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C H A P T E R Intracranial Hemorrhage Pathophysiology of Intracranial Hemorrhage Origin of Bleeding Thrombosis, Clot Formation, and Evolution of Hemorrhage Imaging of Intracranial Hemorrhage Computed Tomography Magnetic Resonance Imaging: Factors Influencing Hemorrhage Signal Nontraumatic Intracranial Hemorrhage Perinatal Hemorrhage Hypertension Hemorrhagic Infarction Aneurysms and Vascular Malformations Hemorrhagic Neoplasms and Cysts Intracranial hemorrhage (ICH) is a common cause of acute neurologic deterioration and a frequent indication for emergent neuroirnaging Because ICH also complicates the presentation and appearance of many CNS lesions, it is important to understand the pathophysiology and imaging of intracerebral blood dots before discussing the lesions themselves In this chapter we first review thrombosis, clot formation, and the evolution of ICH Factors that influence the CT and MR appearance of acute, subacute, and chronic hemorrhage are then delineated Finally we briefly discuss the major nontraumatic causes of intracranial hemorrhage and their imaging spectra Traumatic brain injury and the secondary effects of head injury are discussed in the following chapter (Chapter 8) PATHOPHYSIOLOGY OF INTRACRANIAL HEMORRHAGE Origin of Bleeding Intracerebral hemorrhage (ICH) is commonly arterial in origin, arising not only from the primary arterial site but also from smaller vessels around the expanding hematoma margin.1 Cortical veins and dural sinuses are less common sources of ICH Thrombosis, Clot Formation, and Hemorrhage Evolution Thrombosis and clot formation are complex dynamic processes in which gross structure and macroscopic composition of thrombi change with time Physiologic processes such as clot retraction, cellular infiltration, and fibrinolysis2 plus red blood cell morphology, hemoglobin denaturation, and the development of blood degradation products interact to affect the MR appearance of ICH (Fig 7-1, A) Immediate effects of hemorrhage An intracerebral hematoma is initially liquid, composed of 95% to 98% oxygen-saturated hemoglobin.3 Within sec after loss of vessel integrity, platelet thrombi and erythrocyte aggregation in the extravasated Chapter Intracranial Hemorrhage Hemoglobin stages MR signal relative to brain RBC morphology Normal Center Rim Oxyhemoglobin Edema Deoxyhemoglobin Spherocytes Isointense "Echinocytes" Methemoglobin Profoundly hypointense Macrophages with hemosiderin and ferritin Dehydrated Hyperintense "Blooming" of dark signal Lysed Immediate effects of hemorrhage Acute stage (7-72 hrs) Hyperacute stage (A-6 hrs) Fig 7-1 Anatomic diagrams depict the time course of intracranial hemorrhage (ICH) and the MR appearance of blood clots at different stages of evolution This simplified representation combines the concepts delineated by several investigators A, Key to red blood cell (RBC) morphologic changes and blood degradation products with MR signal relative to brain in Figs 7-1, B to H B, Immediate effects of hemorrhage If coagulation is normal, a hemostatic plug is formed almost immediately after loss of blood vessel wall integrity C, Hyperacute stage The clot is an inhomogeneous matrix of fibrin and activated platelets with trapped RBCs and leukocytes interspersed with watery serum At about to hours, RBCs begin to lose their biconvex shape and become spherical D, Acute stage Clot retraction and hemoconcentration with RBC packing occurs The RBCs continue to change shape, shrinking and forming "echinocytes." Intracellular oxyhemoglobin undergoes oxidation to deoxyhemoglobin Edema surrounds the clot Continued 155 156 PART TWO Pathology Cerebral Vasculature: Normal Anatomy and Fig 7-1, cont'd E, Early subacute stage The RBC echinocytes lose their spicules and become tiny spherocytes Hemoglobin oxidative denaturation continues The center of the clot is profoundly hypoxic Surrounding edema remains intense F Late subacute stage At around week following the initial hemorrhage, RBC lysis occurs Some misshapen RBC "ghosts" are present in the pool of extracellular liquid that contains free dilute methemoglobin Edema diminishes and neovascular proliferation with reactive inflammatory changes around the clot begins These sprouting capillaries initially have a deficient blood-brain barrier See Fig 7-2 G, Early chronic stage The hematoma cavity gradually shrinks and inflammatory changes diminish as the blood vessels surrounding the clot mature Edema disappears The clot wall contains ferritin- and hemosiderinladen macrophages See Fig 7-3 H, Late chronic stage This stage can last for months to years, especially in adults The hematoma now consists of a slitlike fibrotic scar that contains iron storage products in macrophages A small central pool that contains extracellular methemoglobin may be present See Fig 7-19 Chapter Intracranial Hemorrhage 157 blood begins An unretracted fibrin mass is formed first as plasma clotting factors convert soluble proteins into a gel matrix This creates a complex inhomogeneous mass that contains erythrocytes, white blood cells, and small platelet clumps interspersed with protein-rich serum (Fig 7-1, B) hours, most intracerebral hematomas contain shrunken but intact erythrocytes with high concentrations of deoxygenated intracellular hemoglobin (Fig 7-1, D) Edema surrounding the clot is pronounced at this stage Hyperacute hemorrhage Over the next to hours, peripheral edema begins to develop and hemoconcentration ensues as the protein clot retracts, packing the red blood cells (RBCs) to a hernatocrit of approximately 70% to 90%.4 During the hyperacute stage the hematoma still contains intact biconcave RBCs with oxygenated hemoglobin Glucose depletion in the hematoma center occurs over the next several hours As their energy source is diminished, the extravasated RBCs gradually lose their biconcave shape and become spherical (Fig 7-1, C).5 Significant changes in protein concentration also occur during this stage as molecular cross-linking proceeds and free water within the clot diminishes Subacute hemorrhage The early subacute phase of ICH begins within a few days after the initial hemorrhage Oxidative denaturation of hemoglobin progresses and deoxyhemoglobin is gradually converted to methemoglobin (MetHb) (Fig 7-1, E) Because the blood clot interior is profoundly hypoxic, these changes first occur around the periphery and then progress centrally The late subacute phase begins at around week Hemoglobin oxidation and cell lysis begin at the clot periphery The shrunken, crenated RBCs gradually lyse and release MetHb into the extracellular space (Figs 7-1, F, and 7-2) Edema slowly subsides and mass effect gradually diminishes Changes also appear in the brain surrounding the clot as perivascular inflammatory reaction ensues and macrophages collect in the clot wall (Figs 7-1, F, and 7-3) These secondary reactive changes account for the ring enhancement often observed on contrastenhanced CT and MR studies of resolving hematomas (see Fig 7-12) Acute hemorrhage By 12 to 48 hours after clot formation begins, the RBCs become significantly dehydrated As they shrink and lose their spherical shapes,6 trapped RBCs acquire irregular spiculated projections and form "echinocytes " Hemoglobin desaturation also occurs By 24 to 72 Fig 7-2 Autopsy specimen shows posttraurnatic left frontal lobe hematoma At about week following the traumatic event, the subacute hematoma contains a central liquified clot surrounded by reactive inflammatory changes (Courtesy J Townsend.) Fig 7-3 Gross pathologic specimen of organizing hematoma, early chronic stage The vascularized clot wall is well formed and the hematoma cavity has begun to shrink Edema is diminishing (Courtesy E Ross.) 158 PART TWO Cerebral Vasculature: Normal Anatomy and Pathology Early chronic hemorrhage White matter edema surrounding the hematoma disappears as inflammation regresses Vascular proliferation encroaches on the hematoma cavity, gradually reducing its size (Fig 7-1, G) Peripheral reactive astrocytosis becomes pro-nounced.8 At this stage the resolving clot contains a relatively uniform pool of dilute extracellular MetHb surrounded by a vascularized wall that contains activated macrophages The macrophages in the hematoma wall contain at least two iron-storage substances: ferritin and hemosiderin.9 Late chronic hemorrhage Chronic hematomas are cystic or collapsed slitlike cavities surrounded by a dense collagenous capsule (Fig 7-1, H) With progressive neovascular proliferation in the wall, the acellular hematoma is gradually replaced by a vascularized fibrotic matrix containing ferritinand hemosiderin-laden macrophages In infants, these iron-positive macrophages may eventually disappear almost completely, whereas in adults, a small hemosiderin- or ferritin-laden scar may persist for years.10 IMAGING OF INTRACRANIAL HEMORRHAGE Computed Tomography The appearance of uncomplicated intracranial hemorrhage on computed tomography (CT) is comparatively straightforward Acute hemorrhage Physiology On CT studies only one factor, electron density, determines image contrast There is a linear relationship between CT attenuation and hematocrit, hemoglobin concentration, and protein tent Because the hematocrit of an acute retracted dot is around 90% and the globin (protein) component of hemoglobin has a high mass density,11 fresh intracerebral blood clots typically appear hyperdense on CT when compared to normal brain (Fig 7-4) The contributions to clot density from calcium and protoporphyrin are negligible; iron accounts for less than 0.5% of hemoglobin by weight and contributes comparatively little to the hyperdensity of acute intracerebral hematomas (ICHs) on nonenhanced CT scans.12 Typical CT appearance CT demonstration of an acute clot is a function of its density, volume, location, and relationship to surrounding structures, as well as technical factors such as slice thickness, window width, and scan angle.12 Small petechial hemorrhages or thin, linear clots adjacent to the calvarium or skull base may be difficult to detect Window widths between 150 to 250H are helpful in separating small peripheral hematomas from the dense overlying skull (Fig 7-5) The CT density of a clot is independent of its location unless the blood is mixed with other fluids (e.g., cerebrospinal fluid) Thus acute epidural and subdural hematomas, subarachnoid hemorrhage, and parenchymal clots are all usually hyperdense to brain.12 If patients have normal coagulation function but blood is accumulating very rapidly, unretracted semiliquid clot may be present This results in hypodense areas within the generally hyperdense acute hematoma, the so-called swirl sign (Fig 7-6).12 If contrast is administered during brisk ongoing hemorhage Fig 7-4 Acute intracranial hemorrhage A and B, Axial CT scans in another patient with intracranial hemorrhage caused by a ruptured right middle cerebral artery aneurysm (not shown) Here acute hemorrhage appears as hyperdense collections within the right frontal lobe, sylvian fissure, and subarachnoid spaces (arrows) Chapter Intracranial Hemorrhage Fig 7-5 Thin, linear acute hematomas can be difficult to detect if they are adjacent to other high density structures like the calvarial vault Wide window width shows this SDH (arrows) contrast extravasation can occasionally be detected on CT scans.12 Atypical CT appearance Systemic disease processes can complicate the CT appearance of acute ICHs Occasionally acute ICHs appear isodense with adjacent brain Acute hematomas will be isodense if the hematocrit (and therefore protein concentration) is sufficiently low This occurs with extreme anemia, i.e., when the hemoglobin concentration drops to to 10 g/dl.13,14 Coagulation disorders can also alter clot formation (see subsequent discussion) Hemostasis may be altered so radically that normal clotting and lytic reactions are delayed or absent.5 Hemorrhagic diatheses can be caused by a lack of coagulation factors (e.g., hemophilia) and defects in fibrin deposition, abnormal platelet function, poor vascular integrity, or excessive fibrinolytic activity resulting in an unstable clot.15 With abnormal clotting function, failure of clot retraction may result in a relatively isodense acute ICH (Fig 7-7) Fluid-fluid levels within clots can also occur They are present in up to 50% of patients when hemorrhage results from a coagulopathy (Fig 7-8).15a, Iatrogenic ICH complicating thrombolytic therapy for acute myocardial infarction often has an unusual appearance with relatively low density clot and fluidfluid levels16,17 (see subsequent discussion) 159 Fig 7-6 Axial CT scan without contrast enhancement shows a large epidural hematoma (EDH) (white arrows) The central low density area (open arrows) represents unretracted hyperacute hemorrhage Subacute hemorrhage Physiology The attenuation of uncomplicated intracerebral hematomas decreases with time, diminishing at an average of 1.5H per day.12 Resolving intraparenchymal clots first liquefy and then resorb, with the process starting at the periphery and progressing centrally Proliferating capillaries around the clot periphery initially have a deficient blood-brain barrier.5 Extraaxial hematomas Clot lysis also occurs in extraaxial collections In subdural hematomas (SDH), proliferating vessels arise from the dura mater and form an outer membrane along the SDH An inner membrane of compressed fibrin layers also forms Vascularization of both layers eventually encloses the hematoma completely.5 CT appearance Between about and weeks subacute ICHs become virtually isodense with adjacent brain parenchyma on CT scans (Fig 7-9, A).18 Subacute ICHs sometimes show peripheral enhancement after contrast administration because there-is bloodbrain barrier breakdown in the vascularized capsule that surrounds the hematoma (see Fig 7-12, B).8 Chronic hemorrhage Unless rebleeding has occurred, chronic hematomas are hypodense compared to adjacent brain (Fig 7-10) High attenuation within chronic hematomas is usually secondary torebleeding 160 PART TWO Cerebral Vasculature: Normal Anatomy and Pathology Fig 7-7 A, Axial precontrast CT scan in a patient with thrombocytopenia and acute onset of left-sided weakness shows displacement of the cortex (black arrows) by a nearly isodense subdural hematoma Inward "buckling" of the gray-white interface (open arrows) indicates an extraaxial mass effect B, Postcontrast scan shows displacement of cortical vessels (arrows) away from the calvarium and confirms presence of the extraaxial fluid collection (Fig 7-11).19 A focal hyperdense region within low density collection (Fig 7-10) or a fluid-fluid level (Fig 7-11) can be seen Rim enhancement around a resolving parenchymal hematoma typically appears within a few days (Fig 7-12) and disappears between to months.20 A "target" sign on postcontrast CT scans can be see if rehemorrhage takes place within an organizing hematoma; if rebleeding occurs outside an organize hematoma it can resemble tumoral hemorrhage (Fig 7-13).8 Residua of intracerebral hemorrhage include attenuation foci (37%), slitlike lesions (25%), and cacifications (10%) Twenty-seven per cent of patients surviving ICH have no identifiable residual abnormalities on CT scans.21 Magnetic Resonance Imaging: Factors Influencing Hemorrhage Signal Fig 7-8 Patient with liver failure and coagulopathy experienced sudden onset of right hemiparesis Axial NECT shows an intracranial hematoma (large arrows) that is nearly isodense with brain The acute hematoma contains a fluid-fluid level (open arrows), a common finding in patients with coagulopathies and intracranial hemorrhage Background MR imaging of intracerebral hemorrhage is a complex and controversial subject Much has been learned and debated Much is still unknown and remains to be elucidated An exhaustive delieation is well beyond the scope of this text However the MR appearance of most intracranial hematomas seems to evolve in a reasonably predictable pattern Chapter Intracranial Hemorrhage 161 Fig 7-9 Subacute subdural hematoma A, Precontrast axial CT scan shows medial displacement of the gray-white interface (white arrows) by an extraaxial fluid collection (open arrows) that is nearly isodense with the underlying cortex B, Postcontrast study shows subtle peripheral enhancement (arrows) Fig 7-10 Axial CT scan in a patient with a chronic subdural hematoma The crescentic, low density extraaxial fluid collection (large arrows) is typical Fresh hemorrhage is seen as a focal high density area (small arrows) within the chronic SDH Fig 7-11 Nonenhanced axial CT scan of a chronic SDH Acute hemorrhage into the old extraaxial collection forms a fluid-fluid level (small arrows) A dense inner membrane is seen (large arrows) Continued 162 PART TWO Cerebral Vasculature: Normal Anatomy and Pathology Fig 7-11, cont'd Nonenhanced axial CT scan of a chronic SDH Temporal lobe herniation has effaced the suprasellar cistern (B, curved arrow) and widened the ipsilateral quadrigeminal plate cistern medial to the tentorial incisura (B, white arrows) Fig 7-12 Resolving hematoma secondary to hemorrhagic AM A, Axial CT scan without contrast enhancement obtained week after hemorrhage shows a slightly hyperdense hematoma (curved arrow) surrounded by a rim of edema (open arrows) B, Postcontrast scan at weeks shows a ringlike enhancement (arrow) surrounding the clot that now appears isodense with adjacent white matter The edema has largely resolved over time This pattern is illustrated by a series of MR scans obtained from a few hours to several months following hematoma formation (Fig 7-14) Concepts explaining the MR appearance of intracranial hemorrhage are based on a combination of empirical clinical observations, theoretical explanations, animal models, and in vitro studies of human blood clot composition and evolution.22 Conclusions regarding hematoma formation and evolutionary changes in intracranial hemorrhage should not di rectly extrapolated to the rest of the body Intrinsic factors such as gross changes in hematoma structure and the sequential degradation of moglobin were initially emphasized as the major factors determining the MR appearance of evolving ICH.23 Protein concentration,24 red blood cell hydration status, RBC size and shape,5,6 hematocrit,7 and clot formation and retraction, as well as composition Chapter intracranial Hemorrhage 163 Fig 7-13 Rehemorrhage into an underlying AVM A, Axial precontrast CT scan obtained days after symptom onset shows a moderately hyperdense acute hematoma (large arrows) The subacute clot (small arrows) is virtually invisible B, Postcontrast study shows rim enhancement around the subacute clot (small arrows) with contrast accumulation and a fluid-fluid level (open arrow) within the hematoma There is also a fluid-fluid level (double arrows) within the more acute clot (large arrows) Fig 7-14 A 35-year-old jogger "fell and hit his head" and was brought to the hospital emergency room Immediate CT scan (A) and sequential MR scans obtained from hours to months later are shown Initial studies show the characteristics of a hyperacute hematoma: A, Axial NECT scan shows a small right temporal lobe hematoma (arrow) B, Axial T1-weighted MR scan without contrast shows an isointense right temporal lobe mass (arrows) C, The lesion shows some patchy enhancement (arrows) following contrast administration (Courtesy B Hart.) Continued 184 PART TWO Cerebral Vasculature: Normal Anatomy and Pathology Fig 7-37, cont'd C and D, Axial long TR/short TE (proton density-weighted) scans show that blood in the medullary cisterns, lateral ventricles, and cisterna magna (arrows) is slightly hyperintense to CSF E and F, On T2-weighted sequences the cisternal blood (arrows) appears slightly hypointense Blood cannot be discerned in the enlarged lateral ventricles on these studies (F) high signal foci within the subarachnoid cisterns on both T1- and T2-weighted studies (Fig 7-38) Unless rebleeding occurs, blood in parenchymal hematomas associated with ruptured intracranial aneurysms follows the typical evolutionary changes already described on MR scans Repeated chronic subarachnoid or intraventricular hemorrhage may cause hemosiderin and ferritin deposition on the leptomeninges over the brain, cerebellum, brainstem, cranial nerves, And spinal cord (Fig 7-39, A).69 Common clinical presentation includes cerebellar dysfunction, pyramidal tract signs, and hearing loss.69 Leptomeningeal hemosiderin deposition is termed superficial siderosis On T2-weighted MR scans, superficial siderosis appears as a very hypointense line along the surface of affected structures, particularly the pons and cerebellar vermis (Fig 7-39, B and C).70 Some MR scan sequences, particularly "fast" spinecho studies, can cause an artifactual low signal border between the brain and adjacent subarachnoid space that should not be mistaken for this condition (Fig 7-40) Fig 7-38 Axial T1-weighted MR scan obtained week after SAH shows subacute hemorrhage in the sylvian fissure as curvilinear hyperintense foci (solid arrows) Compare with normal low signal CSF in the right sylvian fissure (open arrows) Chapter Intracranial Hemorrhage Fig 7-39 A, Cut specimen through the midbrain and cerebellum shows brain surface and sulci stained from the chronic hemorrhage B and C, Axial T2-weighted MR scans in a patient with repeated hemorrhagic episodes caused by a temporal lobe AVM (C, white arrows) Extensive superficial siderosis is seen as very low signal coating of the brain surface (black arrows) (A, Courtesy Rubinstein Collection, Armed Forces Institute of Pathology.) Fig 7-40 "Fast" spin-echo T2-weighted MR scan has artifactual low signal (arrows) at the interface between brain and CSF that can mimic superficial siderosis 185 186 PART TWO Cerebral Vasculature: Normal Anatomy and Pathology Vascular malformations Hemorrhage rates and imaging findings vary significantly with the histologic type of malformation Although four types of intracranial vascular malformations have been identified and any one can bleed, only two, arteriovenous malformations (AVMs) and cavernous angiomas, hemorrhage frequently Arteriovenous malformations The three types of arteriovenous malformations (AVMs) are listed as follows: Pial Dural Mixed pial-dural Pial AVMs hemorrhage at a cumulative rate of 2% to 3% per year.71 (see Chapter 10) Unexplained intracranial hemorrhage in a child or normotensive young adult is often caused by an AVM (Fig 7-41) Nearly 70% of all patients with parenchymal AVMs show evidence of acute or chronic hemorrhage on initial MR examination.72 Gliosis and encephalomalacic changes are also often present (see Fig 10-15) When repeated hemorrhage into an AVM occurs, it can mimic neoplasm (Fig 7-42) Unlike brain AVMs, dural arteriovenous malformations (DAVMs) usually lack a discrete nidus Instead, DAVMs are composed of numerous microfistulae within the dural wall of a major venous sinus.71 The transverse and cavernous sinuses are common locations DAVMs rarely hemorrhage unless drainage is through cortical veins or an intracranial venous varix Either subarachnoid or parenchymal hemorrhage from a DAVM may occur if this venous drainage pattern is present (see Fig 10-23) Cavernous angiomas Cavernous angiomas hem- orrhage at an estimated rate of 0.5% per year and often show histologic or imaging evidence for repeated bleeds within the same lesion Cavernous angiomas typically have a popcorn-like appearance with mixed signal foci inside a hemosiderin ring (Fig 7-43) (see Chapter 10) Venous angiomas Although hemorrhage has been reported with venous angiomas,73 it is relatively uncommon (see Fig 10-45) The unusual venous angioma that is complicated by bleeding may appear identical to other hemorrhagic vascular malformations In the absence of hemorrhage, venous angiomas are seen as a Medusa-like collection of dilated medullary veins near the angle of a cerebral ventricle (see Chapter 10) Capillary telangiectasias Capillary telangiectasias are usually small and clinically silent, although hemorrhagic residua and adjacent gliosis are frequently observed at autopsy.41 Capillary telangiectasias' imaging appearances vary Some have no identifiable imaging abnormalities and others are indistinguishable from cavernous angiomas Multiple small foci of hemosiderin on T2WI are sometimes seen Hemorrhagic Neoplasms and Cysts Oncologic-associated intracranial hemorrhage can be caused by malignancy induced coagulopathy or bleeding into a CNS tumor.74 Malignancy related coagulopathy Intracranial hemorrhage is common in blood dyscrasias, especially the leukemias (Fig 7-44) ICH also occurs in patients undergoing chemotherapy Systemic neoplasms can be associated with terminal coagulopathy Fig 7-41 A 25-year-old normotensive man with unexplained intracranial hemorrhage A, Axial NECT scan shows a left frontal lobe hematoma (arrows) B, Left internal carotid angiogram, midarterial phase, lateral view, disclosed an arteriovenous malformation (arrows) Chapter Intracranial Hemorrhage 187 Fig 7-42 Recurrent hemorrhage into a partially thrombosed AVM produces a complex MR appearance A, Axial T1-weighted scan shows the mixed signal lesion (arrows) T2weighted (B) sequences show the extensive edema that surrounds the lesion as confluent white matter hyperintensity (white arrows) A complete hemosiderin rim from chronic hemorrhage is present (black arrows) These changes suggest hemorrhagic vascular malformation rather than neoplasm Angiography (not shown) disclosed only an avascular mass effect Thrombosed AVM was found at surgery There are no unique radiologic features that distinguish leukemia- or coagulopathy induced ICH from other intracerebral hematomas.74 Intratumoral hematomas Pathology and etiology The etiology of tumorinduced ICH is unclear Factors such as high grade of malignancy, presence of neovascularity, rapid tumor growth with necrosis, plasminogen activators, and direct vascular invasion by neoplasm have been proposed.74 Incidence The reported overall incidence of hemorrhage in intracranial neoplasms is 1% to 15%.75 Although virtually any tumor in any location can hemorrhage, some tumors commonly bleed and others rarely bleed Bleeding varies significantly with histologic type.76 In general, the more malignant astrocytomas bleed, as very vascular tumors and necrotic neoplasms such as some pituitary adenomas.76 Tumors that often show histologic evidence of hemorrhage are listed in the box, p 188 Fig 7-43 Sagittal T1-weighted MR scan shows the typical popcorn-like appearance of a cavernous angioma The solitary pontine lesion has a mixed signal reticulated core surrounded by a low signal hemosiderin rim (arrow) 188 PART TWO Cerebral Vasculature: Normal Anatomy and Pathology Fig 7-44 A 25-year-old patient with leukemia with sudden onset of headache and ataxia A, Axial NECT showed a midline posterior fossa hyperdense area (arrows) An MR scan was obtained hours later B, Axial T1-weighted scan demonstrated a mass (arrows) that was nearly isointense with surrounding brain C, T2WI showed the mass was an acute hematoma (open arrows) The clot appears moderately hypointense on T2WL Note surrounding edema (large arrows) Brain Tumors with Hemorrhage Pathology Studies Primary brain tumors Anaplastic astrocytoma Glioblastoma multiforme Oligodendroglioma/mixed glioma Pituitary adenoma Hemangioblastoma Sarcomas Lymphoma (immunocompromised patients) Ependymoma Schwannoma Epidermoid Metastatic tumors Melanoma Choriocarcinoma Renal cell carcinoma Tumors and tumorlike lesions that bleed less frequently are low grade astrocytomas, mesenchyrna tumors such as meningioma, nonneoplastic cysts and slowly growing cystic neoplasms such as craniopharyngioma, and gangliogliorna Imaging Because CT and MR depict gross anatomic alterations, only macroscopic hemorrhagic foci are imaged and the frequency of bleeding on radiologic examination (see box, p 189) is somewhat different compared to pathologic data (see previous discussion) Primary brain tumors that often contain identifiable hemorrhagic foci on MR scans include anaplastic astrocytoma and glioblastorna multiforme (GBM) (Figs 7-45 and 7-46) Because they often occur older patients, GBMs are a relatively common cause of unexplained intracranial hemorrhage in a normotensive, nondemented elderly patient Pilocytic astro- Chapter Intracranial Hemorrhage 189 Brain Tumors With Hemorrhage Imaging Studies Common Pituitary adenoma Anaplastic astrocytoma/glioblastoma multiforme Oligodendroglioma Ependymoma Primitive neuroectodermal tumor Epidermoid Metastases (lung, kidney, choriocarcinoma, melanoma) Uncommon Low grade/pilocytic astrocytoma Meningioma Schwannoma Lymphoma (unless immunocompromised) Fig 7-45 Gross autopsy specimen shows a large necrotic, hemorrhagic glioblastorna multiforme (Courtesy Rubinstein Collection, Armed Forces Institute of Pathology.) Fig 7-46 Man, 72 years old, with seizure and left hemiparesis A, Axial precontrast CT scan shows a large hemorrhagic right frontal mass (black arrow) with surrounding edema (white arrows) Axial T1- (B) and T2-weighted (C) scans disclosed a very heterogeneous mass (large arrows) with multiple cavities that contained blood degradation products (double arrows) D, Following contrast administration, axial T1-weighted scan shows patchy foci of increased signal in the solid portion of the mass (arrows) Glioblastoma multiforme with hemorrhage was found at surgery 190 PART TWO Cerebral Vasculature: Normal Anatomy and Pathology cytomas are usually seen in younger patients and only rarely hemorrhage Of the nonastrocytic gliomas, oligodendrogliomas commonly show hemorrhagic foci Mixed gliomas with anaplastic or ependymal elements may also hemorrhage.74 Ependymomas, particularly those in the spinal cord, sometimes bleed repeatedly and are a classic cause of neoplasm-induced superficial siderosis Because of their intrinsic vascularity, choroid plexus tumors also often hemorrhage Repeated episodes of silent hemorrhage may cause intraventricular obstructive hydrocephalus in these cases Primitive neuroectodermal tumors and teratomas are other tumors occurring in young children that frequently bleed (Fig 7-47) The most common nonglial hemorrhagic primary intracranial tumor is pituitary adenoma (Fig 7-48); in some pathologic series, pituitary adenomas represent the largest group of hemorrhagic brain tumors.77 Other than pituitary adenoma, nonglial hemorrhagic primary neoplasms are relatively uncommon Although schwannomas often show microscopic or even macroscopic hemorrhage at pathologic examination, frank hemorrhage is uncommon on imaging studies.78 Meningiomas rarely hemorrhage (Fig 7-49) Germinomas occasionally undergo necrosis and may manifest hemorrhagic changes on MR studies but this is distinctly unusual Primary CNS lymphomas in immunocompetent patients rarely have necrosis or hemorrhage, although hemorrhage is common in HIV-infected patients (see Chapter 14).79 Fig 7-47 Sagittal T1-weighted MR scan in a 3-month-old child with a left frontal and intraventricular mass The lesion is mixed signal and contains several hyperintense foci (arrows) Primitive neuroectodermal tumor with hemorrhagic areas was found at surgery Hemorrhage occurs in up to 15% of brain metastases, with renal cell carcinoma (Fig 7-50), choriocarcinoma, melanoma, bronchogenic carcinoma, and thyroid carcinoma common primary tumor types Hemorrhage into metastatic foci can have a complex appearance on MR studies Marked heterogeneity is common, with blood degradation products of different ages and fluid-fluid levels (Fig 7-51).80 Differential diagnosis Distinguishing hemorrhagic intracranial neoplasms from nonneoplastic hematomas can be difficult because there is considerable overlap between their imaging findings (see box) Multiple lesions and relative lack of edema are sug- Benign Versus Neoplastic Hemorrhage No absolute criteria Tumors more complex, heterogeneous Benign usually has complete hemosiderin rim (tumor doesn't) Tumor usually has nonhemorrhagic areas that enhance after contrast administration Benign follows orderly evolution on sequential scans Hemorrhage evolution in tumors often delayed/disordered Edema/mass effect resolve with benign; persist with tumor Hemorrhagic vascular malformations often multiple; tumor usually solitary (unless Fig 7-48 T1-weighted MR scan shows pituitary adenoma (large arrows) with intratumoral hemorrhage (open arrow) 191 Fig 7-49 Axial (A) T1-weighted plus axial T2-weighted (B) MR scans show a large frontal meningioma (large arrows) with subacute and early chronic hemorrhage (small arrows) (Courtesy Woo Suk Choi.) Fig 7-50 A patient with metastatic renal cell carcinoma presented with seizure, left hemiparesis, and decreasing mental status A, Axial NECT scan showed a solitary hemorrhagic right frontal mass (large arrows) with marked edema (small arrows) B, Postcontrast CT scan showed heterogeneous enhancement (arrows) C, Axial T1-weighted MR scan shows a mixed signal hemorrhagic mass with an incomplete hemosiderin ring (arrows) Surgery revealed metatastic renal cell carcinoma with intratumoral necrosis and hemorrhage 192 PART TWO Cerebral Vasculature: Normal Anatomy and Pathology Fig 7-51 Patient with metastatic breast carcinoma A, Axial T1-weighted MR scan without contrast shows a left frontal lesion with a fluid-fluid level (arrows) B, Left internal carotid angiogram, capillary phase, lateral view, shows a vascular mass (large arrows) with central necrosis and an early draining vein (small arrows) gestive of vascular malformation,81 whereas an incomplete hemosiderin rim may indicate neoplasm.80 Other reported findings that suggest neoplasm include adjacent nonhemorrhagic tumor foci; diminished, irregular, or absent hemosiderin deposition; delayed hematoma evolution; and pronounced or persistent edema80 (see box, p 190) Occasionally these guidelines are confounded when a hemorrhagic tumor looks like a vascular malformation or a vascular malformation is so heterogeneous that it mimics neoplasm (Figs 7-52 and 7-53) Nonneoplastic hemorrhagic cysts Hemorrhage into benign, nonneoplastic intracranial cysts may sometimes occur Colloid cysts almost never bleed, whereas Rathke cleft cysts and arachnoid cysts are occasionally complicated by hemorrhage Hemorrhage into an arachnoid cyst may be spontaneous or follow minor trauma with rupture of intracystic or bridging vessels.82 Arachnoid cysts are sometimes associated with subdural hematoma.83 Miscellaneous Causes of Intracranial Hemorrhage Miscellaneous but nevertheless important causes of nontraumatic ICH include amyloid angiopathy, infection, vasculitis, sympathomimetic and recreational drug use, blood dyscrasias, and the coagulopathies These are discussed in the following section Amyloid angiopathy Cerebral amyloid angiopathy (CAA), also known as congophilic angiopathy, increases with advancing age and may be the most common cause of recurrent ICH in elderly normotensive patients.84 Pathology and etiology Amyloidosis is a disease complex with a common unifying feature: tissue deposition of nonbranching fibrillar proteins that have the crystallographic characteristics of a beta-pleated sheet.85 Three forms of amyloid deposits occur in the CNS as follows: The amyloid core of senile plaque Cortical and leptomeningeal vessel wall deposits Extension from small vessels into the surrounding brain parenchyma The latter two conditions together are termed amyloid angiopathy.86 In CAA the contractile elements of the leptomeningeal and cortical arteries are replaced b~ noncontractile amyloid beta protein.87 The arterial walls in CAA stain intensely with Congo red and show birefringence on polarized light Chapter Intracranial Hemorrhage 193 Fig 7-52 Axial T1- (A) and T2-weighted (B) MR scans in a 33-year-old woman with a hemorrhagic posterior fossa mass Multiple septated cysts contain blood degradation products in different stages (small arrows) The lesion is surrounded by a complete hemosiderin rim (large arrows) Pathological diagnosis was hemorrhagic cerebellar hemangioblastoma Fig 7-53 A 35-year-old woman with a hemorrhagic posterior fossa mass and a family history of von Hippel-Lindau syndrome A, Axial T1-weighted MR scan showed a mixed signal mass (large arrows) with multiple cysts that contained fluid-fluid levels (double arrows) B, Standard T2-weighted scan showed the mass lacked a complete peripheral hemosiderin rim Preoperative diagnosis was hemorrhagic cerebellar hemangioblastoma Cavernous angioma was found at surgery Location and imaging appearance In contrast to hypertensive hemorrhage, hemorrhages in CAA are characteristically multiple, spare the basal ganglia and brainstem, and are located at the corticomedullary junction (Fig 7-54, A).40, 86 CT and MR findings of multiple peripherally located hemorrhages of different ages in an elderly normotensive patient strongly suggest CAA (Fig 7-54, B and C) Inflammatory disease and vasculitis Hemorrhage in brain infections is unusual.88 Gross hemorrhage is uncommon in uncomplicated pyogenic abscesses, although immunocompromised patients have an increased propensity to develop hemorrhagic lesions CNS infections and inflammatory processes that have a propensity to bleed include infective endocarditis with septic emboli, fungal vasculitis, 194 PART TWO Cerebral Vasculature: Normal Anatomy and Pathology Fig 7-54 A, Gross autopsy specimen shows bilateral hemorrhages secondary to amyloid angiopathy A large lobar hemorrhage is seen (large arrow), and a smaller corticomedullary junction lesion (small arrow) is identified in the opposite hemisphere B and C, Axial NECT scans in an elderly normotensive but demented patient show lobar hemorrhage (arrows), probably due to amyloid angiopathy (A, Courtesy E Tessa Hedley-Whyte.) and necrotizing hemorrhagic infections such as herpes encephalitis Subarachnoid or parenchymal hemorrhage occurs in 5% to 10% of patients with infective endocarditis and neurologic symptoms (Fig 7-55).89 The following three possible etiologies have been proposed": Formation of a mycotic aneurysm (see Chapter 9) Hemorrhagic infarction Focal arteritis with septic arterial wall erosion Aspergillosis and other fungal infections may directly invade vessel walls, resulting in thrombosis, hemorrhage, or cerebral infarction With the exception of type II herpes simplex encephalitis, hemorrhage in all types of encephalitis is infrequent.87 Hemorrhage is especially common with neonatal herpes (see Chapter 16) CNS Complications of Drug Use Hemorrhage 50% preexisting abnormality (aneurysm, AVM) 50% spontaneous Arterial infarction Dural sinus/cortical vein occlusion Abscess Vasculitis Mycotic aneurysm Sympathomimetic and recreational drugs1h spectrum of CNS complications associated with drug abuse is outlined in the box Most patients have ischemic or hemorrhagic manifestations Chapter Intracranial Hemorrhage 195 Fig 7-55 Pre- (A) and postcontrast (B) axial CT scans in a patient with subacute bacterial endocarditis and multiple hemorrhagic septic emboli The NECT scan shows three partially resolving hemorrhagic foci (A, arrows) B, The postcontrast studies show a "target" configuration with a thin contrast-enhancing rim (arrows) surrounding a peripheral low attenuation ring that in turn surrounds the higher density resolving hematomas Drug-related intracranial hemorrhage occurs about twice as frequently as ischemia and can be intraparenchymal or subarachnoid A preexisting abnormality such as aneurysm or AVM is present in half of these cases.90 In other cases, street drugs such as cocaine may induce an acute hypertensive episode that results in ICH Here, the locations are similar to hypertensive hemorrhages seen in older patients, i.e., in the basal ganglia, external capsule, cerebellum, and, occasionally, the lobar white matter.91 Cocaine also enhances platelet aggregation and may therefore promote arterial thrombosis Dural sinus thrombosis with hemorrhagic venous infarction has been reported in some cases of cocaine abuse.92 Vasospasm and ischemic infarction are common nonhemorrhagic complications of cocaine abuse Vasculifts occurs but is less common with cocaine use compared to drugs such as amphetamine and phenylropanolamine.91 Other drugs linked to ICH are amphetamine and s derivatives, phenylpropanolamine (PPA), phencyclidine (PCP), ephedrine, and pseudoephedrine.93 Amphetamines cause endothelial damage and fibrinoid necrosis of vessel walls Necrotizing cerebral vasculitis is common and the angiographic findings of extensive irregular segmental beading may be striking (Fig 7-56) Other possible drug-related causes of this angiographic appearance are subarachnoid hemorrhage and vasospasm.91 Blood dyscrasias and coagulopathies Various congenital blood dyscrasias and acquired hemorrhagic diatheses can cause intracranial hemorrhage A discussion of congenital clotting disorders is beyond the scope of this text Complications from acquired abnormalities of blood coagulation, particularly iatrogenic bleeding disorders, will be discussed There are only four known common causes of acquired noniatrogenic coagulopathy: vitamin K deficiency, hepatocellular disease, antibodies that react with clotting factors, and disseminated intravascular coagulation (DIC), usually with secondary fibrinolysis.94 Iatrogenic bleeding disorders have been reported with heparin, warfarin, thrombolytic agents such as streptokinase and tissue plasminogen activator (TPA), antiplatelet agents such as aspirin and ibuprofen, alcohol abuse, chemotherapeutic agents, and other drugs such as quinine (reported to cause hemolytic-uremic syndrome) and quinidine.15 Bleeding complications are inherent risks of anticoagulant (AC) therapy and most of the fatal bleeds are intracranial.95 Between 10% to 15% of patients with nontraumatic, nonaneurysmal primary intracranial hemorrhage are on AC therapy.17 About 1% of patients undergoing thrombolytic therapy for acute myocardial infarction develop ICH This complication has a grave prognosis, with over 60% of patients dying during hospitalization.16 Imaging findings in most coagulopathies are sim- 196 PART TWO Cerebral Vasculature: Normal Anatomy and Pathology Fig 7-56 A, Axial NECT scan in a 32-year-old normotensive man with sudden onset of coma showed a basal ganglia hematoma (large arrows) with some intraventricular hemorrhage (small white arrows) A fluid-fluid level was seen (black arrows) Cerebral angiography was performed to detect possible underlying vascular malformation B, Digital subtraction common carotid angiogram showed extensive arteritic changes (small arrows) An avascular mass effect is shown by displacement of the choroidal branches (arrowheads) The patient later admitted to sympathomimetic drug abuse ilar Although bleeding can occur at any location, the most common site in these patients is supratentorial and intraparenchymal Fluid-fluid levels within hematomas are common (Fig 7-8) Multiple large volume hemorrhages with substantial mass effect can also be seen and are associated with increased mortality.16 REFERENCES Hayman LA, Pagani JJ, Kirkpatrick JB, Hincik VB: Pathophysiology of acute intracerebral and subarachnoid hemorrhage: applications to MR imaging, AJNR 10:457-461, 1989 Blackmore CC, Francis CW, Bryant RG et al: Magnetic resonance imaging of blood and cells in vitro, Invest Radiol 25:1316-1324, 1990 Williams KD, Drayer BP, Bird CR: Magnetic resonance: the diagnosis of intracerebral hematoma, BNI Quarterly 5:16-27, 1989 Hayman LA, Taber KH, Ford JJ, Bryan RN: Mechanisms 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