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My students travel to Da Nang by bike.[r]






Part A: PARTS OF THE BODY Body (n): thân thể

2 Part (n): ph n, b ph nầ ộ ậ

Parts of the body: B ph n c thộ ậ ể Head (n): đ uầ

4 Shoulder (n): vai Arm (n): cánh tay Hand (n): bàn tay Finger (n): ngón tay Chest (n): l ng ng cồ ự Leg (n): chân

10 Foot (n): bàn chân 11 Toe (n): ngón chân 12 Tall (adj): cao 13 Short (adj): lùn 14 Thin (adj): mố 15 Fat (adj): m pậ 16 Heavy (adj): n ngặ 17 Light (adj): nhẹ

18 Gymnast (n): v n đ ng viên th d cậ ộ ể ụ Gymnastics (n): môn th d cể ụ

19 But (conj): nh ngư 20 Weak (adj): y uế 21 Strong (adj): khoẻ

22 Weight lifter (n): v n đ ng viên c tậ ộ Part B: FACES 23 Face (n): khuôn m tặ

24 Hair (n): tóc 25 Ear (n): tai 26 Eye (n): m tắ 27 Nose (n): mũi 28 Mouth (n): mi ngệ 29 Lips (pl.n): đơi mơi 30 Round (adj): trịn


33 Color (n) = colour (n): màu s cắ 34 Shop (n) = store (n): c a hàngử 35 Black (adj): đen

36 White (adj): tr ngắ 37 Red (adj): đỏ 38 Yellow (adj): vàng 39 Orange (adj): cam 40 Green (adj): xanh

41 Blue (adj): màu xanh da tr iờ 42 Brown (n): màu nâu

43 Purple (adj): màu tím 44 Pink (adj): màu h ngồ UNIT 10 : STAYING HEALTHY

Part A: HOW DO YOU FEEL? 45 Healthy (a): kho m nhẻ

Health (n): s c khoứ ẻ Stay/keep healthy: 46 Feel (v): c m th yả ấ 47 Hungry (v): đói b ngụ 48 Full (a): no

49 Thirsty (v): khát nước 50 Hot (a): nóng

51 Cold (a): l nhạ 52 Tired (a): m t m iệ ỏ 53 Like (v): thích

Would like = want:

54 What about…? = how about…?: 55 Noodles (n): mì, nui

56 Drink (n): th c u ngứ ố Drink (v): u ngố




+ The Simple Present Tense (thì hi n t i đ n)ệ

- TO BE: Am/ is / are Form:

(+) S + am/ is/ are

(-) S + am/ is/ are + not +… (?) Am/ is/ are + S + …?

- Ordinary verb: Form:

(+) S + Vbare/Vs-es

(-) S + do/does + not + Vbare

(?) Do/does + S + Vbare …?

+ The Present Progressive Tense (thì hi n t i ti p di n)ệ ế ễ Form:

(+) S + am/is/are + Ving

(-) S + am/is/are + not + Ving

(?) Am/ Is/ Are + S + Ving …?

2.2 Adjectives:

Order of adjectives:

Opinion Size age shape color noun Pretty

Nice beautiful

Small Long big



Straight round

Grey Black blue

School bag Hair


2.3 Structures: + H i v màu s cỏ ề ắ

Answer: It’s _ They’re + H i tr l i v c m giác:ỏ ả ề ả

Answer: S + am/is/are + Adj S + feel(s) + Adj + Would like :

Would you like + N/to V? What would you like? What you want?

+ What is there + to eat/ drink?

What is for breakfast/ lunch/ dinner? + Can/can’t + Vbare

Must/ mustn’t + Vbare

Should/shouldn’t + Vbare

2.4 Prepositions of time

- In: Tháng, năm , mùa, bu iổ

- On: th , ngày, ngày tháng, ngày tháng nămứ

- At:

- From… to / between … and: kho ng th i gian, t … đ n … ả ế What color + is/ are + noun?

How + do/does + S + feel ?



I Write the antonyms of the adjectives: (Vi t tính t trái nghĩa v i tính t ế ừ


1 Tall ≠ _ Thin ≠ _ Heavy ≠ _ Young ≠ _ Strong ≠ _ New ≠ _

II Complete the sentences with the words in the table:

Fingers hair teeth ears eyes lips heavy mouth arms nose

1 You use your _ for eating and speaking You brushes her after meals

3 You can smell something with your _ My mother has long black

5 She has full

6 Close your and go to sleep Rabbits have long _

8 There are five on each hand The bag isn’t light It is _ 10 Susan holds the doll in her _ I Give the correct form of the verbs:

1 My brothers (learn) Math very well

2 Where (Mai, visit) to her grandparents? Jenny (not have) a picnic on Monday


5 You shouldn’t (go) camping That girl can (run) fast Look! My mom (sleep) _

8 They always to bed late (not go) There _ five people in my family.(be)

10 your sister _ television at this time?(watch) 11 My parents doctors (not be)

12 They _ classmate? (be)

13 She (want) to drink some cold water 14 I shouldn’t (eat) _ fried chicken

15 They (feel) _ happy 16 He must (turn) _ left

17 _ Her father (drive) _ his car?

18 Lan (go) _ to school by bike, but today she (walk) _ to school 19 We (not wait) for the bus now

20 His friend can (listen) to music all day

21 What your best friend (do) _? 22.The boys (not study) Math now 23. _ you (like) _ dancing?

24. she (go) swimming?

25. _ they (enjoy) _ competitions? 26.When _ you (see) your friends? 27.Who he (sit) next to in class? 28.He (not see) _ you at this time

29. _ Miss Mai (teach) English now? 30.How _ they (relax) _?


33.Hoa and Minh (go) to the cinema 34.On Tuesday, They (study) English 35.We (not speak ) three languages 36.They usually (go ) _ out with friends 37.He (not work) in a cafe’

38. _ you (learn) by heart vocabulary at home? 39.Where _ they (travel) ?

40.Which class _ you (be) _ in?

II Make questions:

1 Our friends are students There are four books on the rack

His father is cutting trees in the garden We have bread and fish for lunch

No, they are fat

I would like some chicken soup

She is hot

_ My students travel to Da Nang by bike _ She likes eating apples

_ 11 English teacher sees his mom

12 Jenny’s eyes are black


13 He is tall

14 Minh goes to the zoo on foot

15 We are thirsty

16 Lan’s mother works in a hospital

_ 17.Tom goes to his friend’s house in the evening _ 18.Yes, it is It’s my bike

19.There are many beautiful pictures on the wall 20.Thu has lunch at 11.30 am every day

III Rearrange the words in the correct order:

1.housework / Lan / school / after / does / the

in / mother / five / morning / up / at / my / gets / the

color/ your/ what/ are/ eyes?

in/ we/ house/ on/ live/ a/ street/ Le loi

small/ has/ white/ she/ teeth


6.five/ are/ people/ there/ family/ in/ my _


_ every/ go / to / I / seven / morning / at / school


9 three / my / floor / room / has / house / my / is / first / floors / and / on / the _

10 school / big / your / is / or / small?

_ 11 time/ father / does / what / get up / breakfast / your / and / have? _ 12 Mai/ face/ oval/ has/ an/ and/ nose/ small/ a

_ 13 short/ Mr Tan/ fat/ is/ and

_ 14 reads/ dinner / or / music / to / my / brother / books / listens / after _ 15 toystore / between / the / bookstore / is / and / the / Bakery / the _ 16 Thu’s/ long/ short/ hair/ is/ or?

_ 17 to / your / left / the / what / is / of / house?

_ 18 an / city / apartment / the / in / we / in / live

_ 19 work / how / travel / does / father / your / to?

_ 20 sisters/ have/ black/ big/ eyes/ my


Ngày đăng: 07/02/2021, 22:35
