- It is the export of the English language and the great growth of population in the United States that has led to its dominance in the world today?. - Mass immigrationb[r]
(1)(2)Teacher: Huynh Phong Dinh
(3)Work in groups to discuss either of these questions
1 Who owns English?
‘ Which countries speak English around the world?’
‘ Does the English language belong to England? If not, why not?’
‘ Is the English language changing? If so, how?’
2 Does ‘Vietglish’ exist?
‘ Can you think of any words or phrases which blend the two languages?’
‘ Is this increasing in Viet Nam? If so, why?’
(4)settlement immersion derivatives
(5)2 a Read the text again and match the headings (a-c) to the paragraphs (1-3)
(6)(7)1 What has given the English language its dominance in the world today?
2 What was the great growth of population in the United States in the 19th and 20th centuries assisted by?
3 What English learners in English immersion schools?
4 What is Hinglish?
5 How are new English words being invented every day all over the world?
b Read the text again and answer the questions.
- It is the export of the English language and the great growth of population in the United States that has led to its dominance in the world today
- Mass immigration
- They all their school subjects and everyday activities in English
- It is a blend of English and Hindi words and phrases