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- Vocabulary: fantastic, amazing, rent-ed, Swedish, Sweden, - Grammar: the present/ past simple tense, the present perfect.. - Skill:..[r]


Date of preparation UNIT CITIES OF THE WORLD Period 73 Lesson SKILLS 1

A Objectives:

- Knowledge: - By the end of this period, students will able to read a post card about Sweden’s capital city and answer the questions

- Vocabulary: fantastic, amazing, rent-ed, Swedish, Sweden, - Grammar: the present/ past simple tense, the present perfect

- Skill: Sts can talk about the place you have been to, read and answer the questions

- Moral behavior: Sts pay much atttention to the lesson.

B Method: Communication approach, and audio - lingual method, PPP. C Teaching aids: Textbook, extra board, cassette player.

D Contents.

I : Organization(1ms).

Class Date of teaching Absent students

- Greeting

- Number students II.Revision

III New lesson

* Warmer (5'): Shark attack

- T draws the sea ð steps ð shark and a girl - T gives instructions

- Ss work in two teams ? Guess one by one letter - T monitors and gets F.B - - - ( Postcard)

-> Today we are going to read about a postcard about the capital city of Sweden- Stockholm.

I Step 1: Reading: (15')

1 Pre-reading – Open questions

- Before starting, let Ss discuss the features of the postcards : Photo on one side, short text on the other side, can be without envelope

- Draw Ss’ attention to the postcard ( the side with the photo) - Give out the Qs, run through

- Let Ss asnwer’ accept reasonable As +Key:

1- The photo is of Stockholm, Sweden


3- We send the postcard to tell our family/ friends that we are ahving a good time there, but we still miss them and want to send some photos of the place where we are so that,

although they can’t be with us they can still see how beautiful it is 2 While reading:

a.- Questions

? Read the postcard quickly to find out if there are any new words

? Run through the Qs ; ask Ss to find out the key words in the Qs and tell them these words will help them to find out the information easily in the text

? Let Ss read the text again and write the AS into the notebooks, then compare in pairs - Collect Ss’ answer, encourage them to support their As ; especially number and +Key:

1 Mai is in Stockholm

2 She is there with her family

3 The weather has been perfect- It is sunny Mai is staying in the hotel

5 She has visited the Royal Palace and had “fika” ina cafe’ in the Old Town

6 “Fika” ( a Swidish word) means a leisure break when one drink tera/ coffee and perhaps has some biscuits with friends/ family

7 She will cycle to discover the city

8 She is felling very happy She used the words such as: fantastic, perfect; amazing’ too beautiful to describe

2 Post reading: Matching: - Run through the headings

-Have Ss read the text again and match the headings.Then call their attention to how a postcard is organized


1-i 2-c 3-h 4-b 5-d

6-g 7-f 8-e 9-a

Step 2: Speaking (15')

1 Pre-speaking: Brainstorming

? Brainstorm and find out the name of some famous cities/ landmarks in VN and around the world

2 While - speaking. ? Run through the Qs

? Let Ss choose one of the cities they have mentioned above, or a city they like Ask them to imagine they have just arrived in that city and want to tell others about it

- Let Ss work individually answering the Qs in the form of notes- not in full sentences - Ask Ss to use the notes, have work in pairs and ask, asnwewr about the city they choose 3 Post speaking:

- Let Ss tell each other about the city they choose in full sentences before the class - Ask others listen and write down notes about their partners’ city

IV Consolidation (1')


V Homework (2')

? Learn th form, the content of a postcard Do Ex in W.B

? Prepare: Skills 2 *.Evaluation:

Date of preparation: UNIT CITIES OF THE WORLD Period 74 Lesson SkillS 2

A Objectives:

- I Objectives:

- Knowledge: - By the end of this period, students will able to listen a passage about Sweden’s capital city and answer T or F and fill in the gaps Ss know how to write a post card

- Vocabulary: prize, award – ed, present-ed, Swedish King, Swedish Prime Minister - Grammar: the present/ past simple tense, the present perfect

- Skill: Practice doing exercise

- Moral behavior: Sts pay much attention to the lesson.

B Method: Communication approach, and audio – lingual method, PPP. C Teaching aids: Textbook, extra board, pictures.

D Contents.

I : Organization(1ms).

Class Date of teaching Absent students

- Greeting

- Number students II.Revision

III New lesson *

Warmer (5'): Chatting

? Do you know which continent Sweden is in? ? What is its capital?

?What is special about it?

Step 1- Listening (15') 1 New words


- Follow the seven steps of teaching vocab

- award (n): Giải thưởng

- (to) award (v): Tặng thưởng

- prize (n): Giải

- diploma (n) Chứng

- medal (n) Huy chương

- crown (n) Vương miện

- (to) consist of (n): Bao gồm

- Ss repeat in chorus and individually, then copy all the words * Checking vocab: What and where

2 Pre- listening - Open questions: - Get Ss’ attention to the pictures *What can you see in the pictures?

- Elecits the words from SS: Royal Palace, Nobel Prize/ Nobel Museum, cafes, restaurants, shops, islands

- Ask Ss if they know anything about the Nobel Prize/ Nobel ( Ss can say in Vietnamese) - Tell SS that they are going to listen about the Old Towm in Stockholm, and how Nobel Prize are awarded every year

3 While listening- T/F statements a Listen and write T/F

? Run through all the statements in P33- ask Ss to underline the most important information in each sentence Tell SS they need to listen for the main ideas they hear - Play the recording as many time as Ss wish- Let Ss listen and check T or F

+Key: T

2 F ( The oldest part of )

3 F ( Today, the Old Town is a place with cafe’s, restaurants, shops and museums) F ( All Nobel Prizes, except fpr the Nobel Peace Prize , are awarded in Stockholm) F ( It is presented by the Swidish King)

b Listen and fill in the gaps:

- Explain to SS that this time they need to listen for the exact details in the recording- they have to identify the kind of information they have find out: years, amount of money, number of people, date

- Let Ss listen and fill in the gaps +Key:

1- 14 2- 700 3- 3,000 4- 10 December 5- 10 million III Writing (15')

1 Study skills

- Write Ws and 1H on the board and ask SS to give the examples

- Draw Ss’ attention to the postcard in part 2- p.32 Ask Ss how the 5Ws and 1H are answered in the postcard


* Rearrange the words to make sentences:

- Explain to SS that the space for writing on postcards is not big, so people often write short sentnecs which contain the most important information, and which can express how they are felling.Notice SS that the contraction is often used in writing postcards to make it short and informal

- Have SS rearrange the exclamations and then practise saying them aloud to notice the emotion and intonation of the expressions

- Give feedback +Key:

1 Stockholm is fantastic.! We’re in DaLat!

3 We’re having a good time there! I love Disney land!

5 You must come here! I wish you were here! 2 Writing a postcard:

-Ask SS to use the notes they have made in part 4- p.32 to write a postcard to their family/ friends Remind them how the 5Ws and 1H are included in the notes

- Notice Ss the organize of a poastcard

- Let Ss write- then swap their postcards to give feedback on each other’s writing once they have finished

IV Consolidation (3')

? Sum up the main content of the lesson V Homework (2')

? Learn by heart all the new words

? Finish the writing( Write into the notebooks) ? Do Ex in W.B

? Prepare: Looking back and Project *.Evaluation:

Date of preparation: UNIT CITIES OF THE WORLD Period 75 Lesson LOOKiNG BACK AND PROJECT

A Objectives:

- Knowledge: By the end of the lesson sts can use adjs to talk about some famous cities and their landmarks; use the present perfect to describe an experience

* Language content:

- Vocabulary: cheese steak, Constitution Centre: Nội Các, - Grammar: The past simple tense, the present perfect - Skill: Practice doing exercises


B Method: Communication approach, and audio – lingual method,PPP. C Teaching aids: Textbook, extra board, pictures.

D Contents.

I : Organization(1ms).

Class Date of teaching Absent students

- Greeting

- Number students II.Revision

III New lesson

Teacher’s activities Students’ activities I Warm up: (5ms)

- Have sts read their post card II Presentation:

A/ Vocabulary (5ms)

1 Choose the best two options.

- What adjs you use to describe a big city? The weather? The building? The food? The people?

- Ask Ss to Ex

- Have sts write the answer on the board - Check sts’ answer

Key: 1

1.a,b a,c a,c a,b b,c

B Grammar: (14ms)

2 Put the verbs in the blackets in the correct form. Ex: We (eat) in this restaurant 10 times

have eaten

- Ask Ss to recall the form of the present perfect - Have sts work individually

- Check sts’s answers Key 2:

1 Have …eaten Have …been have been have been have visited have seen

- Sts’answers

- beautiful, busy, exciting,…

- Sts write the answer on the board

- Ss


3 In pairs, complete this fact sheet about Vietnam. Ex: Country: Viet Nam

- biggest city: HCM City. - Have sts

- Have sts write the answer on the board - Check sts’s answers

C.Communication (5ms) 5 Game: Yes, I have.

Ex: A: Have you ever been to MS Mountain? B: Yes, I have

A: When did you go? B: months ago

A: What did you there?

B: We had a picnic lunch then we took a lot of photos - Ask Ss to work in pairs

D PROJECT (13ms)

- Choose cities in the world that you want to visit

- Find interesting facts about each city - Ask Ss to retell / present their writing to the class

- Give comment

- Ss

- Ss work in pairs

-> Ss answer - Yes, I

- Ss work in group then

- Hand the teacher in the next lesson

IV.Summary retell the aim


-Learn the new words by heart.

Ngày đăng: 03/02/2021, 07:16

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