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tài liệu học trực tuyến môn tiếng anh khối 7 2542020 thcs gò xoài

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F- how many people die each year for every 1,000 people in a place G- different services and medicine that keep you healthy. b) Make sentences with the things that will make the popul[r]



Thursday, April 23rd, 2020

LESSON - THEME 7: OVERPOPULATION (ISW 7) I- VOCABULARY: a) Match the words (1 – 7) with their definitions (A – G):

1) _ birth rate (n) tỉ lệ sinh

2) _ death rate (n) tỉ lệ tử (chết)

3) _ life expectancy (n) tuổi thọ trung bình

4) _ disease (n) bệnh

5) _ increase (v) gia tăng, tăng lên

6) _ decrease (v) giảm xuống

7) _ healthcare (n) chăm sóc sức khỏe A- an illness or a sickness

B- how many babies are born in each year for every 1,000 people in a place C- the average age that people live to

D- make something smaller

E- make something bigger

F- how many people die each year for every 1,000 people in a place G- different services and medicine that keep you healthy

b) Make sentences with the things that will make the population INCREASE or DECREASE:

1 more diseases (nhiều bệnh tật hơn) More diseases will make the population decrease

2 less clean water (ít nước hơn)

3 better diets (chế độ ăn tốt hơn) Better diets will make the population increase

4 more hospitals (nhiều bệnh viện hơn)

5 better healthcare (chăm sóc sức khỏe tốt hơn)

6 less food (ít thức ăn hơn)


New words:

1 main factor (n)yếu tố chính, chủ yếu migrate (v) nhập cư change (v) thay đổi, biến đổi Germany (n) nước Đức low (adj) (tỉ lệ) thấp high (adj) (tỉ lệ) cao

* Listen and complete these passages with the words or phrases given from the box:

natural increase good diets healthcare population

life expectancy birth rate live longer death rate



2 W: Life expectancy can also change the population If people (5), this means there are more people because the death rate has decreased People in richer countries usually have (6) and healthcare This usually makes (7) higher People in Germany live to about 80 years old, but they spend a lot on (8) every year

old populations 84 years old big families fewer younger people

overpopulation 1,000 people nine per 1,000 enough food

3 W: Having a higher birth rate than death rate can cause (1) In overpopulated countries, there is often not enough food Many people have (2) in Pakistan with a birth rate of 31 people for every (3) But the country has a much lower death rate This means the population is increasing Not everyone has (4) to eat in Pakistan, because of this

4 W: Countries with a low birth rate and high life expectancy can have very (5) In Japan, the life expectancy is over (6) But only babies are born for every 1,000 people This is lower than their death rate, which is (7) This means that there are _ (8) to work and care for the old people

III- READING: * Finish the passage with the words given from the box, then write True or False:

healthcare birth rate increased decreased population

Minh Thu, February 27

The population of Vietnam has changed a lot since 1990 In 1990, the _ (1) was over 66,000,000, while in 2014, it was over 93,000,000 The main cause for this change is that Vietnam’s

(2) is higher than its death rate The death rate has (3) as life expectancy has increased In 1990, life expectancy was 70, while in 2014, it was 76 It has (4) because more people have better diets Also, they now spend more money on (5) Since 1990 Vietnam’s population has increased a lot TRUE or FALSE:

1) _ Vietnam’s population increased between 1990 and 2014 2) _ Vietnam’s birh rate is lower than its death rate

3) _ Death rate has increased in Vietnam 4) _ Vietnam’s life expectancy has increased

5) _ Vietnamese diets have gotten worse since 1990

Ngày đăng: 08/02/2021, 05:25

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