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- Moral behavior: Sts pay much atttention to the lesson, ss love their neighbourhood more.. B.TEACHING AIDS: ..[r]


UNIT FOUR: MY NEIGHBOURHOOD I/ Objectives : By the end of the unit , Ss can :

- pronounce correctly the sounds / i / and / i: /

- use the lexical items related to the topic neighbourhood - use adjectives to compare things

- read specfic information about good things and bad things in a neighbourhood

- talk about different places and show direction to these in a neighbourhood - listen for specific information about directions to some places in a


- write about what they like or deslike about their neighbourhood II/ Teaching aids :

- Textbooks, exercisebok, teacher's book , lessonplan - Pictures , recorders, projector

III/ Procedure : lessons

+ Lesson : Getting started + Lesson : Skills + Lesson : A closer look + Lesson : Skills

+ Lesson : A closer look + Lesson : Looking back and Project + Lesson : Communication

Date of preparing: 01/11/2020


- Knowledge: By the end of the lesson , Ss will be able to know how talk about different places and show the directions

* Language content:

- Vocabulary: T provides Sts with words related to the topic " talking about the different places and show the directions": statue, square, cathedral, memorial, temple, palace

- Grammar: how to show the directions - Skill: Practice doing exercise

- Moral behavior: Sts pay much atttention to the lesson, ss love their neighbourhood more


- Textbook , teacher’s book , pictures ,projector, CD record C METHODS:

- Chatting, role-play ,pre- questions, word/ picture cues drill, ordering, matching D CONTENTS:

I Oganization:


- Greeting

- Number of students

II Revision : ( 5') : Chatting : T asks : Do you like travelling ?

Where you often go on holiday ? What you when you go travelling ? Who you often go with ?

III New lesson:

Teacher's activities SS' activities


Vocabulary : ( 8’)

- historic (adj ) : cổ kính -( to) cross the road : qua đường - (to ) turn right : rẽ phải - ( to ) go straight : thẳng - ( to) be lost : bị lạc đường - statue (n) : tượng - cathedral (n) : nhà thờ lớn - memorial (n) : tượng đài - palace (n) : cung điện

Listen and read : (12’)

+ Activity : Pre- questions : T uses picture to set the scene :

Where are Nick ,Phong and khang ? What might be happening to them ? What are they doing ?

Ss try to guess and answer the questions + Listen and check :

- T plays the recording twice

Ss listen and check their prediction + Activity : Ordering ( Ex 1a )

Ss read the conversation again and put the actions in the right order

They work individaully first then compare with the partners

T 's correction and answer key : 2- – – – – 3

Practice : (18’)

*/ Making suggestion :

- Ask Ss to refer back to the conversation to find the phrases

Where shall we go first ? Let 's go to "Chua Cau" Shall we go there first ?

repeat chorally and individually


listen and check prediction


OK , sure

Let Ss practise saying the sentences in pairs  Concept check :

+ Form : Wh- + shall we + Vo ? / Shall we + Vo ?

OK ,sure / No, let 's not *Word cue drill :

a this afternoon / listen to music / v b this evening / go to the cinema / x */ Matching :

Have Ss quickly match each place in the picture with its name

( Ss the task independently first then pair compare )

- T plays the recording , Ss listen and check Play the recording again , Ss listen and repeat Key : E H F C

G A B D */ Picture cue drill :

Ss ask and answer about their neighbourhood Use the pitures in Ex

Example exchange :

S1 : Is there a square in your neighbourhood ? S2 : Yes , there is

( pair work )

sentences in pairs


IV Summary : (1’)

-Make suggestions with " shall "

- ask and answer about a neighbourhood with " Is there " V Homework : (2’)

- Ex +

- Ex in part A- W.B * EVALUATION :

*************************************** Date of preparing: 01/11/2020



- Knowledge: By the end of the lesson sts know how to decribe a place using some adj ; use the present simple

* Language content:

- Vocabulary: narrow, fantastic >< terrible boring >< exciting, convenient.>< inconvenient, pollutted , peaceful…

- Grammar: - Pronunciaion /i:/, /i/ - Skill: Practice doing exercises

- Moral behavior: Sts pay much atttention to the lesson. B.TEACHING AIDS:

- Textbook , Teacher’s book , lesson plan ,projector, CD record C METHODS:

- Brainstorming, matching, finding friends D CONTENTS:

I Oganization:

Class Date of teaching Absent ss

- Greeting

- Number of students

II/ Revision : (5’) Matching : ( E )

- Ss match the instructions in the box with the pictures - T 's correction and answer key :

go straight on

Turn left at the traffic lights Go past the bus stop

Take the first turning on the left 5.Go to the end of the road

6.Go along the street Cross the street III/ Newlesson :

Teacher's activities SS' activities

1.presentation(12') Vocabulary :

-narrow ( adj ) : -wide (adj ) : - fantastic ( adj ) : - convenient ( adj ) : - noisy (adj ) :

- polluted ( adj ) :


- peaceful (adj ) : ( explanation , synalym ,)

 Check : */ Ordering :

- T plays the recording , Ss listen to the recording and put the word in the order as they hear

*/ Gap fill :

- Let Ss work in groups to complete the sentences with the adjectives they 've just learnt

- T 's correction and answer key :

convenient historic boring narrow polluted noisy */ Ex :

- T explains the content in " Watch out " carefully to the Ss

- Ss work in pairs to match the adjectives from the box in Ex.1 with their opposites

- T 's correction and answer key : boring – exciting noisy- quiet / peaceful historic / modern

convenient / incovenient fantastic/ terrible

2 Practice : ( 15’)

- T models with a S in front of the class :

T : Is your neightbourhood polluted ? S : Yes ,it is

T : Is it quiet ? S : no, it isn't

- Let Ss work in pairs to ask and answer Use the adjectives in and only

3 Pronuciation : (10’)

- T plays the recording , let Ss listen and repeat Notice to the sounds / I / and / i:/ and put them in the right column

+Key :

/ i:/ : cheap , sleep , peaceful , convenient , police

/ I / : historic , exciting , expensive , noisy , friendly

*/ Exercise 5:

- Ss listen to the recording and circle the words they hear :

- T 's correction and answer key :

living heat seats

work in groups to complete the sentences with the adjectives they 've just learnt

Ss work in pairs to match the adjectives from the box

work in pairs to ask and answer Use the adjectives in and only


4 sheep

tins mill teams chip

IV/ Summary : (1’)

- Describing a neighbourhood - Sounds /i:/ and /I/

V/ Homework : (2’) - Ex A1,2 + B 1,2 - Ex in part B- WB *EVALUATION:

……… ……… ………

************************************* Date of preparing: 01/11/2020



- Knowledge: By the end of the lesson sts can use comparative adjectives. * Language content:

- Vocabulary: cheap, expensive, heavy, fast, modern, slim,

- Grammar: A house in the city is more expensive than a house in the country This building is taller than that one

S1 + be + adj + er than + S2, S1 + be + more + adj + than + S2 - Skill: Practice doing exercise

- Moral behavior: Sts pay much atttention to the lesson. B.TEACHING AIDS:

- Textbook , teacher’s book , lesson plan ,projector, CD record C METHODS:

- Brainstorming, matching, pair work, group work D CONTENTS:

I Oganization:

Class Date of teaching Absent ss - Greeting

- Number of students


boring / exciting noisy/ quiet tall / short big /small

historic / modern III/ New lesson :

Teacher's activities SS' activities


How to form the comparative adjectives

- T chooses two Ss of very different height and asks them to stand up:

- T asks the class :

Who is taller ? A or B ? A is taller than B

- T can give another example

This ruler is longer than that ruller

- T asks Ss what taller and longer in Vietnamese ,Then gives the table :

positive comparitive rule one syllable fast faster + er

large larger + e two syllables noisy noisier y –ier

modern more modern more +adj or more


expensive more expensive

more + adj 2 Practice : (15’)

- Ss use the rule to form the comparaive to complete the sentences ( Ex 1)

- Let Ss work in dividually first then compare with the partner

- T 's correction and answer key : taller

bigger noisier 5.cheaper + Exercise :

- Ss the same with Ex : Key : more beautiful

more convenient more interesting more expensive

listen and copy

- Ss use the rule to form the comparaive to complete the sentences ( Ex 1)


3 Further practice : (10’)

- T asks the Ss to look at the picture of YenBinh and Long Son and write about the differences T models first :

Yen Bing is more crowded than Long Son

- T elicits the structure from the Ss:

S1 + to be + comparative adj + than + S2

-Before writing , T elicits the contrast between the things and the adjectives can be used Example : Houses / modern / tall

Road / wide /narrow

- Let Ss work individually to write the sentences the pair – compare

- T asks some Ss to write their sentences on the board Others give comment and correct

ask the Ss to look at the picture of YenBinh and Long Son and write about the differences

IV/ Summary : (1’) Comparative adjectives V/ Homework : (2’)

- Writing Ex , ,6 - Ex in part C- W.B *EVALUATION:

……… ……… ………

********************************** Date of preparing: 01/11/2020 Period: 29 UNIT : MY NEIGHBOURHOOD


- Knowledge: *By the end of this period, students will create an audio guide for their city to others

* Language content:

- Vocabulary: T provides Sts with extra words related to the topic " my neighbourhood" : wokkshop ,present, our , first/ second/ after that / finally, be famous for

- Grammar: how to create an audio guide for your city - Skill: Practice listening, speaking and writing.

- Moral behavior: Sts pay much atttention to the lesson. B.TEACHING AIDS:



- Gap fill, matching, grid D CONTENTS:

I Oganization:

Class Date of teaching Absent ss - Greeting

- Number of students II/ Revision : (5’)

- Ss ask and answer about places ( Ex ) Example :

S1 : Is Ha Noi bigger than HCM city ? S2 : No, it isn't It is smaller

III/ Newlesson :

Teacher's activities SS' activities

1, Vocabulary :(8’’)

-pagoda ( n) : chùa

-(to) be famous for : tiếng - first ( adv ) :

- then ( adv) : sau - after that (adv) : sau - finally ( adv ) : cuối ( explanation , translation )

=> check : what and where 2, Practice :

*/ Listening : (12’)

- T sets the scene : we are going to listen to an audio guide to HoiAn Please think what

you know about HoiAn

Eg : historic / old

- T plays the recording , let Ss listen and fill in the gaps with the words they hear

- T 's correction and answer key :

historic left convenient right 3.straigt second Second next to */ Writing : (17’)

- Ask Ss to read the brief information about LonDon and HCMcity and look at the maps of the two cities - T elicits additional information about the two cities - T reminds Ss of the expressions they can use to give

repeat copy

listen and fill in the gaps with the words they hear


direction :

Example : turn left , turn right

- Ss work individually to prepare their audo guide then share it with a partner

- Then in groups they practise presenting the audio guide

- T calls some Ss to present the audio guide to the whole class After each student has finished his / her writing , then ask for comments from other Ss Then T makes comments and correct any mistakes if there are any +Possible writing :

Welcome to HoChiMinh City , a largest city in south Viet Nam It is a historic city HCM city is famous for its busy streets with a lot of motorbikes There are many beautiful places and restaurants

OK Let's start our tour ! first go to Ton Duc Thang museum To get there , go along Ton Duc Thang Street , It's on your right Then go to SaiGon Opera House Walk straight then take the first street on the right , go straight again it's on your left.

After that , have lunch at Hoi An restaurant

HCMcity and look at the maps of the two cities - Ss work individually to prepare their audo guide then share it with a partner

- Then in groups they practise presenting the audio guide

IV/ Summary: (1’) Giving directions. V Homework : (2’)

-Write it up ( Ss write an audio guide to a city ) - Ex in part C- W.B


Ngày đăng: 07/02/2021, 09:07
