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- T asks Ss to open their book on page 26 and ask them to identify the name in each picture and tell them that they are going to practice asking and answering :. What did you do at th[r]


WEEK 6: Period: 20th

Unit 4: DID YOU GO TO THE PARTY? Lesson 1: (1,2, 3)

I.Objectives: Knowledge :

After the lesson, students are able to:

+ Use the words and phrases related to the topic Past activities; + Ask and answer questions about where someone did something, using Did you …? Yes, I did / No, I didn’t

Skills: -Develop Ss reading and writing skills II.Langguage focus:

1.Vocabulary: Province, coach, back, plane, train, taxi, motorbike, underground, bus, fun.

Sentence Partners: Did you …? Yes, I did / No, I didn’t. III.Teaching aids: books, puppets, pictures


Class Date of teaching Absent Ss

5A 5B 5C V.Procedure:

Time Teacher’s activities Students’ activities




- Have pupils play Slap the board , using pictures of these words: motobike, bike, train, bus taxi, underground.When the game is over, get the SS to point at each picture to ask and answer questions about means of transport At the end of the game, introduce the unit


II New leson:

1 Look, listen and repeat:

- Have the class look at the pictures Introduce the story by pointing at each character and elicit their answers to the questions

- Play the recording all the way through for the class to listen and follow in their books

- Play it again for them to repeat line by line

-Ask ps to practice in pairs

-Listen and repeat

-Look at the picture and answer

-They are teachers and students




- Finally, point to each picture for them to say the words in each bubble

2.Point and say: a Vocabulary:

- Have Ps look at the pictures Teach them how to read the words and phrases under each picture: go on a picnic, enjoy the party, join the funfair, watch TV

+ Checking: Slap the board - T guides Ss how to play b Model sentences:

- Tell Ss that they are going to practice asking and answering about whether someone did something, using Did you …? Yes, I did / No, I didn’t

- Ask them to pay attention to the past simple forms of the verbs.(enjoyed/ watched/joined/ went)

Eg: Did you go on a picnic? Yes, I did/ No, I didn’t.

- Concept check: intonation, using c Practice:

- T runs through the cues

- Point to each picture and ask the question Did you …? Yes, I did / No, I didn’t … for Ps to answer chorally

- Have Ps practise asking and answering in pairs Monitor the activity and offer help, if necesssary

- Invite one or two pairs to speak to check their pronunciation

d.Production: - Role play 3 Let’s talk:

- Tell Ps that they are going to practise further by asking and answering questions about whether someone did something

- Get Ps to work in pairs Remind them to use the questions and answers in their books - Set a time limit for the class to practice

- Look and fine new words

- Listen and repeat - Copy

-Listen and repeat

T – W C -W-class

-Groups, Individual

-Read sentences

-Work in pairs


“How did you get there? -I went by… ”

-Work in pairs



Monitor the activity and offer help, if necessary

- Invite a few Ps to repeat their interviews to the class Then give feedback

4.Consolidation -Summary the lesson

*********************************************** Period: 21st

UNIT 4: DID YOU GO TO THE PARTY? Lesson 1: Part 4, 5, 6

I Objcetives:

- At the end of the lesson Ss will be able to ask and answer questions about whether someone did at a party

- Skill: listening, speaking II Language focus:

Sentence pattems:Did you go to the party ? Yews, I did / No I didn’t

Vocabulary :party, think ,thought ,enjoy, visit , join the funfair II Language focus:

III Resources::

- Student’s book, recording, fresh cards, posters IV.Organization:

Class Date of teaching Absent Ss

5A 5B 5C V Procedures:

Times Teacher's activities Ss's activities



A Warm up and Review

- Revising the language learnt using: Did you go to the ……?

Yes I did B New lesson: 4 Listen and tick

*Set the scence: Ask Ss to open their book on page 25 and look at picture a, b

- T helps Ss to identify the people in each






- Tells Ss that they are going listen and tick the correct answer

- T plays the CD times for Ss to listen - T plays the CD again for Ss check their answer

- T moniter and correct the answer Answer key: 1.N 2.Y 3.N

5 Read and complete

- Ask ss to read the text and fill the gaps with enjoyed,joined,festival ,sports and went

- T give Ss minutes to the task individually

- T calls Ss to write on the board - T monitor and correct their answer

- T ask Ss to copy down on their notebook Key: Went Festival Joined 4 sports enjoined

* Activity: Step away Lines

- T asks Ss to step into lines and practice the dialogue in part

S1:What did they ? S2: They… …

- T monitors and corects their mistake 6 Let’s sing

*Set the sence.

- Asks Ss to open their book on page 25 and tell them they are going to sing the “ What did you on Teacher’s Day ?“ song. - T calls a groupof to the front of the class, each singing two lines of the song - T monitors and correct their mistake C Homework

- T asks Ss to sing the song again

Identify the people in each sentence

Listen and tick the correct answer

Fill the gaps

Copy down

Play game

Open their book on page 25


Period 22nd


I Objcetives:

- At the end of the lesson Ss will be able to ask and answer question about what someone did at a party

II Language focus:

Sentences: What did you at the party ? We …….

Vocabulary:chat,cartoon,,did,had,ate,sang,anything else III Resources:

- Student’s book, recording, fresh cards, posters, puppets IV.Organization:

Class Date of teaching Absent Ss

5A 5B 5C V Procedures:

Times Teacher's activities Ss's activities




A Warm up and Review

- T asks Ss to sing the song What did you on Teacher’s day?

- T monitors and correct their mistake B New lesson

1 Look,Listen and repeat: Pre-teach

- T asks Ss to open their book on page 26 and ask them to identify the character in the picture

- T plays the recording for Ss to listen and repeat

- Asks some Ss to say the dialogues , - T correct their mistakes

* Activity:

- T devides Ss in to teams

- T asks Ss to practice the dialogue in pairs

- T monitor and correct their mistake 2 Point and say:

*Vocabulary: Chat: nói chuyện

Sing the song

Open their book on page 26

Listen and repeat

Pairs work



Cartoon: hoạt hình Did: làm

Had: có Ate: ăn Sang: hát

anything else: cịn *Check vocab: matching *Sentence pattern

What did you at the party ? We…….


- T asks Ss to open their book on page 26 and ask them to identify the name in each picture and tell them that they are going to practice asking and answering :

What did you at the party ? We…….

- T devides the class into groups to choral and individual

- T asks Ss to work in pairs and correct their mistake

3 Let’s talk

- T asks Ss to open their book on page 26 and ask them to practise with information about themselves

Did you … ? How was it ?

What did you there?

- Let’s Ss to work in pairs and T go around and help if necessary

* Activity: Step away Lines

- T asks Ss to step into lines and practice the dialogue

S1: Did you …….?

S2: Yes, I did No, I didn’t …. S1:How was it ??

S2: It was ……

S1: What did you there ? S2: I / We…

- T monitors and corect their mistakes

- Listen and repeat in chorus and individual

Copy the vocab

Pairs work

Open their book on page 26 and identify the name in each picture

Work in groups

Work in pairs

Open their book on page 26

Practice with their friend




-Do exercises in the workbook Learn by heart the new words and structures

********************************************* Period 23rd

UNIT 4: DID YOU GO TO THE PARTY? Lesson 2: Part 4, 5, 6

I Objcetives:

- At the end of the lesson Ss will be able to ask and answer question about what someone did at a party

II Language focus:

Sentences: What did you at the party ? We …….

Vocabulary:chat,cartoon,,did,had,ate,sang,anything else III Resources:

- Student’s book, recording, fresh cards, posters, puppets IV.Organization:

Class Date of teaching Absent Ss

5A 5B 5C V Procedures:

Times Teacher's activitives Ss's activitives



A Warm up and Review

- T asks Ss to ask and answer question using: What did you ? Didi you ….? - T monitors and correct their mistake B New lesson

4 Listen and circle a or b : Pre-teach

- Asks Ss to open their book on page 27 and tell them that they are going to listen and circle

- T plays the CD times for Ss to listen and check their answer

- T asks Ss to exchange their answer with their partners to find out possible

Ask and answer

Open their book on page 27 Listen individually






- T monitors and correct their mistakes - T asks some Ss to report their answers to the class

Answer key: a b b.3 5 Write about you

- Asks Ss to look at the book on page 27 and tell them they are going to write - Let’s them minutes to it

- Ask ss to compare with your friend and read aloud

- T monitors and correct their mistake 6 Let’s play

*Set the sence.

- Asks Ss to open their book on page 27 and tell them they are going to play the game tic tac toe

-Divide the class in two teams - T monitors and praise

C Homelink

- Asks Ss to write about what they did ” on their notebook

possible answers

- Open the book on page 27

Write and read

- Play game

Work in groups

Ngày đăng: 06/02/2021, 10:04

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