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An inestigation into 10th graders teamwork in praoject based learning at dao duy tu high school

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MINISTRY OF EDUCATION AND TRAINING VINH UNIVERSITY NGUYEN THU HUONG AN INVESTIGATION INTO 10th GRADERS’ TEAMWORK IN PROJECT-BASED LEARNING AT DAO DUY TU HIGH SCHOOL (Nghiên cứu hoạt động nhóm dạy học theo dự án học sinh lớp 10 Trường THPT Đào Duy Từ) MASTER’S THESIS IN EDUCATION Nghe An, 2017 MINISTRY OF EDUCATION AND TRAINING VINH UNIVERSITY NGUYEN THU HUONG AN INVESTIGATION INTO 10th GRADERS’ TEAMWORK IN PROJECT-BASED LEARNING AT DAO DUY TU HIGH SCHOOL (Nghiên cứu hoạt động nhóm dạy học theo dự án học sinh lớp 10 Trường THPT Đào Duy Từ) Field: Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL) Code: 60140111 MASTER’S THESIS IN EDUCATION SUPERVISOR: Tran Ba Tien, Ph.D Nghe An, 2017 DECLARATION To the best of my knowledge and belief, this thesis contains no material which has previously been submitted and accepted for any other degree in any university The thesis is my own work and based on my own research It involves no material previously published or written by any other person, except where due reference is acknowledged in the paper Nghe An, August 1st 2017 Author’s signature Nguyen Thu Huong i ABSTRACT The study presents an attempt to investigate Teamwork and its impacts on the subsequent individual presentations in Project-based Learning English for specific purposes has been taught in high schools in Vietnam for several years and it partially meets student’s needs Especially, since the new pilot textbooks with compulsory project lessons were used, it has been a challenge for both teachers and learners to find the best ways to carry out projects Besides, it seems that very little research has been implemented on applying Teamwork in Project-Based Learning in teaching and learning project lessons The objective of this study is to investigate the attitudes of students and teachers at Dao Duy Tu High School about applying TW in PBL Three tools of data collection which were employed in this study are a questionnaire for 90 tenth-grade students and English teachers; ethnographic indepth interview and classroom observation All of the data received was analyzed in charts, tables or summarized interpretively The results of the study show that both students and teachers at Dao Duy Tu High School think that applying TW in PBL is a fairly interesting, necessary and effective method in project lessons This suggests that the use of TW in PBL is recommended to be further applied for English lessons Key words: Team, Teamwork, Project-Based Learning, Project-Based Teaching, Team Project-Based Learning ii ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS I would like to express my gratitude to all those who have given me great assistance in the completion of my research work First and foremost, I would like to express my deepest gratitude to my supervisor Tran Ba Tien, Ph.D, who has provided me with insightful discussion, helpful comments, valuable support in the preparation and completion of this thesis Had it not been for his supervision, the thesis would not have been completed Secondly, my sincere thanks also go to all lecturers and staff of department of foreign languages of VINH UNIVERSITY for their valuable lessons and precious assistance Thanks to their lessons as well as needed helps, I could overcome enormous obstacles during the course of study I also wish to acknowledge the cooperation of my eight colleagues and 90 tenth-form students at Dao Duy Tu High School in contributing to the data collection presented in this study Without their precious support, the thesis would not have taken shape Last but not least, the support extended to me by the members of my family has been immeasurable I would like to express my thanks to my parents, my husband and my children for their whole hearted encouragement iii LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS DDT (High School): Dao Duy Tu (High School) FLT: Foreign Language Teaching PBL: Project-based Learning PBLT: Project-based language teaching TW: Teamwork TPBL: Team Project-based Learning iv LIST OF TABLE Table 2.1: The major different factors between team and group 13 Table 2.2: Characteristics of an Effective Team .17 Table 2.3: Advantages and disadvantages of team size 20 Table 3.1: Students’ profiles .57 Table 3.2: Teachers’ profiles 58 v LIST OF FIGURES Figure 2.1: Stages of a team development 30 Figure 2.2: The teachers’ role on PBL 43 Figure 2.3: The learners’ roles on PBL 46 Figure 4.1: Teachers and students’ perception towards the necessity and importance of PBL 64 Figure 4.2: Students’ attitude towards TW in PBL 65 Figure 4.3: Teachers’ attitude towards TW in PBL 65 Figure 4.4: Students’ opinion of using TW in PBL in future 66 Figure 4.5: Extent of using TW in PBL in future of the teachers 68 Figure 4.6: Students and teachers’ attitude towards the real effectiveness of TW in PBL 69 Figure 4.7: Students and teachers’ attitudes towards the extent of developing individual strength of TW in PBL 70 Figure 4.8: Students’ view 71 Figure 4.9: Teachers’ views 72 Figure 4.10: Student’ difficulties in teamwork in PBL 74 Figure 4.11: Teachers and students’ solutions for doing project assignments 78 Figure 4.12: Students’ solutions for promoting individual strengths in Teamwork in PBL 80 Figure 4.13: Teachers’ solutions for promoting individual strengths in Teamwork in PBL 80 vi TABLE OF CONTENTS DECLARATION i ABSTRACT ii ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS iii LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS iv LIST OF TABLE v LIST OF FIGURES vi Chapter 1: INTRODUCTION 1.1 Rationale 1 Aims of the study 1.3 Research questions .5 1.4 Scopes of the study .5 1.5 Research methods .6 1.6 Design of the study .6 Chapter 2: LITERATURE REVIEWS 2.1 Teamwork 2.1.1 The difference between team and group The definition of team The definition of group The major different factors between team and group 10 Characteristics of effective teams 13 Turning groups into effective teams 17 Team size .19 2.1.2 The definition of teamwork .21 2.1.3 Types of teamwork 24 2.1.4 Advantages of teamwork .26 2.1.5 Disadvantages of teamwork 27 2.1.6 Successful teamwork .28 vii 2.1.7 Stages of team development 29 2.2 Project-Based Learning 32 2.2.1 Project .32 Definitions of project 32 Types of project 33 2.2.2 Project-Based Learning 33 Definitions of Project-Based Learning 33 Key features of Project-Based Learning 35 Benefits of Project-Based Learning .38 Challenges of Project-Based Learning 39 Challenges for students .39 Challenges for academic staff 40 Project procedure 41 Roles of teachers and students in Project-Based Learning 42 Teachers’ role in Project-Based Learning 42 Students’ role in Project-Based Learning 45 2.3 Teamwork in Foreign Language Teaching 47 2.3.1 The relationship between Teamwork and Project-Based Learning 47 2.3.2 The role of Teamwork in Project-Based Learning 48 2.3.3 The concept of Team Project-Based Learning 49 2.3.4 The strategies of TPBL in foreign language teaching 50 2.4 Research on Teamwork 51 Chapter 3: METHODOLOGY 54 3.1 Context of study 54 3.2 Research approach .55 3.3 Participants 57 Data collection instruments .58 3.4.1 Questionnaires 58 3.4.2 Interviews 60 viii Step 2: Divide class into teams - Divide the class into teams and ask each team to choose its name - Have students in each team choose a team leader who will assign tasks to members and monitor the work and a note-taker who will be responsible for taking notes of the ideas and consolidate them for later discussions Step 3: Conduct the project - Ask students to make a detailed plan for their team task - Each team conducts one of the following projects basing on their interest and capecity: + Making a clip/video to progandize about the advantages and disadvantages of using personal electronic devices in class + Making a poster to summarize the advantages and disadvantages of using personal electronic devices in class + Using a mind map to illustrate the possible rules for students who want to use personal electronic devices in class + Making a speech/ Write a letter to your principle/ a chairman to suggest some possible rules to use personal electronic devices in class for learning - Encourage students to discuss and find out the advantages and disadvantages of using personal electronic devices in class - Help students by eliciting the information they should mention (in the way they chose) - Have students present their team’s outcome in turn - Ask other teams to give comments and complete the peer-assessment checklist - Give feedback or evaluation to each team Step 4: Prepare students for the final activity - Have students think about the language use, skills, the content requirements, and the format of the final poster display and oral presentation (see appendix 6, 7, 8) p19 - Encourage students to anticipate questions the audience may ask them about their presentation Step 5: Present the final outcomes of the project - Have students present the final outcomes of their work in the project show: + Teacher sets the time for each team to present and rules: each team has minutes to present their project and minutes for question and answer section + All members in each team must join hands in presenting their project result + While one team presents its project, the others observe, tick the checklist and give comments - Observe and take notes while groups are presenting their projects Step 6: Gallery walk (applying when having posters/ pictures…) - Have the class vote to decide which team had the best project outcome and the best advice or suggestions Step 7: Assess students’ work - Use the rubrics for the project presentation (see appendix 9, 10, 11, 13) - Give constructive and positive feedback - Praise feasible projects that completely meet the requirements Step 8: Give key values - Ask students the following questions to identify key values after doing the project o What have you learned today? o What is the value of your project? o How you feel about your project? o When you intend to carry out your plan? F SELF-EVALUATION ……………………………………………………………………………………… … ………………………………………………………………………… p20 APPENDIX TEAM MEMBER EVALUATION FORM The following evaluation of your team members is a tool to help improve your experience with group work Its purpose is to determine those who have been active and cooperative members as well as to identify those who did not participate Be consistent when evaluating each group member’s performance by using the guidelines below – never – rarely – sometimes – usually – always Name of student being evaluated: Circle your responses: • Has the student attended team meetings? 5 5 5 • Does the student cooperate with the group effort? • Has the student made a serious effort at assigned work before the team meetings? • Has the student made a serious effort to fulfill his/her team role responsibilities on assignments? • Has the student notified a teammate if he/she would not be able to attend a meeting or fulfill a responsibility? • Does the student attempt to make contributions In group meetings? • Does the student listen to his/her teammates’ ideas and opinions respectfully and give them careful consideration? Based on your responses to these questions, assign an overall rating on the following scale: (Insert one of the given words.) Excellent Consistently carried more than his/her fair share of the workload Very good Consistently did what he/she was supposed to do, very well prepared and cooperative p21 Satisfactory Usually did what he/she was supposed to do, acceptably prepared and cooperative Ordinary Often did what he/she was supposed to do, minimally prepared and cooperative Marginal Sometimes failed to show up or complete assignments, rarely prepared Deficient Often failed to show up or complete assignments, rarely prepared Unsatisfactory Consistently failed to show up or complete assignments, rarely prepared Superficial Practically no participation No show No participation at all p22 APPENDIX GUIDELINES ON ORAL PRESENTATION Name of the Project: Names of the Group members: _ I INTRODUCTION Group members Introducing name of project Reasons for choosing the topic II CONTENT A ……… B ……… C ……… III CONCLUSION Concluding the contents Giving some key values IV QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS Answer questions related to the topic from the teacher and the audience p23 APPENDIX KẾ HOẠCH HOẠT ĐỘNG NHÓM Tên dự án Tên nhóm Tên sản phẩm Những cơng việc cần thực Ai thực Thời gian thực Thời gian hoàn công việc công việc thành công việc p24 APPENDIX PHIẾU NHẬN XÉT THÀNH VIÊN TRONG NHÓM Tên dự án: Tên nhóm: Ngày thực hiện: Tên thành viên: ………………………… ………………………… ………………………… ………………………… ………………………… ………………………… ………………………… ………………………… ………………………… 10 ……………………… Nhiệm vụ giao: _ _ Đánh giá công việc 1.Mức độ hồn thành cơng việc Mức độ sử dụng tiếng Anh Mức độ hợp tác với thành viên nhóm Nội dung khác: Tổng điểm: Nhận xét chung: _ _ _ p25 APPENDIX TIÊU CHÍ ĐÁNH GIÁ VÀ CHẤM ĐIỂM POSTER Chủ đề: _ Tên giáo viên: Tên nhóm: _ Tiêu chí Lớp: _ Điểm Độ bao Các chi tiết Các chi tiết áp Các chi tiết áp Các chi tiết quát vấn áp đề phích phích bao gồm phích có liên quan áp phích liên chứa đựng thông tin quan đến chủ đề quan, chí thơng tin quan trọng Tuy nhiên, cịn trọng liên quan người xem q chung khơng liên quan chung chưa đến đến chủ đề, đồng cần nhiều thông đầy đủ thời giúp người tin để xem cần Người chủ đề Chúng thêm gây nên khó xem hiểu dễ chủ hiểu đầy đủ chủ thông tin hiểu cho người đề đề để hiểu chủ đề xem Cách sử Tất hình Tất hình Các hình ảnh/chữ Hình dụng ảnh/chữ viết ảnh/chữ viết viết liên quan đến viết đưa hình vẽ liên quan đến chủ liên quan đến chủ chủ viết ảnh/chữ chữ đề giúp người đề hầu đề Người liên quan, hết xem hiểu chí khơng liên xem dễ chúng rõ phần quan đến chủ hiểu ràng, dễ hiểu chủ đề đề Cách tổ Thông tin Thông tin Thông tin Thông tin chức xếp có trật xếp có bố cục xếp có tổ chức xếp lộn xộn thơng tin tự, logic với chủ hợp lý với chủ chưa thực làm người cục bố đề Tiêu đề đề Tiêu đề phụ hợp lý Tiêu đề xem khó hiểu phụ đề rõ đề rõ ràng phụ đề thiếu Nội dung ràng Nội dung Nội dung làm cho khó quan sát dễ dàng quan sát nhận người đọc khó quan sát nhận biết dễ dàng biết p26 hiểu Ý tưởng Ý tưởng áp Ý tưởng áp Ý tưởng áp Ý tưởng áp thiết phích phích phích chưa thực phích kế không sáng tạo Cách sáng tạo Cách sáng tạo Cách sáng tạo Cách thiết kế hấp thiết kế hấp dẫn thiết kế bình thiết kế khơng dẫn người xem người xem thường, chưa thực hấp dẫn người hấp dẫn người xem xem Ngữ Khơng có lỗi ngữ Có lỗi ngữ pháp, Khá nhiều lỗi ngữ Có nhiều lỗi pháp pháp, lỗi lỗi tả, lỗi pháp, tả tả, lỗi chấm câu chấm câu lỗi ngữ ngữ pháp, lỗi pháp, lỗi tả, lỗi chấm câu tả, lỗi chấm câu Tổng điểm: …/20 18 – 20: xuất sắc, 16 – 17: tốt, 13 – 15: khá, 10 – 12: trung bình, < 10: Yêu cầu làm lại p27 APPENDIX 10 DANH MỤC KIỂM TRA CÁC TIÊU CHÍ ĐỂ ĐÁNH GIÁ DỰ ÁN Tên giáo viên: _ Tên nhóm: _ Lớp: Chủ đề: TIÊU CHUẨN ĐÁNH GIÁ Có/Khơng Nhận xét Chủ đề Nhóm có chọn chủ đề theo u cầu khơng? Sự Nhóm có nhóm trưởng khơng? chuẩn Nhóm trưởng có phân chia nhiệm vụ cụ thể cho bị thành viên không? Nhóm có lựa chọn cơng việc dựa tình hình thực tế (ở nhà trường hay cộng đồng nơi sống) khả cá nhân khơng? Nhóm có liệt kê cơng việc kế hoạch mà họ dự định làm khơng? Nhóm có thiết kế poster hay kế hoạch hành động không? Thảo Nhóm có thảo luận chi tiết nội dung chủ đề luận khơng? VD: Tên hàng nhóm mua muốn phàn nàn Mục đích việc viết thư phàn nàn Hoạt động chi tiết kế hoạch Các mặt khác Nhóm có thảo luận đưa cụm từ phù hợp để viết thư phàn nàn dạng formal không Nội Các vấn đề đề cập thư có thiết thực khơng dung Hình thức thư có phù hợp khơng Diễn đạt nội dung có rõ ràng trang trọng khơng Hình Hình thức trình bày dự án có khơng thức Chữ viết, câu từ có rõ ràng phù hợp khơng Hình thức trình bày có đẹp khơng p28 APPENDIX 11 PROJECT TEAMWORK PLAN Project Name Team Members Product Task Due Date Person responsible Timeline Comment (Activities need to be (A responsible person (An expected (Comments are done) must be identified for completion optional.) each action step) date) Adapted from Hoang Tang Duc’s rubric at 7th International Conference on TESOL/SEAMEO RETRAC/ 2016 p29 APPENDIX 12 Product/Poster Rubric: Teacher Name: _ Student’s full name: CATEGORY Coverage of the Topic Use of Graphics Organization Layout and Design Mechanics Details on the poster capture the important information about the topic and increase the audience’s understanding Details on the poster include important information but the audience may need more information to understand fully Details on the poster relate to the topic but are too general or incomplete The audience needs more information to understand Details on the poster have little or nothing to with main topic All graphics are related to the topic and make it easier to understand All graphics are related to the topic and most make it easier to understand All graphics relate to the topic Graphics not relate to the topic Information is very organized with clear titles and subheadings Information is organized with titles and subheadings Information is organized, but titles and subheadings are missing or not help the reader understand The information appears to be disorganized All information on the poster is in focus and can be easily viewed and identified from ft away Most of the information on the poster is in focus and the content easily viewed and identified from ft away Most of the information on the poster is in focus and the content is easily viewed and identified from ft away Much of the information on the poster is unclear or too small No grammatical, spelling or punctuation errors Almost no grammatical, spelling or punctuation errors A few grammatical, spelling, or punctuation errors Many grammatical, spelling, or punctuation errors SCORE … / 20 Total score 18-20: Excellent, 16-17: Good, 14-15: Satisfactory, 12-13: Unsatisfactory,

Ngày đăng: 01/02/2021, 21:29


