Đồ án có dung lượng 330MB. Bao gồm đầy đủ các file như: File bản vẽ cad 2D (Bản vẽ bố trí chung HT lái xe Toyota hilux 3.0G, bản vẽ kết cấu vành lái và trục lái xe Toyota hilux 3.0G, bản vẽ kết cấu cơ cấu lái, xylanh lực, van phân phối xe Toyota hilux 3.0G, bản vẽ nguyên lý làm việc trợ lực lái xe Toyota hilux 3.0G, bản vẽ kết cấu bơm trợ lực xe Toyota hilux 3.0G.…); file word (Bản thuyết minh, nhiệm vụ đồ án, tiến trình đồ án, bìa đồ án.…). Ngoài ra còn cung cấp rất nhiều các tài liệu chuyên ngành, các tài liệu phục vụ cho thiết kế đồ án........... KHAI THÁC HỆ THỐNG LÁI XE TOYOTA HILUX 3.0G. MỞ ĐẦU.. 4 Chương 1. GIỚI THIỆU CHUNG VỀ XE TOYOTA HILUX 3.0 G.. 6 1.1. Giới thiệu chung về xe Toyota Hilux 3.0 G.. 6 1.2. Tính năng kỹ thuật của xe Toyota Hilux 3.0 G.. 7 1.2.1.Động cơ. 7 1.2.2. Hệ thống điều khiển. 7 Hệ thống lái 8 Hệ thống phanh. 8 1.2.3. Hệ thống treo. 8 Chương 2. PHÂN TÍCH KẾT CẤU HỆ THỐNG LÁI TRÊN XE TOYOTA HILUX 3.0 G 11 2.1. Công dụng, yêu cầu hệ thống lái Toyota Hilux 3.0 G.. 11 2.1.1. Công dụng. 11 2.1.2. Yêu cầu. 11 2.2. Đặc điểm kết cấu hệ thống lái xe Toyota Hilux 3.0 G.. 11 2.2.1. Vành tay lái và trục lái 11 2.2.2. Cơ cấu lái 12 2.2.3. Hình thang lái 14 2.2.4. Trợ lực lái 15 Xi lanh lực. 16 Bơm thủy lực. 17 Van phân phối 18 2.3. Nguyên lý làm việc trợ lực lái xe Toyota Hilux 3.0G.. 20 2.3.1. Trường hợp xe đi thẳng. 20 2.3.2. Trường hợp xe rẽ phải 21 2.3.3. Trường hợp xe rẽ trái 22 2.3.4. Cảm giác mặt đường và tính tùy động. 22 Cảm giác mặt đường. 22 Tính tùy động. 23 Chương 3. TÍNH TOÁN KIỂM NGHIỆM HỆ THỐNG LÁI XE HILUX 3.0G.. 24 3.1. Mục đích tính toán kiểm nghiệm.. 24 3.2. Các thông số đầu vào. 24 3.3. Tính toán kiểm nghiệm hệ thống lái 25 3.3.1. Kiểm nghiệm động học hình thang lái 25 Điều kiện quay vòng đúng. 25 Động học hình thang lái 6 khâu. 26 Kiểm nghiệm động học hình thang lái bằng phương pháp đại số. 28 3.3.2. Xác định momen cản quay vòng. 29 Xác định momen cản quay vòng. 29 Xác định lực tác dụng lên vành tay lái 32 3.3.3. Tính bền hệ thống lái 32 Xác định lực tác dụng lên bộ truyền bánh răng xoắn – thanh răng. 32 Kiểm tra bền. 33 3.3.4. Tính bền trục lái 36 3.3.5. Tính bền đòn kéo ngang. 37 3.3.6. Tính bền đòn kéo dọc. 39 3.3.7. Tính bền thanh nối bên của dẫn động lái 40 3.3.8. Tính bền khớp cầu. 40ính ứng suất chèn dập tại bề mặt làm việc của khớp cầu. 41ểm tra khớp cầu theo điều kiện cắt 41 Chương 4. HƯỚNG DẪN KHAI THÁC SỬ DỤNG HỆ THỐNG LÁI XE TOYOTA HILUX 3.0G.. 42 4.1. Những hư hỏng thường gặp của hệ thống lái và biện pháp khắc phục. 42 4.2 Bảo dưỡng hệ thống lái 45 4.2.1 Nội dung bảo dưỡng. 45 Bảo dưỡng thường xuyên. 45 Bảo dưỡng 1 (Sau 6500 km) 45 Bảo dưỡng 2 (Sau 12500 km) 45
www.phutungnghiadia.com HILUX Electrical Wiring Diagram Pub No DR114W www.phutungnghiadia.com FOREWORD This wiring diagram manual has been prepared to provide information on the electrical system of the HILUX Applicable models: KUN15, 16, 25, 26 Series For service specifications and repair procedures of the above models other than those listed in this manual, refer to the following manuals; Manual Name D HILUX Repair Manual D HILUX New Car Features Pub No DR172E NCF271E All information in this manual is based on the latest product information at the time of publication However, specifications and procedures are subject to change without notice NOTICE When handling supplemental restraint system components (removal, installation or inspection, etc.), always follow the direction given in the repair manuals listed above to prevent accidents and supplemental restraint system malfunction HILUX ELECTRICAL WIRING DIAGRAM Section Code Page INTRODUCTION A HOW TO USE THIS MANUAL B TROUBLESHOOTING C 12 ABBREVIATIONS D 17 GLOSSARY OF TERMS AND SYMBOLS E 18 RELAY LOCATIONS F 20 ELECTRICAL WIRING ROUTING G 36 SYSTEM CIRCUITS H 59 GROUND POINT I 182 POWER SOURCE (Current Flow Chart) J 188 CONNECTOR LIST K 194 PART NUMBER OF CONNECTORS L 202 OVERALL ELECTRICAL WIRING DIAGRAM M 206 E2004 All rights reserved This book may not be reproduced or copied, in whole or in part, without the written permission of Toyota Motor Corporation www.phutungnghiadia.com A INTRODUCTION This manual consists of the following 13 sections: Section No Description INDEX Index of the contents of this manual INTRODUCTION Brief explanation of each section B HOW TO USE THIS MANUAL Instructions on how to use this manual C TROUBLE– SHOOTING Describes the basic inspection procedures for electrical circuits D ABBREVIATIONS Defines the abbreviations used in this manual E GLOSSARY OF TERMS AND SYMBOLS Defines the symbols and functions of major parts F RELAY LOCATIONS Shows position of the Electronic Control Unit, Relays, Relay Block, etc This section is closely related to the system circuit G ELECTRICAL WIRING ROUTING Describes position of Parts Connectors, Splice points, Ground points, etc This section is closely related to the system circuit INDEX Index of the system circuits SYSTEM CIRCUITS Electrical circuits of each system are shown from the power supply through ground points Wiring connections and their positions are shown and classified by code according to the connection method (Refer to the section, ”How to use this manual”) The ”System Outline” and ”Service Hints” useful for troubleshooting are also contained in this section I GROUND POINT Shows ground positions of all parts described in this manual J POWER SOURCE (Current Flow Chart) Describes power distribution from the power supply to various electrical loads K CONNECTOR LIST Describes the form of the connectors for the parts appeared in this book This section is closely related to the system circuit L PART NUMBER OF CONNECTORS Indicates the part number of the connectors used in this manual M OVERALL ELECTRICAL WIRING DIAGRAM Provides circuit diagrams showing the circuit connections A H HOW TO USE THIS MANUAL B This manual provides information on the electrical circuits installed on vehicles by dividing them into a circuit for each system The actual wiring of each system circuit is shown from the point where the power source is received from the battery as far as each ground point (All circuit diagrams are shown with the switches in the OFF position.) When troubleshooting any problem, first understand the operation of the circuit where the problem was detected (see System Circuit section), the power source supplying power to that circuit (see Power Source section), and the ground points (see Ground Point section) See the System Outline to understand the circuit operation When the circuit operation is understood, begin troubleshooting of the problem circuit to isolate the cause Use Relay Location and Electrical Wiring Routing sections to find each part, junction block and wiring harness connectors, wiring harness and wiring harness connectors, splice points, and ground points of each system circuit Internal wiring for each junction block is also provided for better understanding of connection within a junction block Wiring related to each system is indicated in each system circuit by arrows (from , to ) When overall connections are required, see the Overall Electrical Wiring Diagram at the end of this manual www.phutungnghiadia.com B HOW TO USE THIS MANUAL ∗ The system shown here is an EXAMPLE ONLY It is different to the actual circuit shown in the SYSTEM CIRCUITS SECTION [A] Stop Light From Power Source System (See Page 66) 15A STOP 7.5A GAUGE IB [B] R L IB IB [C] IB R L L (S/D) R (W/G) W R [G] [E] 14 IE1 [D] Rear Lights S6 Stop Light SW I5 [F] Y G G W L (S/D) G W 13 G W ABS ECU C7 Combination Meter [J] (Shielded) R6 Rear Combination Light LH H17 High Mounted Stop Light [K] W B B18 W B W B BV1 BO 50 [M] [L] BL W B G R Stop W B [I] B18 W B Stop R7 Rear Combination Light RH G R G R BV1 11 G B [H] G R L4 Light Failure Sensor B [A] : System Title [H] : Indicates the wiring color Wire colors are indicated by an alphabetical code [B] : Indicates a Relay Block No shading is used and only the Relay Block No is shown to distinguish it from the J/B Example: Indicates Relay Block No.1 B = Black W = White BR = Brown L = Blue V SB = Sky Blue = Violet R = Red G = Green LG = Light Green [C] : ( ) is used to indicate different wiring and connector, etc when the vehicle model, engine type, or specification is different P Y GR = Gray [D] : Indicates related system The first letter indicates the basic wire color and the second letter indicates the color of the stripe = Pink = Yellow O = Orange [E] : Indicates the wiring harness and wiring harness connector The wiring harness with male terminal is shown with arrows ( ) Outside numerals are pin numbers Example: L–Y L (Blue) [I] Female Male ( ) Y (Yellow) : Indicates a wiring Splice Point (Codes are ”E” for the Engine Room, ”I” for the Instrument Panel, and ”B” for the Body) The first letter of the code for each wiring harness and wiring harness connector(s) indicates the component’s location, e.g, ”E” for the Engine Compartment, ”I” for the Instrument Panel and Surrounding area, and ”B” for the Body and Surrounding area When more than one code has the first and second letters in common, followed by numbers (e.g, IH1, IH2), this indicates the same type of wiring harness and wiring harness connector [F] : Represents a part (all parts are shown in sky blue) The code is the same as the code used in parts position [G] : Junction Block (The number in the circle is the J/B No and the connector code is shown beside it) Junction Blocks are shaded to clearly separate them from other parts Example: 3C indicates that it is inside Junction Block No.3 The Location of splice Point I is indicated by the shaded section [J] : Indicates a shielded cable [K] : Indicates the pin number of the connector The numbering system is different for female and male connectors Example: Numbered in order from upper left to lower right Female Numbered in order from upper right to lower left Male [L] : Indicates a ground point The first letter of the code for each ground point(s) indicates the component’s location, e.g, ”E” for the Engine Compartment, ”I” for the Instrument Panel and Surrounding area, and ”B” for the Body and Surrounding area [M] : Page No www.phutungnghiadia.com B HOW TO USE THIS MANUAL [N] System Outline Current is applied at all times through the STOP fuse to TERMINAL of the stop light SW When the ignition SW is turned on, current flows from the GAUGE fuse to TERMINAL of the light failure sensor, and also flows through the rear lights warning light to TERMINAL of the light failure sensor Stop Light Disconnection Warning When the ignition SW is turned on and the brake pedal is pressed (Stop light SW on), if the stop light circuit is open, the current flowing from TERMINAL of the light failure sensor to TERMINALS 1, changes, so the light failure sensor detects the disconnection and the warning circuit of the light failure sensor is activated As a result, the current flows from TERMINAL of the light failure sensor to TERMINAL 11 to GROUND and turns the rear lights warning light on By pressing the brake pedal, the current flowing to TERMINAL of the light failure sensor keeps the warning circuit on and holds the warning light on until the ignition SW is turned off [O] Service Hints S6 Stop Light SW 2–1 : Closed with the brake pedal depressed L4 Light Failure Sensor 1, 2, 7–Ground : Approx 12 volts with the stop light SW on 4, 8–Ground : Approx 12 volts with the ignition SW at ON position 11–Ground : Always continuity [P] : Parts Location Code See Page See Page Code See Page 34 L4 36 R7 37 H17 36 R6 37 S6 35 [Q] : Relay Blocks Code [R] See Page 18 Relay Blocks (Relay Block Location) R/B No.1 (Instrument Panel Brace LH) : Junction Block and Wire Harness Connector Code See Page Junction Block and Wire Harness (Connector Location) IB 20 Instrument Panel Wire and Instrument Panel J/B (Lower Finish Panel) 3C 22 Instrument Panel Wire and J/B No.3 (Instrument Panel Brace LH) [S] : Connector Joining Wire Harness and Wire Harness Code See Page Joining Wire Harness and Wire Harness (Connector Location) IE1 42 Floor Wire and Instrument Panel Wire (Left Kick Panel) BV1 50 Luggage Room Wire and Floor Wire (Luggage Room Left) [T] : Ground Points Code See Page Ground Points Location BL 50 Under the Left Center Pillar BO 50 Back Panel Center [U] : Splice Points Code I5 Code C7 See Page 44 Wire Harness with Splice Points Cowl Wire Code B18 See Page 50 Wire Harness with Splice Points Luggage Room Wire B [N] : Explains the system outline [O] : Indicates values or explains the function for reference during troubleshooting [P] : Indicates the reference page showing the position on the vehicle of the parts in the system circuit Example : Part ”L4” (Light Failure Sensor) is on page 36 of the manual ∗ The letter in the code is from the first letter of the part, and the number indicates its order in parts starting with that letter Example : L Á Á Parts is 4th in order Light Failure Sensor [Q] : Indicates the reference page showing the position on the vehicle of Relay Block Connectors in the system circuit Example : Connector ”1” is described on page 18 of this manual and is installed on the left side of the instrument panel [R] : Indicates the reference page showing the position on the vehicle of J/B and Wire Harness in the system circuit Example : Connector ”3C” connects the Instrument Panel Wire and J/B No.3 It is described on page 22 of this manual, and is installed on the instrument panel left side [S] : Indicates the reference page describing the wiring harness and wiring harness connector (the female wiring harness is shown first, followed by the male wiring harness) Example : Connector ”IE1” connects the floor wire (female) and Instrument panel wire (male) It is described on page 42 of this manual, and is installed on the left side kick panel [T] : Indicates the reference page showing the position of the ground points on the vehicle Example : Ground point ”BO” is described on page 50 of this manual and is installed on the back panel center [U] : Indicates the reference page showing the position of the splice points on the vehicle Example : Splice point ”I5” is on the Cowl Wire Harness and is described on page 44 of this manual 12 HILUX P o w e r S o u rc e S e a t B e lt W a rn in g SRS AM2 ∗ : w/ Door Lock Control ∗ : w/o Door Lock Control IG2 ST2 B–O 2C B–O B W–R I6 Ignition SW 2B 2D A5 A6 Airbag Sensor (Front LH) Airbag Sensor (Front RH) 5A MET 5A IGN –SL +SL +SL 27 B–W 30 –SL IF1 BR–W 28 IG2 2 IF1 W–R 21 TC BR B–O P–B W B–Y SRS Driver' s Seat Belt W–R 15 IF1 +SR B–W IF1 SIL BR–W DLC3 < 2–16> 16 11 IF3 –SR W–R 21 BR DLC3< 2–16> B–O C8 Combination Meter 29 –SR +SR W–R A14 22 11 Airbag Sensor Assembly Center 20 R–Y 1B LA 14 19 IA1 D– E2 26 W–B W–B R–Y (∗1) R–Y(∗1) 1 B B 21 2O 2O 2B 2B 18 2D 2D 2B Spiral Cable Airbag Squib (Steering Wheel Pad) W–B A15 W–B W–B W–B R–Y (∗1) Battery B A J22(A), J23(B) Junction Connector W B B F12 Front Seat Inner Belt (Driver' s Side) B A J26(A), J27(B) Junction Connector B A 1A E1 25 Y Y–B B–Y B–Y Y B–Y 30A AM2 R–Y(∗2) D+ A Door Lock Assembly (Driver' s Side) < 14–3> J28 Junction Connector IF Instrument Panel Reinforcement Center ID IE Instrument Panel Reinforcement RH M 227 Cowl Side Panel RH W–B P o w e r S o u rc e ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ABS ACC IG1 S4 B B B–Y 2C FR+ FR– W G–W (∗2) IF2 O L–W G R P–L L–Y W 2D 23 25 IG1 1C EA1 FL– W–R R B R–L (∗2) R W–R 2G EA1 FL+ 2L G–W 5A MET W–R 40A AM1 2K G–W (∗2) R–B (∗2) I6 Ignition SW DLC3< 2–15> B 2A R–B (∗2) 10A ECU–IG&GAUGE ST2 W 2A B Speed Sensor (Front RH) B IG2 S5 Speed Sensor (Front LH) W AM2 Stop Lamp SW < 8–4> J18(A), J19(B) Junction Connector 4WD Control ECU < 5–2> ADD Actuator < 5–2> B A B–Y Transfer Indicator SW (L4 Position)< 5–4> AM1 : Shielded : 4WD : Extra Cab, Single Cab : Double Cab B–R 1B +BM 10 +BS 17 STP EXI 15 EXI4 14 TS 16 D/G B–O 11 IF3 TC FL+ FL– 31 30 FR+ FR– S2 Skid Control ECU with Actuator W–R B 21 1F 1B +BS EXI2 ABS Brake C8 Combination Meter 40A ABS NO 30A ABS NO M OVERALL ELECTRICAL WIRING DIAGRAM 228 13 HILUX 22 GND1 WA 13 GND2 PKB 24 RL+ 18 11 VGS 28 M+ M– GL1 R G (∗1) R (∗2) W (∗2) B (∗2) IG1 M IG1 L G R BA2 BA2 SFRR IG1 IG1 IG1 SFRH IG1 SFLR SFLH SRRR BE1 B (∗2) GGND VGS GL1 A J28 Junction Connector IF A17 ABS Deceleration Sensor SRRH BR(∗3) (∗1) (∗4) L S22 Speed Sensor (Rear RH) W L W (∗1) R BE1 (∗3) G BE1 R (∗2) L BE1 W (∗2) Y EA IG1 BA2 S21 Speed Sensor (Rear LH) Brake Fluid Level Warning SW< 22–10> Parking Brake SW < 22–10> Brake Vacuum Warning SW< 22–10> Right Side of the Fender Apron GGND 34 BA2 L–O Combination Meter System< 22–9> W Battery RR– P R–G R–L (∗2) D B IG1 J 4(A), J 5(B) Junction Connector IF2 33 L L–O W–B W–B 10 IG1 R–G 1A R–G V (∗2) 38 RR+ 12 P 30A AM2 100A ALT 36 I A RL– Cowl Side Panel RH 14 HILUX P o w e r S o u rc e ∗ : w/ Theft Deterrent System ∗ : Double Cab ∗ : Extra Cab D o o r L o c k C o n tro l L LG LG 12 2L 2H 25A DOOR ALTB Integration Relay BECU W–R Theft Warning ECU< 15–4> L1 2H ACT+ ACT– GND 14 11 UL1 2A 2D 28 2R 27 2R W–B W–B Motor W–B W–B Key Unlock Motor W–B Key Lock D7 A J28 Junction Connector IF Motor II1 Battery D8 Door Lock Assembly (Rear LH) L (∗2) R–Y 4 Motor BB1 D9 Door Lock Assembly (Rear RH) R–Y W–B W R L (∗2) L–Y (∗2) L–Y L L–W L P4 Power Window Master SW Unlock 10 B (∗3) BB1 A (∗2) 1A D B R (∗2) BC1 E B Front Seat Inner Belt (Driver' s Side) < 12–1> E A L–Y (∗2) B (∗3) BC1 E A R–Y (∗2) A (∗2) B lock Door Lock Control SW 100A ALT 30A DCC A D B D A J13(A), J14(B) Junction Connector F B R–Y (∗2) L–W D A L–Y F A L F A R (∗2) D A L (∗2) B 5A ECU–B D A L–Y (∗2) H B J26(A), J27(B) Junction Connector H B L–Y (∗2) G B L–Y G B L F A L 2D L–Y IH1 L (∗2) F A J24(A), J25(B) Junction Connector G A 1F 18 2D L–W L L–W (∗1) L (∗1) G A 2G 10 2K L L 40A IG1 L IH1 1 11 2K L–Y D6 Door Lock Assembly (Driver' s Side) Instrument Panel Reinforcement Center ID Instrument Panel Reinforcement RH IE M 229 Cowl Side Panel RH Door Lock Assembly (Front Passenger' s Side) P o w e r S o u rc e T h e ft D e te rre n t a n d W ire le s s D o o r L o c k C o n tro l ∗ : w/ Theft Deterrent System ∗ : w/o Theft Deterrent System LG ACC AM1 IG1 B A B–Y B B B–Y 2A DSWH 27 A SH– A 13 A B G–R T16(A) Theft Warning ECU S12(B) Short Pin (Theft Warning ECU) G–R B–W B 5A ECU–B 15 IF3 13 IF3 B G–R Security Indicator Light< 3–3> 1 W–B B A 1A J22(A), J23(B) Junction Connector A W B B J1 Junction Connector A W–B W–B Battery Instrument Panel Reinforcement Center ID Left Side of the Fender Apron EB S1 Security Horn E3 Engine Hood Courtesy SW 100A ALT 30A DCC Starting System < 1–2> HORN 17 A SPD 28 A HAZD 25 A L2 L–W IND A 1F 11 A KSW CTY L E(∗1) 12 A 2G A A +B1 G–O Turn Signal Flasher < 9–1> SRLY (∗1) A +B2 V–R 14 A (∗2) (∗2) Combination Meter < 22–3> IG W–R 18 A G–Y B 13 2S R–L 40A AM1 40A IG1 L 12 B IH1 L–Y 16 2S LG W–B (∗2) R–L 2A 12 2L HORN Relay < 6–4> B–R W–R 2H L LG 10A ECU–IG&GAUGE Unlock Warning SW < 11–4> I6 Ignition SW Door Courtesy SW (Front Passenger' s Side)< 11–4> Door Courtesy SW (Rear LH) < 11–4> Door Courtesy SW (Rear RH) < 11–4> 25A DOOR J18(A), J19(B) Junction Connector Power Window Master SW < 14–1> 26 A UL3 M OVERALL ELECTRICAL WIRING DIAGRAM 230 15 HILUX 16 HILUX ∗ : Double Cab ∗ : Extra Cab P o w e r W in d o w P o w e r S o u rc e P 4(A), (B) Power Window Master SW ACC W–R R–L AM1 IG1 B–Y B B B B G–B (∗1) R–B (∗1) II1 II1 II1 G–B (∗1) R–B (∗1) G–Y (∗1) P6 L (∗1) G–B (∗1) BC1 BC1 G–B (∗1) L (∗1) BC1 R–B (∗1) G–B (∗1) R–B (∗1) BB1 L (∗1) G–Y (∗1) BB1 L (∗1) G–W R–L J16(A), J17(B) Junction Connector BB1 R–B (∗1) IC1 R–Y (∗1) IC1 L (∗1) G–W R–L R–L C B A A J13(A), J14(B) Junction Connector A A L B L Down L–R (∗1) R (∗1) Up P11 Power Window SW (Rear RH) R (∗1) L–R (∗1) R W Down Up P10 Power Window SW (Rear LH) II1 L–R 4 Down W–B 1A Up P9 Power Window SW (Front Passenger' s Side) R–L 100A ALT E B 2K D A II1 Power Window Regulator Motor (Front RH) L 1F R–Y (∗1) M 2G II1 G–W A A R–L A A J16(A), J17(B) Junction Connector C B II1 A A L (∗1) RRD 15 A (∗1) B (∗2) G–Y (∗1) 10 A A RRU 16 A 3 RLD 12 A R–Y (∗1) RLU 18 A G–W J26(A), J27(B) Junction Connector PD 13 A R–L C B PU L–R DD B L 10 B 30A PWR 40A AM1 40A IG1 10 A DU L A W–G 2A 10A ECU–IG&GAUGE 2A W–B B–Y 2H A W–B B B J18(A), J19(B) Junction Connector B–R W–R B A B A IG1 Relay I6 Ignition SW E A W–B Battery A W–B J28 A Junction Connector IF M M M P5 P7 P8 Power Window Regulator Motor (Front LH) Power Window Regulator Motor (Rear LH) Power Window Regulator Motor (Rear RH) M 231 Cowl Side Panel RH P o w e r S o u rc e F ro n t W ip e r a n d W a s h e r ∗ : w/ INT Time SW ACC B–R AM1 IG1 C11(A), C12(B) Combination SW B–Y Front Wiper SW +B B A B B J18(A), J19(B) Junction Connector I6 Ignition SW +1 Front Washer SW +S INT1 INT2 B1 W MIST Off OFF On L–W B–Y LO HI L–W (∗1) (∗1) B–R M Wiper Relay 2 +B 40A AM1 B +1 +S B EW B A W A B–R W–B W–G L–B L–Y 26 2S L–W 2M L–W L–W +2 B 2G B 1F 100A ALT IF2 IF2 L–W W–G IF2 L–B L–Y 1A W M Battery W3 Windshield Wiper Motor EA W–B W–B Right Side of the Fender Apron W2 Windshield Washer Motor B–R 20A WIP 2A EW INT 2L 2A +2 IE Instrument Panel Reinforcement RH 13 IF2 M OVERALL ELECTRICAL WIRING DIAGRAM 232 17 HILUX 18 HILUX Pow er O u tle t P o w e r S o u rc e C ig a re tte L ig h te r AM1 L–R IG1 V O1 Outer Mirror SW I6 Ignition SW B Operation SW 2A 23 2O 12 2C 15A CIG Left Right Right VR E B BR–R R–G 1 2C B A A A H A H A BR–R LG L B J24(A), J25(B) Junction Connector B P 1F IB1 IB1 IB1 BR–R 23 2P 2D BR–R R–G R 18 2D PWR OUT Relay 2G M+ LG R L Right/ Down Right VL 2 Left HR 5 Left/ Up Down MV Left HL 15A PWR OUT Up MH Select SW 5A ACC 40A AM1 ACC B–R R e m o te C o n tro l M irro r D B E B F B P3 MH A B A B M W–B W–B W A A J22(A), J23(B) Junction Connector A B MV M M+ MH M BR–R BR W–B 1A R–G R L BR–R 100A ALT LG C5 Cigarette Lighter Power Point Socket MV M+ M O2 O3 Outer Rear View Mirror (LH) Outer Rear View Mirror (RH) BR Battery W–B ID IE Instrument Panel Reinforcement RH M 233 Instrument Panel Reinforcement Center B P o w e r S o u rc e S h ift L o c k R e a r W in d o w D e fo g g e r W–R 2S 2N GR B Stop Light SW < 8–4> 2R R–L R–L ECT System < 4–6> 2K R–L 40A AM1 40A IG1 DEF Relay 3 G–Y E B 5A ACC 12 2C 10A ECU–IG&GAUGE B B D A J16(A), J17(B) Junction Connector R–L B A B–Y 2A B–Y B–Y B–R W–R 2H IG1 2A J18(A), J19(B) Junction Connector I6 Ignition SW L–R 20A DEF AM1 ACC L–R B–Y R–L B 12 IH1 2G J16 Junction Connector 1F Shift Lock Control ECU ACC AT4 NSSD D IG KLS+ SLS– E 12 Shift Lock Solenoid A BR J21 Junction Connector K1 A A B A B A Key Interlock Solenoid W–B W A B J22(A), J23(B) Junction Connector B R 6(A), R 7(B) Rear Window Defogger 1A R3 Rear Window Defogger SW Y B A L–W E Y Y W–B Battery A J15 Junction Connector Cowl Side Panel LH IG IE STP SLS+ E 100A ALT R–L R–L B E S11 IG Instrument Panel Reinforcement RH ID Instrument Panel Reinforcement Center M OVERALL ELECTRICAL WIRING DIAGRAM 234 19 HILUX 20 HILUX P o w e r S o u rc e C lo c k G–W ACC B1 IG1 L–R Light Control SW AM1 L–R C10 Combination SW Tail Head 12 2C R B–R G–W R I6 Ignition SW T1 OFF G 2C 5A ACC 2A 2R 2J 2S 25 2P 10A TAIL 40A AM1 23 2N G 1 12 2Q 2G R V 2P B 5A DOME G 1F ACC(+) 30A DCC ILL(+) B(+) 100A ALT EARTH(–) C7 Clock W–B 1A W A A A B J20(A), J21(B) Junction Connector Battery W–B ID M 235 Instrument Panel Reinforcement Center P o w e r S o u rc e A u d io S y s te m ACC AM1 B–R M OVERALL ELECTRICAL WIRING DIAGRAM 236 21 HILUX ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ L–R IG1 : Speaker : Speaker : Speaker : Double Cab : Extra Cab : Speaker, Speaker : w/ CD Player : w/o CD Player 12 2C L–Y I6 Ignition SW IF2 24 2N L–Y 40A AM1 L–Y GR 1 Taillight and Illumination System< 10–5> 5A ACC 2A 2G A GND 1F 10 A Radio Receiver Assembly +B(∗7) BU+B(∗8) ILL+B B 15A RAD R 1(A), R 2(B) A ACC(∗7) ACC+B(∗8) FL+ A A W (∗6) R (∗6) IH1 IH1 Y (∗4 ∗6) R (∗4 ∗6) W (∗4 ∗6) T24 Tweeter (RH) BB1 BB1 BC1 BC1 1 A B 2 A B S17(A) Speaker (Rear Door LH) S19(B) Speaker (Rear LH) (∗4) (∗5) 1 A B 2 A B S18(A) Speaker (Rear Door RH) S20(B) Speaker (Rear RH) W (∗5 ∗6) S16 Speaker (Front Door RH) W (∗4 ∗6) S15 Speaker (Front Door LH) R (∗4 ∗6) L (∗1) R (∗5 ∗6) (∗4) (∗5) 1 Y (∗5 ∗6) W (∗4 ∗6) R (∗4 ∗6) B (∗5 ∗6) L (∗2, ∗3) LG (∗1) V (∗1) P (∗1) II1 L (∗1) 1 ID LG (∗2, ∗3) V (∗2, ∗3) Instrument Panel Reinforcement Center P (∗2, ∗3) Battery II1 LG (∗1) W T23 Tweeter (LH) IH1 B (∗4 ∗6) V (∗1) P (∗1) BR 1A B L LG IH1 RR– B Y (∗6) IH1 RR+ B B (∗6) IH1 IB1 RL– B L IB1 RL+ A LG 100A ALT 30A DCC FR– A V P FR+ FL– A Memo 237 P o w e r S o u rc e C o m b in a tio n M e te r ∗ : w/ Theft Deterrent System ACC B–R AM2 IG2 B B–R R J18(A), J19(B) Junction Connector B–Y C 8(A), C 9(B) A B A ST2 B–O B–Y R IG1 B–Y AM1 21 A Combination Meter B B T–BELT Fuel 17 A Temp 27 A Fuel R 2G Buzzer ODO/TRIP 10A ECU–IG&GAUGE 5A MET W–R 2A 2D Tachometer 2C 40A AM1 2J Door High Beam B–O B I6 Ignition SW 2A Speedometer 25 2Q 11 IF3 30 2S W–R B 15 A A 10 A A F13 Fuel Sender Gage BR R–B V–R (∗1) V–R (A/T) V–R W 15 ID2 BR R–B Theft Warning ECU< 15–3> Transmission Control ECU < 4–4> Engine ECU < 2–11> Battery Engine ECU < 2–10> BR–Y 2P P BA1 BR 10 2Q BR 26 2P B–W BR–Y BA1 EC Rear Side of the Cylinder Block A Engine ECU < 2–14> IA1 EA1 1A A BR–Y 26 2Q S3 Speed Sensor IA1 BR Interior Light System< 11–2> A BR P–L Headlight System < 6–3> 30A AM2 100A ALT 30A DCC 10 IF2 F10 Fuel Sedimenter Level Warning SW BR 16 ID2 L–R 2 A L–R 1B 23 A P–L V–R R–B 5A DOME 1F 16 A M OVERALL ELECTRICAL WIRING DIAGRAM 238 (Cont next page) 22 HILUX (Cont next page) 22 HILUX (Cont' d) C o m b in a tio n M e te r 4WD System < 5–2> Charge Glow Check Engine Turn RH A/T OIL TEMP Turn LH A/T P Illumination 4WD Front Fog W–B (w/o SRS) (w/ SRS) Engine Control System < 2–6> Engine Control System < 2–7> Charging System < 1–4> ECT System < 4–3> 4WD System < 5–2> 4WD System < 5–1> Y W–B (w/o SRS) Front Fog Light System < 7–3> SRS System < 12–2> F4 Fuel Filter Warning SW Seat Belt Warning System< 12–1> W–G B B W–B W–B A Turn Signal and Hazard Warning Light System< 9–3> Taillight and Illumination System< 10–3> LCD Illumination SRS Driver' s Seat Belt W–G W–B Instrument Panel Reinforcement Center ID M 239 Left Side of the Fender Apron EB A W–B (w/o SRS) J1 Junction Connector A Junction Connector J22(A), J23(B) B A 39 A Fuel Filter/ Fuel Sedimenter 40 A 14 A IF2 37 A 18 A 22 A 11 A 20 A 19 A 30 A 13 A 25 A 31 A 24 A 12 A A C 8(A), C 9(B) Combination Meter 8 IF2 C o m b in a tio n M e te r 11 10 C 8(A), C 9(B) Combination Meter Brake Oil Pressure ABS 38 A 36 A 35 A 2S LG–B LG (w/ ABS) R–G (w/o ABS) Skid Control ECU with Actuator < 13–3> L–O (w/ ABS) 17 2S ABS System < 13–2> 10 ID2 2L 2M 2K IF2 E4 Engine Oil Pressure Sensor P2 Parking Brake SW Right Side of the Fender Apron LG–B LG W–B EA B3 Brake Vacuum Warning SW B2 Brake Fluid Level Warning SW A W–B 1 W–B (w/o SRS) LG LG R–G (w/o ABS) 12 M OVERALL ELECTRICAL WIRING DIAGRAM 240 22 HILUX (Cont' d) 23 HILUX P o w e r S o u rc e A ir C o n d itio n e r ACC AM1 IG1 B–Y B A ∗ : w/ Front Cooler B B L–O (∗1) J18(A), J19(B) B–W 17 IF3 2A 30 2R A A 18 2P B–W B L–B 16 IF3 18 2D 2D 2A 16 2D 1F 1C TEMP MGC SG–1 TEfin A B A1 A/C Compressor W–B (∗1) W–B W–B W–B W–B W W–B A10 A/C Thermistor L–W ID1 L–W (∗1) 1A G (∗1) A A J20(A), J21(B) Junction Connector B/V P (∗1) HI B6 Blower SW L–W (∗1) A B M2 GND 18 L (∗1) 100A ALT M1 J22(A), J23(B) Junction Connector B–W A A ACT A9 A/C Amplifier OFF LO AC1 R (∗1) 14 IG+ E LO V (∗1) M1 10 R–L (∗1) M2 PSW Y (∗1) W HI R–L (∗1) Y–B (∗1) E2 1 R B4 Blower Motor M R–B L–W B W–B W–B 40A FR HTR VRT A11 A/C Volume SW OFF Engine ECU < 2–11> HTR Relay Y–B (∗1) 2G A B 10A A/C 10A ECU–IG&GAUGE 40A AM1 B5 Blower Resistor J18(A), J19(B) Junction Connector 1 A A P1 Pressure SW 2F 2A L–O (∗1) L–O (∗1) L–B B–Y R–L (∗1) I6 Ignition SW B–W B–R Junction Connector W–B Battery IG IE Instrument Panel Reinforcement RH M 241 Instrument Panel Reinforcement Center ... IGN 2C 2R 2B 22 2S 21 2N 2S 2N 2L 21 2O 2M 2O 2K 2C 2B 7.5A MET 2C 2D 10 2C 10 2D 11 2C 11 2D 24 2R 12 2D 2R 2B 24 2S 21 2P 2S 2P 25 2P 21 2Q 2P 2Q 25 2Q 2J 2Q 2I 2J 2B 2I 22 2P 2E 2P 32 2N 22 2Q... (Cont''d) 20 2P 24 2P 2P 2P 20 2Q 24 2Q 2Q 2Q 2J 29 2P 2I 13 2P 26 2P 29 2Q 10 2P 13 2Q 26 2Q 12 2J 10 2Q 12 2I 2J 28 2P 2I 12 2P 18 2N 28 2Q 2N 12 2Q 18 2O 11 2J 2O 11 2I 17 2N 19 2P 2N 2P 17 2O 19 2Q... 2L 28 2O 11 2M 12 2O 27 2N 11 2K 16 BECU DCTY 29 2R 11 2N 13 2R 27 2O 29 2S 11 2O 13 2S 22 2N 12 2L 2N 12 2M 22 2O 12 2K 2O 20 2N 29 2N 2N 13 2N 20 2O 29 2O 2O 13 2O (Cont Next Page) 32 F (Cont''d)