SPORT POSITION Baseball First Skateboarding Second Roller-skating Third Rollerblading Fourth Basketball Fifth Football Sixth Volleyball Seventh Tennis Eighth... 3/ Comprehension question[r]
(1)(2)(3)(4) I/Pre-Reading
M«n tr ỵt patanh
Bãng chµy
Table tennis(n):
(9)ST AR
Cuéc thi, cuéc ®ua
Tham gia
-Take part in(v):
Đáng kinh ngạc
(12)Môn tr ợt ván
- Skate boarding(n) :
Môn tr ợt patanh
- Roller-skating(n):
Môn bóng chày
- Baseball(n):
Tham gia
- Take part in(V):
Đoạt giải
- Win the prize(V):
Cuộc thi, cuéc ®ua
(13) I/Pre-Reading
1/ Vocabulary
2/ Checking vocabulary
(14)Set the scene:
Which sports you think are the most popular in the USA?
(15)(16) I/Pre-Reading II/While reading
1/ Reading and Checking
(17)Comprehension questions
a/ What is the most popular sport in the USA?
- Baseball.
(18)(19) I/Pre-Reading II/While reading
1/ Prediction
(20)1/ Prediction
a/ What kind of sports in the picture A4 (p132)? b/What is WFF? WTS day?
-WFF Walking for fun“ ”
(21)2/ Matching
a/ T×nh ngun
1- Organized b/Tỉ chøc 2- Increases c/Thay vì 3- Volunteen d/Gia tăng
(22)3/ Comprehension questions
a/What sports activity does writer take part in? b/Why did the school children organize the WFF?
c/What are the two activities of the club?
d/How far is it from the school to the beach?
- He takes part in Walking for fun club
- Because last year, they won the first prize in a district walking competition, they were happy and wished to keep this activity
- One activity is activities km walk to the beath on Sunday morning- The other is walk to school day
(23)Find some one who:
Soccer Walking Table tennis swimming Badminton
Huy Vu √ √ √
(24)Homework *Write about the m
ost sport activity you take p
art in.
*Learn the vocabular