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- By the end of the lesson, Ss will know how to write a short passage about a story happened in the past - a picnic in the countryside.. + Standard knowledge: Write a story happened in t[r]


Date of preparing: 21/10/2019 Period 18 Unit 3: a trip to the countryside

Lesson 5: Write A.Objectives:

1 Aims:

- Practice in writing a short passage about a story happened in the past - a picnic in the countryside

- By the end of the lesson, Ss will know how to write a short passage about a story happened in the past - a picnic in the countryside

+ Standard knowledge: Write a story happened in the past. + Advanced knowledge: write their own picnic in the past.

+ Basic language: The tense: simple present tense, past simple tense , present perfect and simple future tense

2 Practice skill: - practice writing skill 3 Attitude:

- Help ss to have good consciousness in order to write personal letters B Teaching- aids:


- Model-Talk-Practice, individual work, group work

- techniques: Pelmanism, Rub out and remember, Write it up, Exhibition D Procedure:

I.Organization: ( 1')

- Greeting: Good morning! - Who’s absent today?

Class Date of teaching Absent ss

9A 23/10/2109

II.Warmer ( 4’ )


Take lay Go Put Gather Look Be Arrive

took Laid went put gathered looked Were/wa



III.New lesson

Step 1: Pre-writing ( 9’ ) +Preteach

Picture Translation



Picture Translation

- T follow steps of teaching vocab +Rub out & remember: T follow steps +Describing

? Look at the pictures P.26-27?

-T run through the pictures ? Where are they? What are they doing? …

- Ss tell what they see in the pictures ? Look at the cues? Are they sentences? What you now? Which tense you use? What can you add?

Step 2: While-writing ( 19’ ) +Activity

- T model, ss use the pictures & the cues to write a passage entitled “ A country picnic”

- Ss write on posters in groups ( one secretary in each group )

- lay out ( v ) trải, dọn

- gather ( v ) thu lượm, thu hái


Eg: It was a beautiful day, we decided to go on a


G1: P1,2 G2: P3 G3: P4,5 -T go round to monitor & help

Step 3: Post-writing ( 10’ ) +Exhibition

- Ss hang the posters with their writing on bb The representative from each group reads their writing, ss from other groups give feedback & correct ( T help if necessary )

- Ss copy the corrected writing in notebooks

+Chatting: Ask some questions about

going on a picnic.(pairwork)

fishing We enjoyed our picnic When we looked at the time, it was nearly 6.30 pm We hurriedly gathered our things and ran to the bus stop We were lucky to catch the last bus and we arrived home very late in the evening.)



- Have you ever gone on a picnic? - When & where did you go? - How did you get there? - What did you do?

- When did you come back home? - Did you enjoy it?

IV.Summary ( 1’ )


- Write a short passage about what you did last Sunday - Prepare “ Language Focus”



Date of preparing: 21/10/2019 Period 19 Unit 3: a trip to the countryside

Lesson 6: language focus A.Objectives:

1 Aims:

- Further practice with the past simple with “ wish”, prepositions of time and adverb clauses of result

- By the end of the lesson, ss will be able to use the past simple with “ wish”, prepositions of time and adverb clauses of result

2 Practice skill:

- practice writing and speaking skill 3 Attitude:


B Teaching- aids: Lesson plan, textbooks C Methods:

- Model-Talk-Practice, individual work, pair work - techniques: Matching, Picture cue drill, Gap fill, ROR D Procedure :

I.Organization: ( 1')

- Greeting: Good morning! - Who’s absent today?

Class Date of teaching Absent ss

9A 26/10/2019

II.Warmer ( 4’ ) +Matching

- T divide class into teams

Team 1: write down sentence with real situation ( I am ) Team 2: write down sentence with “ I wish….”

- T model

- Ask one in team & one in team to read aloud their sentences to the class Which pair who has the funniest matching will be the winner

III.New lesson


+Pre teach

Antonym of “ fail” Situation


Picture/ poster P.30

-T follow steps of teaching vocab +Rub out & remember

- T follow steps of ROR +Presentation

-T get an example from the matching game

-T model, ss repeat in chorus then some individually

? What is it in Vietnamese? Form? Use? Step 2: Practice ( 7’ )

+Picture cue drill

- T run through all pictures P 28 and model

- T follow steps of the drill Step 3: Presentation ( 5’ )


- pass the exam (v): thi đỗ

- win the contest (v): thắng - depart (v): khởi hành

- itinerary (n): lịch trình, nhật kí đường

II.Grammar and practice Exercise 1P.28

“ I am thirsty I wish I had a drink”

wish + S + V-ed/ were - > to express wishes at present

b Hoa wishes she could visit her parents c.I wish I passed the exam

d.We wish It didn’t rain e.He wishes he could fly



?How was he when he passed the exam?

Why was he happy? In Vnese? Use? Step 4: Practice ( 5’ )


? Look at exer 4P.31 -T run through and model

-Ss match the half-sentences in pairs - > pairs compare

-T get feedback from ss Step 4: Production ( 14’ ) +Matching ( use a poster )

- T run through, ask ss to match the prepositions with the list of words individually then compare with partners - ask ss to match on bb

e.g: He passed the exam so he was very


- > So: đó, mà

( used to express the result of the statement before )

1 - e - d

2 - a - b - c

Exer P.30


In 10th September, weekend,



- T run through exer P.30 & model - Ss in pairs complete the sentences using the prepositions in the box - > pairs compare

- T ask ss to read aloud, ask others to correct



Sunday, Christmas day, birthday

2 20th century, 1989, winter,

the evening, November o’clock, night

Exer P.30

a - on d - for b - at, in e - in c - in f - at IV.Summary ( 1’ )

- T summarise all the contents of the lesson V Homework ( 1’ )

- Do all the exer again - Prepare U4-L1 *Evaluation

Ngày đăng: 05/02/2021, 03:27
