ACTION SCRIPT FOR MX FLASH 2004 Contents of the dictionary All dictionary entries are listed alphabetically. However, some operators are symbols and are presented in ASCII order. In addition, methods that are associated with a class are listed along with the class name—for example, the abs() method of the Math class is listed as Math.abs(). The following two tables help you locate these elements. The first table lists the symbolic operators in the order in which they occur in the dictionary. The second table lists all other ActionScript elements. Symbolic perators See entry -- -- (decrement) ++ ++ (increment) ! ! (logical NOT) != != (inequality) !== !== (strict inequality) % % (modulo) %= %= (modulo assignment) & & (bitwise AND operator) && && (logical AND) &= &= (bitwise AND assignment) () () (parentheses) - - (minus) * * (multiplication) *= *= (multiplication assignment) , , (comma) . . (dot) : : (type) ?: ?: (conditional) / / (division) Trang 1 // // (comment delimiter) /* /* (comment delimiter) /= /= (division assignment) [] [] (array access) ^ ^ (bitwise XOR) ^= ^= (bitwise XOR assignment) {} {} (object initializer) | | (bitwise OR) || || (logical OR) |= |= (bitwise OR assignment) ~ ~ (bitwise NOT) + + (addition) += += (addition assignment) < < (less than) << << (bitwise left shift) <<= <<= (bitwise left shift and assignment) <= <= (less than or equal to) <> <> (inequality) = = (assignment) -= -= (subtraction assignment) == == (equality) === === (strict equality) > > (greater than) >= >= (greater than or equal to) >> >> (bitwise right shift) >>= >>= (bitwise right shift and assignment) >>> >>> (bitwise unsigned right shift) >>>= >>>= (bitwise unsigned right shift and Trang 2 assignment) The following table lists all ActionScript elements that are not symbolic operators. ActionScript element See entry #endinitclip #endinitclip #include #include #initclip #initclip __proto__ Object.__proto__ _accProps _accProps _alpha MovieClip._alpha, Button._alpha, TextField._alpha _currentframe MovieClip._currentframe _droptarget MovieClip._droptarget _focusrect _focusrect, Button._focusrect, MovieClip._focusrect _framesloaded MovieClip._framesloaded _global _global object _height Button._height, MovieClip._height, TextField._height _highquality _highquality, Button._highquality, MovieClip._highquality, TextField._highquality _lockroot MovieClip._lockroot _name Button._name, MovieClip._name, TextField._name _parent _parent, Button._parent, MovieClip._parent, TextField._parent _quality _quality, Button._quality, TextField._quality _root _root _rotation Button._rotation, MovieClip._rotation, Trang 3 TextField._rotation _soundbuftime _soundbuftime, Button._soundbuftime, MovieClip._soundbuftime, TextField._soundbuftime _target Button._target, MovieClip._target, TextField._target _totalframes MovieClip._totalframes _url Button._url, MovieClip._url, TextField._url _visible Button._visible, MovieClip._visible, TextField._visible _width Button._width, MovieClip._width, TextField._width _x Button._x, MovieClip._x, TextField._x _xmouse Button._xmouse, MovieClip._xmouse, TextField._xmouse _xscale Button._xscale, MovieClip._xscale, TextField._xscale _y Button._y, MovieClip._y, TextField._y _ymouse Button._ymouse, MovieClip._ymouse, TextField._ymouse _yscale Button._yscale, MovieClip._yscale, TextField._yscale abs Math.abs() Accessibility Accessibility class acos Math.acos() activityLevel Camera.activityLevel, Microphone.activityLevel add add addListener Key.addListener(), Mouse.addListener(), MovieClipLoader.addListener(), Selection.addListener(), Trang 4 Stage.addListener(), TextField.addListener() addPage PrintJob.addPage() addProperty Object.addProperty() addRequestHeader LoadVars.addRequestHeader(), XML.addRequestHeader() align Stage.align, TextFormat.align allowDomain LocalConnection.allowDomain, allowInsecureDomain LocalConnection.allowInsecureDomain, ) and and appendChild XML.appendChild() apply Function.apply() Arguments Arguments class Array Array class, Array() asfunction asfunction asin Math.asin() atan Math.atan() atan2 Math.atan2() attachAudio MovieClip.attachAudio() attachMovie MovieClip.attachMovie() attachSound Sound.attachSound() attachVideo Video.attachVideo() attributes XML.attributes autosize TextField.autoSize avHardwareDisable System.capabilities.avHardwareDisabl e background TextField.background backgroundColor TextField.backgroundColor Trang 5 BACKSPACE Key.BACKSPACE bandwidth Camera.bandwidth beginFill MovieClip.beginFill() beginGradientFill MovieClip.beginGradientFill() blockIndent TextFormat.blockIndent bold TextFormat.bold Boolean Boolean(), Boolean class border TextField.border borderColor TextField.borderColor bottomScroll TextField.bottomScroll break break bufferLength NetStream.bufferLength bufferTime NetStream.bufferTime builtInItems ContextMenu.builtInItems bullet TextFormat.bullet Button Button class bytesLoaded NetStream.bytesLoaded bytesTotal NetStream.bytesTotal call call(), callee arguments.callee caller arguments.caller Camera Camera class capabilities System.capabilities object CAPSLOCK Key.CAPSLOCK caption ContextMenuItem.caption case case catch try catch finally ceil Math.ceil() charAt String.charAt() Trang 6 charCodeAt String.charCodeAt() childNodes XML.childNodes chr chr class class clear MovieClip.clear(), SharedObject.clear(), Video.clear() clearInterval clearInterval() cloneNode XML.cloneNode() close LocalConnection.close(), NetStream.close(), XMLSocket.close() Color Color class, TextFormat.color concat Array.concat(), String.concat() connect LocalConnection.connect(), NetConnection.connect(), XMLSocket.connect() condenseWhite TextField.condenseWhite constructor Array class, Boolean class, Camera class, Color class, ContextMenu class, ContextMenuItem class, Date class, Error class, LoadVars class, LocalConnection class, Microphone class, NetConnection class, NetStream class, Number class, Object class, PrintJob class, SharedObject class, Sound class, String class, TextField.StyleSheet class, TextFormat class, XML class, XMLSocket class contentType LoadVars.contentType, XML.contentType ContextMenu ContextMenu class ContextMenuItem ContextMenuItem class continue continue CONTROL Key.CONTROL copy ContextMenu.copy(), ContextMenuItem.copy() Trang 7 cos Math.cos() createElement XML.createElement() createEmptyMovieClip MovieClip.createEmptyMovieClip() createTextField MovieClip.createTextField() createTextNode XML.createTextNode() currentFps Camera.currentFps, NetStream.currentFps curveTo MovieClip.curveTo() CustomActions CustomActions class customItems ContextMenu.customItems data Date Date class deblocking Video.deblocking default default delete delete DELETEKEY Key.DELETEKEY do while do while docTypeDecl XML.docTypeDecl domain LocalConnection.domain() DOWN Key.DOWN duplicateMovieClip duplicateMovieClip(), MovieClip.duplicateMovieClip() duration Sound.duration dynamic dynamic E Math.E else else else if else if embedFonts TextField.embedFonts enabled Button.enabled, ContextMenuItem.enabled, Trang 8 MovieClip.enabled END Key.END endFill MovieClip.endFill() ENTER Key.ENTER eq eq (equal — string specific) Error Error class ESCAPE (constant) Key.ESCAPE escape (function) escape eval eval() exactSettings System.exactSettings exp Math.exp() extends extends false false finally try catch finally findText TextSnapshot.findText() firstChild XML.firstChild floor Math.floor() flush SharedObject.flush() focusEnabled MovieClip.focusEnabled font TextFormat.font for for for in for in fps Camera.fps fromCharCode String.fromCharCode() fscommand fscommand() function function, Function class gain Microphone.gain ge ge (greater than or equal to — string specific) Trang 9 get Camera.get(), CustomActions.get(), get, Microphone.get() getAscii Key.getAscii() getBeginIndex Selection.getBeginIndex() getBounds MovieClip.getBounds() getBytesLoaded LoadVars.getBytesLoaded(), MovieClip.getBytesLoaded(), Sound.getBytesLoaded(), XML.getBytesLoaded() getBytesTotal LoadVars.getBytesTotal(), MovieClip.getBytesTotal(), Sound.getBytesTotal(), XML.getBytesTotal() getCaretIndex Selection.getCaretIndex() getCode Key.getCode() getCount TextSnapshot.getCount() getDate Date.getDate() getDay Date.getDay() getDepth Button.getDepth(), MovieClip.getDepth(), TextField.getDepth() getEndIndex Selection.getEndIndex() getFocus Selection.getFocus() getFontList TextField.getFontList() getFullYear Date.getFullYear() getHours Date.getHours() getInstanceAtDepth MovieClip.getInstanceAtDepth() getLocal SharedObject.getLocal() getMilliseconds Date.getMilliseconds() getMinutes Date.getMinutes() getMonth Date.getMonth() getNewTextFormat TextField.getNewTextFormat() Trang 10 [...]... import import indent TextFormat.indent index Camera.index, Microphone.index indexOf String.indexOf() Infinity Infinity -Infinity -Infinity INSERT Key.INSERT insertBefore XML.insertBefore() install CustomActions.install() instanceof instanceof int int interface interface isActive Accessibility.isActive() isDebugger System.capabilities.isDebugger isDown Key.isDown() isFinite isFinite isNaN isNaN() isToggled... leading TextFormat.leading LEFT Key.LEFT leftMargin TextFormat.leftMargin length length, Array.length, TextField.length level _level lineStyle MovieClip.lineStyle() lineTo MovieClip.lineTo() list CustomActions.list() LN10 Math.LN10 LN2 Math.LN2 load LoadVars.load(), TextField.StyleSheet.load(), XML.load(), loadClip MovieClipLoader.loadClip() loaded LoadVars.loaded, XML.loaded loadMovie loadMovie(), MovieClip.loadMovie()... trackAsMenu Button.trackAsMenu, MovieClip.trackAsMenu true true try try catch finally type TextField.type typeof typeof undefined undefined underline TextFormat.underline unescape unescape uninstall CustomActions.uninstall() unloadClip MovieClipLoader.unloadClip() unloadMovie unloadMovie(), MovieClip.unloadMovie() unLoadMovieNum unloadMovieNum() unshift Array.unshift() unwatch Object.unwatch() UP Key.UP . 2 assignment) The following table lists all ActionScript elements that are not symbolic operators. ActionScript element See entry #endinitclip #endinitclip. ACTION SCRIPT FOR MX FLASH 2004 Contents of the dictionary All dictionary entries are