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argument that secondary school ss should wear casual clothes using the outline on P.19 individually.. * Post-writing ( 10’ ) +Correction.[r]


Date of preparing:

Unit 2

Period 11 Lesson 5: WRITE I Objectives

Knowledge: By the end of the lesson, ss will be able to write an exposition, presenting one side of an argument ( lí lẽ, tranh luận )

Skill: Practice in writing one side of an argument

Attitude: Help ss to have good consciousness in order to write an exposition to persuade others to believe or to something

II Teaching aids: book, poster III Method: PWP

IV Contents Organization

Class Date of teaching Absent ss Warmer ( 4’ )


T ask ss some qts about their feeling when wearing different types of clothes

? How often you wear uniform? How you feel when wearing uniform? If you have a choice, What type of clothing you want to wear when going to school? Why you choose it?


+Preteach Situation Situation Realia Translation Translation

- T follow steps of teaching vocabulary

+Rub out & remember T follow steps of ROR +Labelling

- T stick a table on bb “ This is the outline to present one side of an argument”

-T hand out ss the sets of different color strips of paper, on which the content of the outline is written

- SS work in teams, go to bb to stick the strips on the correct space

-T get feedback from ss - T check ss’ understanding ? What you write in “ Introduction/ Conclusion”? What language is used? How you present series of arguments? What language is used?

? Look at “ Out line A” P 18? Ss read the outline to answer T’s qts

What is the topic of the passage? Why does wearing ? Look at outline B?

- T run though by asking qts like outline A

* While-writing ( 19’ ) +Writing

- Ss write a paragragh of 100 to 150 words to support the

argument that secondary school ss should wear casual clothes using the outline on P.19 individually

* Post-writing ( 10’ ) +Correction

- Ss swap their writing & correct the mistakes

- T go round to help & monitor


-( to ) encourage: khuyến khích, động viên -( be ) equal in: cơng bằng, -( to ) bear one’s name: mang tên

-( a ) freedom of choice: tự lựa chọn -( be ) self-confident: tự tin


Organization Language Introduction Lets the

reader know the writer’s point of view -My opinion is…… -I think… Series of argument Presents arguments in a logical way

( one in each pa agragh) gives examples where possible Firstly,… Secondly,… Finally,…

Conclusion Sums up the argument

Therefore,… In

conclusion,… ( Secondary school ss should wear school uniforms because the uniforms bear their school’s name )

( equal )


In my opinion, secondary school students should wear casual clothes

Firstly, casual clothes make ss feel comfortable


Summary ( 1’ )

? How you write an argument? How many parts are there? Contents of each part?

Homework ( 1’ )

-write the corrected argument in notebook - Prepare L Focus

*Evaluation Date of preparing:

Unit 2

Period 12 Lesson 6: LANGUAGE FOCUS I Objectives

1 Knowledge: By the end of the lesson ss will be able to distinguish the difference in using the past simple & the present perfect tense

- Review the passive form of the present perfect, simple present, simple past & simple future

- Practice passive modal auxiliaries

2 Skill: practice writing and speaking skill

3 Attitude: Help ss to have good consciousness in order to some exerises II Teaching aids: book, cards, computer, projector, ipads

III Method: PPP IV Contents Organization

Class Date of teaching Absent ss Warmer ( 5’ )


-T prepare 10 cards with numbers ( 1- 10 ) on one side & the verbs on the others - Stick the cards on bb so that ss

can only

see the numbers ( verbs are mixed up )

- Divide class into teams, each team choose numbers

- Turn the cards over If they match, that team has one point If not, turn over again & ask the next team to continue

- Go on untill all the cards are turned over The team has more points  winner

3 New lesson

* Presentation ( 5’ ) +Dialogue built

Tom Mary

I Present perfect with “ ever/ yet/ already”

Tom: Have you ever read a comic? Mary: Yes, I have

T: When did you last read one? A comic

Do Go Visit See Meet


-T elicit from ss, T model Ss read in chorus then individually  half- half  pairs

- ? what tense we use here? Form? When we use present perfect/ past simple tense? What is “ ever/ yet/ already” mean? When we use it? * Practice ( 7’ )


- T run through exer2 & the vocab in the box

- Ss work in pairs to practice asking & answering about each item in the box - T go round to help & monitor


T follow the same steps as exer *Presentation ( 5’ )

? Give the passive form of present perfect,

Simple past/ present/ future…? ? Give examples?

* Practice ( 7’ )

- ? look at exer P.21?

- T run through, ask ss to complete the 2nd sentences with the same

meaning using passive voice

- Ss work individually then compare with partners

- T ask some ss to write on bb - Ask others to correct

* Presentation ( 4’ )

- T set the scene & model, ss read in chorus, some individually T check meaning, form, use

* Practice ( 5’ )

? look at exer P 21? What are they? How many sentences are there? Are they active or passive?

- T ask ss to change sentences from active to passive ones in pairs  pairs compare - T ask some ss to write on bb

M: This morning

T: Have you seen Giac Lam Pagoda yet? M: Yes, I’ve already seen it

T: Have you eaten Vnese food yet? M: No, I haven’t

Have/ Has + S + ever + PP…? PP + ….yet? Yes, S + have/ has already + PP No, S + have/ has not

Ever: từng, ( used in qts ) Yet: chưa, chưa ( used in qts, negatives)

Already: rồi, ( used in affirmatives )

+Exercise 2, P.20

Eg: S1: Have you ever used a computer? S2: Yes, I have

S1: When did you last use it? S2: This morning

II The passive form

+ Present perfect: S + have/ has been + PP

+ Simple present: S + is/ am/ are + PP + Simple past: S + was/ were + PP +Simple future: S + will be + PP

+Exercise P.21 a was made completely

b is grown in tropical countries c will be produced in

d has just been introduced in e have been built

III Passive form of modal verbs & “ have to/ be going to”

Eg: You must this exercise carefully  This exercise must be done carefully S + m.v/ have to/ be going to + be + PP * Modal verbs: can, could, may, might, …


- Ask others ss to correct * Further practice ( 5’ ) + Writing

- T hang a poster with incompleted sentences

? What are these? Are they completed? What you now?( complete

sentences using passive form )

- Ss work individually compare with partners

- T go round to help & monitor

b.Experiments on animals should be stopped

c.Life might be found on another planet d.All the schools in the city have to be improved

e.A new bridge is going to be built in the area

* Complete sentences using passive form 1.Have you ever ……?

2.A new road…… 3.You can………

4 A party is going to……… 5.The Spring Fair……… Summary ( 1’ )

-Present perfect with ever/ already/ yet/ since/ for Passive form Homework ( 1’ ) Do all exer again Prepare for the 45’ test *Evaluation

TCM duyệt ngày / / 20

Ngày đăng: 07/02/2021, 09:24


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