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A study of equivalents in translation and strategies to deal with non – equivalents at word level based on the bilingual selected short stories “ the last leaf” by o’ henry

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2018 – 2020 (I) MINISTRY OF EDUCATION AND TRAINING HANOI OPEN UNIVERSITY M.A THESIS ENGLISH LANGUAGE A STUDY OF EQUIVALENTS IN TRANSLATION AND STRATEGIES TO DEAL WITH NON – EQUIVALENTS AT WORD LEVEL BASED ON THE BILINGUAL SELECTED SHORT STORIES “THE LAST LEAF” BY O’ HENRY (Nghiên cứu tương đương dịch thuật chiến lược giải tượng không tương đương cấp độ từ dựa tập truyện ngắn chọn lọc song ngữ “Chiếc cuối cùng” O’ Henry) LÊ MINH TRANG LÊ MINH TRANG Field: English Language Code: Hanoi – 2020 MINISTRY OF EDUCATION AND TRAINING HANOI OPEN UNIVERSITY M.A THESIS A STUDY OF EQUIVALENTS IN TRANSLATION AND STRATEGIES TO DEAL WITH NON – EQUIVALENTS AT WORD LEVEL BASED ON THE BILINGUAL SELECTED SHORT STORIES “THE LAST LEAF” BY O’ HENRY (Nghiên cứu tương đương dịch thuật chiến lược giải tượng không tương đương cấp độ từ dựa tập truyện ngắn chọn lọc song ngữ “Chiếc cuối cùng” O’ Henry) LÊ MINH TRANG Field: English Language Code: Supervisor: Assoc Prof Dr NGUYỄN ĐĂNG SỬU Hanoi - 2020 CERTIFICATE OF ORIGINALITY I, the undersigned, hereby certify my authority of the study project report entitled A STUDY OF EQUIVALENTS IN TRANSLATION AND STRATEGIES TO DEAL WITH NON – EQUIVALENTS AT WORD LEVEL BASED ON THE BILINGUAL SELECTED SHORT STORIES “THE LAST LEAF” BY O’ HENRY submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master in English Language Except where the reference is indicated, no other person’s work has been used without due acknowledgement in the text of the thesis Hanoi, 2020 Le Minh Trang Approved by SUPERVISOR Assoc Prof Dr Nguyễn Đăng Sửu Date:…………………… i ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS First and foremost, I would like to express my sincere thanks to my supervisor, Mr Nguyen Dang Suu, Assoc Prof of HaNoi University of business and technology This thesis could have probably not completed without his patient, enthusiastic and instructive supervision and encouragement I also would like to show my profound gratitude to all of the lecturers in Ha Noi Open University for tirelessly devoting time and efforts to enrich, broaden and deepen my knowledge over the past four years My special thanks go as well to Ha Noi Open University for giving me the opportunity and permission to implement this thesis Besides, I am deeply indebted to my beloved family for their wholehearted support and encouragement Finally, I cannot fully express my gratitude to all the people whose direct and indirect support assisted me to accomplish my thesis in time ii ABSTRACT This study primarily investigates the problem of non-equivalence at word level in translation between English and Vietnamese based on the bilingual selected short stories “ The last leaf” by O’ Henry The paper aims at, first and foremost, presenting rationale, background knowledge and different approaches relate to non-equivalence before contrasting some typical conceptual and lexical semantic fields to prove that there is a considerable linguistic gap between English and Vietnamese Then the study will propose a classification of non-equivalence based on Mona Baker’s theory Eventually, the study also suggests several effective strategies to deal with nonequivalence at word level in translation iii LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS SL.: Source language TL.: Target language ST.: Source text TT.: Target text TC : Target code BCE.: Before the Common Era CE.: Common Era CA.: Contrastive linguistics analysis iv LIST OF TABLES AND FIGURES Table 4.1: Baker’s taxonomy of non-equivalence at word level (1992) 26 Table 2: Selected categories and examples about Cultural Concepts 28 Table 4.3: Individualism Index Values among nations (as adapted from Hofstede , 2000 ) .29 Table 4.4: Non-equivalents at word level in the selected short stories “ The last leaf” by O’ Henry and their translated versions 40 Figure 4.1: Factors involving translation process .51 v TABLE OF CONTENTS CERTIFICATE OF ORIGINALITY i ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS ii ABSTRACT iii LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS iv LIST OF TABLES AND FIGURES v TABLE OF CONTENTS vi CHAPTER 1: INTRODUCTION .1 1.1 Rationale .1 1.2 Aims and objectives of the study 1.2.1 The aim of the study 1.2.2 The objectives of the study .1 1.3 Research questions 1.4 Methods of the study 1.5 Scope of the study 1.6 Significance of the study 1.7 Structure of the study CHAPTER 2: LITERATURE REVIEW 2.1 Overview of Previous studies 2.1.1.Overview of Domestic studies 2.1.2.Overview of Foreign studies .4 2.2 Overview of Translation 2.2.1 Definitions of translation 2.2.2 Principles of translation 2.2.3 Equivalence in translation 14 2.3 Summary 17 CHAPTER 3: METHODOLOGY 18 3.1 Research orientations .18 3.1.1 Research approaches .18 vi 3.1.2 Research questions 18 3.1.3 Research setting 19 3.1.4 Principles/ criteria for intended data collection and data analysis 19 3.2 Research methods .19 3.2.1 Major methods and supporting methods 19 3.2.2 Data collection techniques 20 3.2.3 Data analysis techniques 20 3.3 Summary 20 CHAPTER 4: EQUIVALENTS IN TRANSLATION AND STRATEGIES TO DEAL WITH NON – EQUIVALENTS AT WORD LEVEL BASED ON THE BILINGUAL SELECTED SHORT STORIES “THE LAST LEAF” BY O’ HENRY .22 4.1 Equivalents and non- equivalents at word level .22 4.1.4 Equivalents at word level 22 4.1.2 Non-equivalence at word level .24 4.2 Classification of non – equivalence at word level 27 4.2.1 No equivalent words between languages, especially culture- specific concepts The source language word expresses a concept totally unknown in target language .27 4.2.2 Concepts are known but no equivalent words in TL The source language concept is not lexicalized in the target language .31 4.2.3 The target language lacks a superordinate It may have a specific word but no general word 32 4.2.4 The target language lacks a hyponym 33 4.2.5 Differences in expressive meaning 35 4.2.6 Differences in physical and interpersonal perspective 36 4.3 Equivalents and non-equivalents at words level in the selected short story “The last leaf” by O’Henry and the Vietnamese translated version 36 4.3.1 At-word-level equivalence in the selected short story “The last leaf” by O’Henry and the Vietnamese translated version .36 4.3.2 At-word-level non-equivalence .39 vii 4.4 Strategies to tackle non-equivalence at word level in the selected short stories “The last leaf” by O’Henry 45 4.4.1 Translation by a more specific word (hyponym) .45 4.4.2 Translation by a more general word (superordinate) .46 4.4.3 Translation by a more neutral/less expressive word 47 4.4.4 Translation by cultural substitution 48 4.4.5 Translation by paraphrasing .49 4.4.6 Translation by omission 50 4.5 Implications for teaching translationto Vietnamese learners of English 50 4.6 Summary .53 CHAPTER : CONCLUSION 53 5.1 Recapitulation .53 5.2 Concluding remarks 54 5.3 Limitations of the research 54 5.4 Suggestions for further studies 54 REFERENCES APPENDICES viii 15 Giménez, A P (2005) Translation-Strategies Use: A Classroom-Based Examination of Baker’s Taxonomy Translators' Journal, Vol 50, No 1, p 294-311 16 Halliday, M.A.K (1994) An Introduction to Functional Grammar London.: Edward Arnold 17 Halverson, S (1997) The Concept of Equivalence in Translation Studies Target1-2(1997), 207-233 18 Hann & Micheal (1992) The Key to technical Translation Amsterdam,& Philadelphia, John Benjamins 19 Hartmann, R.R.K., and F.C Stork (1972) Dictionary of language and linguistics London: Applied Science 20 Hatim, B and I Mason (1997) The translator as Communicator London and New York: Routeledge 21 Hofstede, G H (2000) Culture's Consequences: Comparing Values, Behaviors, Institutions, and Organizations across Nations (2nd ed.) Thousand Oaks, London and New Delhi: Sage Publications 22 House, J (1977) A Model for Translation Quality Assesment Tubingen: Gunter Narr 23 Irmawati (2003) Grammatical equivalence in The Indonesian translation of J.K Rowlings novel, “ Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets” 24 Jakobson Roman (1959) On Linguistic Aspects of Translation 25 Jeremy Munday (2001) Introducing Translation Studies: Theories and Applications 26 Kussmaul, Paul (1995) Training the Translator: Amsterdam/Philadelphia, John Benjamins Publishing Company 27 Kustanti, Havid 2006 Equivalence at Word Level in the J.K Rowling’s Novel Entitled “Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets” UNNES: unpublished 28 Lei, M (1999) Translation Teaching in China Meta 44-1, Les Presses de l’Université de Montréal 29 Magdalena, P M (2005) Strategies and methods in dealing with culture specific expressions on the basis of Polish-English Translations of Certain Administrative and Institutional Terms Proceedings from the Eighth Conference of British, American and Canadian Studies Cracow, Poland 30 Monia Bayar (2007) To Mean or Not to Mean Kadmous cultural foundation Khatawat for publishing and distribution 31 Newmark, P (1988) A Textbook of Translation London and New York: Prentice Hall International (UK) Ltd, p 49 32 Nida, Eugene A (1964) Towards a Science of Translating, Leiden: E J Brill 33 Nida, Eugene A and Taber, C R (1982) The Theory and Practice of Translation, Leiden: E J Brill 34 Nugroho (2008) An analysis of translation strategies in Indonesia – English of thesis abstracts 35 O’ Henry (1995) 100 Seleted stories, Wordsworth Editions Ltd: Reprint edition 36 Phạm Thanh Bình (2010 ) Strategies to deal with non – equivalence at word level 37 Phạm Thị Lương Giang ( 2010 ) A study on techniques to deal with nonequivalence in translating English idioms into Vietnamese 38 Pym, A (2007) Natural and Directional Equivalence in Theories of Translation Philadelphia: Benjamins 39 Rabin, C (1958) “The Linguistics of Translation,” in A.H.Smith (ed.) Aspects of Translation: Studies in Communication 2,London: Seeker and Warburg, pp 123–45 40 René Dirven, Marjolijn Verspoor (2004) Cognitive Exploration of Language and Linguistics: Second revised edition 41 Schleiermacher, F (1813/1992) „On the different methods of translating‟, in R Schulte and J Biguenet (eds) (1992), pp 36-54 42 Simon, S (1996) Gender in Translation: Cultural Identity and The politics of Transmission, London and New York: Routeledge 43 Spivak, G (1992) "The Politics of Translation," in Outside in the Teaching Machine, London and New York: Routeledge, 1993 44 Steiner, G (1975) After Babel: Aspects of Language and Translation, London, Oxford and New York: Oxford University Press, 3rd edition, 1998 45 Thanh Ngo (2006) Translation of Vietnamese Terms of Address and Reference Translation Journal Vol 10, No 46 Theory and Practice in English Studies (2005) Proceedings from the Eighth Conference of British, American and Canadian Studies Bruno: Masarykova univerzita 47 Thompson, L (1965) A Vietnamese Grammar Seattle, WA: University of Washington Press 48 Tytler, A.F (1907) Essay on the Principles of Translation 49 Urbanization, Migration and Poverty in a Vietnamese Metropolis: Ho Chi Minh City in Comparative Perspectives (2009) Publications of Social Science Research Council National University of Singapore Press Pte Ltd 50 Vanessa Leonardi (2000) Equivalence in Translation: Between Myth and Reality 51 Vu, N C (2007) Các khó khăn dịch phương hướng khắc phục Language & Life Journal, Vol (142) 52 Wills, W (1982) The Science of Translation: Problems and Methods Tubingen: Gunter Narr Verlag APPENDICES Equivalence English Vietnamese Vì mà nghệ sĩ tìm đến, lang So, to quaint old Greenwich Village the thang làng cổ Greenwich để art people soon came prowling, hunting for tìm thuê nhà có north windows and eighteenth-century cổng xây theo kiểu kiểu Hà Lan từ kỷ thứ mười tám, cửa sổ quay hướng gables and Dutch attics and low rents bắc với giá thuê thật hạ They had met at the table d"hôte of an họ gặp quán cơm bình dân Eighth Street "Delmonico"s," and found đường Số Tám, yêu thích hội họa, their tastes in art, chicory salad and bishop mê rau díp trộn, tương đắc đến sleeves so congenial that the joint studio nỗi cột tay áo mướn chung với xưởng vẽ resulted One Street crosses itself a time or two That was in May In November a cold, unseen stranger, whom the doctors called Pneumonia, stalked about the colony, touching one here and there with his icy fingers Một đường cắt ngang hai lần Đó hồi tháng Năm Vào tháng mười trời phái ơng khách lạnh lùng mà ngài bác sĩ thường gọi Bệnh Viêm Phổi đến khủng bố khu "thuộc địa", thò bàn tay lạnh ngắt, sờ chỗ chút, vỗ chỗ phát Mr Pneumonia was not what you would call a chivalric old gentleman Ông khách Viêm Phổi hạng người mà bạn thường gọi ông bạn già hào hiệp One morning the busy doctor invited Sue into the hallway with a shaggy, gray eyebrow Một bữa sáng nọ, ông bác sĩ mời Sue ngồi hành lang, nhướng đơi mày rậm "She has one chance in - let us say, ten," "Cơ ta có chừng phần , để coi, he said, as he shook down the mercury in phần mười hội sống sót" Vừa nói ơng vừa rảy rảy nhiệt độ kế his clinical thermometer This way people have of lining-u on the side of the undertaker makes the entire pharmacopoeia look silly Your little lady has made up her mind that she"s not going to get well Has she anything on her mind?" Cái cảnh bệnh nhân hàng chờ chết không chịu uống thuốc phải làm cho thầy chế thuốc xấu hổ Cô bạn nhỏ cô hạ tâm khơng chịu bình phục Cơ ta có mơ ước đầu khơng?" "She - she wanted to paint the Bay of Sue đáp: "Cô muốn ngày vẽ Vịnh Naples." Naples some day." said Sue 10 "Paint? - bosh! Has she anything on "Vẽ? Chậc! Cơ ta có đáng giá her mind worth thinking twice - a man for đầu để nghĩ tới không, người đàn ông chẳng hạn?" instance?" 11 After the doctor had gone Sue went Sau ông bác sĩ bỏ đi, Sue trở vào into the workroom and cried a Japanese phịng làm việc khóc đến nhão napkin to a pulp Then she swaggered into khăn giấy Nhật Bản Sau vác Johnsy"s room with her drawing board, giá vẽ vào phòng Johnsy, miệng ba hoa câu đùa chọc vui whistling ragtime 12 She arranged her board and began a Cô ta xếp giá vẽ bắt đầu minh họa pen-and-ink drawing to a cho truyện đăng báo Những họa sĩ illustrate magazine story Young artists must pave trẻ dọn đường đến với nghệ thuật their way to Art by drawing pictures for cách minh họa cho truyện báo, magazine stories that young authors write nhà văn trẻ dọn đường đến với văn chương ngòi bút to pave their way to Literature 13 Johnsy"s eyes were open wide She was looking out the window and counting counting backward Johnsy mở trịn mắt, nhìn cửa sổ đếm Đếm ngược 14 "Twelve," she said, and little later "Mười hai." lát sau "Mười một", "eleven"; and then "ten," and "nine"; and "Mười", "Chín"; "Tám" "Bảy" then "eight" and "seven", almost together 15 gần liền "Six," said Johnsy, in almost a "Sáu." Johnsy nói, gần thầm "Nó whisper "They"re falling faster now Three bắt đầu rụng nhanh Ba ngày trước days ago there were almost a hundred It cịn trăm, làm đếm đến nhức made my head ache to count them But now đầu Nhưng dễ Lại it"s easy There goes another one There are rụng Chỉ cịn có năm chiếc." only five left now." "Lá! Lá giây nho Khi nho 16 "Leaves On the ivy vine When the cuối rơi xuống last one falls I must go, too I"ve known that ln Mình nghiệm điều ba hơm for three days Didn"t the doctor tell you?" Bác sĩ khơng nói cho bạn biết sao?" 17 Why, the doctor told me this morning that your chances for getting well real soon were - let"s see exactly what he said - he said the chances were ten to one 18 Ồ, hồi sáng bác sĩ nói bạn có nhiều hội bình phục lắm, để nhớ xác coi nói sao, nói, mười ăn "Johnsy, dear," said Sue, bending "Johnsy, nhắm mắt lại hứa over her, "will you promise me to keep your khơng nhìn cửa sổ eyes closed, and not look out the window vẽ xong Mình phải nộp until I am done working? I must hand those vẽ vào ngày mai Mình cần drawings in by to-morrow I need the light, chút ánh sáng, khơng tranh tối hù." or I would draw the shade down." 19 "Tell me as soon as you have "Vẽ xong nhớ cho biết liền." Johnsy finished," said Johnsy, closing her eyes, nói nhắm mắt lại, nằm bất động and lying white and still as fallen statue, tượng bị đổ "Tại muốn "because I want to see the last one fall I"m nhìn thấy cuối rơi xuống tired of waiting I"m tired of thinking I Mình chờ mệt Mình suy nghĩ want to turn loose my hold on everything, mệt Mình muốn bng xi tất and go sailing down, down, just like one of cả, tự rơi xuống, rơi xuống tội nghiệp those poor, tired leaves." kia." Nhưng Johnsy không trả lời Cái sinh vật 20 But Johnsy did not answer The cô đơn khủng khiếp gian lonesomest thing in all the world is a soul phải linh hồn sẳn sàng when it is making ready to go on its vào hành trình miên viễn, mysterious, far journey The fancy seemed đầy huyền bí Sự tưởng tượng hoang to possess her more strongly as one by one đường dường ám ảnh cô gái the ties that bound her to friendship and to mạnh mẽ mối liên hệ với bạn bè với trái đất cô lỏng lẽo earth were loosed dần 21 Johnsy lay for a long time looking at it And then she called to Sue, who was stirring her chicken broth over the gas stove Johnsy nằm yên lặng nhìn lúc lâu Rồi cô cất tiếng gọi Sue khuấy nồi súp gà lò gas Lão Behrman họa sĩ 22 Old Behrman was a painter who lived on the ground floor beneath them He was past sixty and had a Michael Angelo"s Moses beard curling down from the head of a satyr along with the body of an imp Behrman was a failure in art Forty years he had wielded the brush without getting near enough to touch the hem of his Mistress"s robe tầng Lão sáu mươi tuổi, có râu chảy dài từ đầu to tướng xuống thân hình nhỏ thó giống râu dài thánh Moses tranh Michael Angelo Behrman nghệ sĩ thất bại Lão cầm cọ bốn mươi năm mà chẳng vẽ tranh cho hồn Lúc lão làm sửa thực tác phẩm lớn, thực chưa bắt tay vào việc 23 Old Behrman, with his red eyes Lão Behrman, cặp mắt đỏ ngầu chiếu plainly streaming, shouted his contempt thẳng trước, la lên với vẻ chế nhạo, and derision for such idiotic imaginings 24 "Vass!" he cried "Is dere people in de world mit der foolishness to die because leafs dey drop off from a confounded vine? 25 It is the last one," said Johnsy "I thought it would surely fall during the night I heard the wind It will fall to-day, and I shall die at the same time." 26 "Dà." Lão khóc "Thế gian có người ngu nghĩ nhỏ chết theo nho lìa cành khơng? Đó cuối cùng." Johnsy nói "Mình tưởng phải rụng hồi đêm Mình nghe gió Chắc rụng ngày hơm rụng theo When it was light enough Johnsy, the merciless, commanded that the shade be raised 27 khinh bỉ óc tưởng tượng ngu ngốc Khi trời vừa hừng sáng, Johnsy thẩn thờ đòi kéo che lên The doctor came in the afternoon, Chiều hơm bác sĩ đến thăm Sue cáo and Sue had an excuse to go into the lỗi với bạn để hành lang gặp bác sĩ ông ta hallway as he left 28 The next day the doctor said to Sue: Hôm sau bác sĩ bảo Sue: "Cô qua "She"s out of danger You won Nutrition nguy Cô thắng Giờ cần ăn uống tịnh dưỡng đủ." and care now - that"s all." 29 And that afternoon Sue came to the Chiều hơm đó, Sue đến bên Johnsy bed where Johnsy lay, contentedly knitting nằm giường bệnh, thắt lại a very blue and very useless woollen khăn len quàng cổ màu thật xanh, quàng shoulder scarf, and put one arm around her, tay ôm lấy bạn, ôm gối, tần mần tẩn mẩn pillows and all 30 "I have something to tell you, white mouse," she said "Mr Behrman died of "Mình có chuyện muốn nói với bạn, chuột bạch à." Cơ ta nói "Cụ Behrman bệnh viện ngày pneumonia to-day in the hospital He was hơm bị viêm phổi Cụ mắc bệnh có hai ngày ill only two days Họ không tưởng tượng cụ 31 They couldn"t imagine where he had đâu, làm đêm gió mưa been on such a dreadful night And then khủng khiếp Sau họ tìm thấy they found a lantern, still lighted, and a đèn lồng cháy sáng, ladder that had been dragged from its place, thang kéo lê từ kho, and some scattered brushes, and a palette cọ cịn dính sơn hộp with green and yellow colors mixed on it, sơn pha trộn hai thứ màu xanh vàng and - look out the window, dear, at the last Và bạn thử nhìn ngồi cửa sổ kia, nhìn vào nho cuối vy leaf on the wall tường 32 Over on the east side this ravager Tên giặc ngang nhiên hoành hành khu strode boldly, smiting his victims by phía đơng, hạ gục nhiều nạn nhân, scores, but his feet trod slowly through the đặt chân chầm chậm qua maze of the narrow and moss-grown lối ngõ bàn cờ “vùng” nhỏ "places.” hẹp phủ đầy rêu Bạn không xem Thần Viêm Phổi quân tử già đầy hào hiệp Người 33 A mite of a little woman with blood gái nhỏ vốn máu trận thinned by California zephyrs was hardly gió California lẽ khơng đáng cho fair game for the red-fisted, short-breathed kẻ bất tài già nua bận tâm đến old duffer But Johnsy he smote; and she Nhưng công Johnsy Thế lay, scarcely moving, on her painted iron cô nằm bẹp, không cử động, bedstead, looking through the small Dutch giường sắt, xuyên qua khung cửa window-panes at the blank side of the next sổ kiểu Hà Lan nhìn tường trơ trụi nhà gạch kế bên brick house 34 Suppose a collector with a bill for Giả sử có tên địi nợ đến thu tiền paints, paper and canvas should, in cọ tiền sơn thân chủ họa sĩ đây, 10 traversing this route, suddenly meet lòng vòng qua đường himself coming back, without a cent having cuối để tìm thấy mình, với hai bàn tay không been paid on account! Non – equivalence 1) An artist once discovered a valuable Có chàng nghệ sĩ phát ngơn đường xá có lợi possibility in this street Rồi họ mang vào thùng 2) Then they imported some pewter mugs thiết, vài dĩa mòn lỉn kiếm and a chafing dish or two from Sixth Đại Lộ Thứ Sáu làng cổ trở thành "thuộc địa" Avenue, and became a "colony đám nghệ sĩ 3) The art people soon came prowling, hunting for north windows and eighteenth century gables and Dutch attics and low rents Thế nên đám hoạ sĩ chẳng kéo đến phường Greenwich, săn lùng phịng cho th có cửa sổ thơng hướng bắc, góc mái kiểu kỷ 18, gác lửng kiểu Hà Lan, giá thuê lại rẻ 4) At the top of a squatty, three-story brick Sue and Johnsy had their studio "Johnsy" was familiar for Joanna One was from Maine; the other from California Sue Johnsy có xưỡng vẽ lầu nhà gạch ba thấp lè tè Johnsy tên gọi nhà Joanna 5) They had met at the table d"hôte of an Họ gặp quán cơm bình dân Eighth Street "Delmonico’s," and found đường Số Tám, yêu thích hội họa, their tastes in art, chicory salad and mê rau díp trộn, tương đắc đến bishop sleeves so congenial that the nỗi cột tay áo mướn chung với xưởng vẽ joint studio resulted 6) Over on the east side this ravager strode Khu vực phía đơng bị ảnh hưởng nặng boldly, smiting his victims by scores, nề với nhiều người bệnh, 11 but his feet trod slowly through the bước chân ông khách chậm dần maze of the narrow and moss-grown bước vào mê cung chật hẹp rêu phong khu "thuộc địa" "places 7) "Well, it is the weakness, then," said the "Chà, tệ thật!" Bác sĩ nói doctor "I will all that science, so far "Tôi rán làm mà as it may filter through my efforts, can khoa học làm Nhưng accomplish But whenever my patient bệnh nhân bắt đầu nghĩ tới begins to count the carriages in her xe chở quan tài đám tùy funeral procession I subtract 50 per cent trừ nửa hiệu thuốc from the curative power of medicines 8) "Tell me as soon as you have finished," said Johnsy, closing her eyes, and lying white and still as fallen statue, "because I want to see the last one fall I'm tired of waiting I'm tired of thinking I want to turn loose my hold on everything, and go sailing down, down, just like one of those poor, tired leaves." men "Vẽ xong nhớ cho biết liền." Johnsy nói nhắm mắt lại, nằm bất động tượng bị đổ "Tại muốn nhìn thấy cuối rơi xuống Mình chờ mệt Mình suy nghĩ mệt q Mình muốn bng xi tất cả, tự rơi xuống, rơi xuống tội nghiệp kia." 9) "Try to sleep," said Sue "I must call Behrman up to be my model for the old hermit miner ‘I’ll not be gone a minute Don"t try to move ‘til I come back." "Ráng ngủ đi." Sue nói "Mình phải kêu ơng Behrman lên ngồi làm mẫu người thợ mỏ nghèo Mình chừng phút Đừng cử động trở lại, nhé." 10) The day wore away, and even through Ngày tàn dần, dù trời nhá nhem tranh the twilight they could see the lone ivy tối tranh sáng, họ nhìn thấy leaf clinging to its stem against the wall nho bám vào cuống And then, with the coming of the night giây bật tường Rồi đêm đến the north wind was again loosed, while gió bắc lụn dần, 12 the rain still beat against the windows mưa đập vào khung cửa sổ, and pattered down from the low Dutch rơi lộp bộp mái hiên eaves 11) At the top of a squatty, three-story brick Sue and Johnsy had their studio "Johnsy" was familiar for Joanna One was from Maine; the other from California Sue Johnsy có xưỡng vẽ lầu nhà gạch ba thấp lè tè Johnsy tên gọi nhà Joanna, người từ California 12) A mite of a little woman with blood Cô Johnsy gốc Cali nhỏ bé, liễu yếu thinned by California zephyrs was thật đối thủ xứng tay hardly fair game for the red-fisted, lão già tay đỏ điếm đàng, lão đập ta tận tình short-breathed old duffer 13) But Johnsy he smote; and she lay, scarcely moving, on her painted iron bedstead, looking through the small Dutch window-panes at the blank side of the next brick house Vì mà gái nằm xụi lơ, bất động giường sắt, mắt nhìn vào tường gạch nhà kế cận xuyên qua khung cửa sổ nhỏ 14) And that chance is for her to want to live Đó ta khơng có chí cầu sinh 15) This way people have of lining-u on the Cái cảnh bệnh nhân hàng chờ chết side of the undertaker makes the entire không chịu uống thuốc phải làm cho thầy chế thuốc xấu hổ pharmacopoeia look silly Sue hỏi: "Đếm vậy, nhỏ?" 16) "What is it, dear?" asked Sue 17) And that afternoon Sue came to the bed Chiều hơm đó, Sue đến bên Johnsy where Johnsy lay, contentedly knitting nằm giường bệnh, thắt lại a very blue and very useless woollen khăn len quàng cổ màu thật xanh, quàng shoulder scarf, and put one arm around tay ôm lấy bạn, ôm gối, tần mần tẩn mẩn her, pillows and all 18) The janitor found him the morning of Hơm ơng quản gia tìm thấy cụ the first day in his room downstairs nằm phịng đau đớn 13 helpless with pain His shoes and Giày dép, quần áo cụ ướt sũng lạnh clothing were wet through and icy cold đá 19) Didn’t you wonder why it never fluttered or moved when the wind blew? Bạn không cảm thấy ngạc nhiên chẳng lung lay động đậy gió à? 20) "Even chances," said the doctor, taking "Có triển vọng tốt." Bác sĩ vừa nói vừa Sue"s thin, shaking hand in his "With cầm lấy bàn tay gầy guộc run rẩy good nursing you’ll win." And now I Sue "Rán chăm sóc khỏi must see another case I have downstairs Bây phải thăm bệnh nhân Behrman, his name is - some kind of an khác lầu, tên Behrman, nghe nói artist, I believe Pneumonia, too He is nghệ sĩ đóCũng bị viêm phổi an old, weak man, and the attack is Ông ta già, yếu thành bị nặng acute There is no hope for him; but he Khơng có hy vọng gì; hơm goes to the hospital to-day to be made đưa ông ta vào bệnh viện để tiện nghi more comfortable 21) As Sue was sketching a pair of elegant Lúc Sue mặc áo quần, mang mắt horseshow riding trousers and a kiếng cho nhân vật anh hùng, monocle of the figure of the hero, an chàng kỵ sĩ miền Idaho, nghe Idaho cowboy, she heard a low sound, thứ âm rầm rì, lập lập lại nhiều several times repeated She went lần Cô ta chạy vội lại bên giường người bệnh quickly to the bedside 22) Sue look solicitously out of the window Sue nhìn ngồi cửa sổ với vẻ bồn chồn What was there to count? There was lo lắng Có ngồi để đếm đâu? only a bare, dreary yard to be seen, and Chỉ có khoảng sân trống trơn buồn the blank side of the brick house twenty thảm tường gạch nhà cách hai mươi thước feet away 23) Johnsy lay, scarcely making a ripple Johnsy nằm im lìm bất động under the bedclothes, with her face chăn phủ giường, mặt hướng phía cửa 14 toward the window Sue stopped sổ Ngỡ bạn ngủ, Sue ngưng lời đùa giỡn whistling, thinking she was asleep 24) Ah, darling, it’s Behrman’s masterpiece - he painted it there the night that the last leaf fell Nhỏ ơi, tác phẩm lớn cụ Behrman Cụ vẽ vào đêm nho cuối rơi xuống." 25) For several years he had painted Suốt năm liền lão chẳng vẽ vời nothing except now and then a daub in ngồi vài tranh quảng cáo lem the line of commerce or advertising nhem 26) For the rest he was a fierce little old Đối với nhiều người lão lão già man, who scoffed terribly at softness in nhỏ mà gân lắm, thường mạt sát any one, and who regarded himself as tệ tánh ủy mị yếu đuối especial mastiff-in-waiting to protect người khác tự coi the two young artists in the studio người dẫn dắt, bảo vệ hai cô họa sĩ trẻ xưỡng vẽ lầu above 27) In one corner was a blank canvas on an Trong góc phịng, vải easel that had been waiting there for khung vẽ trống trơn nằm chờ twenty-five years to receive the first line hai mươi năm đường cọ tác phẩm lớn lão of the masterpiece 28) Johnsy was sleeping when they went Lúc hai người lên đến nơi Johnsy upstairs Sue pulled the shade down to ngủ Sue kéo cửa sổ cho the window-sill, and motioned kín lại dấu cho lão Behrman sang phòng kế Behrman into the other room 29) But, lo! after the beating rain and fierce Nhưng, ô kìa, sau mưa dội gusts of wind that had endured through gió vật vả suốt đêm dài, the livelong night, there yet stood out nho rõ mồn tường gạch against the brick wall one ivy leaf 15 30) Why, that's almost as good a chance as we have in New York when we ride on the street cars or walk past a new building Như ăn bắp rồi, ăn chạy xe đường phố hay qua cao ốc New York 31) Johnsy, dear," said Sue, bending over her, "will you promise me to keep your Johnsy, nhắm mắt lại hứa khơng eyes closed, and not look out the nhìn cửa sổ window until I am done working? I vẽ xong Mình phải nộp must hand those drawings in by to- vẽ vào ngày mai Mình cần chút ánh morrow I need the light, or I would sáng, khơng tranh tối hù draw the shade down 32) I'm tired of waiting I'm tired of thinking I want to turn loose my hold on everything, and go sailing down, down, just like one of those poor, tired leaves Mình chờ mệt Mình suy nghĩ mệt q Mình muốn bng xi tất cả, tự rơi xuống, rơi xuống tội nghiệp 33) The doctor came in the afternoon, and Chiều hơm bác sĩ đến thăm Sue cáo Sue had an excuse to go into the hallway lỗi với bạn để hành lang gặp bác sĩ ông ta as he left 34) Johnsy lay, scarcely making a ripple Johnsy nằm im lìm bất động under the bedclothes, with her face chăn phủ giường, mặt hướng phía cửa toward the window Sue stopped sổ Ngỡ bạn ngủ, Sue ngưng lời đùa giỡn whistling, thinking she was asleep 16 ... equivalents and non -equivalents at word level in translation based on the billingual selected short stories “ The last leaf” by O’ Henry? What are the strategies to deal with non – equivalence at. .. A STUDY OF EQUIVALENTS IN TRANSLATION AND STRATEGIES TO DEAL WITH NON – EQUIVALENTS AT WORD LEVEL BASED ON THE BILINGUAL SELECTED SHORT STORIES ? ?THE LAST LEAF” BY O’ HENRY submitted in partial...MINISTRY OF EDUCATION AND TRAINING HANOI OPEN UNIVERSITY M .A THESIS A STUDY OF EQUIVALENTS IN TRANSLATION AND STRATEGIES TO DEAL WITH NON – EQUIVALENTS AT WORD LEVEL BASED ON THE BILINGUAL SELECTED

Ngày đăng: 07/02/2021, 15:06



