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3420 TOEIC vocabulary tests words by Meaning part 92

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PHOTOCOPIABLE © www.english-test.net Answers 277 TOEIC Vocabulary / Word by Meaning / Test # 277 (Answer Keys) A1 n. caution; advice about danger; advance notice definition (a) warning A2 n. programs which control the functions of a computer's hardware definition (a) software A3 n. testifier; onlooker; bystander; testimony definition (d) witness A4 n. inability to succeed; lack of success; lack; bankruptcy; downfall definition (b) failure A5 n. act of repairing; renewal; act of restoring to good condition definition (b) renovation A6 n. tool; instrument; piece of equipment definition (a) implement A7 n. raised platform; resting place on a journey; phase definition (c) stage A8 n. prize; recompense; benefit received as payment for a service definition (a) reward A9 n. appointment; proposal of a candidate (for an office or an honor) definition (a) nomination A10 n. building used for a particular purpose; business; audience; legislative body definition (c) house 638 Questions Index PHOTOCOPIABLE © www.english-test.net Answers 278 TOEIC Vocabulary / Word by Meaning / Test # 278 (Answer Keys) A1 n. way into a building or other structure; gate; doorway definition (a) entrance A2 v. to add a footnote; to place a note that directs readers to another source of information (in a book, journal, etc.) definition (a) reference A3 v. to outlive; to remain in use; to outlast; to endure; to withstand definition (b) survive A4 n. collective enterprise; group endeavor; collaboration definition (b) joint venture A5 v. to capture; to assume control definition (a) take over A6 v. to do; to carry out; to execute; to present; to arrange; to manage definition (b) perform A7 v. to make an outline; to draw up in written form; to conscript; to draw out and separate definition (c) draft A8 v. to decline; to deny; to turn down definition (d) reject A9 n. switch; icon to click on definition (c) button A10 v. to give money for goods or to cancel debts; to settle; to be worthwhile; to be profitable definition (d) pay 639 Questions Index PHOTOCOPIABLE © www.english-test.net Answers 279 TOEIC Vocabulary / Word by Meaning / Test # 279 (Answer Keys) A1 n. great number of persons or things; many; a lot; composed of a countless number of items definition (d) myriad A2 n. assembly; board; group of people (gathered to advise, plan, etc.) definition (b) council A3 n. something presented as evidence in a court of law; display; show definition (a) exhibit A4 n. the U.S. treasury definition (b) back door A5 n. store which sells food and other household goods definition (d) grocery A6 n. profit; amount of assets that is higher than liabilities definition (a) surplus A7 n. standard of perfection; pattern; model; person or thing that embodies a standard of perfection definition (d) ideal A8 n. plateau; area of level ground; prairie; savanna definition (a) plain A9 n. topic; subject; matter; question; problem; publication definition (b) issue A10 n. contrast; something contrary definition (a) opposite 640 Questions Index PHOTOCOPIABLE © www.english-test.net Answers 280 TOEIC Vocabulary / Word by Meaning / Test # 280 (Answer Keys) A1 n. quality of occurring regularly; rate at which a function reoccurs definition (a) frequency A2 n. pull; influence; power; weight definition (b) clout A3 adj. consoling; encouraging; reassuring; brining relief; heartening definition (d) comforting A4 adj. sturdy; long lasting definition (b) durable A5 n. representing; in support of definition (c) behalf A6 n. guest; migrating bird definition (d) visitor A7 v. to follow definition (c) track A8 n. plan; aim; goal; purpose definition (b) intention A9 v. to declare; to say; to send quickly; to squeeze; to extract definition (b) express A10 n. set way of saying or doing something; principle; pattern definition (a) formula 641 Questions Index PHOTOCOPIABLE © www.english-test.net Answers 281 TOEIC Vocabulary / Word by Meaning / Test # 281 (Answer Keys) A1 n. command; order; authorization granted from one body to a subordinate body definition (b) mandate A2 n. preciseness; exactness definition (b) accuracy A3 n. trip; journey; travel; cruise definition (c) voyage A4 n. bill; money made of paper definition (c) banknote A5 n. official date; meeting; interview; nomination definition (a) appointment A6 n. short dash; short line used to connect or separate words or syllables (-) definition (c) hyphen A7 n. structure; pattern; design; organization; pattern of data organization definition (c) format A8 n. route; travel plans; travel journal definition (a) itinerary A9 n. attraction; lottery; contest which ends in a tie; natural channel; gully definition (a) draw A10 n. failure to perform a duty; option on a computer which is automatically selected definition (b) default 642 Questions Index PHOTOCOPIABLE © www.english-test.net Answers 282 TOEIC Vocabulary / Word by Meaning / Test # 282 (Answer Keys) A1 v. to hesitate; to stumble; to sway; to totter; to be unstable definition (c) falter A2 n. exchange of information or ideas; transfer; passing along; letter; message definition (d) communication A3 adj. exerting great force; effective; potent; producing the desired effect; influential definition (a) powerful A4 n. yield; product; manufacture; information sent out from a computer definition (a) output A5 adv. especially; specifically definition (c) particularly A6 v. to cause harm; to cause injury; to destroy partly definition (b) damage A7 v. to make more efficient; to organize; to simplify definition (c) streamline A8 conj. but; only definition (d) except A9 v. to live; to be definition (a) exist A10 n. military rank above captain; main subject of study chosen by a college or university student definition (a) major 643 Questions Index PHOTOCOPIABLE © www.english-test.net Answers 283 TOEIC Vocabulary / Word by Meaning / Test # 283 (Answer Keys) A1 n. business of supplying and servicing food definition (d) catering A2 n. person who participates in a bargaining session definition (a) negotiator A3 n. lack of knowledge; illiteracy; lack of education; state of being uninformed definition (a) ignorance A4 n. thickness of some material that covers a surface; covering; bed; stratum definition (a) layer A5 n. person who owns and operates a food store definition (b) grocer A6 n. large container; tank; tub definition (c) vat A7 adj. ancient; archaic; no longer in use; outdated; useless definition (a) obsolete A8 v. to notice; to observe; to comment; to state; to say definition (b) remark A9 n. bend; crease; depression in the ground; hollow between two hills; yard definition (b) fold A10 n. knowledge; intelligence; data definition (d) information 644 Questions Index . PHOTOCOPIABLE © www.english-test.net Answers 277 TOEIC Vocabulary / Word by Meaning / Test # 277 (Answer Keys) A1 n. caution; advice about. Questions Index PHOTOCOPIABLE © www.english-test.net Answers 279 TOEIC Vocabulary / Word by Meaning / Test # 279 (Answer Keys) A1 n. great number of persons

Ngày đăng: 29/10/2013, 00:15