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12 -Brain Tumors and Tumorlike MASSES .

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C H A P T E R Brain Tumors and Tumorlike Masses: Classification and Differential Diagnosis with Wolfgang Rauschning Classification by Histology Primary Brain Tumors Metastatic Brain Tumors Classification by Age and General Location Primary Brain Tumors in Children Adult Primary Brain Tumors Classification and Differential Diagnosis by Specific Anatomic Area Pineal Region Masses Intraventricular Masses Cerebellopontine Angle Masses Foramen Magnum Masses Sellar/Suprasellar Masses Skull Base and Cavernous Sinus Masses Scalp, (Cranial Vault, and Masses The crude incidence rate of brain tumors in the United States is estimated at 4.5 persons per 100,000 population Brain neoplasms are found in approximately 2% of autopsy series and account for 1% of all hospital admissions.1 Therefore understanding the classification, pathology, imaging appearance, and differential diagnosis of brain tumors by anatomic location is an essential component of modern neuroimaging Brain tumefactions comprise a remarkably diverse group of neoplastic and nonneoplastic conditions that occur at any age and in virtually every location.2 Brain tumors can be any of the following: Primary neoplasms derived from normal cellular constituents Primary neoplasms that arise from embryologically misplaced tissues Secondary neoplasms from extracranial primary sites that metastasize to the CNS Nonneoplastic conditions that can mimic tumors Any classification system that addresses this multitude of entities is prone to complexity, redundancy, and controversy.2 As the eminent neuropathologist Lucy B Rorke has wryly noted, "Pathologists are neither genealogists nor prophets!" Although the value of classifying CNS neoplasms and tumorlike lesions is obvious, the conceptual basis for such a scheme remains controversial and a source of continual differences among neuropathologists.3 Despite numerous attempts, no universally acceptable general classification system has been devised, and some specific tumors remain unclassifiable (or at least create considerable disagreement among recognized authorities).1 Using clinical and imaging data rather than biopsy 402 PART THREE Brain Tumors and Tumorlike Processes or autopsy specimens to establish an appropriate differential diagnosis is the domain of radiologists We will address the complex issue of brain tumor classification by using an approach that combines pathologic and imaging appearances First, we consider brain tumors as they are traditionally classified, i.e., by their histologic characteristics We then categorize these lesions by age and general location on imaging studies The normal and pathologic anatomy, classification, and differential diagnosis of tumors and nonneoplastic tumorlike processes in seven specific intracranial locations is then considered These seven areas are selected for particular attention because their anatomic complexity and broad pathologic spectrum present special diagnostic challenges CLASSIFICATION BY HISTOLOGY Despite numerous efforts, no universally acceptable pathologic classification of brain tumors has been proposed Traditionally, the putative histogenetic, or " cell of origin," approach proposed by Bailey and Cushing has been the most widely used, although its many shortcomings have long been recognized.3 The classification system subsequently developed by Russell and Rubinstein has been expanded and is in widespread use.4 More recently, modifications and revisions of the original World Health Organization (WHO) classification have been proposed by several authors 1-6a We will use a modification of the 1993 WHO and Russell and Rubinstein classifications (see box) and begin by dividing brain tumors into primary and metastatic lesions Primary Brain Tumors The term primary brain tumor encompasses neoplasms and related mass lesions that arise from the brain and its linings Nonneoplastic intracranial cysts and tumorlike lesions are also included, with pituitary tumors and local extensions from regional tumors (e.g., craniopharyngioma and chordoma) that arise from adjacent structures such as the skull base.6 Primary neoplasms account for approximately two thirds of all brain tumors (Fig 12-1, A) Primary brain tumors are subdivided into two basic groups: (1) tumors of neuroglial origin (so-called gliomas) and (2) nonglial tumors that are specified by a combination of putative cell origin and specific location.1 Some pathologists include all so-called neuroectodermal tumors (neoplasms that theoretically arise from the embryonic medullary epithelium) in a single large category that includes both gliomas and nonglial neoplasms such as primitive neuroectodermal tumors.6 Because the latter approach is somewhat unwieldy, Brain Tumors Histologic classification Primary brain tumors Glial tumors (gliomas) Astrocytomas Fibrillary astrocytomas Benign astrocytoma Anaplastic astrocytoma Glioblastoma multiforme Pilocytic astrocytoma Pleomorphic xanthoastrocytoma Subependymal giant cell astrocytoma Oligodendroglioma Ependymal tumors Ependymoma (cellular, papillary) Anaplastic (malignant) ependymoma Myxopapillary ependymoma Subependymoma Choroid plexus tumors Choroid plexus papilloma Choroid plexus carcinoma Choroid plexus xanthogranulomas Nonglial tumors Neuronal and mixed neuronal-glial tumors Ganglioglioma Gangliocytoma Lhermitte-Duclos disease Dysembryoplastic neuroepithelial tumors (DNETs) Central neurocytoma Olfactory neuroblastoma (esthesioneuroblastoma) Meningeal and mesenchymal tumors Meningioma Osteocartilagenous tumors Fibrous histiocytoma Malignant mesenchymal tumors (e.g., rhabdomyosarcoma) Hemangiopericytoma Hemangioblastoma Pineal region tumors Germ cell tumors Germinoma Embryonal carcinoma Yolk sac (endodermal sinus) tumors Choriocarcinoma Teratoma Mixed tumors we will use the system that divides primary brain tumors into glial and nonglial neoplasms Neuroglial tumors (gliomas) These tumors are the largest group of primary CNS neoplasms (Fig 12-1, B) Gliomas are named for their supposed ce1l of origin (see box) The three most common gliomas are astrocytoma, oligodendroglioma, and ependy- Chapter 12 Brain Tumors and Tumorlike Masses: Classification and Differential Diagnosis 403 Brain Tumors, cont'd Histologic classification Pineal region tumors, cont'd Pineal cell tumors Pineoblastoma Pineocytoma Other cell tumors Astrocytoma Meningioma Benign pineal cysts Embryonal tumors Neuroblastoma Retinoblastoma Primitive neuroectodermal tumors (PNET) Medulloblastoma (posterior fossa PNET or PNET-MB) Cerebral/spinal PNET Cranial and spinal nerve tumors Schwannoma ("neurinoma" or "neurilemoma") Neurofibroma Malignant peripheral nerve sheath tumors (MPNSTs) Hemopoetic neoplasms Lymphoma Leukemia (granulocytic sarcoma or "chloroma") Plasmacytoma Pituitary tumors Cysts and tumorlike lesions Rathke cleft cyst Dermoid cyst Epidermoid cyst Colloid cyst Enterogenous cyst Neuroglial cyst Lipoma Hamartoma Local extensions from regional tumors Craniopharyngiorna Paraganglioma Chordoma Metastatic tumors moma Because the choroid epithelium is derived from modified ependymal cells, some authors include choroid plexus papillomas and carcinomas within the neuroglial tumors.1 A so-called mixed glioma that contains two or more different cell types also occurs Astrocytomas Astrocytic neoplasms are subdivided into several different types (see Chapter 13) Fibrillary (diffuse) astrocytomas range from the rare low-grade "benign" astrocytoma to the more common anaplastic astrocytoma and glioblastoma multiforme Fibrillary astrocytomas are primarily supratentorial neoplasms Pilocytic (hair-like) astrocytomas occur primarily in childhood and adolescence These tumors are generally-but not invariably-slow growing and occur predominately in the hypothalamus and visual pathways, brainstem, and cerebellum Less common astrocytoma subtypes are pleomorphic xanthoastrocytoma, and subependymal giant cell astrocytoma (see Chapter 13) The rare "protoplasmic" and "gemistocytic" astrocytomas are included with anaplastic astrocytoma (see subsequent discussion) Oligodendroglioma These tumors arise from oligodendrocytes and occur mainly in middle-aged adults They are primarily supratentorial masses and occur mostly in the cerebral hemispheres Cortical involvement is common Oligodendrogliomas are usually relatively well defined and slow growing, although a more malignant anaplastic variety is occasionally encountered So-called mixed gliomas are relatively rare tumors and histologically heterogeneous neoplasms that consist of at least two different glial cell lines The most common mixed glioma is an oligoastrocytoma Occasionally, ependymal elements are also present Patients with mixed tumors have a slightly better prognosis than those with tumors of pure astrocytic lineage.7 Ependymal tumors Several different cell types have been described The most common variety, cellular ependymoma, is predominately an infratentorial tumor that occurs mainly in children and adolescents It typically fills the fourth ventricle and extrudes through natural passageways such as the lateral recesses and foramen of Magendie into the adjacent CSF cisterns Myxopapillary ependymomas occur exclusively in the spinal cord and are typically found in the conus medullaris or filum terminale (see Chapter 21) Subependymomas are small nodular or lobulated tumors that are located at the caudal fourth ventricle or foramen of Monro Most occur in middle-aged patients and are usually discovered incidentally or at autopsy Choroid plexus tumors These uncommon tumors consist of choroid plexus papilloma (CPP) and choroid plexus carcinoma Over 90% of primary choroid plexus tumors are papillomas; carcinomas are very rare CPPs typically affect children under the age of years Most are found in the atrium of the lateral ventricle Fourth ventricular CPPs are more common 404 PART THREE Brain Tumors and Tumorlike Processes Fig 12-1 Graphic depiction of brain tumors and their relative incidence A, Primary neoplasms account for approximately two thirds of all brain tumors; metastases from extracranial primary malignancies account for the remainder B, Incidence of common primary brain tumors Gliomas are the largest single group of primary brain tumors, and astrocytomas are the most frequently encountered glioma High-grade astrocytomas (anaplastic astrocytoma and glioblastorna multiforme) are the most common of all primary cerebral neoplasms Neuronal and mixed neuronal-glial tumors In adults, glial tumors outnumber neuronal neoplasms by approximately 100:1.8 Neuronal and mixed neuronal-glial tumors include gangliocytoma and ganglioglioma, Lhermitte-Duclos disease, dysembryoplastic neuroepithelial tumors (DNETs), central neurocytoma, and olfactory neuroblastoma (esthesioneuroblastoma) (see Chapter 14) Tumors of the mesenchyme and meninges Most primary intracranial mesenchymal tumors arise from meningothelial cells Meningiomas are the most common of these mesenchymal neoplasms (see Chapter 14) and the second most common primary CNS neo- plasm after glioblastoma multiforme Nonmeningothelial tumors are rare Meningioma Meningiomas are typically, wellcircumscribed slow-growing tumors that arise from meningothelial arachnoid cap cells More than 90 of meningiomas are supratentorial and occur in certain specific locations, typically around arachnoid villi With the general exception of children who have neurofibromatosis type (NF-2), meningiornas are usually tumors of adults Miscellaneous mesenchymal tumors These mesenchymal, non-meningothelial tumors include benign neoplasms such as osteocartilagenous tumors and fibrous histiocytoma Malignant mesenchymal, neo- Chapter 12 Brain Tumors and Tumorlike Masses: Classification and Differential Diagnosis plasms are chondrosarcoma, rhabdomyosarcoma, and meningeal sarcomatosis, among others A combined glial-mesenchymal tumor, gliosarcoma, is usually classified with malignant astrocytomas Hemangiopericytoma is a mesenchymal tumor that was formerly classified as angioblastic meningioma There is increasing evidence that these tumors arise from modified smooth muscle cells and not meningothelial cells (see Chapter 14) Some authors include hemangioblastoma with meningeal and mesenchymal tumors.1 Others regard hemangioblastoma and hemangiopericytoma as tumors of blood vessel origin Pineal region tumors A regional approach to tumors of the pineal region is justified by the common symptomatology and distinctive histologic appearance of these tumors.2 Pineal region tumors include germ cell tumors, pineal cell tumors, and other cell tumors Germ cell tumors Most primary pineal tumors originate from displaced embryonic tissue.2 The most common intracranial germ cell tumor is germinoma, and the typical germinoma location is in the pineal gland Less common germ cell neoplasms include embryonal carcinoma, yolk sac (endodermal sinus) tumors, choroicarcinoma, teratoma, and mixed tumors Pineal cell tumors Tumors that arise from the pineal gland parenchyma are much less common than germ cell tumors The two major pineal parenchymal tumors are pineoblastoma and pineocytoma Pineoblastomas usually occur within the first three decades of life These tumors are composed of primitive cells that are histologically similar to medulloblastoma (primitive neuroectodermal tumor) and retinoblastoma Pineoblastomas disseminate within the cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) pathways In contrast to pineoblastoma, pineocytomas occur mostly in adolescents and adults The distinction between pineocytoma and normal pineal parenchyma or a benign pineal cyst is sometimes difficult on both imaging and pathologic studies Other cell tumors A spectrum of other neoplasms and nonneoplastic masses are found in the pineal region Examples are benign pineal cysts, astrocytoma (usually in the tectum, although sometimes primary pineal gliomas occur) and meningioma (see subsequent discussion) Embryonal tumors These primitive tumors include neuroblastoma, ependymoblastorna, and primitive neuroectodermal tumors (PNET) PNETs are multipotential neoplasms They can differentiate along neuronal, astrocytic, ependymal, melanotic, or miscellaneous cell lines The WHO recognizes two 405 subtypes of PNET: medulloblastoma (posterior fossa PNET or PNET-ME) and cerebral or spinal PNETs Cranial and spinal nerve tumors Three types of nerve sheath tumors occur, as follows: Schwannoma (neurinoma or neurilemoma) Neurofibroma Malignant peripheral nerve sheath tumor Schwannoma Intracranial schwannomas constitute 5% to 10% of all intracranial tumors and occur primarily in middle-aged adults.1 They show a definite predilection for sensory nerves; the vestibular division of CN VIII is by far the most common site, followed by the trigeminal nerve Bilateral acoustic schwannomas occur in NF-2 (see Chapter 5) Neurofibroma Neurofibromas not arise from intracranial nerves They are found along posterior ganglia as central extensions of more peripheral tumors.1 Exiting spinal nerves and nerve plexuses are common sites The plexiform type of neurofibroma is part of the NF-1 spectrum (von Recklinghausen neurofibromatosis) (see Chapter 5) Malignant peripheral nerve sheath tumor (MPNSTs) MPNSTs arise de novo or from degeneration of neurofibromas Malignant transformation of schwannoma is extremely rare, although primary malignant melanotic schwannomas occur.1 Hemopoetic neoplasms Hemopoetic neoplasms include malignant lymphomja, leukemia (granulocytic sarcoma), and plasmacytoma Lymphoma Primary cerebral lymphoma accounts for approximately 50% of intracranial malignant lymphomas Once considered uncommon, the incidence of primary CNS lymphoma is rapidly rising with the worldwide increase in immunocompromised patients Leukemia CNS leukemic infiltrates or so-called granulocytic sarcomas are almost always secondary to systemic acute myelogenous leukemia A discrete tumefaction or granulocytic sarcoma sometimes occurs, usually in the subdural space or infundibular region The greenish hue of this disorder gives rise to the descriptive term chloroma.2 Plasmacytoma Disseminated vertebral and epidural tumor is the most common CNS manifestation of multiple myeloma Solitary plasmacytomas are uncommon, although diffuse skull involvement occurs in up to 70% of patients with disseminated multiple myelomatosis.1 Focal dural masses are occasionally observed Cerebral parenchymal and spinal cord lesions are rare Pituitary tumors Tumors of the anterior pituitary gland, or adenohypophysis, are technically not brain 406 PART THREE Brain Tumors and Tumorlike Processes tumors They are considered in detail in Chapter 15 The differential diagnosis of sellar and parasellar masses is considered next Brain Tumors In Children Less Than Two Years of Age Cysts and tumorlike lesions These cysts and tumorlike masses include a spectrum of largely unrelated lesions that are all grouped together (see box, p 403), This broad category includes Rathke's cleft cyst, dermoid and epidermoid cysts, colloid cysts, enterogenous and neuroglial cysts, lipomas, and hamartomas These lesions are discussed in Chapter 15 Etiology Probably congenital Local extensions from regional tumors Also discussed in Chapter 15, this group of lesions includes neoplasms that extend intracranially from adjacent structures in or near the skull base Craniopharyngioma, paraganglioma, and chordoma are examples Location Two thirds are supratentorial Most common tumors Primitive neuroectodermal tumor (PNET) Astrocytoma (often anaplastic, glioblastoma multiform) Teratoma Choroid plexus papilloma Metastatic Tumors These neoplasms arise from sources outside the CNS and account for approximately one third of all brain tumors (see Fig 12-1, A) CNS metastatic disease has numerous different manifestations and is considered in detail in Chapter 15 CLASSIFICATION BY AGE AND GENERAL LOCATION Between 15% to 20% of all intracranial tumors occur in children under 15 years of age.4 CNS tumors are second only to lymphoreticular malignancies in frequency of childhood cancers and account for 15% of all neoplasms occurring in this age group.9 Because the histologic spectrum and general locations of primary brain tumors are quite different in children compared to adults, it is useful to consider these two age groups separately Primary Brain Tumors in Children Incidence The incidence of brain tumors in children is approximately 2.5 per 100,000 per year.10 Most pediatric brain tumors are primary neoplasms; CNS metastases are rare in children Age and presentation Primary brain tumors are more common in the first decade than in the second; the peak occurrence is between and years of age.9 Neoplasms in children under years of age are uncommon These are considered congenital tumors and represent a distinctly different histologic spectrum compared to older children Brain tumors in neonates and infants (see box, above) Only 1% to 2% of all brain tumors occur in children under years of age.11 Tumors of neonates and infants have a different topographic and patho- Presentation Large, bulky masses (bulging fontanelles) Hydrocephalus, macrocrania Seizure, focal neurologic deficit logic distribution compared to those found in older children.12 Tumors in very young children are often large and highly malignant Two thirds occur in the supratentorial compartment Obstruction of CSF pathways with hydrocephalus, split sutures, and macrocrania are common first signs.9 Common brain tumors in children under years of age are primitive neuroectodermal tumor (PNET or "peanut" tumor), teratoma, astrocytoma (often anaplastic astrocytoma or glioblastoma multiforme), and choroid plexus papilloma Teratoma is the most common intracranial tumor in the neonatal period.13 Less common neoplasms in this age group include angiosarcoma, malignant rhabdoid tumor, medulloepithelioma, and meningioma.11,14,15 Regardless of histology, the dominant imaging appearance is that of a large heterogeneous lesion with associated hydrocephalus Overall prognosis is poor.11 Brain tumors in older children (see box, right) Approximately half of all intracranial neoplasms in children are gliomas; 15% are PNETs (including medulloblastoma) Ependymoma and craniopharyngioma account for about 10% each, whereas pineal region neoplasms cause 3% of tumors in this ago group.9 General location and histology Slightly more primary intracranial neoplasms in children are supratentorial (52%) compared to infratentorial (48%) in location9; the proportion of supra- to infratentorial lesions varies significantly with age (Fig 12-2) Supratentorial neoplasms Slightly less than half of all supratentorial childhood neoplasms are as cytomas; most are pilocytic or low-grade astrocytomas, and the opticochiasmatic-hypothalamic area is the Chapter 12 Brain Tumors and Tumorlike Masses: Classification and Differential Diagnosis Fig 12-2 Relative incidence of supra- and infratentorial primary brain tumors in children related to age Supratentorial neoplasms are more common in neonates and young children, and posterior fossa tumors are more common in older children Brain Tumors in Children Incidence 15% of all neoplasms in infants and children are intracranial Presentation Seizure Hydrocephalus, macrocrania Nausea, vomiting (posterior fossa) Focal neurological deficit (e.g., visual abnormalities with chiasmatic glioma) Age Occurrence in first decade more common than in second decade Peak age between and years Location and histology 52% supratentorial Just under half are cerebral hemisphere astrocytomas (mostly low grade) One eighth craniopharyngiomas One eighth opticochiasmatic-hypothalamic gliomas Remainder Pineal region tumors (germinoma, pineal parenchymal cell tumors) PNET Choroid plexus papilloma Miscellaneous (ganglioglioma, oligodendroglioma are rare) 48% infratentorial One third cerebellar astrocytomas One quarter brainstem gliomas One quarter medulloblastomas (PNET-MB) One eighth ependymomas Data from Harwood-Nash DC: Primary neoplasms of the central nervous system in children, Cancer 67:1223-1228, 1991 most common location Craniopharyngiomas represent another one eighth of supratentorial neoplasms in children.9 Ganglioglioma, ependymoma, oligodendroglioma, meningioma, and miscellaneous other uncommon tumors account for the remainder.16 Metastases from extracerebral primary sites are uncommon in children Infratentorial neoplasms About one third of posterior fossa neoplasms in children are cerebellar astrocytomas, and one third to one quarter are PNET/medulloblastomas Brainstem glioma represents another one fourth, whereas one eighth of pediatric infratentorial neoplasms are 17 ependymomas , Other posterior fossa tumors such as choroid plexus papilloma are unusual in children Most cerebellar astrocytomas are pilocytic astrocytomas; intrinsic pontine gliomas are infiltrative, and all are malignant regardless of their histology at the time of biopsy.18 Medullary gliomas behave more benignly.18-20 More than 90% of medulloblastornas (posterior fossa PNET) arise in the vermis Occasionally, medul-loblastomas occur off-axis; about 7% are found in the cerebellar hemispheres.21 Adult Primary Brain Tumors Incidence Approximately 80% to 85% of all intracranial tumors occur in adults.22 Most occur in the supratentorial compartment (see box, p 408) Adult primary infratentorial tumors are uncommon; most are extraaxial lesions.23 Age and clinical presentation The peak incidence of gliomas, the most common group of adult primary brain tumors, is in the seventh decade Clinical manifestations include seizure, focal 407 408 PART THREE Brain Tumors and Tumorlike Processes Brain Tumors in Adults Supratentorial Common Astrocytoma Anaplastic astrocytoma Glioblastoma multiforme Meningioma Pituitary adenoma Oligodendroglioma Metastases Uncommon Lymphoma Rare Ependymoma Infratentorial Common Schwannoma Meningioma Epidermoid Mtastases Uncommon Hemangioblastoma Brainstem glioma Rare Choroid plexus papilloma eadache, nausea, vomiting, and visual symptoms.22 One to two percent of intracranial tumors present with strokelike symptoms (see Chapter 11) General location and histology Primary brain tumors comprise about one half to two thirds of all intracranial tumors in adults, and metastases account for the remainder Supratentorial tumors Most primary brain tumors in adults occur above the tentorium.22 Approximately one half are gliomas About 70% of gliomas are astrocytomas; more than half of all astrocytomas are anaplastic astrocytoma or glioblastoma multiforme.1 Increasing age generally correlates with increasing malignancy The second most common primary brain tumor in adults is meningioma, representing 15% to 20% of these neoplasms More than three quarters of meningiomas are supratentorial.24 Eight percent most common primary brain tumors in adults occur in the sellar/parasellar region Pituitary adenoma is by far the most common neoplasm in this area Oligodendrogliomas represent about 5% of all primary brain tumors Most oligodendrogliomas occur in adults, and almost all are found in the supratentorial compartment Other gliomas such as ependy- moma and CPP occasionally occur in adults They are often in unusual or atypical locations (e.g., supratentorial or extraaxial ependymoma, or fourth ventricular CPP) Lymphomas cause 1% to 2% of adult primary CNS tumors, but their incidence is rising rapidly with the increase in immunocompromised patients Infratentorial tumors Posterior fossa tumors in adults are subdivided into intra- and extraaxial processes The three most common primary posterior fossa neoplasms in adults are all extraaxial: schwannoma, meningioma, and epidermoid tumors.21 In contrast to children, intraaxial posterior fossa tumors in adults are rare Hemangioblastoma and brainstem glioma are the two most common adult primary neoplasms in this location Metastasis from extracranial primary tumors is by far the most common intraaxial posterior fossa tumor in adults.21a Fifteen to twenty percent of all intracranial metastases are found in the posterior fossa.21 CLASSIFICATION AND DIFFERENTIAL DIAGNOSIS BY SPECIFIC ANATOMIC LOCATION The most important factor in establishing an appropriate differential diagnosis for an intracranial mass is location (age is second).25 This section considers the diagnosis of intracranial neoplasms seven specific, anatomic locations These area are listed as follows: Pineal Intraventricular Cerebellopontine angle Foramen magnum Sellar/suprasellar Skull base and cavernous sinus Scalp, calvarium, and meninges In each region, we briefly discuss normal gross imaging anatomy, then review the tumors and nonneoplastic lesions such as vascular malformations and benign cysts that occur in these specific location Pineal Region Masses Normal anatomy The pineal region is a histologically heterogeneous area that includes the pineal gland itself, the posterior third ventricle and aqueduct, the subarachnoid cisterns (quadrigeminal plate and ambient cisterns plus the velum interpositum), brain (tectum and brainstem, thalami, corpus callosum splenium), dura (tentorial apex), and vessels (internal cerebral veins and vein of Galen, and posterior choroidal and posterior cerebral arteries) (Fig 123} The pineal gland lies behind the third ventricle, above the posterior commissure, cerebral aqueduct, and tectal plate, and anteriorinferior to the corpus callosum Chapter 12 Brain Tumors and Tumorlike Masses: Classification and Differential Diagnosis 409 Fig 12-3 A, Gross anatomy of the pineal region and tectal plate, posterior view The vein of Galen has been removed B, Midsagittal section through the third ventricle and pineal gland showing relationships with adjacent structures: 1, Pineal gland 2, Splenium of corpus callosurn 3, Internal cerebral vein 4, Tectum (collicular plate) 5, Vein of Galen 6, Trochlear nerve (CN IV) 7, Velum interpositum 8, Quadrigeminal plate cistern 9, Ambient cistern 10, Posterior choroidal arteries 71, Choroid plexus of third ventricle 12, Cerebral aqueduct 13, Basilar bifurcation with midbrain perforating branches 14, Thalamus (with massa intemedia) 15, Optic chiasm 16, Hypothalamus with infundibular stalk 17, Fornix 18, Foramen of Monro 19, Posterior commissure 20, Basal veins of Rosenthal 21, Posterior cerebral artery 22, Tentorium cerebelli (From Basset DL: A Stereoscopic Atlas of Human Anatomy: the Central Nervous System, Section Courtesy Bassett Collection, R Chase (curator), Stanford University.) Fig 12-4 A, Midsagittal cut brain section and, B, sagittal T2-weighted MR scan depict the pineal gland and its adjacent structures Same key as Fig 12-3 (Brain section courtesy Yakovlev Collection, Armed Forces Institute of Pathology.) splenium (Fig 12-4) The suprapineal recess of the third ventricle extends posteriorly immediately above the pineal gland The quadrigeminal plate cistern lies behind the pineal gland An anterior extension of this cistern, the velum interpositum, lies above the pineal gland and extends anteriorly under the fornix Important vascular, dural, and neural structures are adjacent to the pineal gland The tentorial apex arches above and behind the pineal gland, and the internal cerebral veins and vein of Galen lie in close proximity (Figs 12-4 and 12-5) Branches of the medial and lateral posterior choroidal arteries are also present (see Fig 6-19) The two CN IVs exit dorsally 410 PART THREE Brain Tumors and Tumorlike Processes Fig 12-5 Axial (A and B) and coronal (C) T2-weighted MR scans show the pineal region anatomy in detail Same key as Fig 12-3 Common Pineal Region Masses Germ cell tumors Germinoma Teratoma Pineal parenchymal cell tumors Pineocytoma Pineoblastoma from the midbrain, decussate, and then course anteriorly in the ambient cisterns adjacent to the tentorial incisura Other cell tumors and neoplastic-like masses Pineal cysts Astrocytoma (thalamus, midbrain, tectum, corpus callosum) Meningioma Metastases Vascular malformation (with or without enlarged vein of Galen) Miscellaneous (lipoma, epidermoid, arachnoid cyst) Pathology: overview The list of possible pineal region masses is extensive and includes germ cell tumors, pineal cell tumors, "other" cell tumors, and nonneoplastic masses (see box) Together these lesions represent about 1% to 3% of all intracranial masses 26,27 It is very helpful to subdivide pineal region masses into more specific locations (Fig 12-6) We first consider lesions that arise within the pineal gland itself, then discuss posterior third ventricle and quadrigeminal cistern masses Adjacent brain parenchyma areas such as the tectum, midbrain, and corpus callosum have a different spectrum of abnormalities that may cause a pineal region mass Finally, we consider lesions that arise in the pineal region from adjacent vascular and dural structures Pineal gland lesions Pineal region masses account for 1% to 2% of all brain tumors but constitute 3% to 8% of intracranial tumors in children.4,28-30 Pineal gland neoplasms Pineal tumors are comnonly but mistakenly referred to as "pinealomas." The correct terminology of pineal region masses is listed in the box Common pineal gland tumors are neoplastic derivatives of multipotential embryonic germ cells.27 These tumors account for more than two thirds of all pineal region masses Germ cell tumors have a peak incidence during the second decade.30 512 PART THREE Brain Tumors and Tumorlike Processes Fig 12-184 Scalp masses are illustrated A, Sagittal T1-weighted MR scan in a 68-year-old man with a suboccipital soft tissue mass A well-delineated high signal lesion (arrows) that does not involve the underlying bone is identified Lipoma B, Axial T1-weighted MR scan in another patient shows redundant scalp with extensive subcutaneous fat C, A 40-year-old man with NF-1 had a postcontrast T1-weighted axial MR scan with fat suppression An extensive plexiform neurofibroma of the high deep masticator space and orbit is present (arrows) D, Axial CECT scan in a patient with extensive basal cell carcinoma of the scalp, eyelid, and face (solid arrows) Note phthsis bulbi (open arrow) E, 3D CT of the face shows extensive destruction of the bony orbit and nose (arrows) Chapter 12 Brain Tumors and Tumorlike Masses: Classification and Differential Diagnosis Fig 12-185 Axial T1- (A) and T2-weighted (B) MR scans show extensive scalp edema (arrows) Fig 12-186 Axial CECT scan in a 62-year-old man with diabetes, fever, and indurated, erythematous scalp Subcutaneous cellulitis is present, seen as strandlike densities and dirty fat" (white arrows) under the cutis A focal low density fluid collection is present in the high deep masticator space, representing fasciitis (black arrow) B, Coronal postcontrast T1-weighted fat-suppressed MR scan in a 74-year-old woman with herpes zoster shows extensive cellulitis (large arrows) Some fasciitis is also present (open arrows) (A, Courtesy T Miller.) Generalized calvarial thickening (see box, p 515, left) The most common cause of a thick skull is a normal variant Diffuse skull thickening also frequently occurs with chronic phenytoin (Dilantin) therapy, shunted hydrocephalus, microcephaly, acromegaly, Paget disease, and fibrous dysplasia (Fig 12-187) Blood dyscrasias such as sickle cell disease and iron deficiency anemia are uncommon hematologic disorders that cause diploic space enlargement The parietal bones are most commonly affected, whereas the occipital squamae, which not contain marrow, are spared 513 514 PART THREE Brain in Tumors and Tumorlike Processes Fig 12-187 Generalized calvarial thickening Sagittal T1-weighted MR scan (A) in a patient with long-standing seizure disorder and chronic phenytoin therapy The calvarium is markedly thickened, a side effect of the medication Axial T1- (B) and T2-weighted (C) MR scans in an 80-year-old woman with severe generalized skull thickening secondary to Paget disease Combined destruction and healing changes are seen Gross pathology specimen (D) shows Paget disease (compare to B and C) Axial T1-weighted MR scan (E) in a 15-year-old girl with polyostotic fibrous dysplasia shows diffuse thickening of the skull and clivus (D, Courtesy E Tessa Hedley-Whyte.) Regional and focal calvarial thickening (see box) The most common cause of regional skull thickening is hyperostosis interna, a benign process usually seen in the frontal bones of middle-aged and elderly women (Fig 12-188, A to C) Hyperostosis frontalis interna spares the superior sagittal sinus and adjacent venous channels Other causes of focally thick skull include Paget disease, fibrous dysplasia, osteoma, osteoblastic metastases (Fig 12-174) (prostate and breast carcinoma are the most common primary sites) and neuroblastoma Neuroblastoma metastases often cause a striking "hairon-end" appearance (Fig 12-188, D) Hyperostotic meningioma, another cause of focal calvarial thickening, crosses the midline, sutures, and channels Hyperostosing en plaque meningioma causes a periosteal proliferating pattern, inward bulging of the calvariurn and surface irregularities along the inner table (Fig 12-188, E).201 Calcified cephalohymatoma or calcified subdural hematoma, are less frequent causes of focal skull thickening.201a Generalized skull thinning (see box, p 515, right) Prominent convolutional markings with gyriform thinning is a normal variant Severe untreated hydrocephalus may cause striking generalized skull vault thinning Congenital anomalies such as osteogenesis imperfecta, Down syndrome, and lacunar skull (With Chiari II malformation) also cause generalized skull Chapter 12 Brain Tumors and Tumorlike Masses: Classification and Differential Diagnosis Common Causes of a Thick Skull Diffuse Common Normal variant Chronic phentoin (Dilantin) therapy Microcephalic brain Shunted hydrocephalus Uncommon Acromegaly Hematologic disorders Chronic calcified subdural hematomas Regional/focal Common Hyperostosis frontalis interna Paget disease Fibrous dysplasi Meningioma Uncommon Osteoma Calcified cephalohematoma Metastases (e.g., neuroblastoma, prostate) Common Causes of a Thin Skull Generalized Common Normal (prominent convolutional markings) Long-standing hydrocephalus Lacunar skull (with Chiari II malformation) Uncommon Osteogenesis imperfecta Rickets Cushing's disease Regional/focal Common Parietal thinning Temporal, occipital squamae Pacchionian (arachnoid) granulations Uncommon Intracranial mass (arachnoid cyst, slow-growing neoplasm) Leptomeningeal cyst Osteoporosis circumscripta Data from F Guinto and R Kumar Data from F Guinto and R Kumar Fig 12-188 Regional calvarial thickening is illustrated by these cases Sagittal T1- (A) and axial T2-weighted (B) MR scans in an elderly woman show hyperostosis frontalis interna (large arrows) Note that the calvarium is thickened to-but not beyond-the coronal suture (open arrow) Gross pathology specimen (C) of hyperostosis frontalis interna with large frontal sinuses (compare to A and B) 515 516 PART THREE Brain Tumors and Tumorlike Processes Fig 12-188, cont'd Axial CECT scan (D) in a child with neuroblastoma metastatic to the skull shows a large enhancing extradural soft tissue mass (curved arrows) Note the "hair-on-end" appearance of the osseous metastases (small arrows) Axial NECT scan (E) of a hyperostosing meningioma shows extensive but focal calvarial thickening (arrows) (C, From the Royal College of Surgeons of England, Slide Atlas of Pathology, Gower Medical Publishing By permission E, Courtesy J Jones.) "Holes in the Skull" Solitary ComMon Normal Fissure, foramen, canal Emissary venous channel Pacchionian (arachnoid) granulation Parietal thinning Surgical/trauma (burr hole, shunt, surgical defect, fracture) Dermoid Eosinophilic granuloma Metastasis (often multiple) Uncommon Osteoporosis circumscripta Epidermoid Hemangioma Cephalocele Intradiploic arachnoid cyst/meningioma Leptomeningeal cyst (growing fracture) Multiple Common Normal Fissures, foramina Diploic channels, venous lakes Pacchionian (arachnoid) granulations Multiple burr holes/surgical defects Metastases Age-related osteoporosis Uncommon Hyperparathyroidism Myeloma Osteomyelitis thinning (see Figs 2-3 and 2-5) Metabolic disorders associated with calvarial thinning include rickets, hypophosphatasia, hyperparathyroidism, and Cushing disease Focal skull thinning can be normal (Pacchionian granulations, parietal foramina, venous lakes, temporal and occipital squamae) Leptomeningeal cyst, arachnoid or porencephalic cysts, and slow-growing neoplasms are intracranial processes that sometimes thin the adjacent skull (see box) Focal "holes in the skull" can also be normal (fissures, foramina, vascular channels) Congenital anomalies that produce skull defects include cephaloceles, dermoid cysts, cleidocranial dysostosis, intradiploic arachnoid cysts, and neurofibromatosis type (absent greater sphenoid wing, lambdoid sutural defects) (see Fig 5-10) Acquired solitary skull defects are fractures, burr holes, bone flaps, craniotomies, shunts, infections, and neoplasms, or tumorlike lesions such as hemangioma, epidermoid tumors, and eosinophilic: granuloma Skull hemangiomas are usually solitary lytic diploic space lesions with well circumscribed margins and a ,spoke-wheel" or reticulated pattern Hemorrhagic changes can sometimes be seen on MR 4tudies in these cases (Fig 12-189, A) Epidermoids in e both the inner and outer tables and are well-defined lesions that lack central trabeculae and have a sclerotic rim Eosinophilic granulomas are single or multiple well-circumscribed lytic lesions that have nonsclerotic "beveled" edges caused by asymmetric involvement of the inner and outer tables The lytic phase of Paget disease can produce well-circumscribed sharply marginated defects (so-called osteoporosis circumscripta) Chapter 12 Brain Tumors and Tumorlike Masses: Classification and Differential Diagnosis 517 Fig 12-189 Focal lytic skull lesions are illustrated by these cases A, Axial T2-weighted MR scan shows a focal mixed signal calvarial mass (arrows) Hemangioma with subacute and chronic hemorrhage B, Sagittal postcontrast T1-weighted MR scan in a patient with a plasmacytoma shows a focal lytic, enhancing calvarial mass (arrows) C, External carotid angiogram, midarterial phase, lateral view, shows the mass is extremely vascular D, Later phase shows extensive drainage into diploic veins (arrows) (compare with Fig 12-191) E, A 22-year-old man had a posterior fossa neoplasm resected and irradiated 15 years prior to developing a suboccipital soft tissue mass Sagittal postcontrast T1-weighted MR scan shows a partially enhancing calvarial and soft tissue mass (arrows) within the radiation port Fibrosarcoma was found at operation Less common causes of solitary lytic lesions include the rare primary calvarial neoplasms Plasmacytomas (Fig 12-189, B to D) and sarcomas (Fig 12-189, E) are examples of such lesions Although metastases are sometimes solitary lytic lesions, they are more often multiple (Fig 12-190) Reactive sclerosis is absent Multiple myeloma and hyperparathyroidism are other causes of a stippled, or "salt and pepper," pattern caused by multiple small lytic defects Meninges Anatomy The cranial meninges consist of three layers: dura, arachnoid and pia mater (Fig 12-191) The dura has two components: an outer (periosteal) and an inner (meningeal) layer The outer dura consists of elongated fibroblasts and contains large extracellular spaces, as well as meningeal arteries and veins The outer dura is tightly applied to the inner calvarial vault and is similar to periosteum The inner dura is composed of epithelial cells and is con- 518 PART THREE Brain Tumors and Tumorlike Processes Fig 12-190 Axial CECT scans with soft tissue (A) and bone windows (B and Q demonstrate multiple calvarial, epidural, and subgaleal metastases (arrows) in this patient with breast carcinoma (Courtesy M Fruin.) Fig 12-191 Anatomic diagram depicts the scalp, skull, and meninges The potential epi- and subdural spaces are slightly exaggerated for illustrative purposes These spaces, and lesions that occur within them, are coded on the diagram Important anatomic structures are listed below: 1, Scalp with subcutaneous fat 2, Scalp arteries and veins 3, Galea aponeurotica 4, Periosteum (the potential subgaleal space and periosteum are shown together here as a thin black line) 5, Diploic veins in calvarium 6, Dura (outer and inner layers are shown) 7, Arachnoid 8, Pacchionian granulations Note projections from subarachnoid space into superior sagittal sinus (SSS) 9, Cortical veins These veins are shown as they course across the potential subdural space to enter the SSS 10, Pia mater This, the innermost layer of the leptomeninges, is closely applied to the cerebral cortex 11, Pial arteries 12, Virchow-Robin spaces These are pial-lined infoldings of CSF around penetrating cortical vessels These spaces are exaggerated for illustrative purposes 13, Falx cerebri Note potential subdural space adjacent to the faIx Chapter 12 Brain Tumors and Tumorlike Masses: Classification and Differential Diagnosis 519 Scalp, subcutaneous tat, galea aponeurotica Common Dermoid, lipoma Contusion /laceration Subgaleal hematoma Underlying skull lesion (e.g., metastasis) Uncommon Carcinoma /sarcoma (basal cell, lympohoma, Kaposi's Plexiform neurofibroma Vascular malformation Calvarium Common Hyperostosis frontalis interna Metastases Meningioma Paget disease Fibrous dysplasia Uncommon Osteomyelitis Diploic tumor (e.g., epidermoid) Hematologic disorder Epidural space Common Hematoma Metastasis (extension from skull lesion) Uncommon Abscess Dura (periosteal, meningeal layers) and subdural space Common Hematoma Meningioma enplaque Metastasis (e.g., breast, lymphoma) Effusion Postoperative change Uncommon Empyema Leukemia Sarcoidosis Histiocytosis Pachymeningitis Dural venous sinus Common Thrombosis Uncommon Fibrosis (usually with long-standing thrombosis) Tumor (meningioma) Leptomeninges and subarachnoid space Common Hemorrhage Meningitis Penetrate parenchyma via Metastases _ Virchow-Robin spaces Uncommon Gliomatosis cerebri Histiocytosis Sarcoidosis 520 PART THREE Brain Tumors and Tumorlike Processes tinuous with the spinal dura, whereas the outer dura terminates at the foramen magnum.202 The epidural space is the potential space between the outer dura and inner table of the skull The next layer is the arachnoid The arachnoid is closely applied to the inner dura The subdural space is the potential space between the inner dura and arachnoid layer of the cranial meninges The subdural space is traversed by scattered trabeculae.202 Cortical veins cross the subdural space as they course from the brain surface toward a dural sinus The innermost cranial meningeal layer is the pia It is closely applied to the cortex and invaginates into the underlying sulci The pia is composed of collagenous fibers externally and vermicular and elastic fibers internally.202 Together the arachnoid and pia constitute the leptomeninges The space in between these meningeal layers is the subarachnoid space Virchow-Robin spaces are invaginations of pia and Normal Meningeal Enhancement Imaging characteristics Thin Smooth (not nodular, no focal masses) Discontinuous Most prominent near vertex Less intense than cavernous sinus CSF along cortical arteries that penetrate the brain parenchyma Dural microvessels lack fight junctions, unlike arachnoid microvessels that are components blood-brain barrier.203 Therefore some dural enhancement is normal following contrast administration Normal meningeal enhancement is thin, smooth, discontinuous and symmetric Enhancement is most prominent near the vertex and least striking around the anterior temporal lobes Normally the meninges enhance less intensely than the dural venous sinuses (see box, left) Pathology The most common causes of abnormal meningeal enhancement are postsurgical changes, subarachnoid hemorrhage, infection, and neoplasm (see box, below) Eighty percent of patients demonstrate nonneoplastic meningeal enhancement following craniotomy.204,205 Postcraniotomy meningeal enhancement can reflect focal inflammation or a diffuse chemical arachnoiditis caused by bleeding into the subarachnoid space during surgery Postoperative meningeal enhancement is usually smooth and relatively thin (Fig 12-192) Meningeal fibrosis also occurs with aneurysmal subarachnoid hemorrhage (SAH) and long-term ventricular shunting.206 CSF leaks and intracranial hypotension Abnormal Meningeal Enhancement Differential diagnosis Diffuse Common Postoperative Infectious meningitis Carcinomatous meningitis Subarachnoid hemorrhage Uncommon Sarcoidosis Histiocytosis Idiopathic hypertrophic cranial pachymeningitis Dural sinus thrombosis Intracranial hypotension (e.g., with CSF leak) Fig 12-192 Axial postcontrast T1-weighted MR scan in a patient months postcraniotomy shows nonneoplastic meningeal enhancement (arrows) The meninges are mildly but diffusely thickened Note smooth, linear enhancement without focal nodularity Focal Common Meningioma Postoperative (around craniotomy site) Metastasis Uncommon Sarcoidosis Histiocytosis Rheumatoid nodules Underlying cerebral infarction Dural cavernous hemangioma, vascular malformation Lymphoma/leukemia Extramedullary hematopoiesis Chapter 12 Brain Tumors and Tumorlike Masses: Classification and Differential Diagnosis can result in dural venous engorgement and striking enhancement.203,203a Dural venous sinus thrombosis have similar findings Meningitis is a common cause of abnormally enhancing meninges Bacterial, viral, syphilitic, and granulomatous processes can cause striking meningeal hypervascularity and enhancement (Fig 12-193)207,208 (,see Chapter 16) Other less common nonneoplastic meningeal disorders include histiocytosis (Fig 12-194), sarcoidosis (Fig 12-195), rheumatoid disease, extramedulary hematopoiesis (Fig 12-196), and idiopathic hypertrophic cranial pachymeningitis (Fig 12-197) Diffuse and focal nodular meningeal lesions can be seen.209-211 Focal meningeal sarcoid and pachymeningitis can be indistinguishable from meningioma.212-214 Meningioma and carcinomatous meningitis are the most common neoplasms that affect the dura Men- 521 Fig 12-193 Axial postcontrast T1-weighted MR scan in a patient with sinusitis and granulomatous meningitis (arrows) This particular case was related to cocaine abuse Fig 12-194 Sagittal (A) and axial (B to D) T1-weighted MR scans in a child with histiocytosis Note focal enhancing masses in the optic chiasm, optic nerves and hypothalamus, pineal gland, cerebellopontine angle, and fourth ventricle (large arrows) Extensive dural masses are seen in the anterior and middle cranial fossae (small solid arrows) Diffuse pial enhancement is present (open arrows) Numerous cranial nerves are affected, including III, VII, VIII, and IX to XI (arrowheads) (Courtesy W Orrison.) 522 PART THREE Brain Tumors and Tumorlike Processes Fig 12-195 Sagittal (A and B) and axial (C) postc T1-weighted MR scans in a patient with neurosarcoid 1innear and focal nodular enhancing masses (arrows) are present (Courtesy J Cureù ) Fig 12-196 Axial CECT (A) and postcontrast T1-weighted MR scans (B) in a patient with myelofibrosis and extrarnedullary hematopoiesis Note diffuse and focal nodular enhancing dural masses (arrows) (Courtesy J Cureù ) Chapter 12 Brain Tumors and Tumorlike Masses: Classification and Differential Diagnosis 523 Fig 12-197 Idiopathic cranial hypertrophic pachymeningitis Gross pathology specimen (A) shows markedly thickened meninges Sagittal (B) and axial (C) contrast-enhanced T1-weighted MR scans in a 65-year-old woman with neck pain, unsteady gait, and dysphagia show thickened, enhancing dura (small arrows) that extends into the jugular foramen (C, curved arrow) Hypertrophic pachymeningitis was found at surgery (A, Courtesy Rubinstein Collection, Armed Forces Institute of Pathology B and C, Courtesy D Friedman, reprinted from AJR 160:900, 1993 With permission) ngioma en plaque produces sessile dural thickening rather than a focal nodular mass (see Chapter 14) MR abnormalities can be demonstrated in one third to two thirds of patients with documented meningeal carcinomatosis.202 Meningeal carcinomatosis can involve the dura, the leptomeninges, or both Dural metastases are seen as curvilinear enhancing lesions under the skull that not follow the gyral convolutions, whereas leptomeningeal tumor appears as thin, enhancing lines or small nodular deposits along the cortical surface (see Chapter 15).202 Extraskeletal mesenchymal osteocartilagenous tumors such as osteochondroma and chondrosarcoma can arise from the dura (see Chapter 14) These probably develop from pluripotential mesenchymal cells or embryonal cartilaginous rests in the falx and tentorium.215 Rare causes of leptomeningeal masses and abnormally enhancing dura include amyloid, Gaucher disease and other mucopolysaccharidoses, glioneuronal heterotopias, meningioangiomatosis, gliomatosis cerebri, Wegener granulomatosis, and chordoma.202,215 Occasionally, primary brain parenchymal neoplasms such as glioblastoma multiforme extend directly into the adjacent meninges.215 REFERENCES Okazaki H: Neoplastic and related conditions In Fundamentals of Neuropathology, ed 2, pp 203-274, Igaku-Shoin, Tokyo, 1989 Burger PC, Scheithauer BW, Vogel FS: Brain tumors In Surgical Pathology of the Nervous System and its Coverings, Ed 3, pp 193-437, New York, Churchill Livingstone, 1991 Rourke LB: Classification of basic tumors, Categorical Course: Neoplasms of the Central Nervous System, pp 34 American Society of Neuroradiology, 1990 Russell DS, Rubinstein LJ: Pathology of Tumors of the Nervous System, ed 5, Baltimore, Williams and Wilkins, 1989 Rourke LB, Gilles FH, Davis RL, Becker LE: Revision of the WHO classification of brain tumors 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tumors account for more than two thirds of all pineal region masses Germ cell tumors have a peak incidence during the second decade.30 Chapter 12 Brain Tumors and Tumorlike Masses: .. . cystic-appearing pineal gland mass (arrows) Pineocytoma Chapter 12 Brain Tumors and Tumorlike Masses: Classification and Differential Diagnosis 413 40% of routine autopsies (Fig 12- 10, A and B) and 1% to 5%

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