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SỞ GD&ĐT BÌNH ĐỊNH TRƯỜNG THPT AN LƯƠNG ĐỀ THI CHỌN HỌC SINH GIỎI LỚP 12 NĂM HỌC 2019 - 2020 Môn thi : Tiếng Anh Thời gian thi : 150 phút ( không kể thời gian giao đề) Ngày thi : Đề thi gồm có 09 trang Điểm thi Số phách (do chủ tịch HĐCT ghi) Họ, tên chữ kí giám khảo Bằng số: Giám khảo 1: Bằng chữ: Giám khảo 2: PART A LISTENING Question I: You are going to hear an interview on transportation As you listen, fill in the form below with no more than three words or numbers: Questions How you How far is it get to school ? from your home to school ? How long does it take you to get to school ? Are you ever late because of transportation problems ? Suggestions for improving the transporstation ? Mike By bus Liz It depends No 10 Tom A few blocks Names Question II: You are going to hear an interview on booking a holiday Listen and tick() whether the statements are True(T), False(F) or Not Given(NI): Statements They want to book a holiday for July They have decided where to go for the holiday Both customers are free to travel in the first week Last year, both of them visited France They would like to go to the mountains for skiing this year They don't want to go to Italy because the dates don't suit them They don't like to go to Sweden because there are no beaches It would be 385 pounds for them to visit Portugal The customers prefer to visit Portugal by flight from London 10 The flight stops at Manchester on the way to Portugal Trang T F NI PART B GRAMMAR AND LEXICOLOGY Question I: Choose the word or phrase which best completes each sentence Circle the letter A, B, C or D next to the correct word or phrase The railway line has been closed for ten years and the station buildings are now sadly _ A decrepit B derelict C decomposed D discarded In the days before the widespread use of having an operation must have been a grueling experience A aesthetes B aesthetics C anesthetics D anesthetists Before their restoration, parts of the medieval building were in a state of A debris B dilapidation C devastation D destruction Charles had very little interest in the museum, he gave each exhibit no more than a(an) _ glance A cursory B temporary C transient D ephemeral Because of an unfortunate your order was not dispatched by the date requested A hindrance B oversight C negligence D transgression Psychologists still wonder if some personality traits are _ A inevitable B interminable C inadvertent D innate The needs of gifted children in schools have long been _ neglected A dolefully B pathetically C idly D woefully Altruism is characterized by a deep sympathy for those less fortunate, that the aim of life should be to contribute more to society than you take A belief rooted in B in the belief rooted C rooted in the belief D the rooted belief Taconite, a _ rock most common in the northern forests of Minnesota, has a wide variety of commercial uses A shape like a flint B flint-shapes C shape of flint D flint-shaped 10 I up, early, but it was a lonely morning so I did A haven’t got B didn’t need to get C needn’t have got D hadn’t got Your answers: 1……… 2………… 3………… 4………… 5…………… 6……… 7………… 8………… 9………… 10………… Question II : Supply the suitable form of the verbs in brackets: John has always traveled a lot In fact, he was only two years old when he first flew to the US His mother is Italian and his father is American John was born in France, but his parents (meet) in Cologne, Germany after they (live) there for five years They had met one day while John’s father was reading a book in the library and his mother (sit) beside him John (travel) a lot because his parents also travel a lot As a matter of fact, John is visiting his parents in France at the moment He lives in New York now, but (visit) his parents for the last few weeks He really enjoys living in New York, but he also loves coming to visit his parents at least once a year This year he (fly) over 5,000 miles for his job He has been working for Jackson & Co for almost two years now He (be) pretty sure that he (work) for them next year as well His job requires a lot of travel In fact, by the end of this year, he (travel) over 120,000 miles! His next journey will be to Australia He really doesn’t like going to Australia because it is so far This time he 10 (fly) from Paris after a meeting with the company’s French partner He will have been sitting for over 18 hours by the time he arrives! Trang Your answers: 1……… 6……… 2………… 3………… 4………… 5…………… 7………… 8………… 10………… 9………… Question III: Read the passage and fill in each blank with the correct form of the word provided Modern advertisements contain hidden messages (1) IMPLY in the advertisements showing the pretty girl in the new car or the smiling children round the packet of washing powder is the message that if we buy the (2) PRODUCE , we also achieve success and happiness It is a subtle approach since it seeks to exploit our secret teams, and it is (3) ESCAPE since advertising is ubiquitous, giant street hoardings and (4) CATCH jingles on TV bombard us form all sides They brainwash us into believing that we can realize our ambition quickly and (5) EASE On the other hand, defenders of advertising say that it is (6) BENEFIT Advertising is (7) INFORM Advertisements tell us about useful new products They (8) BRIGHT our lives with colour and music They increase demand, stimulate industry and so keep prices down Whether for or against advertising, most people would agree that some kind of watch-dog body, (9) APPOINTMENT by government or by the advertising industry itself, necessary to maintain standards or honesty and to discourage the more blatant types of (10) LEAD advertisements Your answers: 1……… 6……… 2………… 3………… 4………… 7………… 8………… 9………… 5…………… 10………… Question IV : There are ten mistakes in the following passage Underline the mistakes, number and correct them Priscilla Presley, actress and widower of Elvis Presley, entered the acting profession quiet accidentally On being asked to a television commerce for a well-known shampoo, she took which turned out to be an important decision: to take actor classes She did this in an attempt to overcome her acute shyness at being in the public eye, but to her amazement she loved every minutes Her extreme lack of confidence stemmed from the early days of her marriage with Elvis, which she remembers were often spent sitting in dark, depressed hotel rooms away from the glare of publicity, who Elvis was so anxious to avoid Film work, including the high successful slapstick comedy The naked Gun, quickly followed the television contract Your answers: 1……… 6……… 2………… 3………… 4………… 5…………… 7………… 8………… 10………… 9………… Question V: Read the text below and think of the word which best fits each space Use only one word in each space Write your answers in the spaces below : THE GREAT LIBRARY IN ALEXANDRIA Trang Today, there are libraries in almost every town in the world Even in areas(1)…… there are no libraries, there are often mobile libraries which take books from one village to (2) ………… But in the days when books are copied by hands (3) …… than printed, libraries were very rare The reason is simple: books took a very (4) ……… time to produce, and there were far (5) …… copies of any given work around The greatest library (6) ……… all, that in Alexandria, had 54.000 books In the ancient world, this number (7) …… .considered huge It was the first time that anyone (8) …… ever collected so many books from all around the world (9) … one roof There are many theories about (10) … these books were lost YOUR ANSWERS: 1…………… 2……………… 3……………….4…………………5 ……………… 6…………… 7……………… 8……………….9………………….10……… …… PART C READING Question I Read the passages and the questions or unfinished sentences Then choose the answer (A, B, C, OR D) that you think fits best Many folk curves which have been around for centuries may be more therapeutic than previously suspected A case in point is that of penicillin Alexander Fleming did not just randomly choose cheese molds to study when he discovered this very important bacteria-killing substance Moldy cheese was frequently given to patients as a remedy for illness at one time Fleming just isolated what it was about the cheese which cured the patients In parts of South America, a powder obtained from grinding sugar cane is used for healing infections in wounds and ulcers This usage may date back to pre-Colombian times Experiments carried out on several hundred patients indicate that ordinary sugar in high concentrations is lethal to bacteria Its suction effect eliminates dead cells and it generates a glasslike layer which protects the wound and ensures healing Another example of folk medicine which scientists are investigating is that of Arab fisherman who rub their wounds with a venomous catfish to quicken healing This catfish excretes a gellike slime which scientists have found to contain antibiotics: a coagulant that helps close injured blood vessels, anti-inflammatory agents, and a chemical that directs production of a glue like material that aids healing It is hoped that by documenting these folk remedies and experimenting to see it results are indeed beneficial, an analysis of the substances can be made, and synthetic substances can be developed for human consumption This passage is mainly about A using folk medicines in place of modern medicines B antibiotics in the filed of medicine C the validity of folk remedies and their use for advances in modem medicine D isolating antibiotics in cheese sugar and slime The word “therapeutic” in paragraph is closest in meaning to _ A physiological B medicinal C traditional D psychological It can be inferred from the Message that Alexander Fleming A discovered moldy cheese B isolated infectious patients C suspected medicinal properties of mold Trang D enjoyed eating cheese The word “eliminates” in paragraph is closet in meaning to A cleanses B excretes C disposes of D kills off According to the passage, A bacteria feed on sugar B sugar kills unhealthy cells C glass is formed from sugar D sugar promotes healing The gellike substance which promotes healing comes from A catfish bodies B Arab fishermen C coagulants D catfish venom Which one of the following is NOT an important quality of the catfish slime? A It prohibits inflammation B It fights bacteria C It stops bleeding D It produces mold The word “consumption” in the last paragraph is closest in meaning to A utilization B destruction C experimentation D manipulation In what way are cheese molds, sugar and catfish slime similar? A They cause blood clots B They fight bacteria C They heal wounds D They eliminated dead cells 10 According to the passage, why is it important to study folk medicine? A To document cultural heritages B To perpetuate superstitions C To experiment with synthetic substances D To advance modern medical practices Your answers: 1……… 2………… 3………… 4………… 5…………… 6……… 7………… 8………… 9………… 10…………… Question II For question from – 5, read the following text carefully and then choose from the list A- I the best phrase given below to fill each of the spaces Each correct phrase may only be used once Some of the suggested answers not fit at all The exercise begins with an example ( ) MODERN ENGLISH th Imperceptibly, during the 18 century, English loses the most noticeable remaining features of structural difference ( ) .I By the end of that century, with but a few exceptions, the spelling, punctuation, and grammar are very close to ( ) .If we take an essay by William Hazlett ( 1775 – 1830 ) or a novel of Jane Austen ( 1775 – 1817 ), for example, we can read for pages ( ) We would find the vocabulary somewhat unfamiliar in places, the idiom occasionally unusual or old-fashioned, the style elegant or quaint, and we might feel that the language was in some indefinable way characteristic of a previous age : but we not need to consult a special edition or historical dictionary at every turn ( ) Jane Austen makes demands on our modern linguistic intuitions which seem little different from those required by Catherine Cookson or PD James However, despite this apparent continuity, the language at the end of the 18 th century is by no means identical to what we find today Many words, though spelt the same, had a different meaning ( ) .we would also notice several differences in pronunciation, especially in the way words were stressed And an uninformed modern intuition would achieve only a superficial Trang reading of literary texts of the period In reading a novel of the 1990s, we can make an immediate linguistic response to the social and stylistic nuances introduced into the text, ( ) .we recognise the differences between formality and informality, or educated and uneducated; we can sense when someone is being jocular, ironic, risqué, archaic or insincere We can easily miss such nuances in the writing of the early 19 th century, especially in those works which take the manners of contemporary society as their subject That world is more linguistically removed from us than at first it may appear A in order to understand the text B that deceive in its apparent continuity C because the context often enables us to see the intended sense D what they are today E because we are part of its age F when we know it had an additional meaning at that time G if we had tape recordings of the time H before a point of linguistic difference might make us pause I which distance the Early Modern English period from us Your answers: 1……… 2………… 3………… 4………… 5…………… Question III Read the following text and decide which word best fits each blank PROBLEMS OF WATCHING TELEVISION IN BRITAIN British parents are always complaining that their children spend too much time gluing to the telly and not enough(1) other activities like sports and reading A survey recently carried out on people’s viewing habits (2) not disapprove it It shows that young people in Britain spend on (3) twenty three hours a week in front of the television, (4) works out at over three hours every day What is surprising, however, is the fact that the average adult watches even more: an incredible 28 hours a week We seem to have become a nation of telly addicts Just about (5) household in the country has a television and over half have two or more According (6) the survey, people nowadays don’t just watch television sitting in their living room, they watch it in the kitchen and in bed as well The Education Minister said a (7) weeks ago that Britain’s pupils should spend more time reading Unfortunately , parents are not setting a good example: adults (8) reading than young people In fact, reading is (9) the bottom of their list of favorite pastimes They would(10) listen to the radio, go to the cinema or hire a video to watch on their television at home 1.A at B on C for D in 2.A does B C is D has 3.A time B Sunday C weekend D average 4.A which B what C who D where 5.A none B neither C every D all 6.A for B to C with D on 7.A lot B little C number D few 8.A more B better C less D most A on B to C at D in Trang 10 had better B prefer C like D rather YOUR ANSWERS: 1…………… 2……………… 3……………….4…………………5 ……………… 6…………… 7……………… 8……………….9………………….10……… ……… PART D WRITING Question I : Rewrite these sentences so that the new one has a similar meaning as the sentence preceded: He did not pass his driving test until he was nearly 30 years old It He is determined to campaign for his son’s freedom He has no Stock brokers bought the company shares because they assumed that it was making a lot of profit Had The financial crisis affects both developed and third-world countries Not only He was very sorry because he didn’t have time to visit all places of interest in London when he was there last year He greatly Question II: Do not change the given word, use it to rewrite each of the following sentences so that each has as a similar meaning as the original one Although he had his legs cut off after a serious accident, he competed in the Olympic Games and won a medal (Prevent) They suddenly realized that they were on the verge of a bankrupt (Dawned) The rocketing prices have proved too much for most salaried people (Cope) We must accept the fact that we haven't made much progress in the struggle against poverty (Terms) Illiteracy has been one of the causes of poverty.( Contributed) Trang Question III: Chart description: The graph and table below give information about water use worldwide and water consumption in two different countries Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make comparisons where relevant Write at least 150 words Country Population Irrigated land Water consumption per person Brazil 176 million 26,500 km² 359 m³ Democratic Republic of Congo 5.2 million 100 km² m³ Trang Question IV: Essay writing: Write about the following topic: Many people say that the only way to guarantee a good job is to complete a course of university education Others claim that it is better to start work after school and gain experience in the world of work How far you agree or disagree with the above views? Give reason for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience Write at least 250 words ………………THE END…………… Trang ĐÁP ÁN VÀ THANG ĐIỂM Part A LISTENING (20ps) Question I: (10 x 1) by car by bike miles 20 miles 15-20 minutes 15 minutes Yes No Need more buses 10 Better subway system Question II : (10 x 1) T F F 4.T NI T NI T F 10 NI PART B: LEXICO - GRAMMAR: (50 ps) Question I (10 x 1) 1.A 2.C 3.B 4.A 5.D 6.B 7.B 8.B 9.D 10.A Question II: (10 x 1) lay buried was discovered have speculated were have wondered experienced 9.standing 10 to adverse be taking occur Question III: (10 x 1) advisable beneficial presentation noticeable professional speech impression orally responses revisit 10 unease Question IV: (10 x 1) widower  widow which what actor acting with to who which quiet quite commerce commercial minutes minute depressed depressing 10 high highly Question V: (10 x 1) where another rather long of was had fewer under/beneath 10 how PART C READING (30 ps) Question I (10 x 1) A B C A D Question II (5 x 2) Trang 10 B 8-10: A C F (in any order) A 1.D 2.H Question III (10 x 1) B A B D A 4.G D C A A 5.E C 10 D PART D: Writing(40) Question I : (5 x 1) It was not until he was nearly 30 that he passed his driving test He has no intention to stop campaigning for his son’s freedom Had stock brokers knew that the company was not making profit they wouldn’t have invested in it/bought its shares Not only are developed countries affected but also third-world countries in the financial crisis He greatly regretted that he didn’t have time / not having (enough) time / to visit all places of interest in London when he was there last year Question II: (5 x 1) His disability / lame/ legs being cut off did not/could not prevent him from competing in the Olympic Games and winning a medal It suddenly dawned on them that they were on the verge of a bankrupt Most salaried people haven’t been able /cannot cope with the rocketing prices We must come to terms with the fact that we have not made much progress in the struggle against poverty Illiteracy has contributed to poverty Question III: Chart description: (10)  Style: appropriate:  Spelling + Grammar: accurate:  Answer the question asked:  Variety of appropriate language:  Coherence: Question IV: Easy writing: (20 )  Style: appropriate:  Spelling + Grammar: accurate:  Answering the question asked:  Variety of appropriate language:  Justify his /her opinions:  Compare and contrast his /her evidence and opinions: TOTAL MARK: 140/7 = 20 Trang 11 ... In fact, by the end of this year, he (travel) over 120 ,000 miles! His next journey will be to Australia He really doesn’t like going to Australia because it is so far This time he 10 (fly) from... ………………THE END…………… Trang ĐÁP ÁN VÀ THANG ĐIỂM Part A LISTENING (20ps) Question I: (10 x 1) by car by bike miles 20 miles 15-20... well-known shampoo, she took which turned out to be an important decision: to take actor classes She did this in an attempt to overcome her acute shyness at being in the public eye, but to her amazement

Ngày đăng: 01/02/2021, 22:28


