Soil with a mixture of small and large particles (loam) has a medium texture1. Soil with large particles (sand) has a coarse texture.[r]
Content page
Preface ……….………
Unit Soils
Unit Repairing and improving damage soils
Unit Fertilizers 15
Unit Plants 24
Unit Tree selection and planting 30
Unit Trees, forests and animals 35
Unit Insects 41
Unit Revision 46
Unit Agriculture policy 52
Unit 10 Farm management 56
Review……… 60
The aim of this book is to help students of agriculture develop the four language skills and the ability of using the language knowledge in their communication about their specialist subject as well The book consists of 10 units and review, each of which is divided into two parts: part should be presented in class; part is for self- study at home The activities in each unit are designed for students to practice in real- life context, which may make the target language more authentic The exercises focus on improving the grammar in use and the language skills the students need, especially reading and writing, which may help them in participating in some projects and workshops on rural development being held by foreign organizations in Vietnam
The material collected is based on the language the students need for their future job, relevant to the intermediate level of the basic language course they have studied at the university
I Vocabulary:
1 Find the words which have similar meaning
a store (v) - thing / substance b cleanse (v) - break down c mineral fraction (n) - extent / size d interaction (n) - clean
e decay (v) - keep
f measure (n) - small piece g organic matter (n) - act to each other h particle (n) - mineral component 2 Grouping Which group the following words belong to?
Potato; tomato; pineapple; papaya; longan; wheat; soya; rubber; cocoa; rice; cucumber; carrot; lemon; bean; peach; cotton; pear; tea; manioc; orange; coffee; sugar cane; peanut; strawberry; cauliflower; cabbage; banana; water melon
Fruit trees Vegetables Industrial crops Food crops - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - a Shallow-rooting crops b Root crops c Tree crops
II Skill development
1 Look at the diagram and answer the questions below A Soil profiles
Objectives: After studying this lesson, students can:
- Knowing these vocabularies which describe many kind of soils used in agriculture; - Applying grammars to write the sentences and dialogue about the types of soils use in agriculture
* Very shallow soil * Shallow soil * Moderately deep soil * Deep soil 10cm
- Shallow-rooting crops
- Most agricultural crops
200cm - Root crops
(4)a Exercise 1.(pair-work)
Now ask and say about other soil-type of the soil profile as example A: What is the depth of a shallow soil?
B: A shallow soil has a depth of 10 to 100 cm A: What crops is a shallow soil suitable for? B: For shallow rooting crops
A: What are shallow rooting crops composed?
B: Banana; pineapple, (give examples in your own area.) B Soil particle size
Types of soil Particle diameter range in mm
- coarse sand
- fine sand
- silt
- clay
1.0 - 0.2 0.2 - 0.05 0.05 - 0.002
< 0.002
Small soil particles are called sand, silt or clay particles, according to their size a Speaking (pair-work)
Ask and answer about the following soil particles Example
- Coarse sand A: What is the diameter range of coarse sand particles?
- Fine sand B: Coarse sand particles are between and 0.2mm in diameter
- Silt A: ………
- Clay B: ………
A: ……… B: ……… C Soil texture and structure
Soil texture is the proportion of different particle sizes in the soil Soil with very small particles (clay) has a fine texture Soil with a mixture of small and large particles (loam) has a medium texture Soil with large particles (sand) has a coarse texture The range of textures can be shown on a soil texture diagram For example, soil sample A has 10% sand, 20% silt and 70% clay It falls at point A on the diagram What is the soil texture of soil sample A?
(5)Soil sample A has 10% sand, 20% silt and 70% clay Thus it has a fine texture Now look at the following soil samples in the table
a Fill in the blanks What is the texture of the following soil samples?
Samples Sand Silt Clay
B ……… C ……… D …………
60% 30% 40%
30% 50% 30%
10% 20% 30% 2 Read and complete the following passage
Soil with a coarse texture consists of relatively large particles Thus it retains air in the spaces between the particles, but it does not retain water Coarse-textured soils are usually well drained However, many important nutrients are leached out of the soil These soils are usually red or brown in colour
A medium-textured soil consists of a mixture of (1) and .(2) particles .(3) it retains (4) and (5) (6) (7) are usually imperfectly drained Therefore important plant .(8) are available for plant growth These soils are usually (9) or
(10) with grey mottles
A fine-textured soil consists of relatively (11) (12) Thus it (13) water, (14) it does not hold (15) Fine-textured soils are blue or green in (16) They are (17
(6)The words may be used to fill the gaps
3 Answer the following question
a Why does a coarse-textured soil retain air? b Give one disadvantage of a coarse-textured soil
c Why is a medium-textured soil usually imperfectly drained?
d Are the particles of a fine-textured soil predominantly sand, silt or clay? e Why is the fine-textured soil often flooded after rain?
f Why is rice often grown in a fine-textured soil?
g In which type of soil are root crops (e.g sweet potato, cassava, etc) grown in your area? Give one reason why you think this is so
D Soil structure Define the soil texture as quickly as possible, then write the soil structure - Soil texture: A: ……… B: ……… C: ………
- Soil structure: A: ……… B: ……… C: ……… 1 Read and complete
Sample A is a coarse-textured soil, sample B is a medium-textured soil and sample C is a fine-textured soil Each sample is mixed with water and shaped like a ball What happens when water drips onto each sample?
- The coarse-textured soil breaks up easily It has a loose structure
- The medium-textured soil moderately easily, friable structure
- The - does not solid structure
2 Speaking (pair-work) Answer the following questions a Why is it difficult to cultivate a fine-texture soil?
b Why is a medium-textured soil suitable for plant growth? c What happens to coarse-textured soil in a heavy rain storm? d What are the advantages of each type of soil?
e What are the disadvantages of each type of soil? f How can farmers cultivate a coarse-textured soil? g How can a fine-textured soil be used most efficiently? III Reading
1 Pre-reading task
a Find the difference between soil, land and earth SOILS
Soils are very complex natural formations which make up the surface of the earth They provide a suitable environment in which plants may obtain water, nutrients and oxygen for root respiration, and firm anchorage Soils are formed by the weathering of rocks, followed by the growth and decay of plants, animals, and soils micro-organisms If a farmer is to provide the best possible conditions for crop growth, it is desirable that he should understand what soils are, how they were formed and how they should be managed
- sand 80% - sand 20% - sand 20% - silt 10% - silt 70% - silt 20% - clay 10% - clay 10% - clay 60% thus ; water ; small ; soils ; large ; medium-textured ; brown ; nutrients
(7)The topsoil and surface soil is a layer about 8-45 cm deep which may be taken as the greatest depth which a farmer would plough or cultivate and in which most of the plant roots are found
Loose, cultivated, topsoil is sometimes called mould
The subsoil, which lies underneath, is an intermediate stage in the formation of soil from the rock below
A soil profile is a section taken through the soil down to the parent rock In some cases this may consist of only a shallow surface soil 10-15 cm on top of a rock such as chalk and limestone In other well-developed soils (about a metre deep) there are usually three or more definite layers (or horizons) which vary in colour, texture and structure
The soil profile can be examined by digging a trench or by taking out cores of soil from various depths with a soil auger
A careful examination of the layers (horizons) can be useful in forming an opinion as to how the soil was formed, its natural drainage and how it might be farmed Some detailed soil classifications are based on soil profile
2 Check your understanding
A Read the text carefully, then answer the following questions: What are the four main constituent parts of soil?
2 What should the farmer understand about soil? How many types of soil are there?
4 What soil is called mould How are soils formed?
6 How you take a soil sample? What can a soil sample tell you?
B Find the words with opposite meaning to the following words in the passage - simple : - development : - concentrating :
- loose : - deep : - single :
- not wanted : - wash away : - general : C Look at paragraph and say what these words refer to:
(8)D Look at the passage again Which words correspond to the definitions below: how particles are arranged in a substance
2 the process of pressing particles closely together a ditch dug in the ground
4 the middle, or most important, part of anything a system for taking away water
6 a group into which something is put
7 what is based on to classify soil in full detail loose cultivated surface soil
9 small organisms living in soil
10 prepare and use land for growing crops
E Matching the given words with each picture from smallest particle to largest A gravel B clay C sand E stone F silt G rock
(9)Tài liệu giảng dạy môn Anh văn chuyên ngành
30 cross pollination thụ phấn chéo
31 cross wall vách chéo (tế bào)
32 crown tán cây, đỉnh,
33 cultivation trồng trọt, chăn
34 cutting giâm cành
35 decidous rụng (quả, lá…)
36 decomposer sinh vật phân hủy
37 decomposition phân hủy
38 depleted soil đất nghèo
39 digestive troubles rối loạn tiêu hóa
40 dormant nằm im lìm, khơng
hoạt động, ngủ
41 drainage canal mương tiêu nước
42 elongate kéo dài
43 environmental impact tác động môi trường
44 evaporation bốc nước
45 feeder canal mương cấp nước
46 feeding stuffs thức ăn gia súc
47 foliage tán
48 foot-and-mouth disease bệnh lở mồm long móng
49 germination nảy mầm
50 guard cell tế bào bảo vệ
51 gymnosperm thực vật hạt trần
(thực vật khỏa tử)
52 heifer bê
53 herbicide thuốc diệt cỏ
54 herbivore động vật ăn cỏ
55 herd bull bò đực giống (cao
56 heredity di truyền
57 horticultural crops nghề làm vườn
58 hypocotyl trụ mầm
59 indigestible khơng thể tiêu hóa
60 internal organs nội tạng
61 lean meat thịt nạc
(10)Tài liệu giảng dạy môn Anh văn chun ngành
63 liming bón vơi
64 live weight cân
65 mad cow disease bệnh bị điên
66 manuring bón phân
67 milking animal động vật cho sữa
68 moisture độ ẩm
69 monoculture độc canh
70 nursery ruộng ươm, vườn
71 organic agriculture nông nghiệp hữu
72 osmosis thẩm thấu
73 ovary bầu nhụy
74 overfeed cho ăn nhiều
75 paddy field
cánh đồng lúa, ruộng lúa, nương lúa
76 perennial lưu niên,
lâu năm
77 pesticide thuốc trừ sâu
78 pesticide residual dư lượng thuốc trừ sâu
79 photosynthesis quang hợp
80 pistil nhụy hoa
81 plumule chồi mầm
82 pollen grain hạt phấn
83 pollination thụ phấn
84 precipitation lượng mưa
85 production cost chi phí sản xuất
86 protection canal mương bảo vệ
87 radicle rễ mầm, rễ
88 ranch trại chăn nuôi
89 reproductive part phận sinh sản
90 respiration hô hấp
91 reutilize tái sử dụng
92 root system rễ
93 seed dispersal phát tán hạt
94 seedling giống,
95 shrivel nhăn nheo, xoăn lại,
(11)Tài liệu giảng dạy môn Anh văn chuyên ngành 96 soil conditioning cải tạo đất 97 soil conservation bảo tồn đất
98 soil horizon tầng đất
99 soil particles phân tử đất
100 soil surface bề mặt thổ nhưỡng
101 soluble soil chemicals
các chất hóa học hịa tan đất
102 spermatophytes thực vật có hạt
103 spore bào tử
104 stamen nhị hoa
105 starch tinh bột
106 stigma núm nhụy (hoa)
107 stomata khí khổng
108 stunted in growth bị ức chế sinh trưởng
109 testa vỏ bọc
110 transpiration thoát nước
111 transplanted cấy vào
112 turnip củ cải
113 vein gân lá, tĩnh mạch
114 water vapour nước
115 well-drained soil đất tiêu thoát tốt
116 wood vessels mạch gỗ
117 xylem mô gỗ
118 yellow pigments sắc tố vàng
119 yield sản lượng
120 acreage diện tích gieo trồng
121 agrarian society xã hội nông nghiệp 122 agricultural co-operative hợp tác xã nông nghiệp 123 alcohol monopoly độc quyền sản xuất rượu 124 alluvial soils đất phù sa
125 aluminous land đất phèn
126 animal husbandry chăn ni
127 anti-poverty program chương trình xóa đói giảm nghèo
128 appraisal of village landholdings đánh giá việc sở hữu ruộng đất làng
(12)Tài liệu giảng dạy môn Anh văn chuyên ngành
130 bad crops mùa
132 bootleggers bọn buôn rượu lậu
133 bumper crops vụ mùa bội thu
134 cereals ngũ cốc, hoa màu
135 collectivization of land tập thể hóa ruộng đất
136 communal land công điền
137 crop rotation luân canh
138 crops vụ mùa
139 deeds and titles văn tự ruộng đất (thời phong kiến)
140 distillery nhà máy nấu rượu
141 drainage system hệ thống tiêu nước 142 dredging operation cơng tác nạo vét kênh rạch 143 excise tax on alcohol thuế tiêu thụ rượu
144 extensive farming quảng canh
145 fallow land đất bỏ hoang
146 farming canh tác
147 fertilizer phân bón (hóa học)
148 fish pond ao nuôi cá
149 floating-rice area khu vực trồng lúa 150 food self-sufficiency tự túc lương thực 151 harvesting technique kỹ thuật thu hoạch
152 harvesting gặt, thu hoạch
153 industrial crops công nghiệp 154 intensive farming thâm canh 155 irrigation engineering công tác thủy lợi
156 land register book sổ địa bạ (thời phong kiến thuộc Pháp)
157 land rent địa tô
158 land taxes thuế đất
159 land transfer việc chuyển nhượng đất đai
(13)Tài liệu giảng dạy môn Anh văn chuyên ngành
1 Nguyen Trung Tin 2002 English for specific purposes
2 L Sue Baugh 1995- ''Essentials of English Grammar'' - Passport Books
3 Rosemary Morrow 1993- ''Earth User's Guide to Permaculture'' - Kangaroo Press Stephen Danny - Lewis Kerr - Martin Phillips - Clarence Shettlesworth –
1985 ''Agriculture'' - Longman
5 Williem Steenkamp 1999 - ''Dairy farming A Practical Manual '' - J.L van Schaik Publishers
1 L Sue Baugh 1995- ''Essentials of English Grammar'' - Passport Books
2 Rosemary Morrow 1993- ''Earth User's Guide to Permaculture'' - Kangaroo Press Stephen Danny - Lewis Kerr - Martin Phillips - Clarence Shettlesworth –
1985 ''Agriculture'' - Longman