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- Now work with a partner and write the wishes with the situations in the lesson. - Call on some Ss to read them aloud, correct mistakes and give correct answers:. b) I wish I were in[r]



- Knowledge: After the lesson students will be able to:

+ Revise and make Present wishes using the simple past

+ Do exercises about Present wishes using the simple past given in textbook - Vocabulary: vocabulary about

- Grammar: The simple past tense, wish- clause - Skills: skills: Writing reading

- Attitude: To teach ss the good attitude to the subject. - Grammar: Simple past and Present perfect tenses.

- Competences: To develop students’abilities: self- management, understanding/ writing,


- Materials: Textbook, and lesson plan, teacher's book, workbook. - Equipment: Board, chalk, extra board.

III TEACHING PREOCESS: 1 Class settlement: Period

(Timetable) Date Class Attendance PermissionAbsenceNon permission 9A

9B 2 Oral or written test:

- S1,2: write the new words on the board 3 New lesson:

A Warm up.

B Preesentation. I The past simple


(Review the past simple tense of some verbs) Infinitive Past tense

Meet -> Say ->

See -> Have ->

Go -> Know -> …

Buy -> Show ->

- Review the past simple tense: * The past simple

- Form:

(+) S + V(qk) + C (-) S + did not + V + C (?) Did S + V + C?

- Work in groups to play game


II The past simple with wish

(Wh) + did + S + V ?

- Uses: Express a past action happened at a definite time

Exercise 1: Work with a partner Ask and answer questions about what each person did on the weekend.

- Ask Ss to look at the dialogue in the book and guide

“ These above are dialogues between two Ss talking about things Ba did last week” and tell them to work in pairs, study the table and make similar dialogue about Nga, Lan, Hoa,s weekend

- Call on some pairs to read the dialogues aloud - Remark and correct the mistakes Then give correct answers:

*Suggested answer: Nga

A: What did Nga on the weekend?

B: She went to a concert performed by Ha Noi singers

A: When did she go to see it?

B: She saw it on Saturday evening at pm. Exercise 2: Write the things Lan and her friends did to Prepare for the party.

Introduce” Lan and her friends are holding a farewell party for Mary am

- Write the things they did for the party, Using the pictures and the words in the boxes to help you

- Call on some Ss to read the answers aloud - Remark and correct mistakes if any

- Give the correct answers: 1 baked a cake

2 colorful lamps on the wall in the room. 3 bought flowers

4 painted a picture of Ha Noi 5 went shopping

- Ask them to write the answers

*Conditional sentence type used with Wish - Introduce the conditional sentence type used with Wish:

S + wish(es) + S + past simple/were Example:

- You are not very young (That is the fact and you can not change it)

- Demonstrate in the front

- Look at the dialogues and read them aloud

- Work in pairs to make similar dialogues - Preactice the dialogue in the front

- Listen and copy down

- Repeat the suggested dialogues

- Listen carefully and the exercise - Write individually - Read the answers loudly


=>I wish I were younger - You play soccer badly

=>I wish I played soccer better => I wish I did not play soccer badly

Exercise 3: Work with a partner Write wishes you want to make in these situations.

- Now work with a partner and write the wishes with the situations in the lesson

- Call on some Ss to read them aloud, correct mistakes and give correct answers:

b) I wish I were in the swimming pool now c) I wish I had a computer.

d) I wish I lived close to school. e) I wish I had a sister.

f) I wish I drew well.

g) I wish I had my friend’s phone number.

h) I wish I knew many friends.

i) I wish it rained so often in my home town. j) I wish there were rivers and lakes in my hometown.

- Listen and copy down Then make some examples

- Work in pairs

- Read the complete sentences loudly and copy

4 Consolidation:

- The past simple and the Present wishes 5 Homework:

Ngày đăng: 07/02/2021, 04:43

