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Nội dung

● To identify some places (cont) ● To practice asking and answering questions about which place someone would like to visit (cont) ● To practice asking and answering quest[r]


1/51 Tieng Anh (2 periods FT/ week)- Advanced


Tieng Anh


BME + School

(BME: periods FT/ week – Advanced)



BME - KIDs *** Grade 2/51


I, General comment


This syllabus is compiled based on the content of the book “Tieng Anh 5” All phonics, vocabulary and model sentences are introduced in relation to each unit’s topic and theme of this book It combines the more effective literacy techniques used by native English speakers, with proven techniques for teaching English as a foreign language to Vietnamese primary students BME’s foreign teachers follow this syllabus to consolidate the target vocabulary and structures during the lessons It is carried out with The BME-KIDs supplementary document which is compiled as support for the book “Tieng Anh 5” by BME Language Center By the end of the school year, students can remember all the lessons they've learnt and use the

phonics, vocabulary and model sentences in effectivecommunication

II, Total duration for BME’s program


70 periods x 40 minutes/ period




1 Introduction / Commands

2 Units 50

3 Speaking tests

4 Listening and writing tests

5 Revision

6 Project



III, Class activities for BME’s program


- Lecture

- Individual / Pair / Group work - Games / Songs / Chants

- Exercises in “BME’s supplementary document”

- Extra activities

- Monthly A1 tests – week 3, 8, 12, 20, 24, 28

IV, Valid


from September 2020 to May 2021


3/51 Tieng Anh (2 periods FT/ week)- Advanced


k School’s program (2 periods/ week) BME’s program (2 periods/ week)




od Unit /

Topic Language


objectives Peri

od Unit /

Topic Language Lesson objectives


Unit 1: What’s your address?

Lesson Part 1,2,3


Vocabulary: address, lane, tower, street

● What’s your address? - It’s 105, Hoa Binh Lane

● To practice asking and answering questions about someone’s address





● Names of groups: snake, tiger, monkey, elephant

● Commands in class: stand up, sit down, listen, be quiet, raise your hand, fold your arms, put your hands down

Vocabulary: name, age, hobbies, food, drink

● My/ His/ Her name is ● I’m/ He’s/ She’s years old ● My/ His/ Her favourite food/ drink is

● I like but I don’t like BME supplementary document, Part – Review 1A (p.7)

● To identify the names of groups ● To identify some simple commands in class

● To review some vocabulary and model sentences students learnt in grade

● To review introducing someone (paragraph building)


Unit 1: What’s your address?

Lesson Part 1,2,3


Vocabulary: city, village, town, island, like, big, busy, far, large, small, quiet, crowded, pretty

What’s the _ like? - It’s _

(What’s the city like? - It’s crowded.)

● To practice asking and answering questions about what a village/ city/ town is like



Vocabulary: date, daily activities, hobby

● When’s your/ his/ her/ Tony’s birthday?

- It’s on the first of May/ on May the first/ in May

● When was you/ he/ she born? - I/ He/ She was born on the first of May 1999/ on May the first 1999/ in


BME - KIDs *** Grade 4/51 May 1999

● What you on Mondays? - I go to school, play sports and homework after school

● What’s your/ his/ her hobby? - My/ His/ Her hobby is listening to music

BME supplementary document, Part – Review 1B (p.8)


Unit 1: What’s your address?

Lesson Part 1,2,3


● Word stress: ‘city, ‘village, ‘tower …


● What’s your address? - It’s 105, Hoa Binh Lane What’s the _ like? - It’s _

(What’s the city like? - It’s crowded.)

● To identify word stress ● To review asking and answering questions about someone’s address ● To review asking and answering questions about what a village/ city/ town is like



Unit 1: What’s your address?

● Word stress: ‘city, ‘village, ‘tower… Vocabulary Review:

- numbers: 50 – 100

- road, lane, street, tower, floor, top floor

- Preposition: in, on, at, of (in Flat 8, on the second floor of Hanoi Tower, at 91 Green Road)

● What’s your/ his/ her address? - It’s

(It’s 81, Tran Hung Dao Street It’s Flat 8, second floor, City Tower)

Where doyou/ they live? - I/ We/ They … live (I live on the second floor of City Tower.)

Where doeshe/ she live? - He/ She lives

* Part - Song: The wheels on the bus (p.7, Textbook TA – Tap Mot)

● To identify word stress


5/51 Tieng Anh (2 periods FT/ week)- Advanced * BME supplementary document – Lesson 1A: What’s your address? (p.9)


Unit 2: I always

get up early How about


Lesson Part 1,2,3



- brush my teeth, morning exercise, cook dinner, watch TV

- always, usually, often, sometimes

What you in the _?

- I always/ usually/ often/ sometimes _

To identify some daily routines To practice asking and answering questions about someone’s daily routines



Unit 1: What’s your address?

Vocabulary: numbers: 100 – 200, district, avenue


- road, lane, street, tower, floor, top floor

- Preposition: in, on, at, of (in Flat 8, on the second floor of Hanoi Tower, at 191 Green Road)

● What’s your/ his/ her address? - It’s

(It’s 81, Tran Hung Dao Street It’s Flat 8, second floor, City Tower)

Do you/ they live at 191 Green Road?

- Yes, … / No, … don’t

Does he/ she live in Flat 8, on the second floor of Hanoi Tower? - Yes, he/ she does

- No, he/ she doesn’t

* BME supplementary document, Part 1 – Lesson 1B: What’s your address? (p.10)

● To practice asking and answering questions about someone’s address (cont)


Unit 2: I always

get up early How


- study with a partner, go to the library, go fishing, ride a bicycle to school

- every day, once/ twice a

To identify some more daily routines

To practice asking and



Unit 1: What’s your address?

Vocabulary: modern, noisy

Review: hometown, village, island, town, mountain, big, small, far, quiet, large, crowded, pretty, parents, sister, brother, grandmother, grandfather


BME - KIDs *** Grade 6/51 about


Lesson Part 1,2,3


week/ month

How often you _? - I _ every day/ once/ twice a week/ month

answering questions about frequency

What’s your/ his/ her hometown? – It’s _ (It’s Da Nang.)

What’s the like? – It’s (What’s the city like?

– It’s big and busy.)

Who do you/ they live with? - I live with my

Who does he/ she live with? - He/ She lives with his/ her _ * Part – Let’s play (p.9, Textbook TA 5 – Tap Mot)

* BME supplementary document, Part 1 – Lesson 2A: What’s your address? (p.11)

village/ … is like (cont)

To practice asking and answering questions about who someone lives with (cont)


Unit 2: I always

get up early How about


Lesson Part 1,2,3


Word stress: ‘often, ‘always, ‘usually, …



- brush my teeth, morning exercise, cook dinner, watch TV, study with a partner, go to the library, go fishing, ride a bicycle to school

- always, usually, often, sometimes, every day, once/ twice a week/ month

What you in the _?

● To identify word stress To review some daily routines To review asking and answering questions about someone’s daily routines

To review asking and answering questions about




Do 40-min A1 test No

To test students’ level at the


7/51 Tieng Anh (2 periods FT/ week)- Advanced - I always/ usually/ often/

sometimes _

How often you _? - I _ every day/ once/ twice a week/ month



Unit 3: Where did

you go on holiday?

Lesson Part 1,2,3


Vocabulary: Ha Long Bay, Phu Quoc Island, Hoi An Ancient Town, Hue Imperial City

Where did you go on holiday?

- I went to

● To practice asking and answering questions about past holiday



Unit 2: I always get up early How

about you?

Word stress: ‘often, ‘always, ‘usually, …

Vocabulary: go to the cinema, go to bed early/ late, get dressed, listen to music, have English lessons, surf the Internet, three times a week/ month

Review: every day, once/ twice a week/ month

What do you/ they … in the morning?

- I/ We/ They usually go to school

What does he/ she … in the morning?

- He/ She usually goes to school How often do you/ they … have English lessons?

- I/ We/ They have English lessons three times a week

How often does he/ she cook dinner?

- He/ She cooks dinner every day * Part – Let’s sing: This is the way we things (p.13, Textbook Tieng Anh – Tap Mot)

To identify word stress

● To identify some more daily


BME - KIDs *** Grade 8/51

* BME supplementary document, Part 1 – Lesson 3A: I always get up early How about you? (p.13)


Unit 3: Where did

you go on holiday?

Lesson Part 1,2,3


Vocabulary: train, taxi, motorbike, underground

Where were you on holiday?

- I was in

How did you get there? - I went by _

● To practice asking and answering questions about means of




Unit 2: I always get up early How

about you?

Vocabulary: make the bed, make cakes, homework, feed the cat/ dog, walk the dog, water the flowers, watch cartoons/ movies, wash the dishes/ clothes, iron the clothes

Do you/ they make the bed in the morning?

- Yes, … / No, … don't

Does he/ she wash the clothes every day?

- Yes, he/ she does - No, he/ she doesn’t

Do you/ they feed the dog or walk the dog every day?

- I/ We/ They walk the dog every day Does he/ she make cakes once or twice a week?

- He/ She makes cakes once a week Review (if time)

How often do you/ they … have English lessons?

- I/ We/ They have English lessons three times a week

How often does he/ she cook dinner?

- He/ She cooks dinner every day

● To identify some more daily


9/51 Tieng Anh (2 periods FT/ week)- Advanced

* BME supplementary document, Part 1 – Lesson 3B: I always get up early How about you? (p.14)


Unit 3: Where did

you go on holiday?

Lesson Part 1,2,3


Word stress: ‘family, ‘motorbike, ‘underground …



- Ha Long Bay, Phu Quoc Island, Hoi An Ancient Town, Hue Imperial City

- train, taxi, motorbike, underground

Where did you go on holiday? - I went to Where were you on holiday? - I was in How did you get there? - I went by _

● To identify word stress ● To review asking and answering questions about past holiday ● To review asking and answering questions about means of



Unit 3: Where did

you go on holiday?

Word stress: ‘family, ‘motorbike, ‘underground …


- Nha Trang Beach, Co To Island - fun, interesting

- swim in the sea, sunbathe, visit an aquarium, eat seafood

Regular verbs: visit – visited, sunbathe – sunbathed

Irregular verbs: eat – ate, swim - swam

Where did you/ they/ he/ she go on holiday?

- I/ We/ They/ He/ She went to How did you/ they/ he/ she get there?

- I/ We/ They/ he/ She went by What was the trip like?

- It was

What did you/ they/ he/ she there?

- I/ We/ They/ He/ She (I visited an aquarium.)

* Part – Let’s sing: How did you get there? (p.21, Textbook TA – Tap Mot)

* BME supplementary document, Part

● To identify word stress

● To practice asking and answering questions about past holidays (cont)


BME - KIDs *** Grade 10/51 1 – Lesson 4A: Where did you go on holiday? (p.15)

5 10

Unit 4: Did you go to the


Lesson Part 1,2,3


Vocabulary: go on a picnic, enjoy the party, join the funfair, watch TV

Did you _? - Yes, I did - No, I didn’t

● To practice asking and answering questions about whether

someone did something



Unit 3: Where did

you go on holiday?


- Da Lat, Ho Chi Minh City, Sa Pa, Tam Dao

- buy souvenirs/ gifts, climb the mountain, build sandcastles, go sightseeing, take nice photos

Regular verbs: climb – climbed

Irregular verbs: buy – bought, build – built, go – went, take – took

Where did you/ they/ he/ she go on holiday?

- I/ We/ They/ He/ She went to ● Did you/ they/ he/ she go there by train or plane?

- I/ We/ They/ He/ She went there by train

What did you/ they/ he/ she there?

- I/ We/ They/ He/ She (I climbed the mountain.)

Did you/ they/ he/ she buy souvenirs?

- Yes, … did / No, … didn't

* BME supplementary document, Part 1 – Lesson 4B: Where did you go on holiday? (P.16)

● To identify some more places and activities

● To practice asking and answering questions about past holidays (cont)


11/51 Tieng Anh (2 periods FT/ week)- Advanced 6 11

Unit 4: Did you go to the


Lesson Part 1,2,3


Vocabulary: had nice food and drink, played hide-and-seek, chatted with friends, watched cartoons

What did you at the party?

- We

● To practice asking and answering questions about what someone did at the party




● To a project about what students learnt from unit to unit

6 12

Unit 4: Did you go to the


Lesson Part 1,2,3


Word stress: ‘party, en’joyed, in’vite, …


Vocabulary: go on a picnic, enjoy the party, join the funfair, watch TV, had nice food and drink, played hide-and-seek, chatted with friends, watched cartoons

Did you _? - Yes, I did - No, I didn’t

What did you at the party?

- We

● To identify some word stress ● To review asking and answering questions about whether

someone did something ● To review asking and answering questions about what someone did at the party






- London, visit the London Eye/ Buckingham Palace/ Tower Bridge, see Big Ben, go around London by double-decker buses / red buses, eat fish and chips,

- New York City, visit the Statue of Liberty, eat fast food,

- Paris, visit the Eiffel Tower, enjoy French food,

- Shanghai, enjoy Chinese traditional food, visit temples, go shopping, board an evening cruise boat, enjoy Shanghai’s classical skyline views, visit Shanghai Museum

- wonderful, amazing, great, exciting, have a great time

- last summer vacation/ holiday

Regular verbs: visit – visited, enjoy – enjoyed,

Irregular verbs: go – went, eat – ate, see – saw, have – had

● To identify some famous places and activities


BME - KIDs *** Grade 12/51

I went to London with my family last summer vacation We went there by plane It was a wonderful trip We visited the London Eye, saw Big Ben and went around London by the double-decker buses We had a really great time there

* BME supplementary document, Part – Extra practice (p.17)

7 13

Unit 5: Where will you

be this weekend?

Lesson Part 1,2,3


Vocabulary: in the

countryside, on the beach, at school, by the sea

Where will you be this weekend?

- I think I’ll be _

● To practice asking and answering questions about where someone will be



Unit 4: Did you go

to the party?

Word stress: ‘party, en’joyed, in’vite, …


- dance, sing, enjoy the party, blow out candles, eat cakes and sweets, give,

- present, a dictionary, some flowers, a comic book, a birthday card

Regular verbs: dance – danced, enjoy – enjoyed

Irregular verbs:sing – sang, eat – ate, give – gave, blow – blew

What did you/ they/ he/ she at the party?

- I/ We/ They/ He/ She Did you/ they/ he/ she _? - Yes, … did / No, … didn’t

What present did you/ they/ he/ she give …… (someone)?

- I/ We/ They/ He/ She gave … a comic book

To identify word stress

● To practice asking and answering questions about whether someone did something (cont)


13/51 Tieng Anh (2 periods FT/ week)- Advanced * Part – Let’s sing: What did you

on Teacher’s Day? (p.25, Textbook TA 5 – Tap Mot)

* BME supplementary document, Part 1 – Lesson 5A: Did you go to the party? (p.18)

7 14

Unit 5: Where will you

be this weekend?

Lesson Part 1,2,3


Vocabulary: explore the caves, take a boat trip around the islands, build sandcastles on the beach, swim in the sea

What will you at Ha Long Bay?

- I think I’ll _

- I don’t know I may _

● To practice asking and answering questions about what someone will



Unit 4: Did you go

to the party?


- play cards, buy/ make a birthday cake, blow balloons, make a birthday card, some toys, new clothes

Review: enjoy the party, blow out candles, eat cakes and sweets, give

Regular verbs: enjoy – enjoyed, play – played

Irregular verbs:eat – ate, give – gave, buy – bought, make – made, blow – blew

Yesterday was Nam’s birthday I

gave him some toys I made a birthday cake for him We blew

balloons and enjoyed the party Review:

What did you/ they/ he/ she at the party?

- I/ We/ They/ He/ She What present did you/ they/ he/ she give …… (someone)?

- I/ We/ They/ He/ She gave … a comic book


BME - KIDs *** Grade 14/51 * BME supplementary document, Part 1 – Lesson 5B: Did you go to the party? (p.19)

8 15

Unit 5: Where will you

be this weekend?

Lesson Part 1,2,3


Word stress: ‘seaside, ‘islands, ‘countryside


Vocabulary: in the

countryside, on the beach, at school, by the sea, explore the caves, take a boat trip around the islands, build sandcastles on the beach, swim in the sea

Where will you be this weekend?

- I think I’ll be _ What will you at Ha Long Bay? - I think I’ll _ - I don’t know I may _

● To review asking and answering questions about where someone will be

● To review asking and answering questions about what someone

will F/T15

Unit 5: Where will you

be this weekend?

Word stress: ‘seaside, ‘islands, ‘countryside

Vocabulary: this weekend, tomorrow, next week/ month/ year/ Sunday …, go diving, run on the beach

Review: in the countryside, on the beach, at school, by the sea, at home, in the mountains, explore the caves, take a boat trip around the islands, build sandcastles on the beach, swim in the sea

Where will you be this weekend? - I think I’ll be

What will you in the morning? - I think I’ll

- I don’t know I may * Part – Let’s play (p.33)

* Part – Let’s sing: Where will you be? (p.31, Textbook Tieng Anh – Tap Mot)

* BME supplementary document, Part 1 – Lesson 6A: Where will you be this weekend? (p.20)

To identify word stress


15/51 Tieng Anh (2 periods FT/ week)- Advanced 8 16


Part -5 (p.36-37)

Review all the vocab and structures from unit to unit




● In the first 20 minutes: 20-min A1 test

● In the last 20 minutes: _ Correct A1 test

_ Cross checking

_ Review vocabulary, structures from unit to unit

To A1 test To correct the A1 test and review previous

vocabulary, structures from unit to unit

9 17


Test 40 minutes No.1



REVIEW (Unit 4 + 5)

Review previous vocabulary, phonics and structures in the lessons of unit and unit

Cover uncompleted parts in Textbook Tieng Anh – Tap Mot (unit and 5) or BME supplementary document

9 18

Unit 6:

How many lessons you have


Lesson Part 1,2,3


Vocabulary: Maths, IT, Science, Art, Music, English, Vietnamese, PE

How many lessons you have today?

- I have four lessons: English, Maths, IT and PE

To identify some subjects To practice asking and answering questions about lessons



REVIEW (Unit 4 + 5)

Review previous vocabulary, phonics and structures in the lessons of unit and unit


BME - KIDs *** Grade 16/51 10 19

Unit 6: How many lessons

do you have today?

Lesson Part 1,2,3


Vocabulary: once/ twice/ three times/ four times/… a week, every school day

How often you have English?

- I have it three times a week

To practice asking and answering questions about how often someone has a subject



Unit 6: How many lessons you have


Vocabulary: Maths (Mathematics), English, IT (Information Technology), Science, Art, Music, Vietnamese, PE (Physical Education), Geography - Review: Monday Sunday

How many lessons do you/ they have today? - I/ We/ They have lessons today

How many lessons does he/ she have today? - He/ She has lessons today

What lessons do you/ they have today?

- I/ We/ They have English, IT, PE and Art

What lessons does he/ she have today?

- He/ She has English, IT, PE and Art

* Practice (Reference -English Grade

5 –Book 1) - Part – Let’s sing: How many lessons you have today? (p.41)

* BME supplementary document – Lesson 7A: How many lessons you have today? (p.22)

● To identify some subjects and days of a week (cont) ● To practice asking and answering questions about lessons (cont)

10 20

Unit 6: How many lessons

Sentence stress: ‘How many ‘lessons you ‘have ‘today?


To identify sentence stress To review asking and



Unit 6: How many lessons you have

Review Vocabulary: tomorrow - Maths (Mathematics), English, IT (Information Technology), Science, Art, Music, Vietnamese, PE (Physical


17/51 Tieng Anh (2 periods FT/ week)- Advanced do you

have today?

Lesson Part 1,2,3


Vocabulary: Maths, IT, Science, Art, Music, English, Vietnamese, PE, once/ twice/ three times/ four times/… a week, every school day

How many lessons you have today?

- I have four lessons: English, Maths, IT and PE How often you have English?

- I have it three times a week

answering questions about lessons

To review asking and answering questions about how often someone has a subject

today? Education), Geography - Monday Sunday

Vocabulary: useful, calculate, learn how to

What subject(s) you like best?/ What subject(s) does he/she like best?

Do you/ they have lessons on Mondays?

- Yes, … / No, … don't

Does he/ she have lessons today? - Yes, … does / No, … doesn't

Do you/ they have English on Tuesdays or Wednesdays? - I/ We/ They have Maths on Tuesdays

- I/ We/ They have both English and Maths on Tuesdays

Does he/ she have PE or IT tomorrow?

- He/ She has PE tomorrow - He/ She has both PE and IT tomorrow

* BME supplementary document – Lesson 7B: How many lessons you have today? (p.23)

lessons (cont)

11 21

Unit 7: How you learn

Vocabulary: speak English every day, watch English cartoons on TV, write

To practice asking and answering



Unit 6: How many lessons

Sentence stress: ‘How many ‘lessons you ‘have ‘today? Vocabulary: interesting, easy, fun


BME - KIDs *** Grade 18/51 English?

Lesson Part 1,2,3


emails to my friends, read short stories

How you practice + V-ing?

- I _

(How you practice speaking English?

- I speak English every day.)

questions about how someone learns English

you have today?

Review: once/ twice/ three times/ four times … a week, every school day

How often do you/ they have English?

- I/ We/ They have it twice a week

How often does he/ she have

English?- He/ She has it twice a week What’s your/ his/ her favourite subject?

- My/ His/ Her favourite subject is English

Why do you/ they like English? - Because it’s interesting

Why does he/ she like Maths? - Because it’s fun

* BME supplementary document – Lesson 8A: How many lessons you have today? (p.24)

asking and answering questions about how often someone has a subject (cont) ● To practice asking and answering questions about someone’s favourite subject and why he/ she likes it

11 22

Unit 7: How you learn


Lesson Part 1,2,3


Vocabulary: read English comic books, talk with my foreign friends

Why you learn English?

- Because I want to

● To practice asking and answering questions about the importance of learning English



Unit 6: How many lessons you have


Vocabulary: difficult >< easy, boring >< fun, interesting, useful >< useless

Review: once/ twice/ three times/ four times … a week, every school day

Her favourite subject is English She likes it because it’s interesting and useful She has English three times a week She doesn’t like Maths because


19/51 Tieng Anh (2 periods FT/ week)- Advanced it’s difficult

Do you/ they have English once or twice a week?

- I/ We/ They have English twice a week

Does he/ she have Maths on Mondays or Tuesdays?

- He/ She has Maths on Mondays

I/ We/ They don’t like Maths because it’s difficult

He/ She doesn’t like Maths and IT because they’re boring

* BME supplementary document – Lesson 8B: How many lessons you have today? (p.25)

asking and answering questions about how often someone has a subject (cont) ● To practice

expressing subjects someone likes and dislikes

12 23

Unit 7: How you learn


Lesson Part 1,2,3


Sentence stress: ‘How you ‘practice ‘speaking?


Vocabulary: speak English every day, watch English cartoons on TV, write emails to my friends, read short stories, read English comic books, talk with my foreign friends

How you practice + V-ing?

- I _

(How you practice

To identify sentence stress To review asking and answering questions about how someone learns English ● To review asking and answering questions about the importance of learning



Unit 7: How you learn


Sentence stress: ‘How you ‘practice ‘speaking?

Vocabulary: join an English club, write diary in English, listen to English songs

How you/ they learn English? How you/ they practise + V-ing? - I/ We/ They

(How you practise speaking English? – I speak English every day.)

How does he/ she learn English?

How does he/ she practise + V-ing? - He/ She reads English comic books Why do you/ they learn English?

To identify sentence stress To practice asking and answering questions about how someone learns English (cont)


BME - KIDs *** Grade 20/51 speaking English?

- I speak English every day.) Why you learn


- Because I want to

English - Because I/ we/ they want to

Why does he/ she learn English? - Because he/ she wants to

* Practice (Reference -English Grade

5 –Book - Part – Song: How you learn English? (p.47)

* BME supplementary document, Part 1 – Lesson 9A: How you learn English? (p.26)

12 24

Unit 8: What are

you reading?

Lesson Part 1,2,3


Vocabulary: The Fox and the Crow, the Story of Mai An Tiem, Aladdin and the Magic Lamp, Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs

What are you reading? - I’m reading

To identify some titles of books/ stories To practice asking and answering questions about what book/ story someone is reading


F/T A1 test

● In the first 20 minutes: 20-min A1 test

● In the last 20 minutes: _ Correct A1 test

_ Cross checking

_ Review vocabulary, structures from unit to unit

To A1 test To correct the A1 test and review previous

vocabulary, structures from unit to unit

13 25

Unit 8: What are

you reading?

Lesson Part 1,2,3


Review: An Tiem, Snow White, The Fox, Tam, hard-working, kind, clever, gentle

What’s _ like? - He’s/ She’s _ (What’s An Tiem like? - He’s hard-working.)

To practice asking and answering questions about what the

character in the story is like





21/51 Tieng Anh (2 periods FT/ week)- Advanced EXTRA


(In the last 10 minutes)

- Introduce about Christmas… - Make Christmas cards or write letters to Santa Claus

● To help Vietnamese students

understand more about Christmas

13 26

Unit 8: What are

you reading?

Lesson Part 1,2,3


Sentence stress: ‘What are you ‘reading? …



- The Fox and the Crow, the Story of Mai An Tiem, Aladdin and the Magic Lamp, Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs

- An Tiem, Snow White, The Fox, Tam, hard-working, kind, clever, gentle

What are you reading? - I’m reading What’s _ like? - He’s/ She’s _ (What’s An Tiem like? - He’s hard-working.)

To identify sentence stress To review asking and answering questions about what book/ story someone is reading To review asking and answering questions about what the

character in the story is like





Vocabulary: learn English vocabulary through pictures / with topics, watch English lessons on YouTube, imitate American/ British accent, write new words in a notebook, be confident when speaking, watch movies without Vietnamese subtitles * by + V-ing

Do you/ they practise English by learning English vocabulary through pictures?

- Yes, … / No, … don't

Does he/ she practise English by learning English vocabulary through pictures?

- Yes, … does / No, … doesn't

I/ We/ They learn English to watch movies without Vietnamese subtitles

He/ She learns English to talk with foreign friends

* BME supplementary document, Part 1 – Extra practice (p.28)


BME - KIDs *** Grade 22/51 14 27

Unit 9: What did you see at

the zoo?

Lesson Part 1,2,3


Vocabulary: pythons, crocodiles, peacocks, gorillas

What did you see at the zoo?

- I saw (pythons/ monkeys/ elephants….)

To identify some animals in a zoo

To practice asking and answering questions about animals in a zoo



Unit 8: What are

you reading?

Sentence stress: ‘What are you ‘reading? …

Vocabulary: Ali Baba and the Forty Thieves, The Golden Starfruit Tree, Dragon Balls, The Legend of Hoan Kiem Lake, intelligent, brave,silly

Review: clever, kind, hard-working, gentle

What are you/ they reading? - I’m/ We’re/ They’re reading

What is he/ she reading? - He’s/ She’s reading

Who’s the main character? - It’s “Son Goku”

What’s like?

What’s the main character like? - He’s/ She’s

* Practice (Reference -English Grade

5 –Book 1) - Part – Let’s sing: Snow White and Aladdin (p.55)

* BME supplementary document, Part – Lesson 10A: What are you reading? (p.29)

To identify sentence stress To identify some characters and their personalities (cont)

● To practice talking about what story/ book

someone is reading (cont) ● To practice talking about what the character in a story is like (cont)

14 28

Unit 9: What did you see at

the zoo?

Lesson Part 1,2,3

Vocabulary: roar loudly, move beautifully, move quietly, eat slowly, pandas

What did the _ when you were there? - They _

● To practice asking and answering questions about what animals did in the zoo



Unit 8: What are

you reading?


- Little Red Riding Hood, The Three Little Pigs, The Ugly Duckling, The boy who cried Wolf,

- shy, dishonest, dangerous Review: intelligent, brave, clever,


23/51 Tieng Anh (2 periods FT/ week)- Advanced

(p.60) kind, gentle, hard-working, silly

Are you/ they reading _? - Yes, I am/ we are/ they are

- No, I’m not / we aren’t / they aren’t

Is he/ she reading _? - Yes, he/ she is

- No, he/ she isn’t

Who’s the main character? - It’s “the ugly duck”

What’s the main character like? - He’s/ She’s/ It’s dishonest

Who’s your/ his/ her favourite character/ story? – It’s _ * BME supplementary document, Part 1 – Lesson 10B: What are you

reading? (p.30)


● To practice talking about what the character in a story is like (cont)

15 29

Unit 9: What did you see at

the zoo?

Lesson Part 1,2,3


Sentence stress: ‘When did you ‘go to the ‘zoo? ….


Vocabulary: pythons, crocodiles, peacocks, gorillas, pandas, roar loudly, move beautifully, move quietly, eat slowly

What did you see at the zoo? - I saw (pythons/ monkeys/ elephants….) What did the _ when you were there?

To identify sentence stress To review asking and answering questions about animals in a zoo ● To review asking and answering questions about what animals did in the zoo


F/T REVIEW Review of the previous vocabulary, phonics and structures

in the lessons from unit to unit


BME - KIDs *** Grade 24/51 - They _

15 30

Unit 10: When will

Sports Day be?

Lesson Part 1,2,3



- Sports Day, Teacher’s Day, Independence Day,

Children’s Day

- days of a week: Monday => Sunday

When will be? - It’ll be on

● To practice asking and answering questions about

school events 30



16 31

Unit 10: When will

Sports Day be?

Lesson Part 1,2,3


Vocabulary: play

basketball, play football, play table tennis, play badminton

What are you going to on Sports Day?

- I’m going to

● To practice asking and answering questions about what someone is going to do/ play on Sports Day



Review of the previous vocabulary, phonics and structures in the lessons from unit to unit

*BME supplementary document – Review 2B (p.32)

16 32

Unit 10: When will

Sports Day be?

Lesson Part 1,2,3


Sentence stress: ‘When will ‘Sport ‘Day ‘be? ….



- Sports Day, Teacher’s Day, Independence Day,

Children’s Day - days of a week: - play basketball, play football, play table tennis, play badminton

● To identify sentence stress ● To review asking and answering questions about school events ● To review asking and answering questions about




25/51 Tieng Anh (2 periods FT/ week)- Advanced When will be?

- It’ll be on

What are you going to on Sports Day?

- I’m going to

what someone is going to do/ play on Sports Day

17 33


Part 1-5 (p.70-71)

Review all the vocab, structures and phonics from unit to unit 10



Unit 9: What did

you see at the


Sentence stress:

‘When did you ‘go to the ‘zoo? …. Vocabulary: giraffe(s), bear(s), ostrich(s), zebra(s), python(s), crocodile(s), peacock(s), gorilla(s)

When did you/ they/ he/ she go to the zoo?

- I/ We/ They/ He/ She went there yesterday

What did you/ they/ he/ she see at the zoo?

- I/ We/ They/ He/ She saw s/es (I saw elephants.)

What did the s/es when you/ they were (he/ she was) there? - They

(What did the tigers when she was there? – They roared loudly.)

* Practice (Reference -English Grade

–Book 1) - Part – Let’s sing: What did you see at the zoo? (p.59)

* BME supplementary document – Lesson 11A: What did you see at the zoo? (p.37)


BME - KIDs *** Grade 26/51

17 34


Test 40-min No.2



Unit 9: What did

you see at the



- hippo(s), rhino(s)/ rhinoceros(es), - move (moved) slowly in the water - dolphin(s) - eat (ate) fish, dance (danced) in the water

- starfish, turtle(s), octopus(es) - swim (swam) in the water,

- squirrel(s) – eat (ate) nuts - kangaroo(s) – hop (hopped) - days/ weeks/ months ago

Review: yesterday, last Sunday/ Saturday

When did you/ they/ he/ she go to the zoo?

- I/ We/ They/ He/ She went there yesterday

What did you/ they/ he/ she see at the zoo?

- I/ We/ They/ He/ She saw s/es (I saw elephants.)

What did the s/es when you/ they were (he/ she was) there? - They

(What did the tigers when she was there? – They roared loudly.)

* BME supplementary document, Part 1 – Lesson 11B: What did you see at the zoo? (p.38)


27/51 Tieng Anh (2 periods FT/ week)- Advanced

18 35





● To a project about what students learnt from unit to unit

18 36

Unit 11: What’s

the matter

with you?

Lesson Part 1,2,3


Vocabulary: have a

toothache, have an earache, have a sore throat, have a stomach ache

What’s the matter with you?

- I have

To identify some health problems ● To practice asking and answering questions about common health


36 FT



Vocabulary: some, any, I wish I could do ST


- hippo(s), rhino(s)/ rhinoceros(es), - move (moved) slowly in the water - dolphin(s) - eat (ate) fish, dance (danced) in the water

- starfish, turtle(s), octopus(es) - swim (swam) in the water,

- squirrel(s) – eat (ate) nuts - kangaroo(s) – hop (hopped)

- lion(s), tiger(s) – roar (roared) loudly - days/ weeks/ months ago,

yesterday, last Sunday/ Saturday/…

I/ We/ They/ He/ She saw (some) _s/es at the zoo yesterday/ last week…

I/ We/ They/ He/ She didn’t see any _s/es at the zoo yesterday/ last week…

Last week, I went to the zoo with my parents We had a fun time there I saw many animals there I saw tigers and lions They roared loudly when I

To review some animals and their actions


BME - KIDs *** Grade 28/51 was there I saw some dolphins They danced in the water I saw some turtles and octopuses They swam in the water I didn’t see any kangaroos

Did you/ they/ he/ she see any monkeys at the zoo yesterday? - Yes, ….did / No, … didn’t

* BME supplementary document, Part 1 – Extra practice (p.39)

19 37

Unit 11: What’s

the matter

with you?

Lesson Part 1,2,3


Vocabulary: go to the doctor, go to the dentist, take a rest, eat a lot of fruit, carry heavy things, eat a lot of sweets, should, shouldn’t

You should/ shouldn’t _ - Yes, I will Thanks

- OK, I won’t Thanks

● To practice giving and responding to advice on common health problems



Unit 10: When will

Sports Day be?

Sentence stress: ‘When will ‘Sport ‘Day ‘be? ….

Vocabulary: take part in singing contest, boxing, cycle

Review: Sports Day, Teacher’s Day, Independence Day, Children’s Day, Monday Sunday, play basketball/ football/ table tennis/ badminton

When will be? - It’ll be on (‘ll = will)

What are you/ they going to on Sports Day?

- I’m/ We’re/ They’re going to

What is he/ she going to on Sports Day?

- He’s/ She’s going to

* Part – Let’s sing: When will Sports Day be? (p.65)

* Part – Let’s play: Pass the secret! (p.67, Textbook Tieng Anh – Tap

To identify sentence stress To practice asking and answering questions about school events (cont)


29/51 Tieng Anh (2 periods FT/ week)- Advanced Mot)

* BME supplementary document, Part 2 – Lesson 12A: When will Sports Day be? (p.7)

19 38

Unit 11: What’s

the matter

with you?

Lesson Part 1,2,3





- have a toothache/ an earache/ a sore throat/ a stomach ache

- go to the doctor, go to the dentist, take a rest, eat a lot of fruit, carry heavy things, eat a lot of sweets, should, shouldn’t

What’s the matter with you?

- I have

You should/ shouldn’t _ - Yes, I will Thanks

- OK, I won’t Thanks

To identify intonation in Wh-questions and answers ● To review asking and answering questions about common health

problems ● To review giving and responding to advice on common health problems



Unit 10: When will

Sports Day be?


- Halloween – on 31st October, wear scary clothes / dress up in scary costumes, make pumpkin lanterns / Jack O’ Lantern

- Thanksgiving Day – on the second Monday of October, have a family meal, eat turkey, tell jokes

- Christmas – on 24th and 25th of December, decorate the Christmas tree, go to the church, receive gifts, sing Christmas songs

- Mother’s Day – on the second Sunday in May, prepare dinner, lay table, wash the dishes

Review: ordinal number (the first, the second, the third, the fourth, the twentieth, the twenty-first, the

thirtieth, the thirty-first), 12 months in a year (January => December),

When will be? - It’ll be on (‘ll = will)

What are you/they going to on Thanksgiving Day/that day/those

To identify some more special events


BME - KIDs *** Grade 30/51 days?

- I’m/ We’re/ They’re going to What is he/ she going to on Christmas Day /that day/ those days? - He’s/ She’s going to

* BME supplementary document, Part 2 – Lesson 12B: When will Sports Day be? (p.8)

20 39

Unit 12: Don’t ride your

bike too fast!

Lesson Part 1,2,3


Vocabulary: play with matches, ride your bike too fast, climb the tree, run down the stairs

Don’t ! - OK, I won’t

● To practice expressing and responding to concerns about possible

accidents at home



Unit 11: What’s

the matter with you?


Vocabulary: have sore eyes/ backache/ a cold/ a broken leg/ a broken arm, sick, tired

Review: have a toothache/ an

earache/ sore throat/ stomach ache/ a fever/ a headache/ a high


What’s the matter with you/ him/ her/ Tony/ … ?

- I/ We/ They have - He/ She has

How you feel now?

- I feel tired I have a headache * Part – Let’s sing: What’s the

matter with you? (p.7, Textbook Tieng Anh – Tap Hai)

* BME supplementary document, Part 2 – Lesson 13A: What’s the matter with you? (p.9)


31/51 Tieng Anh (2 periods FT/ week)- Advanced 20 40

Unit 12: Don’t ride your bike too fast! Lesson Part 1,2,3 (p.14)

Vocabulary: play with the knife, cut yourself, play with the stove, get a burn, ride too fast, fall off your bike, run down the stairs, break your arm

Why shouldn’t I ? - Because you may

● To practice asking and answering questions about accident prevention 40


● In the first 20 minutes: A1 test

● In the last 20 minutes: _ Correct A1 test

_ Cross checking

_ Review vocabulary, structures from unit to unit 10

To A1 test To correct A1 test and review previous

vocabulary, structures from unit to unit 10

21 41

Unit 12: Don’t ride your bike too fast! Lesson Part 1,2,3 (p.16)



Vocabulary: play with matches, ride your bike too fast, climb the tree, run down the stairs, play with the knife, cut yourself, play with the stove, get a burn, ride too fast, fall off your bike, run down the stairs, break your arm

Don’t ! - OK, I won’t

Why shouldn’t I ? - Because you may

To identify intonation ● To review expressing and responding to concerns about possible accidents at home ● To review asking and answering questions about accident prevention 41 F/T Unit 11: What’s the matter with you?

Vocabulary: take some medicine, drink hot/ cold water, use some eye drops

Review: go to the doctor, go to the dentist, take a rest, eat a lot of fruit, carry heavy things, eat a lot of sweets

You should/ shouldn’t _ - Yes, I will Thanks

- OK, I won’t Thanks

What should I if I have backache?

- You should go to the doctor - You shouldn’t carry heavy things * Part – Let’s play (p.9, Textbook Tieng Anh – Tap Hai)

* BME supplementary document, Part 2 – Lesson 14A: What’s the matter with you? (p.11)

● To practice asking for and giving advice for some common problems (cont)

21 42

Unit 13: What you in your free

Vocabulary: surf the Internet, go to the cinema, clean the house, karate

What you in your free

● To practice asking and answering questions 42 F/T Unit 11: What’s the matter

Vocabulary: put some cream on your skin, exercise every day, go for a walk more regularly, go home, wear a hat when going out, wash your face


BME - KIDs *** Grade 32/51 time?

Lesson Part 1,2,3


time? - I

(I surf the Internet.)

about what someone does in his/ her free time

with you? regularly, lie on bed all day, had better, bang one’s head, observation You should/ shouldn’t _

// You had better (not) + V - Yes, I will Thanks

- OK, I won’t Thanks

What should I if I have backache?

- You should go to the doctor - You shouldn’t carry heavy things * BME supplementary document, Part 2 – Lesson 14B: What’s the matter with you? (p.12)

problems (cont)

22 43

Unit 13: What you in your free


Lesson Part 1,2,3



- father, mother, brother, sister

- go fishing, go swimming, go skating, go camping

What does your _ in his/ her free time?

- He/ She _

● To practice asking and answering questions about what a family member does in his/ her free time 43


Unit 12: Don’t ride

your bike too fast!


Vocabulary: play with the kitten/ dog, scratch, bite, swing too fast, fall off the swing

Review: play with matches, ride your bike too fast, fall off your bike, climb the tree, run down the stairs, break your arm/ leg, play with the knife, cut yourself, play with the stove, get a burn

Don’t - OK, I won’t

Why shouldn’t I ? - Because you may

What is he/ she doing?

- He’s/ She’s playing with matches

What may happen to him/ her?

To identify intonation ● To practice asking and answering questions about possible accidents at home (cont) ● To practice asking and answering questions about accident


33/51 Tieng Anh (2 periods FT/ week)- Advanced - He/ She may

* Part – Song: Don’t that! (p.13) * Part – Let’s play (p.15, Textbook Tieng Anh – Tap Hai)

* BME supplementary document, Part 2 – Lesson 15A: Don’t ride your bike too fast! (p.13)

22 44

Unit 13: What you in your free


Lesson Part 1,2,3





- surf the Internet, go to the cinema, clean the house, karate, go fishing, go

swimming, go skating, go camping

- father, mother, brother, sister

What you in your free time? - I

What does your _ in his/ her free time?

- He/ She _

● To identify intonation ● To review asking and answering questions about what someone or a family member does in his/ her free time



Unit 12: Don’t ride

your bike too fast!

Vocabulary: glide down the staircase, fall down the stairs, touch the gas stove, get burned, jump into the river lake, drown, go barefoot, hurt your feet, roll off the bed, revive,

conscious, unconscious, ambulance

Review: play with the kitten/ dog, scratch, bite, swing too fast, fall off the swing

Don’t - OK, I won’t

Why shouldn’t I ? - Because you may

What is he/ she doing?

- He’s/ She’s playing with matches

What may happen to him/ her? - He/ She may

* BME supplementary document, Part 2 – Lesson 15B: Don’t ride your bike too fast! (p.14)

● To practice asking and answering questions about possible accidents at home (cont) ● To practice asking and answering questions about accident

prevention (cont)

23 45

Unit 14:

What happened

in the

Vocabulary: First, then, next, in the end

What happened in the story?

To practice asking and answering questions





BME - KIDs *** Grade 34/51


Lesson Part 1,2,3


- First, _ Then _ Next _ In the end, _

about what happened in a story

11 and unit 12

23 46

Unit 14:

What happened

in the story?

Lesson Part 1,2,3


Vocabulary: the mouse, the older brother, Snow White, An Tiem, intelligent, hard-working, greedy, kind

What you think of _?

- I think he’s/ she’s/ it’s _

To practice asking and answering questions about someone’s opinions of a book/ story’s character





Vocabulary: play on the balcony, fall down the balcony, make sure, keep children safe, serious accident(s), run across

Review: glide down the staircase, fall down the stairs, touch the gas stove, get burned, jump into the river lake, drown, go barefoot, hurt your feet

You/ They/ He/ She shouldn’t jump into the river because you/ they/ he/ she may drown

To keep children safe from serious accidents, we should make sure they can/ cannot + V

Should we/ they/ he/ she jump into the river?

- Yes, … / No, …

Why shouldn’t we/ they/ he/ she jump into the river?

- Because we/ they/ he/ she may drown

* BME supplementary document, Part 2 – Extra practice (p.15)

● To practice talking about accident prevention ● To practice asking and answering questions about accident

prevention (cont)

24 47

Unit 14:

What happened

in the




- First, then, next, in the end

To identify intonation To review asking and



Unit 13: What you in your free


Vocabulary: watch cartoons, play computer games, listen to music, gardening, read books, play the piano/


35/51 Tieng Anh (2 periods FT/ week)- Advanced


Lesson Part 1,2,3


- the mouse, the older brother, Snow White, An Tiem, intelligent, hard-working, greedy, kind

What happened in the story?

- First, _ Then _ Next _ In the end, _ What you think of _?

- I think he’s/ she’s/ it’s _

answering questions about what happened in a story

To review asking and answering questions about someone’s opinions of a book/ story’s character

time? guitar, play sports, draw pictures

Review: every day, once/ twice a week, always, usually, often, sometimes

What you/ they in your free time?

- I/ We/ Theyoften watch cartoons on Disney Channel.

What does your + family member in his/ her free time?

- He/ She s/es

How often you/they … go to the cinema?

- I/ We/ They … go to the cinema once a month.

How often does he/ she … go fishing?

- He/ She goes fishing once a week

* Part – Let’s sing: What you in your free time? (p.21)

* Part – Let’s play (p.19, Textbook Tieng Anh – Tap Hai)

* BME supplementary document, Part 2 – Lesson 16A: What you in your free time? (p.16)

answering questions about what someone does in his/ her free time (cont) ● To practice asking and answering questions about what a family member does in his/ her free time (cont)

24 48

Unit 15:

What would you like

Vocabulary: pilot, doctor, architect, writer

What would you like to be in the future?

To practice asking and answering questions


F/T A1 test Do 40-min A1 test No.2


BME - KIDs *** Grade 36/51

to be in the future?

Lesson Part 1,2,3


- I’d like to be a/an _ about what someone would like to be in the future

vocabulary, structures from unit to unit 12

25 49

Unit 15: What would you like to be in

the future?

Lesson Part 1,2,3


Vocabulary: a nurse, look after patients, a writer, write stories for children, a pilot, fly a plane, an architect design building

Why would you like to be _?

- Because I’d like to _

To practice asking for and giving reasons



Unit 14:

What happened

in the story?


Vocabulary: stupid/ silly, careful, careless


- Titles of some stories: The Story of Mai An Tiem, The Golden Starfruit Tree, The Lion and the Mouse, the Tortoise and the Hare, Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs, the Story of Tam and Cam

- First, then, next, in the end - folk tale(s), comic book(s), short story(stories)

- intelligent, hard-working, greedy, kind

What happened in the story “The clever Fox and the Crow”?

- First, Then Next, In the end,

What kinds of books you like? - I like comic books

What kinds of books does he/ she like? – He/ She likes comic books

To identify intonation ● To practice asking and answering questions about what happened in a story (cont) ● To practice asking and answering questions about someone’s


37/51 Tieng Anh (2 periods FT/ week)- Advanced Which character you like


- I like the fox It’s very clever Which character does he/ she like best?

- He/ She likes the fox It’s clever What you think of ? - I think he’s/ she’s/ it’s * Part – Let’s play (p.27)

* Part – Let’s sing: Once upon a time (p.25, Textbook Tieng Anh – Tap Hai) * BME supplementary document, Part 2 – Lesson 17A: What happened in the story? (p.18)

25 50

Unit 15: What would you like to be in

the future?

Lesson Part 1,2,3




Vocabulary: a nurse, look after patients, a writer, write stories for children, a pilot, fly a plane, an architect design building

What would you like to be in the future?

- I’d like to be a/an _ Why would you like to be _?

- Because I’d like to _

To identify intonation To review asking and answering questions about what someone would like to be in the future

To review asking for and giving reasons



Unit 14:

What happened

in the story?


- Titles of some stories: Little Red Riding Hood, Three Little Pigs, The Boy who cried Wolf, The Little Match Girl, How the Tiger got his stripes

- lazy >< hard-working, careful >< careless, stupid/ silly >< smart, intelligent, poor >< rich, honest >< dishonest, coward >< brave

Review: First, then, next, in the end

What happened in the story “Little Red Riding Hood?”

- First, Then Next, In the end,

Which character you like

● To identify some more story titles and adjectives to describe characters ● To practice


BME - KIDs *** Grade 38/51 best?

- I like the fox It’s very clever Which character does he/ she like best?

- He/ She likes the fox It’s clever What you think of ? - I think he’s/ she’s/ it’s * BME supplementary document – Lesson 17B: What happened in the story? (p.19)

of a book/ story/ character (cont)

26 51


Part 1-5 (p.36-37)

Review all the vocab, structures and phonics from unit 11 to unit 15



Unit 15: What would you like to be in

the future?


Vocabulary: work in the city/

countryside, work on a farm, work in a hospital, a teacher, teach young


Review: a pilot, fly a plane, a doctor, a nurse, look after patients, an

architect, design buildings, a writer, write stories for children, work in a factory/ school

What would you/ he/ she like to be in the future?

- I’d like to be a/an

- He’d/ She’d like to be a/ an Why would you/ he/ she like to be a/an _?

- Because I/ he/ she’d like to

Where would you/ he/ she like to be a/an _?


39/51 Tieng Anh (2 periods FT/ week)- Advanced - I/ He/ She’d like to work

* Part – Let’s play (p.33)

* Part – Let’s sing: What would you like to be in the future? (p.31,

Textbook Tieng Anh – Tap Hai) * BME supplementary document, , Part – Lesson 18A: What would you like to be in the future? (p.20)

would like to work

26 52


Test 40-min No.3



Unit 15: What would you like to be in

the future?

Vocabulary: a butcher – sell meat, work in a market, a baker – make cakes, work in a bakery, a cook, a chef – cook food, a waiter – work in a restaurant, a policeman – work in a police station, a dentist – take care of people’s teeth, work in a hospital, a musician – write/ compose songs, work for a music company

- enroll, competition, well-known, prize

What would you/ he/ she like to be in the future?

- I’d like to be a/an

- He’d/ She’d like to be a/ an Why would you/ he/ she like to be a/an _?

- Because I/ he/ she’d like to

Where would you/ he/ she like to be a/an _?

- I/ He/ She’d like to work


BME - KIDs *** Grade 40/51 * BME supplementary document, Part 2 – Lesson 18B: What would you like to be in the future? (p.21)

27 53

Unit 16: Where’s the post office?

Lesson Part 1,2,3



- bus stop, market, pharmacy, theatre, museum, stadium, supermarket

- next to, opposite, between and…, on the corner of the street

Excuse me, where’s the ?

- It’s

To practice asking and answering questions about directions 53


REVIEW (Unit 13,14,15)

Review previous vocabulary, phonics and structures in the lessons of unit 13,14 and unit 15

Cover uncompleted parts in Textbook Tieng Anh – Tap Mot (unit 13,14 and 15) or BME supplementary document

27 54

Unit 16: Where’s the post office?

Lesson Part 1,2,3


Vocabulary: walk for five minutes, take a boat, take a coach, go by plane

How can I get to ? - You can

To practice asking and answering questions about means of




REVIEW (Unit 13,14,15)

Review previous vocabulary, phonics and structures in the lessons of unit 13,14 and unit 15

Cover uncompleted parts in Textbook Tieng Anh – Tap Mot (unit 13, 14 and 15) or BME supplementary document

28 55

Unit 16: Where’s the post office?

Lesson Part 1,2,3





- bus stop, market, pharmacy, theatre, museum, stadium, supermarket

- next to, opposite, between and…, on the corner of the street

To identify intonation To review asking and answering questions about directions To review asking and



Unit 16: Where’s the post office?


Vocabulary: take the bus number 22/34…, near here, far from here Review:

- bus stop, stadium, pharmacy,

market, theatre, cinema, supermarket, museum, Phu Quoc Island

- next to, opposite, between …and…., on the corner of the street


41/51 Tieng Anh (2 periods FT/ week)- Advanced

- walk for five minutes, take a boat/ a coach, go by plane

Excuse me, where’s the ?

- It’s

How can I get to ? - You can

answering questions about means of


- walk for minutes, take a boat/ coach, go by plane

Excuse me, where’s the bus stop? - It’s next to the stadium

Excuse me, is the bus stop near here?

- Yes, it is It's over there, near the lake.

- No, it isn't It's on the corner of the street

How can I get to the post office? - You can walk for minutes

* Reference -English Grade –Book


-Part – Let’s sing: Where’s the bus stop? (p.41)

* BME supplementary document, Part 2 – Lesson 19A: Where’s the post office? (p.22)

answering questions about means of

transports (cont)

28 56

Unit 17: What would you like

to eat?

Lesson Part 1,2,3


Vocabulary: a packet of biscuits, a bar of chocolate, a glass of orange juice, a carton of lemonade

What would you like to eat/ drink?

- I’d like _, please

To practice asking and answering questions about what someone would like to eat or drink


F/T A1 test

● In the first 20 minutes: 20-min A1 test

● In the last 20 minutes: _ Correct A1 test

_ Cross checking

_ Review vocabulary, structures from unit to unit 15

To A1 test To correct A1 test and review previous


BME - KIDs *** Grade 42/51 29 57

Unit 17: What would

you like to eat?

Lesson Part 1,2,3


Vocabulary: banana(s), rice, bowl(s), sausage(s), water, bottle(s)

How many/ much you eat/ drink every day? - I eat/ drink

To practice asking and answering questions about the quantity of food and drink




To a project about what students learnt from unit 13 to unit 16

29 58

Unit 17: What would you like

to eat?

Lesson Part 1,2,3




Vocabulary: a packet of biscuits, a bar of chocolate, a glass of orange juice, a carton of lemonade, banana(s), rice, bowl(s), sausage(s), water, bottle(s)

What would you like to eat/ drink?

- I’d like _, please How many/ much you eat/ drink every day? - I eat/ drink

To identify notification To review asking and answering questions about what someone would like to eat or drink and the quantity of food and drink





- take the first turning on the left, take the second turning on the right, go straight ahead/ on, turn left at the traffic light

- (Respond to thank you): you’re

welcome, no problem, my pleasure

Review: go along the street, turn left, turn right, go to the end of the road, go past the stadium/cinema…., go straight on until you get to the ….

● A: Excuse me! Can you tell/ show me the way to the hospital?

B: Go along the street It’s at the end of the road

A: Thank you! B: You’re welcome

Is there a hospital near here? - Yes, it is Turn left at the traffic light and go straight on until you see the hospital It’s on your right

* BME supplementary document, Part 2 – Extra practice (p.24)

To practice asking and answering questions about directions (cont) ● To practice asking and answering questions about means of


43/51 Tieng Anh (2 periods FT/ week)- Advanced 30 59

Unit 18:

What will the weather

be like tomorrow


Lesson Part 1,2,3


Vocabulary: cold, snowy, hot, sunny, warm, stormy, cool, cloudy,

What will the weather be like tomorrow?

- It will be _ and _

To practice asking and answering questions about the weather in

the future F/T59 REVIEW

Review all the vocab, structures from unit 11 to unit 13 * BME supplementary document, Part – Review 3A (p.25)

30 60

Unit 18:

What will the weather

be like tomorrow


Lesson Part 1,2,3


Vocabulary: spring, summer, autumn, winter, cold, wind, hot, flowers, cool, rain, very cold, snow

What’s like in your country?

- It’s usually _ There is/ are

To practice asking and answering questions about the seasons 60



31 61

Unit 18:

What will the weather

be like tomorrow


Lesson Part 1,2,3



Vocabulary: cold, snowy, hot, sunny, warm, stormy, cool, cloudy, spring, summer, autumn, winter, cold, wind, hot, flowers, cool, rain, very cold, snow

What will the weather be

To identify intonation To review asking and answering questions about the weather in the future To review



BME - KIDs *** Grade 44/51

(p.56) like tomorrow?

- It will be _ and _ What’s like in your country?

- It’s usually _ There is/ are

asking and answering questions about the seasons

31 62

Unit 19: Which

place would you like to visit?

Lesson Part 1,2,3


Vocabulary: Thong Nhat Park, the Museum of History, Trang Tien Bridge, Thien My

Pagoda, Ben Thanh Maket, the City Theatre, Bai Dinh Pagoda, Hoa Lu Temple

Which place would you like to visit, or ?

- I’d like to visit

To practice asking and answering questions about which place someone would like to visit




32 63

Unit 19: Which

place would you like to visit?

Lesson Part 1,2,3



- Ha Long Bay, Dam Sen Park, Thu Le Zoo, Phu Quoc Island - attractive, exciting,

interesting, beautiful

What you think of ? - It’s more than I’ve expected

● To practice asking and answering questions about someone’s opinions about

a place 63


Unit 17: What would you like

to eat?


Vocabulary: sandwich(es), egg(s), ice-cream(s), coffee, cheese, seafood, yogurt, a loaf (loaves) of bread

Revierw: a packet of biscuits, a bar of chocolate, a glass of orange juice/ milk, a cartoon of lemonade, banana(s), rice, a bowl of rice, sausage(s), water, bottle of water

What would you like to eat/ drink? - I’d like a packet of biscuits, please How many bananas you eat every day?

- I eat bananas

To identify intonation

To identify some food and drink (cont)


45/51 Tieng Anh (2 periods FT/ week)- Advanced How much milk do you drink every


- I drink glasses of milk

* Practice (Reference -English Grade

–Book 2) -Part – Let’s sing: Healthy eating and drinking (p.47)

* BME supplementary document, Part 2 – Lesson 20A: What would you like to eat? (p.31)

answering questions about the quantity of food and drink (cont)

32 64

Unit 19: Which

place would you like to visit?

Lesson Part 1,2,3





- Thong Nhat Park, the Museum of History, Trang Tien Bridge, Thien My Pagoda, Ben Thanh Maket, the City Theatre, Bai Dinh Pagoda, Hoa Lu Temple, Ha Long Bay, Dam Sen Park, Thu Le Zoo, Phu Quoc Island - attractive, exciting, interesting, beautiful

Which place would you like to visit, or ?

- I’d like to visit

What you think of ? - It’s more than I’ve expected

To identify intonation To review asking and answering questions about which place someone would like to visit ● To review asking and answering questions about someone’s opinions about a place



Unit 17: What would you like

to eat?


- Food:omelet, pizza, hamburger, hot

dog, cereal, salad, pasta

- Drink: sugar cane juice, apple juice, a cup of hot coffee/ iced tea, a litre of water

- hungry, thirsty, full - to prefer ST to ST

● Would you like some sandwiches? - Yes, please

- No, thanks I’m full / I’m not hungry How many bananas you eat every day?

- I eat bananas

How much milk do you drink every day?

- I drink glasses of milk

* BME supplementary document, Part 2 – Lesson 20B: What would you like to eat? (p.32)


BME - KIDs *** Grade 46/51 33 65

Unit 20:

Which one is more exciting, life in the city or life

in the

countryside ? Lesson Part 1,2,3



- small, large, noisy, busy - Hoan Kiem Lake, West Lake, Ben Thanh Market, Dong Xuan Market, life in the city, life in the countryside, life in the mountains

Which one is , or ?

- I think

To practice asking and answering questions to compare places (adjectives with one or two syllables)



Unit 18: What will

the weather

be like

tomorrow ?


Review Vocabulary:

- weather, cold, hot, cool, warm, snow, snowy, sun, sunny, storm, stormy, cloud, cloudy, wind, windy, rain, rainy

- spring, summer, autumn, winter

What will the weather be like tomorrow?

- It’ll be sunny and windy

What’s spring like in your country? - It’s usually cold There is much wind - It’s usually cold There are flowers

What season / does you / he like best?

- I / He like(s) autumn best There is much wind in that season I / He can fly a kite

* Part – Let’s sing: The weather song (p.55)

* Part – Let’s play (p.53, Textbook Tieng Anh – Tap Hai)

* BME supplementary document, Part 2 – Lesson 21A: What will the weather be like tomorrow? (p.33)

To identify intonation ● To practice asking and answering questions about the weather (cont) ● To practice asking and answering questions about the seasons (cont)

33 66

Unit 20:

Which one is more exciting,


- beautiful, expensive, exciting

- Ha Long City, life in Da Nang

To practice asking and answering questions to



Unit 18: What will

the weather

Vocabulary: wet, terrible, misty, frosty, icy, fog, foggy

Review: cold, hot, cool, warm, snow, snowy, sun, sunny, storm, stormy,


47/51 Tieng Anh (2 periods FT/ week)- Advanced

life in the city or life

in the

countryside ? Lesson Part 1,2,3


Which one is more , or ?

- I think

compare places (adjectives with three syllables)

be like

tomorrow ?

cloud, cloudy, wind, windy, rain, rainy

What will the weather be like tomorrow?

- It’ll be sunny and windy

What’s spring like in your country? - It’s usually cold There is much wind - It’s usually cold There are flowers

What season / does you / he like best?

- I / He like(s) autumn best There is much wind in that season I / He can fly a kite

* BME supplementary document, Part 2 – Lesson 21B: What will the weather be like tomorrow? (p.34)

the weather (cont) ● To practice asking and answering questions about the seasons (cont)

34 67

Unit 20:

Which one is more exciting, life in the city or life

in the

countryside ? Lesson Part 1,2,3





- small, large, noisy, busy - Hoan Kiem Lake, West Lake, Ben Thanh Market, Dong Xuan Market, life in the city, life in the countryside, life in the mountains

- beautiful, expensive, exciting

- Ha Long City, life in Da Nang

Which one is , or ?

To identify intonation To review asking and answering questions to compare places (adjectives with one or two syllables and adjectives with three syllables)



Unit 19: Which

place would you like to visit?

Intonation Vocabulary:

- Thu Le Zoo, Ha Long Bay, Phong Nha cave, West Lake, Hoan Kiem Lake, Van Mieu-Quoc Tu Giam, Phu Quoc Island - wonderful, fantastic

- Review: attractive, exciting, interesting, beautiful

Which place would you like to visit, Thong Nhat Park or the Museum of History?

- I’d like to visit Thong Nhat Park

What you think of Ha Long Bay? - It’s more attractive than I expected

To identify intonation


BME - KIDs *** Grade 48/51 - I think

Which one is more , or ?

- I think

* Part – Let’s play (p.61)

* Part – Let’s sing: Which place would you like to visit (p.59, Textbook Tieng Anh – Tap Hai)

* BME supplementary document, Part 2 – Lesson 22A: Which place would you like to visit? (p.35)

questions about someone’s opinion about a place (cont)

34 68


Part 1-5 (p.70-71)

Review all the vocab, structures and phonics from unit 16 to unit 20



Unit 19: Which

place would you like to visit?


Nha Trang Beach, The Temple of Literature / Van Mieu, Ho Chi Minh City, London, New York City, Paris, Shanghai

Review: attractive, exciting, interesting, beautiful, wonderful, fantastic

Which place would you like to visit, Thong Nhat Park or the Museum of History?

- I’d like to visit Thong Nhat Park

What you think of Ha Long Bay? - It’s more attractive than I expected ● Do you think that Thu Le Zoo is more wonderful than you expected? - Yes, I / No, I don't

* BME supplementary document – Lesson 22B: Which place would you like to visit? (p.36)


49/51 Tieng Anh (2 periods FT/ week)- Advanced

35 69


Test 40-min No.4



Unit 20: Which

one is more exciting, life in the city or life

in the



Vocabulary: peaceful, modern, quiet

Review: small - smaller, large - larger, noisy - noisier, busy – busier, beautiful, expensive, exciting, Hoan Kiem Lake, West Lake, life in the city, life in the countryside, life in the mountains/ Da Nang/ Ho Chi Minh City

Which one is smaller, Hoan Kiem Lake or West Lake?

- I think Hoan Kiem Lake is

Which one is more beautiful, Ha Long City or Nha Trang?

- I think Ha Long City is

Hoan Kiem Lake is smaller than West Lake

Da Lat is more beautiful than Hanoi * Part – Let’s play (p.67)

* Part – Let’s sing: Which one is ….? (p.65, Textbook Tieng Anh – Tap Hai) * BME supplementary document, Part 2 – Lesson 23A: Which one is more exciting, life in the city or life in the countryside? (p.37)

To identify intonation To practice asking and answering questions to compare places (adjectives with one or two syllables) (cont) ● To practice asking and answering questions to compare places (adjectives with three syllables) (cont)

35 70




Unit 20: Which

one is more exciting,

Vocabulary: air pollution, shop, tall building, crowded street, traffic jams, block of flats, fresh air, park, delicious food, beautiful scenery

● City is larger than countryside


BME - KIDs *** Grade 50/51 life in the

city or life in the


● Life in the city is noisier than life in the countryside

● Which place you/ does he/she prefer, living in the city or living in the countryside?

- I prefer/He/She prefers living in the city

Why you/ does he/she prefer living in the city?

- I prefer / He/She prefers living in the city because it's more modern and it has many shops

● What's your hometown / village … like?

- It's very peaceful It doesn't have air pollution and crowded streets

* BME supplementary document, Part 2 – Lesson 23B: Which one is more exciting, life in the city or life in the countryside? (p.38)

(adjectives with one or two syllables) (cont) ● To practice asking and answering questions to compare places (adjectives with three syllables) (cont)



1) Reference

 To expand students’ knowledge, the foreign teachers can use the text book “Tieng Anh 5” as a reference

 They can choose more vocabulary, model sentences and conversations from it to teach, but only if they’re sure the students can cope with the extra vocabulary and structures

2) The BME-KIDs supplementary documents

 This is the activity book compiled as support for the book “Tieng Anh 5” by Binh Minh Education Development Center (BME)


51/51 Tieng Anh (2 periods FT/ week)- Advanced

 All the tests are corrected by the foreign teachers and their Vietnamese assistants

3) Speaking tests (carried out in foreign teachers’ periods)

 Divide the students into small groups Assess one group at a time

 Other groups should a quiet activity such as drawing or writing

 Assess your selected objectives using procedures children are familiar with, e.g hold up a flashcard and ask a child “What’s this?

4) Listening and writing tests (carried out in foreign teachers’ periods)

 The teachers should review some vocabulary and main model sentences before tests

 During the tests, Vietnamese teachers give the best instructions for students to writing exercises when foreign teachers help students recognize the sounds or the sentences to listening exercises

5) Extra activities

 The teachers organize some activities in the classroom, such as: making Christmas cards, telling stories about Christmas, English music performances etc… to help Vietnamese students understand more about foreign culture

Ngày đăng: 06/02/2021, 19:54

