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* Attitude: Help ss to have good consciousness in order to read a text about Ba’s and Chi’s houses to understand the differences between town and country.. Students: Text-books, notebo[r]


Date of preparing: 30/11/2018 Period 41 Unit 7: Your house

Lesson 3: B1-3 A Objectives

* Knowledge

-By the end of this lesson, Ss will be able to: - Read the text about Ba’s and Chi’s houses

- Understand the differences between town and country

- Use vocabulary to describe the places where they and their relatives live * Skill: Practice listening skill,writing, speaking skill reading skill.

* Attitude: Help ss to have good consciousness in order to read a text about Ba’s and Chi’s houses to understand the differences between town and country

B Methods

- Model-Talk-Practice, individual work, pair work

- Some techniques can be used: Hangman, Kim’s game,W & W, Brainstorm, matching


1 Teacher: Text-book, lesson plan,

2 Students: Text-books, notebooks, exercise books D.Contents

I Organization: (1') - Greeting

- Checking attendance

Class Date of teaching Absent students

6A 03/12/2018

6B 03/12/2018

II Warm-up: (5')

T: Give the game of “Net work” about the words of places Ss: Play in two teams bakery

* Network:

hospital III New lesson: (35')

Teacher and Ss’activities Contents

1.Activity Pre- reading: (10’) +.Pre- teach: Vocab

T uses some techniques for eliciting :

1 Vocabulary

- noisy >< quiet(adj): ồn >< yên tĩnh


(pictures and antonyms) ( explanation)

( picture) ( picture) ( synonysm)

Ss read the Vocab chorally/ individually * Checking Vocab : R.O.R

+T sets the scene:

You are going to read the texts about Ba’sapartment and Chi’s house Before reading the texts, I want you to read the passage about Ba and Chi and fill in the gaps with suitable words (using the pictures)

-Ss look at the pictures and fill in the gaps - Ss “ look at the pictures and fill in the gaps  T collects students’s ideas 2.Activity While- reading: (15’)

- Ss read the text on page (76/77) and read the text silently Then check their

predictions above

- T has students correct the false words - Ask Ss to read the texts aloud

* Answer the questions: B1/ P.76 (?) How many numbers are there?

(?) How many questions/ LK numbers are there?

(?) What happen if you choose a lucky N0? Ss play in groups

1 Does Ba live in town? ( Yes, he is) Does he live in a house?

( No, he doesn’t)

3 Is the country noisy?( No, it isn’t)

- apartment(n): hộ - zoo(n): vườn back thú

- paddy fields(n)= rice paddy: 2.Reading

* Fill in the gaps with suitable words Using the pictures.

Ba lives in an (1)…… in town Near his apartment, there is a

supermarket, a post-office, (2) ……,a clinic, a market and a (3) ……… It is very (4)………here

Chi lives in a (5)……in the country There aren’t any stores here.There are trees and (6)…, a river, a lake and ( 7)……It is very (8)……in the country




6 Does Chi live in town? No, she doesn’t) Are there any flowers?( Yes, there are) LK

10 Is the country quiet?( Yes, it is) + Dialogue Build ( B2 )

T sets the scene:

(?) Who are they?( Ba and Hoa) (?) What are they talking about?

(?) Ba đoán Hoa sống thị trấn Ba hỏi Hoa câu hỏi nào?

(?) Hoa sống nông thôn Hoa trả lời nào?

(?) Minh sống ngơi hộ có phải khơng? Ba hỏi Hoa nào?  Ss read the dialogue build after the teacher

Then Ss read in pairs - Concept check:

* Meaning: Translate into Vietnamse * Form:

*Pro Where is stress? * Trasformation Writing

-Write sentences about Chi’s house Eg : Chi lives in a house in the country Near her house , there is a river , a lake and there are trees , flowers , paddy fiels Grids : B3

- let Ss to listen to the tape

a Minh lives in an apartment in the city b Tuan lives in a house in a town

c Nga lives in a house in the city

2 a bank house zoo stores flowers 8.quiet * Answer the questions

- Play a game: Lucky Number Cat- Mouse


6 10

* Model sentences.

Ba: Do you live in town? Hoa: No I live in the country. Ba: Does Minh live in an apartment?

Hoa: No He lives in a house. * Form:

Do/Does + S + live+ ………? No, S + live(s)+……… * Use:

Hỏi đốn xem người sống đâu trả lời

* Practice

Town/country Hospital/ factory

House/apartment Bank/post office Lake/river Supermarket/

market Example Exchange: S1: Do you live in town? S2: No I live in the country


Name City Town

Minh  x

Tuan x

Nga x

3.Activity Post- reading: (10’) - Pair work: talk about places they live (open pairs/ close pairs)

Eg: S1: “ Hello, I’m Lan I live in apartment in Hanoi

It is very noisy Near my house, there are…………”

`S2: “ Hello I’m Thu I live in a house in the country It’s very quiet Ear my house, there is a lake, a rice paddy and a……… ”

- Ss checks

Country Apartment House

x  x

x x 

x x 

IV Summary: (2’)

- List differences between life in town and life in coumtry - Ss play in groups

V Homework: (2’) - Learn by hear Vocab

- Write a paragraph describing place where you live - Do B1(66-67) workbook, Do B2 (77) textbook Prepare the next lesson: B3

Guide:Write a paragraph describing place you live

Eg I live in a small house in Dong Son village My house is old and

beautiful.There is a garden in front of the house There are mountains behind the house To the left of the house there is a well To the right of fthe house there is a rice paddy

E Evaluation


Date of preparing: 30/11/201 Period 42 Unit 7: Your house

Lesson : C1-3 A Objectives

* Knowledge

- By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to:

- Learn vocabulary related to means of transportation - Ask and talk about transportation

- Aware of how important the transportation safety is

* Skills: Practice listening skill,writing, speaking skill reading skill

* Attitude: Help ss to have good consciousness in order to get simple present “ How” questions and “ by car / bike / train / …” to talk about transportation

B Methods

- Model-Talk-Practice, individual work, pair work

- Some techniques can be used: Survey, W & W, Picture drill, Noughts and crosses


1 Teacher: Text-book, lesson plan, picture , sub-board… Students: Text-books, notebooks, exercise books D.Contents

I Organization: (1') - Greeting

- Checking attendance

Class Date of teaching Absent students

6A 5/12/2018


II Warm-up: (5')

T: Let sts tell some means of transport they know (may be in Vietnamese) Ss: Tell some means of transport

* Example: bus, car, bike, motorbike, plane - T: Comment if necessary

III New lesson: (35')

Teacher and Ss’activities Contents 1.Activity Presentation(10’)

*Pre - teach vocab (using pictures) T: Use the pictures - p 78 to present newwords

Ss: Listen, repeat , and copy down

-T:Point the pictures and ask to check ( What is this? / Is this a …… ? )

* Pre-teach grammar - T: Play the tape Ss: Listen

- T: Ask about means of transport Ss: Answer

* Concept check - Meaning

- Form - Use

- Pronunciation

2.Activity Practice(15’) * picture drill

- T: Get sts to work in pairs to ask and answer (five pictures)

Now ask and answer questions about these people

Ask sts to work in pairs Ss: pairwork

-T: Call some pairs to practice Ss: Practice aloud in pairs

- Ask your partner how he/she goes to school everyday

Ask and answer about themselves

1 Vocabulary - bike(n): xe đạp - bus (n): xe buýt - motorbike(n): xe máy - car(n): xe

- train(n): tàu thuỷ - plane(n): máy bay

- walk(v): = go on foot: - travel to work(v): làm 2 Grammar

Ex: P1: How you go to school ? does she

P2: I go to school by bike She goes

*Use: Hỏi trả lời phương tiện lại 3 Practice

a Picture drill( C1)

* How you go to school?

I go to school by bike / car / bus. * How does she go to school? She goes by bike b Survey


How does Mr Ba travel to work? Ss: Work in pairs to ask /answer - Call on some pairs to practice speaking aloud

Ss: Practise in front of the class *Listen and write short answers

3.Activity Production (10’) - T: Let sts take a survey hang the poster on the board and ask ss - Ask your partner how his(her) mother/father/sister/brother travel to work or go to school

Ss: Make a survey

- Retell about your result of the survey

- Have ss ask and answer with the words given

How does …? Means of transport your mother go

to work ?

motorbike your father

travel to work ?

… your sister go

to work ?

… your brother

go to school

a, Ba b, Lan c, Nam d, Nga e, Tuan

f, Mrs Huong g, Mr Ha h, Miss Chi

Report the survey

Eg: My father travels to work by car

My mother goes to work by motorbike …

1 Hoa/ go to school/ bus How does Hoa go to school? She goes to school by bus

2 They/ travel to work/ motorbikes Mr Hung/ go to Ha Noi/ plane Minh/ go to Hue/ car

IV Consolidation:(2’ )


Ss: Answer

V Homework:(2')

+ Learn newwords by heart

+ Write five sentences about how your parents,friends and you go to work or go to school everyday

+ Ask Sts to exercise C1 + Prepare: Unit 7: C4 E Evaluation

Date of preparing: 30/11/2018 Period 43 Unit 7: Your house

Lesson : C4 A Objectives

* Knowledge

- At the end of the lesson students will be able to talk about habitual actions using the simple present and talk about their routine day

+ Understand the text about Hoang`s daily activities

* Skill: Practice listening skill,writing, speaking skill, reading skill.

* Attitude: Help ss to have good consciousness in order to read a text about Hoang’s daily routine for further practice in simple present habitual actions

B Methods

- Model-Talk-Practice, individual work, pair work - Some techniques can be used: LN, Survey C.Preparations

1/ Teacher: Text-book, lesson plan, poster,


I Organization: (1') - Greeting

- Checking attendance

Class Date of teaching Absent students

6A 6/12/2018

6B 6/12/2018

II Warm-up: (5')

T: call ss to write newwords Ss: write

T: Comment and give marks

* Warm up: Today we will review the simple present to talk about Hoang`s daily activities and about you

III New lesson: (35')

Teacher and Ss’activities Contents 1.Activity1 Pre- reading: (10')

- Vocabulary (Matching)

- Ask Ss to take turns to go to the board to the matching.

- Ss matching ( one for each) - Have Ss read the words again *Open – prediction:

(Grid with answer key)

- Ss predict what time Hoang does the following things

2.Activity While – reading: (15') C4: “ Hi, My name is Hoang……”


Ss read silently then check their predictions

- Comprehension Question C4 P 80 ( af)

Lucky Number Game:

1 What time does Hoang get up? What time you get up?

3 What time does Hoang go to school?

1 Vocabulary

Bike Tàu hỏa

Motorbike Đi

Plane Xe đạp

Train Xe máy

Bus Đi lại Car Ơtơ

Walk Máy bay

Travel Xe buýt 2 Reading

a.Complete the table.

What time? He gets up

He leaves the house School starts

School ends He has lunch


4 Lucky Number

5 How you go to school?

6 Does Hoang go to school by car? Lucky Number

8 Lucky Number

9 What time your classes start? 10 What time you have lunch? + T’s instruction  check

+ Play in groups ( tiger/ Lion) 3.Activity Post- reading: (10') * Survey

- Ss work in pairs to ask what time their friends the things above? Then go to the board to fill in the Grid

1 2 3 4 5

6 7 8 9 10

Tiger -Lion What time?

Get up Tim


Name Go to school 5.00 Lan Classes start

Go home Have lunch - Example Exchange

S1: What time you get up? S2: I get up at 5.00

S2: My name is Lan

IV Summary: (2')

- Remind the content of the lesson V.Homework: (2')

- Revise Vocab

- Write a paragraph about your daily routine - Do C4(71)

Guide: Write a paragraph about your daily routine

Example: I’m Huong I’m a student I learn at Dong Son secondary school

Everyday I get up at I go to school at 6.20………

E Evaluation

Ngày đăng: 03/02/2021, 05:17


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