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(Luận văn thạc sĩ) evaluating customer satisfaction after service recovery a study on the retail banking sector in vietnam

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UNIVERSITY OF ECONOMICS HO CHI MINH CITY International School of Business Pham Thi Hanh Huong EVALUATING CUSTOMER SATISFACTION AFTER SERVICE RECOVERY A study on the retail banking sector in Vietnam MASTER OF BUSINESS (Honours) Ho Chi Minh City – Year 2014 UNIVERSITY OF ECONOMICS HO CHI MINH CITY International School of Business Pham Thi Hanh Huong EVALUATING CUSTOMER SATISFACTION AFTER SERVICE RECOVERY A study on the retail banking sector in Vietnam ID: 22110024 MASTER OF BUSINESS (Honours) SUPERVISOR: Dr TRAN HA MINH QUAN Ho Chi Minh City – Year 2014 Acknowledgement This thesis was conducted during months, from August 2013 to April 2014 Working on this thesis has also given me opportunities to approach exciting knowledge First for all, I would like to thank my supervisor professor Tran Ha Minh Quan for his valuable guidance and feedback which improved many aspects of my thesis Also, the great thanks are to my family and friends around me, who are always beside and give me useful advices during this study Sincerely, Pham Thi Hanh Huong Abstract Vietnam is one of emerging country with many potential to develop With the population over 88 million (2012), Vietnam is potential market to invest especially for banking market Nowadays, the number of the banks in Vietnam is increasing rapidly including the local and foreign banks; the competition for their existence becomes much more difficult than ever Hence, this research is going to examine the way to evaluating customer satisfaction after service recovery in Vietnam retail banking sector It concludes that ultimate success of any service recovery program implemented by a bank and can only be measured by maintenance of satisfied customer This study reveals that perceived justice plays important role and has significant effect on emotions and customer satisfaction after service recovery In addition, the reality of competition among the banks and how they exist in competitive market like Vietnam will be mentioned in this research Conclusion was drawn and it is recommend based on the findings of the study that the banks in Vietnam should focus more on customers to satisfy them by improving service recovery This study conducted a questionnaire survey to reach retail customers in Vietnam retail banking Data has been analysed mainly by descriptive analysis Analysis results suggest that how much service recovery effects on customer satisfaction and the specific relationships between constructs will be come up eventually The study concludes that the improvement of perceived justice may increase post-recovery satisfaction, which ultimately retains valued customers and built loyalty in customers’ perception in Vietnam retail banking industry Key words: Service recovery, Perceived justice, Emotions, Post-recovery satisfaction, Retail banking Table of Contents Acknowledgement Abstract LIST OF APPENDIXS LIST OF FIGURES LIST OF TABLES Chapter INTRODUCTION 1.1 Research background 1.2 Research problems 12 1.3 Research Objective 13 1.4 Research Hypothesis 14 1.5 Thesis structure 14 Chapter 16 LITERATURE REVIEWS 16 2.1 Retail banking service recovery 16 2.2 Perceived justice with service recovery 17 2.3 Emotions 18 2.4 Post- recovery satisfaction 20 2.5 Model and Hypothesis 21 2.6 Summary 23 Chapter 24 RESEARCH METHODOLOGY 24 3.1 Research design process 24 3.2 Sample size 25 3.3 Data Collection 25 3.4 Pilot study 26 3.5 Main study 26 3.6 Data collection 27 3.7 Items measurement for service recovery and post-recovery satisfaction 28 3.8 Methodology of data analysis 29 3.9 Summary 30 Chapter 31 DATA ANALYSIS 31 4.1 Data analysis methods 31 4.2 Means and standard deviations of variables: 31 4.3 Research sample characteristics 33 4.4 Cronbach’s alpha coefficient of reliability test: 35 4.5 Exploratory Factor Analysis (EFA) 38 4.6 Multiple regression analysis for common model 41 4.7 Hypothesis testing result 48 4.8 Summary of findings 51 Chapter 53 CONCLUSIONS AND SUGGESTIONS 53 5.1 Conclusions 53 5.2 Managerial implications 54 5.3 Research limitation and future research directions 55 References 56 LIST OF APPENDIXS Appendix 1: Questionnaire _English version .61 Appendix 2: Questionnaire - Vietnamese version 64 Appendix3: First time running – Eigen values 67 Appendix 4: First time running – Factor loading 68 Appendix 5: Second time running – Eigen values 69 Appendix 6: Second time running – factor loading 70 Appendix 7: Third time running – Eigen values 71 LIST OF FIGURES Figure The proportions of commercial banks over years in Vietnam 10 Figure2.1 The research model 22 Figure 3.1 Research process .25 LIST OF TABLES Table 3.7.1 – Measurement items of Perceived Justice 28 Table 3.7.2 – Measurement items of Emotions & post recovery satisfaction 29 Table 4.1: Means & standard deviations of variables 32 Table 4.3.1: Demographic characteristics of sample 34 Table 4.4.1: Cronbach’s alpha coefficients for each measurement scale 36 Table 4.4.2: Final results of reliability test 37 Table 4.5.1–The result of KMO and Bartlett’s Test conducting EFA 39 Table 4.5.2–Total variance explained conducting EFA 39 Table 4.5.3 - Exploratory Factor Analysis (EFA) .40 Table–Model Summary 42 Table–ANOVA .42 Table–Coefficients of multiple linear regression analysis 42 Table–Model Summary 43 Table–ANOVA .43 Table–Coefficients of multiple linear regression analysis 44 Table–Model Summary 44 Table–ANOVA .45 Table–Coefficients of multiple linear regression analysis 45 Table–Model Summary 46 Table–ANOVA .46 Table–Coefficients of multiple linear regression analysis 46 Table–Model Summary 47 Table–ANOVA .47 Table–Coefficients of multiple linear regression analysis 48 Table 4.7.1–Coefficients of multiple linear regression analysis 51 Davis, S.M., (2000), Brand Asset Management: Driving Profitability through your brands, San Francisco: Jossey-Bass DeWitt, T., & Brady, M K (2003) Rethinking Service Recovery Strategies, Journal of Service Research, (2), 193-207 Doyle, P., (1998), Marketing Management and Strategy, 2nd ed., London: Prentice Hall Ennew, C and Schoefer, K (2003) Service Failure and Service Recovery in Tourism: A Review Retrieved March 1, 2007, fromhttp://www.nottingham.ac.uk/ttri/pdf/2003_6.pdf Erevelles, S (1998) The Role of Affect in Marketing Journal of Business Research, 42, 199215 Fornell, C and Wernerfelt, B (1987) Defensive marketing strategy by customer complaint management: A theoretical analysis Journal of Marketing Research, 24(November), 337–346 Hussey J and Hussey R (1997), Business Research Method, McMillan Press Ltd Jabnoun N and Al-Tamini A.H., 2002 Measuring Perceived Service Quality at UAE Comercial Banks, International Journal of Quality and Reliability Management, 20(4), 458-472 Johnston, R (1998), The effect of intensity of dissatisfaction on complaining behaviour, Journal of Consumer Satisfaction, Dissatisfaction and Complaining Behaviour, Vol 11,pp 6977 Johnston, R (1995), The zone of tolerance: exploring the relationship between service transactions and satisfaction with the overall service, International Journal of Service Industry Management, Vol No 2, pp 46-61 57 Karatepe, O.M and Ekiz, E.H (2004), The effects of organizational responses to complaints on satisfaction and loyalty: a study of hotel guests in Northern Cyprus, Managing ServiceQuality, Vol 14 No 6, pp 476-86 Keaveney, S (1995) Customer switching behavior in service industries: An exploratory study Journal of Marketing, 59(2), 71–82 Kotler,P.H., (1994), Marketing Management: An Asian Perspective, NJ: Prentice Hall Schoefer, K., & Ennew, C (2005) The impact of perceived justice on consumer emotional responses to service complaints experiences Journal of Services Marketing, 19(5), 261270 Sheppard A (1994), Adding brand value, London: Macmillan/ Interbrand Group Smith, A K and Bolton, R N (1998) An experimental investigation of customer reactions to service failure and recovery encounters: Paradox or peril Journal of Service Research, 1(1), 5–17 Mattila, A S (2001) The effectiveness of service recovery in a multi-industry setting Journal of Services Marketing, 15(7), 583-596 Maxham, J G., III, & Netemeyer, R G (2002) Modeling customer perceptions of complaint handling over time: the effects of perceived justice on satisfaction and intent Journal of Retailing, 78(4), 239-252 McCollough, M.A., Berry, L.L and Yadav, M.S (2000), An empirical investigation of customer satisfaction after service failure and recovery, Journal of Service Research, Vol No 2,pp 121-37 Miller, J L., Craighead, C W., & Karwan, K R (2000) Service recovery: a framework and empirical investigation Journal of Operations Management, 18(4), 387-400 58 Laros, F J M., & Steenkamp, J B E M (2005) Emotions in consumer behavior: a 
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(Please tick only one bank which you have mainly used)  Vietcombank  BIDV  ACB bank  Sacombank MB bank What kind of service errors have you deal in this bank?  Error when you provide wrong information when you are working directly at the transaction counters (wrong name, address, ID card, account number,…)  Failed ATM transactions  Failed ATM transactions through internet banking services/ mobile banking/ SMS banking  Error due to data processing system of bank  Error others, please specify… How long have you used this bank service?  Less than year  to years  More than years Part 2: Perception of service performance level (Directions: The following set of statements is related to your feelings about banks For each statement, please show the extent to which you believe bank has the feature described by the statement Ticking (5) means that you strongly agree that the bank has that feature and ticking (1) means that you strongly disagree You may tick any of the numbers in the middle that show how strong your feelings are There is no right or wrong answer but please indicate a number that best shows your perceptions about bank service) This part is to understand the level of customers' perception of service performance level What you think about the description below? Disagree A little bit disagree Neutral A little bit agree Agree Considering the trouble caused and the time lost, the 61 compensation I received from this service recovery banking was acceptable This bank took good compensation measures to solve the problem This bank 's efforts were sufficient to offer a satisfactory compensation I think this bank was quite fair when compensating me for the problem that occurred In general, this bank was able to compensate me adequately to solve the problems it had in the delivery of the service I think my problem was resolved in the right way I think this bank has good policies and practices for dealing with problems Despite the trouble caused by the problem, this bank was able to respond adequately This bank proved flexible in solving the problem 10 This bank tried to solve the problem as quickly as possible 11.The employees in this bank showed interest in my problem 12 The employees in this bank did everything possible to solve my problem 13 The employees in this bank proved able and to have enough authority to solve the problem 14 The employees in this bank showed interest in being fair when solving the problem 15 The treatment and communication with employees of this bank to solve the problem were acceptable Part 3: Rating emotions & post recovery satisfaction (Please tick the level of agreement on each of the questions below based on your own experience about your bank.) This part is to understand the level of customer Disagre satisfaction after service recovery in banking e What you think about the description below 16 I feel happy after service recovery encounters of this bank 17 I have a warm feeling after service recovery encounters of this bank 18 I am being valued after service recovery encounters of this bank 19 I feel angry after service recovery encounters of this bank 20 I am in a bad mood after service recovery 62 A little Neutral bit disagree A little Agree bit agree encounters of this bank 21 I feel upset after service recovery encounters of this bank 22 Overall, I felt that this service recovery encounters would have been good 23 Overall, I was satisfied with the way this complaint was resolved 24 Overall, I was pleased with the service recovery encounters I experienced Part 4: Personal informations Gender:  Male  Female Your age category:  From 18 to 25  From 35 to 45  From 26 to 35  Over 46 Marital status:  Married  Single  Others Which of the following describes your current qualification?  High school  University/College degree  Master degree Others Your average incomes:  Below millions dong  From to 10 million dong  From 11 to 20 million dong  Over 20 millions dong ***The end*** Thank you very much for your time and effort to complete this questionnaire 63 Appendix 2: Questionnaire - Vietnamese version BẢNG CÂU HỎI Xin chào Anh/ Chị, Tôi Phạm Thị Hạnh Hương, học viên cao học Viện Đào Tạo Quốc Tế - Trường Đại Học Kinh tế TP HCM Bảng câu hỏi thiết kế để đo lường hài lòng khách hàng sau lỗi dịch vụ khắc phục ngành ngân hàng bán lẻ Việt am Mọi ý kiến đóng góp anh chị bảo mật dùng với mục đ ch phục vụ nghiên cứu theo đề tài nêu Anh chị vui lịng dành -10 phút để hồn thành.Tơi xin chân thành cảm ơn Phần 1: Thông tin chung 45 Tên ngân hàng mà bạn giao dịch tháng gần gì?(Chỉ chọn ngân hàng mà bạn giao dịch chủ yếu)  Vietcombank  BIDV  ACB bank  Sacombank  MB Bank 46 Khi giao dịch với ngân hàng X (Ngân hàng bạn chọn câu trên), lỗi dịch vụ mà bạn thường gặp phải đây? Lỗi bạn khai sai thông tin làm việc trực tiếp quầy giao dịch (sai tên, địa chỉ, CMND, số tài khoản,….) Lỗi giao dịch qua ATM  Lỗi giao dịch qua dịch vụ Internet banking/ Mobile banking/SMS banking Lỗi hệ thống xử lý liệu ngân hàng Lỗi khác, vui lòng nêu rõ 47 Bạn sử dụng dịch vụ ngân hàng bao lâu?  Dưới năm  Từ đến năm  Trên năm Phần 2: Đo lường chất lượng dịch vụ ngân hàng sau khắc phục lỗi dịch vụ Anh/ Chị vui lòng khoanh tròn để lựa chọn mức độ đánh giá anh/ chị theo quy ước: (1) Không đồng ý (2) Hơi không đồng ý ( ) Khơng có ý kiến (4) Hơi đồng ý ( ) Đồng ý Sẽ khơng có câu trả lời sai xin vui lòng chọn số để trả lời nhằm thể cảm nhận bạn dịch vụ ngân hàng mà bạn chọn phần – Thông tin chung (tạm gọi Ngân hàng X) Phần câu hỏi tạo để biết mức độ hài lòng khách hàng sau lỗi dịch vụ khắc phục ngân hàng X Bạn nghĩ mơ tả đây? Cân nhắc vấn đề xảy thời gian mất, bồi thường nhận từ sau ngân hàng X họ khắc phục lỗi dịch vụ chấp nhận Ngân hàng X có biện pháp bồi thường tốt để giải 64 Không đồng ý Hơi không đồng ý Khơng có ý kiến Hơi đồng ý Đồng ý vấn đề Những nỗ lực ngân hàng X đủ để cung cấp bồi thường thỏa đáng cho Tôi nghĩ ngân hàng X công giải vấn đề xảy Nói chung, ngân hàng X bù đắp cho tơi đầy đủ để giải vấn đề cam kết có việc cung cấp dịch vụ trước Tôi nghĩ vấn đề giải cách đắn Tôi nghĩ ngân hàng X có sách thực hành tốt để đối phó với cáclỗi dịch vụ gặp phải Mặc dù gây rắc rối ngân hàng X có phản hồi hợp lý Ngân hàng X chứng minh linh hoạt giải lỗi dịch vụ 10 gân hàng cố gắng giải vấn đề lỗi nhanh 11 Nhân viên ngân hàng cố gắng để giải lỗi dịch vụ nhanh tốt 12 Các nhân viên ngân hàng X làm thứ tốt để giải vấn đềlỗi dịch vụ gặp phải 13 Các nhân viên ngân hàng X cư xử lịch giải vấn đề 14 Các nhân viên ngân hàng cho thấy họ quan tâm đến công giải vấn đề lỗi dịch vụ khách hàng 15 Cách thức lối giao tiếp nhân viên ngân hàng để giải vấn đề chấp nhận Phần 3: Đo lường cảm xúc & hài lòng khách hàng sau khắc phục lỗi dịch vụ (Vui lòng đánh dấu mức độ đồng ý câu trả lời dựa cảm nhận bạn sau ngân hàng khắc phục lỗi dịch vụ) Phần để hiểu mức độ hài lòng khách hàng Không sau ngân hàng khắc phục lỗi dịch vụ Bạn nghĩ đồng ý mơ tả 16 Tôi cảm thấy vui vẻ sau ngân hàng khắc phục lỗi dịch vụ 17 Tơi có cảm giác ấm áp sau lội dịch vụ khắc phục 18 Tôi tôn trọng sau ngân hàng khắc phục lỗi dịch vụ 19 Tôi cảm thấy tức giận sau ngân hàng khắc phục lỗi dịch vụ 20 Tôi trạng thái tồi tệ sau ngân hàng 65 Hơi không đồng ý Khơng có ý kiến Hơi đồng ý Đồng ý khắc phục lỗi 21 Tôi cảm thấy buồn bực sau ngân hàng khắc phục lỗi dịch vụ 20 Nói chung, tơi cảm thấy việc khắc phục lỗi dịch vụ cho khách hàng thoả đáng 21 Nói chung, tơi hài lịng với cách giải lỗi 22 Nói chung, tơi hài lòng sau lỗi dịch vụ khắc phục ngân hàng Phần 4:Thông tin cá nhân Giới t nh:  Nam  Nữ Độ tuổi bạn  Từ 18 - 25  Từ 26 – 35  Từ 35 - 45  Trên 46 tuổi Tình trạng nhân  Có gia đình  Độc thân  Khác Trình độ học vấn  Học sinh cấp  Sinh viên Trung Cấp, Cao Đẳng, Đại Học Sau đại học Khác Thu nhập bình quân (triệu đồng/tháng)  Dưới  Từ – 10  Từ 11 – 20  Trên 20 ***Kết Thúc*** Xin chân thành cảm ơn bạn dành thời gian thực trả lời câu hỏi 66 Appendix3: First time running – Eigen values Total Variance Explained Rotation Sums of Squared Initial Eigenvalues Extraction Sums of Squared Loadings Cumulative Component Total % of Variance % Loadings % of Total Variance Cumulative % Total % of Cumulative Variance % 6.853 29.795 29.795 6.853 29.795 29.795 3.279 14.259 14.259 2.638 11.470 41.265 2.638 11.470 41.265 3.060 13.305 27.564 2.117 9.204 50.469 2.117 9.204 50.469 2.856 12.418 39.982 1.865 8.109 58.578 1.865 8.109 58.578 2.466 10.721 50.702 1.659 7.212 65.790 1.659 7.212 65.790 2.426 10.548 61.251 1.223 5.316 71.107 1.223 5.316 71.107 2.267 9.856 71.107 921 4.004 75.111 829 3.606 78.717 668 2.905 81.622 10 597 2.596 84.217 11 484 2.105 86.322 12 462 2.008 88.331 13 412 1.790 90.121 14 378 1.642 91.762 15 344 1.495 93.257 16 297 1.293 94.550 17 287 1.250 95.800 18 253 1.102 96.901 19 203 882 97.783 20 185 804 98.588 21 163 711 99.299 22 085 368 99.667 23 077 333 100.000 Extraction Method: Principal Component Analysis 67 Appendix 4: First time running – Factor loading Rotated Component Matrix a Component DJ1 864 DJ5 858 DJ2 764 DJ3 701 374 DJ4 666 379 PJ3 787 PJ5 777 PJ2 723 PJ1 708 PJ4 705 IJ2 803 IJ5 800 IJ1 793 IJ4 731 PRS3 869 PRS1 831 PRS2 746 NE3 879 NE2 868 NE1 864 PE1 807 PE2 776 PE3 764 Extraction Method: Principal Component Analysis Rotation Method: Varimax with Kaiser Normalization a Rotation converged in iterations 68 Appendix 5: Second time running – Eigen values Total Variance Explained Extraction Sums of Squared Initial Eigenvalues Loadings Componen t Total % of Variance Cumulative % Total Rotation Sums of Squared Loadings % of Cumulative Variance % Cumulative Total % of Variance % 6.461 29.367 29.367 6.461 29.367 29.367 3.022 13.738 13.738 2.578 11.720 41.087 2.578 11.720 41.087 2.880 13.093 26.831 2.104 9.566 50.653 2.104 9.566 50.653 2.792 12.690 39.521 1.862 8.466 59.118 1.862 8.466 59.118 2.429 11.041 50.562 1.624 7.382 66.500 1.624 7.382 66.500 2.383 10.831 61.393 1.157 5.257 71.758 1.157 5.257 71.758 2.280 10.364 71.758 835 3.794 75.552 668 3.037 78.589 634 2.882 81.471 10 558 2.538 84.008 11 483 2.197 86.205 12 452 2.056 88.261 13 408 1.855 90.117 14 371 1.687 91.804 15 342 1.557 93.360 16 295 1.341 94.701 17 286 1.298 96.000 18 253 1.152 97.151 19 202 917 98.069 20 185 840 98.908 21 160 730 99.638 22 080 362 100.000 Extraction Method: Principal Component Analysis 69 Appendix 6: Second time running – factor loading Rotated Component Matrix a Component PJ3 789 PJ5 785 PJ2 712 PJ4 712 PJ1 706 DJ1 922 DJ5 913 DJ2 794 DJ3 552 369 IJ2 808 IJ1 802 IJ5 801 IJ4 738 NE3 880 NE2 874 NE1 861 PRS3 877 PRS1 839 PRS2 761 PE1 824 PE2 815 PE3 784 Extraction Method: Principal Component Analysis Rotation Method: Varimax with Kaiser Normalization a Rotation converged in iterations 70 Appendix 7: Third time running – Eigen values Total Variance Explained Initial Eigenvalues Compone nt Extraction Sums of Squared Loadings Rotation Sums of Squared Loadings % of Total Variance Cumulative % Total % of Variance Cumulative % Total % of Cumulative Variance % 6.132 29.198 29.198 6.132 29.198 29.198 3.005 14.311 14.311 2.532 12.057 41.255 2.532 12.057 41.255 2.772 13.201 27.511 2.096 9.980 51.235 2.096 9.980 51.235 2.571 12.245 39.756 1.854 8.829 60.065 1.854 8.829 60.065 2.427 11.557 51.313 1.604 7.636 67.701 1.604 7.636 67.701 2.292 10.913 62.226 1.128 5.371 73.071 1.128 5.371 73.071 2.277 10.845 73.071 831 3.959 77.030 668 3.180 80.210 614 2.923 83.133 10 486 2.314 85.447 11 459 2.185 87.632 12 410 1.951 89.584 13 376 1.793 91.376 14 344 1.639 93.015 15 296 1.411 94.426 16 288 1.371 95.797 17 254 1.208 97.004 18 202 961 97.966 19 186 887 98.853 20 161 767 99.620 21 080 380 100.000 Extraction Method: Principal Component Analysis 71 ... ECONOMICS HO CHI MINH CITY International School of Business Pham Thi Hanh Huong EVALUATING CUSTOMER SATISFACTION AFTER SERVICE RECOVERY A study on the retail banking sector in Vietnam. .. research is going to examine the way to evaluating customer satisfaction after service recovery in Vietnam retail banking sector It concludes that ultimate success of any service recovery program... reach retail customers in Vietnam retail banking Data has been analysed mainly by descriptive analysis Analysis results suggest that how much service recovery effects on customer satisfaction and

Ngày đăng: 31/12/2020, 06:57

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Mục lục

    2.1 Retail banking service recovery

    2.2 Perceived justice with service recovery

    3.7 Items measurement for service recovery and post-recovery satisfaction

    3.8 Methodology of data analysis

    4.2 Means and standard deviations of variables

    4.4 Cronbach’s alpha coefficient of reliability test

    4.6 Multiple regression analysis for common model

    4.6.1 Model 1 – Effect of Perceived justice on Post-recovery satisfaction

    4.6.2 Model 2a – Effect of Perceived justice on Positive Emotions

    4.6.4 Model 3a – Effect of Positive Emotions on Post-recovery satisfaction


