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“ Why not take the garbage to recycling centers?” said the local authorities.. “ Why don’t you put an advertisement in this local newspaper?” They said to me..[r]


Wednesday March 23, 2020


1 energy (n)

 Energetic (adj) / 'enǝrdʒ ɪ / Năng lượng Năng nổ recent (adj) + ly (adv) / 'rɪ sǝnt / Gần bill (n)

water bill (n) / electricity bill (n) / bɪ l / Hóa đơn tốn Hố đơn tiền nước/ Hố đơn tiền điện enormous (adj) / ɪ 'nɔrmǝs / Rất nhiều, lớn

 enormously (adv)

5 plumber (n) / 'plʌmǝr / Thợ sửa ống nước

6 crack (v, n) / krỉk / (v) Làm / bị rạn (n) Vết nứt, vết rạn

7 pipe (n) / pɑ ɪ p / ống nước

8 faucet (n) = tap / 'fɔ:sit / Cái vòi nước

9 drip (v) / drɪ p / Nhỏ giọt, chảy nhỏ giọt

 dripping faucet (n) Vòi rỉ nước

10 waste (v) + ving / weɪ st / Lãng phí, uổng phí 11 sun (n)

 Sunny (adj)

 solar (adj) / 'sɔ ʊlǝr /

Mặt trời Cĩ nắng Thuộc mặt trời

 solar energy (n) Năng lượng mặt trời

12 nuclear (adj) / 'nju:kliǝ/ Thuộc hạt nhân nuclear power / energy (n) Năng lượng hạt nhân

13 source (n) / sɔrs / Nguoàn

 a source of power = a power source (n)

a source of information (n)

Nguồn lượng Nguồn thơng tin 14 install (v) = set up / ɪ n'stɔl / Lắp đặt, cài đặt  installation (n)

 Installer(n)

Việc lắp đặt Người lắp đặt

15 natural resources (n) / rɪ 'zɔrs / Tài nguyên thiên nhiên

16.(n) luxury (u)/ luxuries (c ) / 'lʌk∫əri / (u) sự xa xỉ / (n) thứ xa xỉ  luxurious (adj) + ly (adv) / lʌg'ʒuəriəs / xa xỉ, sang trọng

17 need (v)

 (n) necessity (u)/ necessities (c) / nǝ'sesǝti /


(u) sự cần thiết / (c) thứ cần thiết  necessary (adj) / 'nesəsəri / cần thiết, thiết yếu

 necessarily (adv) / ,nesə'serəli /

18 consume (v) /kən'sju:m / Dùng, tiêu thụ consumer (n)

Consumption(n) Consuming (adj)  time-consuming


Tốn thời gian 19 effect (n)

→ effect (v) + st = have an effect on + st

→ effective (adj) + ly (adv)

/ i'fi∫ənsi / / ɪ 'fektɪ v /


Có hiệu đến Có hiệu 20 efficiency (n)

→ efficient(adj) + ly (adv)

năng lực, hiệu suất cao Coù hiệu suất caỏ, có lực 21 household (n)

 Household appliances (n) / 'hɑ ʊshoʊld /

Hoä gia đình

Thiết bị dùng gia đình 22 account (for sth) (v) / ǝ'kɑ ʊnt / Chiếm, yếu tố

23 bulb (n) / bʌlb / Bóng đèn trịn

24 mechanic (n) / mi'kỉnik / thợ máy, cơng nhân khí

25 standard (n, adj) / 'stỉndǝrd / (n) tiêu chuẩn (adj) phù hợp với tiêu chuẩn

26 scheme (v, n) / ski:m / (v) Lập kế hoạch (n) Kế hoạch 27 label (v, n) / 'leɪ bǝl / (v) Dán nhãn (n) nhãn, nhãn hiệu

28 tumble dryer (n) Máy sấy quần áo

29 category (n) / 'kỉtǝgɔrɪ / Loại, hạng

30 ultimate (adj) + ly(adv) / 'ʌltɪ mǝtlɪ / Cuối cùng, sau 31 innovate (v) / 'inouveit/ Đổi mới, cải cách → innovation (n) / ɪ nǝ'veɪ ʃ ǝn / Sự đổi mới, cách tân

32 sum up (v) Tóm tắt, tổng keát

33 solid (adj) (n)

 solidify (v) / 'sɑlɪ d /

Rắn, thể rắn, chất rắn Rắn hố (v)

34 separate (v) + from / 'seprǝt / Taùch ra, chia

→ separation (n) /,sepə'rei∫n / sự chia cắt, sự ngăn cách; → separate (adj) + ly (adv) / 'seprǝt / Rieâng, rieâng biệt, khác

35 draft (v, n) /drỉft / (v) Viết nháp, vẽ phát thảo (n) Bản phát thảo

36 chopstick (n) / 'tʃ ɑpstɪ k / Chiếc đũa 37 receive (v) / rɪ 'si:v / Nhận, tiếp nhận 38 quarter (n) / 'kwɔ:tǝr / Một phần tư

39 ordinary (adj) / 'ɔ:rdǝnrɪ / Bình thường, thơng thường 40 purpose (v,n)

→ On purpose (adv) ≠ by chance / 'pə:pəs /

(n) mục đích, ý định(v) có mục đích, có ý định

(adv) Cố ý 41 short (adj)

→ shortage of …(n) /'∫ɔ:tidʒ /

Thấp , ngắn

sự thiếu; số lượng thiếu

42 decade (n) /'dekeid / thập kỷ

43 assign (v)

→ assignment (n) / ə'sainmənt /

Phân nhiệm vụ cho nhiệm vụ bổn phận

44 invalid (n, adj) /'invəli:d / (n) người tàn tật, người tàn phế (adj) tàn tật, tàn phế

45 lighting (n) / 'laiting / Sự thắp sáng


(that) + S + (should) + V

 suggestion ( n)  make a suggestion (v)

Sự đề nghị

47 advise (v)+ SB + Vto (that) S+V advice (n)

 give +SB + advice + on

Khuyên làm (v) Lời khuyên (n)

Cho lời khuyên (v) 48 worry (v) + O

 worried (adj) + about

Làm cho lo lắng Lo lắng

49 sure (adj) + of / about

 make sure (v) Chắc chắn

50 shower (n)  take showers (v)

Vòi sen (n)

Tắm vòi sen (v) 51 list (n)

 make a list of (v) Danh sách Ghi vào danh sách (về) 52 replace (v) … + with

 replacement (n) + for / of

Thay thế (v) Sự thay thế (n) 53 compare (v) + with

 Comparison (n) + with

So sánh với Sự so sánh 54 short (adj) + ly (adj)

Shortage (n) Shorten (v)

Ngắn , lùn

Sự thiếu, số lượng thiếu Thu ngắn lại

B.Grammar I Suggestions:

 Shall we

 Why don’t we/you + _ ?

 Why not

 How / What about + _ ?

 Let’s + _

 S1 + suggest + (that) + S2

Ex 1: Shall we go to the coffee shop tonight?

 Why don’t we /you ?  Why not _?  How / What about _?

 Let’s _  I suggest


Ex 2: The teacher said :” Let’s learn English online.”

 The teacher suggested _

 The teacher suggested (that) we should _  The teacher suggested (that) English _

II Phrasal verbs

1 Turn on = Turn off = Turn up = Turn down = Look for =

6 Look after = take care of = Look up =

8 Go on = carry on = Carry out =

10 Give up = 11 Put on =

12 Put off = postpone = 13 Put up with = tolerate = 14 Take off =

15 Come back = 16 Come across = 17 Break down = 18 Throw away = 19 Try on = 20 See off = 21 Run out of =

III Connectives = Conjunctions : ( Từ nối, liên từ) :

 Là từ được dùng để kết hợp từ, cụm từ, mệnh đề câu với  Liên từ được chia thành nhiều nhóm

Nhóm sự thêm vào: and (và), as well as ( và còn), furthermore(hơn nữa), besides (ngoài ra), moreover (hơn nữa), in addition (thêm vào đó)…

Ex: He plays volleyball and basketball

2.I can't afford to watch Les Misérables Besides, I don't really like musicals Nhóm sự trái ngươc nhau: but(nhưng), however (tuy nhiên), nevertheless(tuy nhiên), on the other hand (mặt khác)…

Ex :1 She was poor but she was honest

I felt ill However , I went to work and tried to concentrate Nhóm sự lưa chọn: or (hoăc), otherwise( nếu khơng thì)

Ex: Ring Tom or Bill


Nhóm kết quả: so(vì thế, cho nên), therefore( đó), consequently(do đó), as a result (do vậy)…

Ex: I was ill so I didn’t come

Our cases were heavy, therefore, we took a taxi Nhóm nguyên nhân hay lí do: because, for , since, as … Ex: She asked me to stay out, for the floor was still wet We were late because it rained

C Exercises

I. Choose the best answer:

1 You ought to look your little brother instead of playing around

A at B up C after D into

2 Don’t waste water or you’ll get an enormous by the end of the month

A bill B receipt C paper D letter

3 Remember to turn _the faucet when you don’t use it, Lan

A on B of C up D off

4 Tom’s hobbies are swimming _collecting stamps

A or B but C so D and

5 She is very tired , she has to finish her homwork

A Moreover B So C But D However

6 He was tired _ he took a rest before continuing the work

A so B therefore C and D.but

7 We want to use solar energy, _it can not be used on continual cloudy days

A but B so C because D however

8 He is always broke He can afford neither luxuries basic necessities

A or B nor C and D but

9 You can’t have both of these products Take one _the other

A and B with C but D or

10.There’s nothing good on TV Why don’t you turn it _?

A on B down C off D up

11.I’m trying to cut down the amount of driving I to save energy

A off B to C out D on

12.If we _talking , we’ll be punished

A go on B look after C turn on D account for 13.“ I suggest fixing the dripping faucet.” “ _”

A We will B Good idea! C Yes, please D I’m afraid of


A To keep B keeping C should keep D should be kept

15.He suggested that sheets with single printed page for drafting

A to keep B keeping C should keep D should be kept

16.A person who installs and repairs water pipes is _

A a plumber B an electrician C a painter D an engineer 17.You should replace ordinary bulbs with bulbs

A energy-save B saving-energy C energy saved D energy-saving

18.Tuan completely ignored what I said and went _eating

A In B down C on D off

19.Her father gave _smoking last month

A up B on C at D off

20.“ Why are you so late?”- “ I’m sorry My car broke on the way here

A up B down C at D off

II. Rewrite the sentences without changing its meaning

1 Why don’t we collect plastic bags?

I suggest Shall we go to the beach?

How about _ ? Why don’t you take more exercise, Quoc?

I suggest I think you’d better stay in bed today

Why ? Let’s discuss the plan carefully

I suggest that we I suggest that the plan _ His wife said “ Let’s have dinner after the theatre”

His wife suggested that “ Why not take the garbage to recycling centers?” said the local authorities

The local authorities suggested that we The local authorities suggested that the garbage “ Why don’t you repair the electric fan, Ba? “

She suggested “ Why don’t you put an advertisement in this local newspaper?” They said to me


10.“ Let’s not tell anyone about the report.” Said Tom

Tom suggested that 11.Many people began wearing jeans because they were cheap

Because of _ 12.Since he was careless, Tom lost the game

Because of _ 13.Mary was worried because Tom was late

Because of _ 14.Tom walked slowly because his leg was bad

Because of _ 15.I came here because I want the English course

Because of _ 16.Because she behaves well, everybody loves her

Because of _ 17.Everyone continued working as usual

Everyone went _ 18.I wouldn’t tolerate such terrible conditions

I wouldn’t put 19.They’ll have to postpone the game

They’ll have to put 20.Thuy is responsible of taking care of her little brother

Ngày đăng: 08/02/2021, 02:39
