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Anh 6 mới - tuần 15

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-Ss read the four paragraphs and use the pictures in 3 to help them decide which group of people celebrates New Year that way. -Ss work in groups -T collects and corrects[r]


Date of preparing: Period 43


LESSON : A CLOSER LOOK ( page 61- 62 ) A.Objectives :

-By the end of the lesson , the Ss will be able to use “ should / shouldn’t”; “ Will/ won’t”

- Practice speaking and writing * Knowledge needs to be achieved:

- Standard level : Ss know the way to use “ should” for things that are good to and“ shouldn’t” for things that are bad to do; use “will/ won’t” in future

-Advanced level: Ss make some sentences with “should/ shouldn’t”; “will/ won’t” *language content:

Vocabulary: Tet things and activities Grammar: “should/ shouldn’t; will/ won’t” - Moral behavior:ss know how to behave at Tet B.Teaching aids:

-Pictures, cues ,lesson plan, book

C.Methods: Slap the board, Picture cues D.Content:


Class Date of teaching Absent ss II.Warm up(5')

-Ss listen to the short poem ( page 61 ) - Ss read it in front of the class


Teacher's activities SS' activities

Step 1: pre – teach(12') Vocabulary

( to ) climb trees: trèo (to )keep quiet: giữ im lặng (to) knock on the door: gõ cửa (to) behave well: đối xử tốt (to) Plant trees : trồng (to) fight: đánh (to) Play cards: chơi Check : Slap the board

-T gives some pictures and asks Ss to complete the sentences with should or shouldn’t


- T models and let Ss it

-Ss look at the pictures and complete the sentences with should or shouldn’t

-T collects their ideals and writes on the board and takes notes:

Children shouldn’t climb trees. We should help old people.

Students shouldn’t cheat at exams. We should clean our house before Tet * Concept check:

-Meaning: translate into Vietnamese -Form: S+ should/shouldn’t + Vo

-Use: + we use should for things that are good to + we use shouldn’t for things that are bad to -Pronunciation

Step : Practice(17')

Activity 1: Complete the sentences with should or shouldn’t

-T runs through the pictures - T models

- Let Ss it

-T collects and corrects Key:

1 You should keep quiet 2 You shouldn’t eat or drink

3 You should knock on the door before you enter 4 You shouldn’t run in the studio

Activity2: Look at these Tet activities.Tick ( V ) the activities children should at Tet.Cross ( X ) the activities they shouldn’t

-T runs through the pictures ( page 62 ) - T models

-Let Ss work in pairs -T collects and corrects +Key:


1.behave well V 5.go out with friends V 2.eat lots of sweets X 6.make a wish V 3.plant trees V 7.fight X 4.break things X play cards all night X * Write it up

Ss use the activities in3,write down the sentences 1.We should behave well


work in pairs to tick ( V ) the activities children should at Tet.Cross ( X ) the activities they shouldn’t


2.We shouldn’t eat lots of sweets 3.We should plant trees

4.We shouldn’t break things 5.We should go out with friends 6.We should make a wish

7.We shouldn’t fight

8.We shouldn’t play cards all night

- T goes round and checks for any spelling or grammar mistakes

Activities 3: Will/ won’t

-T shows the picture ( page 62 ) and asks Ss some questions:

1.Is this Phong’s family ? 2.What are they doing ? 3.Are they happy ?

- ThenTasks Ss to read the letter

-Ss read the letter and answer the questions: 1.Who wrote the letter ?

2.What will his father ? -Ss answer:

1 Phong wrote the letter

2 His father will repaint his house

-Let Ss use the information from the letter and write full sentences in the two columns:

Will Won’t 1.My father will repaint

our house

5.I’ll write again soon 2.I will go shopping with


6.We won’t buy fireworks

3.We will buy red envelope

7.We won’t buy banh chung

4.I will help my parents cook banh chung

-While Ss are writing , check that they don’t make any mistakes with will

-T checks that Ss don’t use ‘will’ or verb after will in the third singular form

( S+ will/ won’t + Vo ) Step3: production(8') Write it up

-Phong is thinking about his Tet.Write sentences about what he will and won’t

-T runs through the pictures -T models

-T also reminds Ss of the kind of words they have to

in3,write down the sentences


add in order to complete the sentences -Let Ss it

-T calls some Ss to write on the board -T corrects

+ Key:

1 Phong will visit his relatives He will go to a pagoda

3 He will go out with his friends He won’t study

5 He won’t give a present



-The way to use “ should/shouldn’t; will/ won’t” -Vocabulary


-Learn by heart the new words

-Write sentences with “should/ shouldn’t” -Write sentences with “ will / won’t” *Evaluation lesson

……… ……… ……… ………

Date of preparing: Period 44


- By the end of the unit, students will be able to:

+ know some information about eight countries ( flags, nationalities,the names of the countries , the way to celebrate New Year)

* Practice skills : reading and speaking *Knowledge needs to be achieved :

- Standard level: + know words and phrases related to Te - Advanced level: + find and check the meaning of some words * Language contents:

Vocabulary: vocabulary related to “ Tet”: rooster, first footer Grammar:


- Pictures, lesson plan, computer

C.Methods: rub out and remember, matching D.Content:


Class Date of teaching Absent ss

II.Warm up(5'):

-T shows the flags of the eight countries - T asks them about the flags

- T may even allow Ss to answer in Vietnamese - T introduces the new lesson


Teacher's activities SS' activities

Step : pre-Reading(12') Vocabulary

Viet Nam – Vietnamese Holland – Dutch

Japan – Japanese

The USA (America ) – Americian Scotland – Scottish

Thailand – Thai Korea – Korean

Australia – Australian Check: matching

( Match the flags with the countries Then match the countries with their nationalities )

-Match the four groups of people with the pictures -Let Ss look at the pictures , discuss and make a guess about which country the pictures are about

-T corrects + Key:

1 The Scottish, Scotland The Thai,Thailand The H’Mong, Viet Nam The Japanese, Japan Step 2: While – Reading(17') Activity1

-Ss read the four paragraphs and use the pictures in to help them decide which group of people celebrates New Year that way

-Ss work in groups -T collects and corrects

repeat and copy

Match the four groups of people with the pictures



a.H’Mong b Thai c Japanese d Scottish Activity2

-Match the words with the definitions -T runs through the word

-T models -Let Ss it

T collects and corrects Key:

a the covers of a rooster, chicken or bird b become colder

c take away

d the first person to enter your home after New Year’s Eve

Step3: Post- Reading(7') Activity1


-T prepares pictures of flags

- Twalks around and meets people

- T asks them” where I am from” Ss will tell the nationality

-T models - Let Ss it Example:

A: Hi, I’m from England B: You’re English

-Ss work in pairs - T corrects

Activity2: Group work

-Allow Ss some time to write the two facts they like best down in their notebooks or on a piece of paper -Suggest they write short sentences

-T can either have Ss listen to their peer reading and doing the guessing or let them look at the reading and listen to the sentences As Ss take turns to read , check their pronunciation, especially of the target vocabulary and ask them to read clearly

-T help Ss to correct IV.Summary(1') -Vocabulary

-The different ways to celebrate New Year

Match the words with the definitions



-Learn by heart the new words -Read the text again

-Do exercise B( exercise book ) *Evaluation

……… ……… ……… ………

Date of preparing: Period 45 UNIT : OUR TET HOLIDAY

LESSON : Skills ( Reading - Speaking /page.64 – 65 ) A Objectives:

- By the end of the lesson Ss will be able to know how children in different countries spend their New Year and talk to their friends which one ( s ) they will or won’t this New Year

* Practice skills : reading and speaking *Knowledge needs to be achieved :

- Standard level: + know words and phrases related to Te - Advanced level: + find and check the meaning of some words * Language contents:

Vocabulary: vocabulary related to “ Tet”: lucky money, a day full of fun, bow Grammar:

- Moral behavior:To teach Ss to love festivals like Tet B.Teaching aids :

- Lesson plan, book, pictures, poster C.Methods:

Rub out and remember, question – answer, write it up D.Content:



II.Warm up

-T asks Ss to look at the pictures of the children and the names of the countries first to have some ideas about which countries they are going to read about

-T introduces the new lesson III.New lesson

Step 1: Pre-Reading Vocabulary:

strike midnight belief

move backwards' shrimp

+ Check: Rub out and remember *Pre-questions:

1.Where is Russ from? 2.Is WU from Thailand?

3.Is Mai from Viet Nam? -T asks Ss

-Ss answer the questions without books

-Let Ss open the books and read the passages Step 2: While-Reading

Activity 1:

-Ss read the passages and checks their answers -T corrects

+ Key:

1.He is from America 2.No, he isn’t

3 Yes, she is

-Then T calls some Ss to read in front of the class Activity2

-Let Ss Say who the following statements refer to Number is an example

Statements Who

1.A dog is a good present

2.The child goes to Times Square to Welcome the New Year

3.The child gets lucky money

4.The child likes watching colourful Fireworks

5.Giving rice is wishing for a year full of food

6.The child dresses beautifully in red 7.One shouldn’t eat shrimps at the New Year festival


-T runs through the sentences -T models

-Ss can this task individually or in pairs Let Ss look back at the passages as many times as they would like to Then check with the whole class

+Key: 1.C 2.A 3.B 4.A 5.C 6.B 7.C Activity3

This exercise can be done ideally by asking Ss not to look back at the passages and see how many questions they answer right

-T may turn it into a competition between groups then let them refer to the passages and see which one(s) is/ are not right This is a way for them to learn vocabulary as well as the common practices and beliefs of the New Year

+ Key: Appear: a b d e f g i

Don't appear: c h j

Step : Post - Reading Speaking

-This task, again, revises what Ss have learnt in both vocabulary and practices It will be a good opportunity to encourage Ss to give more activities than the ones provided in the passages


-Ss complete the sentences with ‘ will’ or ‘won’t’

Example: I won’t go to the Time Square to welcome the New Year -Ss individually,then compare with the partners

-Tcalls some Ss to in front of the class -T corrects

Activity 2: Work in groups:

-Discuss with your friends what you should or shouldn’t at Tet

Play games all night Get up early Invite friends home Buy some salt Bring home a black cat Ask for lucky money

Play music loud Break things Empty out rubbish on


Student A: We should make a wish

Student B: I agree.But we shouldn’t get up early

Student C: No, we shouldn’t.We should invite friends home, shouldn’t we? Student D: Yes, I think we should!

-T helps Ss to it, then goes around and takes notes some mistakes -Tcorrects

IV.Summary -Vocabulary V.Homework

-Learn by heart the new words -Do exercises C


Ngày đăng: 03/02/2021, 07:15
