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IV.Summary : repeat the content of the text ( 2’ ) V.Home work : Learn by heart vocabulary ( 1’ ) Write it up from the survey Prepare : Speak. *Evaluation :[r]


UNIT : THE MEDIA A.AIMSS : Helping students :

-To ask for and give opinions

-To agree and disagree about something -To complete a questionaire

-To write a passage

B.TEACHING AIDS : text book, cards, pictures, poster C.PROCEDURE :

Lesson : Getting started, Listen and read Lesson : Speak

Lesson : Listen Lesson : Read Lesson : Write

Lesson : Language focus

Date of preparing : 14 / 11 /2017 PERIOD 27th UNIT : THE MEDIA


1.Knowlege: By the end of the lesson ss will be able to: Listen and read a passage about the history and development of the media

2 Skills : + Listening + Reading

3 Attitude: Educate ss to learn hard and use the media suitably in their daily life 4 Competence: Students will be able to get acquainted with “The Media” and know some new words such as newspapers , magazines , Television , interactive TV

B.TEACHING AIDS : Text book, computer,TV, speaker. C.METHOD : survey , Brainstorms , What and Where D.PROCEDURE :

I.Organization : ( 1’ )

Class Date of teaching Absent students 9C

9D 9E

II.Revision : No III.New lesson :

Teacher’s activities Students’ activities



Step : Pre - reading : ( 7’ )

Pre - teach vocabulary ( show slide )

-crier (n) : người rao tin tức hè phố ( translation ) -viewer (n) : người xem truyền hình (explannation ) -remote control (n) : điều khiển từ xa (picture) -interactive ( adj ) : tương tác ( translation ) -(to) shout : kêu to, hét lên ( action )

-Teacher reads vocabulary, ask students to listen and repeat

-Call on some students to read vocabulary

*Checking vocabulary ( What and Wh-Set the sence : Ask students to look at the pictures on page 40 - 41 and ask question : What is it in each picture ?

Step : While - speaking : ( 20’ ) Activity : Read the text

-Teacher reads the text and ask students to listen Activity : Complete the table-Ask students to read the text silently and finish the task a on page 41

-Call on some students to give their answers *Answers : (show slide)

1)D 2)B 3)B 4)C 5)A 6)D

Activity : Comprehension questions ( show slide ) -Ask students to work in pairs to answer the questions on page 42

-Call on some pairs to ask and answer the questions

and write about the media

students listen and repeat vocabulary

students answer the questions

students listen to the teacher

students complete the table

students give their answers


*Answers :

1)A town crier was a person whose job was to go through city streets ringing a bell to shout the lastest news as he was walking

2)The Kien Thuc Ngay Nay is one of the most popular magazines and is widely read by both teenagers and adults

3)People can get the latest information and enjoy interesting and inexpensive local and international programs in a convernient way

4)Students’ answers 5)Students’ answers

Activity : Model sentences -Give example :

I love reading magazine Mai likes listening to music

Step : Post - reading ( 9’ ) ( Survey ) ( show slide ) -Make example :

S1 : What you like doing in your free time ? S2 : I like watching TV

S1 : How much time you watch TV ? S2 : hours

N ame

What / like doing ? How much time

La n

watching TV hours

students work in pairs to answer the questions


-Ask students to work in groups, asking and answering then fill in the table

-Call some pairs to ask and answer in front of the class

students work in groups to ask and answer and then fill in the table

IV.Summary : repeat the content of the text ( 2’ ) V.Home work : Learn by heart vocabulary ( 1’ ) Write it up from the survey Prepare : Speak

*Evaluation :

Date of preparing : 15 / 11 /2017 PERIOD 28th UNIT : THE MEDIA


1.Knowledge :By the end of the lesson, ss will be able to:

- Ask and answer about the TV programs that they like watching and give ideas about ST

2.Skills : + Speaking: Ask and answer about the TV programs that they like watching and express agreement and disagreement

3 Attitude: Educate ss to learn hard and love their mother tongue language 4 Competence: Students will be able to get further information about the media : Television and know some TV programs in Vietnam

B.TEACHING AIDS : text book, poster, computer,TV . C.METHOD : Slap the board , writing , Shark’s attack, D.PROCEDURE :

I.Oraganization : ( 1’ )

Class Date of teaching Absent students 9C




III.New lesson :

Teacher’s activities Students’ activities *Shark’s attack ( 5’ )


Step : Pre - speaking ( 7’ ) Pre - teach vocabulary

-documentary ( n ) : phim tài liệu ( translation ) -force ( n ) : lực lượng ( translation )

-newscreel ( n ) : phim thời ( explanation ) -telegraph ( n ) : điện báo ( thing )

-informative ( adj ) : giàu thông tin ( translation ) -viable ( adj ) : có khả tồn ( translation ) -violent ( adj ) : bạo lực ( translation )

-Teacher reads vocabulary, ask students to listen and repeat

-Call on some students to reads vocabulary *Checking vocabulary ( Slap the board )

-Ask students to fill in the grid with your own opinion

TV program like dislike reason


v some sports are so violent Documentaries

News Cartoons Movies

Literature and Art

Music / Songs

students play a game shark’s attack

students listen and repeat vocabulary


Weather forecast Folk music Drama

Wildlife world Learning English Health for


Children’s corner Safe traffic News

Step : While - speaking ( 15’) Activity : Read the dialogue

-Have some students read the dialogue in pairs before class

-Let students work in pairs to practice the dialogue Activity : Speak

-Have students talk to each other about the TV programs they like or dislike, make similar dialogues

Eg :

A : You like watching drama, you ?

B : Not really Some dramas are so boring and I don’t like watching them I prefer films

A : I’m the opposite I like watching music and films always make me sleepy

B : But you watch the news, don’t you ? A : Yes, but not often

B : I enjoy news because it is very informative A : You don’t like weather forcast, you ? B : No, I don’t

students read the dialogue


Step : Post - speaking ( 6’ ) ( Writing )

-Ask students to write about the programs they like and dislike

Eg : I like watching cartoons but I don’t like folk music

students write about the program they like and dislike

IV.Summary : repeat the programs on TV ( 3’ )

Sports / news / safe traffic news /weather forcast / cartoon / learning english V.Home work : learn by heart vocabulary ( 1’ )

Write about their favorite type of Media and the reason why Prepare : Listen

Ngày đăng: 03/02/2021, 12:19

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