech

Question 34:The word̀their'in pttagraph l retrs to

A lips B other primates C characteristics D sounds

Question 35: According to the passage, what happened when humans assumed an upright posture?

A The larynx moved forward

B Humans developed a mechanism for distinguishing different sounds C The human larynx became more similar to that of other apes

D The cavity above the vocal cords lengthened Question36:Theword @inparagraph4most1ymeanS

A restricted B exposed C developed D applied

Murk the letter A, B, C or D on yoar answer sheet to indicate the sentence that best combines each pair of sentences in the following questions

Question 37: A lot of schoolgirls wear make-up They want to look more attractive

A A lot of schoolgirls wear make-up in order to look more atlractive

B Though they look attractive, a lot of schoolgirls wear more make-up C Not wearing make-up, many schoolgirls don't look attractive at all.

D Because they look attractive, a lot of schoolgirls want to wear more make-up

Question 38: I was airsick I was reduced to going on a trip to that land by plane

A Because I was airsick, I was forced into going on a trip to that land by plane

B Despite my airsickness, I was reduced to going on a trip to that land by plane C Although I was forced into going on trip to that land by plane, I was airsick D Because of my airsickness, I was reduced to going on a trip to that land by plane

Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word that dffirs from the other

three in the position of primary stress in each of thefollowing questions

Question 39: A achievement B survival C energy D extinction Question 40: A report B visit C award D delay

Mark the letter A, B, C or D on yoar answer sheet to indicate the word whose underlined part dffirs

from the other three in pronunciation in each of thefollowing questions

Question 41: A mqst B hpe C rqle D ngne

Question 42 A offered B acceptg! C threateng! D confusg[.

Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your finswer sheet to indicate the

correct answer to each of the questions from 43 to 50

Unfortunately, many students overlook the value of taking a yeff off from their studies Far from being a year wasted, a gap year between school and university could actually be of benefit to your future, especially if you make the most of it by working and travelling abroad Not only are you likely to increase your self-confidence by living in another country, you'll add valuable work experience to your CV - a bonus when it comes to job hunting after college

Planning to take 12 to 15 months off need not be difficult if vou vour homework Although travelling or working abroad for voluntary organizations may prove expensive if you lack

sufficient funds, it is possible to combine your travels with paid work experience

Since 1962, BUNAC, a non-profit organrzation, has enabled thousands of full{ime students to

work in America, Canada and Australia each year There is a wide range of programmes to choose from and they are designed to be self-financing, so you should be able to earn back your initial expenses

and have sufficient money to pay for your post-work travels

Work America and Work Canada are open to full time students and those who have postponed their entry and have a place at a university for the following year Those taking part in the t

programme can take almost any job anywhere for the summer (up to 12 months in Canada) It is even possible to pack fish in Alaska, if that appeals! Most however, would tend to work in temporary

jobs within the tourism industry, mainly in restaurants and hotels.


BLTNACAMP Counsellors places both students and non-students at children's summer camps in the USA Those aged between 19 and 35, with relevant experience of working with groups of children, can spend up to eight weeks teaching sporting, arts and dramatic activities at camp and have time to travel around North America afterwards For those who would rather work behind the scenes, the KAMP programme places students in kitchen and maintenance positions Both programmes include return transatlantic flights, free board and lodging and pocket-money,

Work Australia offers 18-25 year olds with more time to spare the opportunity to work and travel


under" for up to 12 months There are several departures from London or Los Angeles throughout August, September and October so it's an ideal programme for gap-year students or those '*tro have just gaduated You can even link it to one of the North American programmes to get the most out of the


Kathryn Jackson spent a year travelling around Australia 'My most enjoyable job in Australia was as a

receptionist, cook and cleaner at "Backpack Australia", a crazy place in Adelaide,' said Kathryn 'I left there with great memories and a bursting address book.'

Over the next month Kathryn travelled around in a station wagon with friends 'We went diving at the Great Barrier reef drove through sugarcane fields and tropical fruit plantations, watched the sunset over Ayers Rock and lived on cheese and jam sandwiches It was incredible!' On the importance of her year off,

Kathryn said, 'I feel my trip has taught me a lot- from the importance of tolerance and experiencing new

cultures to howto cook My self-confidence has improved arrraztngly.'

Taking a year off does require forward planning, so you'll need to apply this October for next year's swnmer pro$amme BUNAC affanges visas, flights, airport greetings and back-up support for participants, which makes organizing your tip very easy All you have to is decide where you want to go!

(Adapted ftom First Certfficate Gold Practice Exams) Question 43: Which of the following best serves as the title for the passage?

Question 44: According to the text, taking time off between school and universitv is

" ' A quite difficult to arrange.

B impossible if youhave no money

Queihon 45: The word omost' in paragraph refers to

A the tourism industry

B those taking part in the programme

C an extremely irncommon thing D better if you go abroad

A "Take ayeff offwithBUNAC"

B "Take a gap year in America and Canada"

C "A girl's gap-year experiences in Australia" D "HowBI-INAC was founded."

C firll-time students

D temporaryjobs Question 46: oif you your homework' in paragraph mostly means

A if you manage to get good grades C if you make the right enquiries

B if you are a hard-working student D if you work well during your year out

Question 472It can be inferred from what Kathrym Jackson said about her year in Australia in paragraphs and that_.

A It was a rewarding experience C The work was very easy

B She didn't like the food D She made one or two new friends Question 48: The word 'oinitial" in paragraph is closest in meaning to _

A flrst B extra C huge D additional

Question 49: As mentioned in paragraph 1, the main advantage of a year out is that you can

A finance your studies C have a good time

B gain experience D relax before university

Question 50: Which of the following statements is TRUE according to the passage? A A lot of students see the benefits of a gap year

B You can hardly combine your travels with paid work experience

C Work Australia is perfect for gap-year students or those who have just graduated D To work with BTINACAMP Counsellors, you have to be willing to pay for your flight

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